Firearms Expert Reacts To TimeSplitters Franchise Weapons

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Wow, a gun expert video about TimeSplitters? And it's new? That's unexpected... But pretty cool! Guess I'm gonna watch it tomorrow.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/puddingtopf 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

That was interesting! Watching a gun expert work out what is going on with TS guns, matching them with the closest real world counterparts, pointing out the flaws and good details, explaining how they may or would not work... he's pretty astute and knows of other games and movies guns!

Would have been good to get a favorite pick, a most plausible, least plausible. It was nice that some of the weapons actually seemed to be a new ideas to even him, and that he seemed to like some of the less grounded weapons.

I think that the injector wasn't immagined to work with comressed air though. I always thought it was some sort of inflammatory(?) medicak based chemical, sort of like injecting peanuts straight into someone with severe reactions to nuts, but a chemical that affects all, and extremely exaggerated.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mutantmonkey14 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow same

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DrGeroSama 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched this video last night. It was excellent analysis and commentary, though he did not talk about or mention some of the most outlandish weapons in the games. Well, he did look at the Monkey Gun and Plasma Autorifle (TS2), at least.

Sadly, there was no representation for any TS1 weapons. Oversight, or a purposeful omission? If anything, that game is probably the most "grounded" of the three, as many of the guns do seem somewhat realistic in their designs and fire rates, I think.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mega-Analyzer 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode we've finally broken jonathan by showing him the madcap guns of the time splitters franchise this is some unholy cursed agglomeration of a desert eagle and a beretta basically it's like a desert eagle has been shoved up a beretta 92 which is uh not a happy experience for anyone concerned frankly so uh good job guys you've beaten me if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan [Music] well this is an interesting one it looks an awful lot like a luger but it's like it's got some sort of additional barrel shroud thing on it that makes it look a lot more advanced but it even has an animated toggle lock on the top of it it's animated far too slowly the barrel is recoiling and the toggle is flipping far too slowly it's like it's on slow motion but that's not uncommon in games i noticed that they have actually got the cartridge cases ejecting out of the top of the pistol which is nice although they haven't stayed very faithful to the luger design they have reflected how it actually operates with the toggle lock and the vertical ejection clearly this is a time travel based game so we are in the past i don't know if this is meant to be some futuristic gun based on the luger that we brought with us or if this is meant to be what a luger looks like in this universe maybe it's a bit of both maybe it's meant to pass as a weapon of the period but a luger with a silencer on it does not fit the 1920s 1930s whatever this is supposed to be but it does fit the 1940s behold the luger with a silencer on it or a suppressor if you're pedantic and i am but it depends which mood i'm in so this is one of a number of lugers that was produced for special operations executive the british equivalent of the oss and it's a standard dwm nine millimeter luger that's had the barrel threaded for a parker hail sound suppressor which has a little bead front sight set into the the body so yeah there is actually a period precedent that i very much doubt the developers of this game were aware of for a silenced luger it doesn't it even looks quite similar if we were able to fill this bit in with some sort of shroud we would have the time splitters gun so i think that's quite fun there's a lot to take in here the gun itself is pretty close to an ak but not quite right we've got some strange lumps on the side of the gun it's mirrored so it's a left-handed gun but broadly it is an ak or an aks except that it has this amusing white folding wire stock which has it has big lugs on the gun that don't exist on the real ak stopping it from folding up and over and in fact the cocking handle would also stop it from folding up and over the gun as well and because it's a u-shaped bit of wire over the top of the gun it couldn't underfold either so there's there's actually no way to deploy this stock the grenade launcher is a little bit half-life in that it's sort of an afterthought a couple of tubes stuck to the bottom of the hand guard so i knew i knew there was something similar coming up so i grabbed something similar from our collection now this is a polish pmk ms which is the polish copy of the akms now this has the opposite stock problem to the time splitters rifle in that its normal ak underfolding stock can't be folded because of the grenade launcher so a very different design to the