Warhammer 40K Smash or Pass DEFINITIVE EDITION

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hello and welcome to the poorhammer podcast episode 100 by some miracle we've made it yeah still can't do a proper intro but one day we'll get there yeah I'm Brad this is Eric and we're going to do a meme so last episode was a thinking episode very fun very entertaining in my opinion but did horrible on YouTube yeah so we're going to do the exact opposite this will do great on YouTube because it's smash or pass 40K characters you all asked for it with the smash Captain episode we're just waiting for a day to slate anyway screw it let's do this thing sounds good all right before we get into our list of over 50 characters here just a quick announcement at some point on the week where this goes live the data slate is expected to be out as it was supposed to be before we recorded this episode we will probably be breaking our standard release day for the data slate to try to get it out in a timely manner it will also be a less great edited episode when we get there so be on the lookout keep track of us on YouTube keep track of us on our twitters if you are over there or whatever the next episode will be early is my point it's expected to be early unless they release it Friday at like 8:00 p.m. and we're recording this last second next week yeah if that happens then uh everything will be on schedule as expected but uh most likely it'll be like a Tuesday or something like that to maximize how much it screws us it'll be like yeah Monday Tuesday so how's the data slate look everybody I'm sure it's exactly as expected and uh they didn't have to delay it based on lvo or anything yeah box cars may have changed history that's the only lvo coverage you're getting out of us this time guys you better have liked that joke that said we've got a fun episode on this one and I know that you were trying to say sell it as like oh it'll be like a good way to talk about epic Heroes but uh I still think that stands if you want like a more serious angle of this we're going to be doing a showcase basically of a bunch of impressive models from every faction except for chaos Knights who doesn't have an epic hero Get Wrecked we're even doing like a lot of different Marines I don't know if I got like literally every stupid chapter but I got the vast majority of them in here but we jumbled everybody around so so that you don't have 30 Marines in a row but at the same time this is going to be a more silly I don't know a nonserious discussion like it's smash or pass like this is your relaxation between the serious competitive next week the serious game design last week and this week's a dick Tickler I don't know yeah mhm it's it's that it's instead of a brain Tickler wow terrible my dude terrible don't my dude me in 2024 hey pry for life all right let's start let's start okay we're starting off with bellor good strong start yeah I just he's the undivided demon of choice I did throw all the demons into their respective God areas and jumbled them away from each other but uh what do you think about the first prince the dark master one with the Shadows whatever he's got some ABS all right you know like that takes work I think he's an Easy Pass really I think it's a smash it's an impressive body the the wings are kind of weird to me I'm especially the chains okay so hear me out body aside he's all about himself oh yeah he is the greediest most selfish you aren't getting anything out of him you're getting used in this relationship you're going to be super disappointed whatever game he puts on yeah that is likely true it's going to be one of those Quicky job da okay get the [ __ ] out yeah not even a spend the night it's going to be like it's Dawn get out of my [ __ ] house he's not sneaking out at 4:00 a.m. he's showing you the door right there he is pointing get the [ __ ] out I mean you're not wrong but sometimes you got to experience that you know it's uh it's an experience that some people enjoy and uh maybe I'm here for it I forgot your taste in women yeah I forgot never mind Eric's an easy yeah I'm just saying like no I know how this is going for the rest of these it I think it's still a smash all right let's let's move on aerial Stern and Kean Neal I'm so glad I was going to be like okay let's move on and then I looked at the name and I was like [ __ ] Brad introduce us to the next contestants here Eric they're the demon of fuge they've got such easy names what do you think of the two of them ah I'm thinking probably a pass that's kind of my thought is it's kind of weird to be the third wheel yeah plus he's got like a spiked Cod piece on it's going to get weird well but the thing thing is is like they're so serious that it's going to get weird in like uh you know this like weird missionary like we're going to be serious about this but it's going to be weird and you're not going to be able to deviate from that there's no like exploration happening with the weirdness I yeah no I'm going to pass all right let's move on to the easiest smash of this whole thing Celestine the living Saint yes please Angel lady I don't even have like an angel thing can you say no to that and like if if the two girls on the side want to come along all right I was just going to ask like is it actually like the whole she's the only epic hero so I think we got