The FINAL Monstermon Cards Will Be Mine! | Kindergarten 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ragepat made an appearance during the Monstermon game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] what Stephanie you have a microphone on hey guys and welcome to GT live here at like it took the extra 10 minutes for Stephanie to put on her bonus money 30 seconds before we start like our the intro is playing and everything and he's like you know if you make your phone on now it's like BAM reg do look like a flash yeah I was gonna say Stephanie stop stop you're gonna get us be monetized for no apparent reason you are engaging in risky moves that the algorithm might sense as flashing even though you're completely covered underneath thanks for waiting for us you guys we're gonna place kindergarten everybody your age because we have to get out of here by 30 oh my gosh yes I'm sorry about running a little bit late I had to meet a phone call that was running a bit long that was kind of scheduled last minute but I had to be done right before the stream but no Gator done but you know what in that amount of time Stephanie managed to put her microphone on so clap and a half to Stephanie for coming into the live stream prepared even though it was 10 minutes late well done well done hey there are two ways that you can gauge in today's dream deal I see on Twitter use it how sure do you live there monster Mon cards all over which could only be totally easy which can only mean one thing today we're continuing our quest to try and beat this game in its entirety krisis so let's rinse my card does that mean that they dive does that mean the stream is lagging or not like we're on yeah what we're good Oh Oh Chris has a little cheat sheet for us Wow if we were subtler we would try to hide that but nope man as it turns out you have to actually play monster Mon to get a vast majority of the remaining monster money I know I'm well aware remember at the end of the other stream well there's a lot of monster mountain you're like I don't care I'm going to Alaska that's what he did do remember that right was great I'm like hey will you get some of the lows Alaska Chris beautiful what did you see I saw a glacier and I saw bears eye bears I feel like you didn't even miss a beat here at the office and you saw all of those things that's because I was here at the office Wow wait what else happened what else happened well it was mostly that a lot of bald eagles I was there for two days so is a very fast turn it wasn't very fast to it trip who did you go with I was visiting my friend Emma Wow works up there that's so nice what does your friend do if it was a good friend to go and visit someone in Alaska Wow because they live and work in Alaska doesn't make him a good person no no that is a good friend for going to visit murder if watching the Robin Williams classic movie insomnia has taught me anything sometimes there are serial killers up in Alaska I think it was Alaska I think it was right wasn't in Alaska because the Sun was out the whole time welcome back Chris now that's one of those monster munchies card now that's one of those lesser-known Robin Williams movies where he is a serial killer that's not Robin Williams classic that's like a Robin Williams deep cut my friend that's why you got to be a hardcore fan of the William anyway now that unites a a lot of different kinds of video games but one of the things that neither of us actually do full disclosure is play card games within video games so like I am a huge fan of The Witcher but I definitely don't like when I don't play the gwen's no Nikolas and Gwent --less I went it's I feel like it removes me from my immersion in like the chirping birds and the rustling leaves and all that stuff and you know I hope going on out of the immersion of death in kindergarten right I I demand child murder okay you know we've actually tried the real-life version of monster on though and it was pretty cool so hopefully we'll catch on to me you know the digital version of monster on what are you throwing at please Jason what do you see what you throwing why are you throwing this at me oh oh wow here what a beautiful oh what a great backpack that's our so right now get it right now it's game theory back to school Murch oh my god mess of a beginning of a live stream all right it's the worst people like people are handing us like ears Gigi here's a backpack man we're starting in Italy what it embarrass to be sitting some on Instagram asked me a few minutes ago if this backpack was big enough for a high schooler and yes it is it's nice it actually fits a ton of stuff and the backpack pat like the straps are padded so you're not like digging a hole through your shoulder while you're trying to carry around 80 pounds of books it's really awesome what else is it did you did you throw any mean since we're sure laughing yeah or the other syllable merchant here there's lots to do oh you did okay the journal hardcover right and the inside is also lined with trophies so hard out out demonstrating how hard of a cover it is know what else is a hardcover good game theory pencils case oh yeah so that's full of game theory concept art and then and then like hundreds of actual pages of just like lined notebook pages and and Edie and and yeah there's a like don't worry I didn't fill in all the pages and then the pencil case has like a whole bunch of flaps and stuff and there's a whole mess of places to put all of your pens pencils you can actually fit like like I used to carry around this pencil case with like ten art pencils in it like all of the the numbered pencils and the HBS of the be ones of v2s and all that stuff and you can fit like the entire ear entire collection of art pencils in here I just like I I mean I just like having a place where you can carry that ensel's and pens around where they're not floating around in the bottom of your backpack which they always did for me drove me nothing then the pencils tip would get broken and then they had graphite floating around along the bottom of your backpack the entire time it was terrible so anyway let's start the game enough [ __ ] so anyway that's available right now there's a link in the top right inscription yep yeah it is hey it's their friends good job great job please buy it it is a single best way that you can help support this channel yes it's so good it's really good it's really good like people still people have been actually sending us messages they're like oh my gosh I love this new backpack game thank you but I still have my backpack from last year and they're like it's holding up really well oh I'm still using it all this stuff so they've gone through they've made