Spec Ops REACT to Escape from Tarkov | Experts React

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So when do we get the noard thermal where we can see someone smoking at 800m?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MaousWOL 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Its a fucking svd not an ak74

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/0verBoard 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

i would be moving extremely methodical extremely slowly

two rats what do they know about the real war


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nupid_stoob 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
see especially in a player versus player environment i wouldn't be landing the prone just raiding his body of helmets so you get smoked it's pretty amazing the level of customization that you can do that's super cool i've never seen this in a game before this is pretty advanced stuff for compared to when i was in i never used any kind of thermal imaging it was all just night vision was kind of what we have [Applause] hey my name is cameron fath i was a us army ranger and i deployed syria in 2017. hey my name is israel wright i was a special forces green veranda deployed to iraq in 2008 and today we're gonna watch escape from tarkov escape from tarkov got a lot of good feedback on the last videos people wanted this the people want it so we're gonna give it to you give it to you nice oh the fleur yeah that's actually a commonly known thermal optic and we're running an ak platform looks pretty slick actually it does is that and we've got a suppressor on the end so suppressor looks like it's a 74 platform that's the 5.45 round so it's not a traditional 762 it's designed to hit and then it tumbles so it's not like a piercing like five five six so to get shot by that would suck yeah getting shot generally yeah that's not something that you want to happen ever oh that's not moving on the right there okay this is pretty advanced stuff compared to when i was in i never used any kind of thermal imaging it was all just night vision was kind of what we had yeah so i have a little bit experience with uh thermals in a sniper section so they would typically use those thermal imaging just so they can provide overwatch whenever you're moving but they would use something called an eye nod and that thing you could see some dude smoking a cigarette from 800 meters away it was extremely clear really good piece of technology to have on your side urban environment i guess tarkov is kind of a fictional kind of russian it looks like type area or type trying to avoid detection because i mean he's rolling suppressed with thermal like probably doing some night operations running solo typically not too many situations where you would be running in some place alone usually you're going to have you're going to have somebody with you're going with a squad at least a team a team at least yeah you know very rarely you're going to ever have to do anything like this alone by yourself yeah you're going to have somebody always have security element with you i mean there's some cases in like the medal of honor you know stories they're the only person out there because they've suffered massive casualties and they're going and just clearing a bunker by themselves but i mean this doesn't seem like that case it just seems like uh he's trying to avoid detection and get to a certain section yeah three five maybe four or five i know that tarkov it's more to do with like survival kind of stuff we did some survival training for special forces out there learning how to live off the land how to capture and kill animals and cook them up and prep them and all that kind of stuff because you guys go through sear for your pipeline right yeah seer stands for survival evasion resistance and escape and that's kind of the all-encompassing kind of survival experience that you get out there if you're behind enemy lines you're alone you're isolated you have to live off the land and the number one thing they tell you is your greatest weapon is the will to survive you know never ever give up survive so your school is giving you the experience not only of surviving behind enemy lines but also of being captured and detained by an enemy force they would put you in stress positions uncomfortable positions like inside a small box where you can't ever really stretch your limbs out you're always in a kind of a contorted semi uncomfortable position for hours maybe even a day or two it's very intense but very very valuable training it's also the only military school where they're actually allowed to smack you in the face yes yeah no clothes face just open but they ring your congress congress approved don't worry about it your senator signed off on it they're allowed to slap you around good training build strength yeah whoever this is he's got all the fancy schmancy equipment like i don't know if you're in a survival situation you have such nice stuff you know okay typically i mean if you're out there alone you probably just use whatever you can find you know i'd have a raccoon hat on a beer skid cap yeah okay well let's see what this guy's wearing so he's got some peltors looks like an ac h so i mean this guy's ready for war looks like he's rocking a chest rig i wish he could show the type of kit he's wearing because then he's got he's got a vest right there he's got an over the top a little plate carrier absolutely and sick ass aviators oh i love he's got the actual that looks like the model of noise cancelling headphones that we actually had yeah the contacts the contact yeah absolutely pretty advanced stuff this guy's doing well for himself out in tarkov so typically every person will carry a bleeder kit or a knife on them right you're never really supposed to use your own kit or at least try to break into your own kit because somebody's gonna break into it for you you would use his kit on him i don't know if