to we got a great alone on the people who are named yeah okay so it is celesty not foresome maybe they just watch maybe they join I don't know I don't really care I'm here either way yeah probably she's causing doves to appear when you see her you're going to have a good time I just wonder if she'd ever take the armor off she seems like like somebody that never takes the armor off so this gets into lore she is essentially a non-chaos demon she's she is a she is an order demon essentially she's basically a demon Prince okay she just appears and then disappears when battle is over interesting if that's the case then can she just change form at will and if she's down for business it's going to be like 11 out of 10 never forget and then like I mean at that point then like some of the armor can stay on even though it's not like it doesn't really make sense because you know you're basically a demon you can cheat reality a bit and that's sexy the only thing that stays on are giant shoulder pads because it's a 40K setting yeah it's a little weird little weird it's a little weird but this is probably the best we're getting in this list though yeah it's about the best yeah so I'm I'm I'm smash yeah all right it's time for rabud Gillan it's time for the gorilla man it's time for that hideously painted face on his official paint job I yeah uh so on that are we facing them just on these Like official painted if we know more it doesn't have to be the official paint job I'm just it's the one that's going to be on screen for the YouTube audience so I was like bag on head but bag on or put a helmet on and then just leave the helmet on and take everything else off it'll be okay when he first recovered he was supposed to be stuck in the armor forever but then they reconed it cuz they realized how dumb that was I don't know man probably but he seems vanilla he's like super daddy that's his character yeah I feel like it's a safe bet like as far as this list is going to go I'm putting him in the smash category I feel like yeah he's definitely like the safe pick so it's probably one of those where it's like yeah maybe but in basically any setting he's your Primo husband guy yeah husbando yeah the perfect dad All That Jazz like you got to say yes I mean that is a great defense for like a relationship I don't know if that's a good defense for smash though he's 8T tall and probably lays a shitload of pipe yeah forgot that you know he's like basically a giant actually I think he's more like 12et tall but still you get the point yeah I mean there's a certain point where it's too tall yeah you got to get out the step ladder yeah you're like I'm going mountain climbing tonight like what the [ __ ] uh big lady problems I'm I'm still going smash just because I know how bad this list is going to get uh reluctant smash it'll be fine it's not the most exciting but I'd still do it all right let's talk about abidon the the spoiler uh no all right hear me out okay he has to keep a bag on his head he's [ __ ] hideous he's pretty [ __ ] hideous yeah but from everything I've seen of abidon and lore he is like constantly trying to prove that he's the best I feel like he's going to give it 110% yeah especially if you like you kind of like fed into that and like all right make him feel a little inadequate he's going to give it more than like most others here because he's just neurotic that definitely could be fun but like what's the rest of him look like under that suit I'm not going to ask questions I don't really want the answer I I'm not sure I want that answer either I think I'm still a pass but I see what you're saying and that's a smart way so you're a smash on I'm saying hear me out I don't know still well you got to make decision I'm still going to go with pass though I think it's there for those who want it though if that was enough to sway you you're the target audience for the disappointing child all right there's definitely a despoiler joke in there that I don't really want to get into I don't want to there's some I putting these in the list I thought of some disgusting jokes with names so let's bring some toys into the bedroom with vastor the arane I was just thinking that same thing I was like I know it's so easy generally no I'd pass but you're probably using his products in the 41st Millennia right it'd be one of those he'd give you some neat things and like just kind of be there right like it's like a he possesses sex toys because like he's possessing stuff in his lore books when he like goes around and like takes over ships and stuff that's how he does it yeah if he can do that then that's like that's his fetish that's like Kind of Perfect honestly I'm impressed at how easily I've been able to argue at least a couple chaos characters I'll give vasor the smash since I did waffle on abidon before saying pass I think vasor the idea of possessed sex toys gets there yeah I think it's probably a smash as well but I do have some concerns that the toys are going to be like you're the test subject oh yeah you die in most of these in the vast majority of 40K smash or pass it's it's a one time you're dead at the end yeah yeah this is how you want to go out death by Sno SN hopefully he's good enough at the toy manufacturing that it'll be very enjoyable so yeah okay possibly the easiest pass on the list for me uar the destined with his