it through a whole school year with it and they're ready for round 2 the backpacks by the way sold out like in days last year so we ordered a lot of them but go get them if you want them go get them because they sold out and then we got like literally thousands of messages from people who are like why didn't you restock your backpacks but once they're gone they're kind of gone because we special order everything so if you want that that's how you ensure quality the most youtubers go because they're all special order they're all totally custom so once they're gone they're gone also sorry that the prices are slightly higher than they've been in years past reason being the trade wars in fact yeah it's very very strange but we'll get to mountain around here in a second but the the I think this is just really interesting to share with you guys because I don't think it's that something that anyone knows or talks about but um but yeah we have so much more cost a lot more to ship in all the materials and all of the and all the actual products like it cost so much more to ship them overseas and get them into the US because of all the new taxes on stuff coming into the US because of all the trade all the trade wars that are going on it's it's it's actually crazy so like we get our merchandise of working with a factory that works with Disney merchandise right so like legit comes from the same factories that make Disney merchandise make sure that it's like really high quality really great like that's something that we really care about is the quality of the stuff but because they are overseas factories that are doing this you have to import them into the country but because of all the like trade wars that are going on it actually is significantly more expensive to bring stuff into the country now which is why like where we're taking on part of that cost but it also meant that we had to raise some of the prices of stuff and that's just like the nature of how it it's it's great but yeah in a lot of cases it was like three to five dollars more per item to get it into the into the US which is nuts yeah so anyway all right that's that's I thought just an interesting little side done let's play monster mom okay or figure out how to do some of these cards okay let's do it we have so many look at this we have so many cards to get through normal and in order Manny and I and Chris has told me that there is an ending attached to getting everything which means we've got to do stuff so here at the ending before we do a theory so we go right and I have to go on this okay so guide me Steph okay guide me in the way that only you can guide me okay so do we want at some point I need to play monster mod as well hates it which I don't know anything about these are missions where we can get multiple cards so great Chris do you know if the cards that are highlighted here are the ones that we don't have so every card on that list is something you don't have okay great so the first mission we're going to start with is if you can dodge a tender if you can audition if you could dodge it yes tool belt and pin okay yeah okay okay [Music] okay great alright for each card listed in those missions below that is a list of the cards yeah I got it okay we're going to do the first one up through recess so do the mission up okay great and I'm dressed this dumpster hag because dumpster peg is great yes it looks like um a little Rick from that episode of freaking morning a little ray the rig okay so how do we what was the right way to do the nugget mission so that way it didn't preclude anything else it was how did it work it was to get the lunch lady down there wasn't it it wasn't to help him through Bob or wasn't know what's to help him see Bob Yeah right help him to us that's right Oh trapped in the grade I got your tool belt great yeah that's why you okay we're card peel tuna be by the way peel to nub helps you Anna be card number four we have some other early cards that we got a knock out all right great we're gonna do this I'm determined to get whatever the the final ending is here yeah because this game is funny and fun and I'm curious if cuz last time right when they when you beat kindergarten won and got the true ending it moved to Tuesday it did whereas now we it's still on Tuesday are still on the same day we haven't moved to Wednesday which I'm very concerned about because at least that hinted that there was a kindergarten too if we don't move to Wednesday there's no guarantee that there is a kindergarten three I have only friendship to offer you need to find a flower okay so we go back to ba ba ba buh dum ba Bou moving over here getting our flower even the flowers nugget okay the alternative here is to help nugget dig his nugget cave okay we need a lighter so we get the lighter go selling stuff I want to buy something from Monty I'll buy the blighter Bukka she's great it's always a pleasure okay well good bye Monty hello nugget here's the lighter now we need to sneak it past the bad penny we sneak it past a bad penny by giving it to Carla who is sneaky and it's literally the most useful person in this entire district I know not are you one for the sexes art pencils and other friends need to be in a case so your bag doesn't smell like pencil ed it's true actually and when my pencils used to get out in my bag I would get all sorts of pencil marks all over the inside of it too I'm just the worst let's see at dog Oh farrago says love the latest Minecraft serie met every two of your nugget voice good luck with the kid so earlier today okay in kindergarten or the kid that we actually have him so earlier today I was filming an updated snap musical or a new installment of the fanatical with random encounters oh that's that's coming out hopefully in the next week actually spoiler alert but one of the things that I to mention is obviously they've also done kindergarten the musical and that was a big hit for them and so they're gonna be doing kindergarten to the musical and I'm talking to them about it they're trying to get Stephanie in to do nuggets in some composing I know I I'm kind of like I'm kind of excited about it it's it's sort of exciting to see people be like Oh Stephanie's the Nugget voice and I'm like oh man you are character you are a definitive nugget I I have to say I've listened to a couple people other people's nugget voice I I know I'm buying are you throwing shade at other people's nugget voices no I think all the Nugget voices are valid nugget voices but I enjoy doing the Nugget voice in the nugget way that we do you were born to play this very odd little child that's dad oh and dumpster hag like those are the two roles that that you know you're a dumpster hag