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what's up guys this is Jackie er nerdy crafter hopefully salty crafter doesn't have to come out today but if she must then she must today I want to be informative and yet interesting many of you asked me what kind of clay I use I'm pretty biased towards one clay because I like to work with softer clay but I figured I would show you 16 different kinds of polymer clay compare them to each other and make your own judgment based on that of course I'll give my own personal score because why not this week's shout out exceptionally go to my first batch of patrons I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in the future of nerdy crafter Tina Jarmon crafty monster Kirstie Crosby Virginia Williams Lynn we're masca de Jong Mary be Rose Susanne Olsen Kimmy MIT Baggesen Elizabeth keen Robin Noreen Tessa Charmander nicole par squidgy widget ran around the moon and zetsu this is just an exceptional shout out because I'm super excited so we're going to be going to normal shout outs as of next Friday if you want to shout out in my next Friday video don't forget but don't forget the hashtag notification squad in the comment section below within the first 45 minutes of a videos release or hashtag nerdy crafter on instagram with one of your creations here the friends of clay were going to be exploring sculpey souffle which is supposed to have a very velvety texture and lighter than the others sculpt III which is softer and prima which is supposed to be more durable also from sculpey we will be checking out bake and Bend which only comes in a pack of 8 different colors so these are the colors that we get next from fimo we will be checking out a few more professional effect soft and kids all of these have different properties Michaels has two different kinds of polymer clay they have the premium version as well as just the regular version popular European brands such as Pardo art clay Cato and discern it these are very popular in Europe but extremely hard to get a hold of in I paid $20 for each one mind you it was six dollars plus the shipping and the CERN it was given to me by a friend and then the brands that come from Asia we have the Sierra Q which I was able to get off of Amazon a bunch of clay from wish and the Sophie and toffee brand we're going to be comparing these Clay's based on price numbers of numbers numbers of colors available is it ready from the pack or do you have to need it does the color change after baking is there any shrinkage that was the only word I could think of so just grow up is it strong or is it weak when we do our bend test is it non-toxic so if you are worried about that and we'll take a look at it and of course a personal score you can make your decision based on all of these but for me I will rake it based on which one I prefer working with the most in mind I like soft clay many of you were pretty upset that I was using my micron to write stuff with so I don't want to upset you guys and I decided to write with my micron too instead of my micron for keep in mind that these prices are pretty variable a lot of you said that you can even find your clay at Walmart for about $1 so these are just the prices that I was able to find them so if you find them cheaper go for it if you find them on the higher end of this list you're you're getting scale let's start with sculpt III so right off the bat when it comes to sculpt III what I really love about this is that the second you take it out of the block look how soft it is so you can immediately start working with it you don't have to condition it or get it soft you can start sculpting whatever you want right away so is it ready from the pack yes I'll put t4 don't eat it so that we don't have any bias when it comes to the benda test since all the other tests well that we're doing are going to be pretty much involving baking I'm going to be using my pasta machine to make these all at the same thickness I'm just going to put them in here and that way they're all the same thickness going to mark them just so that forget which ones which sculpey three alone comes in 44 different colors now we're going to look at primo accents which come in 26 colors for primo and 26 different colors for accents so when it comes to the accents and pre mode they do come in these gorgeous looking effects so you can make rocks and whatnots so as you can see they come in a bit of a clumpy or kind of texture so you really do have to need it just a bit more so it took about 35 to 40 seconds let's say realistically speaking a minute to get this to a workable state so it's not fully ready out of the pack but it's also not drastically long to get it to be ready so is it ready from the pack I'm going to judge it as a more-or-less and same thing as the sculpt III just don't eat it next we have skull peas fake and Bend so you get these colors here with a couple of tools that's kind of cute but you can't get refills individually I think I'll go for I'll go for green get out oh that is soft but immediately look at that smush that smush is so ready it is even softer than sculpt III believe it or not so is it ready from the pack heck yeah it is totally ready from the pack so again sculpey souffle I've worked with sculpey souffle before and it is a brand that has a super fluffy texture it's kind of weird to explain it but it has like this crossover between plastic and cloth let's see squish ability tests I can do it yep definitely pretty well now there's transference of color the sculpey souffle comes in 22 different colors is it ready from the pack definitely yes it's so soft I have a hard time explaining how this feels but it really does feel like a mixture of cloth and plastic it just it's pretty pleasant to touch [Music] we're going into my nemesis now fimo used to be my favorite brand until I discovered sculpey just because it is a harder brand to work with how do we open this which we should be able to open it come on what does that mean well I think I got it there we go ooh very sticky there we go I don't remember female being