cracked mud face yeah not not really my thing either he's 5'11 yeah he's more like 5'7 if we're being honest which in the universe of 40 K 12T yeah Easy Pass I'm going to pass as well what the [ __ ] is this next one introduce us kis Rex's pilot I couldn't even find his name I'm sure the name is somewhere but it's the pilot of kis Rex that's fantastic he's a normal person is the best thing I can say in the uh current freak Show we're about to dive into I'm going with normal person wins well and like it's it's not just normal like he's clearly like a somebody who takes care of himself a lot kind of thing he's well kept look at that beard he's clearly taking care of himself he's got you know the proper goatee like if I stand next to that guy in real life you'd be like he's out of your league oh yeah I mean it's out of most people's leagues I think he's no so easy smash I think it's smash as well yeah fascinating though I didn't even think that this like we're doing epic Heroes all right then random pilot dude look did you want Kanis rex on here actual literal K Rex how do you feel about kis Rex get smashed I think that's uh the scale is a bit undoable what are those guys who like giant ladies like the giant fetish yeah there's definitely I mean there's definitely a fetish for it but not mine Pacific Rim is like your favorite porno yeah there's a lot of people that like that movie so maybe all right so next is shaxi I feel like you have to say smash it's a sharp of the God of Pleasure and Pain like if you're going out you're going to be in a history book I think you have to smash you don't survive your soul is probably in tatters in a best case scenario you are Shackled to this thing for the rest of forever I'm still going for it I don't know man I forearms kind of freaks me out yeah instead of like the bag of the head it's like a you got to hide the crab hands yeah it's kind of scary to me I don't know any specific shalaxi lore but Keepers in general are horrifying but also are supposed to be like super seductive to be talking to I don't know man I I think I'm going to pass the arms it's fair they're freaky it's just too unsettling you know it's got that like uncanny valley kind of thing going on that just like you can just say I don't have a thing for lobsters maybe not to her face but yeah okay I found another Easy Pass what the [ __ ] Lord solar Le H what a douche sure I mean who even this is the guy who replaces Yar after Yar dies terrible absolutely terrible how could he do something like that this is a no dog you're trying way too hard here very much trying way too hard with like the literal White Knight yeah Steed and everything with like the flowing Cape yeah nah dog the robo horse has a better chance and it still pass yeah however oh Lord Castell and Ursula Creed is a lady who knows what she wants that's true and is also nor Al human which is big on this list yeah that is very big again like I feel like this is kind of like long-term relationship maybe yeah seems like you could be a Dependable companion she's definitely going to smack your ass with that baton though you're getting paddled oh yeah it's I mean it's not going to be the most boring the helmet on the official paint job down on her base the helmet of the last guy yeah I was like that helmet's for me this is the death by snu this is the Amazon lady easy smash yeah I'm with you smash so uh iron father fyros dude with a bunch of claws attached to him daddy all right yeah iron Daddy for the name alone I want to say smash but he's got to be a pass this man is more machine than vasor and vastor is a machine God yeah a pass as well I feel like the iron father is just like it's funny but you're taking it too serious and you're going to be too weird iron father is the name of a sex toy yeah I I'm going to pass uh right into mortarion huh we're into the nurgle section okay extreme pass ignoring what he looks like well there's still the veil over who you're with he wouldn't make it through a generic conversation zero Riz yeah this man could not woo anything and he definitely doesn't have the uh physical charms when you're over you can't just ignore that he's terrible yeah just like you're kind of a piece of [ __ ] but like all right one night I can fix him yeah no one's fixing mortarion just dig the grave all right Eric who's up next rigus interesting past you're saying you wouldn't have sex with me this is what my wife sees every oh no grubs falling out of the mouth and everything right and the stomach just like opening up to consume [Music] V oh I mean there's probably some people with the feet fetish that are like yes yes please oh god I didn't even yeah there's somebody you know who you are he looks like me and I'm still saying pass the only person who could look at this and go smash would be my wife and even she needs a drink or two brutal uh let's move on Sloppy bile paper what are your thoughts Eric I don't even know what the [ __ ] this thing is hear me out he didn't get the nickname in College of sloppy Piper for nothing all right I mean that's hell of a tongue it's the only reason I added the extra one into n yeah no I see what you're saying I'm still going to pass but there's interesting ideas he will give you an endless gift the endless gift is herpes I yeah that's very another problem with the whole nurgle thing I stole that joke from