Firearms Expert Reacts To Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered's Guns

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"Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down the weaponry of the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, including the iconic Intervention sniper rifle, the Aug assault rifle, and a gold Desert Eagle embraced by a teddy bear."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hapokas112 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2022 đź—«︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode jonathan's back with the call of duty franchise this time taking a look at the weapons from modern warfare 2 remastered i'm not quite sure why the teddy bear has the gold deagle and i hate myself for saying this but this is a really nice rendition of a gold design if you want to see jonathan's take on call of duty boy have we got a lot of videos for you make sure to check our back catalogue with those you can find a link to our playlist in the description of this video and if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye out for our new series loadout a show we take a look at the history and impact of some of the most iconic weapons in gaming from the m1 garand and the desi eagles through to the minigun and the ak-47 naturally jonathan will be making a fair few appearances over on that show too so make sure to check it out right let's take a look at modern warfare 2 remastered [Music] the venerable m4 m4a1 it's another one of these uh m4s that isn't actually an m4 well sort of so the the original modern warfare 2m4 had a of a not m4 barrel profile it was something like a m653 or something pencil barrel as they're called and then it did have this very weird rail system hand guard with the with the vented portion between the rail and the actual hand guard if i remember rightly this was taken from an airsoft replica that wasn't a faithful replica of the m4 which is why it's ended up in the game and it doesn't actually look exactly like an m4a1 should so what should an m4a1 look like well one upgrade they have made to this model is the m4 barrel profile this isn't actually an m4 either by the way i'll explain that in a minute but the barrel is the correct profile so it's the 14 and a half inch barrel and it has this uh it's the thick m16a2 barrel profile so so better for accuracy but to accommodate the m203 grenade launcher what they had to do was keep this section reduce diameter so that's where you get that distinctive notch in the barrel that is distinctive of the m4 and m4 a1 anything that doesn't have a 14.5 inch barrel with that cut on it is not an m4 or an a1 so what am i going on about in terms of this not being an m4 well it's the closest thing we have in the collection right now to an m4 the only external difference that you the eagle eyed would spot is this flash hider flash suppressor which is an a1 style not an a2 style but actually if you were to take a micrometer to this and look at all of the details you'd realize this is not actually a usgi m4 differs in various respects including having england written on the side because this is actually made for a british company so it's an interesting piece of firearms history but not strictly an m4 but that's okay because neither is modern warfare 2's rifle i think it might be worth talking briefly about automatic versus semi-automatic fire because this bit of footage here we do get a good sense here of the bullet the amount of dispersion of shot of bullets on target at this distance it's quite yeah using a mouse or whatever you're using but it's it's relatively hard to control versus the sort of fire that we see a little bit after that with rapid semi-automatic fire and that is now standard in militaries around the world it's actually very similar to what you see in the game whether you're pulling a trigger on a controller or tapping a mouse button or pulling a trigger on a real gun the thing just moves around less you know you can train to shoot very very rapidly semi-automatic and the effective rate of fire is not 700 rounds per minute or whatever but it's far more economical in terms of ammunition you're far more likely to hit what you're aiming at at any kind of distance it's funny that even a game like call of duty that is not yeah it's got a realistic kind of veneer but it doesn't purport to be a military simulator or anything it's funny that even a game like that it can be more effective to not use automatic fire but it's almost never as fun now the 1887 which has always irked me in modern warfare it's about the furthest thing you could get from from modern warfare in terms of hardware but it's a fun gun to use nonetheless in the game and actually i think they've done a really good job of modeling this you know you can look at details and nitpick as i sometimes do but i'm gonna give it a bit of a pass even the way it's opened up there to top off which you can do obviously with a tube fed weapon like this i guess it's the only advantage for me that this weapon ever had in multiplayer was you didn't have to time your your magazine reloads you could just thumb in some extra cartridges and be a bit more prepared the only other thing i'd say about the 1887 is that i'm happy they didn't tack to cool it the only the only concession to a vaguely modern iteration of the design are the sort of combat pistol combat style sights that are on there which on the on the original winchester 1887 well there aren't any sights there's a shallow groove on the receiver and lining up the muzzle with that is all you need for effectively instinctive shooting or close range shooting but hey if you like your winchester 1887 this is probably the best iteration of it feel free to argue that one on the left [Music] i i don't know i think this might be where the first sign of modern warfare drifting toward sci-fi warfare i think someone probably read the original rainbow six novel where they literally had heartbeat censored which i think tom clancy based on some rescue fire fighting equipment that could detect something through a wall um that's clearly gone nowhere since then and he extrapolated this to be literally like a magic box that could see things through walls modern warfare 2 turned it into a weapon mounted accessory which meant mounting a piece of picatinny rail to the side of the receiver just something you wouldn't normally do fun gameplay but if you're if you're nerdy about guns like me it was a bit off-putting now the masada was licensed to remington bushmaster depending on whether you're going to buy the select fire version or the civilian