strange little boy you're also you know a very depressed an anime girl that's true with a really high-pitched point I feel like my vocal cords have expanded at Park Jay Parker says retweeting this because last time it went unnoticed I'm excited about today's stream can't wait to see find out to find out what the switch in the bedroom does right meets right I really hope we can do that okay okay we're almost to recess okay we need to buy all the burgers what at park Jay Parker sent in is a picture of me in a dumpster with skip saying this is my cat skip don't you want to I think you have to say it in your head no you have staff have stated it's not a picture Dunster hag it's the but you are in a dumpster I paid Royce 2017 so Stephanie is the one and only dumpster hag and nugget oh thank you the cockles of my house that's what I always say Stephanie you are the one and only don't skip okay here we go we need the nasty burgers gone they are gone we are gonna pick up the Nuggets nougats are ours okay breasts okay so we have to go through recess where we rescued nugget from miss Applegate okay and then I have to let him go work on the nugget cave okay then we go to Agnes and give her the Nuggets in return in exchange for a cat and then we give go get the cat we give nugget the cat okay okay so I still need to okay we're good okay now gets our being warmed excellent you know I feel like warming the Nuggets in a microwave like this it just makes them rubbery you lose all the quality texture like if you're gonna warm up your chicken nuggets I would recommend using a toaster oven honestly because then you maintain a crispy outside unless you have did you ever have one of those microwave plates that's intended to keep stuff crispy I had one of those growing up that's what I used to put in them that's what I used to warm up chicken nuggets it I I was home-schooled during like middle school and stuff I would heat myself up chicken nuggets like every day through for lunch and we had this microwave plate where yeah where it was like I don't know what it was made of but the surface of it being sure that whatever you were microwaving limit speed crispy we have to from getting soggy I don't know how it work you're insane okay so we should pick up right here okay so start him start him digging his cave thank you receiving note if from midnight to 2:00 ladies it's time to nuggets did you get brand new it's me have fun buddy okay we're gonna go wow he's Betty he's a better digger than a Minecraft character no no don't give it to him okay go go trade those nuggets for a cat with dumpster hat okay give dumpster hag look at it's a dumpster bang on the dumpster okay who's banging on my doubt sir okay I have a box like this oh it looks like I make labs 100-count - it reminds me of my cat tanners do you want him boy howdy do I buy buy tenders give him to someone in need of a true friend great I wouldn't do that bye-bye-bye dumpster hag did you notice that we looked alike we were totally tweeting no I we were so twinning I just think people should comment when you're wearing your head Nick it's noon Eddie cave is almost complete there is just one thing nugget miss dude give me oh no I'm good I have to break it to him that I gave him away nugget I gave them away it's potentially dead friend say he gave the room it's a week III did I did a minute cave would you care to tell no get traded over this dumpster next the kitty news Wow how funny is that what a coincidence so we're okay now let me know give me ice cream named vendors but Nick it's potentially a field you have knitted with the knitted cave I hoped you a large portion of the way hey come on now just because I didn't give you the cushion to jump down I got you the shovel right I got you had a lighter I got you everything huh no give Meg its field screen he's a monster man code book it is you no no no you to be teased okay that great okay great so I sure so now don't jump so now if you can read don't start this just at this at recess yeah just at recess this time we're going to enter the Nugget cake okay so we want to get down into the nugget cave yeah okay and what are we doing inside the cave take the leg okay loot the skeleton for that's left for the $3.00 okay use for $3 to go to sighs okay what about the last one the last on a cure is anytime dr. Dehner is in science class take a slide to the sample of the plant look at the slide under the microscope and he will give you this car okay I thought we already had that we don't have to chill stomach I think we have choke okay okay what is it take the slide and took it simple that wasn't a slide oh maybe we didn't do the slide of the plan all right what is chill stump you know what color heals no it should be green green yeah oh [ __ ] a tomato a tornado monstrous flytrap mystical tomato so oh wait no I give him good nugget old Oh leave the gate right because I'm hopping down yeah no guess he poops out the Nuggets OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP no one gets cave okay let's go no word okay no cave nobody notices the theories he Nik negative is coping this is nugget cave wouldn't that pretentiousness here I will get rid of it very much appreciate that no beats reduce true need space that that is the transitive property of equality I guess there you go please join in the gym win buildings no Keith needs a friend do play oddball sound good buddy that's great I'm so happy for us so what do we know I'm curious with this money I know there's room in front of it for a kind of offering I'm wondering what that is honestly I'm really curious what that's gonna lead to there are way to get double nodes I'd rather go to science class go I have a feeling use it like Kornegay is it a flower great science class we have always welcome to science class today's lesson will be about plans please observe the common client in front of you notice how it's neither carnivorous nor poisonous because the PTA is a bunch of poops okay cool so first give him the leg yep first the leg okay wait the leg there we go okay oh I see you like the leg I used to have to but the other one went missing if you can find it please bring it to me well I found it I found your leg okay ultra load on Oh excellent thank you for your assistance here's a monster Mon card with a shark on it that's how these legs came to be in the state they're in after all whoa shark attacks baby shark/doo doo doo doo de doo baby shark okay slide slide take a slide of the plants example at the plant and slide it but exam slide did you just actually examine that boring plant sample I did you must be a hit at cards well I suppose you deserve something for actually doing the work here's oh I thought you