one of the patrons but I'm not saying who I'm just stealing it this is mine now that was actually pretty good but let's get the hell out of nurgle for a little bit all right what are your thoughts on the Patrick so much better no still like the hands the arms it's too creepy look at his giant dagger dick though that's very impressive you can't tell me that's a tale I see where it is oh no it's it's absolutely not a tail this is our only Jean stealer called Model cuz there's shockingly few that are actually named which is kind of weird I mean the patriarch's technically not named either to my knowledge but there's only one so blah blah blah so uh yeah I'm with you just pass yeah what the [ __ ] on his tongue I'm pretty sure that's related to the Jean Steelers kiss which is a whole lore thing that we really don't need to get into in today's smash or pass topic all right I'll assume it's really weird it's not fun so not kinky all right then pass how about though so lth hesperax yes you die yes but smash yes please she's exactly my type she really is aric's type absolutely crazy insane and going to kill me while also being like life and sexy please dominate me Jesus Christ don't do that in my earphones oh my God [Applause] no so I mean what's your thought no right in the ear hole burello isolate that clip this will come in handy later so moving on yeah I think dzar here is probably also a smash if we're being equal opportunity there is no nothing for a male equivalent of Lilith you could ask for more I mean assuming that that's like you know same like life athletic kind of build underneath that armor which seems to be then yeah okay so he's Darth Vader of 40K I don't know if he's got the [ __ ] up Darth Vader face I mean that's okay you can keep a helmet on the helmet may have to stay on but I do know that like the long and short of it is he's Darth Vader I mean still voting smash yeah I was like this is a smash or pass we're not talking about uh if they're good people people or not and there's something about the bad guy you know look for some of our audience this is it this is the end all be all yeah probably smash for some of our audience kis Rex may be the end I'll be all keep it to yourself though all right uh Commander Shadow kitten says smash therefore so do I you don't even get that TTS reference just laugh I don't know but would you take a big titty to T waiu I mean I absolutely would so there you go plus forehead what the [ __ ] is wrong with you good Lord I'm never gonna not think of that now [ __ ] it's a nose I swear oh God damn it dude it's awful I mean like it doesn't change anything negatively but you got to do the blow hole yeah right that's awful they don't call it a blo hole for nothing Jesus man all right Commander firesight let's move on I don't know anything about Commander firesight honestly he's just a tow dude in a suit okay then probably pass I'm going to just say they don't call it a blo hole for nothing that's still [ __ ] up I'm going with equal opportunity smash that's fair I mean to definitely can be pretty sexy looking so I see what you're saying but uh oh no we have more Space Marines all right fur's in the audience we're talking about Logan grimnar not the dogs you Space Wolves players the man I mean isn't he like kind of also he's Santa Claus in 40K but like pass I mean yeah pass there's a reason he's part of the uh faction that he is and uh that's great for some people but not really my thing space Wolf players aren't looking at the back half of this model all right then oh look another self-portrait manipulus huh look at my budha belly and I'm picking my nose I yeah what it very much looks like he's picking his nose and he's got scoliosis and his hunched over like every adme yeah he's like this one hand is still kind of fleshy and I just want to pick my nose that's why it stays fleshy it's just not the same it's a pass this is like an average magic player and no even in 40K my standards are higher yeah I'll pass let's move on to Bell sari's call though oh yeah manipulus wasn't a named character I just threw him in because he was funny looking I yeah I guess I just assumed he was I probably did that a couple times and didn't even notice but I just thought of that I'm like Call's the only one with a name why is manipulus here he's like oh right he had a budha belly and I thought it was funny looking yeah I'm definitely not uh if you're like yeah it's a epic hero be like yeah sure man I'm sure it's got low I'm sure it's got L please don't tell me right roll the [ __ ] dice smash her pass and let's move on [ __ ] hell uh B sar's call it's a tough one it is kind of tough right like the immediate reaction is no pass yeah the immediate reaction is pass but then you're like wait a second he's got some ideas some of them are going to suck though some of them are going to be terrible but inventive inventive and there's a bit of that like VOR experiments could be fun I think it's probably still a past it's a past but you think about it after a few you think about it yeah all right Magnus uh it's very red there will be crying after sex it will be Magnus cry he may also cry daddy yikes these are things you just have to know before you say yes to this I'm aware that if you don't put his horn nipples on he's jacked I assume for a lot he's an instant smash just body type and you