5 meme lists for Warhammer 40K you should NEVER build.

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hello and welcome to the PO Hammer podcast episode 97 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and we are back yeah it was actually a pretty nice break and then even got extended so it's too early in the episode for me to say that to to tell you what you can do but uh I did not enjoy the extension as much as Eric did no I I don't think you did so I'm still a bit down with the flu right now down with the sickness yeah I'm down with the sickness is me Mr hip guy everyone knows that I know all the references wow but I'm probably going to sound a little weird and stuffy today but we're just going to push on through today we have something exciting we are going to present to you the first in a series that we'll probably do throughout 10th edition we're going to give you five meme lists that you should never run I mean you could I just wanted advised that you should not buy the things on these lists who play these lists we are not showing you good lists today we are showing you funny lists we are showing you lists they are lists that exist so real quick before we get into the episode proper there is an emergency announcement of sorts I got to get this info out there we failed bricky failed brick he betrayed us uh bricky screwed up bus bricky here you go so the poorhammer objective markers that we're very proud of being able to sell finally through Orchid 8 and have a great time selling them and a ton of people bought them and that's awesome I no one measured those objective markers until recently yeah if you put them next to a different objective marker you may find out they're not the right size due to a clerical error a very large number of poorhammer objective markers all of them that exist were printed at 7 in and not the 7.5 in that an objective marker should be so this is being corrected oops I have spoken to bricky this week there will be new proper sized objective markers moving forward the current ones have been taken down from the page there's none in stock now you'll see from now on any ones purchased will be of the correct size but it's probably going to be 2 to 3 months until those exist they've got to get printed and shipped and all that so that they can get shipped out from Orchid 8 so for anyone who did buy the wrong objective markers do not fear you will be receiving an email from Orchid 8 on whatever email is attached to your order it may already be out there by the time this episode airs it will give you the offer of you can either get a full refund or you can select to have the new objective markers sent to you free of charge when they show up it's up to you if you just want to keep the wrong size ones for free or if you want the correct size ones you actually thought you were getting when you paid for them just try not to mix them together that would be problematic uh just give your opponents the smaller ones yeah was like we're going to choose who uh is on which side and uh so Brick's taking care of all of that I just want to get it out there for everybody so that you know how to get it corrected for yourself check your email if you bought them sorry to everybody who did bricky is even more sorry well yeah I mean he's covering the stuff so he's probably really sorry so make sure to go make fun of him in a bricky video don't do it on ad dep it's ridiculous that's mean to the other hosts but go enjoy making fun of bicky's inability to measure he's not used to sizes over 5 in Wow real mature it is me the mature guy I say all of the mature things yeah absolutely so with all of that out of the way let's get into the episode proper now all right sounds good all right it is time for the five mem list that we're starting off the addition with we decided to only pull from the codes that have gotten updates so far and then we'll probably keep it rolling from here every couple months to another one of these that focuses on the new Cod seas and maybe comes back to an old one right one list for each of the codes that are out right now all four of them yes five lists yes space Marin are special and they always get extra also I just thought of two jokes for Space Marine so I figured why not also five sells better as a number so why not why not it's true four divides by two and that's never good [Applause] what I guess that means that we should start with space frin since they're special all right so the first list I'm calling not a Marine in sight all right that's a good Space Marine list so I was building my typical iron hands list right and I started thinking about how few visible Space Marines there are in my average iron hand list sound's right actually and then I was like can I bring this to its logical conclusion and just never paint a Space Marine and put together a Space Marine Army it turns out that's really easy I limited myself to only one copy of each data sheet to show off like a bunch of random options and then I still had a 3,000 something Point list because space Rin have too many goddamn data sheets I was going to say like just like going through like the list and being like just all the non-space Marines you just click all the Like Gladiator has three variants and land Raider has two and like land Raider has three I was spoiled for choices with this list it was very simple until I was like oh but I need a Space Marine to lead it cuz I need an HQ and I was like oh