Firearms Expert Reacts To Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today because you guys asked for it a lot he's going to be breaking down the guns of 2019's call of duty modern warfare to see how accurately they're portrayed within the game and of course we have the hip fire minigun long story short no let us know if there are any other games guns or mechanics you want jonathan to break down but right now here's call of duty modern warfare can't go loud need a suppressor that'll do it okay first pause so we've just seen our protagonist retrieve an automotive component from a car's engine bay and anyone that's played the game will know this is a cars oil filter which is magically being attached to the muzzle of this pistol this uh 1911 type pistol now you can make without going into any details a sound suppressor of sorts from an oil filter suffice it to say you cannot screw it straight onto the end of a gun it's also not potentially going to last very long it's not going to be very efficient as a suppressor the amount of sound suppression you're going to get from this is going to be relatively minimal people will still hear a gun going off good eye the sound suppressor is also far too quiet um it's not quite hollywood pew pew there's a bit of meat to the to the sound there but for gameplay purposes obviously it's quite muted way more than what this repurposed bit of equipment could provide the left awesome so we've switched now to the the infamous deagle with the same um oil filter sound suppressor on it sound suppressors on desert eagles are um rare shall we say because there isn't much point to the desert eagle in the first place making it quieter is not usually something people want to do this was a surprise when i was playing through the game myself we have the german car 98k uh rifles carbine of the second world war and we have it fitted with a sniper scope this is a genuine configuration of the second world war period there's quite a strong tradition in call of duty of course of uh callbacks to the old world war ii and now the newer world war ii card games so seeing a car 98k in the campaign is almost expected but obviously in context you think well why we're in a modern conflict zone here why do we have this second world war bolt action rifle it's not completely implausible these pretty robust well-made powerful capable rifles are still around they have been used certainly in afghanistan they have been used to engage allied forces with so they're definitely a a real threat where they're used they're just not perhaps super common and certainly with a with a sniper scope on there in good enough condition to actually use it'd be pretty surprising to see that in real life and we've seen our first use there of the what's called in the game the odin 12.7 millimeter 50 caliber assault rifle 50 caliber assault rifle is feels like a contradiction in terms but um okay so anyone isn't aware this is a real weapon russian uh russian design known as the um h-12 this thing is developed for the fsb the successor to the kgb so specifically developed for people that need to counter terrorism essentially so if a terrorist is wearing body armor this thing is going to to bypass that and that that 12.7 bullet is really quite nicely modelled in terms of the sound effects and sort of visceral feel of firing it and the effect on the virtual bad guys of course it's kind of interesting that you don't have to make things up to introduce something new and interesting to a long-running series like this pausing now this was the level that i enjoyed the most playing through the campaign myself i hesitate to say enjoyed because it's got a bit of real world uh resonance to it but thinking of the old school rainbow six games counter-terrorist stuff i found really quite compelling in the game we're playing here as members of the sas of course although it might not be their primary armament they have been seen in public with the sig mcx now as we are a contemporary collection here and we try to keep as up to date as we can we do actually have an example of the sig mcx so just like in the game and it's a pretty faithfully modeled weapon caliber the the basic configuration of the receivers is pretty spot-on it's very a very modular weapon which fits call of duty's modular approach with the gunsmith in terms of how you configure the weapon in different ways that makes more sense with a modern weapon like this than it does with some of the others that are in the game now what would a call of duty modern warfare game b without an m4 or something like it with the m203 40 millimeter grenade launcher mounted under the barrel the version depicted here is um not a million miles away from what's sitting behind me now this is such a common configuration this is the canadian um demarco now cult canada equivalent to what we see in the game so very similar and then we have the m203 which you open up just like in the game insert a cartridge close it up and fire it in terms of the the effects of what we see with this hybrid weapon effectively the the blast effects are quite well done i think uh games have improved in that respect uh years ago we'd have seen a fireball when a grenade either a hand-thrown grenade or an under-barrel grenade was was fired now it's much more of a blast effect with sort of dust or whatever's in the environment and um can't see them but you know your characters being where or the enemy is being wounded by effectively projectiles and that's how grenades work in real life something we've seen from the first modern warfare onwards is an on-screen grenade site with a sort of ladder reticle which um i've never got on very well with but um so you get an on-screen aiming which is a bit of a throwback really we have iron sights we have optical sights it's interesting that we don't aim our underground grenades using the actual sights on the weapon we still use the reticle on the screen so i'm waiting for that to catch up ah the uzi a classic cold war era firearm which of course is still in um use today albeit not very widespread use having said that um in the sort of conflict zones that we see depicted in the game they're still around they're very robust they're relatively easy to maintain it's well depicted as well um the rate of fire is accurate which um i've mentioned because most uvs in games have not been and