WE KILL BIGFOOT!! | Finding Bigfoot #4

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I wonder why bob's cam isn't showing up in this or in the previous prop hunt mark uploaded today. (i don't watch bobs channel).

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2017 🗫︎ replies
Do you guys want these guns? I know where a third gun is Do you guys want these guns? ;) ..these guns? ..these guns? My guns are bigger than your guns Hey, Stacy, you impressed. Oh That's our sister, Isn't it. Ah no, no. Its our cousin get it right? I'm sorry [Bob] DAaw, [Wade] I drank a lot of uh... bees Oh, it just says beer.. [Bob] I-I know I'm your cousin on account of all the sex we had had Yeah With me right, not him. I can't remember THESE!! Do you mean it's Kinda hard to tell maybe can you bend over forward I remember your ass pretty well. I will oh my crotch is right there is that good for you? Oh? Yeah, this is this is what I like. Are you... Oh my God wait mark please jump again (Amazing Bob laugh) When you're not holding anything and you jump, look at Mark's jump sequence Wade. WOAH What am I doing? I've no idea! No, Wade, Wade jump for me, you do it you do it That's some pretty incredible ab work. You got their Wade, What does mine look like? Does mine look insanely dirty? No, you just kind of prancing a bit All right, let's get out there and find bigfoot. Do we want one person to be our tracker? Do we want to solve that tracking bullet? We should have one tracker cuz there's some confusion sometimes a switching between the two I I clearly don't have a gun so I probably shouldn't be the track. I'll do the track. i'll track. I'm dedicated tracker this time. I won't screw it up. Don't forget your flare guns and your rope, all right. I got rope don't worry about it Oh I know we used it on you last night sister cousin, sister cousin It's called a 'Sousin' dude! I've forgotten that. That's it. That's the term we use.. A Sousin. It's Sousin Bobby-boy. Wade, why do you look so funny when you're walking you walk it a little bit of a crouch like what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, you do to! How do I look? Laughter :) All right lets all do our draggley arm run and go to the island. Someone should track him and I'm pretty sure our missing persons are along the paths somewhere... Ahhh. The paths you say.. When Bob and I were playing, What is a path? (Odd noise) What the fuck was that? Wait, what d'you hear? I heard someone go... B-Ohhhhhh Oh, I didn't hear that, if you hear flies, that's the sound of the bodies being near. Well, then what the f-f-f... What the fuck did I just hear? I don't know I didn't hear that either! Hey being a little out of my mind is kind of exciting isn't it Stacy? ;) I mean, well don't forget these I wasn't even looking I didn't even get to enjoy the show oh God, that's good. Hey, that makes me wanna shoot you right in there Stacy! Wait, no no no. That would actually kill me, Stacy. What about this? i hear voices in my head Pretty good, huh, yeah like that That's good, all right, so if I'm gonna pick the winner who gets to bone me tonight Mm-hmm I'm gonna need to see some sensitivity out of you guys, [okay]? All right. I enjoyed corn dogs and walks on the beach Mmm, okay, my go. I think corn dogs are gross and I like walks on hard pavement Practical I like that. hey you want to touch meats? oh, hell. Yeah, you know I do How about this hmmm wow? Slappy just slap it a little oh God yeah, yeah Are you gonna sell this to hotmeat.com? hell Yeah, hope no bigfoots come by and see this mmm Yeah, what are we doing about bigfoot or something? yeah we do sum about bigfoot in these woods? What it is I heard a rustling Oh I'm I'm not hearing anything Oh, I thought I heard a rustling... then again. I hear voices in my head apparently! Sousin Wade? Why are we letting you lead us you don't seem to Understand... I'm following the paths to try and find the missing person What path? There's no road here? Well if you press the Q Oh ok, I got you yeah, What do you mean press the Q..? Its a sex thing... Sousin Wade.. Don't, don't press my cue or I guess you're a Bousin... A Brousin. Oh, There he is! Should I track him brother brousin wade? Yes? You see ya, haha. He's long gone, no He's way down the road there oop can't see anything with that. Oh yeah there he goes... He goes since our mission was just sort of a find bigfoot is that like? mission accomplished..? Orrrr You mean, stop there just go home okay? I mean, I feel pretty good about that hmm. Oh her rearicles appear to be Extending Outward. What