Finding All The Easter Eggs! | Kindergarten 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought it was pretty clever that the game gave you an achievement for not microwaving Smoky the cat.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nugget loves Easter Eggs

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JubliationTCornpone 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to yet another episode of GT Live 10 that show again you did seems to come up very frequently yes actually eat your office yeah Parks and Rec community I think Susan's in a moment yep uh I know I was gonna say they're getting a lot of they're getting a lot of syndication can we syndicate GT live we're over a hundred episodes and by the the rules of syndication I think it takes 100 episodes in order to get syndication oh yes we're eligible if anyone would like to syndicate us we're open to that dear Netflix I'm sure people would love to fall asleep to this show it's true they could do that any time they already do just like I fall asleep every night to the office I was talking to the fine brothers last night and Benny falls asleep to the office as well all everything you have to go through and then you got to go to something else yeah you're like I can't have everyone at dinner we were all like oh my gosh you fall asleep to a TV - so do they fall asleep to the office and Arrested Development I'm like oh my gosh I fall asleep to the office and everybody q speedrun yeah the speedruns are a big one speedruns are great you explain to them because we can't be left alone with our thoughts in the dark I didn't want to get that existential with it I think they understood that very scary to be alone with your thoughts in the dark that's why we fall asleep to this it was less actually me I think you could fall asleep no problem oh yeah it's me that has the issue there are no thoughts going on up here like it's just hello there you go welcome back to their ego theorists haters out there I could have told you that that's why all those theories suck are you over that at this point if they're if they hate the show they could just no watch yeah they can be not one of the 12 million people right Wow well are you big Christmas big time in the big WOW I appreciate you saying that I can I'm not lying I get to say it as an employee I appreciate thank you that's really funny oh no I mean I get it right like what we do is variously you know some people get it some people don't some people appreciate and it's fine like it's fine [Applause] and there's something to vehemently hate for everyone you know it's yeah it's also like the thing that always gets to me is when people are like it's so poorly research is like no please step off I'm sorry that I missed the one blog post from five years ago so for those of you who are just tuning in ladies and gentlemen for the last few weeks we've been playing kindergarten to the sequel to one of our favorite games that we've ever played here on the livestream on all of our favorite topics young people and murder oh great small children and heinous violence yes yes is that I mean really when you look at the programming block that is hard suite of chat our little corner of the internet that is the intersection and yet somehow we managed way yeah we it's positive child murder oh so anyway we finished the game up yesterday we finished all the official story lines yesterday it seems like in total there are nine different routes to take through the game and we finished that yesterday so if you didn't miss or if you did miss that it's available right now here on GT live channel check it out it was a blast there was a lot of fun throughout this entire playthrough I've had a blast but as the final unlockable that you get for completing the final mission you get a map or like clues as to how to unlock all the other hidden outfits as well as monster Mon cards which we will need I'm assuming to figure thing I'm most curious about one is we haven't played monster man so I'd like to play a round of monster Mon to I'm curious to get all the outfits but three there's this mysterious button or eye scanner in our bedroom and I'm assuming that in order to press that button and unlock whatever that thing does it's gonna require us to collect everything that's my expectation I'm not sure what we're gonna find out today so today we're cleaning up kindergarten right we're just making a clean sweep of it we're gonna speed run through a bunch of different storylines to try and pick up all the stuff that we done missed the first time through so it should be really fun hit us up on twitter using hashtag GG live where Chris stepped back his his board drawing it like he was good for so many more like a P with a mouse you know it was an attempt at the carnivorous plant that ends up being a monster Mon card all of the trappings of a normal plant like leaves I'm looking on my own today fruit bearing grades someone did surgery on him anyway you can join us in the chat as well where people like serial OC low key low C are saying why does staff look like she went through a spray tanner thank you for your wonderful compliment you don't look like you would thirst for I know my Mediterranean shine is coming out no we were doing a photo shoot for the upcoming round of theory merch which is back to school there are no extra no there are no new clothing items but there are a few like really awesome items for back-to-school those are rolling out this weekend yeah we have them very excited about it we did photo shoot for it where we had some fun somatic makeup going on and no this is not highlighter this is just my own do you have the backpack here because we end up bring in the backpack keep back yes or no do we have it let me we have we have a new backpack we have a pencil case which is super nifty we have a new journal which is great yeah we have all sorts of cool new stuff that's going on oh hey yeah so many people wanted a new backpack because the backpack last year was really popular so without like immediately we got a new backpack so we need to know this one it is I think it's I like it like a little teeny bit better even the one last look it's a little bit more streamlined I like the black and green a little bit better but anyway it's got inside it's got lining yeah there's a lot of it so many details so many pockets tons of zippers tons of like step places to store your stuff it's got like all the pouch the pouches for your like bottles and then like all the stuff that's on it is like this is impossible it's great it's great I anyway that's that's launching on Saturday pencil case new journal and the journal like so past journal has a bunch of like secret images and it's not an Arg this time but it has a bunch of like references to pass the areas and Easter eggs and stuff here's the pencil case oh my gosh because from talking to you guys like at events and things we we found out you know like you guys would love to do fan art you guys are artists a lot of you are out there artists and we're like hey you know we have artists here who are like a we use pencil cases all the time yeah I thought that this would be a lot of fun and cool so we work with the merch team and created these and we're really happy with how they turned out everything's you know rubber embossed and like it's really yeah it's like really it will hold up all year it will hold it on everything you can drop it on the store you can throw it down there's the journal it's gonna it's really awesome it's really cool so you got um this stuff will take a beating it is so good and you can stuff all your side pages and stuff so you got like your kind of like reference pages in the back or in the front so you'll see like the little story that we did for the photo shoot today it was really fun yeah they're doing this weekend I think it's Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time yeah Saturday Sunday 10:00 a.m. some time if you want to get a night before they're gone it's awesome all the steps sold out really fast last year so we ordered a lot more of it and also just tried to make sure that there is enough available forever yeah no way so anyway we're really excited about it we did something different with the photo shoot this time hopefully get a kick out of it the merch team is really excited about it cuz it has like a little anime narrative story that's why Stephanie's over done honestly she's my it's gonna be super