were against meaningless incentives in class dr. Tanner I thought that that was something that you said earlier in the day is the thing that you were against but apparently you hypocrite you're giving me a sentence for doing the work that I should be doing in class anyway but I'll take it chill stump Jill stop great so those are those all three ones yet in this mission aren't got great so I'm just gonna end up done been done been got scooped done been got scooped okay yeah whatever it's not gonna kill me look it's just an dig okay all right got it next one is flowers for Diana all right mission map flowers for Diana was a second one right over from there no nothing even oh okay great hey means nothing so I can just hop right into it let's do it great all right this one uh so the first one we're going for is pot of grease get the vegan salad during the flowers for Diana mission but keep it for yourself give the vegan tell it to Agnes to get her cat if you have the cat to Cindy so again all of these are leading up to talk to after dinner okay so all of these are leading up to recesses when the first thing I or know of cafeteria cafeteria is the first one then one during recess let's see complete complete up to recess yeah okay get the blue flower advanced we reach of recess okay great oh can we get the blue flower well we need five flowers oh we need every flower garden by the handicap ramp dumpster behind the school vase and the teachers lounge right okay the rarest flower isn't even found off the guy the lovestruck loser to deliver it okay huh there's one okay geez yeah this was an intense one you may want to have a chat with the hall moanitors before the day gets started I tend to give people trouble okay so that means we have to get the lunch lady out here and then get in talk to Connors only disabled students are allowed into school early and even then you're stuck with the lunch lady who'll stop you okay holy geez so we got to talk to someone who will send we gotta talk to the principal who will send the lunch lady for nugget well yeah once tonight so okay first off I need to get some handycams around cuz he's sending it okay so you're gonna help me get here okay so that takes care of him okay do what I got to do great so that's step one step two is to talk to the girl do you have any flowers of course I do I have heretofore you'll have a pretty pink one but you definitely but the light is so blinding but you already know I have I've never heard from a new boyfriend great I'm great okay yeah I'm one of those rich kids over there I'll have my I'll have a mind made up during morning time flower great okay good see you tomorrow okay so I need to get her a boyfriend yellow text man they're gonna try to kill Aziz okay all right I'm gonna read a couple things on Twitter or moving through the day [Music] Lucy Gaskell 428 sevens my favorite nugget oh thank you and this is amazing fan art it's uh you and me and we're holding wants to run cards and it's awesome let's see okay we need to get rid of at Jacob Tidwell says I've been told that you shouldn't should go into the teachers lounge after Bob and Applegate get together I'd rather not okay ha that's funny okay so we need to get rid of lunch lady look it's the sewer grate great we go at deke our mouths attentive to college this weekend to start my freshman year and finally caught a stream laughs can I get a clap and half your luck please absolutely for everyone who's starting yes cool starting back up top Club and a half yeah welcome back to the school year ladies and gentlemen whoo whoo all right stick a flower and go over here go inside and talk to our hole monitor friends at lavenders see says greetings from archive land this is my first time catching you guys live can't I go to clap in half hold still one more for everyone's reading from archive land hold up I got a food that you made it is crucial please the crucial moment uh why don't you take this it's good through morning time you can't do much with it while you're carrying on okay good so I got my whole place perfect great club and a half the archive land school and all sorts of clap all of you so many claps come we have all right at betta fur 56s do you guys have a favorite product from the back-to-school merch I don't know if you're asking the community or if you're asking us but my favorite is the journal I was personally well if I was in school it would have been the pencil case because right pencils floating around always bothering me okay decide on a boy yet yeah in the blue tray to the right side makes me smart for this class he'll be in the upstairs class I want you to take this to him what is it it's a love letter now give it great we can do that because I have my Hall Pass oh yeah oh hey else all right so a rich kid I've got a Hall Pass let me get up there fantastic Hooper doopa doopa doopa hey new kid I'm great how'd you get one of those I'm a lot of stairs great I'm allowed to go upstairs which then in turn gets me over to rich kid don't bother dr. Danner I have a love letter for you from Cindy Cindy it's not a love letter from me potential for okay so how awful is Cindy she's what do we say she's not bad right right excellent then I'll accept her request time together good right oh yeah someone weighing in on the proper cooking for Nuggets as well IIIi Elizondo says the best thing to cook Nuggets in and pretty much everything else they miss the airfryer gets the outside nice and crispy and the inside nice and look I haven't hearing so much about air fryers lately air fryers are having a big moment air fryers are like all the rage yeah they're totally having a moment indeed i I'm really curious because I they seem too good to be true frying something without oil with the power of air sucking out the power of air okay so Cindy wants something vegan bring it to me not to her okay here we go okay so I'm at this point all right what what did you want me to do now thanks so the bean salad during lunch uh how do I get the vegan salad again Oh Dan you think you got anything vegan oh oh yes I see you miss coming you new students are so picky I can prepare something in the back where the janitor still looks to be mopping in the air we'll get it for me Haitians child you wouldn't want me to have a nasty fall ha I love these dialog choices I wouldn't agreeing or I would I wouldn't know you would bratty child so impatient we will wait for the janitor to finish his work and I will make the fluid thick great okay good great so that's that what else do we need to do for this one [Music] okay get the vegan salad but don't give it away also okay we gotta get rid of Stevie so we can get in the teachers lounge give it flowers so that's