this sticky if you don't cover it quickly this does kind of have an expiration time so within two weeks if you don't use it you might actually get it to harden again is it ready to be molded it is this is really ready to work with straight out of the pack so fimo normal and fimo effect come in 24 plus 37 colors you definitely will not be lacking in variety nothing says edible now I know how to open it so I shouldn't have any issues just kind of full lips why is this harder than the other one that's interesting okay it's still still pretty soft it definitely does have a bit of a different texture then sculpey sticky feel to it right away comes in 30 colors definitely ready from the pack [Music] viho kids unsuited for this one because I used to have such a negative kind of feeling towards fimo itself since it hardens within a couple of weeks and then it just becomes like a rock ooh that is my skin is sticking to it let's do a quick test on these sculpey to play just so that you can see the difference of what I mean by sticky yeah you know what they're all sticky some are stickier than others Wow that is that is soft even when I'm pulling it apart it is very it was is pretty gooey very malleable this is this is great so it can still take details it's not like air dry clay where it's so soft that you can't do anything with it when you want to do sculptures that stand or hold their shape a little more firmly this might not be the best one it comes in 24 different colors but do keep in mind that the packs are 28 grams instead of the regular 56 gram blocks again I checked on their site and nothing says that it is non-toxic [Music] we're going to move a little lower down the list because when I was shopping for the other ones I stumbled upon fimo professional which I had never heard of before or ever seen and they only had them in two colors at my craft store okay why is why did this break hey what's no come on why is this so hard can't be real clay holy mackerel go on missa this is um I do not expect my clay to fight back Oh son of a [Music] allow me to be salty for just a few seconds this clay is the reason why there are machines made too soft and clay when these machines are well over $100 why would I spend $100 to get my clay soft if in the first place I could just buy clay that is softer this is absolutely unreasonable but as I'm trying to get it softer it's starting to pick up more dirt the fact that you're playing around with it more is just going to get it dirtier [Music] now we're going into our European brand well European famous brand I heard some good things about clay - a clean tone Cato but they should have : clay dough I would have been pretty cool immediately it is super soft well not mega soft but soft enough think of it as an in-between between sculpt III and primo and so it doesn't have like this wet ish texture comes in 21 colors and it is definitely ready from the pack nothing says that it's not non-toxic [Music] next we're going to be looking at certain party openers well that wasn't it I'm gonna give up I'm using scissors so the translucent inserted is supposed to be one of the best ones out there but maybe that's that's for a whole other video ooh that is hard Wow Phares oh my gosh no this is way harder this is way harder than the fimo professional what is wrong with companies making clay that won't even soft it I'm feeling very aggressive I'm like this is just not cooperating okay so I'm gonna take a smaller piece and try and knead it yeah you can see I'm trying to squeeze it down and all it's doing is just breaking after ten minutes of kneading it it's still really hard so I tried to flatten it and it was pretty much cracking so [Music] next we have Pardo clay I've heard good things about this but I have no idea how it feels in my hands there's no wrapping around this it is directly inside a case like this my guess is that because you don't know how long it's been in there and there's no actual wrap it's going to be hard NoHo what's wrong with this that's just a waste of time why am i spending more time kneading getting this to be soft than actually creating this simply trying to soften it but all it is is crumbly mess partl clay more like hardened clay they should be sorry for creating this you know what happens now useless piece of clay [Music] now we're moving on to the Asian sold okay and it is a set of 24 colors for about $15 Canadian but do keep in mind that these are lighter than blocks of clay I think one of these fits three normal blocks of clay so keep that in mind if you're going to buy it but they are pretty soft and easy to work with so you don't really have to need it too much it's like a dream and yes you did see this right Sierra q is the only one on all of the clay packages that actually says non-toxic one of the distinctive odd things about it is that it is pretty sticky will pretty much hang around your finger if you want to watch a more detailed video on it I'll leave it down below now onto clay that I got from wish I haven't tested the full batch out and there will be a whole video on that but they do come in these super tiny little blocks twice replicas that's weird first impression is that it does feel pretty sticky and I feel this could be my you know clay crafter instinct but I do feel like this and see Eric you might actually be the same company very similar kind of suspicious so the wish clay it does come in a set of 32 for about ten dollars pretty cheap but you have to consider the fact that they're pretty tiny blocks too toxicity depends if it is actually the same company as the Sierra Q Sophie and Tuffy does have its own brand of clay and I only have one of them that I did get from the elves box these ones are about 389 each it does come in 75 to 80 gram blocks another perk of this is that it can also be boiled although I find that when you boil it you will be getting some things dirty just so that we're very clear I left this block open not covered for the last couple months pretty impressed taking it out of the actual package and it is super soft and you can