fun so anyway enough surely hey looks like enough chili guys he just wants us to microwave let's microwave a cat shall we we have yet to do that play this game look at this so we have eight outfits that we need and a whole mess of a lot of mess so let's go I mean so we got a limited amount of time to do this because Ali will need us Holly shows up in our house so we got now we're gonna have to do all this that is our ticking clock ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna dress like Cindy because I'm gonna dress like Cindy mixed with miss Applegate okay great we're gonna be a Moabitess in you got so much cleavage so much cleavage the most cleavage okay after nugget bangs his head first so just keep track of all this after nugget bangs his head for too long berry nugget in Nuggets so that's during Nuggets mission in the cab during recess let honey defend her locker in opposites attract [Music] okay okay dump the spiders on Felix after showing Ted oh my gosh we're gonna have to go holy wow this is like one at a time get killed by the creature that's eating Lily breaking said okay I know that way okay give Monte the laser module and then go to lunch okay that seems like you let penny defend her locker how do we do that give the cat to a new owner okay collect all 50 monster cards so that one is okay so Noah so even though these are a lot there are you collect both at the same time so this is also after nugget things as hell does also give a cat to New York okay okay cool boy are you gonna start with so I think we do the opposites attract one because that one seems let penny defend her locker okay I was also gonna propose giving the cat to a new owner give Monte the laser module I think we can probably do that in general okay you want to give the cat to a new owner sure ox it's correct see there's two enough that's a trek let penny defend her locker and okay so I'm gonna take the laser module as well I'm assuming is that yeah good people he's a bum too oh hey what do we need for opposites attract yeah I'm gonna track we need the tool belt into a bluff okay so actually let me get rid of bull revisit the money will do the outfits first yeah cuz I think it there's just so much to unlock let's start with that and then we'll get to the laser okay or then we'll get to the monster mug cards okay so we start this one off by game catch man that's why I thought okay so Carla do you want to know it's we want the firecracker deal okay we got the Firecracker penny she's gonna take my contraband right I know that great you took my contraband that sucks oh man bugs and so mad they took my contraband talk about go took my stuff too are you smart enough to get in the smart class you bet I am so now I need to get in the smart class right yep yeah so I got to be best friends with her I think we still can be for Intel shoot I lost money really great I don't want people get in trouble just happens I'll see you there okay all right there is Monty and then Monty disappears okay okay so now I'm best friends with her give me this bracelet just get her opened up during morning time okay so we need the principles don't go to lunch I don't believe you I'll give you a chance great I feel great okay awesome go smart class well I met smart class I wonder if I could get Monty his laser right without costing in an apple yeah guarantee now these other parts I'm looking for when you're looking for there we go I'm trying to find something to upgrade the precision of the laser cannon on my chair I'm gonna use it to make the janitor suffer will this work yes oh and you get a mess of my card all right Greg that's perfect oh man I can't wait to the see the look on that old coots face here's a mastermind card for helping me out this should be good okay so he's gonna kill the janitor probably at lunch um talk to penny where's this guy it's in the locker it sort of just goes away i black out she needs her dolly what about your doll she has connection with it gray you get the prizes I need to do this right take the assessment I need to take the assessment and then paper take the toilet paper is it to pay for this one okay so I got to go get her dolly don't mind me may I leave otherwise he makes fun of me okay so at a certain point she's gonna defend her locker right go down to the bathroom hey wait no I need the classroom sorry I need the dowel all right all right all we need to spray her in the face that's right what do you have on you toilet paper oh this is new I'm surprised me with the right name she's convinced him letter to be some hired muscle so so I recommend using the toilet paper draws attention need to keep modify it so he ignores our when she calls great idea okay okay okay let's do the dog bring the snitch seems you'll spill any info after that much meat good doing lunch great so clogged toilet clog the toilet [Music] it's gonna clog the toilet buddy do it luck I can't get into the weapon closet me gendler's closet leave do you think that's good I should probably leave before the janitor knows okay great [Music] speedrunning it okay there we go now we talk to Cindy Leila's yeah we talked to yeah we talk to Cindy we call it the snitching right okay she's so pretty just like make it a doll you can what do you mean Cindy all right let's do this perfect I'll see you at the dollhouse has been great let's do this little role play shall we this is a new way cuz we did she killed us once we spritzed her in the face once this was like two episodes ago exact no what are you doing here it's not a weekend or Thanksgiving I'm here for my daughter I'm at work if I let her go with you filthy with a filthy Boozer such as yourself I'm clean now woman oh really you gonna tell me your meanings then let's see your 30-day pic I don't have it just know what just know that what I'm doing I'm doing what are you doing what no this is the janitor I mean that gave me this number now it's gone you're stuck on my ex liquor cabinet you'll come here and be a pack I'm kind of busy and clogging the toilet at the moment oh hey what I'm funny monster man Karthik you know like are you coming you're ambitious little spitfire you figure it out my daughter get her back nope by mine what you're not supposed to be in here and I'm not putting up with any more kids than I need to say get out great so that worked out really well so so you can do it regardless of which way you go that's superlime-- Apple says I think the 30-day pin is the Apple soft pit I was gonna say I think the 30-day pin is the Apple soft pinches I stupid kids clogging toilets making me unclog toilets the cycle that only lead to violence rod you have a muscle guard oh yeah reminds me of my long-lost son wait what wha what how so it's dirty and ugly and I'm giving it away oh this got real oh hey you got lost my cards oh oh [Laughter] $5 oh we always start with $5 oh that's such a lie nope welcome to the game step well thanks for paying attention to this playthrough did you get her we do oh my god oh great I got a floppy bow guys money I'm her friend she's gonna hide this under the table my mom wouldn't let me play with her okay that when does she have to defend her locker yeah it's at the end isn't it well how do you work it add the Recon go she tell you where she put her stuff give me the desk interesting guys see what's on it need access to a computer there's probably one principle that's great well I come there I'm gonna cause an incident here that requires the principal's attention when she leaves your office that's when you get her on your computer great good plan one more thing I have to get the file Brennan see about unlocking the back door I'm feeling will need to get back up great okay we got that cool okay here's Monte hello you illiterate b-word hello there wheelie boy how you legs feeling they're not which is something you'll understand shortly yeah you don't say scare me [ __ ] I've killed kids even weaker and scrawny early is this what you want give me why you want me to kneel too big it's all for nothing I still can't spell wait you think this is about teaching you how to spell well I did but now I'm thinking it's about something oh oh I feel better now well my team's outfits it's ready to feel sad for the old guy maybe there is something I can take to remember and bike did I get his mom yeah GERD oh I can totally dress as him I didn't know okay here we go Monte I feel better now I'm sure good great I'm so happy for all of us Oh violence is not