no so I get in teachers lounge pretty easy to lure them away are you wanting to do that for me for the right price I'll give you five bucks I don't care go lure them away great well cuz we gotta get in the teachers lounge do we though they're not really completing the mission okay she's going to make the vegan salad okay and then we'll need to okay okay Phoebe slip into this duties flour collection have you found any I found one okay may be quick so I know that there's the flour in here okay so here's the thing yes what um so there's one of these in here mhm that like you replace that flower with a different flower yeah no of the garden card start the flowers her Diana mission and get the blue flower advance time until you reach recess head into the teachers lounge and replace the yellow flower with the blue flower so we would take the yellow flower and now leave the blue flu okay so well now yeah we needed him to leave you can tell from her rabbit food okay what else is it what else do we need to do for anything else disappear nothing Jurgen well if we can replace that flower that would be the only other thing to do Danner hasn't left which is interesting he stays in this time okay so there's nothing else so hold onto the salad don't give it up yeah don't give away the salad that's all we need to do here okay yeah great okay for all of them it's everything else happens at recess okay you know continue that yeah so the first thing we're gonna need wanna do during recess is go back up to Agnes yeah someone's favorite dumpster hag and get the other other cat wait there's a third camera there's a third cat seriously give it to Sydney its dumpster bang on the dumpster he was banging on my down stir okay great I have a vegan meal I have a vegan meal Oh beacon meal I haven't had one of those things might we dip babies it reminds me of my cat crazy bro yeah I'm curious what does that remind you of gravy cuz I always put gravy on the hippie-dippie stuff can you hit some flavor does anyone actually know what vegan means do you want the cat or not yes I do okay guy guy gravy he goes well with biscuits okay bye bye name so who do I give gravy to Cindy go give the cat to sit really yes that's adorable her little heart was broken her little awful domestic dispute heart was broken yeah whatever that poor girl here he want this cat that makes it I was wondering I was wondering I'm like why it because all the other like cat clues have been to like the kid who smokes or to someone who needs a friend which support nugget I was wondering how biscuit connected to anyone that's right I forgot that her dogs but she had a dog named biscuit though there you go okay hot pot o grease shuttle Bruce oh man and I got the achievement cat collector oh okay flowers Bob got four Applegate you're I'm not gonna take it yet right okay I'm supposed to swap the flowers use that oh they're making out oh oh no you gross that's not safe for impressionable young minds whoa look at him oh man oh no you know when I imagine what miss Applegate would look like kissing another human being Bob or otherwise it would not be this friendly this is like this she seems like she would be more impressed I feel like Applegate would be like oh come on come on Big Daddy come to mama that's mine maybe you could oh shoot yeah we can't get there wait how do I not get how do I get into there then thank you I don't have all my flowers Marcus off where's the pencil case I need it Wow how useful is that actually a seamless place to hold your material okay so wait okay we got putter you got this one okay this pen even real men the pencil case works great the pen pen does it but during recess came the flowers for day uh shake the Beehive off the tree onto penny inspect the Beehive after it has fallen to get the card shake the Beehive onto penny how do I get her over there is there a way to get her over there right only there is there shake the Beehive off the tree onto penny maybe if you just shake the tree no you got rid of my wig even Oh angry bees are bad for your health okay okay [Music] okay okay bleep our submission out for recess once Felix gives you the weed sell it to Monte but tell him it's worth more than his first offer okay so that means we're gonna have to restart back to levels that means we need to start back at lunch why cuz without me doing his bidding oh that I don't get anything okay right yeah so you need to start back back at lunch with it okay wait if I didn't start me back here no restart back at okay great do it we're doing awesome doing awesome here okay okay so I gotta get it so again I gotta get the vegan but this time I get him the salad right so let's do this I'll pick something vegan everyone's so picky won't get it for me I wouldn't want you to die great we need to wait for hit the janitor disappeared you having flowers go distract Stevie four disappears okay he disappears over there she goes and gets my vegan stuff dinner switch the flowers we're trying to switch the flowers but we haven't had an opportunity to do that yet we need to do it because the thing is with we might have to restart further back because Bob and Applegate making out is what's taking me out of the teachers lounge so I'm neat I might need to rewind back to morning time and not tell Bob about Applegate right I think that's I think that's what the solution to happen is Leslie okay here's that it's just a lot of different branching pathways thing and it's almost like their own separate places it's crazy okay so they there we go okay so now he should reward me for helping him out yeah she was being absolutely wicked she's insisting I do something horrible to one of tho the girls oh yeah and we put the government when he's hair right it's as good as yours if you can destroy a penny you'll see there we go okay just quite an eye for contraband I say you plant take this and plant it by the tree there here we go that's it put it by the tree okay so I put it by the tree on this side plant the contraband penny comes over right so she's coming and checking it out the other side of the tree on the other side of the tree shake the tree little robot girl slowly dies there we made true love happen wonderful don't you feel great about flower thank you so much you deserve each other I get my contraband back it'll make us a lot of money becomes these two Oh miss Applegate oh it's you the new janitor what do you watch these are for you you got me flowers but that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me that ended both pills come with me oh yeah but what about the flowers leave them oh my okay so exam that all the bees in this beehive have gone after penny there's a mazda mind card yes tallest tree in