Prim marks aren't Space Marines I'll just play ultramarines and pick Gillan nailed it so the list is essentially just you have rud Gillman and then we play like a ballistas dreadn a brutalis dread knot a redemptor dreadn then we can play a gladiator Lancer a gladiator Reaper a gladiator Valiant then we can play a repulser a Repulsor executioner a stormhawk Interceptor and then I had enough points left in a 2,000 Point list not to play like any of the other vehicles so I just threw a drop pot in there the fact that you didn't put like I guess like an Invader ATV would have failed yeah cuz you can see the space like I couldn't do there were several vehicles and stuff where you can just see Marines right a lot of the Flyers even cuz they have the windows unless you paint it over the window which I didn't want to get into that I feel like that would have been okay but but I didn't have to stretch so why right so this was wildly simple to actually put together once I actually tried it the drop pod looks like I'm stretching here but that's because I ran out of points I didn't even touch a land Raider here that is impressive the fact that you don't have any land Raider is like I didn't even touch old Marines like I could have gone whole Rhino chassis all of those I mean yeah there is a lot you could pick it was just entertaining cuz I'm like as long as you don't put like the version where you put the little half a guy up top holding the gun you put the closed hatch on all of the vehicles there you go the teapot hat yeah this list is hilarious to think about of like I walk up to the table and go oh boy I play Space Marines oh wow that must be boring no I've never painted one and you just have all of these vehicles and dreadnots at the same time like it's very iron hands right oh yeah like I could have just posted a random iron hands list where you're playing like eight dreads and some Gladiator variants and like you randomly will have one or two marines in that that are visible that are probably Tech Marines and that's like a totally normal iron hands list at a certain point this feels more like a shopping list of like Gilman's shopping list of like these are the uh good luck finding Gladiators on that shopping list out of stock for like eight straight months I know so obviously these are meme lists but I I mean this is like a playable list right honestly if you were going to build one of these lists and take it to a game like the drop pod is whatever but I would alter this list slightly but I could take this to a game and like hold back points with some Gladiators move some dreadnots up board take the midb with dreadnots and like you just sit back with the repulsors and wonder why they cost so many points but and like just like forget about the stormhawk and forget it offboard and let it explode the storm hog doesn't need to exist it looks cool on the side yay I just wanted to include an airplane and not feel like it doesn't belong you just shouldn't play airplanes in 40K right now no you shouldn't but it it looks cool and that's what matters but like yeah there's enough models that it's not like the uh Knights list where you're like you can hold one point because that's all you have of models yeah like even if a couple of your things get blown up you're probably still able to hold four or five points with this yeah and like gillan's going to slap yeah gillan's not what he used to be but he's still very good well I should rephrase that gillin alone is not the greatest keeping him with some dreadnots should be fine though yeah yeah drop pod's kind of a joke here but I guess just drop it somewhere for fun make your opponent blow it up to get out of the way this list isn't going to win a tournament but I could probably win a casual game yeah and uh definitely have some fun with it yeah I think like other than I don't have a drop pod we've got multiple in the play group and I can't find any Gladiators anyway even if I wanted them not that I do Baka wow I could probably just make the uh producer Army play this yeah I mean not yet because I have to actually finish building it and painting it but that project we've discussed it in the past will probably come up again at some point later this year when I show off a progress report on it but like I'm printing up alarus so that can be my Gillan I definitely have the dreads and I think that that like if somebody wanted don't like don't go out of your way to make this list but if they wanted to like you don't have to have all three like variant exact load out type things like of all the lists we're discussing today this one and the nekron list are the ones that are most likely for someone to just say I own this list I could just play this yeah like this is a pretty normal looking collection it's a little Gladiator heavy and you bought two repulsors but it's not this one of like oh wow I don't have any of this stuff or anything that would be similar that you could swap in so yeah uh let's talk about a different list you shouldn't build for incredibly obvious reasons uh yeah tyranids you know the game the floor is lava yeah we're going to play a game called the floor is bugs ah the floor is bugs yeah we're on a bad Acid Trip that'd be terrifying it would be terrifying truly horrifying all right let's slow roll this yeah uh so we start off our warlord is just a wing taned Prime that's just a solidly good warlord I like it I gave him a random warlord trait adrenalized Onslaught