shoot I want to take a burger so I can feed it to cat lady so I could get her cat I'll buy it but I need all the apples I'm presuming for let's let's get through the main mission I think so yeah I'm going to see the principal we go so happy man someone has a theory that the janitor is Bugsy's dad really yeah that's interesting right unlock the door so I got to do that I got to print out this thing yeah at the printer other seasons change okay let me fantasy I wonder thing what it says I'll be about to say okay great times I'll stop there's a mess in there there was the food fight he's built haha I wonder if it's not too late to quit uh-huh I think I think life might have quit on you first I think I definitely think it's quitting time for you my friend okay so I got something money it's a deal all right money and feels a deal I'm gonna start with food fight done the recess starts right so defending your locker happens at the end when you have to do the blackout is that what it is yeah so it's really towards the very end of this thing uh what did the thing say pennies an Android where's the stuff that you can't confiscate what does the Redbook do on the bookshelf it actually does nothing we've tested it gives you a monster mount card which is re cotton magnetizing her so you got changed the lessons lesson plan that new gaming says the teacher didn't give you consent to use your computer how could you oh well deviate however 17 we're terrible I know aah apologies don't want to touch the dumpster but I can't not yet so we'll do it on the next here here's the Redbook okay pull the book see a secret passage didn't open up monster for the card though so there you go there we go nothing exciting there you got to change it less oh no principal gets led down to the study hall room bugs gets upset he's like oh no I have to go back outside we can bell ring and then people people that fee yeah okay so we gotta break into the science room which is through Wow huh this is Jake he's here this is just kind of a glitched uh yeah this is good oh no you shouldn't be there oh no you're you should be dead buddy yeah all right dad's gotta get him out of there me or or is this not really a glitch maybe the janitor is secretly immortal there's double janitor it's like double jeopardy except it's double janitor he's actually a god is the janitor secretly a guy he is he does come back to life we're supposed to do magnets right that's what we said yeah magnets we also never looked at the the slides we got to bring back to leg I'm sure the leg is unlocking a monster minecart I bet the slides unlock a monster moan car totally um I think all of this stuff is probably monster Mon card worthy okay the leg is through the Nugget cave so we'll have to find a way to get down there and then bring it back to the classroom without all the teachers being dead there there's a lot okay so now we're back down here look at this [Music] the trampoline yeah they were done shoot where's Carla we need we don't need Carla so we need your defender Locker no no it's penny oh right okay that one and then pay the lab fee go to science all right cuz this is we're about magnets that was about plans maintenance okay now observe the power magnets doesn't seem to be working when the gears is missing we're in front the gear get surprised [Music] [Applause] [Music] think it's kind of a blur I blacked out or something I think I put it in the boot a locker but I don't know the combination and get back locker you know there's my locker spigot I need to find a gear good idea I remember this happening right okay so here they are hole passes she's got bathroom pass okay yeah I guess so jeez this is Penny's locker I don't wanna miss a penny Locker she has a special laser module that we get from this easy go back to the classroom and keep it coming out okay so now we actually need to let her go okay hey hope you find that gear really defend your locker woman do it [Music] is locked hmm shoot well we help it down okay so take the doll okay maybe here something's wrong I think someone's trying to get to my god we're getting the gear I need to protect myself please don't get out of my way okay they're good we just needed it to not oh no car lock are secure Oh No oh hey guys he was so obsessed with his knife he didn't account for deadly lasers oh yeah bugs outfit okay and Karla a Savia she was it didn't do much what a killer robot wants you dead I think something to remember by yes I should all of her clothes yay what have to remember him by that was great is there anything else that we can do with the remainder of the day here I'm trying to think of other randoms here let me try to look through the slides since we have just stuff to burn at this point this is a box of slides and put Stapleton let's take a slide huh this is a microscope I can look at you need to get a sample right from here yes take a sample there's some fish in this tank small yellow particles in here I wonder what they are okay take a sample and then looks like the slide maybe this will do a little Astro my card it's a microscope let's examine our slide oh it seems you've discovered my little squids they are so tiny you can barely see them in the tank over there oh boy what are they pork I just think they're neat and their Inc is an extremely potent neurotoxin oh you keep it in the classroom Oh give me one of those silly monster mind cards if you don't say anything good about it Tozzi deal there up the squid tiny squid excellent now please get back to studying the subject of him all right we got another mom I'm sorry great that's good right another day of learning so we got a bunch of stuff on there I got three three new outfits they complete right so custodians garb extra-large hand-me-down and sly green shirt we got monster ghost boggle Bob Iger and twit okay so there was a tweet that came up from lemon grenade who says when you collect all the monster run cards can you go all over all of them I'm trying to make a monster on in tabletop simulator have do you know that you can play monster Mon on an actual tabletop yes we actually got a prototype of the game yeah we here today where'd that end up do you guys know where the monster Mon cards went I don't know if we have the prototype here but do have a link to pre-order the game in the description of this video oh wow oh wow that's what we do we do have them we just got some today yeah and it's it's actually great the stuff is great I played up around actually I played two rounds while we were on break during did you win I lost in both involved I only lost and won the heart of the cards was not without I needed the help of the Pharaoh or my blue-eyes White Dragon one of the two I think my deck was stacked against me I don't think white dragon yeah I needed he did one no I need to believe in my cards I needed to believe okay here we go let's continue getting our outfits here let's do it so where are we now Oh already filling in stuff okay after nugget bags it so this is Nuggets I think we get nugget so that's that's where that game dump the spiders on Felix after showing tits okay not a but that's a whole separate thing okay breaking sad and then muscle my cards so really oh boy okay thank you go dump the spiders on Felix after showing Ted the contract okay you want to do that one okay yeah let's do that one and then we'll try is that one does that one require us to have a burger because I'd like to get the burger so that way we can we had a new owner yeah I think so so that way we can knock out those people I think I think we can do that and this is just once we collect most of my cards so we need this one breaking sad okay you did just so good well I gotta hit apply that's why there we go okay so I need sweet commission map for canes not able is the pin and a plus okay God let's go oh my gosh there's someone on Twitter at fan art for YouTube which is very apt name because they created kindergarten versions of us yeah which are awesome and they look great they're wearing the computable are you're wearing your red jacket which is so cool oh they look amazing at fan art for YouTube I'm assuming I've gone to their account yet but I'm assuming that they also do lots of other fan art for YouTube so if you're into that kind of thing that might be worth checking out Oh awesome okay maybe the smart clothes okay ATS deferences I love that the dumpster hag is so willing to give up her cat and in exchange for an elementary-school