Finding the UGLIEST models in every Warhammer 40K faction!

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hello and welcome to the pormer podcast episode 98 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and we're going to start a fight har possibly put on your boxing gloves cuz we're going to tell you opinions and make you angry or make you agree with us and that would be even more shocking yeah we're talking about what ugly models are in each range so this will be a civil conversation for the ages yeah definitely so without any further Ado let's start this fight club sounds good so before we get into the actual Showdown here there's a couple disclaimers and then we should explain the rules of how we picked our models so disclaimer up front we're not bashing on the people who modeled these or anyone specific should they be publicly known and like don't do that we will ban you from the comments if you do that kind of kind of [ __ ] yeah that's cringe it is cringe yes that's how you talk to the YouTube audience Eric you just tell them they're cringe if they do it and then they're like I don't want to be cringe oh also disclaimer these are opinions Eric and I without even organizing between each other to not pick duplicates picked very different the whole way through like we changed very few of these to have no duplicates yeah it's almost like we like different people and have different opinions and styles on our in general like wow art is subjective yeah you're probably not going to agree with at least one of us since we're not agreeing on any of these or possibly both of us and you may think your favorite model ever is my least favorite ever in a range but that is what it is and then finally not all ranges are equal there's some ranges that have eight models and others that have way more yeah and to give us the Rules of Engagement for how we picked these cuz I was a little pick with what I picked Eric did you have any stipulations I don't really um so I tried to keep it pretty new and like stuff that's actually available well stuff that's listed on games workshops website but like I didn't stick to it very stringently so I think you held a higher grade to yourself all so this was mostly to force myself to think I banned picking finecast models in several ranges in many many ranges finecast model is the worst model almost every time there are some goodlooking finecast models that are just miserable to put together but a lot of them are horrendously ugly well and then there's just like the fact that like it's old you know and it's like compare it to some of this new stuff and it's like let's not have our list be every model that's you know 20 years old in addition I also said no Forge World cuz I think in a lot of cases Forge World is the worst looking thing or like the odd man out where it doesn't look right with the rest of the faction and so I tried not to do the easy ones cuz I wanted this to have some to it should we just start off with Space Marines I guess and like old Marine joke ha I did not choose generic old Marine just to troll people I would have been disappointed if you cuz it's like don't kick the toddler in the room Brad yeah it's part of like I try to challenge myself on the things I have in this list I didn't go for basic joke just because it's a joke I tried to actually think so I don't know do you want to go with yours or do you want to let's start with yours I think yours is going to be one that a lot of people agree with desolation Squad why is there an orc gun on all of these Space Marine models I hate that I like this it's such a like put those guns on orc models and I'm [ __ ] excited I would legitimately think it's one of the coolest [ __ ] kits ever but it's not these are Space Marines what are you doing they wrap around on the stupidity level like all the way back sort of like I talk about with like The Wraith cards where the heads are so stupid with the giant pinball head that it's the coolest thing ever yeah the gun that has rocket launchers but for some reason has a chain gun feed from a backpack that doesn't go where the Rockets are anyway yeah right the Rockets are bigger than the loady thing it's an orc gun it doesn't exist by any realism in even the remotest sense it's stupid as hell I like it because it's so dumb but I definitely understand this being people's least favorite model yeah I can't accept it uh but what do you since you didn't go with just generic old Marine thing so I I didn't do just the easy one however it's technically an old Marine model that era at least it is not just a basic tactical Marine though this is a model that has been sitting on a shelf in my local game store for a very long time and every time I see it I get a little twinge of irrational anger because I hate how it looks and this is kind of like the jumping off point of let's do this episode this week for me of like was visiting and I saw it I'm like I still hate this model and I was like didn't we want to do an ugly Model episode we should do it cuz I'm in the mood so this model our mystery is The Vindicator for those of you who don't know that's the Rhino with a shovel and I can't even call it a turret it's got a gun coming out the front that is not part of a turret is literally just a giant gun that would go all the way through this rhino it it like yeah it looks like it should be like the spot for like a front end load bucket since like it would go with a bulldozer and then they're just like well no plate over this top area and just put a gun there and I'm just imagining like trying to aim this you're moving your entire tank that has a giant shovel on the front trying to angle it so that you can actually fire it exists only for uh I don't know maybe like you scoop things up with the bulldozzer and it's like it's starting to clog so you just fire the gun and break up whatever the ground's slightly uneven where you would have to you know use use the vertical aim on a turret and you just can't quick roll on the Tactical Rock it'll give us the elevation we need to shoot I guess that's what you could use your front loader for is to like push down slightly so that you're not aiming two feet in front of you you build the terrain to your advantage yeah I hate The Vindicator I've made it obvious before that I hate the ch gun options on the Leman Rus The Vindicator is that to the extreme it's hilarious because like the same thing of you with the Desolation Squad of like where it's so stupid someone might like it I'm I'm kind of on the same thing with the Vindicator like it's so [ __ ] stupid but like it's bulldozer right come on man if it was a jean stealer cult unit I could probably give it a pass oh yeah but then like the gun is still stupid even then all right let's move on let's just do the rest of the the Marines yeah let's just get it out of the way so before we get into it I tried to do no duplicates so I never picked the same thing twice so if I have it for a faction later I'm not allowed to say it now right especially like CSM and I also have it where for these special snowflake Marines your Dark Angels your blood angels all these it can't be a generic Space Marine unit and we can't just like keep picking those it has to be a blood angels only unit yeah so my pick of the blood Ang specific units I think the death company is horrendous looking having helped my brother try to paint his they're awful Miserable as many chachis all over them as grey Knights have but it serves nothing because these models are just so ugly I don't think they're that bad but there's a lot of things that are like why I don't have too much to say there's not that many blood angels units that are worth bringing up in the first place sanguinary guard are bad but I think death company is that that like 5% worse I don't hate them but it's fair they all need updates they do need updates yes okay I went with asath the Grim because you don't like the axan what the [ __ ] is this model I love that he's got the worst parts of miston the worst parts of Dante and it's on a Model that's ancient and then like you've got wings but like the scrolls are holding them up clearly and the wings are doing nothing and like yeah that's just a sculpt issue though I like the idea it could work it could work there is an interesting idea there but the wings have no Dynamic to it to like show like oh it's like a the wings are helping fly and it's like so clearly the scrolls are the ones holding him 3 feet off the ground I love his toes and