cuz why not then I uh gave him 20 gargoyles lead hey there we go that's fine it's a bit weird but uh it could have been Warriors but let's go with gargoyles 20 of them all right then we want 20 hormons oh yeah obviously and then we want 20 hormons yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely double it up and then we want 20 hormons all right uh yeah that's fair and then we want 20 hormons are yeah and then we want 20 hormons is there like a repeat lag going on here and then we want 20 more hormons wow and that's the legal Max maximum so we can't play anymore but I want to play some more gauns so let's run 20 termagants just for good measure right because you know the first 100 wasn't enough 120 thank you yeah so then let's do 20 more teragons of course and another one yep another one okay another one yep another one I I think that's all we've got I think we're literally at the max that we can do on that let's get out of battle let's back up on the meme here let's see some of the uh rest of the army of tyranids we've got the winged Tyrant so like maybe some cool stuff like that how about 22 neurons all right then we haven't stopped yet huh may as well just double that one up as well yeah okay yeah let's double that up 22 more yeah of course you know all right we've got like exactly 90 points left so we have to just 22 more just 22 more so for a grand total here we've got a wing tier Ed Prime 20 gargoyles 120 hormons 120 termagant and then a casual 66 neuroon nice it's just 327 models it's only going to take you 3 and 1 half hours to set up your initial deployment I love it it's absolutely ridiculous in the best way that I would never want to play against I would never want to play this but to see a picture of it set up I'd be like yep that's the [ __ ] swarm man let's go I think you would have trouble setting this up on the board in your deployment Zone this is 327 total models that you have to set up and then move every movement phase yeah I it would be a nightmare God damn is that just hilarious 327 models I love how it's like At first you're like okay it's an endless swarm spam list you start off with a wing tyranid Prime you're in the right subaction for it gargoyles okay that's what the prime will lead and then you just see the list cascading down from there and you're like oh God it just keeps going and then you're like you know what we've maxed out battle line so obviously we're going to get to the rest and it's like no and the best part is like nuron are trash yeah oh my God they're so bad you get 22 of them for 90 points I mean you got to have somebody sit on the back points right I mean I'd probably put my termagant further back and just have the neurons absorb some damage so on on that there's actually a lot of wounds in this list right not only a lot of wounds there's a lot of bodies you can't just blast this with one big blast yeah you have to land 327 shots over the game to clear this list that's honestly not trivial from a grey night standpoint you've got storm bolters they can put out some decent fire but you don't have that many bodies I don't think I could kill it in five turns I think there's a couple armies that would have trouble like custodes they're really good quality but they do not have the quantity no you max out killing for each turn and then there'd still be a 100 left and like Space Marines if you've got like five jump pack intercessors right sure they're swinging 20ish 20 something times right depending how we play them but you're going to miss some amount of those and a couple will fail to wound even though like you're going to wound a lot yeah but like missing 5% of them is still a noticeable lack of damage going through then you got saves which technically I don't know in this subf faction this is going a little too deep in the weeds how much we could protect these but like let's just assume they fail every save this is still like you need probably 10 plus units of Marines for multiple turns yeah to start chewing through this consider percentage and that's like that's completely ignoring the fact that there's a winged tyranid Prime going around he's not that kly he won't even kill a captain in one turn the wing tyranid Prime Eric is the it's a tyranid warrior I thought he got a buff melee profile he does but like it's like 6us 22 oh okay I think he's got some decent attacks but they're not crazy okay okay still like it's solid but it's not what I was thinking no you were thinking more like what happens when you get a winged Hive Tyrant oh yeah Hive Tyrant would have [ __ ] people up but uh yeah I mean this list is dumb and like seriously don't play it cuz this list is one where like I joked that like Space Marines you might have that there are a longtime tyranid players where the hardest part of this is going to be do you have 66 neurons yeah like a lot of people own a lot of teragons and hormons I still wouldn't recommend you play this yeah I mean especially if you had like the old ones and then you got the new ones kind of thing I mean maybe you play it once just to see what happens I I don't think you should really I mean play it once play one movement phase and just clock it there you go just clock the movement phase and tell us yeah and make sure that like you and your opponent have already decided the uh Mission and all of that stuff so that you can set up your army deployment and they'll just like figure it out as they go because you're not going