I TRY CALLIGRAPHY - This is SO Much Harder Than it Looks!!

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you [Music] all right that doesn't look too hard let's say let's give this a go do you like stupid whoops oh my god it's so loopy Oh gentlemen welcome to draw with jazz oh I'm jaza and hey I'm gonna attempt to learn a little bit of calligraphy and see if I can end up with a result that looks somewhat better than this I've never actually attempted calligraphy before I don't know if you would have guessed no no no no no and worse than that I have horrible horrible handwriting I actually found the shopping list on the fridge I wrote two these two things down last night that is what my handwriting looks like I could be a doctor in another life but no instead apparently I'm an artist and handwriting is one of those things that I suck at however I find calligraphy so intensely satisfying to watch and today I'm going to try and learn calligraphy by the way I think I used the wrong materials with this which is why I ended up so bad I tried just using various ink to dip in to get the same color because I don't actually have any blue ink to that that's probably not use also I've never used these pens before but this was just a really cheap one and obviously going backwards on the page has it sort of grab onto the paper and I think anyone who actually knows how to do calligraphy was cringing really badly through that intro so my apologies I should be able to do a little bit better than that I have some proper calligraphy inks in various colors you got your basic black and you've got some fancy gold and silver and I got a red which could be interesting and I got the student artist set of calligraphy things this wasn't cheap so I'm hoping it's not like cheap crap I'm hoping I should be able to do some decent work with it so I've got some suppliers I've got some parchment paper and I'm ready to start learning but I'm gonna need a little bit of help which is why this video is sponsored by a skill share for those of you new to the channel who aren't aware of how awesome I believe Skillshare is and how I love to share them with you guys Skillshare is an amazing website with over 23,000 courses in illustration drawing design animation calligraphy and more I can't sing Skillshare praises enough loads of you love it I love it and I have some courses on there myself so while you're checking out some stuff and follow along with the lessons I'm using today you can check out my courses on how to be a youtuber and how to present to camera all of these causes I've mentioned and thousands more can be explored at your leisure because you can have two months of free premium skill show membership so go check it out with a link in the card and in the description and a huge thank you to skill chair for sponsoring this video so we're actually going to start off by sort of playing around a bit demonstrating where I'm at without any help I'm just gonna have a bit of a play with the materials and just sort of show you where I'm at and then later in this video I'm gonna plow through hours of skill share courses with a big time-lapse and share everything that I've learned in the process of trying to learn some calligraphy and show you my development as I go through it so that by the end of the day I will hopefully be able to successfully attempt something pretty calligraphic Lee I don't know if that's word to use but I'm gonna use it I'm also gonna attempt to write you a pretty letter alright let's get stuck into it and I'm gonna start off but I may be just writing my name in black ink hey how's this working let's try my name ready oh this is this is painful to watch isn't it that calligraphy is have like the top thing don't they okay this is Tara I quit I quit ornamental a bit too advanced for us let's go school noob because I'm a basic student boom guys let's try a few lines this one has a bit of control oh that's the saddest boy DJ up here like that yeah and this is sweep up oh my god hey we got that we're gonna do the squeak Lizzy's how do you draw without this thing stabbing the paper I'm also getting ink everywhere I'm horrible it is so the star of the J that can come around around here like that is that fancy now it just says Gaza how do I make it look like a.j again let's just reinforce the top of the J and this one can come down like this alright I tell you what I want to try it is that really cool video slash gif of someone riding the Netflix logo and it's really satisfying got my red ink I'm gonna try and do a really satisfying Netflix basket my atrocity out of the way well I shouldn't stir it up because I need to refer to this later so I'll just keep this to look back on now where I was at back when I sucked at calligraphy come on Jesse you can do this you're good at everything the first time you tried this is bound to be perfect all right I think I think you'll agree that's pretty bloody terrible I'll give it a an F F F - that's the nicest letter I've drawn all day that's depressing now why spend all that time torturing you with my horrible writing well I think it's it's good to just have it on the record where I'm at I don't expect to make huge drastic improvements and to be a calligraphy expert by the end of the day but I do want to make some progress and I'm gonna work pretty hard to really just dive in deep and take on other people's experience so that I'm not trying things that probably aren't going to be effective and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong I'm just gonna try and jump into this and have a fun hands-on creative environment for the rest of the day and share with you everything I've learned and hopefully make a little bit of progress now while there are hundreds of classes about calligraphy on Skillshare I really recommend starting off with the Jackson elves class calligraphy for beginners the foundational styles of calligraphy not only does this guy cover the basics in such a well-presented informative way but he teaches how to make a very capable homemade calligraphy pen out of a freaking coke can and a popsicle stick so not only can you get started but it doesn't need to be expensive in his course he shares a few stroke exercises aka calligraphy drills which I followed in a brief manner and