are you talking about? Don't look at her rearicles! Her legs a little... Hey, you, okay? ARE YOU ALRIGHT? you okay? You think she's dead? Her arm is also, I mean whats wrong with her arm? Is she an alien they all long that arm is? Ooh, that's not right? Yeah, it's not normal She's not human, huh? Oh, so we shouldn't feel bad No! Fuck this Alien. We should be glad this Alien scum is dead. Big foot is just protecting these woods from fucking alien invaders. That's what's happening here, brousins. Okay, I scent.. I'm picking up a trail I think he's pooping he must live near here, okay, all right, man doesn't smell good Smells like hes been eating alien Hmm. How would you possibly know an alien smells like you fucking liar, I'm a professional? He's an alien! wait a minute. Oh... I was wondering, wait. i didnt have a twin brother two days ago.. I was just thinking that! Yeah, how do you just randomly get a twin brother? Yeah, that's a little weird.. Yes you do! Ive always been there. Remember? I told you when I held that thing infront of your face? I don't think that true at all! This is a fucking alien clone we've got walking around here. Well, I'm not an alien Wait, so do I get to choose which one of you dies? Yeah, I suppose that seems fair that's exciting Well, we'll just keep looking for bigfoot and I'll choose at some point. [I'll] let you know okay. All right. Thank you suggest It's not sure fire way. I can guarantee. I'll proves. I'm not an alien, okay I'd like to see this all right all right. I promise. I'm not an alien. (Bob shoots) Oh. God. Sorry I thought you were going to say that you were an alien.. We just that you want really whoa all Right follow follow me moving on frozen wade. I'm gonna get back this one's betrayal. I was following This was a trail, but what z trail okay the trail we need to follow uh-huh this way, okay? Ah you guys have your meat ready, right? Why would we need that he if he leads us to his alien ship, shoot him before he takes us on board, okay? All right, but what if I'm the alien? Bob: I'll shoot you don't worry about it. Mark: Okay. Thanks Thank you, I Bob: Think either way, I probably both you, but you know we'll get there when we get there. Best to be safe I don't even know if I'm not an alien you know yeah, I can't after watching my gun turned bloody I don't know Yeah, you know what mark Listen mark even if you do turn out to be an alien your candor and honesty about your feelings- (God Objects With Lightning) Mark: WTF? What alien fucker did that which one of you fucking alien bitches did that I? Uhhhh Im not 100 percent sure about that. man. I we did not explore the lightning area That's a cool fire. Tree. Wade: Oh, thers a tower here here. bob: Oh shit, son Wade: Anybody need Anything? knew you think you're not just leading us to a jump-scare again because I have a funny feeling I remember something similar to this happening before Yeah, I don't have to go off on the tower this time. I didn't I did it last time on the rail Ooh, this time dude. We do good Hey, fucking I Don't know what happened. I don't know what happen. I don't know what having it out. Early again I ran over there, hotshot get it to replace all your I should I should probably get it. Yes, it's a blow on em Oh, yeah, all your jokes bullets Is your comedy shot? Uh don't worry. It's just joke bullet Jd. Felt wounded just relax. Uh it's a joke. Oh, Lola wound a joke whole come on. Yeah, oh Really giving it to you write your joke Oldest humor landing, and you're going all over lands right in my you looking for a little joke up Yeah, man yourself just a quick one may be over behind one of those trees when you'll privacy here here I'll help you I got oh well How did I not get him? He's tracked eat fresh. Hey Joey not? Something is tracked. There's a tracking dart moving away on my map. Oh, I don't see it. You gotta follow your deal No way, we can see it. Yeah, I can't see he's going back to his cave always going to the me following you Susan I a I got hit and I used to help back I did, but I continued you got hit too Yes, I was down to like twenty-five percent [health] what does not eat? Oh? Did I shoot you accidentally you look guys? I don't mean it is jumbled come on It's just a joke full of man just calm down. It's a joke bullet. Yeah, come on man Let's uh let's let's do this presence. We're we're with you all right here Yeah, I tagged him again. I still don't see the tracking I can't see all I seem tracking down He's by the dead bodies, but dead by seen dragging it Oh crackers once until it wears off just so