Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 1’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today as we've had a lot of requests for it he's going to be breaking down the mad guns of battlefield 1. i have to chuckle at the um dainty way that the character handles the thing and sort of squeezes it between his thumb and forefinger this thing would have zero stopping power if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down do let us know in the comment section down below and make sure to subscribe for more videos exactly like this and of course if you want to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work be sure to check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan um i suppose the first thing to say about battlefield 1 in general and about this first weapon in particular is it was never used there are so many guns in battlefield 1 barely exists i almost think of it as a sort of steampunk alternate reality first of all that i'm that i'm playing in when i play bf1 that's out of the way uh the hell regal is it is probably the least real gun in the game in the sense that there's no real example there are only some really nicely taken photos of i mean for all i know the only prototype and that's the nice thing about bf1 is there's a showcase these roads not travelled if you like the hell regal is one of these very early attempts at a submachine gun before we really know what a submachine gun is and it's it's got a a box to contain uh a belt of ammunition and i don't believe the box is attached to the weapon feel free to charge me in the comments if i'm wrong on that which means it's a light machine gun firing a pistol-type cartridge more than this here's the submachine gun as we see it used in the game but i totally see why they went for it [Music] pause bulkheart c93 this is a a really really nice self-loading pistol from the the 1890s as the name would it as a designation would imply designed by um hugo burkhart who would go on with george luga to create the luger pistol it shares a lot of features push button magazine release you see that being used in the game with a sort of jaunty kick of the hand to throw out the magazine that would work that's quite a slack fit in there at the time i imagine it would have been a more sedate remove the magazine replace the magazine um speed reloads were not a thing in 1918 and the way we see it used in the game there is one hand like this pretty much um and you see that the mainspring and a lot of the bolt is hanging over the back of the hand doesn't look and feel too awkward when you're playing bf1 but in real life this thing is incredibly unbalanced like all things you could get used to it but it needed um luger's savvy to come in and build all of this into the gun move everything forward a bit shorten the barrels you don't need that long barrel for a pistol and come up with a a really good design in the luger but he drew a lot of it from the c93 so we've got the here the m1918 modelo 1918 beretta submachine gun well depicted in the game i think i don't know the rate of fire specifically for this but it stands to reason it would be quite high the bolt is quite small top mounted magazine as we see there the reload i get from memory and from from the video it doesn't look too bad but um as you can see here it actually there's a log on the back of the magazine and it rocks in forward in the reload animation it seems to me a bit more like they're jamming it in straight from the top which wouldn't work you wouldn't get your gun reloaded that way but um yeah so this this has perhaps more right to be in bf1 than other guns in the game and it's rumored suggested that some made it to the to the uh front in 1918 with the italian army i i would have to on the side of caution say this was too late for the first world war but only just was it there now the bergman mp18 definitely did see use in the first world war and it's typically credited as the only submachine gun that saw service in the first world war first of all and the first true submachine gun to see military service so absolutely we'd expect to see this in bf1 and it's well depicted the rate of fire it sort of chugs along as you'd expect and as it does i've been fortunate enough to fire one of these uh in fact if you look at the royal armory's youtube channel we we did some slo-mo shooting with one a few years ago so the one thing that sticks out is the bayonet because although the british derivative of the bergman the lanchester was designed to take the hilariously long short magazine lee enfield bayonet the original german submachine gun did not have a bayonet so we see it in bf1 with the bayonet didn't have one hey quick pause i've got i've got to quickly um whinge about the optional accessories optical sights and things in bf1 it makes me sad when i see bergman with a sort of galilean optical sight on it just doesn't make any sense even conventional steel tube glass lens optical sights for sniper rifles were not super common but all nations didn't really get around to issuing optical sights on mass until the last couple of years of the war this is why i get killed in bf1 because i insist on using period correct setups and i'm not very good i'm going to pause there where to start it's a real gun as i'm sure people have already googled a 2.7 millimeter bullet incredibly small and the gun itself is incredibly small so the actual cartridge length and is tiny as well just get it out the way this thing would have zero stopping power a bullet of that incredibly lightweight traveling at that very low speed is not pulling off headshots at 50 meters or whatever we just saw i have to chuckle at the um dainty way that the the character handles the thing and sort of squeezes it between his thumb and forefinger so as you can see as you would have seen from other videos on this i'm sure it is tiny it's as tiny as it's seen on screen in fact i think it's tinier as to how it works in the game yeah they've got that right imagine doing this in uh under fire press the magazine catch tab on the base to pull