ignore afterwards body type is likely very impressive right like importantly as he points out he can change size at will that's an interesting little uh tidbit that can make things very exciting yeah no I'm not a big fan of the whole crying during sex thing so I think pity smash at least the only thing is you have to know he's going to be really clingy after the one night stand for at least a week and you're going to have to block his number yeah no it's not really my thing but I get it Aron I think he's an easier pass in my opinion does it happen on the disc maybe he can show you the world I mean it was pass and then I was like well wait a second this is this is the equivalent of the hang on maybe I do want to hang out with this sleazy guy at the bar he's got a sweet car yeah you know I superficial enough to admit that I'm going pass it's dependent on if it happens on the disc or not for me it's I've heard his awful nasal voice in the audio books and I couldn't do it I am AAC Aron oh that'd be terrible oh you could just imagine the oh that ruins a lot of things it's pass pass baby all right moving on to cairo's fate Weaver one head only sees the past the other one only sees the future none of them are giving you the time of day and it's a bird and it's a bird man I mean like past I can't argue I don't see it now I'm throwing an extra one in here the changeling which is the smashi smash to ever smash you know we've talked about it a few times of like not actually not he is an epic hero and he can be anyone be literally anyone huh he could be literally anybody you need he's going to have to get rid of those extra arms then yeah I'm going 100% smash can he also be like non-real like custom if you can think of it he can become it kind of thing I don't know about that part because he's just mimicking people usually ah so you'd have to choose like I want you to be that person cuz that's kind of weird yeah but like you can just pick a random famous person yeah I'm trying to think of a single one and I just don't know celebrities Eric he could be uh what's that vtuber you like oh uh myy copi yeah that one he could be a vtuber if he gets her voice as well also does everyone in the audience enjoy the fact I just said that YouTuber you like and Eric just gave it up immediately I have no shame in saying that I enjoy watching Mari copi she has fantastic voice and also kind of funny you cannot shame me on that one anyway we're going to an immed mediate pass Cav shrike who the [ __ ] is this this is the emo quiet kid from middle school and it's a no he's listening to Green Day right now on that headset and is like a couple days away from saying don't come to school so he says that every week he just never commits he's going to do it [Music] though that mask this time he's for real guys that mask is one of those like he's actually going to do it guys yeah I know all right Jane's Z Jane Zar I just found out was a lady putting this list together is when I found that out I literally did not look close enough at this model other than that's a stupid giant hairdo and a clown face that's all I've ever gotten out of this model I never looked South not once I'm still not sure about smash I think it's a smash the model is not helping but I'm assuming that there's like that hair has to be like a headdress thing on the mask right and she's normal underneath I hope not I can't do it with that hair I'm in for it no I can't do that hair it is hair dependent smash or pass lar players will have to tell me in the comments I think it's a smash I think that hair could be really fun there's a lot of things you can do with that much grip that much grip hang on you're selling me I mean I'm just saying like there's some fun things that could be done uh your rain uh yeah easy smash the dump truck of all dump trucks smash smash smash yeah we're done throw the cat out of the room lock the door so the cat doesn't open the door and surprise you halfway through she definitely gives off a lot of the uh Leith kind of Vibes as well so that's not a coincidence she's literally a gladiator from the Arenas like Lila oh okay she's she's dark elar kind of already explained my uh tastes and uh yeah your Ran's doing it for me what are your thoughts on the Yar Eric I don't know that's where I'm at I think no the horn is just unsalvageable it's no but it's no but yeah you know what like it's it's one of those where it's like it's no but a few drinks later start thinking about like what you could do with all that hair that helps and like magical being thing I feel like there's some you know it's a Once in a-lifetime Opportunity so you got to take it kind of thing all right you're winning me over fine I've picked worse in this list so yeah that's true speaking of let's move on to Grandmaster voldus are you saying he's worse you don't want to give it up for Grandpa he's an old man I mean he's a goodlook athletic old man but he's like 80 I'm going to put it this way Eric he can't smash anymore they took away his thunderhammer yeah right like it's a generic power weapon now he putting in the work but give me like 40 years smash also I'm aware there is the chance they didn't take away his hammer but the joke is too funny to not do guys there's some very angry grey night player out there who's going to be correcting me about the hammer of vulis on a smash or pass