semi-automatic version and turned into the advanced combat rifle the acr and this is a relatively early example from our collection interesting little detail and full disclosure dave spotted this this is the magpul pmag now when the character is inspecting the rifle if you look closely that magazine is hanging almost all the way out of the gun when it should be all the way into the gun what you're seeing there the little notch that's just shy of the the lip of the magazine well is actually part of the magazine catch system the magazine catch engages into that notch finer detail but we like to spot those things on here let's get to that ak-47 what is it sort of is the answer it is a mash-up and it's modernized appropriately for a modern warfare game so the milled receiver is combined with various features of akm sheet metal version of the ak so it's kind of like the main two variants if you like the classic mold receiver ak and the stamp cheap receiver akm k became the ak-74 the ak-100 series it's got features of both now there are foreign countries foreign countries to russia that is that produce ak variants that are something of a mishmash but they usually stick to one or the other pattern for the various components what i'm getting at is that russia does not no longer produces machined receiver collational clocks they've moved over entirely to the to the stamp receiver type and so this being the main weapon of the russians in the game wasn't realistic when the original game was released and of course it still isn't on the most fundamental level when the russians are using it it's the wrong completely the wrong gun and if you look at it in detail it is a sort of weird parts kit build of different types of ak something something is um sticking out for me here with the with the org or aug whichever you prefer the original modern warfare 2 version had like a rail carry angle um like the h bar behind me a side rail as it were and then to that is attached whatever optical sight you wish with the remastered version they've reverted to the integral carry handle scope mount of the original aug which is kind of cool it's got more of that classic die-hard look to it but i think i'm right in saying that that's resulted in it being very high because originally you had semiconductor mount and then you had a version of the interpro optic that was piggybacked on top of that that made the height over bore of the site very tall they seem to have kept that the height of the optic and then just converted it back to its old shape if that makes sense so why is that a problem well if it was a real gun ideally you want a cheek weld you don't want to chin well it's less stable otherwise it's looking pretty good perhaps better in terms of accuracy to the original model and of course the graphics on the game are vastly improved the textures are much much better but it's interesting looking to see what's changed over the original iteration of the game they've just retextured or even remodeled from scratch they have i think completely recreated the whole all of the all of the models from scratch and that has given them artistic license to incorporate features that either weren't there before or in this case to eliminate features that were there before as i'm sure a lot of you will know the mysteriously named intervention is actually the the shaitak m 200 model now we don't have any we have any shy attack rifles in this collection so i can't comment on the details of it looks good to me it looks much improved as all the graphics in the game are and it's lost none of that sort of thump and the sort of visceral experience of a rifle of this nature which obviously modern warfare 2 wasn't the first to do that by any means but i think the the move from from the barrett which we've seen in other games to a bolt action adds something it make it makes it feel like each shot is counting more and of course you have to make him shot count a little more because you can't just follow it up with the next shot that's not a problem if for people who use these things for real because they're generally doing so from quite some distance this is really not very far away and that's not to say they're not used at that distance but you'd probably want a semi-automatic rifle if you were having to fight with a rifle like this but i defer to the to the soldiers on that one i've got to say this is a really nice representation of an absolutely ludicrous weapon the desert eagle has obviously it's appeared in countless games at this point it's more of a star of uh screen of one sort or another than it will ever be a practical handgun but there's just something about the thing it's so it's so crazy it's huge the recoil the sound the look of the thing all captured really well here particularly good sound effects i know it's just the speakers i'm using today but really sounds quite chunky the recoil is not only significant but controlled you know the the user clearly has the the wrist strength to deal with this thing but also the coils convincingly up and to the right which with a two-handed grip it will tend to do shoot it one-handed which is perfectly doable it will like most pistols tend to recoil up and left it's just to do with the sort of biomechanics of how you grasp the thing and of course it makes quite the impression on the enemy as it ought to 50 caliber rounds going some speed weighing a fair bit impacting with some force even if even through uh soft body armor they're gonna they're gonna make a serious impact i'm not quite sure why the teddy bear has the gold deagle and i hate myself for saying this but this is a really nice rendition of a gold design they've captured the sort of the surface finish and shine that you get with a decently gold plated gun i can't believe i'm being positive about a gold gun in a game or even in real life for that matter but um yeah hey if you're gonna rock a gold eagle it may as well be this one fnfal val if you prefer interesting little details of the new models they've created here so i think in the original game there were either no rounds modeled or something very basic when you took a magazine out of the gun here we've got a nicely modeled sheet metal magazine and we've got one two three visible rounds maybe there are four in there but then we can see it what looks like a follower now this is supposed to be a full magazine but it's only actually loaded in the game world with maybe four rounds now it's super harsh of me to look at this in this freeze frame detail we're trying to replicate the full mechanics of a firearm for a game well ideally you'd want to model the spring you'd