Firearms Expert Reacts To Counter-Strike Franchise's Guns

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Oh hell yeah, I’ve been waiting for them to do one on cs

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/ChaosDemonLaz3r 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Just seen this on Youtube and came to check it was on here on reddit, great video well worth a watch, Valve need to fix some of the issues raised hah :)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/dTmUK 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 đź—«︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/killakam86437 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Fuck me I hate reaction videos but I am curious about this one...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_untextured 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2021 đź—«︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's getting all nostalgic looking at the weapons of valve's iconic shooter franchise counter-strike wow the ultimate tribute getting sprayed on the wall in a counter-strike game if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos just like this and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan paul's there ah the deagle nature's beautiful deagle correct me if i'm wrong comment section but i'm pretty sure that's where the contraction deagle originated i have got one here so this is of course absolutely iconic by the time counter-strike was conceived of as uh the ultimate action movie handgun counter-strike did quite a good job for the time the original graphics at representing that all the angles on it are a little bit rounded off i don't know if they're showing off how many polygons they had but um the desert eagle the real one is famously extremely angular and for me the model in the game is quite rounded there's also a symptom of something that i think we'll see certainly throughout all the original counter-strike guns which is that as soon as you hit reload the slide magically locks itself open of course there's no reason why that would happen and that's just a shortcut in the reload animation where it's cutting straight to the slide lock reload as we would call it you know i remember i played a lot of counter-strike beta back in the day probably one of the few games where i did use the desert eagle by choice this this is um like some sort of reminiscence therapy for me it's that long ago that i've played counter-strike uh so the the arctic warfare the accuracy international bolt action sniper rifle i think this is meant to be the the magnum so 300 win mag or 338 don't know the glaring thing here which we'll see with other a lot of other models i'm sure is the left-handed arrangement now a very helpful viewer contacted me after a previous video that we did on bad company 2 where i commented on the left-hand ejection of the guns in that game and how that used to annoy me i had completely forgotten that in well all versions of counter-strike the guns are if you have them right-handed they're mirrored and i wasn't even aware that this was the issue i just thought oh for some reason they've modeled everything on the left-hand side it must be so you can see the cartridge case is flying and well i'm not so sure about that theory now because it turns out the developer the original developer of counter-strike was left-handed and modeled everything in the game to be shown left-handed and therefore with the ejection port and the hand bolt handle and all of that on the right hand side where it should be but because most players are right-handed the game would be set up with the gun modeled on the right side but to do that they had to flip the image so you end up with all your guns the wrong way round yeah so a fascinating bit of video game history there so thank you yan for for messaging me about that so we've got the the stairman liquor tmp i'm not sure the suppressor's modeled very well it's a bit a bit small and seems sort of stuck on the end the real tnp has this very large barrel jacket which is then threaded on the outside for a suppressor it's not a bad model for the era i suppose it's a little bit blocky of course the rate of fire seems about right the really weird thing of course is the uh the report this thing sounds like some sort of ray gun it really it is almost literally going pew pew pew um i've not been paying attention but i think our capacities are a little bit off i know from having played a lot of the early game and one of the his some of the history i've read that this was a classic for game balancing so if you see um like an 18 round capacity where it should be 20 or even less it's because they started out with a full mag and they've just removed rounds to make it have the reload animation kick in sooner and balance what would otherwise be an overpowered gun so i'm not sure i remember or didn't remember this being in the game until i saw the gameplay clip and it all uh some of it at least flooded back to me and so i've looked at this many times over the years in our collection and not made the connection that this was a counter-strike gun so that's quite nice it's a 22-inch barrel so relatively short for a long-range rifle and that's because this was a concept it's a bit debatable today as to whether this still has a niche but these are still made as far as i know and there are one or two others out there an unusual looking rifle which is probably why it was white was selected for the game we're looking at a 10 round capacity in the game well this mag's five rounds but there is a 10 round extended mag available and i think the game model does depict that with all of about three polygons something that the game cannot depict is the funky built-in bipod so that the front bit of the handguard pivots down to give you a quick deploy bipod that doesn't get in the way doesn't add any extra weight a really neat idea and of course like so many counter-strike game guns it is in fact uh mirrored the wrong way round i'll try not to harp on that too much because we know the reasons why now now this this pistol i do fondly remember from og counter-strike days i didn't think i