Firearms Expert Reacts To Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's going to be reacting to the red light green light mission from call of duty black ops cold war a mission that showcases a fair few quintessential guns from the cold war period albeit not always realistically i just love the uh the dazed stagger from being hit with an anti-aircraft missile just like shakes it off right over to you jonathan let's go look at that monster reds could be hiding anything inside snap a picture also want to see this okay pausing so this this looks really cool and cold war-esque with a giant concrete um super villain looking building i don't know how plausible that building would be but i'm not an architect the rifle is an interesting one it's a very cold war choice being a 1960s vintage rifle or carbine actually have one so this is the chinese type 63 but the key thing about it in terms of reality versus the game is that it is it is select fire and it will run fully automatic now obviously that would cause some problems in the game balance wise because why bother with an ak if you've got this as to it being a sniper well look very sniper like does it not something the typical cold warrior would be running through the jungle or the forest or whatever this is supposed to be with you're welcome interesting press x to not die style cut scene there where the russian guard is being disarmed and the weapon that is pulled up and used to kill him is not a tokarev as we might expect it's not a makarov as we might expect it's an american cult 1911. so that's very strange there must be some sort of sophisticated mail order catalog system going on in this particular facility because that's a definitively iconically american pistol however here is one and this one which you may not be able to see the tiny marking is actually russian so they did exist in russia now what they'd be doing in use at this time period i don't know but whether by accident or by some knowledge of the developers it's not actually implausible for there to be a 1911 in russia so we've done the usual let's grab the first weapon we see that looks cool thing because that's what you do in a first person shooter and it does look cool because it's a beretta 93r which is almost literally a gucci gun what it's doing in um early 1980s ukraine i'm not quite sure it's uh not something you'd expect to find there but it is very cold wary and it is plausible time period-wise just all right just a quick word on the reload animation on that type 63 it's um a little bit modern day i don't know any drill manuals from the 80s that would have had you knocking the magazine out [Music] i just say the the training course is a nice idea it's a bit more james bond movie than it is reality i suspect i don't think spetsnas as relatively well funded as they would have been at that time would have had anything like a sophisticated setup as this i'm pretty sure they don't have it now so but it is cool and the arcade is a nice touch can i just say that was a hell of a knife throw accuracy power left hand as well that's that's pretty impressive um in terms of the ballistics of what we're seeing here i'm i'm liking what i'm seeing in terms of uh puffs of dust sparks of what probably still called bullets ricocheting off hard objects i'm not seeing too much in the way of silly star wars tracer fire which is something that gets on my nerves a bit and i understand the reason for it you want to see where your bullets are going but yeah it has it has a nice sort of gritty realistic feel to it so far of course i'm i'm slowly realizing that this being a highly sophisticated spatsnass training center of course there are lots of fun foreign weapons that they've managed to acquire just a very quick thing to note on on the beretta is how it almost sounds like one shot and if you've heard of these things fired for real it really is that fast it's three rounds at i'm not sure what it is thousand rounds per minute something like that and it is just like one shot or like an echo of one shot so they've nailed that it's not that exaggerated that you sometimes get with burst fire weapons so the next interesting um foreign weapon that we see picked up here is the spas 12 and it's an interesting gun for the reason that games never depict which is that it's either semi-automatic as we're seeing here or it's pump action so you can basically change the the setting of the pump grip and that disables the self-loading system so we usually see one or the other so in the matrix we see the pump because it looks and sounds cool in most games we see semi-automatic operation except for half-life where we get magic shells being fired from the magazine tube as well as the barrel but we won't go into that modeling-wise it's a good representation from what i've seen it's got that classic bulky look to it and yeah what's as fast 12 what do you want okay so we've got another weapon change here we've now got a new primary and it's the aks 74u so here is an aks74u and u the u bit of the name in russian which i'm not going to attempt is how short the barrel is so the modeling of the gun is is good now the drum magazine is the interesting thing because the 74 bit of the name denotes the 5.45 millimeter cartridge which is correct for this time period we'd expect the russians to be moving over to the 5.45 cartridge we don't want that because this one is fitted with a drum magazine what i can't do though is show you the drum magazine fitted to the gun because they don't fit there was no issue 5.45 millimeter drum magazine because this isn't for this gun this is for the rpk 74 which is a light machine gun so what we have here is a fictional 5.45 millimeter 70 odd round drum magazine which of course is cool and fun but not really realistic the other thing i can't help noticing which is something of a pet hate for me in period games is this thing is fitted with an optical sight set in 1981 around about that time nobody is running around with optical