want all the rounds in there of course practically speaking there's rarely a need to do all of that but they are they've really come on in modelling things like bolts rounds and mags things like that so again i'm being extremely critical the iconic famas here and i do believe it's the proper representation rather than the modern warfare 2019 version with its weird gas system that was grafted on for reasons that i don't understand now more glaring than any of that is all of that tape why does this thing have so much tape on it now um some of you know that i am not a fan of bandaging and taping here though i think what they're going for is taping as a camouflage technique i'm not sure this is the best job ever but this is a somewhat valid technique that is done now i think taping is is somewhat out of fashion but the idea is to break up the outline the silhouette and if you have it as on this a flat black surface which actually stands out quite badly this is why you see so many brown and green rifles now is because just plain black actually can stand out quite badly against certainly against a nicely camouflaged person and against the background so you need to break up that silhouette i think that's what this is doing or maybe they have copied maybe they've used reference of a photo of the guy with a taped-up rifle for arctic type training and have sort of done a version of that that maybe isn't as taped as it ought to be [Applause] it's times like this when i see someone having a whale of a time with dual wielded mini oozies very nicely rendered as well i might say nice high rate of fire times like this i think call of duty should just lean into the action movie thing fully rather than sort of pretending to be a serious military shooter which it can be sometimes and do something straight out of an action movie you know when i see when i see something like this that's just not something a soldier would almost never do i think we'd be better off in a more of a an action scenario of course we get the the dubious off-screen reload because how would you actually reload these well you wouldn't if you're going to do a full-on action movie game you would just have you would just fight until their empty and throw them throw them to the ground pick up more weapons i have a criticism of these mini uzis it's the case ejection it's a little old school it's coming out very slowly very sideways really kind of early 2000s first person shooter they should really be flying out quite a steep angle quite hard spinning through the air as they go looking there forward [Music] so don't get pinned down out there keep heading for the runway area okay that's a nice touch i'm so looking at an rpd here and i was thinking how are they going to deal with that picatinny rail mount so they've got a system here with a pivoting side rail so the character has to pivot the rail out of the way before we can then lift the top cover to reload the machine gun as you would normally reload a machine gun so they've actually thought about how this system is working they've gone for a side mount as a russian design tradition rather than a rail fixed to the top cover now that probably would have been the way to go but it does give us a little bit of interesting variety in how the gun has to be operated and it slightly delays your reloading animation which may or may not be significant so as it proclaims on the side of this rifle we have a mark 17 mod zero perhaps us navy terminology for the f and scar so ours is in fact marked with the fn markings fn hostile belgium scar h cal 760 by 51 this thing has special operations command markings basically so it's obviously it's a service version this is a commercial version and i mean commercial in the sense that it's not for issue to a specific military it is select fire has the same selector as the one in the game does interestingly the one in the game has much more prominent circle circular depressions around the um a for automatic the one for single shot semi-automatic and the s for safe presumably although i can't see that in this view this is much more flushed i don't know if that's a production change over time but i can see that there's a heck of a lot of detail on this model this is really very close to the real thing we've even got the little grub screw in the back of the selector there good job on this one [Applause] not a bad hmk ump45 except that it's not an hdk ump45 it's an s m the ump45 schmidt and maya is what's actually written on the side of the quite nicely rendered polymer receiver there amusingly the serial number which should be on a metal part of the receiver on the side of the gun appears here in one garand style on the back of the receiver so in your within your field of view as a player it says s n for serial number and then it says it sort of in in leet speak or a mixture of letters and numbers mctavish which is a reference that if you don't get you probably shouldn't be watching this video another marking on the gun is a real marking and increasingly common has been since i guess the late 90s and that is markings like refer to owner's manual which is what's on the side of this gun that is not some sort of joke that is literally what's written on quite a few firearms these days health and safety is just as important when you're dealing with firearms perhaps more so than other consumer products and legally speaking companies are obliged to put warnings like that now i'm not sure that a a military issue firearm won't won't say refer to owner's manual um they're not bound by the same legal requirements but hey this is this is a fictional and b has probably been purchased for some sort of off-the-shelf special operations who knows join us again next time of course uh we've also got videos on the royal armouries youtube channel that you might well want to check out a bit more of a historical dive into guns in general other arms and armor that are on that channel as well and we have our own social media of course the museums if you can visit events going on as well and if you feel moved to do so we'd appreciate a donation as well thanks guys take care [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 613,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, cod, cod modern warfare 2, call of duty modern warfare 2, call of duty expert reacts, cod expert reacts, modern warfare 2 expert reacts, cod weapons, modern warfare 2 weapons, cod weapons explained, cod weapons breakdown, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: F4hTzvlwKLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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