Firearms Expert Reacts To Hunt: Showdown’s Guns

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What I've learned from this: the sparks should have a shorter reload

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/ack_the_taco 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm really disappointed... I've been watching this guy do all his little gun guides for other games but here he seems dismissive and disinterested. I'd have thought hunt would have been right up his alley.

Evidently not.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Effective-Treat9010 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Finally, the DD we need on Hunt: Showdown

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Various_Background13 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Awesome. Hopefully there will be a part 2 some day

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Canadiancookie 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seems fitting that this twisted Lovecraftian setting's guns are also slightly twisted.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Videogamer321 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's going to be reacting to the game we receive the most requests for seriously a lot of you asked for this it's hunt showdown this version with the funky chain belt feed is i think based on this if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down do let us know in the comments below make sure to subscribe for more videos exactly like this and if you want to help out the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan what was that so i'm getting the sense that this is not a realistic take on the western genre it's not a game that i had even seen prior to being asked about it for this so this is pretty much new to me but where i am familiar and comfortable is with the single action army cult revolver guessing from the state of the thing and the lack of grips that there is a deterioration repair maintenance mechanic going on more importantly apart from your 45 colt rounds which would be quite handy this thing's got this what what at first i thought was like a skull smasher as i sometimes called pommel on the bottom of the grip which is not something that the cult came with but it's something that you could fit weld on there or something if you wish what this appears to be is actually a very short knife and we're getting some um walking dead style head kills using this incredibly short uh obtusely angled blade [Applause] i'm picking up the customization options here because i know the colt 1872 revolver is in the game this is a reproduction we don't have one in the collection in the royal armouries sadly this version with the weird funky chain belt feed is i think based on this this is the treebee chain gun it works much like a single action revolver it revolves not a cylinder but a chain of uh chambers to the next position pulling the trigger i will ease it down fires off that chamber lock it again to revolve to the next one so pretty much like the game this is a percussion though so you'd have to muzzle load each of these chambers um whereas what we see there is slightly fudged reload animation where the empty case is somehow pulled out without using the ejector so they're just doing it manually and they're just kind of glossing over how that happens which is fair enough the 18 to 22 cult would be interesting enough because they're they rarely show up in western fiction but to sort of combine it with the tree b or hey maybe they've come up with that idea on their own i don't know but um we certainly have a victorian equivalent of that in the collection which is good i like that if it wasn't for the fact you only get one shot that's almost like an ideal zombie weapon that's a 12 gauge single barrel break open shotgun they were very common in the old west that looked like it might be in either johnson or stevens or something and it's obviously been modified with a quite a cool hatchet attachment and is is drastically cut down if this is like 1880s and the cartridges are black powder you would want a uh smokeless powder loaded cartridge basically because if you're firing black powder out of that shorter barrel it's going to be pretty weak the burnt rate of black powder is is different and wouldn't be hugely effective so we'll have to assume that those are nitro cartridges um incidentally the cartridges looks quite authentic there's a tendency in games to just stick modern looking cartridges which don't look totally out of place but those with a different color and the detail of the head stamp that actually looked like some they dug out some late 19th century early 20th century maybe cartridges to model there that's a bit of a wacky choice there for old west america i'm not quite sure it's probably some law or story reason why there's a russian service revolver from the end of the 19th century 1895 model the gantt revolver as to why that's in the game interesting because it's got the um granite device or a version of it it's actually not just a suppressor it's got a sort of sabo in in a modified form of the cartridge that stops all the gas from escaping that's why it's not huge and sticking off the end of the gun was because it's it traps the gas as the bullet leaves the barrel and then as you revolve to the next chamber releases that trapped wind as it were so not actually a conventional silencer as to whether it be quite as quiet as that i don't think anybody knows for sure because i've not seen that version of the device ever and i've not seen it since i've heard of it being tested there's no reason to think it wouldn't be very quiet based on how it works but whether it would be quite as quiet as that can't say [Music] um this this has confused me greatly this bizarre contraption because it it is very familiar it looks like uh joseph huwatt's conversion of the ross rival it's got all the features of that conversion but it is also definitely based on a mosin a russian mosin rifle which doesn't make any sense because the huat because it's a conversion of the ross the ross is a straightforward design so you just have to make the bolt get pulled to the rear and then push forward again to chamber around can't just do that to a to a motion