you know yeah. Yeah, I know it's just I go see it before ok Past a dead body on the path now Wolfie was about now. All right. Let's do this. He's coming right at me I'm on the Middle island facing him and he's coming right at me. All right. I see him I'm gonna get some shots on him, and then I'm gonna shoot my flare fuck you All right, I've scared him back away from the island. He's going the same way it was before ok all right? I'm still making my way downtown I'm saying sal you Whether cell north Northwest out of the floor. Where's going I'm going to reload [the] trackers because I imagine it's probably running out Oh, hell. Yeah, I was coming up. He's coming back at me. I'm in the swamp right now He's coming back at the edge of the swamp right at me looking Crappy laid out here. I to achieve I feel I gotta go up. He's going to [the] south of me All right, oh coming towards me. Come towards me. I'm gonna hit him with another tracker Job out he's got him I think I'm sorry, we're trekking we are dominating this bigfoot, bro. I'm gonna try to get a few more pop shots off Yeah, oh nailed a min is noggin. I don't have a whole lot of ammo. Let's go fortunately I've still got 31 shots left, So I Got plenty any of so many bullets after all those joke ones Turns out that just jokes man. I don't know just joking all right. I'm on the path now behind him to the West Okay, it looks like you stopped going that way, so I'm on about the path right by the bridge, so I'm gonna I'm gonna Lay a trap on we had just we have this motherfucker pinched in so hard right now. Oh, I see him Oh, it's right by me you terrify me. He's right by me Nope, well, oh he ran past me. He's fucking running away. Oh Here and pass started a pinch didn't work yeah. I mean Jesus. I didn't get my flare off I tried to flare them back towards you but I think it's cuz they are day now He doesn't really come at you at the day. Yeah. He was aggressive right now Well, we got it out of like almost half yeah, wow yeah, that was a really good first hunt well I'm [back] in at campers. I'm back at the camper. Oh hey. What's up we were equidistant away from each other. We're all alive Yeah And I had it out all Right I'm gonna show you guys a little blue you're mine. Oh, I thought it could be different Blow your load, okay? Well not what I was painting weed uh-huh hey ah nee good look around in here ah Most guys then Bobby Miller medicine. Oh yeah, I kind of do I'm series um there's a guy with Nursing Thor's hammer Hey guys, nope Munoz Molten bernard bernard on here. Oh salsa Jared's oh hey, what's up a hammer that I not the devil with feet year. That's not a Bigfoot that's a big year. It's been our units big. It's his hands He's big hands different and his right hand is a bit more grabby than his active that's right is rusted That's bigfoot's frozen his right-handed pulling the grocery. [so] he just picked up at the ICa. He's just walking home just kidding He's got that crazy head on doesn't mean. He's a bad guy So wyd less for come in here makes to cave drawings and eat some deer that is really the gravy Bigfoot killed core Mm-Hmm, then what chance do we stand maybe bigfoot is Mmm. I'm not I'm not as all of that. I don't like it was really just a stab in the dark there Yeah, what I mean, I thought tried to go with you, but I just couldn't yeah I'm not on board with it either in fact I feel like I feel like you've [done] that all of us a disservice for even opening your mouth in the first place. Yeah I mean we try and keep this forum open you [know] and it's like all ideas are welcome, but like that it's Within within reason right like all right whatever smarty pants. Let's hear. What injuries Why did a little ever cave? I'm not saying I have zero I'm just saying put in some effort. Yeah, it's late It's like you're gonna throw an idea out there, and it's ours the whole room like that's just not productive Well at least I'm throwing ideas that would I but no no no no that means fine throwing ideas But we had that rule because we didn't know that there was such a bad alternative. We didn't think it was possible Isn't the thing on top of the ground sleep late strap that I almost stepped in I? Warned you like five times you can't complain when I warned you. I don't know rightly placed Even though you warned me. I still almost went to it. Yeah, no place Dang Are you okay here? You can? Be rubbing are you having like that? Only say one word you have you having a voice a vocal problem. Yeah? Yeah, [yeahs] My Pokemons stacked deck who's that Pokemon? dick dick dick and Holman