Firearms Expert Reacts To Escape From Tarkov’s Guns PART 5

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's back taking another look at the weapons from escape from tarkov and as always we like to throw him a little curveball oh dave what have you done to this poor innocent glock 18 from what i can see under all of this nonsense it's it's a good representation of an 18c if you want to see more of jonathan reaction to escape from tarkov's guns make sure to subscribe and check out the previous videos we made on the game's extensive arsenal and if you'd like to help the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan all right we've got the uh the adar i think it's probably pronounced i've never actually heard it said out loud ar15 this may look cursed but it is also real so the standard version of this uh pretty generic ar-15 is not equipped with a pseudo svd set of furniture as we see here but the company it's a russian company does indeed offer this set of furniture as an option as i say it's real i don't know whether to be horrified or excited about it maybe both you've got so many of the iconic features of the ar the triangular front sight post this this still has the carry handle fitted as well so it's kind of recognizably very m16 smashed into a svd dragon of and i don't think i can be angry at it i suppose a quick comment on on the handling as it were the virtual handling of this i can't remember if this is the case for ars in tarkov generally but there seems to be a bit too much recoil going on well i say that i mean if you if you held it loosely it might move around as much as we see here but it seems a little exaggerated unless i'm having an off day this is in five five six it's not 762 and there's a heck of a lot of recoil for what really ought not to be i mean the wooden furniture probably isn't that heavy it's not going to add appreciably too sort of all up weight of the thing to reduce felt recoil so and it's got a fair old chunky barrel on there so i wouldn't expect it to recoil that much this is a russian revolver shotgun and as the appearance might clear you into is in fact a hunting weapon designed as a hunting weapon they did come out with a tactical version in black with a with adjustable star or folding stock i think it was but it is by and large a sporting weapon revolver revolvers generally revolver shotguns specifically are limited in capacity inherently by having a cylinder but it does have the advantage that we clearly see illustrated here of being able to load in this case up to five different types of ammunition one in each chamber which takes full advantage of the game's ammunition system and is very cool i quite like the fist full of shells there that's quite cool and the way they um they sort of slide out the cylinder and tumble to the floor is really quite satisfying as well i did see the the phrase double action pop up there so it seems that you can toggle between double and single action which i'm sure you know but in simple terms means on double action you pull through on the trigger and it [ __ ] and fires on single action you have to manually cop the hammer the reason for doing that would be precision so if you're trying to shoot out to maximum effective range of maybe 50 meters with this uh well no it's not fair possibly possibly longer than that ideally you probably wouldn't want to engage beyond 50 but you might well want to [ __ ] the hammer to reduce the pressure on the on the main spring and give you a lighter bigger pull so you're disturbing your shot less that's the whole point of single action as an option uh most games don't let you do that this one does very cool revolver design choice of a revolver well as we've spoken about before revolvers are pretty ob well i know i'll get flak if i say they're obsolete but in the broadest in the broad picture they are um why have six rounds when you can have 17 20 or more in the in the 2020s revolvers are not a great choice for much at all but you know variety and all that um and the game this game allows you to use different types of ammunition which does add a little bit to the relevance of a revolver in that you can carry a mixed cylinder i'm not sure you see much difference between jacketed hollow points and full metal jackets say i'm certain that they've modeled the difference in terms of will it penetrate soft body armor versus will it cause a bit you know more damage to the npc bar or whoever uh behind the armor i'm sure it's all modeled but at the power level if you like of a handgun that's going to be much less evident and trying to manage a mixed cylinder of ammunition on a on a handgun revolver as it were as opposed to a revolver shotgun or something not really worth the squeeze i don't think one minor point as well the ability to pull out individual rounds without using the ejector rod i'm dubious about especially with gloves on there's you just don't have enough like you have to get your fingernail behind the rim and is there any real benefit to selectively loading the cylinder rather than just bombing it up with six shots and shooting them down range your mileage may vary so this is the hk g28 uh helpfully written on the side in case i didn't know this is another this is a another gucci weapon that i'd be a little skeptical that somebody in this environment would be able to even get their hands on but it's a very faithful representation as far as i know of the real rifle you know you'll notice some very literally in your face branding on the optical sight on this gun schmidt and bender very famous uh telescopic sight maker uh they made the the optics for the l96a1 for example uh but it actually set explicitly four hk on the side of this so this is this is a another six for a situation where a a complete weapon system if you like has been put together by a manufacturer involving subcontractor companies so that you're offering the complete solution to the military service that's buying the weapon and that would include in this case the suppressor as well probably even your vertical grip only thing and i won't say letting it down because i i can see the reason for it gameplay-wise but the suppressor is heating i'm gonna go out my limb and say too rapidly it's visibly glowing red after a admittedly a rapid string of shots but this is not capable of automatic fire in the in reality or in the game i just think that's heating up too quickly but how do you have that visual indicator of it heating [Music] all right we have another doohickey here afraid i don't know the model of it but um it is a laser rangefinder and at one point we have a visible laser as well but it looks like that's that's toggleable you don't need me to explain what's going on here i don't think but it's reading around about 200 meters at one point and the players adjusted their bullet drop compensator on their scope to 200 meters which means that the point of impact point of view is going to consider coincide pretty much with the point of impact which is the whole point of being able to adjust the scope now if you didn't have the rangefinder you'd have to estimate range which i think is probably harder in a game than it is in real life because unless you're in v well even if you are in vr it's very hard to gauge the distance you can range from you know the average height of a man or other ways to do it but uh given that this