telstra you got that one and you said with Monte I wanted to sell something right yeah I'll sell need this stuff oh excuse me sell the contraband you wonder not five dollars it's worth more than that yes haha I know I just didn't know that you knew that fine I'll throw in a monster Mon card on top of the five dollars field that's amazing okay are you doing business with you great that's three out of four we only have one more card to get before we have to play monster okay so we got it so we gotta get so we have to get this last one where we switch the flowers that's it so how do we switch the flip well I think we just have to make sure Bob's not in there so we have to make sure he doesn't give her the red flower which means we don't tell Bob that she's at the beginning yeah we have to go back to morning okay so I got a restart at morning time yeah don't tell Bob about having like the crush on miss Applegate can't but do everything else okay so that means so going back to here I need the love letter decide on a boy what's this oh yes there is grated I was gonna read from the chat election Ollie to Silva says 50 shades of Bob okay they were kissing in a very family-friendly way I'm surprised that this game didn't actually take it one step further than that cuz this game I mean this game is pretty crazy it gets pretty violent like it deals with some mature stuff it surprised that and taking it that mature David look so did you guys do the leg with mr. Danna we did we just have one uh let's see replace the flower during jim says brain play oh that's it can you still do it three Jim yeah oh wait think about that we would need a way to get in you say to change it during recess though right Chris can we change it during Jim or do we have to do it during recess advance a time until you reach recess head into the teachers lounge and replace the yellow flower the hood yeah I think it wants to be during recess yeah so don't tell Bob but how am I gonna get past applegate in order to do oh yeah well do you have a card do a pass I don't anymore I could buy one I can't buy one at six bucks right when are you ever supposed to buy that thing I don't know you would actually know maybe you do have to do it during gym class cuz otherwise we can't get past Applegate oh yeah we do to get Applegate to leave during gym classes cause that distraction right and then you're usually pretty easily able to get through so maybe we weren't right we just needed to go an extra step yeah try it try that that's right let's say okay let's go back through it the normal way okay you look a little red miss Applegate Finley one one one one two bobble gate there they're shipping that's adorable okay so we're gonna run through this one more time swap the flowers before Bob shows up there's no opportunity to do that again you you have you need a way you can't swap the flowers because Applegate's guarding the door right so you need Applegate to be distracted in some way and the only way to get rid of her in this run it seems like is to either find a pass somewhere along the line which we haven't really been able to do or alternatively I mean it maybe it doesn't have to be on this particular run of it but yeah she's in the classroom killing Jerome so fast right that's that's the thing I think that's the way to do it you just get the path book after morning time if you are in the class that's true that is true I forgot about that so maybe if this doesn't work we can always do that I will try that okay sure yeah I was gonna say I think I feel like there's a couple different things at recess before you can before Bob shows up try it why not just see okay contraband okay great well we don't need to do any of that do we see I'm not allowed inside yeah yeah we can't get past her okay so I can probably show up so I should just continue doing the mission right yeah contraband and he comes in tree killer ah great [Music] great so she's having a heart she's having a bad day hey happy you're happy sindhya never happy I get my favorite flower you deserve each other sell this over here Bob oh so they're there take the red flower yeah take the green flower then Stevie should send us to Jim at that point right so okay want to sell something this stuff if you want or not feel great great that's the end of this I want to go to gym class that's right so okay so her life is still sad even though she found Bob as the love of her life that's a bummer okay distractor to their route where where Jerome doesn't hit her with the ball I feel like this gym class there's a lot of routes we must be missing right because should be able to do right it feels like there should be so we got all five flowers everyone should be in class which means you can so it's to replace the two cuz they see the blue flower and the oh oh that makes so much sense no one got it is that all of them that's all great so we gon bat missions yeah I feel like we're still accomplished here okay that was another four do we yeah no it was playing monster do we have any tips and trick I like stuff setup begin the live stream I am NOT super well-versed in like online card games literally grass tallest tree gnome of garden pot agrees okay great okay collective to get off is you must run cards oh okay shoot and what do I do with them now like when do I fight people in monster Mon oh wait we do we have remaining missions Chris hold on no no those are a new one these are just one all right this one mission so there are certain cards you have to get in specific missions and then there are other certain cards you have to get in monster mountain battles which are either done during recess and then I think one is done during stuff oh shoot I think we have some more mission specific ones here that ok so you have two mission specific ones where you can get multiple cards and then there are several ones where you have to like race through a mission to get one yeah okay we oh yeah we have several of those darn it shoot okay got it we got to keep going on these but you shouldn't we have to do the braking side mission okay up to lunch but I should still create a deck right I guess though at this point you should be able to battle people at recess as well right and I have a bunch of stuff so for each one of these mission specific cards you can probably get that card and then go to recess and battle battles or another one okay yeah let's do that okay let's do it ooh how do we know how to put a card tactic I need a good deck here deal one damage reflect a red monster Mon deal three damage plus two damage if you have less HP reflect a red monster that seems good okay I'd like something that costs zero mana to do that's good deal two damage reduce it red monster