burger I know right at least make it a good burger let's see alright see I understand we do today okay I'm Ted okay great Oh Ozzie that's right okay so this this is the back and forth Felix wants you to read that your hands are filthy we need the hand sanitizer this huh that's okay okay here we go you're selling stuff I need the hand sanitizer bucks at Brooke being one 1271 says it it always me that you all won't change your outfit we just did just start changing the outfit and Tokyo milkings me King says 70 please my crew the cat I don't like the idea of microwaving anything except some good old fashioned bag popcorn got more money I got any bucks read my thing great now we're engaging in this plot it takes a good smart class here we go over in the smart class spot about a boon by the being but a fantastic great alright let's talk to our buddy he knows what he's supposed to do not really just tell me what I need to do I need that jar full of spiders bring him to me before the end of class okay fantastic box of cleaning supplies so I need to take an assessment so leaped here in the bathroom Oh toilet paper a spray bottle ah this is toilet paper isn't it yeah I think we think they want actually right it seems like either one can open most of this stuff here we go no please step away from the air vent there's nothing for you to do with that you'd be surprised my friend may I leave so that way he doesn't get mad at us for grammar reasons even though he he's like I'm not a grammar teacher except okay hello yeah Bob clogged toilet oh no Bob oh no Bob go the toilets clogged yeah and then he has to go over and take care of it well and then you climb up into bed join whoa there buddy you don't want to fall off that ladder you get hurt okay yeah yeah so it's clogged great go get that plunger up sorry boo-boo don't mind me walking around in my dress and glasses take the spiders fantastic how'd you get up here okay so now we're at lunch what do we need I need to talk to you all right I got your spiders let's not let taking it see what what is it let me see it do it they're still are just like fake murder plot right okay shoot what do I need I'm gonna have the burger that's good oh yeah hey you I needed something to do something Oh dig the hole oh that's right that's right we need to yeah yeah so I need to show him the contract at some point and then dump spiders on him anyway right you dig a hole no gets missing a shovel in an arm so we need both a shovel and an arm for nugget nothing's gonna keep nugget Factory in heaven yeah that's right oh she's trouble a janitor's closet right [Applause] okay talk to Carla she has the key to the janitor's closet go get the shovel I figure out what's good about the arm okay here's the passbook we got a burger so we got past burger we got all sorts of stuff whoo we got a key to the janitor's closet we've got ourselves a burger good I bought burger so let's go here you go you're out here market that [Music] bathroom pass look at the shovel there's lock we can unlock the door it's on the shovel I think is on the cart or something what is it I do wonder about the chainsaw we never grabbed the chainsaw ever I thought we did did we go yeah I thought that was it we got one of the early ones in the same song maybe accidentally what the kids are supposed to be in here there's lots of sharp objects and bad chemicals and blood oh no Bob Bob freaking out having a crisis poor Bob okay here we go we give no get it's gonna build a no you came it seems like a good spot to dig a hole I'm glad I could help great let's talk to you buddy my endeavors were successful right okay you need to be snippy oh yeah we got us yeah we try and get his arm doesn't really work in yeah okay be sure to have the your passbook ready oh then we need to go to dumps check inside the dumpster I shoot Lisa we need to use the burger to get in the path bolt time well we can reset this here oh right so we can reset it on where we are yeah I still get some of this stuff right bang on the dumpster no you got a read dump your head no stuff it's dumpster bags dumpster hag dumpster hey just because it's my true calling to play the voice of a dumpster dumpster hi Canada wait to have a visitor stay wouldn't happen to have any food on you I do Oh burger it's got a smoky flavor to it reminds me of my cat smokey do you want it so I do but I'm concerned that we won't be able to get in actually right I know me too right yeah shoot we might have to do this on a separate run because we can't get into really concerns are you concerned smokey yeah I'm gonna think it just adjust to see what happens here bye-bye smokey try to find him someone out someone who's also a bit smokey okay great mine we're gonna try it I have a feeling we're not gonna be able to do it though unfortunately I love the chance in the chat saying dumpster hag dogs there and she's popular character okay so yeah we can't do it without ya unfortunately so we're just hurry start from right here okay speedrun i do legitimately think that this would make a good speedrun game right like i think you could and you play it all in japanese so that the text doesn't takes a lot true it saves me point three seconds right on every interaction dumpster hag dumpster hag got anything else i don't want a cat okay here we go oh here we go one of them pass books you kids use thanks for the food no problems okay bye no I didn't buy that dumpster hag please try guess wait wait why buy this there we go that's it bathroom 20 views better [Music] we ready to get that arm yeah you have to take go inside and get an arm from Monte don't use right here go inside I had lost track of what I'm supposed to do I'm ready here we go let's do this okay there we go yeah use bathroom at a good time great Oh hold it right there kid now step closer I know what you're about to try I don't know what you're talking about this is doing business for a long time oh man I'm gonna get lasered this guy gets lasered instead so I get to steal his arm great awesome arm shove my arm that's a sad bummer lessons Monte man no one you think people would know not to cross Monte right you would think that can be him okay okay now that we're at gym people are saying we messed up but I really reset reset reset I don't know you dreadfully ground we'll see I don't know I don't know what we did oh did I not give nugget his shovel what maybe that's what it was I don't know no look next give the arm to the weirdo great this is this this is still moving on look at like this arm get digging yeah but what we're trying to poor spiders on which why look it has to be removed at a certain point we're gonna have to show the so the world gets taken away right I think that this is I think we're still right I don't know the chat doesn't seem to think so show contracted before lunch oh you have to show it before lunch ah darn it well I thought I could show it to him in the final showdown show the contract during morning time says you could you you that would be JIRA she's sorry take the stick here I'm gonna do this real quick if I if I screwed up anyway because I still think that this is going to get us a monster Monde car this is my prediction here there's a monster fight right here okay wait I'm not touching that unless I need a stick yeah I have the stick oh I have to spray them with what are we have with this a spray bottle the spritz to take this spritzer oh no oh man also here oh can you do any good Bob some fish getting really hungry so I have his mom what did he do with his maja weird right there's all sorts of meat can you get the spiders with the mop no it's you got spray him with something hmm so I can steal his mom I wonder what that does right that's interesting here right back down hmm can you do what the janitors mom hey I know it hurts things out here so this whole thing oh you could do it with the janitors mop or or the stick oh I see old Bob's mop oh so it could be either one that's interesting oh man okay cause II poor simple teddy it's you know Felix okay service okay yeah we got to show him the contract earlier all right oh it's less than ideal huh weird so could you have still done the that's interesting Wow we ended the day with so many items okay right we had a bunch of studies and yet none of them were useful all right damn all right show him the contract during morning time so this was less than ideal [Music] I still got this though if your nugget okay shooting I can't reset it