Firearms Expert Reacts To Necromunda: Hired Gun’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's taking a look at the warhammer 40k shooter necromunda hired gun finally we have a bolter and as originally described in in the original rule set these were meant to be caseless rocket projectiles which calls to mind the gyrojet system which is bonkers if there are any of the games guns and mechanics that you want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos like this and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan all right i'm going to pause there because a few things i certainly appreciate the aesthetic from a firearm perspective it's a bit odd i think they definitely don't look like real world guns which i think is a plus they shouldn't we've got the picatinny rails if you don't if you don't know those are the ridged strips originally a strip on top of the receiver for an optical sight and then that got longer and then they got added at one point all over the weapon for adding on lights lasers bottle openers so you can literally attach anything to anything it's like a sort of lego system for guns there's no reason to think that will go away anytime soon off top of my head i'd say that system is probably going to be around in one form or another for at least 50 years but we've already seen it start to be supplanted by other accessory systems point being i can't see it lasting a millennia plus into our future to appear on these weapons then the the sights themselves so um i like the idea of what they did with the iron sights they just they they work like einstein sort of but they're hyper stylized you know you've got a rear sight made of two separate portions it looks really gnarly and very metal but it's not very practical and if we increasingly don't have iron sights on our firearms now we're certainly not going to have them in the in the far future where there is only war or whatever the phrase is grim dark future of course i think a magnum revolver kind of substitute was inevitable for a game like this and here it is it almost looks looks a bit like a chiappa rhino or maybe even a nerf maverick or something some big chunky or maybe the revolver from gears of war the hammer looks like it's something designed for some sort of masochist if that is a hammer if that even [ __ ] i don't know but excessively textured i think that would that would not be very comfortable and we have a really weird set of sights on this thing they look like they're lifted from a sort of present day combat rifle of some sort so folding backup sites that you would have if your optical sight breaks or you need to take it off for some reason you can flip up the backup size and they have two different apertures so we've got like a notch which weirdly enough looks to be replicated on the top of the gun itself i don't know how that works and then it looks like you can flip that to a little peep site we've got some glowing night sight iron sights that clip onto the rail making the bulky revolver even bulkier several features added here we've got a suppressor on there why not it's essentially a space revolver we don't have to worry about the cylinder gap so why not suppress it although i'd expect firearms this far in the future to incorporate sound suppression in their design and we also see how it's being reloaded here so it's a conventional cylinder design but rather than loading the rounds into the cylinder either singly or with a speed loader we see the whole cylinder get taken out thrown away and another one put on the crane i don't know why you would need to empty the the cylinder you've taken off take it off the gun i mean if you don't you know if we're being realistic and you don't want to just drop it and lose it just put it in a pouch somewhere or a pocket somewhere with the empty still in it and reload it when you're not about to be murdered by somebody it's a slightly illogical process but i'm guessing it's there to protract the loading of what is clearly quite a powerful weapon to even out balance this is another fairly conventional 20th century looking gun to my eyes in fact although the the rifle's called the striker this is reminiscent of something like a striker shotgun now i said this about gears of war years ago and i'm going to say it about this why on earth would we still have pump action shotguns the the reason for a manually operated shotgun is so you can reliably fire a wide variety of different ammunition that may not cycle your self-loading shotgun but of course we know why it's a pump shotgun it's because it's cool it's a it's definitely rule of cool applies not only have you got massive drum magazines including a massive double drum magazine which actually makes the whole weapon look pretty dubious if you ask me with a great big um muzzle device on the end of it as well but maybe that's quite fitting for what we're going for i don't know yeah pump pumping away on this massive 40 round i think i mean i don't think you'd physically fit 40 rounds of 12 gauge in there but i don't know what ammunition this is supposed to be firing okay right i've finally reached the point where the rule of cool actually applies to me because i really like that 40k up double barrel shotgun to uh too much of a fan of the super shotgun from doom 2 but um it's like that with bells on i like the the external hammers complete nonsense of course you would not need external hammers on any weapon in the future but it gives it that sort of piratical vibe again we see those sort of stock iron sights so i gather they've done the classic fps thing and created a created a rail system that fits across the board so your your all of your firearms can be upgraded along similar paths bit of a shame i think you unique upgrades would be better i like the the sort of uh the ornate nature of the things we've got the external hammers there's the curve of the grip they've actually modeled complete external locks you know it's like an old-school side-by-side shotgun that sort of harks back to percussion and flintlock and all of that i can't help liking it nice bit of design i was literally off camera joking about about skulls being on or part of or even a whole weapon in this game and um sure enough this gun has little skull iron sights on it which i can only um give a very quiet round of applause to because that's very warhammer and very metal i i enjoy it very much and it completely negates all of my complaints about iron sights the weapon itself with its unpronounceable name which is a mystery to me perhaps those of you who know warhammer know why it's called the panther it has the sort of general aesthetics of a bolter reading between the lines if something's called an auto gun and although it looks a bit like a bolter it's chucking out brass cases this is a holdover of present day technology so standard brass case self-contained metallic ammunition i don't know but that's what i'm seeing so it's almost like the halo franchise where 500 years in the future we're still using 762 nato similar applies here what i don't think we would have is brass cased ammunition but what do i know finally we have a bolter or a bolt gun and as originally described i gather in in the original rule set these were meant to be caseless rocket projectiles which calls to mind and the comparison has been made the gyrojet system which is bonkers it fires miniature rockets and the rocket propellant burns within there and jets these four little jets out the base at an angle causing rotation so you get rotational stability not from rifling in the weapon but from the rotation of the miniature rocket that you're