then there's the toes yes and then he's got the Power Rangers he's got Zed's like flesh suit it's weird everything about the model is just kind of weird and and like I don't hate it I think like if they did an update and kept the general ideas and tweaked it it could look very cool but uh right now you're an ugly model let's move on to Dark Angels yeah Dark Angels a little weird since we're in the middle of spoilers for Dark Angels right now and hopefully these don't get changed over in the week that this comes out n that would never happen that's never happened to anything we've ever done if we got announced new models this week for Dark Angels they're the ones we mention here we caused those to happen you have to thank us Dark Angel Players but only if they're actually good and better all right so what do you have for Dark Angels I don't know honestly I've never seen this before but I was looking on the GW website and this is something that they sell so the uh company veterans is it still in the index I couldn't find it but it didn't look very hard I'll be honest I looked at it and I was like they sell it and this looks terrible so it's my pay fair enough yeah I agree with you they're bad I get the idea of them I get the as well like I'm like I don't know what to say because the fact that the robes hide any interestingness is like that's the intent this is an interesting idea but like you've removed all uniqueness and it's just a dude in a robe I don't hate the concept I feel like it's just It suffers from it's old so it's a bad take on it and I feel like you could do the exact same outfit on a marine primar scale him so that he's got better proportions I was going to say the fact that old proportions do not help this at all they're not helping they remind me of the little guys who steal C3PO and R2-D2 yes yeah the sand jaas sounds right the little dudes who are like the tech guys who sell crap yes it's got the like shrunken aspect because of the hoods and stuff I feel like you could do it it would look good if you redid it what will never look good no matter how much you redo it is the land speeder Vengeance this model sucks I had like four possible picks for Dark Angels they're all ravenwing ravenwing looks bad guys there's no getting around how bad ravenwing in general looks but I think the land speeder Vengeance sums up my distaste the silhouette I don't hate but the fact that the driver and the Gunner and the commander I guess are all exposed is just like what I don't like storm Speeders that much but the land Speeders are really bad and looking at this model it's got all the ornamentation I Don't Like It suffers from all of the old model bad proportions that the land speeder always suffers from but it's built upon because it has to have the extra fanciness to it I will never like a land speeder and this is basically the worst one so it's the perfect one to put on a list I can't say anything against that yeah it's number one you don't want to tell him about the contest you won though yeah okay black Templars did you pick the same one as me still here I just don't have anything really I will give black Templars this yes I make fun of you a lot as a faction yes you deserve it but you have one of my favorite Space Marine models the the one that you picked is probably the one that I like the least but like I still enjoy aspects of it so the emperor's Champion is an amazing model it is probably my favorite Space Marine however you also have grimaldis and his stupid ugly face with the weird Grinny thing going on it's so dumb I don't know I think it's fine the helmet is so bad on him I it is the worst helmet in at least black Templars possibly Space Marines you took my least favorite helmet design the piggy face and you modified it into this freakish smile thing it is a bit weird it doesn't help that he's surrounded by like three dudes in his actual kit he sold as and they look like chaos cultists which I'm sure is like part of the joke of it is that they look like chaos cultist you can't tell the difference haha yeah but like I don't know the thing is like overall the model looks cool like I get what you're saying the the smile the helmet again black Templars in general has some of the very goodlooking Marines for actual models I will forever make fun of you but you got some style points there all right next up next up we can't say the same thing for Space Wolves oh Space Wolves you're so easy to pick on yeah just imagine I banned myself from fine cast and Space Wolves everybody your first five models you're thinking of probably can't even be picked it's just a very deep hole of badl looking models yeah I'll go first cuz I I just chose the Fenian wolves because it looks like a dollar store Toy That's a fair reason I actually like the Fenian wolves kind of they're d it still looks like a dollar store Toy it I really get it especially with like the GW typical paint Scheme on them yeah and that does not help it at all no I get the pick it doesn't reach the top 10 for me there's a lot of ugly Space Wolves are a lot of options for this category remember when we said not everything is equal well some of them have a lot of choices so for Space Wolves I have to pick the wolf in I could pick on some old character and find one that's not actually fine cast and it's just ancient it's not as offensive as a model that's this new and this bad I just love that like the picture that you have here at least like the way that it's all posed and this one is front and center is just like witness me yeah it they're so ugly you took the concept of super jacked up transhuman giant monster men to begin with and turn them into werewolves you can't can't go wrong it sounds like something that's just like a slam dunk yeah you can't go wrong with that and yet you found a way it's wild yeah it it's rough looking at wolfen I'm very glad they've been unplayable for two editions yeah so let's move on to death watch and uh wrap up Marines and get on to the rest of 40K all right then Death Watch is a very small range it's like four kits of all of them there's nothing overly offensive I'm just picking kill team cus because it's old Marines it doesn't have any of the charm that like the veteran kit has where it's got the cool Shields I actually like yeah this is just boring through and through I disagree at being boring but it's not the same in comparison to the veterans yeah and then uh Eric do you have one that you'll pick the watchmaster I guess I actually really like the watchmaster I love that he has a custodes weapon I feel like that's major reason I why I don't like him I kind of love it it's aggravating from like a imagine you're playing custodes and this guy rolls up and he has your weapon and you're like why does the space bre get my special crap yeah the space bre already gets everything else why did they get my special thing and that's like kind of the thing is I don't dislike this model at all it was one of those like if I had to choose something out of the ones I guess the watchmaster just cuz like it doesn't seem like it goes together but I still like the model all right that's finally Marines done all right let's get to all the unimportant factions in 40 okay everything else all right perfect let's continue with sisters then sisters okay Real Talk sisters is a rough one to pick yeah it is I like almost every sister's model yeah I love their tank ideas like the model I picked is unoffensive it's just it's not as good as the rest fair enough this is where we get into like there are ones where I'm just picking something because I have to pick something even though it's not bad it's just the worst of the bunch so what' you pick I picked junith utia my main reason is I do not like the pulpit thing I don't like her ride her ride has no drip I kind of disagree like it's such a unique take that I'm like all right fair and that could be something that saves it is that there ain't nothing else like it but I'm not here for it that's kind of the thing though is like once you have something that's so unique there's going to be people that are like this [ __ ] stupid and then there's going to be a couple people that are like yeah all right that's cool and uh I think it's kind of cool but I absolutely understand what you're saying still redeeming facts like I love the double melta at the bottom that has the skeleton guys sculpted on it that part's beautiful I just I don't like the whole layout so what do you have Eric I went with caninus ban oh