select the red monster moon okay I'm assuming I need a couple of every right right lonely dragon deal for damage reduce any monster runs damage by one that seems week although dealing for damage but the cost of two is pretty great okay deal one damage reflected green monster man reflecting damage is good deal two damage reflected green mossman's damage me oh maybe it's better to do deal two damage and reduce a good that's those better actually woo deal six Wow deal - damn introduce a green monster monster damage how many you one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten total oh no okay deal - oh my gosh this is so stressful right doing doing it live is also stressful because I'm not familiar with anything like this okay reduce the blue monster mounts damage by three so green is against blue block of blue and is all green there's no way oh my gosh this is so complicated I mean in a yes deal for damage reduce any that seems pretty good no - damage plus two damage if you're lastly okay people last discarded card is great that seems good really deal two damage plus two if your last card is green dozens decent okay so you have to use those together basically those two green ones right in the scary okay we need like some mono recovery I feel like swap mana with your opponent oh that seems good alright block of purpose Oh yellow and purple are against each other we only have three left it's so hard okay get rid of okay uh deal p-block purple people are saying margin dari sword ooh good near the sword yeah the swords deal six damage for the cost of three mana everything is that where is that legendary sword oh that one deal six damage everything image that's the thing is though everyone has six damage like that why would the sword be any better than like the doom worm which is also three mana for six damage I think we need gain three mana if your last discarded is red block a purple that's a pretty defensive one there like that I like you HP I liked anyway we don't have healing and gain three men if your last discarding is blue block Dean three if your red block so one of these is good probably maybe right is this the order that they get drawn I'm curious game three man if your last discard it's blue block block deal I want some more like mana recovery swap HP with your opponent that could be useful okay I feel like that's like wait for them to like knock us down yeah maybe that's a good strategy actually maybe you wait until they riddle you down then it's like screw you I got you block a yellow who do you thinks the best monster Mon player needing it's nugget I oh I'm sure it's got to be nugget right I'm gay I almost guarantee it's gonna end up being nugget okay oh so what mission do we got us started on sorry okay we have to do I'm really stressed in a game where I felt like very confident and like I've been having a great time playing I'm very stressed out about suddenly having to play a card here because I'm not good at card team alright the first one to run through is breaking sad breaking sad sad mission complete everything up to lunch take Monty's elevator card oh god okay potion and the [ __ ] alright play it up to lunch wait okay lunch all right when I hop into the chat people were some people were rooting for you to use dank magician look at the bottom of the monster on cards okay let's see Dark Magician what makes dank magician so good I don't know that was wrong people still want us to microwave a cat no we tried we tried it we all the shoes up to that last time and the last minute Matthew made the right choice and did not microwave the cat there we go [Music] okay so Naomi curry says new us we must stand and protect hashtag poppy okay so she's getting a sandwich so I need to get into the school building with Monty Oh which means going this way if I remember right so you're saying do this until recess mzbender says thank you for reading the chat stuff you're welcome MC fender ah yeah do everything else you know everything up to lunch [Music] loke should be a monster on my count them all says gotcha I gotcha cocoa cookies right smokey tenders and gravy first off are the cutest cat but secondly I love those cat names but secondly they should absolutely make them into monster mouths I love that okay so she's freaking out right she's such having a nervous breakdown okay for you and everything great okay so we're gonna help her out by making her some pills nugget comes in no one really cares great here we go okay you'd help out the teacher Savannah Tyler says you can change me back at any time not just the beginning oh really that's good to know actually good okay so I have this pill stuff so she's gonna give me upstairs to Monty so I'm going up the top is attack faith about him in defense phase for the monster run card that's what I figured I need some pills to make more I have the chemical what do you need a chemistry set and a couple of hair samples from the people who have this stuff in their system alright get the chemistry set okay oh so we have to change the lesson plan miss Applegate needs the hair pill popper so we need Nuggets hair we need to find Billy hair samples I reckon them using scissors okay so we need to buy the scissors trying to remember how to do all this it's hard to remember you play through the same day so are the same kind of like series of missions over and over again it's hard to remember all that stuff it's tricky okay so here now we need Applegate can you make the bleep air samples from people she scares nugget away [Music] she scares nugget away but that continues that flatline my attention knew kids we get to go to cafeteria alright we're at lunch so what do I gotta do at lunch okay take Monty's elevator card where do we get here at lunch so where we learn to dealing with people to try and get around the school some more Monty gives this is elevator card which we will take to leave the cafeteria wait by burger first yeah okay fire burger yeah thanks the important thing here is for us to not talk to Carla don't talk to Carla okay just go straight to that rate to the elevator okay go down the elevator and speak to Millie okay well their key interact with Billy's box after you are done speaking with him to get this card oh great that seems easy yeah plushy but a big baboon that's a cool I need a hair sample they're not gonna give it to me this is the box Billy is hiding in the Mosman mysterious package can I challenged them to monster mug or is that only during recess I think it's just during recess yes but now uh okay I think that it's without for this one yes that's it for this whole mission so we now we have to go to a different one okay well let me challenge some people during recess