which is a turn bolt you have to lift up the bolt quite drastically and then push it or pull it to the rear you could probably do it but it would need a huge machined cam plate like some of the enfield conversions that turn rearward movement of the piston into upward and rearward movement of a term bolt i know i'm over analyzing this but that's kind of my job an iconic but not super common western pistol is the le mans very interesting because of well not only nine shots in the cylinder which is uncommon for a revolver but also a 20 gauge shotgun second barrel the video game version in this case is quite different they've based it on a real version which is as far as i know it was built for the tv so if you've seen the westworld tv show you've seen this version of the gun this is a percussion muzzle loader so you'd have to stoke up nine chambers and the shotgun barrel with it with a wad and some shot ahead of time and then in a realistic fighting situation that's your 10 shots you don't get to reload it in the 1870s we see older designs like this cartridge converted that didn't happen with the lamat as far as i know but there is this movie magic version that's in westworld where you have to take the gun apart it increases loading speed a bit but it doesn't allow you to reload it like we see in the game what they've done is take it another step for further and completely redesign the gun so that instead of the front barrel assembly coming off it pivots downwards that would not work because there is no way to latch this cylinder shut which is critical if you don't have a top strap you need some way of latching the cylinder shut that is super strong so they fudged it which is fine i don't you can't put a percussion firearm in a game like this without making it uber powerful to compensate so they haven't that's fair enough was a bit of a curious fighting pistol for any situation actually but um what we've just seen is a version of the c sharps patent der engine it does work pretty much as seen so you put it on half [ __ ] press a catch under the barrel which you don't see really in the game slide the barrel unit forwards and then you you put your little cartridges in there you're not going to get much powder in that case so the power is going to be quite low so you're relying purely on the bullet diameter to do the damage and from what i saw in the clip there this thing seems to be a bit of a beast so i'd say it's probably too powerful for what it is hey maybe it's charmed or something i don't know it's a nice bit of variety and these are quite nice antiques the old reliable sharks rifle very common in the west for things like buffalo hunting and we do see scoped versions like that you definitely wouldn't want to be clobbering anything with any scope rifle to be fair but especially not a something of that vintage um the slightest knock could easily put that out of zero and suddenly you're missing your single shot you've only got one shot for this design of course the other thing i noticed about it is the hammer something very strange going on with the hammer with the sharps the percussion sharks you had to half [ __ ] before you open the lever and do your thing because you needed to be able to cap the nipple the metallic cartridge version which is what we see here there's no need to be fiddling with the hammer at all so whereas the the reload animation has has the character sort of semi-cock it open the lever put the cartridge in and then sort of just sort of gets decocked at one point and then cocked again before firing you don't need to do any of that you just drop the lever cartridge in lever up [ __ ] it fire it pausing variety of shotguns is good we've also got the spencer 1882 which is a relatively early in fact importantly early pump action slide action shotgun it's got an unusual action by modern standards that flips up out of the top of the gun as you see there the incidentally people are wondering the what looks like a second trigger in the trigger guard is is the action bar lock which is something that's on modern pump action guns as well although you're not aware of it in fiction because the gun is never empty so but that's what that's what locks the gun shut i suppose a a word on the fictional names of all the guns in the game because that one's visible on the top of the the receiver having having looked it up i've i realized that all the names are what i would normally call legally different but in most cases there's no one around that would sue you for calling this to spencer i don't think i'm not gonna get into the legal side of it i'm not a lawyer there's definitely a stylistic choice to fictionalize the companies in the game and i don't know why that's the case necessarily [Applause] this is actually a really good addition to a game like this if you if you were having to hunt supernatural creatures in a late 19th century time period you would want something like a big game rifle and that's what that's what this is and to get through a thick skull like that you need some serious power so this is um apparently a 600 nitro which which is 600 nitro express which is one of the cartridges developed by the company uh jeffries in the late 19th century the word nitro refers to nitro powders or smokeless propellants which are obviously more effective more efficient cleaner burning woods it was almost like a hybrid so a giant bottle bottle shaped and sized cartridge with a round nose bullet using nitro powder to propel it to decent velocities high velocities so would work nicely on these creatures if you'd like to donate to the royal armories museum we have links in the description i also have a book coming out fairly shortly on the british bullpup firearms so head over to the headstamp publishing website if you'd like to pick up a copy of that thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,475,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, hunt showdown, hunt showdown guns, hunt showdown weapons, expert reacts, hunt showdown expert reacts, weapons breakdown, guns breakdown, gun review, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, expert reacts hunt showdown
Id: dLE31drHO0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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