still work on it right away I'm wondering if they manufacture for all three different kinds of clay is the same but yeah we do get a bit of a stickiness level on that too we do get a choice of 44 different colors and it's super soft so that's always a plus nothing says on their website that it is non-toxic so and now finally we're going to go into the Michaels store brand premium polymer clay alright first test was a chunk that came off surprisingly not too bad it's a little sticky too but not as bad as the Sierra Cube and wish so I would compare the softness of this is very similar to that of primo clay you still need to condition it a little bit but it's not tragic you get 28 different colors [Music] the last honours goes to Michael's craft smart regular polymer clay whoa that is soft I had to do zero kneading it is just absolutely ready to be used and sculpted stickiness it'll fall off pretty quickly hmm we get 14 colors of this one all right so I've put these on my sheet ready to bake and I'm going to keep these aside as samples to see if the colors change polymer clay is the longer you bake it the stronger it is so all of them are going to get the same treatment all right now that they're all baked let's see if the colors actually changed sculpey threes change is very minimal it gets a little darker same thing with the Primo by the way the smaller pieces are the unbaked pieces bacon bend also slightly darker sculpey souffle is really close but an actual difference is very minimal huge difference on the fimo effect so this is supposed to be ruby quartz we get a pinkish kind of color but what we actually get is a translucent e red fimo soft the darkness is much bigger on this one fimo kids also a big difference in the light blue to the baked blue female professionals white is actually interestingly enough closer to an ivory rather than a pure white this is crazy Cato is spot-on the color does not change for CERN it this would be an unfair test because I did take translucent clay so it is supposed to turn translucent e part of barely changes colors so if you want to deal with how hard it is colors don't change Sierra Q also interestingly enough barely changes its super minimal not surprisingly which is the same thing as Sierra Q the Sofie and toffee one gets slightly darker the Michael's brand does get again a little darker but nothing tragic and finally the premium one the color is pretty identical so that one doesn't change much when it comes to shrinking none of them shrank significantly in significantly they didn't pull away from the paper and they didn't kind of condense on each other which is always good news for the final test we will be checking out its durability so I'm going to be trying to break them by bending them to see how much force so I'm going to be putting from strong medium to weak let's start with sculpt III this one would be considered a medium sculpey primo so that is strong that is mega strong so it took a lot of force for this to break remember they're all the same thickness Bacon Bend does it live up to its name yo oh my god this is like ultimate strong sculpey souffle this is about the same thing as the bacon Bend now we're going into fimo fimo effect super strong fimo soft super strong fimo kids dang these are so good Kato oh I'm gonna put that as weak turn it strong that's the love a biscuit part oh well that's gonna snap it's really hard to do the test well I stand corrected pretty strong see Eric you pretty strong would say it's still stronger than the sculpt III so I would put it as normal strong we should technically get the same result with the wish clay nope interestingly enough I would say medium Michels normal clay what say what I think I think I'm falling in love super strong premium from Michael's Sophie and toffee oh that one is about the same as the wish clay and then lastly for the bin test we have female professional so this if it's professional it should be strong super strong yep super strong overall here is my scoring for each one sculpt III pretty much is one of my favorites so overall it gets an 8 it's not perfect but it is pretty good primo accents is still a little harder to work with but when it comes to durability and Colour it still gets the 9 bacon Bend is absolutely wonderful but there's almost no color choice in there sculpey souffle I think I'm going to be using more of that for all the females I've had a bit of an issue with the stickiness but overall they did score pretty well I wish Kato is actually readily available here I would actually pick it up sir it was way too hard to work with personally hard oh I wouldn't even consider it even if the company contacted me to give it to me for free so just keep your clay CRA Qi maintained that it is a 7.5 wish clay so far I'm giving it a 6 but I will have the dedicated video for its pretty soon I really didn't expect to absolutely fall in love with the Michaels brand clay I'm giving these 8/10 because all around they are really good Sophie and toffee feels kind of like the Sierra q some way to give them the same score and finally fimo professional just now so if you guys want I will leave this chart completed of course more you know clean I'll leave them in description box below so you can download it and make your decision based on some of the factors in here so even though I know that sculpt III has its own faults personally for me I would still use it just because the ease of it thank you so much for watching guys until then I will see you in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 672,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, crafting, crafts, do it yourself, polymer clay, polymer clay tutorial, how to make, tutorial, for kids, best polymer clay, polymer clay review, reviewing all polymer clay, ultimate polymer clay, polymer clay guide, which is the best polymer clay, life hacks, craft hacks, sculpey, fimo, pardo, daiso, kato, wish craft supplies, saltecrafter
Id: KZ8mh0wVtLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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