at this place oh so I'm supposed to give it to them at morning time okay you need to get the spray bottle and Teddy's nickel jar to get the spiders really heavy use nickel jar what okay here we go Robo Dino you need to give the cat to the pimple freak hall monitor yep we know that one territorial urgency okay the thing is though if I take the spray bottle here I'm gonna just do the spray bottle now to get them just to do it just to get this fighter is finally yeah I really want the spiders okay I just really want the spiders off the wall it bothers me it bothers me that there's a bunch of spiders on the wall I've been wanting to do something with them forever oh no I'm not touching them unless I can spray them with something out really shoot here you he's trying to kill a kid okay Felix's plan he's trying to kill you great here you go three good this week what no Felix would never he loves me he's just does a weird way of showing you but this is his handwriting and he's good bury me alive covered in spiders that does seem to be the plan no no no it's time I strapped myself Felix thinks he's so smart well this time I'm going to beat him but now we're going along this plan only we're gonna turn the tide I'm at the last thing so go get your spiders all right what don't want him getting beginning to be getting suspicious cool we got I remember seeing some spiders somewhere I think the bathroom great okay I do have the jars but to cook I do have a jar to cook for you to put them in hey excuse me a nickel every time do something good and I put them in and I put it in there okay great which is why you're going to fill it with spite Oh interesting when's rabbit head back to the start class wait for the battery got it ah oh geez so this is a completely Wow so there really are a lot of ways to to get these spiders so I still got it collective so they're there so really they're not a monster Mon card they were just another alternative way to get the spiders come on really oh come on huh really I'm so surprised by that that's super I did not see that one coming okay interesting okay so we still got a don't show it to me here wait for the bell to ring and then show me a larger yeah so that's just a faster way of doing it is there something else I can do here can I get a bonus uh gonna get a bonus thing hmm shoot yes there anything else you can get right I feel like I took the assessment already I don't want to change the lesson plan yet there anything else i favorite science class thank this thanks they're the worst guys are the worst no they're not they're dangerous I think we can be friends if you like magnets or I don't think we can be friends if you like magnets my mommy is making that for dinner get rid of his after today anyway huh trusting all right I guess I gotta just end the day huh all right you have a period dad dude go go go [Music] I was hitting enter but apparently apparently I was not hitting it strongly enough okay so you're there the plan right so they're they're gonna betray each other great fantastic okay lead the way we need nugget we need nugget on board we need to make a hole using a shovel and an R Oh what are we gonna do with the shovel in an arm carla has the janitor stuff okay here we go great sorry going hold up I can I buy a second burger well that not out at all you can't buy a second one because she says to share with others or whatever oh that I was hoping that I could get like another pass or something I have a pass that's fine [Music] here we'll just keep going through this this process the door shovel grab the shovel great Bibles in this way the recess so recess we need the target no shot you know let me go okay you can take your time you can take your time in the speedrun no no house GDQ gonna sign me up for the kindergarten to speedrun Steph % run hundred percent hundred percent wrong I would memorize all the lines and then it'd be great we really had yeah you actually say all the line part of the people that's part of the speed run you 100 percent reading of the script okay who's the target come on T okay I got it this fight ready great good don't keep them waiting here we go hey do you bathroom great I'm scrolling through Twitter great don't worry I'm just gonna shoot this kid's arm Oh fine right arm achieved at Greenberg otter just made some fan art of nugget that's pretty awesome let's see Jim at UH at Charlie and a bunch of numbers on Twitter Charlie white it says chillin with my dog and watching TC live your dog is so cute I can't even take it so cute oh my gosh okay we move forward what's next okay give them shovel no get over here right no good here's your arm get digging Applegate Charlie grab the ball it's where that this sequence only has one outcome in all of this at TK 3602 asks are we getting the Nugget flush and t-shirt we actually had the company who's doing the merch but who also does our Theory we're actually sent us a copy of the Nugget t-shirt so we actually have those and I can't wait to wear it like tomorrow I know we probably should have probably should've worn it yeah yeah that's okay that would have been wise of us they'll be plenty of opportunities to wear the Nugget t-shirt maybe when we play monster mud oh yeah at para practice 16 says two years on archive and I finally catch a live smoky small gets me get small he got Jacob and a bunch of numbers says sacrifice the cat to make smoky smoky right see okay I got what teacher is pointing stick excellent choice those loose Linda Lee okay all right so now okay he knows okay this is it this is a brand new head yes Felix it is you're probably surprised to learn this hole isn't for Ozzy it's for you yeah yeah quit your monologuing excuse me no no I don't think I will now then you didn't say fatty tits it better okay now daddy hey I said you could make fun of my poverty not my way right sorry nope okay mr. moneybags into the hole you huh what no no no I will not be going into that hole Teddy can we talk about this my name is Theodore nice and there weren't any nuggets to catch his fall oh now with the spiders what drop the spiders in the hole okay that's great ruthless he was kind of awful mercenary we go yeah do outfit yeah high five I bet my 5x uh you're a failure Denny father will never love you like he loves me you'll see perhaps but it's hard to love someone who's at the bottom of a hole oh okay digger kid time to fill in the hole and then you take Nicky to the negative battery uh what does the Nugget factory go knit with promise it tripped oh no pensee buoys negative factory upon completion of the nagas steve oh no no it has been led to that way didn't uh get west take a minute oh oh oh what oh boy get victory I don't even know what the Nugget factory is that you thought is all we're filthy mall creature no even step we know it has gone in and I get victory I think it's time we wrap things up here feeling the whole street rat what you got bought up Betty I'll be seeing you in a moment there's something I need to give you oh that's nice we help ya turned out to be slightly less ruthless and evil than others just as bad slightly love no nope definitely not I don't know it's barely 11 it's okay she was great hit for Teddy luck well it was a sad day sad well yeah I thought my brother loved me I guess I was just too naive to see the writing on the wall that's wrong Teddy cook speedor then yeah it's rough anyway about that reward what is it there you are finest semi-legal chemical in existence looks at oh great pilgrim you're old school need them also as mom's remark monster on guard great oh man the knight who turned evil oh we got a new boss McCartney that's awesome oh he has to have a long talk with father excuse me Father oh yeah so we got a new item new clothing a new monster huzzah turning the tables nice alright so that was not net as productive but I'm still productive um nugget should we go with I guess yeah thank you Doug it let's go nugget what do I want address as I want to be the lunch lady yeah yeah I'm all about her and maybe we can get who's that a hat no I'm trying I'm trying to so maybe we can do nuggets and I really want the domain tag I want to kill the dumpster egg right I aspire to be a hag of the dumpster oh wait no I got to grab my items which is mission map which one's this one this one is all we did right yeah I think so wait uh yeah right just woke up tool belt easy peasy right cuz he freaks out if I remember right and freaks out over the cold