is a set in the present day or near future actually come to think of it probably it's really nice that they are implementing up-to-date technology what's really moving forward uh are electro-optical sites of various types and even this is a little bit old hat by the state-of-the-art cutting edge where you've got a site that's that's not quite thinking for you but getting in that direction oh dave what have you done to this poor innocent glock 18 at its heart however it's one of these glock 18 c the c stands for compensated and here is ours or one of ours in its original tupperware style container with with the markings on it which is very nice so when people call the glock tactical tupperware they're not just referring to the plastic frame well they might be but it actually does come in tupperware now from what i can see under all of this nonsense it's it's a good representation of an 18c uh now i can't uh hope to replicate the dubious uh creation scene here but i happen to have a surefire light module here very simply fits to the accessory rail and makes this one look a little bit more like the one in the game now uh a light and a and in this case laser module a very sensible accessory for a modern combat pistol fully automatic automatic capability and 50 round run less so quite a graphic illustration there of why automatic fire on a rifle is getting on for pointless let rip on automatic and your first shot will be on target the rest will be over the over the target's head most likely with a cartridge like 762 by 39 that the coil's relatively hard for for its power level if that makes sense to you and the general configuration of the ak is not ideal for recoil control partly why they went to the ak74 with the much flatter shooting lower recoiling 5.45 cartridge now this particular ak pretty sure i wouldn't have spotted this to be honest is a rifle dynamics variant of the ak now that's a u.s company so it's quite surprising to see it modeled in a game that's set in eastern europe where of course there are lots of aks not sure why you would do that i guess if you were a private military contractor bringing your weapons to that to the country that you're going to be fighting in or operating in you might bring in bring western aks i think that's pretty unusual i think they're typically bought at least regionally if not nationally and supplied there because nothing else transporting prohibited weapons often across borders is a massive pain anyway this is i'm analyzing this in far too much detail uh it's it's just in the game to be an interesting modernized variant of an ak and it does that job absolutely love that feature it's not just for immersion it's gameplay relevant and it's completely realistic as well so the the player has is either choosing to not use a magazine to show me this feature or has has no magazines in the inventory but is still able to use the gun 99 of games if you even model the ability to load magazines with ammunition which is extremely rare anyway what i don't think would include this realistic feature which is as you can see and you've probably seen this done with shotguns where you load in a single round into an open ejection port of course you can do that with a rifle as well before we had magazine rifles we had single shot rifles and it's perfectly possible to use a modern rifle in that way albeit it's harder to do because they're not designed for that purpose whereas traditional single shot rifles like the martini henry for example or mauser 71 you open the bolt put the round on a nice flat tray close it up and designed to feed in that way a magazine rifle is designed to use the magazine follower as that platform so when you don't have a magazine if you try to just insert the loose round it will fall through the bottom of the magazine oh sorry out of the magazine well hence the players having to sort of finagle it into position and sort of help guide it in but perfectly doable and exactly what you would have to do or i guess draw a knife or something but i'd rather have a single shot rifle than revert to close combat fn scar i think you probably know the history of the scar um from previous videos if not from from other sources special forces combat assault rifle is the um slightly hilarious attempt at a a macho name for the gun by means of acronym this is a a good version i have one on my lap as you do identical to the one in the game except that uh this is the short barrel obviously and the one in the game is fitted with the full length barrel and ours has the fn 40 gl grenade launcher you've probably seen this on on this series before grenade launcher that mounts to the picatinny rail on the bottom of the gun take the cycle as well and that gives us something a bit closer to what we see here at least allows me to compare it a bit better for for nerding out purposes and from what i can see all of the right angles and surfaces are represented but yeah i'd have to i've had i'd have to work very hard to find any issues with this um i noticed that we have a black cheek piece on on here um the standard version that matches the gun just only has a black button this is entirely black that's probably from the customization process but i mean just just to show how spot on this is the markings there are represented exactly we even have an l series serial number on ours that's in the 14 000 range and the gun in the game is in the 900 sorry the 99 100 000 range 990 000 range to use proper english so these are you know this is like the virtual brother to the real one that i'm holding another difference i've noticed actually there's the stock scar at least when we got all of this uh came with a an a2 ar15 pistol grip and the one in the game has a magpul pistol grip fitted to it i'm not sure if that's a player changed thing or if the scar comes with that as standard but it's the whole point of this lower receiver was to mimic the ar-15 as much as possible in terms of muscle memory for the troops that would be using it and in terms of compatibility with magazines pistol grips different derivatives this is a very distant derivative of the ar-15 really i certainly wouldn't call it an ar-15 but they've tried to retain as much of it as they can whilst moving things forward as it were or going sideways depending on your point of view [Music] those were more guns from the excellent tarkov if you'd like to support us here at the royal armouries museum um best way to do that is to visit us if you possibly can we've got some events going on this summer also worth mentioning i think um the journal that i'm associate editor of the armax journal that's the journal of the cody firearms museum who are good friends of ours as well has a new issue out it's a second issue from the revived run please do check that out it is paid for but i like to think it's worth it otherwise guys we'll see you again next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 417,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov, eft, escape from tarkov weapons, tarkov weapons breakdown, tarkov guns breakdown, tarkov gun review, tarkov weapon review, expert reacts, tarkov expert reacts, tarkov weapon malfunctions, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov highlights, escape from tarkov tips
Id: offyCsakbRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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