to have much decision to be made by your army deployment it's literally just going to be fitt it in the deployment Zone you probably want to put your hormigon in the front yeah other than that not much of a shock so like you can set up as as expected and then after that your opponent can show up and then sit there and wait for the rest of the night as you move and then you con seeed but don't forget to take a picture or two because it's [ __ ] cool looking all right so now that we've discussed The Horde that can take down horde mode Let's Move move on to our next one this one is interesting because I didn't make it I made a nekron one so I'll just tell you what mine was it's one that would be fun but competitive made it lame yes I was like it had the ability and interest that could have been there but it was oops all katans but I ran silent King because he's got a Katan on his ship and it was just him and a bunch of katans right yeah it's a funny list except the problem is playing six katans is very good right now so it's kind of boring yeah kind of boring yeah it's a meme but it's so good that it's like this looks too close to an actual competitive list like you remove one of these models and put in some like core competitive models to like play the game around and then just unleash these katans anyway and you've got a decent list already so I didn't want to do that it was boring I'm not a big fan of the current New nekron Codex it's not the worst admech but it's not the best and I just generally was in a slump on necrons so Eric I let you just give it a shot and this is what you gave us huh yeah you being in a swamp for necron interesting because I've been in a swamp with grey Knights and uh I decided to just make better grey nights with necrons all right walk us through it cuz I don't see it so the hyper Crypt Legion basically lets you do the whole teleport around shenanigan things that grey night's trying to do we do it worse though so they've got hyper phasing at the end of your opponent's turn you can select a number of necron units from your army excluding units that are within engagement range of one or more enemy units the maximum number of units you can select depends on the battle size so incursion two Strike Force three onsa four Once you made your selection remove those units from the battlefield and place them into strategic reserves so yeah it is worse but like it's what you've got but we don't have default deep strike on everything so when we put them back they're going into strategic reserves so they can only come in from the side sides of the board it's not the same it's not the same but it plays a similar idea of just like board control through popping around and one thing that nekron does have is anti-tank and like oh but grites has psychic well I present to you death marks which have cast gun which is basically the same so I don't agree the death Mark data sheet is not fantastic I mean it's basically just like smites what is the profile strength five AP minus 2 damage two one shot each yeah 36 in range okay so you're playing 30 of them so you get 30 shots with 30 shots of precision it could be funny to use against a character Reliant list yeah I mean it'll do fine Marines on threes hits on twos if they don't move minus 2 AP is decent you basically take most characters to their four up invol and then you're doing two damage a pop so three to actually kill something you could probably remove two wish characters per turn depending on luck from your average Army that's kind of the expectation on that for me you should be able to get one without problem look I'm not a death Mark fan I've played them on multiple occasions and have always felt disappointed there was like a a moment at the end of ninth Edition where death marks were just better than playing Immortals but that had more to do with the state of necrons than anything else all right okay so keep us going keep us going so because I like the ability to just [ __ ] with boards and deployments and all that stuff I figured let's have some fun with uh infiltrators and since like the whole idea is to be bouncing around the board well let's make it start from deployment so just grabbed two things of 10 fled ones and six cantic acanthrites sure I've never pronounced this word out loud before yeah I don't remember hearing it they're a Forge World model so that's why you've never heard it is I don't own any yeah I've never even bothered printing them since they're essentially a melted gun on a body yes they are a melted gun on a body but they have infiltrate oh do they now okay it's a little cute I don't really want my Annie tank standing in the middle of the board a game start with his dick out but it's cute yeah except once we've done all this deployment Shenanigans I brought one Katan and that's the Kat of the deceiver so we're going to redeploy okay this is stupid nothing is as it looks like it everything is different the board's changing all the time man all right I'm more in now this is a little bit funny and uh I mean there was one of those like all right I still need anti-tank because that's the one thing that pisses me off right now about actually like other than the fact that like psychic and whatever but like can't kill tanks so I was like okay I'm just going to grab two things of of locus heavy destroyers that'll do a job that doesn't even seem meme but I guess the meme is grey Knights here so yes it is it is gry nights done