that's the promo model isn't it like the throwback model to like the old cover yeah no it's not doing it for me you don't like the awkward pose no it's it's like Grandma trying to be dammy mommy kind of thing and it's it's just not it's not working for you you can't do that anymore sorry 20 years ago maybe yeah like 20 years you would have been R in my Strike Zone like yep mhm yes ma'am but uh nope her leg is just weird to me yeah it feels like it's placed too high she's trying way too hard I know the original image I get what it's supposed to be but like no I get it it's not that bad to me I think the problem is it's so close to being what I want shout out to whoever at GW did the official paint job on her that Bolter is like one of my favorite Hazard Stripes I've seen on an official GW model I know that's like a really weird thing to compliment but I really like that and I never get to see Hazard Stripes I like on GW paint jobs but on this one it's killer I mean I think the paint job is pretty solid on this one definitely it's the actual piece you don't like which I get yeah what is wrong with you I just scrolled down to custodes well you don't like the uh Mr armless okay if you're literally picking it because he doesn't have arms on the base model no I'm picking the telon because it's [ __ ] Derpy and stupid it's like a castellan robot that is not cute and cuddly I love the telmon it's stupid and Derpy it's awful especially for custodes like it could maybe work in some of the other factions that like okay you don't have the best equipment whatever custodes is supposed to be like you got the best coolest [ __ ] ever bro and it's this is what you get I'll admit the two custodes exclusive contempor dreads the Achilles and the other one I like them for custodes they match custodes better than the telmon does I get that argument such a Derpy model it has no redeeming qualities oh I like it so my thing okay I couldn't pick a resin kit to begin with or it would have been the ter Terminators that I don't like the forge ones fair enough yeah I just went with the basic custodian guard cuz honestly I like pretty much all of their GW line and I think the custodian guard have some weird proportion is it because you don't like all of the uh filigre and it gives you PTSD no no no no I think it's their proportions are slightly off like the shoulder pads are 10% too big and their thigh is like a couple inches too short in their skin I see what you're saying there's something where they look like kids playing dress up in the basic custodian guard the warden kind of fixes it it's got the better leg load out with the half draped half a robe thing going on I kind of like that and honestly the range is good these are still fine looking it's just if I have to complain about one of them that's plastic I'm going to pick I guess just the basic custodian guard that's fair and like a couple of them because of their posing show it off a little bit more than the others yes than like in the wardens where they're in a more classic pose exactly all right fair enough you [ __ ] I read your admac one admac I like every admac model I can [ __ ] and complain about rules costs all of that as much as I want but at the end of the day if I ignore all of that and I'm just looking at the sculpts I like each and every model for different reasons sometimes like cell and robots they're just kind of cute they are there's none that I think are ugly so I just couldn't pick one I am picking one one I understand completely what you're saying though we talked about it previously when we were doing our final picks and I like everything in admech but I think the tech priest engine seere is definitely a cut below everybody else and I'm aware that I'm like 99% sure he's pre- admech and was like an old guard model I believe is the story really I vaguely remember being told this before by comments but I feel like that perfectly explained to me why I don't feel like he's as good as the rest of the range I could see that there is definitely some bits missing I guess his legs are very fat yeah he's got none of the drip that later admech models would get up top I feel like he's not weird enough it's all roughly there and I think that's why I still like it but like it doesn't have that like final edit pass add these things compare them to the Dominus the manipulus like put them next to other hqs yeah they have so much character compared to him it's not even close it's true adm's just beautiful in general they've got some beautiful kids all right let's let's do uh Imperial Guard then so I've got a couple actually I couldn't decide and I was like you know what I I cheated on admac already I've cheated a couple times you know what I could do it the other way too so I always forced myself to have a final choice but there are several of these where I could mention others that I was debating between so what ones do you have in guard so the ogrin were the one one that like when we had this I was like oh man the ogrs are [ __ ] they're so ugly I like the bullens I actually like them but I totally get your thoughts on the ogres it's tough because like so like if I had to choose I would choose my other one because like I feel like they purposefully made the sculpt facial expressions as ugly as possible you know yeah it's kind of like the point of it we took you know like some of those like front page articles of whatever kind of Paparazzi [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's like we found out of 7,000 images the most ugliest looking image of you and we chose that one and it's like that's what they chose here honestly with the ogens do you know what's weird the thing that upsets me most is the ones that are wearing the wife beaters instead of just completely be chested yeah like there's no reason to have the wife beater on at that point no it's beyond t-shirt save difference it's it just don't have the shirt on you look cooler it's true yeah but anyway what's your actual pick then after like actually taking a look at it primaris pyer is such a [ __ ] stupid looking model and the posing is like no please give me that coke throw me a coke bro you're supposed to be a psycher you're supposed to be cool what happened reaching for the beer bottle that's getting chucked yeah like what happened man yelling he said no I said hand it to me you throw it across the room yeah it like clearly wasn't you know didn't have the psychic ability to just get it himself it was like oh no I can't believe you've done this and the staff it's just stupid looking okay so your pick's out of the way mine oh Jesus mine is the actual pick I don't know why you didn't pick them it's the cage and jungle Fighters yeah if you picked him I'd be like I'm not changing we're picking the same one the guy up front on the GW image trying to sell you this is the worst model I've ever seen he's so stupid it's somehow the ogrin picture Choice thing but even worse you have no reason they should look like this no oh God damn the longer I'm staring at this image I'm like I can't even like tell you why I hate it so much just look at the guy in the front I like it because it's so like the longer I look at it the more I'm like mhm that's perfect so yeah uh cage and jungle Fighters could use an update this Millennia fair enough all right Eric it's time for your faction grey nights and I'm going first it's the baby carrier it was never not going to be the baby carrier it was never not going to be but I like I actually secretly love it like I really actually like that model A lot it is one where I totally understand this being someone's Jam it's like when there's there's an AOS Army you don't jive with but you respect it yeah I absolutely understand like baby carrier and like most people are like that's stupid but I'm just like he needed bigger guns so he jumped in a Mech even though he's in a [ __ ] mech suit essentially already like I just I love it in a stupid way all right so tell us that you picked C Drago because we all knew it's a stupid [ __ ] sword I hate that model so which just such a burning passion I think it's my wife's least favorite model having painted it it's not terrible looking model but it's got no real redeeming qualities compared to everything else it's a terrible looking model when you put him next to the rest of your models that's the thing is like if you put him next to basically even the other models that haven't been updated he still looks bad it's supposed to be kther Drago he's supposed to