m203 look-alike that's on this ak but it's it's a real-world equivalent of what we're seeing in the game [Music] interesting take on the mini gun i couldn't help noticing the red and white candy stripe portion on the rear of the gun not really sure what that's about the feed and ejection on the same side of the gun so you've got a shoot of rounds going up into the gun and then immediately reversing after being fired and shooting out the left side presumably so that you can see more of what's going on with the fun animations that's not how a minigun works miniguns as you'd have seen the classic scene from the matrix with the helicopter the empty case is dropped from the bottom of the gun so it's uh some liberties taken there with the minigun design well across the board really it doesn't really look like a minigun in detail something a bit different i think a couple of points we've got the barrels just spinning without firing and i've played at least one game where you can spool up the gun with one button and fire it with another so i don't know if that's what was happening there it didn't seem like it was just a normal delay it's like just just spinning away it's kind of an interesting one because the the delay in firing with a mini gun and get in games is basically artificial in the first place mini guns yes they sort of spool up in that they have to reach the first firing position but they do that almost instantly and that's it it's a gameplay mechanic to begin with to make the thing more cumbersome to use that you have to sort of think ahead of when you need to press the trigger so to have a way to shortcut that is kind of funny really that there's a gameplay way to remove the gameplay mechanic [Music] so this this is extremely reminiscent of the wa2000 it's got similar muzzle device similar barrel support similar architecture square blocky design wooden furniture uncommon on a modern sniper rifle even in the 70s when this was designed they've somehow made it less of a ballpark so i think it's technically i think it technically still would be one in that the trigger is is just about in front of wherever the breach is on this thing but it is not nearly so clearly a ballpark if that makes sense uh the scope is a little bizarre in that it looks like a conventional scope for the most part but then when you actually use the scope it's like this weird rectangular thermal looking reticle scope view thing it doesn't quite seem to jibe with how it's depicted on the gun itself and clearly with with some strong golden eye heritage behind it we are for some reason wielding a sniper rifle one-handed even though from an external view almost certainly just like golden eye you would be holding it with both hands some weird quirk of graphics engine or limitations of the time meaning that from first person you are ostensibly one one-handed wielding but actually you're not because otherwise you wouldn't be able to shoot this is quite an intriguing one i think it's a riff on on the pulse rifle from aliens it's green it's got the big grooved carrying handle on it with sort of launcher looking section underneath and there are there are some sort of pink plasma charges that you can use um as like an old fire it's more like a combination of the pulse rifle and the plasma rifle from terminator and interestingly and see from the the um hud indicator it not only overheats but speeds up its own rate of fire in a sort of curve the more you hold down the trigger so you get more effect more firepower but you you have to walk a line of more firepower but your gun's gonna stop if you push it too hard or you just push it too hard let it cool down and shoot again which is probably what i would do which is interesting i've not seen that take on a energy weapon overheating before but we also do have ammunition so it isn't just the straightforward heating up of an energy based weapon it is more like the doom plasma rifle where you have ammo it is like a riff on the pulse rifle but it's pretty far from the tree in design terms quite a heavy-duty looking grenade launcher here quite an interesting design too looks an awful lot like they've taken the textures for the rounds are actual an actual round of what looks to be 303 i'm pretty sure i can see 0.303 on the case head and i think the other markings are probably consistent with 303 british as well which is quite funny so that would be a rimmed rifle cartridge not a grenade launcher round but for visual texture i'm pretty sure i can even see the staked primer of a wartime 303 round and what looks like the war department arrow as well so that's a bizarre bit of firearms history buried in this console game as to how it works anyone's guess really some sort of recoil operation going on a great big bolt assembly is coming back not really sure why because it's a rotary it's a revolver type weapon all you need is a firing mechanism to fire each round and then the magazine system or the feed mechanism rotates to the next shot so i don't know why you would need a big artillery style breech but it does look cool the rounds look like they would fall out if you've aimed this thing upward at all you'll notice most most drum magazines most revolvers have some way of mechanically preventing rounds from just falling out of the cylinder and