ever played source um which i think is the version we're watching here but a lot of stuff carried over including the 92s 92 g's i think they are in the game now the dual wield thing of course that needs to be needs to be dealt with it's not something that i think you would ever do unless i don't know some sort of emergency situation where you're on your own in a very in very tight quarters and you happen to have two two pistols and you've got one chance to put as much fire as you can on the enemy you might fire away with two two pistols so it can be done and um if you are somewhat ambidextrous well if you're not you can't do it but if you are you have a chance so now my my preference in in gaming generally is i'll i'll try a bit of a bit of dual wheel just for the fun of it but i'll typically revert to just using one at a time [Laughter] oh dear paul's there well the ultimate tribute getting sprayed on the wall in a counter-strike game the depictions of the ump this one included maybe i'm reading into it but it looks like there's a like there are bright marks on the side of the receiver like the receivers made of some sort of metal now the ump is extremely lightweight relies a great deal on glass reinforced polymer just like a block frame but it's throughout the gun with these relatively early graphics i don't think we ever really get the sense of it being a different material than the other guns maybe it's more of a limitation in graphics than a mistake but that's just my impression gameplay terms a harder hitting slower firing submachine gun offers a bit of variety so it does fit right we're in we're past we're well past my era of counter now although i did download and try counter-strike go i was surprised to see the the negev make an appearance because if you get a light machine gun of that nature 556 light machine gun in a game is usually the minimum it seems it's a bit bit too portable but then that's that's fair to say of all machine guns in first person shooters is that they they seem to be a bit too much like assault rifles i think we've covered that before on the series having said that though it is relatively light for for a 556 machine gun but what we see is the players having to switch to his knife constantly so that he's not encumbered by the machine gun i don't need to tell anyone at home that's not how life works so you'd have to of course throw the machine gun away or hand it to an assistant or something i don't know and then run around with your knife and then get hold of another gun somewhere you're gaming the system of course by doing that because it's almost like in a first person shooter if the weapon's not equipped it's not on you if you take a step back from from your gaming head and just watch people running around it does strike you as a bit odd that oh suddenly he's running faster but he's still carrying the same weight another sort of early 2000s favorite uh the fn p90 so this version is depicted with iron sights on the on the rail now the versions we've got have a sight through set of iron sights built into that rail so you can either put a an optical sight on top of the rail or you just peer through the block of metal that is the the site i very much doubt these the developers the modelers had access to a real p90 to check that quite possibly didn't even care not something you'd see from reference images so most in-game guns even today are modeled from reference images right away though my eyes locked straight onto that iconic magazine on top of the gun and at first i thought oh it's some weird opaque magazine that doesn't show the rounds but it does show those transverse rounds which which as you i'm sure you know move to the rear and there's a very clever rotary follower in the mag that rotates them and then pushes them into the weapon we don't see any of that action happening it's a solid or rather it's a flat texture that doesn't do anything dealing here with a relatively basic game by modern standards and it's not alone in older games in depicting the p90 without showing you the rounds moving and as far as models go it does it looks fine when it's static but when it's firing nothing's moving things have moved on by this point so we're we're in we're still in um cat strike global offensive the weapons are modeled much more accurately um with a lot more detail we're no longer ejecting to the wrong side of the weapon and we've got some updated stuff from later in the 2000s and one of those bits of kit is the fn scar and the mark 20 is kind of as i say on the top end of a dmr bottom end of the sniper rifle and it looks cool it embraces that desert tan aesthetic that modern firearms have adopted partly in recognition or in large part in recognition of the fact that black is actually not a great colour for a firearm it tends to stick out quite a lot against camouflage clothing against the environment solid black is not what you want which is why from at least the second world war onwards people were camping up their weapons so it tells us a little bit about the era that this version of the game was produced in and it's not a bad depiction for you know this is not milsim this is a competitive first person shooter and my first thought there is that was a hell of a long-range shot a for a video game shotgun because they're notoriously short-ranged with a massive amount of scatter and b that's a hell of a shot for a weapon with no stock with a very short barrel so it's kind of um like from it from a from the sort of real world perspective you would struggle to achieve that and from the even from the video game perspective you wouldn't expect to be able to achieve that so that one took me by surprise it's the the mag 7 which is just a a really wacky pistol shotgun effectively from south africa and the thing about these sort of south african funnies as you might call them is an absolute ingenious design that's gone into a lot of them but a lot of them are of questionable utility outside of i suspect what most of them are designed for which is defensive of property so lots of firepower at close range you hopefully won't need it but if you do there's a lot of firepower on hand so they