nuggets right well yeah exactly that's my thought okay I'll get down here so we're great great you got to get over the handicapped area so scrapped and the sewer grate end of your tool belt please let them out fantastic save child well I've got to find the flowers right that what if this was their friendship and then I'm like I want to be your friends again that was very nice thank you for your help here we go you're welcome I'm gonna be a friend I only have friendship to offer for your friends we're gonna seem silly and give you that flower okay so we gotta find the flower okay pass each other because friends no wait great here's the flower I am curious I've been falling down this hole well I guess you can't shoot huh really oh wow that whole time I was avoiding that hole because I totally expected it I thought there was gonna be something up here too like in the woods and well we know we got the monster Mon card out of the woods I know but I thought there was gonna be like I don't know how to do over there yeah plotline that sent you there okay flower to flower there's a flower nugget accept this offering nugget will give you a chance it's friendship still normally now it would make you find the family to friendship but there's nothing hidden at this school yeah alternative nugget with no gate can you with some help building a new nugget we've left time to get ready you didn't go through it what you need [Music] he's a lighter later 50 is actually monies prices are very reason I know monitor prices are bad this year right today today I was gonna say today maybe his bakery oh good yes look it will need a fire but no no is it it's higher he's like slowed and askew breath okay so we got great blue locker glass that's the Bell okay great okay so now it's intense man it's nice to get all this no its potential friend has returned if the fire is in the stupid it has indeed excellent their nuggets potential friend is ready to help you find a shovel in your closet yeah great okay go get it you'll remove the teacher yeah okay oh we got pills she's going for the pills she's gonna be mad about the pills okay let's go great so there are no pills we learned this Applegate let's go hunt for pills great they're looking for pills lightful [Music] there's a lighter in here great so he's got it it's weird that nugget doesn't actually need the fire you notice that it is right it's it's more just kind of like a plastic forward Carla that's my one grace with this storyline actually is that like he asks for the lighter but then he doesn't actually need it for anything oh I need to the chat is saying there's something about a pin you might have forgotten I don't think we need the pin for this one not to say I'm not sure we need that one but wanted to voice it oh no really what do we need the pin for do we need it for the to get that far in the story maybe not let's know we do because we have to buy all the burgers so that she leaves we need the pin shoot do you need a pen start over Oh so obnoxious start over okay I'm gonna read stuff on Twitter fine okay I'll try to speed it all right but see you brought in it okay um at nightcore 1071 said I hope you all like this it's my fan art for the game it's an awesome picture of what's her name with the doll city not Sydney penny penny thank you and it's it's actually really cute and Ted Queen says Ted what's going on with your mic my hair was in front of it and Kris just told me uh uh let's see at door Kerry's is watching TV live with my cat called smokey keep smokey out of gold okay we've got we've got to do it guys it's it's it's a requirement they have to compete games at RF underscore for one so watching TV level eating sour licorice first gross but also congratulations leaded by some later at Greenberg otter so that say guys I'm starting my first day at a really good high school for the Arts and you guys are such an inspiration to me to me you guys are awesome thank you so much that is that's so sweet thank you for watching let's see that's been great at Gabi dream star says this is why you don't rush important details guys yeah yeah it's a live stream we can't be like play the same sections over here again at Adam Rock and a bunch of number says hey guys joining from England good luck finding everything Matt there's a lot there's a lot ok here we go go up to Bob there's a later upstairs we were so close right we were like one step away without the pin the use of the pain now at person 1618 says nugget is my spirit animal [Music] at Ross Lux - says hey guys have been watching game theory for years and since the beginning of live streams can I finally get a clap in half from my favorite youtube couple oh that's one I see absolutely ready one two three Club it up oh no what did he do I need about to do oh no oh no no no really okay she gets sent away I like I could hear Matthew clicking buttons like he's doing like some sort of like Ronon gun just I'm grindin today I'm mashing again I'm practicing for games done quick I'm practicing my mashing skills here we go she gets it away great we go upstairs ooh a Tryon caddock says don't forget to fight Agnes the dumpster hide with monster Mon women even get we got to build our deck at Sam 6 6 6 5 says Matt Pat is the new completionist that's a brutal job I can't imagine doing what Gerard does completing every single game like to 100% completion no way we're doing like why do I keep screwing this up are you screwed up again oh there it is [Music] there yeah okay I need this Bob that's that's what I the stuff I was missing okay I was missing talking to him and then I can go up here there we go there it is perfect now we get him to shovel okay we just need to give him lunch that's right I know cuz nugget okay because if we give it because we can get Nuggets outfit here we can reset potentially to get the dumpster hags outfit right during lunch and then and then we're with the Nugget cave we should be able to get the leg and bring it back to dinner I guess yeah I think so exactly sure how that's gonna work okay so we got good lunch fantastic so this is where we get nuggets nuggets question so Nuggets gonna have a burger I need to buy a burger and then Felix and Ted need to buy a burger right wait did I have to talk to him at the very beginning of this damn thing what no no no you just show me okay there it is I just need a prompt yeah yes i burger vibe on and that we need them to buy one more fiber record is great for the company by burger great perfect okay good oh and now we have two words that might help my my the children's nom nom nom I'm going to get more stuff so no okay so this is the fun part okay yes maybe we use to steam it eats okay so here we go with the tasty nuggets bring them back oh yes there's Danner which means we can microwave Doggett's but we don't want to write exactly who needs and cold didn't know it's free and get no bit nervous for the new native yes again xv- quick please you knew you'd cave what's wrong notice no no no it cannot be noogie noogie it should be at least we can nuke them no gift indeed of nothing worse cool it what yes of course no you did not thought of that take the corner gets bring them back warm no it will be here banging it against the wall okay okay so we don't actually go worm them yes so we actually don't want to warm them yeah so should I pass the time yeah I think just Larry killer we just run out the clock right yeah now run out it run it out again there we go okay okay so we're gonna have to go back in we have we have a Hall Pass no don't we don't well we can get one from the dumpster yes okay dumpster hag maybe and this isn't a double burgers may be able to kit and get the cat - oh man we could get a double dumpster double dumpster well what if I give her the box of nuggets what do you think I would do apparently she gives you something else but we shouldn't finish this run and then reset this section and they can do it always do it again Oh a burger okay great oh good anything else need the passbook yeah you want my dad great that's good scrapbook great my back okay so we'll try to get smokey next in it yeah well you know what we can just reset this this kid out there if we reset things gonna do a lot for us yeah okay so Nuggets dead oh this is you can play for nerdy today look at this invading I wait the great noted in this leave no get to die so he's not dead yeah shoot should go get the cat public we can interesting so Nuggets gonna die bang a