sights on their weapons unless they're a sniper the more i think about it the more this level is a great showcase to have lots of different weapons that wouldn't make any sense otherwise so we've just seen a player pick up a barrett 50 caliber self-loading rifle it's pretty hefty but you know these guys eat their wheaties slash wheat picks so unlike me they'd have no problem wielding that thing if you watch these things fired in real life it is possible for someone with sufficient strength to pick that up and fire it from the shoulder with more than one shot some of the things we see in games are stretching credulity in terms of a big heavy powerful hard recoiling gun the barrett is actually possible to run and gun with it's just not something a soldier would typically do we do have behind me a barrett 50. i gather in the game that there is a suppressed version of it 50 caliber suppressed rifles do exist yeah that's a very hollywood sound suppressor sound effect for what is a tremendously powerful rifle as i say you can suppress a 50 caliber rifle it's not gonna sound like pew pew i'm afraid so what we're seeing here in single player bleeding over from multiplayer is some customization options um so certain certain weapons have different stocks different handguards different sites fitted to them that we'd expect to see in a multi-player game for variety and interest and unlocking things i always think it's a bit weird when things just crop up in the campaign and so what we see here is an ak-74 u where that looks like a gleal ace it's got a big chunky plastic handguard it's got an additional magazine well sticking out the bottom of the receiver that the the ak doesn't have and of course the sight with the mount on it so fine multiplayer slightly disappointing perhaps in a single player campaign i think i need to well i really don't need to point out actually that multiple 50 caliber machine gun rounds to the head would be problematic regardless of the helmet that you're wearing i mean anecdotally it will sort of cause your neck to snap back potentially causing neck injuries certainly multiple hits the sheer velocity and mass of those projectiles is such that they will breeze through any kind of wearable armor so a bit of a half-life flashback here with the scoped revolver always fun for gameplay reasons in reality scoped revolvers are a competition thing that's not a scope that's a red dot sight which is actually more common so this this has the look of the gun in the game where you might actually use a scoped revolver in real life is in hunting in terms of what the revolver actually is don't bother looking because it's not real it's an interesting combination of multiple different designs gives you usually six shots because you can't fit any more in the cylinder which means you can up the power of the gate of the gun in the game this is why revolvers keep cropping up in games because you can make them proportionately more powerful which they are in real life keeping the capacity down so you have to reload them more regularly you can make the reload slower and actually to be fair in the early 80s revolvers were still very much a thing militarily and and in other spheres so we see the magnum being reloaded quite rapidly slower than a self-loading pistol would be depicted in in the game but relatively quickly and they're using speed loaders the six rounds go in as a unit close it up and carry on firing which is perfectly correct recoil is maybe a bit light for a magnum revolver but i'm sure this guy's got some seriously strong wrists yeah that was that was a curious scene so we not only have we got what i'm pretty certain is an anti-aircraft missile which typically don't fire against ground target aren't used against ground ground targets and won't even fire without a lock it's unguided as far as i can tell and then what really blows my mind is that we've got three shots there okay so it's an anti-aircraft missile but it's an explosive munition with fragmentation and blast and all of that and the guy just shakes it off so yeah that's the most confusing thing i've seen so far sorry i just i just love the uh the dazed stagger from being hit with an anti-aircraft missile just like shakes it off so here we've got the the dushka or the dshk and probably a dshk m slightly more modernized version mount vehicle mounted which they often are pronounced dushka because it's a bit of a play in russian on the name for sweetheart and it's a big heavy 12.7 millimeter caliber weapon sound is great and the look of it is right so far so good i'm starting to think it might be a little bit overpowered people being thrown left right and centered by it um it's also not clear what what this thing is capable of going through or not i know games like this now are very good at modeling soft cover hard cover ricocheting things like that and as we go down the street we actually have two apcs called out and the the shots are penetrating the armor of the apc's and destroying them really what this should have been is at least a 14.5 millimeter gun kpv ppbt to be able to to do serious damage to an apc they're called armored personnel carriers for a reason so that was my breakdown of the very diverse weapons of the mission red light green light from call of duty black ops cold war i hope you enjoyed it and i hope to see you again you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 2,133,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, call of duty ps5, call of duty xbox series x, call of duty black ops cold, black ops cold war, cold war, black ops, call of duty 2020, cod, cod black ops cold war, expert reacts, black ops cold war weapons, cold war weapons, black ops cold war guns, cold war guns, cold war weapons breakdown, black ops weapons breakdown, call of duty weapons breakd, type 63 rifle, barrett m82, spas-12, colt 1911, aks-74u, jonathan ferguson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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