Firearms Expert Reacts To Iconic Call Of Duty Black Ops Guns

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[Music] the ballistic knife you're probably not used to seeing one in this configuration but um this is what they look like when they're not loaded so in uh in black ops obviously we see typically an overhand grip which is fine for fighting with a knife and then of course the blade is shot out of the body and you can see how that actually works in real life so ballistic knife might imply some sort of kind of gunpowder or propellant it's not that at all it's just spring power and then that locks into the grip with a little spring catch and that is your trigger i was chuckling to myself watching the clips because the idea of reloading this or loading this quickly is pretty hilarious if you actually look at one so let's say that i've just uh shot shot the blade i reach for a reload from somewhere stuff that in there and then while the enemy are shooting at me i desperately try to compress but i'm not gonna be able to do that um the only way you can load this is by pressing it into a wall or the ground or i don't know the corpses of your enemies or something really really hard until that shelf locks into that trigger so you are not reloading this it's a one-shot deal much like a throwing knife and of course throwing knife is really far superior to this thing um we've not shot our knife but the range on it is going to be extremely short further than you can stab obviously but uh nowhere near the 100 200 meters that we seem to get out of it in the game but um yeah not so practical definitely doesn't work how it does in the game and just carry another magazine for your pistol the uh famas an iconic weapon in popular culture standard french service rifle currently being replaced by the heckler and [ __ ] um hk416 it's just a really cool looking gun uh we have to admit that and of course bullpup configuration so the uh essentially the uh grip sits in front of the bridge face that's that's how i define a ballpark magazine reloads um pretty uh pretty faithful just [ __ ] slightly with my gloves here but um catch on the front pull down and pull the magazine out in the same motion and insert fresh magazines clicks in place so pretty well depicted um and it crops up in all sorts of things the heckler [ __ ] g11 um known in uh firearms study circles as a unicorn gun because of its rarity and uh so much so that we don't have one which is pretty depressing what we do have is a very historic piece of wood um well wooden plastic this is from the g11 program you would actually have someone carve mock-ups out of wood and really all it does is give you the the basic ergonomics of the gun so a really cool artifact but not a real g11 i have visited the uh our counterpart collection in koblenz in germany and i have seen a room full of these things and i was able to disassemble one and have a look at how unbelievably complicated it is it's just uh a cuckoo clock now why is it so complicated it's all to do with getting three bullets out of the barrel at the fastest rate possible to increase your chance of hitting the target and if you do hit the target of incapacitating them the g11 has this rotary chamber that has to convey around um or to a line around with the uh barrel very unique system and the magazine that sits on the top in the real gun actually reciprocates um it moves back and forth you can see this if you find another video of it in being fired the magazine moves back and forth because the mechanism inside is moving as well hugely complicated very very very clever and yeah there's this unbelievable three round hyper burst which um i think i think black ops does a reasonable job of replicating that mag dump on the um spinning targets or moving targets really brings home the sort of the amount of firepower you could bring to bear with a 50 round magazine and three round hyper burst so that i think that represents what they were going for quite well and then we see in the reload animation um that the the character is sort of ripping the magazine out of the front of the gun getting another one aligning it um with the barrel and slotting it back into place and that's that's how the gun is reloaded and a nice touch which we don't see on our mock-up instead of a cocking handle or charging handle you pull back and let go we see the clockwork winding which is how um how a fresh round round is being fed into the rotating chamber and how the chamber is aligning with the barrel so the the almost alarm clock wind-up reload is quite fun and realistic the an-94 automat nikon nova shocking russian but um there you go uh we are fortunate to have in the royal armory's collection an example uh full disclosure this is what's called an mmg which is a factory produced dummy essentially the whole gum is essentially a gun within a gun appropriately enough to be like a russian doll there's there's a complete firing gun mounted inside this um and it's incredibly clever you can see that the magazine is offset it's hardest to see in the game but it is faithfully depicted and that's to do with having to queue up two cartridges for the hyper burst feature i'm sure that the hyper burst feature of this weapon is 1 800 rounds per minute which is extremely fast for an assault rifle and the way the game depicts the sights is interesting so the front there's nothing normal about this gun at all the front sight is that distinctive shape which is that shape so that you can have a night sight in the top so you can put that out this doesn't have it but a glow-in-the-dark element in the top so if you aim through the middle it's a normal front sight if you aim through the top it's a glowing front sight for nighttime use and then this bizarre rear sight which isn't depicted in black ops 2 at least not in the configuration that we have in the clip which is a wheel that you turn with different numbered ranges so the sights are weird the mechanism is insane the only normal things about it are the pistol grip which is derived basically a copy of the ak74 magazine is the ak-74 magazine the butt stock is uh similar to the ak-74 again everything else is nuts including this muzzle device which recirculates gases to produce just the right amount of pressure to make sure that the gun works reliably yeah a bit of a bit of a unicorn gun that wouldn't really give you much of an edge the the so-called b-23r pistol from black ops 2 this is where black ops starts to diverge from reality so i don't have an example to show you because it doesn't exist but what it's clearly inspired by is the beretta 93 r r standing for rafika which is italian for rapid the folding foregrip is pretty essential um for any kind i'll say accurate not an accurate fire but um getting bullets to go away vaguely where you need them rather than in the ceiling uh so you fold that down and you put your thumb through the trigger guard which would normally be a bad idea but that's how this works in the game it's space equivalent of a future equivalent has its folding foregrip permanently folded up we have the selector on the side here so single shot just like a normal pistol to the three dots and you get three rounds just like the futuristic version three very rapid shots the three-round burst makes much more sense than fully automatic you have to be very skilled very strong or both to keep the gun on target with an automatic self-loading pistol like this three round bursts you've got a chance of holding it on for long enough of course in the game it's not really a problem and it allows you to hit with pretty much three shots every time mostly fictional weapon doesn't really offer any capability over and above the real thing thanks guys for watching this breakdown of some of the more iconic weapons from the black ops series and we hope you join us next time [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,660,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, black ops, black ops cold war, call of duty weapons, call of duty guns, call of duty weapons in rea, call of duty weapons vs rea, call of duty guns in real l, weapons overview, weapons breakdown, cod weapons, ballistic knife, g11, famas, an94, b23r, black ops 2, black ops 3, black ops 4
Id: hSZetFctOVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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