be super cool okay so let's move to Imperial Knights and this gets into the whole like they're so close together which one did you pick I picked the night Warden it's the same as every other build of a questoris chassis but I just picked one to say this the questoris chassis is way worse than sarasus I also like armag is better and if it came down to like the Tyrant or whatever you loyalist call him but the Tyrant or or questoris I like the Tyrant better too so I just think I have to pick the quorus chassis and I'll just randomly pick the warden to represent it as my least favorite although to be honest I own like four of these they're chaos nights but they're the same thing I own like four of these yeah and there's like there's only so many so Eric why did you choose my son I yeah soras this castigator he's plastic now that knee joint is stupid it very much so like the entire model to me looks like they took a normal KN and grabbed him by the head and grabbed him by the feet and stretched really [ __ ] hard and broke his knees and so now he's taller and then they gave him like this weird wimpy ass looking sword I love the sword that's the kind of dagger that Bilbo baggin used give me a real [ __ ] sword no I love his sword no it's stupid and pathetic if you had pick the Lancer we'd be having words the Lancer you can't beat that Lance the hollow Shield that's like just the outline of a shield the got I really do like the shield yes it's very unique it's very cool all right for possibly one of the first times we've ever talked about them in an every faction video we've got agents of the Imperium yay they exist they're here to get made fun of all right so agents of the Imperium actually has some cool stuff it does I actually really like a bunch of the assassins and I think the inquisitors don't look bad like I make fun of zenos not being a great book even though people hypee it up or at least people that tried to get me into lore did I still think that these models look good can we really hate on a section that has an ape an actual literal ape as a model the jakaro is sweet the worst part is you like don't even understand what jakaro are and lore and all that and I'm not going to deal with this at the middle of this episode no and I probably wouldn't care either way they're cooler than like half of the stuff the imperium's got going on I figured it was like Planet of the Apes imagine if you're like we must kill all zenos except for the monkey over there because it's the only thing that knows how to repair the station I live on brilliant jakara are cool but anyway the only thing I've got that I think is pretty bad especially when you consider how new it is it's the exaction squad cannot believe he chose this it's just police officer dudes do you not see the cute puppy [ __ ] you you cannot pull the Warhammer community Community oh the whole thing could look like garbage but there's a cute animal on the side so I can get you to focus over there you can't pull that on me I absolutely can they do it every AOS release it's a cute puppy your opinion is no longer valid there's a cute puppy Eric that dog is a narc he's going to sniff you at the airport and get you full body searched ask me how I know oh I mean I most likely there still good puppy all right what are you picking Eric I went with the kill team inquisitorial agents just because like I don't know man there's something wrong with each and every one of them I really like the Scribe guy I got to say the dude with like two Auto quills going away on the piece of paper yeah I feel like the fire confuses me on that model yeah it's Imperium and that's why I'm like each and every one of these has something that kind of just irritates me I don't have an issue with picking this it's pretty boring compared to the competition yeah and to be honest agents of the Imperium is essentially a model collection it's not like an army it's cool lore heavy us usually models that are like little one-offs and like it's nice that they have some of that stuff where it's just like we did interesting thing I think that's finally the Imperium all right let's move into chaos you want to just start with demons then may as well let's get yours out of the way okay mine's easy I did the basic thing I know I was supposed to think but I can't I can't not pick you Soul Grinder you terrible piece of [ __ ] there was no way that you would have gotten away with not saying Soul Grinder I hate this model yeah moving on uh epidemius what it's very is clearly fine cast I could never have picked this it's against the rules of what I could pick but and it's a horrible model it looks like a chunk of resin that was malformed when you actually see it unpainted yeah basically all I can say is what happened here like this doesn't make any sense I'm like pretty sure those are supposed to be nurglings under him by the way they're just not they're just not is the problem it should not Shock you that this is a Warhammer fantasy battles legal model by the way yeah right and if this was unpainted it would be like oh [ __ ] what do I paint this as you know like there'd be a bunch of like I can see a flag I can see a bell and then there's just a blob and then you start moving south and you're like I I guess there's a sword over here yeah like and this is uh an hourglass I don't even know if you could make that out unpainted yeah like it would just look like more bulbous blobs it would absolutely would and like it doesn't make any sense of why it's an hourglass so maybe it's not even and that's just what the painter decided it was but there's other demons that I could have chosen but I saw this one and all right chaos Knights chaos Knights has really good kits I'm just going to pick the dis spoiler which is a repeat because you could build a warden if it was loyalist but it's unequivocally the worst thing you could build in this faction which it's still fine I still own multiple of this as I said before it's fine but it's not as awesome as some of the other ones I think it's my pick as well just because chaos Knights just overall are cooler looking cuz they have a bit more character than Imperial Knights and this is just like an imperial knight but chaos still a cool model it's not like a heavy pick this is like a I had to pick something pick yeah however I will very strongly pick my chaos Space Marines pick all right what do you got chaos bikers I was scrolling through chaos and I was like I don't know what I want to pick I like a lot of chaos oh the bikers you they're up there with the Vindicator of something that has sat rotting on the local game store shelf for forever it's like right at chest height the box has been facing forward for forever and every time I look at it I'm like this is the stupidest thing yeah it's one of the few models on my list that gives me a visceral reaction of I hate this model honestly there's not too much I could say to defend it all right what's your pick for CSM I went with h and Blackheart yeah he's way cooler from like what he's supposed to look like versus this ancient model I think the problem is it's just an ancient model and I feel bad but like it's so starkly different there's so much potential just look at him on the cover of his book yeah it's the same dude but like way cooler one is intimidating and the other looks like he's about to die and it's very much because this is just an older model like I feels bad about picking this one because of that I look at it I'm like there's some cool [ __ ] going on here and there's like great potential and like seeing that cover image it's like yeah there's a lot of cool potential here but like the current model sorry no and what's the little what the [ __ ] is what I don't know what the little dude is I got to read the he in blackart deep lore it's almost so ugly it's endearing I kind of like it that's your average AOS bonus model right there the distraction all right let's talk about the one that's purposefully ugly what's the ugliest thing in deathguard Eric yeah it's like hold on a second let's think about what we mean by ugly again cuz like there's some really cool models that are extremely ugly but that's why there're so cool and that's why they are death guard but ugly as in like no this isn't a particularly exciting model malignant plague cter is my pick on that one I kind of like him think it's boring I could see boring there's a couple death guard models I can accuse of boring and that's the thing is like the worst thing I can say