firing and when people read about bolters i think that's is how they're supposed to work but in depictions of them they are shown chucking out massive cartridge cases with big old rims on them which which is kind of at odds with the idea of a caseless or in this case rocket projectile system like the gyro jet so an intriguing system and it sort of acts as this real world parallel for the bolters but as i say not really because the only way these are rocket projectiles is if they are two stage so there's some sort of an expelling charge in the cartridge case chucks the projectile out clear of the weapon and then a rocket motor kicks in now in this game there's no vapor trail there's no sudden acceleration of the projectile there's no real delay between pulling the trigger and your target moving that a rocket projectile would induce like the gyrojet if you watch videos of that so i don't see any evidence of that what this is is essentially a handheld cased ammunition grenade launcher so it's slow rate of fire chugging away when the projectiles hit something there's a payload in there they're big they're chunky they explode they do damage but you've still got these great big not only cases but brass cases just like the auto guns and they are engraved elaborately which i think is a really nice touch and they just kind of chunkle out of the side of the of the gun they're not really thrown clear which again is somewhat uh similar to how a automatic grenade launcher might work that makes sense for like for someone like a space marine giant robust armored character that can carry this basically carry a modern day belt fed grenade launcher around with them except they're not belt fed they've always got these big curved magazines and there's no way you're fitting all those gigantic rounds in that magazine so we definitely have we're cheating some physics there again they fit the aesthetic they fit the feel they look fun to use the explosive effects on the target are pretty graphic so i applaud them on that level i'm still confused as to how bolters are supposed to work in the 40k universe though we're outside my comfort zone now um in terms of expertise so i'm aware of the the last guns from the franchise this is a plasma weapon though so this is a blue ball of energy as you can see flies towards the enemy and we've got what looks like a charge up mechanism obviously something you can't do with conventional firearms in any way as a franchise 40k has always embraced different different technologies sort of have your cake and eat it too so you conventional firearms rocket bullet firearms laser guns plasma guns and probably more things that i don't even know about i suppose one thing to say about these this sort of sci-fi energy weapon is that they tend to give away your position so there's nearly always some big glowing thing on them and in this case it's like half the big old chunk of the receiver is like barely contained blue energy and that's a hard thing to to hide we've spent about a century trying to conceal muzzle flash in one way or another and we're prepared to abandon that for something that glows bright blue in broad daylight never mind in the dark then again if it's got that much destructive potential maybe you don't care that the enemy knows where you are another bolter this time a pistol it certainly makes some sense in an fps because you you get some of the advantage of a bolter as a secondary if you want your first your private weapon to be something else the site on this one that we're seeing here is really interesting i've spoken before about holographic sites and i don't mean glass and metal optical sites that use holographics to display the reticle i mean suspended in mid-air holographic reticles because that has to be where we're going it's probably a way off but that's that's kind of where i see the technology going and the thing we've got here is maybe what the next step with that would be so we still have a frame quite a robust looking metal frame and it's called gnarly and 40k like and then it's projecting from either side this reticle so you get a pretty good field of view because that's the thing with optical sights is as you know from gaming they they constrain your field of view you've got less peripheral vision less vision other than what you're in who knows where it will go i am spitballing here in a rather sci-fi way but it's nice to see something that is going in that direction and isn't just a conventional iron sight with some gnarly bits on it or a conventional optical site that just looks a bit different those those aren't really interesting to me this is interesting and i think fits the the world quite well so an uh an interesting category weapon i hadn't heard of called a stubbor which just calls to mind hurting your toe on furniture it's a bit more capable than that and this is a heavy stubborn so this almost seems like between a an auto gun and a bolt gun i don't really understand the difference but it's clearly firing conventional ammunition of some sort big heavy slow rate of fire and held almost like a this thing looks like a sort of mini gun without the spinning barrels with it with a top mounted pistol grip still got an iron front sight god knows how you're supposed to use that when you're holding it under under hand and a sort of big motorbike grip on the side that's all very 40k looks good looks fun we've got here the big brother of the chunky revolver we saw earlier now we tend to think of revolvers as being handguns but of course they weren't always there were revolving rifles revolving carbines that went in parallel and we have we have several of those in the in the collection none of them are as massive and destructive as this though this is really like a sort of two-handed magnum in concept and i like it quite a lot it's good i'm struck by the fact that even more so than the other revolver it seems to have like a stylized hammer on the back of it that doesn't do anything so i don't know if that's meant to be like a stylistic throwback to the revolvers of the ancient times or something or is just supposed to fill a bit of space on the back of the design but it is quite old it's old technology in various ways hey the universe seems to embrace the old and and the sci-fi quite a lot okay well that looks like a lot of fun we've got essentially a milk or mgl or m32 or whatever you want to call it futuristic take on another present-day weapon that i'm sure you're familiar with 40 millimeter revolving drum the revolving grenade launcher and uh works very similarly this has got an eight round sort of magazine speed loader cylinder thing the logistics of carrying around multiples of those is we won't worry about that this is fantasy after all sci-fi fantasy the way that i mean the explosions are very hollywood fireball really nicely done so and the sound effect is a really nice take on that classic grenade launcher thump sound [Music] if you'd like to support the work that we do here at the royal armouries we have links in the description as to how you can help us do come and visit one of our sites if you're able to and if you're not just watch us again next time thanks a lot guys [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 379,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, necromunda, necromunda hired gun, necromunda guns breakdown, necromunda expert reacts, necromunda weapons, necromunda guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, bolter, boltgun, warhammer 40k, games workshop, space marine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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