dumpster let's see what else bye bye VIN shoot that's all we got darn it so I'm gonna reset this real quick I'm gonna reset this section cuz one I'm curious to see what happens if so what if we get rid of them yes I'm just curious since we're here right might as well okay you got anything to eat I got box nuggets if you're gonna complain about them being cold oh it looks like my gloves 100-count - it reminds me of my cat I'm really curious about tenders the cat I guess sure Oh bye-bye tenders give him to someone in need of a true friend okay he's dead no you're not I can't get into the hall he needs it maybe it's probably not yet how do you eat or is it um what's her name literally naazy literally no one oh man that sucks shoot Oh what are we gonna do it we're gonna have to do something with tenders that's interesting that's really interesting so we got a berry nugget at reset or at a gym time apparently yeah right we got to give her a burger no matter what for the past we had we have one chance to give smokey I want the calves I want cats so I can put them in microwaves I don't want to put all the cats in all the microwave okay I love cats I love every kind of cat and I especially love a microwave at Pierce says microwave Tigers cat right if penny or nugget tenders like honey won't take him yeah no one wanted it no one wanted pork tender unless I held on to him until the last fury but here I'm gonna continue on with this one right so Nuggets dying got this an hour ago we supposed to go to do questions I think we just have to run out the clock oh you know what it might be actually I think I think I got it he sprinkled them over him here I'm gonna try to sprinkle it over if not though I've got another idea I microwave seduction this is gonna revive him is the thing try it just right oh but no very negative oh yeah okay if you know give me my dad it is nice today it's just no fun bunch of Nuggets on his face Wow there it is oh no I buried nugget in a pile of Nuggets it's the way he would have wanted to go it's actually the way he said he wanted to go yeah we didn't do that so my god if I've achieved that can I reset this and get the cat's now cuz I remember now that smokey is in the final gym yes I think so I think we do that so I think we've got that outfit okay so we're gonna reset recess one more time see this would be a fascinating games done quick game because there are all sorts of like reset strategies and stuff that you can like get 100% out of it do we want tenders we're doing lots smokey I think we want tender I think we let's move yeah my binding okay great okay so there smokey and that's that's it we're done with this period we're gonna eat our your apples let's go to gym class okay we're a gym cuz science actually has too much plot device going on at Cole eleven says when you put tenders in the microwave who might turn into chicken nugget I was wondering about that right tenders had like a special ability Wow we can totally microwave this cat finally right no no wait what no we could no we really didn't know we're gonna give him wait they're not in here upstairs it's upstairs I thought it was down here oh my gosh where are they it is it's the financer do you want this cat oh hey yeah oh you so cute oh he's so cute I love him thanks man you this monster had a monster on card oh my gosh still gotta go downstairs though okay oh my gosh look he's cute on his head I can't microwave smokey went to a good home can I reset it and microwaving - yeah good this is good stuff we got a try right aren't you curious not a part yet curious I'm not a part of this nuke the cat nuke the cat I'm very concerned about this actually I'm not I'm by pretending me excited about this not that excited about nuking a cabinet videogame but I am a completionist and I'm wondering if it all and I would have assumed that it's gonna get me a monster mountain car in at the very least maybe I'm not doing this what up all just flew in that's cool I have no part in this Oh turn away Josh Ross 6's smokey is about to get smoked [Music] no no it's trying to get me to stop I'm sorry what Stephanie do I have your consent no you do not sorry then this is an independent decision no I'm not doing that that's me yeah Matthew look if you press that button again I'll do it you won't get an achievement you won't unlock any yeah you'll just oh all right that'd be horrible are you sure I won't get rich in the ahead of time that you don't get an achievement and is it plague mental game maybe the game swing but no I think it's telling you like hey don't make arbitrarily bad decisions for the sake of making arbitrarily bad decisions because you're not gonna get rewarded for it oh excuse me what game are you playing Stephanie what I tell your wheelchair of a poor handi-capable child Stephanie I literally shove a kid into a pit of death and dump spiders on his body in an attempt to kill him it's really horrifying actually this entire we shank read multiple teachers but there's a way out of this one I love that of everything that you do in this game of everything that you do in this game this is where the line gets drawn I'm out i mighta sinned here is your right that'd be horrible you don't be great if you got an achievement we're not for not doing it maybe you will well coming up to the line you won't be going back you won't unlock anything you'll just get a tat you're right that'd be horrible I got a mint common decency hey hey again like compared to all the other stuff we do in this game but seriously that's what the word we get the achievement for comedies yeah that that is not really the to get drawn there but okay cool great I'll take it okey Oh tanners oh hello oh yeah you really wanna bother no I do nope dumpster can I bang in the dumpster and introduce comes your head okay sure yes I want tenders I got both I got both caps i buy tenders okay great what it needs a true friend maybe maybe maybe he needed a true friend maybe Bob me baby Bob Oh Baba was getting high in the janitor's closet though unfortunately I can microwave old cow oh stop it the prompt is we've been over this ha ha ha it would be amazing uh who needs a true friend Applegate bugs bugs can use a friend nope nope Jake a toilet doesn't really need a friend it must be and it can't be nugget right I'm you know in another scenario and I get might be alive that's probably good actually no but you can't honey Bob how do you you wouldn't get it Bob around I wonder if there's a way to do it you Bob is in the janitor closet on here you go buddy my cat be Bob alone so you could do it so you would have to microwave the Nuggets no but in order to save no you have to give up any nuggets obligate do you need some 102 the switz make you kill Jerome I'm just gonna leave it's gonna leave me here okay Jerome could use a friend right now darn it is there anyone who could use I'm curious I'm gonna look and see if the chat knows food tenders the chat knows all those tenders go - lets get you want this other cat okay I can't give it to him Oh weird oh no huh totally maybe if you get your friend of tenders is nugget right that's what someone precipice AI Justin says Oz he needs a friend he does not take the cat we're not gonna microwave the cat we've already been over this everyone we're not microwaving the cat frost girl 197 says guys leave smoky and tenders alone Jerome Oh people are saying Jerome plasma says Jerome Danielle way Mayer says Jerome alright here we got friendship shirt we got hags rags we got lonely dragon okay cool man there's a lot to unlock in this game right jeez okay what's all we'd be playing through this this is actually a lot longer than I expected right um last one I'll get killed by the creature that's Lily well I think that a lot of people are saying really is there human I know I'm gonna dress as Karla and Monte mixed and I'm gonna get Lily's outfit get killed by the monster that's eating okay okay alright so we had it down to the 19 yeah and that one wasn't too hard [Music] [Applause] breaking sad is the potion and the monster yeah and everyone that says says to give tenders to control really that's surprising monster in tenders and we do it by it annoying me do we have this stuff Anita yes yeah you leave miss Applegate twice okay okay let herself get herself together okay panda Noah says you warm now get certain lunch and instead of giving some nuggets you get [Music] you give the tenders to nugget every sound no okay yeah it goes to