about basically any death guard model for me is like there's a couple that are kind of boring I like the range quite a bit but this one's kind of boring in comparison so I'm just like eh I think it could could have done better but you're still fine okay so I could have really angered everybody with what I thought was going to be my pick oh really it was going to be the plague burst crawler you're a [ __ ] idiot it is the worst death guard model no it's not it doesn't scream death guard like the rest of the range does it's out of place okay I can accept that but it's still a cool model so however oh fine yeah I hadn't burned the defiler yet wow so we're picking the defiler cuz this model it can be played in many factions but this model should be played in none of them and it should be a crime to bring it to a [Laughter] table we made the Soul Grinder worse or better no it's it's worse this is like a 3D interpretation of a 5-year-old's drawing it kind of is his chest is a giant gun and he's got a tiny little head up top yeah and the stiff like whip arm he has that's just G yeah it was like the poured original artist of the 5-year-old didn't know how to properly give like action appearances to the whip he wanted it to look like the hell bruts yeah yeah yeah yeah but like couldn't really think of how to draw that correctly and was like this is the Whip and like oh yeah it's just going to be that hard solid whip right that's what you want it's really just a Soul Grinder but worse it is I don't hate the Soul Grinder as much as you do I don't think it fits half of the Soul Grinder's problem is that is chaos demons but it's still not a good-looking model even if it was like a CSM model the defiler is just a strict downgrade from there it is oh thousand Sons time for my faction yeah I think we had the same problem with it didn't we probably I think we just like how thousand suns look it's a cool faction it's got a decent aesthetic if you don't like the aesthetic then it's just the whole faction isn't for you very much so and like I make fun of zor a lot I make fun of them for like meta reasons of getting jammed into everything because they're cheap and nobody wants them but I can't say I dislike the zor sculpt I really like them I'm very proud of my zor Shaman and my zor on discs I love how they turned out it looks good but like I'm still going to continue to make fun of them don't get me wrong but like you know we're talking about ugly models and the zor are solid I would accept if someone said for the zor they're out of place and therefore it's a pick yeah I mean for now but for out of place one thing akes the cake and it's the reason for my pick the hell brute it's not a bad kit it's cool looking it is really [ __ ] cool looking his problem is he's short he is old dreadn size it's very pathetic when you put him on a board yeah the like promo one where he's got one leg up to the side that I've got one of that one's the cooler load out than just the dreadn stand AED yeah it's a bit like more Dynamic yeah helps the squat kind of look which is ironic cuz that one is like the easy to build slap together this is the multi- pose one or whatever you want to say but it's just stiff but my problem with it isn't really the model it's a cool model I have no real issues with this model which is why like I saw this before the show I was like Brad what the [ __ ] is wrong with you there are entire like retcon backlog reasons they had to like shove in to explain why this is playable in Thousand Suns after being question because like this has flesh this is a a dude you literally aren't a son but look it's got those little eyes so it is a model that should not be in the faction extremely out of place but that's a thousand suns needs more not less blah blah blah that's why it's here for me it's a cool model though it's a great model it's just not a thousand suns looking model and that's why the one that I have painted is a 3D print we made which is based off the design of like a second edition chaos dreadnut is apparently that used to be like a thing in metal that's the one that I have painted up and it looks so much better next to the rest of thousand suns it fits all right but what do you have Eric I went with chaos spawn yeah I don't use this model for a reason it's also one of those models you should never buy it's very expensive compared to the points it costs and it's not goodlooking either yeah and that's the thing is like we can ignore like price at like some amount of like okay let's step back and ignore that and look at it with fresh billionaire eyes it's weird to me cuz in my head I have something wrong where like I understand how bad this model is and why you picked it but it might had him like but you can't pick the chaos spawn because the excuse to go get wild with a 3D printer but like that just proves the point doesn't it yeah it's like that's exactly why like there's some really cool [ __ ] you can do with ksb on 3D printing and I mean there's some kit bashing stuff that you can do and like very very cool but this model it's lame in comparison so disappointing out of what what it is but uh let's move on though all right world leaders up next then all right I guess uh yeah you can explain yourself I picked the uh specific model Warhammer plus year 2 world eaders Terminator so azri the annihilator I think it just looks bad like it looks like a poor modern take on an 80s Show it's apparently based off a key art from a long time ago I don't know this reference though and that's cool again this is my opinion I don't know that reference so and that's kind of my thing is when you have to be told that it already is losing ground right yeah no no no the reference makes it not as hideous and I'm glad you enjoy it that's awesome but if you don't have that reference this model's bad looking I think my major problem with this right is this is what it looks like with this specific paint job is this just the plainest looking model unpainted before you give it a like over overd non-metallic metal all over the place reference like art it has to be it's a bunch of curved plates it's very much has a lot of the Imperial Knights problem of like it's just a bunch of plates there's no cool filigree in oh no he's covered in filigree this would be a nightmare to paint the trim on I can already tell sure but like it doesn't have the actual the shape is very boring yeah you know like the silhouette is just so Bland it's a very fair pick my is just bullying another character it's Ken the betrayer yes I know he's like the only old world leader model which is why he looks worse than all the new ones and that's okay another problem is like world leaders is a small range and just got updates yeah it was kind of hard to pick a world leader I'm not a big fan of abbound but card the betrayer just looks worse I think it's kind of cool but yeah he's got great ideas he does doesn't he you put him next to the new models and it just shows how much they've Advanced right because they got this massive range update and you see car in the betray and you're like all of these cool ideas could have been done it could be so badass and it's just not yet and yeah okay fair enough it's not like a harsh pick for him it's just it's kind of unfair to bully him yeah however as we move into zenos I would like to do some bullying yeah okay elari the Space Wolves of zenos we have so many options which one would you like I almost extra banned myself and made myself pick a range updated model so that I couldn't have such easy pickings cuz like there's a bunch of old characters that like kind of obvious but like I tried to find something that like actually stood out to me swooping Hawks I can't disagree with you you could pick basically any aspect Warrior and I'm on board I feel like there's a possible way to paint it that doesn't look as stupid no they're ancient Eric these are so old yeah these are swooping Hawks need some help so I almost forced myself to pick something that just got updated but then I saw the war Walker and I was like no [ __ ] you this is the one are you telling me you don't think this is super cool looking ADM did it better that's all I'm saying uh yeah the war Walker it's so bad it's got the stupid legs and then you get up to the top and you've got an open cockpit y that's vertical instead of horizontal the guy's head sticks out of the cockpit unshielded open to the world dead between two giant cannons this is like the Space Marine ATV but like it's also old so