didn't take too seriously when at the end of showing each exercise he says repeat this over a full page I was too impatient I just wanted to get started with the cool letters but I took him over to stop and think about it and realize that if I want to do this I need to do it properly so I did just that following each drawing exercise he demonstrated over a full page it was a Zen enough activity zoned out and listened to classical music actually which really got me in the mood for calligraphy so there's a newbs pro tip for you the more pages and practice activities I got through the more I understood how essential this process of repetition was know my pen control and line quality weren't drastically better after doing this over the course of several hours however in that time I did become much more comfortable and familiar with how the ink flow and my pen worked what mistakes I was making when trying to get consistent clean results I was slowly committing to muscle memory the very movements that would eventually be so critical in the very basics of proper pen ship in this calligraphy style this really took me back to my early days of learning to drum the first thing I wanted to do was jam out to blink-182 and Green Day but unfortunately in drumming lessons I was forced to do these things called rudiments hitting the sticks in various patterns right left right right left right left left seemed really boring but the more I did it the more I realized how essential it was to actually being a good drummer so I guess this is the calligraphy equivalent the most fun and useful of these exercises is what I'll call the swirly vertical line by this stage I'd spent hours drawing the same old lines and shapes my eyes were burning from tiredness a little bit miles on my second coffee of the day but when I got to this exercise something sort of sparked and I felt like I was really close to some practical application in fact in his course Jackson demonstrates how this same shape with minor tweaks combines into many letters such as M n I L U and more this reminded me actually that on the penmanship porn subreddit I had seen the word minimum around a lot I guess this having something to do with a satisfying symmetry of the word but also feel like this as a word must be a really practical way to exercise and practice this sort of stroke in various calligraphy fonts so I extended my practice of this stroke into filling another page with the word minimum several times which I felt was a really fun way to extend the practice of the same thing and exercise but also slowly transition into writing words and letters then after hours of practice I finally felt ready to move on to the alphabet and followed along with the course to learn how I was a bit slow and shaky at first but after one full run-through I felt an immediate boost of confidence and repeated the same process at almost twice the speed and cleanliness I felt like I was starting to actually get the hang of this and not only was it beginning to be really fun to do but it was really exciting that I was getting the same satisfying feeling watching my own hand draw these letters that I get watching other adept calligraphers work much more impressive magic I put my newfound humble skill set to the test with a classic phrase and was really happy with the outcome and then I thought was about time to try some cursive in a more classical handwriting style I was really curious as to if what I just spent hours learning was going to be immediately applicable to a different style so after a moment of adjusting to the different near but I tried my unguided hand at a test phrase and failed miserably so who is back to square one with a different style of writing and as such I looked for a different course that would guide me through as effectively as the one by Jackson Alves by the way that guy has several more courses on Skillshare which I can't wait to get into the future at some point but I wanted to try something more applicable to general handwriting and cursive I found a Skillshare original course by Brin chain off called pen and ink calligraphy the art of the envelope which was super enjoyable to watch and really informative but was a little advanced for me I'll still link in the description so if anyone wants to watch that and is better at this than me go check it out but I found a class much more appropriate from my newbie skill level by Tracy Roche entitled basic pointed pen calligraphy for the layperson that sounded right up my alley and right up my alley it was this fantastic class helped me understand the proper pen technique for the tricky pointed nib pens and took me through a variety of different exercises to acclimatize to its use and to commit to muscle memory the most rudimentary and essential motions and pen strokes necessary for this style next I practiced the letters of the alphabet which was challenging to do neatly since I think they're nearby picked was too big and the line spacing was too small on the page but pay the very least it was a great exercise in pen control with that under my belt I left headfirst into applying these letters to another classic written phrase and while the results were a little shaky I was super happy with them because I had come a long way towards understanding a totally different calligraphy style this made me so happy I decided to throw in some random lines and swirls because I was feeling a little bit fancy so after a full day of practice while an expert I'm most certainly am NOT I have made progress in two styles of calligraphy that is far enough above what I expected I would make which is awesome like I feel really happy with the results of just the the day's practice that I've had so far my hands are little more comfortable with how to use the Pens I understand how the ink flow works it's less awkward now and I'm doing those wins blotchy things on the pilots let's just to truly appreciate how far we've come let's let's go back here remember page 1 Wow but I kept that one oh there we go that's my fancy fancy one and this was the very first thing I ever attempted Oh God so let's try to be the first thing I attempted to do which is right jazz' let's use some fun inks I've stuck to the black this whole time and I have all these fancy things to try