don't really lend themselves to military or even police adoption and this one certainly didn't oh this is like some sort of haunting some sort of ghost from my past i remember as a student lurking the forums for for counter-strike and seeing a new animation for the m4 and the player character yanks on the forward assist to chamber around and instantly i was on there with a comment saying that's not correct and i had convinced myself that they had fixed that but in whatever version of the original game this is they haven't wow i didn't think i'd see that again so to be clear it's the the the bit at the back that looks like a bar behind the carrying handle is what you're supposed to pull on to an ar-15 m16 m4 why am i talking about it well i can show you so the way the gun's supposed to work now bearing in mind everything's on the wrong side because we're back to left-handed but flipped and you're supposed to pull on this to cox the weapon what you're not supposed to do is pull on this because it doesn't do anything what this is is a forward assist which assists the bolt forward that's why it's called that right we've moved we've advanced into the source engine and the m4 is looking better but we've carried over another quirk from the original game i don't really know where this has come from this is the dust cover it covers the gun from dust or the bolt and whenever you the rifle it springs open what counter-strike does for no reason at all is flap this thing open and shut now it's possible that they have seen a machine gun i can't think of a type that does this but they do exist where there is a dust cover that sort of opens and shuts but it's more just loose and is flapping in the breeze kind of thing this is sprung it's held flat against the side doesn't appreciably move when you shoot the weapon so that's a weird one it's not a bad depiction of an m4 apart from those annoying technical details right another slight frustration um we've moved on we've got the bolt release being used to chamber around after a reload unfortunately that's done regardless of when you reload so if you were to fire half a magazine replace it with a fresh magazine you just have to pull the trigger you don't need to do anything else i tend to think in errors we're an era where developers of a game like this aren't putting in quite the same attention to detail for i guess fans of military hardware it's to do with how much you value gameplay versus how much you value technical detail and just like in the movies it's just slide slide your scale where you like because you won't have time to do both of those to the best you of your ability i don't not without years and yeah i guess potentially money does come in as well that's a really interesting bit of evolution there first the original counter-strike model very low poly no no real moving parts here's one i prepared earlier so we're talking of course about the kalashnikov assault rifle the dust cover selector here on that model is literally just a flat part of the texture of that bit of the receiver way lower detail and it's the earlier machined receiver ak just the plain old ak often called the ak-47 in contrast to that super simple early model the uh source version although it's still on the wrong side we now have that moving safety selector the bolt is coming back and forth and there's way so much more detail that the cocking handle looks the right shape the contour of the bolt is there the first model had this weird like square cocking handle like they just slapped some a couple of polygons on there and forgot to change their shape not knocking it it's a very early and kind of grassroots developed game so that's not a criticism it's just a reflection of the period it was made in so as as is usually the case the capabilities of the weapon aren't badly done so that the rate of fire is about right the sound is okay for the period i'm noticing some fairly pronounced recoil um obviously with the the crosshairs that diverge to indicate likely dispersion and then you get muzzle climb that's pretty fair this is a an amazing piece of industrial design among other things but the considerable mass of the bolt carrier and the big long piston that lives in here and the to some extent the recoil energy just of the cartridge which is higher than something like 5.56 all contribute to quite a bit of muzzle rise and quite a bit of felt recoil it's not a lot of recoil but you know you've fired it more so than something like an ar-15 so they're doing their best to reflect that i think finally we've got the last of the three eras of counter-strike if you like so what 2012 we've moved on to the akm uh specifically the akm n because it has the side rail for um i think it's coincidence but um the n stands for knight as in night sights so that's a legitimate variance if anyone's looking at that and thinking what's that gubbins on the left-hand side that's legit and of course the graphics have come on massively since the previous games way more detail way more fidelity as to the real world gone it sort of handles and moves around on the screen more convincingly it's kind of a bit intangible but um it just looks you know it's they've tried to keep pace with developments in modern shooters and um don't have done a good job for the even that is quite a few years ago now please do come and visit us if you're in the uk or in the future if you're able to visit the uk at um our leeds museum the royal armouries museum we've got fort nelson down on the south coast and the tower of london as well we've got links in the description as ever if you'd like to kindly donate but otherwise we'll see you again next time [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 2,373,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, counterstrike, counter-strike, counter strike, counter-strike source, global offensive, cs, cs go, counter-strike go, counter strike go, weapons breakdown, guns breakdown, counter strike expert react, cs go weapons, cs go guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: N1ajq6L_k8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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