Turn Clay into Sonic the Hedgehog (movie version)

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this video was sponsored by audible hey man you guys have any more of that super sculpey I think I have one left in that loop over there okay thanks dude ah sweet perfect okay do keep burnin Ithaca chthonic the Hedgehog the new one what you're gonna need to do is go to the Internet and get some material you can use as reference you're also gonna need some polymer clay different colored paints sculpey adhesive and liquid sculpey alcohol for smoothing and assortment of sculpting tools lots of reference photos a hammer white polka foam fear-o potatoes and your hands whoa whoa whoa okay sorry about that guys what you're actually going to need is a good front-facing picture so that way you can get your proportions correctly I like to mark on the picture where I want the armature wires to go and I use that as a template in order to make the armature the reason you want an armature is because sculpey while it bakes it's really soft and you need essentially a skeleton inside of it so it doesn't just like fall over and turn into a big blob in your oven once you get your armature the way you want it then go ahead and take some clay and start smearing it all over right now we're just concentrating on getting the basic shapes and forms like the way the legs taper and the shape of his chest rough shoe shapes and stuff like that right here I'm starting to sculpt his little back spikes and what what in the world okay once you get them the way you want them we're gonna bake them at 285 for 15 minutes oh my goodness you're like a squirrel what did the circus do to you Odie what did they do to you now while that's baking let's go to the gas station and get something to drink yeah okay hey what's up there we are perfect no that's weird the salty all right let's get back to it okay let's make some hands just start with a blow and squeeze out five points keep working those until they look like bangers you don't need to get them perfect because we're gonna turn these into fists and I went ahead and baked them that way when I add the cuffs it won't damage them those are pretty simple just start with a band and then wrap it around using my silicon tool to create those creases a little bit of alcohol to smooth it locked by adding some material on where the booties are creating the illusion that he's wearing shoes by putting a couple of worms on there and smooshing him out on one side adding another worm around the edge to give it a soul unlike redheads while that's baking I want to tell you guys that I absolutely could not do this without amazing sponsors that help support my channel which is why I am so happy to be stoked on you the amazing gift that witch is audible who is also today's sponsor I know you guys have heard of audible and you may be thinking that they're just a place to get audiobooks from well if you were thinking that you'd be wrong yes they do have thousands of titles on every topic in genre you can imagine but they also have podcasts guided wellness programs theatrical performances a list comedy and exclusive audible originals you will not find anywhere else every month members get one credit to pick any title plus two audible originals but if you are awesome and used my special URL audible.com /bobby Duke you will get a 30-day free trial where you can choose one audiobook and two audible originals for free it is so convenient because you can download the audio books onto your phone so when you don't have internet connection like you're flying a plane or you're driving cross-country and you lose signal you can keep listening to the book the app is free and can be downloaded onto smartphones and tablets you can listen across devices without losing your spots so if you like news audiobooks odd casts and countless of other things please go try audible and do me we use the special URL down in the description or text Bobby Duke to 500 500 you will not be disappointed I promise audible is just a great service although boom now we need to make some spikey dues decided to go ahead and use some of that sculpey adhesive just squirt it on there smoosh the spikes onto his back blend them on in locked by it now let's give him a head once you got the ball just go ahead and wrap it in some clay get it the rough shape and start solution and some spots where the eyeballs will go block by it and for his eyes they're just curved discs of white clay that I just shaped up on the belt sander smoosh those on in there add some details to is the face [Music] now I'm gonna go ahead and cut off the ends of his arms that way we can attach the gloves looking back in hindsight I probably would have just sculpted the gloves onto his body but I thought it would be easier to paint it and it was but I think it might have looked better if I had just sculpted them while it was still on his body wound now let's just make his heels those are basically just triangles that are folded over smoosh them on there and then give the cute button nose really when you break down the components of this it's not all that difficult oh okay that's looking pretty good so far but you know what I'm feeling a bit peckish so let's go to the gas station and get a snake okay oh what's that man extra gravy hekia no weird extra gravy all right let's get back to the sculptor [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now that these are done being sculpted we just gotta like that smash and then paint them while we're waiting on them subscribe we'll go ahead and make a base for it okay in order to make the base you must think as a base first we add the aluminium foil to a curved surface then coat it in clay we will then use the sonic to add beauty impressions into the soil I had originally primed the piece and it never dried so I just decided to rub it off now let's paint this bunch going through the colors from lightest to dock I don't know if that's actually the way you're supposed to it's just the way I did it get off my back what's nice about paint is if you mess up you can just repaint it I say now after I get the dark blue laid down I'm going back over it with just the tiniest bit of paint on it so that when you brush it over the surface it only hits the high spots okay guys I've been thinking a lot about it and I feel pretty bad for chase at the gas station I think I may have weirded him out so you know let's just go there let's make sure he's doing okay maybe say I'm sorry let's go do that all right hey man I just wanted to tell you that what sup uh never mind man freaking weirdo now all we have left to do is add the pupils and maybe some grass to the little mound he's standing on [Music] I bet you guys thought I wasn't gonna talk during this montage what I'm doing here is I'm going to apply some static grass he put some glue down first then the applicator induces a static charge to the base which then makes all the little grass blades stand on end which is very convenient now all that's left is to glue him down on to it and then hey guys it's done wait wait wrong one that one was a big mistake all right now put it in the right one okay okay thank you very much [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well guys your dadgum did it you made it to the end of the video I really appreciate every one of you that does do me a favor if you like this video go ahead and spank that like button right on its bottom but only out of love never anger subscribe because I will be putting out some really cool stuff in the future also don't forget I will be going to make her central this year in May I'll put a link down to where you can get tickets in the description so if you want a little more Dookie in your life to go ahead and give me a follow on Twitter I post up there very regularly and if you want to see more pictures of Sonic and all my other past works go ahead and give me a follow on the Instagram as well thank you guys so much and until next time remember intentionally drop a trailer which has really bad character design and you know that the audience is gonna be really mad there's gonna be like big backlash and uproar but you're gonna be like oh we're gonna listen to the audience or to change everything so that that way we get a double release which is more publicity and it's brilliant we think about it in this whole thing you
Channel: Bobby Duke Arts
Views: 7,139,190
Rating: 4.8554053 out of 5
Id: ZZHng2cvfis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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