it's like 10 folded on stupidity and then there's also the like underslung guns his double dicks how are you aiming those with his third right what are you doing there I think the war Walker is a very valid pick for this list all right let's choose one that's a little harder drari all right so before we get to our picks grotesque are not available on the store both of us had that as a requirement you also can't do like cord of the homunculus to pick some of the older kits in there I actually like cord of the homunculus so I like them from an idea standpoint some updates could be made to stuff anyway basically all the things that we constantly have to fix in darari just aren't even for sale anymore God I hope we're getting a range update yeah and there's the whole aspect of like oh but all of those models are perfect 3D prints like yeah well that's cuz they're old and you can't get them anymore anyways so yeah so can't pick those but out of what GW has we all know I'm not a fan of witch Cults right I think Helens best represent the witch Cults and the part I don't like but not the witches I like the witches more than the Helens all right then look at their feet Eric did you figure it out do you have a uh feet problem it's weird man I already don't like the BDSM the biker goth look stuff it that's not the part of jari that appeals to me and then you put them on 80s hoverboards and Edge them up a bit more and give them bare feet for some reason and terribly sculpted ABS yeah what the hell happened there he's got like a tire hanging off where his low part of his AB should be he just he's got that extra 10 lbs yeah no I'm with you it's he knows that he should have lost the weight before the convention but he just wanted to wear the outfit anyway we've all been there it's true but uh not a great look for the elfike Warriors He's So live oh I'm so bloated today I think one of the things that irritates me about this kit is the fact that the wings are like angled down and their foot stance like it's just not oh yeah they're all in massive pain after half an hour of flying like this but duwari is so pain is blah blah blah okay I guess yeah yeah I have 3D prints we made partly out of necessity cuz the Helen was like UNP purchasable at the beginning of 9th but partly because I like the 3D prints that are more subdued and not so weird that's my pick Eric what do you have I went with Leith hesperax and like I don't hate a bunch of parts of it like the whole goth Punk aesthetic is fine to me the thing that really pisses me off about this model is the fact that like it's not an elf there's like kind of pointy ears but like not really and there's none of the like Squat and shrunk and like you're supposed to be the life assassin badass but you don't look like an elf that does that you look like a human I get what you're saying 100% I think part of it was blamed on gw's paint job on their store I do know that this when it got revealed in ninth Edition it got made fun of to Kingdom Come I mean it's also got the foot thing and all of that and but she's always had that that's always been a joke but her ABS looked very chunky yeah there's no I this is a term I learned and have already forgotten but there is a golden angle I believe it's called which is like the angle they sell you the model from it like when you are spinning a model in your hand you know there's a correct angle to view it from right so it's not like this dead pose kind of thing and she has an ugly side in some part of her no matter where you're rotating her mhm there isn't a golden angle she always has something wrong somewhere which I believe was one of the main things people were pointing out with it it is a model that has some issues I totally get it I know the face got made fun of a lot but apparently that was a GW like when you actually have the model A lot of people have done better faces she looks really old in this yeah but there's nothing like from the sculpt part that looks like it's like a problem but like all of the musculature is not evil elf it screams body builder right like I get exactly what you're saying and that's it's so wrong for what I'm trying to get here so yeah that's that's the ugliest model for me very fair Jean Steelers so Jean Steelers yeah this is one where like whether you like them or not they're so on par the whole way through and we got rid of the actual Jean Stealers which was the worst part the new Jean stealer kit is not awful I feel like I'm still grading it on a curve and I'll come down on it over time but I'm just so glad it's not the old kit yeah and like there's definitely an aesthetic and it's possible you don't like that like the bald weirdness thing I'm pretty sure you're not a huge fan of but I'm not but at the same time like they all have it so it's like it doesn't show one model is worse right and like that's the thing that they've done so that said there's a couple characters that I'm not the biggest fan fan of you actually picked one of them and I think you had the same reason I did yeah so the locus is just out of place Bingo it's not a bad model it's very basic but it's not a bad model it's just it's an AOS model it's a perfectly fine AOS model that would fit in really well and it's got some cool parts to it it's not exceptional but like we just talked about the fact that Jean Steelers has a pretty Core theme and its core identity and this is not part of it also I'm pretty sure the Locust is supposed to be like the melee crazy good guy but like they went for like the wise old monk look and it just it doesn't scream like Melee blender man no no it does not I don't even think I have a locust so I literally may not have read the data sheet in a long time now yeah but what' you go with mine is my actual least favorite of the bunch which is the Sanctus specifically when he has the blade you can build him with the sniper rifle or the blade shown with the sniper rifle he kind of works it sort of salvages his pose and I don't hate that one that much but with the blade it looks so bad in my opinion yeah you get what I'm saying like I do actually something about it I I'm sure it's some angle thing where like you can follow the cape up through all the way through the sniper rifle and I think that that's exactly what it is is there are queen lines with like you know the foot placement the cape placement the gun whereas the dagger sword thing is just like perpendicular to so much of the other things yeah I hate his face in both versions my version will not have this face I promise you the weird creepy open mouth look is so bad fair enough yeah I mean it's one of those that like I hadn't actually seen him with a sniper rifle and like I kind of liked the Sanctus with the blade it was like yeah okay I can see what you're saying but in comparison to the sniper it's like definitely weaker all right talking about one where it's difficult I'm going to cheat again yeah votan I like them all I get liking all of votan there's not much there anyway but you obviously have something I like dwarves better than elves that said the worst part of like Total War Warhammer dwarves and AOS dwarves and all that stuff is Slayers or you know naked dwarf with an axe the uh crazy dwarf that has decided you know what would be fun instead of all of the cool armor that the Smiths put together that's really [ __ ] good I'm going to just not yeah it doesn't do it for me I don't like half naked dwarves so the cthonian Berserkers is the obvious pick for me for Von it's Slayers in space and I don't like Slayers no that's fair I mean I think they're dope especially those axes [ __ ] cool [ __ ] man and the big gloves oh man but uh no that's fair all right moving on to one of my factions again for like the fourth time necrons what do you hate the most this was hard I couldn't choose finecast I couldn't choose the banana man it's the banana man it's the banana man yeah but I actually don't like several kits in necrons weirdly enough I know you have a thing against the rib cages I don't like the rib cage athetic in general I hate the ghost Arc for several reasons I think it's so cool and then there's the old Locust destroyers which haven't been updated yet and they're obviously old and badly sculpted compared to newer stuff it's a very Stark difference yeah but is it like actually ugly and that's where it's like it's just old to me the only one that's like why are you like this where like I have an actual issue with the design is the tomb blades I have seen people