let's go back to the red that we tried the Netflix thing with and failed miserably good looks violence but for fun I'm gonna use the nib that I tried and failed with before with my Netflix attempt this is again probably not gonna go well but would you see how we go look too bad there's a J that's a J okay moving on time for the a cross down next we've got the Z that's gay like it's man this is exhilarating no I feel my heart racing it's crazy oh and then my hand shaking which is not so great well there we go we gotta go we're gonna try and make it look as symmetrical as possible and there we go oh that end oh right oh my god I'm so excited look at month I really need to bring this back to compare yeah look yeah I did that that's really cool okay I'm raps with that let's do another let's do in this new movie news my crown nib which is my fancy text nib maybe we should go with a bit of gold what do you reckon look at that liquid gold literally all right you ready Jezza and let's go l oops I jumped on the paper come back up okay I reeled it be love see see what I'm doing ready who's who or what does Jesse love oh I'll tell ya it's you the moment it just says Jessa loves you yo they go Jazza loves you ah and then i'll fix my splotch by turning it into a love heart look at that no mistakes only happy accidents oh man I am actually really like proud of what I'm able to do now it's not perfect obviously and there's a lot I have to learn yet and a lot of practice to be done to get anywhere competent or really comfortable but this is a lot better than where I was when I started which is really exciting to me so I want to do two things before the end of the video the first is repeat the very very first thing that I attempted in the pre intro because this is just bloody embarrassing and then second I want to write you guys a love letter this time I'm gonna take it nice and slow take my time to replicate it as closer as possible and I'm gonna use a better nib and proper ink so hopefully it turns out a little bit better [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there it is legend showing my imitation of what I tried to do in the opening it's nowhere near as good as the original but way better than I expected I would be able to do obviously it was just sort of copied off of what someone else did but I feel so much more comfortable with how to use this thing and how to approach calligraphy than I ever have I feel like I really sort of understand how to move forward with this now which is awesome in huge part thanks to the skill share courses I followed they really were phenomenally useful so I'm gonna link to them into the description and I really encourage you guys to go check them out and if you're not interested in calligraphy if there's something that you are interested in trying out or bettering yourself in skill share is an amazing place to do that I can't recommend them enough I feel like the results speak for themselves this is one day of skill share courses and practice and that is my before and after I feel like that's a pretty good testament to how helpful school share is so go check it out once again the link is in the card and in the description there's so much there to be explored and you can get two months of free premium school share with the link in the carton in the description go claim it now and a huge thank you to skill share for sponsoring this video which ladies and gentleman brings me to the very last thing I want to do in this video and that is write you a love letter to my dearest viewer it is with a full heart that I think fee with the greatest sincerity for thy presence I respectfully request that vow just smash that like button and if a bell shall thee ring let it be the bell of notification if thou wouldst also subscribe yours truly and until next time jazz' [Music] make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Draw with Jazza
Views: 5,211,925
Rating: 4.9403687 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: RP5mGspH7_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
Reddit Comments

He’s actually pretty funny, good artist. Ironically i found him a few days ago from a different video of his and then found this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well... That was horrifying to watch to say the least especially the first part where he dragged the pen up and it made scratching sounds, it's cheap so it's cool... But still that scratching sound.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Baconator426 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haha I love jazza and I've been following for a long time and I basically just subbed to this Reddit a week ago so it felt like calligraphy is haunting me :D (haven't tried it yet but I love watching other people's works)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Knightingate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great to see him on reddit! Him, Sinix and Sycra have some great perspectives on drawing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CommieLoser πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

First two minutes if this is literally me right now. Learning it is so frustrating hahahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lannaaax3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haha this video made me feel good cause I'm just slightly better than him. Love his illustrations.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/schwiz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Do you scoop it?" I'm dying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FuzzyGoldfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have binged jazzas videos for so long definitely check the rest of his stuff out if you like art

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoke001 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

My God, I can related to this video so, so much. Ink everywhere check, not knowing which nib to use. He also has the very same cheap nibs I bought when I started and I did what he did. "uuuuh ornamental, fancy, let's try it.. Nope! Nopenopenope!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhofWhof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
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