better why do you have a night Scythe it was one of those that I'm not sure what to do at the end there and it was like there's some cute things you can probably do with a night sight that seems thematic to the whole [ __ ] with the board it can undo other like it's basically like a shitty version of hyper phasing I guess it just gets into the this is to make fun of night's thing of it's also a drop pot ability and you are really playing it heavy on the movement parts of this oh yeah this is very much a movement board shuffle list that's the meme I'm not expecting this list to be good I'm not suggesting anybody play it very much the opposite this was a personal list for you this was a very personal list of look at how badly they've done my grey nights that's my take on nekron's Meme list I think it's far more interesting than oops Al Katon knowing your goal was to bash on your gry kns I get it I am shocked you're playing hyper Crypt and you didn't bring a single monolith when like half the hyper Crypt rules rely on a monolith I mean one I don't like the monolith it's just train but it's expensive and like yeah a lot of the strats do matter but like two of them are very specific you're probably not going to be using them one of them's 2 CP so like you kind of have to have a CP generator to realistically do it I don't think you need a CP gen in this Detachment there's nothing else you're going to be spending your CP on other than like a random reroll all right we can move on I want to save admech for last because I I'm proud of my punch line so let's do Space Marines again to get the second Space Marine list out of the way let's do Space Marines again uh I'm looking forward to seeing the uh tyranids version of Space Marines cuz that's obviously the other thing instead of no Marines in sight all Marines in sight right it's related so you've heard of nuke town from Call of Duty right I have wasted quite a bit of my life in Nuke Town overrated map by the way [ __ ] you so instead of nuke town space rings can live in Boomer toown wow it's like Nuke Town but really depressing cuz nuke town is definitely not depressing at all got a bus and it ends in fireworks all right Boomer town so Boomer town this was my other thought while I was playing around with the ultramarines I was like you know I really hate old Marines I absolutely love the fact that like every time you're thinking about Space Marines that thought has to cross your mind like there's no way it doesn't you're just like Space Marines [ __ ] old Marin Marines all right what were we doing again what well no it it was more while I was putting together the not a Marine in sight I was removing the old Marine unit since I could do it with basically all primaris with all new models right yeah so I got rid of all the Rhino chassis and all that stuff so I ended up cutting so much I'm like this could be its own list and I was like what's left that's still in the old ugly scale that isn't gr ni actually a Space Marine wow okay yeah and I was like there's got to be enough to make an army there was definitely enough to make an army which is more disheartening to think about this fact that with what I'm about to list off we still have so many more space Marine releases in the primaris scale they're going to do so let me introduce you to the residents of boomertown first up we've got Captain sarius with his sweet old resin model sure in modern lore he's crossed the Rubicon primaris and he's got a cool new drip but uh his model is still from 19 dickity 2 and made out of fine cast yeah I then grabbed a chaplain with jump pack which is somehow still a unit even though I don't think this model has been made in 10 years I thought they got rid of that one it's still legal and not listed as a Legends unit when I was playing with this on new recruit and my only copy of this codex is at my brother's house and I don't want to go over there just to check no I mean that's fine I just I thought they got rid of that one snuck through apparently next time they'll get them next time and uh in our huge list of Terminators we somehow didn't update the ancient inter Terminator armor that's still the old one which to be fair very thematic name I guess but they use Ancient in the British way where it just means flag why ancient is the guy who holds the flag that's actually a title in an army I just broke your mind didn't I as you realize all the models that are ancients are all holding Flags yeah I thought they were holding a flag cuz they were so old that like they're not actually fighting no it's it's literally guy who holds the flag there's no way this is actually real things you learn from playing this stupid game son of a [ __ ] it's a standard flag or n sign there you go [ __ ] God damn it I hate the fact that I know that now and now you'll randomly bring it up and look like a dumbass in front of everybody else yeah it's very possible I just did it on air in front of our entire audience so that's who I put in for characters Captain sarius is going to hang out with 10 tactical Marines I brought another 10 tactical Marines just because I wanted this to actually look like a list this is like as far as meme list go this is a meme cuz it's old Marines but like it's a list it's a diverse list with like all the things that you kind of need an actual list to do and then our chaplain's going to hang out with five Vanguard vets with jump packs who somehow still have a data sheet yeah our