convert them into proper jet bikes and it's so much better you don't like the Beyblade style yeah I don't like the weird hamster ball look to them I guess they're trying for that like uh droid look from Star Wars I was just going to say like it reminds me of I forget what the exact Droid is but the rolly ball Droid yes the the the one with the shield from episode one yeah and I kind of like it like there's some problems with the model oh all of those bits and Bobs on the back yeah those those just snap off just like all of it put together is yeah but I like the fact that it's not just a bike we have enough bikes we don't have many hover bikes fine but like the necrons are supposed to be listable like such an advanced alien thing yeah so you give him something truly alien yeah and so like that's why I think it's cool cuz it's so different but I get what you're saying of like that's not really enough to make up for the fact that the model is kind of dumb looking oh they're so not cool yeah it kind of is the epitome of like the part of the army I don't like is the warrior spam list and like I don't like nekron generic Vehicles all that much I don't like Warriors when you have essentially warrior in a minimalized aesthetic of a nekron vehicle like they've still got the cockpit it still has the the curvy one rib it has like literally every little piece from the large vehicles but in in small and I think it just becomes The Perfect Storm of I don't like this yeah that's completely fair and I I can see what you're saying but I can do you one better you're allowed to choose fine cast Eric I am and so I chose the katans that aren't the good one so Banana Man and nightbringer and Transcendent Transcendent is not resin though I don't like it I actually don't fully hate the Transcendent Katon it could use an update but not as bad as the other two the other two are awful yeah we've got deceiver and nightbringer are just honestly they're just bad like not even just like oh they're just old they don't make any sense for being Katon at least like the Transcendent feels like oh this is this is a weird [ __ ] thing the transcending Katon is very clearly just a you can rip it out of the center of like he's supposed to be the Caged one yeah and in his actual Tess Vault Tess Labyrinth Tess Arc what you're the war guy you're saying a bunch of words together that make sense to me I know I can't remember which one it is but like his Tess version is cool as hell alone he definitely feels like the this was the 1.0 and void Dragon is the 2.0 yeah when you look at them next to each other this is on my shelf at my brother's house looks with these guys together although my void Dragon is still in pieces so we can't see how short the rest are really your Void dragon's absolutely the coolest out of all of them and it's not even fully built one day I'll finish him yeah so I mean it obviously they need an update I think the Transcendent needs some fixing but like it's fine deceiver is the worst thing ever just put five bananas on your had I think the nightbringer is just as bad here's a random dude that's screaming with a cape and we gave him a six-pack nightbringer is more beloved as like a thing which is why everyone hates his model more cuz it feels like a a more of a let down no one actually likes deceiver like he's just a prick but he's the worst model of the two in my opinion yeah oh man well moving on to Orcs Orcs I thought would be hard it looked hard at first until I started seeing the older models and remembering old orc aesthetic versus new orc aesthetic it it's night and day it is but I still I like the old orc aesthetic it ages better than things that are not meant to be goofy right and that's the thing is like Orcs are so much the Grim derp part they get the Derp they play into it and it's to their advantage and that's why like a bunch of the old sculpts are like it's kind of stupid looking but it's in orc so sounds good and like I chose gratnik I still like the like I think it it's still got that Derpy charm and I like it but I want an update so maybe this is a way to say there's going to be an update soon you've actually got a few I'm not as kind as Eric I have a couple that I was looking at and one that I ended up picking obviously the Stompa is probably the correct pick but I've never seen one in person I have heard horror stories of how bad the kid is and it just doesn't look very good I've seen some pictures of it online but it's not the same as seeing one in person to really judge it but I've heard the stomp is bad but also perfectly in character for orc so I was going to pick orc Ludas which is what's currently in the show notes I actually really like the guns they're super cool to me I'm not going to pick them my last three here two of them was tank Busters and Ludas and tank Busters won out simply because of the one that has the Hammer with the rocket on it it just makes me laugh oh yeah he's he's awesome it's like what are you doing with that I'm going to go bust a tank like the unit's unusable because the the forced loadouts of that's what the kit comes with so you're stuck with terrible loadouts that don't match and it's hilarious though but look at him he's got a rocket on his stick and he thinks it's a hammer it's adorable so tank Busters look old and Derpy and not very good but that joke saves them and I I ended up picking Ludas to start with when we put these show notes together because in my eyes it's just tank Busters but without the funny yeah but like those guns are so cool like I I don't know man I've played ludos in like a lot of my list that I probably shouldn't have just cuz I like the guns and I think the thing for me though and why I just audibled is the last one on my list I have no love for and the Ludas I still have a little bit they look old and bad but they're kind of cutesy in that Derpy orc way but the knobs have no redeeming Factor all right yeah I had them like 5% more than the Ludas but the Ludas are funnier yeah like that is kind of the thing of like the Ludas they've got the charm and the knobs they're just ugly they're just knobs they're very generic they're basically just it's the old orc boy kit but slightly large right and I don't hate it but out of the options that you've brought up tank Busters are they've got some charm because of stupidity I like the loota guns the stoma is a Stompa the knobs are yeah okay they're just lame there's nothing like really drawing to be like yeah the knob super cool because of right like there's none of that because of part yeah I get old boys are a classic right I don't like them but they're a classic knobs I also don't like and I don't feel like anyone thinks they're a classic nah I mean there's probably some people but like it's not the same like the boys the old boys are a classic maybe it's not your thing but you got to respect it to a certain point the knobs don't have that so and I appreciate the fact that you didn't throw the Ludas under the bus on this one and chose the knobs instead you were slightly upset when I pasted them into the document I was a little upset and I was like I mean he's wrong and I'll let him have it but he's wrong still so it's okay all right let's move into T gutur will stop ow awful just awful all right um I'll start we've got the Ethereal I don't think it's particularly bad it's just so boring I think it's ugly it's fair it is just boring he's got his big Hooves he's in a very basic pose he's on a flying disc but the disc is essentially on the ground how did they make the fact that he's flying on a disc boring I know there's some things that it's just like it's such a cool concept and you've made it as lame as possible yeah I get picking the Ethereal and it's a solid choice but I think you've got a little bit of a better one to sandbag mind for a moment an honorable mention that almost made the list it's not the worst thing in the faction but grading on the scale crisis suits are just the worst battle suit good Lord and yet they are the Cornerstone of like most tow lists they're the end all be all you put these in first and then you build the rest of the list remember send all of your hate mail to bricky at that's probably some random person's email too don't do that that's not bicky's email I don't think I can't it's probably not no it'd be impressive if it was but good Lord [ __ ] we almost made it through this list without any actual pipe bombs being mailed to us Brad yeah the crisis suit is just old and janky compared to how