the magazine out and then with a tiny belt of magazines or something pushing a fresh one and yes it [ __ ] as it as it does in the game it's a real gun um but it's not a real gun in the sense that it doesn't kill anyone but it might irritate them i suppose that's how new york we have taken objective edward the the smle is probably the rifle i've used most in bf1 myself i haven't played a huge amount of it but um i tend to favor it because it's british it's period correct and i like role-playing as a hapless british soldier who dies a lot which means i'm running around with the the infantry rifle with no with no scope on it we also saw it with a scope that was used on the canadian ross rifle i've never seen an smle with a warner and swayze sight on it otherwise the smle is quite quite well done it looks right feel feels right the user in this case i think it's a german is using the bolt incorrectly always between finger and thumb up back and out forward and down in almost when you see people that know how to shoot the bolt-action rifle especially early enfield and with this technique it's like clap clap they could pretty much fire as fast pain shots as a self-loading rifle but of course i'm glad that the smelly is in there it's iconic for for many reasons we have lost objective hey pause the thompson um is a definite no-no for the first world war it was very much a product of the first world war it was this idea of a trench broom colonel thompson's he coined the term submachine gun and he had prototypes up and running as early as 1919 which is what roughly we're seeing here the very first prototype was the annihilator which is the name that's used in the game the model used in bf1 with the slotted cooling forend over over the barrel is a later prototype and it has features of different prototypes but given that it didn't exist at that time in that context it's not a huge problem to to change it up the lack of a bus stop is is correct for the for the time and even the the early the the 1921 thompson you press the button the stop comes off the thompson's a bit of an ergonomic nightmare certainly by modern modern standards so the original idea of two pistol grips and the back end hanging out with no stock on it and you look where you're aiming fits the gameplay of bf1 but um too early for the annihilator the burton or the winchester burton as it's possibly more correctly known is a really fascinating weapon there's only one that still exists unfortunately there's very little in the way of archival information that survived with it in terms of development trials that kind of thing as depicted in the game sort of it's intended as a balloon buster but there was also a ground roll barrel with a bayonet lug on it um so that the the balloon bust around would light the thing on fire ignite the the hydrogen within the normal bullet would act like a normal bullet and the bf1 seeks to depict that by having one magazine loaded with the incendiary rounds that do more damage against planes and one magazine loaded with the anti-personnel rounds as they effectively were so sort of period appropriate because it's designed in 1917 so so correct time frame but there's only one ever made as far as we know it never made it as far as the trenches or anywhere else in the first world war the twin magazines would give it that absolute very steampunky appearance i believe i just intended to give you more ammunition on board that there'd be no real world reason i don't think to have one magazine with aircraft rounds and one with infantry but it's a neat idea from from dice there very cool gun to have in the game but one of the least likely things to get shot by in the first world war this is a really weird one well i didn't notice when i first played the the campaign on battlefield one until i checked uh shout out to internet movie firearms database who had spotted that the villa peroza that's in bf1 is not a villarperosa it's the movie prop from the film the sicilian bapti and co were and are a major movie armorer who supply all sorts of firearms and other stuff to the movies and they provided this this mocked up villa peroza from two beretta 1938's upside down and botched together here is a regular not that any of these are very regular because they're quite rare available now you can call it a submachine gun if you want it's really not the thing that makes it not a submachine gun is the fact that it doesn't have and never did have as far as i know a shoulder stock so by most definitions that would not be a sub machine gun being two guns welded together it's really too heavy and awkward to be running around with and of course you've got a you've got a bipod hanging off the front you could get rid of that and um i guess that's partly why they went with the mock-up version in the game although there's been no reason why they couldn't of course model this and remove the bipod so i don't know if that was a mistake or a deliberate design choice for some reason but that's not available rosa thanks for watching guys that was the guns of battlefield 1. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings about the various inaccuracies of those weapons and i hope you'll join us again for a video in the future difficult times for museums at the moment so if you feel you could spare a little bit of uh cash we do have a donation link in the description above for the royal armouries um there's even a membership program um if you'd like to to go that route but um we just appreciate you engaging with our collection thank you [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,562,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, battlefield 1, battlefield 1 guns, battlefield 1 weapons, battlefield 1 expert reacts, expert reacts, battlefield expert reacts, battlefield guns, battlefield weapons, weapons breakdown, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, kolibri, borchardt c93, villar perosa m1915, hellriegel, bergman mp18
Id: J-2OICqG3Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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