ancient and Terminator armor is going to hang out with the Terminator Assault Squad which is the melee Terminators not the ones that we just updated with the guns these ones are like the guys who punch well chop okay fair enough and then uh I just brought five Devastators you can put them with whatever you want and then I brought three centurions who are The Assault load out and three centurions who are the Devastator Squad load out to remind you centurions exist sure okay I mean aren't they like actually pretty decent I don't know how they are rules wise I don't care I just know they were like one of the last editions in the old Marines before they just primaris everything they're essentially a Terminator for Terminators right I brought an old dread cuz why not we have a land raater because we're booming I mean if you didn't have a land Raider this would have been a failure of a list and we can put our Terminators in it and then I've got a predator Destructor a Razer back that we can put our Devastators in and a rhino that we can just just tossed tacticals and sarius in or something classic it looks like a list it plays like a list you're just 65 years old and you regret your life I mean this is very much a list of you stopped playing a decade ago and you're back this is what you got this could also be seen as a checklist for GW of things you forgot to [Music] remove please delete these next Edition thank you not the rhino then it will truly be free all right yeah I mean it's a fine list it's got a good spread of things that it needs to do like whatever I guess we can just move on to the adme list cuz I have no idea what you're going to pull on this one all right I have not shown this list to Eric I'm going to have him walk us through it oh no so technically this list is like 30 points short just because you can put whatever enhancement you want on your warlord it's not the point of this list okay the subaction also not the point of this list I didn't even bother putting it in really you can ignore everything outside of this list okay then so while we go through this list first up we've got a marshall which is a guy holding a stick and a little pistol yeah I mean it's it's the [ __ ] cheap doesn't even really exist in points you can't even attach him to anything in this list oh god oh so he's just here that's great that like so it's obviously not a scari list well then we've got a bunch of skari the rest of the list is all scari technically so I present you 15 Sky stalkers which are the guys with the little wings who have the guns and then they've got like a taser goat and yeah okay the pterodactyl ones yeah then the sterilizers which is the other build where it's the same thing but it has a flamethrower and its little claws that it grabs you with right yeah that one's actually pretty annoying fing or was so you got a bunch of them flying around yeah cuz they both of those have deep strike right they both have deep strike then we've got 18 cerebus Raiders and 18 cerebus sulfur hounds which are the guys who ride the dogs okay so we got a bunch of dudes riding their dogs very space wolvesyoutube I love chicken walkers and then we've got nine drons which I threw Jazelle on there because memes which is more chickens yeah which one's the jaes it's the stupid terrible sniper rifle it's why they split it into two data sheets so that you would ever pick this cuz they could not make it pickable it's so bad all right then they made a war gear so bad they had to split a data sheet yeah so this list is 1970 points of a guy with a pistol a bunch of birds and dogs would you like to guess at the theme of this list Eric duck hunter you would be incorrect that was what I was trying to get you to think of though so yes duck hunter was the disguise do you want to know what the theme of this list really was I don't know what what what do we got a marshall which is 35 points is $35 oh no Sky stalkers and sterilizers which are 65 points no matter how you build them are $60 cabus Raiders and sulfur hounds do those only come in like threes are $60 but you only get three [Laughter] [ __ ] Eric's figured it out as he can do some quick math yeah like the second that you're like $35 I was like okay yeah yeah yeah the sky stalkers that's about right wait a second there's no way it's 10 oh son of a [ __ ] it's two kits the iron Striders and drons are all the same kit which is $60 for one this 1970 Point list when you sum it all up is $2,195 us at MSRP if you want to play duck hunt you have to pay 2,195 us dollar that's [ __ ] up for a 2,000 Point list God damn dude and like the worst part is like not even thinking MoneyWise I was like you know what this could be like a fun little stupid list right like you're playing a bunch of chickens there there's nothing horrendously wrong with this list other than I picked the Marshall instead of like literally anything else yeah the Marshall's definitely the but it was for theck duck hunt joke and my brother tried to improve on this and be like why don't you use the new sniper boy to like really make him think a duck hunt except he has a stupid new rule on him that says he can't be your [ __ ] warlord so I couldn't put him in alone really huh which was super annoying cuz it was a great idea he was the first one in the list and then I had to replace him and I had to figure out why I couldn't click a warlord button so I had to go look it up in the Codex and be pissed off and then I had to explain