episode yeah all right uh let's move on to uh the first Legion ah asmodai asod is going to smash it's basically his entire character trait yeah I say just smash just because smash very experienced he loves smashing he has a club literally just to smash people I like the paddle thing from a couple of the other ladies so all right yeah fine on this episode of the primer podcast Eric discovers caning oh I've known about that for a little bit longer than just now Brad I'm over 30 and I grew up during forchan a site that does not exist in 2024 shouldn't have existed back then either shouldn't have existed ever moving on from that to Lion l Johnson if you're going to go for the old man I think we have to say smash for the audience members who are into the older guys this is the pick yeah like voldus is doing well for himself but he's like vus looks like sleepy Grandpa Lionel Johnson is the pick there yeah if we're going for that energy he's got that energy and does it real well the little creepy Gremlin things they're not part of it it's like with celesine good cuz I was like that's going to be a little weird all right now we've got another threesome one again Valyrian and ala they're the two book named characters for custodes I know you don't care but that's where they're from I don't care but I didn't even know they had anything other than trasan they have like a whole series about them huh she's one of the only two things you can have lead a sister it's her or the generic one interesting uh I mean she's kind of hot looking okay I respect your opinion but I'm going to say pass as the lore guy my reason is if it's a threesome she's a sister of Silence meaning she's a null you're not going to enjoy any time within 100 ft of her much not enjoy humans like actively kill nulls because they like basically make you feel misery if you're a psycher they just like delete your brain I mean how much different is that from normal life though I'm just saying she's like a walking depressant instead of anti-depressant but I've learned from Usopp that if you're already depressed you can't get more depressed like that like it's the ultimate counter God damn it all right I'm still in I'm still a pass but God speed my superpower no one can beat me in a negativity contest uh trasan if it was kitten like you put the helmet on and make it kitten I'm here because kitten's great in TTS but Tran's face just ruins it I feel like custodies are just stuck up Pricks yeah he's going to be introducing himself for the first 3 hours too cuz his name is like 16 miles long yeah and probably during as well oh if he makes you call him his full name yeah you're going to fall asleep halfway through I'm a pass hard pass so Dante the weird feet armor is weird Okay he's not going to have the armor on he's going to have normal feet like normal people do he also wouldn't have the really creepy ass mask he might keep that on actually that's just his fetish that's not happening and he apparently looks older than Ling underneath it based off the books it's a shame too he's a great character yeah man I love Dante but like in a smash or pass I'm I'm going to have to go pass pass but like we could be friends we can be friends okay miston is the easiest pass ever though hardest pass I've read blood angels books no stay away literal cannibal right he's also a giant Edge Lord as if being a literal cannibal wasn't the worst thing an edge Lord step too far a lot of people on this list would eat you yeah but most of them aren't also humans yeah but most of them also aren't like just the edgiest most obnoxious 14-year-olds think this is cool main character all right yeah fair enough probably wouldn't even know how to actually do it no he'd be terrible and think he was amazing that sounds miserable pass get out of here angron let's move from Corn's favorite Legion to cor's second favorite um I think you have to say smash because it's angron angron's smash angr on Smash right I got nothing else probably pretty good at smash though that's my thought is if it's corn smash is basically all they do yeah it's a little more literal when they do it but I'm still like eh I mean I've got nothing against getting uh beaten up a little bit during things so look my balers Gate 3 playthrough has taught me that carlac is definitely the best pick among the ladies and she's just a big red lady which very similar to angron so angron is pretty much just a gender swap and like a thousand times more bloodthirsty but but it's 40K so like yeah smash yeah we got to smash good points scar brand similar things but he is a failure I was like just not as cool though yeah I got to pass we already ran the smash joke and he's just kind of like the worse angron now if you want an argument if you want angry sex scar brand is literally anger incarnate yeah I feel like that appeals to some people I like that as well but I think it's too much anger for me yeah no pass let's move on to the death leapers I almost ended on this one yeah no I don't need Squidward pretty obvious speaking of my balers Gate 3 playthrough I like the Squidward I want to be on their team because the Dragon Riders are nerds but uh I still ain't doing it let's move on Inquisitor gray fact I got to say smash normal lady on this list in this economy yeah Inquisitor has me concerned you're going to die anyway all right fine I'm taking