they're using quite a slow rate of fire about 600 rounds per minute partly what makes it so controllable than the weight of the thing it's quite heavy for such a small gun unless you're um arnold schwarzenegger and you can hold it out in one hand and still apparently hit what you're aiming at check this out 338 lapua armor piercing at 600 meters i put it together myself please pausing this was a bit of a head scratcher moment in the campaign when i came across the hdr i thought i'd um blip sideways into advanced warfare or something because it's a very futuristic on the face of it wacky looking rifle the guy says he made it himself which is impressive i should say that that's completely plausible for for many weapons in in particular in the uh kaiba region of pakistan as some people will already know firearms are made on relatively basic tooling sometimes even by hand and they're reboot they are rebuilt from factory-made assemblies and components as well so the idea of someone in this sort of transitional middle eastern south sort of asian area of the world or indeed elsewhere in the world being able to make a gun himself is completely plausible but it just doesn't kind of jibe with the visuals this thing is clearly a some sort of advanced and as he says himself 338 lap or a magnum sniper rifle a precision weapon but it was a nice moment in the campaign because you feel like you've got this thing that has the power and the precision to take on these vehicles that are attacking something i like about this is the the vapor trail of the bullet it might not be quite what you'd see in real life but um the effort to replicate the visuals of a big heavy bullet smashing through uh moisture in the air which does create this sort of spiral trail you can actually see where your bullets are going at long range so let's add something i think to depict it in the game pausing this this was another slightly confusing moment for me playing through this originally so we're into this nighttime level and to see the weapon in usb and m14 took me aback slightly especially with the with the red dot sight used for the cqb type fighting the m14 a 1950s battle rifle full power cartridge semi-automatic and you may well put a suppressor on it to reduce your sound signature the fact that you're running around with a close quarter battle site on it is what uh didn't quite tally but traditionally you'd see something like this with a magnified optical sight on it and it would be for medium range out to perhaps 800 meters not shooting people in the face in the dark and the the sound suppressor report that we get from this rifle is very hollywood almost like a like a laser sound i'd expect a much sort of louder pop sound so we see the player here taking out lights with the m14 this is a quite a common legitimate use of a suppressed weapon in this sort of situation so it's a an interesting real world gameplay mechanic if that if that makes sense to use it to take out light so the the svd or draganov sniper rifle as it's known in russian doctrine anyway and it's uh it's an 800 meter rifle um which we don't typically see it capable of in in call of duty games here we see it used indoors a bit more of a cqb environment makes some sense in that because it comes with a mount for a scope you're able to fit a thermal optic and you're kind of you're a bit hampered by the rate of fire of the svd but it's powerful just like in real life so it will tend to take down bad guys pretty quickly so we've got the um the dp12 shotgun here the real key feature here is probably the incendiary rounds that's firing which have a real world parallel in in what's called dragon's breath so it's it's a real round and it really will set stuff on fire that's what incendiary means of course a load of buckshot is more devastating to to a human body than an incendiary round would be it would certainly have unpleasant effects it would certainly be effective to some extent but it's not something that's going to see real world use targets we see there another grenade launcher but a standalone grenade launcher originally a south african design the milk or mgl in the museum collection one of the early versions it's an interesting weapon because it has this wind-up revolver mechanism so you wind that up to a certain number of clicks and then when you pull the trigger it releases it to the next chamber and fires a shot very effective for exactly what we see in the game there might be a marksman engaging your your squad you can lob in explosive shells that will stop them from shooting at you pretty much the sort of thing this was designed for causing and of course we have the hip fire minigun beloved of action movies and video games like i've been fortunate enough to hold the the rig from predator and terminator 2 once when i'm on a trip to the states long story short no as it turns out slightly more plausible than i ever believed somebody has loaded one up and buys it you can find the video on youtube and a handful of rounds go roughly where he wants which is a handful more than i thought you know i thought it would be one round vaguely in the target area and then the recoil of three and a half to five thousand rounds per minute which i think is higher than what we see in the game would just swing you off to the side you can do it but you need a battery pack so you need wires trailing back to a 24 volt battery i think it is you need tremendous amounts of ammunition you cannot carry all of that around unless you are a t-800 or jesse ventura okay guys that's it thank you for watching this breakdown of the weapons of call of duty modern warfare 2019 with me um i've enjoyed it i hope you have too [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 2,465,732
Rating: 4.9435072 out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, call of duty ps5, call of duty xbox series x, call of duty modern warfare, modern warfare, modern warfare 2019, black ops, call of duty 2020, cod, cod modern warfare, expert reacts, modern warfare weapons, modern warfare 2019 weapons, modern warfare guns, modern warfare 2019 guns, weapons breakdown, sig mcx, uzi, minigun, oden, desert eagle, dragunov, silenced 1911, kar 98k, m4, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries
Id: -BeJdQfEp40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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