to my brother why his great idea didn't work yeah one of those like oh I found a bug in the uh Builder oh man how many times is someone going to oh so yeah I didn't even like go out of my way to minmax this by the way I just knew in the back of my head that this would be very expensive and then it was over $2,000 and I was like I'm not even going to try to minmax this but there you go over $2,000 to play a 2,000 point game Warhammer 40K this is what Games Workshop thinks of their ideal customer I mean one of the biggest problems are the chickens I can replace them and and it doesn't change that much no but I mean like just the fact that it's you only get one in that kit and it's a 50o model if it was like 120 point tank yeah cuz it's on a pretty big base like you've seen when our admech buddy lines up three of those next to each other that's a pretty decent footprint yeah but they're like 45 points whatever it is for the bad one and then 50 points for the anti-tank one 60 points if you want the taser one like no matter which way you put it the most expensive one is one point per dollar yeah that sucks but like looking elsewhere right skari you want to play scari vanguards they're $60 for 80 points yeah Electro priests are $60 for 60 points so honestly when you hid the admac list from me I was entirely expecting another tanid joke where you're just like here's the most [ __ ] models you can have in admac there was one where it was going to be a whole bunch of models that don't get their army rule yeah that one was like technically you could subaction this to not make it stupid blah blah but like this was this was just as I was playing around I realized how expensive it was and I was like no this is the episode this week and this was the first one I made and then we made the rest of these lists so you're going to call it uh like modern deck or something like that right oh I was just thinking of of like retro duck hunt collector I don't know what else like cuz it really was John so I was doing this right and you could do this with basically most admech units like just let me real quick run us through here yeah the dun Rider their transport is 80 points the kit is barely under that in MSRP I can't go tell you because the Warhammer site is currently on antibot because of their stupid launch of old world yeah I was just looking that same thing up I mean like one of the things is like aren't the castellan robots like one of the best yeah so that's basically how you get out of it you just play a whole bunch of breachers and castellan robots and that's ESS eventually the only affordable way to play admech which I think they're cool so that's the way I would want to play them and I guess you play like call with them and Dominus and a manipulus isn't the worst ratio but it's still bad and then like you still have to have a certain amount of Rangers or Vanguard like uh you probably just play the scorpus disintegrator instead of the dun Rider because it's like 180 points okay he just built it the other way yeah I mean it is like kind of doable but I see what you're saying of like when you're making a list of admac it can easily devolve into oh if I just keep doing this thing it's going to be expensive and hilarious for the amount of points you have to go out of your way to make it not nowadays yeah it's kind of the the hidden point of this episode admac is not okay anymore it is past the point where it is okay to not have an uproar over this like what the [ __ ] yeah cuz a lot of the problems before the codec were like okay but they can fix the point cost with army rules and change the actual rules to be better and then they don't you know like the the cost per point equalizes to an acceptable value essentially right but we've got the prices on these kits like it's an elite Army but then we turn it into Imperial Guard 2.0 like genan Steeler Cults is a bad Army to collect if you don't count the current combat Patrol right yeah you could basically do this with genan Steeler CS but the combat Patrol is so good I recommend owning at least three copies of it possibly four and that's not a joke because it basically buys you the Army for the rate you could buy any other Army and like then you just fill out the last couple things that's missing if that combat Patrol goes and they don't replace with something similar they're going to be another problem again right and that's why it's such an important thing of like this needs to get brought up with admac before Jean steer Cults ends up the exact same way and they are screwed this is not an okay amount of money for any army me to be costing to begin with but then to also have no discount box to solve this issue right like their discount box is horrendous yeah we did that whole episode but like this is showing you how bad it is you were talking about an army that is essentially $2,000 to play a game of 40K with nowadays this came up in the competitive Reddit recently when someone was like I haven't seen admech at all recently like it just got a codex why have I seen none of it and people were like well the Codex is pretty bad and they're right but another part of it is just not many people can afford to play admech yeah if you didn't already own it and even if you did already own it you may not have enough to play anymore that's the big problem for me at least is like you could have gotten in at Ninth with a bunch of stuff and been like yeah that was a fun complicated Army