he gets injured exactly so those usually consist of combat gauze a pressure dressing a tourniquet anywhere from halo seals needle decompression mpas opa's yeah and basically things for a battlefield trauma if you're going to render aid you clear it make sure the area is clear you take care of the threat first and then you render eight as quickly as possible so you can get them yeah the best medicine on the battlefield is killing the enemy fire superiority that's right exhaust medicine on the battlefield what a lovely campsite is this downtown l.a somebody's been broke yeah oh brother bum camp looks like we got a couple boyos here looks like we just took these guys out now it's time to loot the body loot the body pillage gluten pillage you know i mean obviously this is a survival game but if you're moving through a hostile environment you're not going to be stopping to take people's armor and helmets and that's more weight more weight yeah you're only going to be carrying what you need for the mission i suppose in a really bad situation you might be looking for ammo but that's about it you don't want to expose yourself especially out in the open for long periods of time unless you know you're black on ammo which black on ammo means you're completely out and if you get into a desperate situation you're gonna need to obviously loot the bodies but try to do it in the fastest way possible because you're just trying to really minimize your signature out there especially in a survival situation right we're moving through the woods you want to try to move from concealed position to concealed position you don't want to just be walking out in the open exactly because this is obviously an actively hostile environment a big emphasis you want to try to think about two is counter tracking right so if you're like moving through a wooded area you're leaving a signature in tall grass one thing you could do is grab a branch and as you're walking go left and right so you can kind of just like i said minimalize that signature as you're moving through it because counter tracking people track really well especially humans leave a bunch of stuff behind out in the environment exactly we're good at uh leaving our mark on the environment exactly because i know during patrolling whenever you stop it's a good sop to conduct seals which is stop look listen smell right you can tell if someone's been there based off sounds like twigs breaking oh you can smell if someone's smoking a cigarette if they had a fire in the area you can smell that and then you can just look around people are pigs they leave trash everywhere right mre trash bubble gum wrappers you can tell if humans have been there and if they have there's likely a chance of them being in that actual area oh we're in a costco you can turn anything into a battleground this is a civilized built up area you know anything can become cover and concealment whether it's a shelving or you know a cereal box using the akm platform ak-47 the most popular weapon on the planet yeah some countries got got it on their flag so exactly see especially in a player versus player environment i wouldn't be landing the prone just raiding his body of helmets or whatever just move on to the next guy dude obviously in a real life situation you don't know who's there how many people are in the area you know so you're not just going to be like hanging out looting bodies at your leisure exactly that's how you get smoked this is obviously every man for himself it's not two uniformed forces going at each other in an organized fashion this is very guerrilla warfare you know nobody's got a uniform on or anything like that this is this is yeah it's just survival people are coming out of their homes uh in their jeans and their t-shirt with their ak coming at you you know the thing about like single moving tactics where you're just by yourself is you pretty much have to provide your own security it's not really effective to really be moving at a quick fast pace because you can only accurately engage what as fast as you are moving right so i mean if you're trying to provide your own security for moving too fast you can't have that gun up and you can't engage accurately to a threat if it pops itself up i mean in my opinion the best way to do this is just like he's doing it really slow gone up i mean obviously a little bit more if he was scanning the area a little bit more but uh yeah it's really slow low detection yeah you can't engage faster than you can move one well-placed shot is better than a thousand misses that's a thousand rounds just flying everywhere you know nice you got him nice a little bit the only thing about canting is when you're canting at a distance if you think about trajectory from your barrel right the round people think like a barrel is completely flat if you take a scale to it it's actually angled i'm kind of doing it at a big scale but it's actually angled like this so bullets are coming out hitting their max ort and then dropping so imagine if my barrel is pointed like this and then i angle it that way now instead of my bullets traveling up and down they're traveling to the right and right and down so the only thing about canting is you need to take a mental note of where your shots are actually going because they're not going to go exactly where you're thinking you're never going to move out in the open right so you're always trying to shoot from a protected position or a covered concealed position if you know somebody else is there you're moving slowly and as quietly as possible you're listening for any kind of movement that you might hear you're at the high ready what's called the high ready where you are ready to destroy something that you're ready to squeeze that trigger at any moment and you're obviously this guy's pointing at where he thinks the threat's going to come from i'm thinking i'm my back's against a wall somewhere i'm not going to leave any area open where i'm not