this doesn't have that so that we can see those textures in all of their glory it looks like a fun video game grenade launcher not based on anything in particular but it is its own design right now i'm getting major golden eye vibes from the dual wield p90s we've got some an excessively high magazine capacity the p90 is 50 rounds this is over 60 by the look of it we're sufficiently early that the rounds aren't being animated they're just a static texture that's fair enough it has got some sort of weird futuristic thermal optic thing on it and then it's got some sort of light laser unit on the right hand side now the there's a version of the p90 that does allow that this isn't it otherwise it is not a bad representation of a p90 much better than golden eyes was several years before this and it's got the right kind of rate of fire actually the p90 does does hum however we have got some rather tiny cartridge cases that smaller than the cartridges that are depicted in the magazine that are flying out of the left side of the gun now they should be dropping out of the bottom of the gun if this was a p90 we've uh moved into the future now appropriately enough this is clearly a a different game in the franchise with better graphics just vaguely reminiscent of a p90 is this assault rifle thing so it has another sort of non-functional futuristic looking optic on top of it it's moved very far from the p90 design but it's recognizably similar to the time splitters 2 take on the p90 so in design terms that's quite interesting um it reminds me of something from one of the later deus ex games the way you open up the gun and remove the magazine like it's a coffee machine or something when you're replacing the water tank which i guess fits that sort of mass-produced product idea of a futuristic gun it's got the very high rate of fire and the weird highly pitched report of a sci-fi gun as well so though it's ostensibly fire encased ammunition for some reason it sounds different and has a very high rate of fire but is controllable and who knows what technology might exist in the future to control recoil we're going to need it if we're going to go for these super high pressure rounds that the united states are currently looking at [Music] well that was truly bizarre i don't quite know what to make of that except it's some kind of folding compact design that opens out into a gun it's got a super high rate of fire and that futuristic firing sound effect it's literally got monkey written on the side of it and what appears to be a representation of a monkey in the site which is a as per usual non-functional you can't use it for anything just as well really not sure how you aim using a cartoon monkey so they seem to have gone with this and the other future assault rifle they seem to be going for very high capacity and very high rate of fire but then reload times have gone up over modern firearms can reload a modern assault rifle in a matter of a second these not so much they've been re-engineered for the game effectively to make them slower to reload for gameplay reasons [Music] this is another fascinating weapon that i'm still trying to puzzle out so it's um a kind of a diesel punk take on a crossbow really it's got a drum some sort of drum magazine what i can't tell is how and where the harpoons are feeding from when you hit something with them they're big chunky arrow-like projectiles but they i don't see where those live on the gun we've got a set of cogs on there which are fun and i guess the idea is some sort of explosive charge is causing a bolt to recoil and then the sort of rack and pinion is driving the magazine to turn it to the next shot the fun thing about that as an idea is that it has the gameplay mechanic of recoverable ammunition so you could literally run up to the zombie you just turned into a pincushion and pick up one or more of the of the rounds so that even if you're out of ammo you're not out of ammo so at first glance this thing looks like some sort of homemade craft produced submachine gun it looks like it could function but it's a kind of a bit over designed as a lot of um fictional video game guns are there's a lot of a lot of design features there that wouldn't do anything other than look cool extra interesting is the fact that this is firing rifle grenades from its muzzle which is something i don't think i've ever seen done in a game now firing rifle grenades off a sub machine gun is not and it's something that anyone has ever done unless you count the under barrel launchers that exist for things like the mp5 and yes they do exist we have one a submachine gun is too small and light to effectively allow you to launch a grenade like this although some versions of it you can fire from the shoulder typically it requires a big chunky heavy rifle and you need to put the butt into the ground and fire at an angle and let the ground take the recoil this thing just we're just taking it with our arm muscles but it's very interesting to see a version of a rifle grenade in such a far-fetched video game the flare gun is pretty close to the first world war single barrel luftwaffe signal pistol flare gun whatever you want to call it which actually did have as an option grenade rounds which is what we're seeing here i mean the the shot where it sets