my shot normal lady let's go she's even already got a candle with her so that could be fun now however I'm not taking my shot with the next one eisenhorn EDG Lord to the extreme literally some Sword Art Online [ __ ] shown in main character garbage but he's also like 60 get the [ __ ] out of here yeah I don't know much about that kind of lure but I do know enough about eisenhard just from it he's just the coolest [ __ ] dude Eric yeah no no and it works G oo mari's here too he's named that's true little weird it's so weird going to get a finger up the butt I can tell look at that face he's snickering about it just thinking about it oh yeah definitely waiting mhm yep guard down and mhm I'm going pass I think it's a pass I don't even know how much of him flesh under there at this point lore he's only aead now the rest is metal but this is before that point he still has some fleshy bits I mean it's cool but I think it's probably a pass now mozog mozog we could be here for he's just a jacked green dude very jacked green dude I don't even think Orcs have genitals but whatever I'm here for it no I'm pretty sure the whole like fungus thing is not a sex oriented but I'm still smash yeah okay all right High Marshall hell he has to put on a bag that is the most hideous face I have to pass even with the bag over the head we can do better yeah you deserve better audience don't settle for a black Templar you can at least do space Wolf good some of you could even get up to an ultra Marines all right moving on from that to a literal King the silent King oh we're in the home stretch I put the necron's last I feel like silent King is a caring lover really like his whole thing is the empathy of like self stying for his crimes the two other parts of the triarch on there are just weird old men though so I don't know about it now that I've said that it's going to get creepy I mean any necron is going to get creepy they're ancient Undead robots going to be weird but then again okay so caring nice to have some spooning afterwards but little robot nice to have some spooning afterward not the most comfortable of spooning companions yeah it's going to be cold I think I'm going to pass all right now to finish it off for the finale you knew it was going to end here I kind of figured if we were ending it it was going to be it was going to be a Squidward joke but instead it's both trason and Orin which one or neither or both I'm certainly not picking both oh man it's tough we could infinite and divine like deep think through this tron's just going to put you in a bubble and you're stuck in a museum afterwards it's like a but traas is knowledgeable about like he's read the entire Kamasutra in every alien species equivalent that's true and good appreciation for the Arts and like probably understands human yeah which gives him an edge to me orin's got the freaky tail thing and can literally see the future edging Master yeah however Orin is completely annoying like you can't get more annoying if you have to personally deal with him he's a great character but like actually interacting with him would be he'd drive you mad they're both pompous but like Orin is like next level complete ass tron's at least got some likability to his pompous nature where he like mhm I'm going smash for Traen my boy pass for orcin I don't even think it's that difficult of a choice to say pass there I think it's a difficult choice but I think I'm pass on both and that's fair that's the other outcome I could see I think I'm out for the robots this this was weird this was stupid but it was very fun it's also kind of a whiplash like I'm just thinking of future listeners if they're going to like oh I'm going to start at like 98 and I'll like listen through shows usually don't get good till like episode 100 I'll just start at episode 100 and then I went back and watched like 1 through 100 after getting up to like episode 300 yeah people just started episode 100 they've got like 200 of them yeah this is the first thing you see of us these guys are degenerates I mean yes that was perfectly timed all I think that's probably enough of the uh smash pass options not sure how many of these actually made it into the Final Cut we did over 50 of them so you can count and find out how much had to get dropped because of jokes that were not salvageable yeah and there might be some behind the scenes jokes extra in the audio only the ones that just literally cannot be done on YouTube yeah all right we've stretched this topic enough next week more serious talk points rules adjustments possibly a data slate that says no changes and we all just sit here in silence for an hour I mean honestly there's a lot to talk about if there's nothing that would be the ballsiest change it would be so interesting to talk about like if they actually released data late that was just like nope we're good almost certainly incorrect but also ballsy yeah be fascina especially if they like Del a week God damn oh masters of edging yeah just the best at it now I kind of want it to happen all right that's enough of us this week let's get out of here sounds [Music] good [Music] a
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 115,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZzkvG8OGgCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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