able to see and he's looking down the scope the thing about the height ready is you're especially if you have an optic you're traveling looking an inch over your sights so you're not really blocking your field of view right but it only takes a millisecond to come from here to here so that's what makes the high ready such a good tool to use especially when traveling in a high-risk environment if i know a dude's in a place i don't know where he is i don't know what kind of weapon systems he's using you know if he's in a fortified position that i would be moving extremely methodical extremely slowly you know you're in a position you know the area as well as you can you know where you're gonna go to next exactly i wouldn't be just walking through doors there i'd be definitely staying in concealed covered positions moving quickly from cover to cover cover to cover very quickly but the second i get there stop scans can scan analyze your situation right there you smoke them nice shot dude good shot red too yeah nothing like a good splat yep dark environment he obviously doesn't have any uh optics or any night vision or anything like that so moving very slowly methodically like we were talking about not in any hurry this is a life-and-death situation exactly security's up obviously you know someone's in there because they're because they're shooting giving away their position you know that's generally gonna give away your position i actually read the youtube comments and people were raving about the weapon customization in this game oh really yeah oh very nice very nice i'm impressed already and they haven't even done anything because it did a little one yeah he's like the 360 kind of thing well i mean it looks like so you got an m4 platform you can shoot you can choose your own grip that's super cool i mean the gun's on fully automatic right now that's not very safe it looks like you can pretty much modify anything on this gun yeah it's very surprising i'm used to the good old uh modern warfare two days where the coolest thing you can do is have a gold a gold aka yeah i've seen all the wild paint jobs you can give to a weapon i'm not a fan of that kind of customization because i don't want a weapon to look like a toy but this is pretty impressive this is very impressive this is what an m4 this would be this was the standard weapon system that i was trained with this was my primary when i was out on deployment it's pretty amazing the level of customization that you can do in this game and all that stuff's out there it's pretty amazing it's very expensive but it's pretty amazing what is this the a-s-v-a oh just another trick so you can strip this thing down all the way that's super cool i've never seen this in a game before see so this is what i was talking about earlier about the dragon off how the optic is straight mounted from the receiver it's kind of interesting looking over the top of those because it doesn't sit parallel on the receiver it actually is offset to the left a little bit ak-47 super simple not a lot of parts to it you can tear it down really quickly put it back together you can throw it in the mud pick it back up and it'll still fire yeah the ak platform is a gas piston driven weapon system so it is one of the most reliable guns in in the game i mean that's why over half the countries militias use this weapon it's extremely reliable it shoots a really big round that does a lot of damage 76.2 yeah i love the level of detail it looks like they got some older weapon systems as well as the advanced ones so that's super impressive you know a lot of these old soviet block countries and stuff they're going to have old weapons you know yeah just a bunch of stamped steel strip all the way down i love this that's so cool that's actually i've never seen this is very impressive yeah so you can see we're at the actual gas prison you have recoil spring with the rod and the piston that actually goes in when you actually fire a gun you can see the gas is going to travel down the barrel and it's going to hit that portion that is kind of attached to it and the gas is going to travel back shoot your piston back and then your magazine is going to load that round and send it and put it back in the chamber so that's that's kind of how that gas piston system works it looks like a kind of a small magazine to me what is there where's that banana clip exactly this is what i'm talking about some double o seven get the silencer which is not actually a silencer it's just technically it's called the suppressor yeah it doesn't silence yeah yeah it just makes it so it's not going to damage your ears without ear protection it doesn't make it like a no it's still loud is that a suppressor in your pocket are you just glad to see me it's a suppressor that was awesome oh man i really love this game especially the weapon customization really detailed i like you can break the weapon down and build it back up again however you want that was awesome yeah that was super cool escape from tarkov makes you want to take a shot of vodka and build an ak if you like more videos like this go ahead and check out gameology on youtube and facebook tantra the arsonist had oddly shaped feet your human torch was denied a bank loan all right this is great no no that was perfect it can't get any better than that we're not doing it
Channel: Gamology
Views: 2,318,448
Rating: 4.9168754 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, gameplay, call of duty, cod, eft, specops, spec ops, special operations, tactical, fps, first person, first person shooter, third person, third person shooter, us, us army, marines, navy, navy seal, seal, react, spec ops react, reaction, expert, Battlestate Games, steam, unity, battleroyale, battle royale, pvp, player vs player, online, indie game, Indie Games, Gamology, Experts React, GAMEXRS3E002
Id: GooXJ7Vc0Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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