tenders because it's chicken related right that's right it feels like it okay quick sweat go warrior says tenders goes to nugget you microwave the nuggets and then tell nugget to go to Rhys to go to recess and then instead of giving the Nuggets to nugget you give them some Agnes you get tenders and then you give them to nugget holy geez what I don't know so it's basically this instead of going back and pouring the nuggets on nugget yeah you swap for the cat and then come back and give the cat oh as he's dying as he's diving oh that's interesting good odd that's kind of cute umm so I need to smuggle in the Firecracker i smuggle in the firecracker cracker bye what does that exactly what do I do I get rid of me get down there talk to someone okay and then after a lady comes out is this what it was forget right there's one where you like go down there right away company you okay in there no yet okay I'm going to hop over to Twitter for a couple minutes and read a couple of things slower dammit here alright restart restart I rushed it let's see at taco uselessness have you guys noticed that you haven't been changing clothes we haven't in you close up every time today previously we weren't yot between most of the scenarios you change clothes it's hard there's a lot of life this is a really complicated game where there's a lot of like the branches okay and I don't want to like waste a lot there's a lot of dialogue to get through yeah no way at Calgary uniform says there's also a third cat called gravy you can get gravy oh my god so many crap my gosh there's apparently in achievement we're giving away all three cats no way okay but tenders does go to Nugget okay she's getting the lunch lady to get her a sandwich okay that's right at blue drew W also says that and at blazing torchic says that okay okay so I need this guy so now I need to get you get to the hand camp around y'all okay Monty lets me in over there [Music] so now she's gone right and I smuggled this in my cubby yes next one over okay she's upset I fire off my firecracker which causes her to snap there we go great are you take it anymore I hate teaching I eat this in school I hate children I hate everything a little bit of a moment ago but what I don't appreciate your music it's the sound of her feet okay great nugget is now saying he's very excited about this revelation right let's talk to him about it make it likely you're ever stuck okay what so now I show off - she said my problem I'll let you buy if you go and talk to her ok great oh thanks bacteria I'm not giving you free rein over the school does go talk to her ok so I got to get her the pills right what's wrong I need the pills light pink broken money has more pills Stevie let me go upstairs right so Stevie's like yeah why they're even pointed all monitors anymore I'm going to talk to uh some money up here grace these pills can we make more up the chemical okay hair I need the chemistry set so we're gonna change it Applegate nugget Billy Billy where's Billy use scissors okay so we need to buy scissors Hey oh my gosh you know right there was right there's a lot with me there was a lot to keep track of with all this stuff scissors we need hair samples from everyone so I can talk to Applegate she'll be excited to find out right okay need hair samples they'll get no get refuses yeah nice is no Nikki Nikki scalps them okay great skillful never yeah great okay so we're at lunch hey kid okay you got me thinking dinner kicked you to the curb hey Carla so I need to get to the super grade wearing blue okay yeah Lily Billy got it here's my elevator key so check downstairs okay so I need to buy I got this so she owes me a hamburger great which now gets me a pass here got the burger great going down the elevator oh these guys come down later aha so to get eaten by the monster the monster doesn't come out until the end of the scenario right it seems like most of this is I need a hair sample yeah that's right because remember they it'd get eaten by the monster oh that's right okay yeah okay so we need to get even by that monster right wait yes I need to get eaten by that monster so hey I'm still running errands for miss Applegate so he lets me pass just I'm able to go back down here use the elevator key again get eaten by the monster hey there we go right so here's his hair but then here that's why I got its first time right here we go here we go eridan day yay I ricocheted all over the place don't get too close great that's it all right huzzah so that's all the outfits yeah except for the one for collecting all the monster Mon cards right all right and I have to skedaddle you can wrap up if you want to try anything else but I'm going to run run run because we have Holly here and I all right okay just review everything that's in the bedroom yeah real quick and we'll talk about whether we need to do one more string might have to do one more thing hi guys okay so if we look at this we have literally everyone's outfit which is exciting right so now I can fit dresses dumpster hag as much as I want which makes me really look at how cute I am as dumpster hag Wow look at that look at how cute I am I'm the best hags the real thing and as far as right it's it's it's uncanny how similar I am - dumpster hag and as far as monster man goes we've got after unscrewing money's wheelchair returned to the food there's a lot here okay we need one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 there's a lot [Music] even by nugget forgiving tenders so all tenders there it is tenders the CAD tenders is given by Agnes for giving her nuggets after unscrewing Monty's wheelchair returned to the playground during Jin that's the tenders thing okay give dr. Danner in science class the leg from the Nugget cake we knew that that was coming give him to Carla for beating her in monster Mon ok so there's some monster Mon given by nugget from beating him in Monster Mon monster Mon Jerome for helping him get the ball from Carla I don't know how you help Jerome get the ball from Carla that's never been a row even remotely an option located in the Beehive after it's shaken down interesting given by dr. Dana for actually taking an interest in plants field in the teachers lounge after replacing the yellow flower with a blue one oh wow give him by Monte when negotiating good selling Felix's stuff by Ozzie forgiving him toilet paper in the bathroom Monte for beating him in monsters so there's a bunch that are attached to monster my monster Mon janitors plan Cindy hey little buddy hi here I got to wrap things up even by city okay oh there's great be given by Cindy forgiving her gravy gravy as given by Agnes after giving her a vegan meal that's interesting Jerome for monster Mon Mon screamin monster Mon and located in the box that Billy was hiding in shoot I cook got that okay okay so there's still a lot left a lot don't seem to be attached to monstermunch ARDS so maybe we'll get a couple of these off stream just because of looking at this it'll probably take another two or three live streams to do it so anyway okay okay I gotta get going because I have a little guy here he's very eager to hang out so I love you guys I love you guys I also love you in a very different way in a very platonic not my child sort of way yeah yes anyway uh we'll be back Friday I think is the plan right now a Stef and I are taking a day off tomorrow we're going to Disneyland oh thank goodness we're in desperate need of a day to just like clear her head Stephanie's birthday is coming up on Friday as well so we're trying to celebrate a day early so I think we might end up streaming on Friday maybe before then we'll wrap up some of the like mastermind stuff that isn't interesting so we can get everything else on live stream and then that'll be it okay then we'll be done with kindergarten keep saying that but it's just a huge game thank you guys so much for watching I gotta go I really got to go I will see you on Friday and remember that's just a stream a live stream Chris take it by the chat cuz I've got a baby to attend to absolutely what are those so cute Emily Figueroa can we see him no you cannot your isaku you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,241,883
Rating: 4.9298315 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice
Id: EiyB9udzzyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 19sec (5359 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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