you could have done doing that but like that's like 1,700 points now it might not be500 now yeah maybe and like it sucks cuz like I said like before you brought up before you basically landed the punch line of scari Marshall is 35 points but $35 I was like yeah this seems like it could be a fun like it's dumb it's a nice meme like a lots of chickens that's why I was laughing when you were like oh they've all got deep strike I'm like I don't know I didn't even check and then as I was like thinking about it I'm like this would be kind of need to oh wait we could never play this we have an admec player I'm just imagining the laughter if I ask him if he's got 18 dr/ bistari ready to play he was pissed as hell when he bought his fifth the things are like 60 bucks a piece and are less than that in points Y and he did that in ninth and it was like one of the more expensive purchases he put into admech and it's like he can't even play like a full nine of these things let alone 18 of them to play this list because they don't come in threes for $60 they come in one yeah and then we get into like the dogs unless you were like super into like end of 8th beginning of 9th pre- codex adme dog spam stuff you probably don't have more than 12 Dogs total however you have them built there like 12 is probably a number that could be happening kind of thing like yeah but this list runs 18 of both which like I said like it could be fun it really could be yeah sure if they were sold in sixes for $60 it might not be the worst that would be a normal Army's price and even then it still be on the higher end I and like nobody should have this many of these things no and again it could have been that way if they were given out differently yeah the problem is the combo the kits look like an elite Army's kits like you look at their combo box you look at they get one of this unit three of this unit like that's how they get things but then if you want to fill out 2,000 points you're playing three of those ones you're playing six of those threes just to make a single unit yeah it's just wrong the whole way through and this is without getting into like yes I know powerwise aside everything about that codex is a disaster I'm probably not the person to be doing that rant I don't play admech and have that close of a relationship with it but I understand the general disgust that admac players have with everything to do with the subactions and that codex and everything else didn't help that they was like the white at the end of the tunnel is you're getting your codex yeah so uh there we go my $2,000 joke [ __ ] you I told you there was a reason it was worth being last because I can't top that none of these other memes beat the meme of games workshops pricing I mean you're not wrong all right that's enough of going through these lists though if you have ideas for these armies for great meme lists that you want to share please put them down in the comments on YouTube it'd be great to read those maybe we'll cover them again one day if you've got ideas for like upcoming armies where you're like hey we only have an index right now but here's a fantastic funny list you can play I'd love to read that maybe we'll use it on the show if it still survives the Codex yeah I mean that's one of the things that like it's always interesting to see if the like unique lists make it through a codex so yeah like there was the adme your whole life Army blows up at the beginning of the game in the index that was funny wow it's a funny joke it is it is but I found this more depressing and funny post codex so I think the Codex wins over the index here yeah but yeah definitely share your lists cuz it could be interesting to look into them and see how they do all right but that's enough of us this week let's get out of here we've got a lot of people to thank it's wonderful to have this many names to read yeah definitely especially uh sticking through through our break yeah again patrons in the audience bellio our wonderful editor who was here listening to us right now he does a bang-up job and while I was too sick to talk he went out of his way to record a bunch of extra bonus content that you can see in your patreon feed should you so choose to uh watch that now that we're back but for now let us thank 999 Adrien Frank Alex fujo all nighter Andreas Evans seg Cameron R Christopher Gargano Craig judge Daniel friche Dominic kisio Edward Lawrence Ethan Gerard Finn smes grundle bundle gun game 4453 Gyarados Hyperion TV iion iron father Jacob Gibson Jake veano Jared dierna jayen Jeff stumpo Joel Jonathan kiwi fruit bird leis castaldo Michael Melcher morfield 55 Mr Game Nikki what that's not that's not the letter I expected out of the second one uh okay jarlin owl B bark Phantom Angel 1245 Proteus 7331 rookie XP Samuel Summerfield severed stage squar the Marine who plays to try warlock jpg weeb and yero and we also have to thank our producers Brandon janky Demolition Man Dr lace y c Michael Sullivan Robert to and rock thank you all so very much thank you for supporting the show all right that does it for us this week thank you all for [Music] listening [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 166,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, meme lists, 10th edition, space marines, admech, adeptus mechanicus, ad mech, tyranids, necrons
Id: EsMqsH86biM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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