someone on fire is closer to a standard flare round although that isn't really how they work being designed to create a bright light up in the sky they just like they did go far enough into you to stay there they would just burn whatever color they're supposed to burn they wouldn't set you on fire but it's quite an interesting game gun in that it's pretty close to a real flare gun but has a lot of gameplay potential being single shot but quite effective which a grenade round out of a flare gun would be right so now i'm seeing the ammunition actually doing its intended thing it sort of spirals off into the sky and bursts into a bit like a flare but it doesn't sort of it's more like a star shell illumination flare maybe although it doesn't seem that bright it's certainly not a standard coloured parachute flare or anything like that practically speaking it's a grenade round though this is very much a legally different heckler and mp5k and it's quite different in detail as most of the time splitters guns are a bit of a mishmash the cocking handle is not your classic hk shape it's more just a normal round knob that's quite deliberate design choice for whatever reason the front grip looks quite different in fact overall it almost looks a bit like the experimental hk smg than the 80s 90s but it's mainly mp5k so when we only had one of them we're getting a version of the hk slap when we're dual wielding them the bolts just go forward on their own because how else are you going to do it interesting little detail though at this stage of of game design cartridge cases in mid-air which are flying perpendicular to the gun which is a they should be flying in an arc but nonetheless um i can see the the case head and there is a bit of detail there including a fired primer so despite the guns being quite fantasy takes on real guns and then some made up ones we have got little details like a dented primer on a fired cartridge case [Music] if i was disappointed by the syringe gun from team fortress this kind of makes up for it so we're firing some sort of dart that injects compressed air this looks to be an air tank on the gun itself i'm not sure how that helps the darts to inflate targets but nonetheless the the effect on target is that they are injected with an implausible amount of compressed air or gas and then they burst it's pretty cool if a bit grim as with other weapons in this game or this series i'm struggling to imagine how this thing would function so we've got compressed gas on the gun for some reason i think just as a visual indicator of how the of what the gun is and then we have a reciprocating bolt which could mean a magazine in the grip except the darts look like they must be pretty big and they'd have to be very big to contain enough compressed gas to actually inflate a person to the point of exploding it's a fantasy gun this is some unholy cursed agglomeration of a desert eagle and a beretta basically it's like a desert eagle has been shoved up a beretta 92 which is uh not a happy experience for anyone concerned frankly at least of all me watching it so uh good job guys you've beaten me and then it's got a sort of accessory suppressor that has a scope mount built into it which is all kinds of wrong as well you need a scope or any any optical sight needs to be mounted to something solid that doesn't move so a detachable part of the gun is not normally a good place to mount an optical sight yeah i i think i think enough said on that one right pause it i'm pausing right away there to say what the hell what a bizarre weapon this this is vaguely reminiscent of the the neo pup although the um ntw 20 the south african grenade launcher that has a grip unit mounted on the side of it on the right side of it this is the other way around similar arrangement and then it has a curved rocket magazine that wraps around your forearm and then the front of the gun is basically just a launch platform for the rocket might even be plausible to make something like this one day i don't know so there's a weird auto loader that grabs a rocket from the effectively box magazine at the rear and then conveys it in an arc forwards onto the front of the gun where it's ignited and does its thing now that's vaguely plausible in that a rocket munition is a weapon in its own right and the thing you shoot it from is just a launch platform there are guided missiles that are literally just a missile that you stick on a little ramp and launch them so this is weirdly enough one of the more plausible weapons in this game well i hope you enjoyed that guys i think that one may have broken my brain as ever if you'd like to support the work that we do here at the royal armouries bringing you some interesting things to complement the reviews that i do we have links in the description for that we've also got a series of videos on the royal armouries youtube channel and stuff going on on social media facebook and instagram that you might want to check out as well and please do come and visit us here in leeds down at fort nelson or at the tower of london if you can and see you again next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 290,239
Rating: 4.9685688 out of 5
Id: -dcGcqrkeek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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