it should look they need to update that kit they need to have it have more of uh far sights ideas behind it like the new farsight sculpt yeah but anyway it's not actually the pick it's a runner up and I feel like it had to get like called out you were too close to the bottom for how important you are but uh the actual bottom for me is the sunshark bomber the ax39 sun shark bomber I should say hold on say the full name it's so stupid it's a bad plane tow should have plane Aesthetics down they're supposed to be like the hyper mobile faction and it just looks like they're tank but in the air and it has like stabilizing rods cuz they couldn't get the design right it doesn't really make any sense on so many levels and I feel like they know that like their planes and tanks and towel are not that great cuz they still use the old paint jobs on them on their website they haven't been updated to the white tow colors yeah this is pretty agrees okay so like let's let's look at it for a moment I'm not a big fan of the piranha this has the same general shape as the piranha it's a thinner not so greatl looking devil fish that because they thin it it looks like the tow Engineers screwed it up and had to put the stabilizers on it so it has like two pipes going through midair on the sides and like this is a bomber so why did you remove all of that potential Caro area but sure I it's just the worst vehicle in towel and like do you not like the fact that there are two like just drones on the wings I don't hate drones in the wing athetic and Tow I let that slide I think it's kind of clever yes there's no reason it can't be a stationary gun yes if the Drone leaves why did you have the Drone leave instead of stay as a gun on your main unit and when it blows up two drones popping out means nothing blah blah blah yeah but like it's a freebie design choice that I don't have too much issue with in to all right fine of the problems it's like number 86 so much more obvious in this because the rest like the whole back end of the plane is missing so it's like oh there's two drones that's basically the plane yeah I totally get that also annoying people but it it's not the thing that annoys me it is worth noting though when I'm naming the sun shark bomber here I haven't gone crazy the cruit dogs that are the ugliest thing ever are fine cast I can't pick them I can't pick vespids they're finecast the other ugly model you're wondering about I can't pick I actually like the new cruit the kill team cruit and they do come with two hounds so like if you turn them into like just fancier looking crew and then use those hounds for hounds then you could argue that there are goodlooking hounds already and I think that that's where I was like I I agree the crout hounds are bad but like there exist good ones kind of yeah I don't know it's a weird gray area on that one I expect for a lot of people it'll be a random cruit or a vespid for their least favorite and I totally get it I couldn't pick the hounds or the vespids which are the two things I don't like all right we're to the final stretch we've got tyranid yeah this is our last one yours shocked me a little I feel like we both hate each other's pick yeah and the thing is is like I don't even dislike it that much I generally like the nid range even some of the kind of older Derpy ones I like them he liked raveners I made sure he saw them yeah he thinks they look fine he sees nothing wrong with them something about art is an opinion and uh subjective and you know what fine I'm not a huge fan of the Barbons and I love them and that's fair I I can absolutely see like like I look at it I'm like yeah I'm sure there's a lot of people that like the little doggo kind of thing yeah and they've got like the boom box artillery unit thing that's like glued to them and that's what I hate about it honestly that's the part that I'm like I don't like that yeah I get you doesn't seem right but it's not even like I don't hate this model like it's a perfectly fine it was just your least favorite it's my least favorite and it's because of that like what you call the boom Box Thing the the boom box artillery yes it's that's the thing that I'm like I wish it wasn't there and then I would like it more no one who listened to us at the beginning of 10 Edition is shocked by my least favorite it's the screamer killer I hate the warf head so much I actually kind of like that I know it's the it's so dumb that you it kind of comes back around some people might like it but I despise it and that's fair yeah the warf haircut does not do it for me on what is supposed to be like a scary car effects dude like H it's just worse than an original car effects design wise the original was really [ __ ] cool we say original we don't mean original original that was the streamer screamer killer interpretation we're talking about like the standard K effects that old one ey is oh I mean the original you mean the original yeah you're an idiot no it's [ __ ] awesome I think the screamer killer is a downgrade from the more bug like cars that's fair and I can accept that but I don't have as much of a hatred for that hair style face forehead I love that you accidentally called it hair still too yeah I was like hold on a second that's not what it is at all you know all right that is the last faction though we made it through all of them we did this a long recording it turns out there's a lot of uh factions and honestly pretty solid overall like I was shocked on how many factions I was like I only have either nothing or just like one or two that I don't like I could have been meaner had I lied myself to non finecast but I feel like it's too easy if I pick 20 finecast models in this list which you can do so in the comments and tell me all the ones you hate and I will probably agree with you but like it was too easy it would have been a very boring episode if I was forced to pick the actual worst model which is probably a 25-year-old fine cast yeah which I think that a bunch of those are pretty obvious our opinions on it's just like all right yeah it's ancient it's fine cast or it's Forge World and it's just like no yeah so I like the limits I gave myself it really made me think about like of things in the normal plastic range what do I consider worst and I came up with somewhere like I actually might hate this worse than the fine cast ones that are in this range and then I had others where I feel like bad being like it's the worst but it's not bad guys yeah I do actually look forward to seeing what some of the comments are yeah on on like their own like this is the worst one or like just the sheer hatred that some of some people are going to be like I cannot believe you chose my favorite model as your ugliest and props to GW while a couple of new models ended up in this list for us yeah newer factions tended to be the ones where we didn't know what to pick cuz they were all pretty good though part of it is because there's just not as many models to choose from but you feel like on a whole they're more level they've got new factions figured out they've got cohesive identities They Don't Really Miss as hard as they used to there's a clear level of like like it has to be at least this good kind of thing instead of like eh just ship it yeah and I feel like even if you don't Vibe with one of the factions the sere like a lot of people won't like Jean stealer Cults right you can at least stare at it and go I feel equally about all of them like or dislike with sisters Jean Steelers voton World eaters except for obviously K's old all of these it's like I like the new stuff mostly adme you didn't even want to pick one you look at it's like yes there might be a problem with the aesthetic personally but like all of the models hit right you know like you can look at it and be like if I liked that aesthetic that would be a good model all right but enough rambling though that was our list feel free to share yours and remember don't take this stuff too seriously please don't fight each other in the comments that would just be the worst the most cringe did Eric got it right yep that'll show them youngans let's get out of here sounds [Music] good [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 158,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer 40k, Space Marine, Necron, Tyranid, Craftworld, Chaos Knights, Chaos Daemons, 10th Ed, 10th Edition
Id: wh6Kt0BnINY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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