I don't know man. You come up with a joke. I just came up with it my God You can get the correction it Should be actually you should be like yak this boner boner phone boat Boner Boner boner boner please someone draw all of these non pokemon because That just needs to exist Someone who can draw please draw I can't draw I mean I could drive whoa, whoa, whoa? Oh Fuckin Fuckin goddamn it alright. Got him with a tracker. I've only got one tracking bullet left that scared you so much All right, where'd he go going towards a camper? I can't believe he hasn't hit it goddamn bullshit But he beelines right [for] [ed]. We're just just walked through the woods just vamping on dick Pokemon And he's just fucking comes out of nowhere like an asshole. Maybe he heard the Colin was like dick Dick dick dick is a giant hand job poor Really on so he watched up. It was just like I heard someone talking about the human centric nature of this world Profession the awkward position of oppression that that puts us bigfoot people in It's refreshing to hear of human was such an open I Just wanted to talk about social issues. I know why bigfoot has a say voices fat man, uh What [are] the other truck oh no? I just like this world where bigfoot is like always surprised in the middle of a sentence Honey, I just don't feel feel that [feels] fulfilled at work, and I mean my boss is oh Man to leave. They're really coming in early. I can't believe help. Oh well I've got two bullets. He's got a lot of hell. I've got a lot of bullets left I'm at 31 shots 21 shots. I don't have a flare. He seems I be wanting to come after us Maybe we should go to his cave Because he seems to be tonight. He seems to be hitting us hard Maybe it might be actually hold on let's go down here there might be another tower this little dead end path freighter I'm not sure what's over here? Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, you Could follow you randomly this goes oh? Oh, oh, God. That's loud fuck I have a shitty [tense] it's Just that does not happen. Oh Shit, wait. Where's my flare fuck I mentioned with the flare on a plane from Iran Hang on oh My aim be true Miss him. No I got [him] I got him wait I see him. He's mark. I think it's coming to engage us yeah Yeah, he's coming. Maybe yeah, he's coming. He's coming all right all right Where are we letting them right here right here line it up right here is where we fight? This oh my God be coming here. He goes until he cums. [how] you laid it on me Oh my God now ow. Oh solo. You solo oh Shit, yeah I'm catching bigfoot you doing you actually big fun. You got it What yeah? We're not done yet. We got to put him in oh fuck. Oh So I'm dragging him now. Are you guys leat where am I going back to the camper a little area is this way well? We're actually really close to this kind of convenient. Yeah, you do all the work stan. I got it. Don't worry Don't worry. Don't worry their presence. I got this you're all muscly and whatnot but did I didn't know it's all bloody Yeah, we fucked him up man. What happen if I just hit closed door on you? I did not hit that I didn't do that. I'm not a joker. Oh, yeah mother oh Wow What's up, bro? Whoa? Hey someone whoa. Oh look at that its goal light from like over there. Yeah, like that'll look at that that nasty thumbnail That's so sick no no, no. I want a good thumbnail. You like [I] [hear] [me]. Oh I light like this like that gear I get a raise of light disappear God yeah, that's a good sum. Oh fuck okay. Well one of us is an alien do we were doing results. Oh, yeah? Yeah, we didn't we didn't resolve this so um in all of our adventures here Which of us seemed more human? I'll put my gun away. I'm pretty confident wait I think I think we both know who's ylian, okay? Yeah, ha are you with me? yeah, what I'm know Why you're reloading is very ominous? Oh, oh I didn't even shoot back. I'm pretty sure you as a human. I must have been meeting all You guys fell in exactly the same position look at that. He's not like we live you're spooning So romantic except that we're dead
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,412,443
Rating: 4.9457145 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, bigfoot, finding bigfoot, finding bigfoot markiplier, killing bigfoot, finding bigfoot ending, part 4, funny, multiplayer, collab, ending, we kill bigfoot, secrets, easter eggs, completionist, glitch, game glitches, game ending, game, gameplay, the rake, rake, rake game
Id: 0ghHsob8hCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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