I want I want to place a monster money okay then just run out the clock on this one yeah okay here we go look around so who can I challenge the monster man how do I challenge some demonstrable ah great question I have no idea oh recess yeah oh wait what about battling bugger off urgent I'm not interested playing with you what about battling okay my deck is filled with prestigious blue cards oh I'm gonna have to customisable someone as poor as you doesn't say the chances jeez okay okay it's in serious up in here ladies and gentlemen it has just got very serious I have no idea what we do it has just gotten serious if you are serious about quality merchandise new theorist backpack is really right now eggwin and the journal journal spirit oh speaking of serious if you're serious about your artwork or journaling boom lost pages bullets multiple multiple pages available right now via the link in the top line of the description it's great stuff we got it all the way from Disney's own factories that is how serious we take it alright now let's get ourselves some monster my garbage ok monster mount is simple and fast paced oh it's being narrated by nugget so you have to read okay we're doing great hey Avery great Felicity's new instruments this doesn't have any effect on the game wow that's them appreciate the honesty this demand action for when minutes in this you will deal damage you say it don't spray it nugget this is the monster man yes you made three actions when you repeat please do month German then in their turn reactions cost lift meta to also call some class man okay I mean there's blue orbs okay which you used to play actions and reactions oh sorry your turn you will gain one but you can only have a max is you may pass instead of playing a card game into there someone mana extinct now it's no geez there are so many monster run with interesting okay great good luck alright it's serious time hey my hand okay here we go oh and I'm starting things off okay okay and we got to in held okay deal three damage plus two if you have less HP that does not make sense gain three mana if your lapis no don't do that deal two damage plus two if your last discarded code guarantee none of these none of these are good the one on the right would be our best bet right deal three damage plus two if you have less age yeah but I think we go with this I think we do this one deal two plus two if your l'absolu there's a lot of blue okay maybe we to go nope gain what three that if no no no I don't want to waste this guy yet because this one seems like it's good one okay great so stream great go with green go with God boom spec on that Felix yeah turn BAM oh look oh no oh will we play a reaction Oh No reflect okay he's dealing three damage so he's gonna deal us five damage right Oh God great no reaction wait no reaction because now all of a sudden I'm gonna be at five but I can oh yeah but then if Rho is lower okay great so now I get to use this right okay yeah your turn just read average plus you're gaming since we have less HP yes great well pay up beam down to three not lace okay okay Felix oh no he's gonna oh no he's gonna keep oh no oh oh no something game three mana if you discard no no oh shoot reducing remarry yes yeah that's yeah do it do it reduce reduce yes I'm still alive part of the cards by the heart of the car oh god the heart of the cards is with me deal for h-he late for it if your last discarded cards green no it was not wasn't okay fine pot agrees 3o mana no swap HP with your opponent duh he has slightly more than me yes I think that's our best bet right now isn't it the best thing we can do Oh going through manner if you're less milk yeah I mean our last discarded was red so we would team back yeah that's right wait long seem to matter at this point it doesn't really swap HP it's not gonna make that big of a difference I think we have a block of yellow a block of purple I mean it's the effective I think we don't do anything I guess I don't know man okay all right if we swap maybe we swap no I was thinking swap oh the pressures on flashers on swap swap swap swap okay oh no oh he blocked us Oh criminy choo choo choo okay thank be like what's doing okay he's dealing two damage to us uh-oh that's not good we have literally nothing that we can do oh no wait we're do so wait we're deuce a monster might have no mana we have no mana we can't do it okay give it damn it damn it I hate card games this sucks wait okay let's try again try again here read it lost does anyone would expect from someone so poor get up myself that sucks okay someone else hold up monster mud got changed up or deck yeah this pot of health thing was garbage yeah that was not good it's only good if we have a bunch of greens in our deck yeah so get rid of that thing I need another he's got a lot of Blues apparently so we need something that lonely dragon people are recommending uh yeah when we dragon okay reflect a green yeah we need what reflects blue [Music] prestigious blue reducible you hear we do that that's cool [Music] what could block a blue guess we're down three damage if you're know if not all green rest we're gonna work deal two damage blue monster bronze damage by three it sounds good I think you do that I think we do that that one okay okay okay Tay come on again I think weed free fight three fights grief of our doing this we're on what about battle let's battle rich boy prepare to get spanked well like your nanny spanks you because your parents don't love you Felix Wow whoa yeah I got we got serious that got really real okay oh damn it Game three swap up shoot this is the only thing we can use oh man okay I know it's kind of sucks boom I spanked you spank thank you spank okay deal deal two damage I think we just let it ride yeah cuz what we're gonna do now is we're gonna use this and since our last card was green we're gonna feel for damage okay great so no reaction boom he spanks me it's my great now we smack hard with this guy boom boom for ya okay get rekt get rekt ok celestial slug feel - damn it okay he's gonna deal two damage that's okay I think I think that's okay we can either we can't really do it yeah no reaction fine spank us wah okay we don't wanna swap HP we don't want to gain so I think we just do zero and deal one damage okay good good little like like tacit at latest attack okay shoot he's got a legendary sword dang it oh damn it Game three Game three come on there's gotta be something I can do why can't I do anything hard on the card visit with me I did not realize we would have access to so little of our deck wait how can he oh damn it cuz he has it he doesn't live oh that's the three I guess he was at five come on damn it and this song this sucks I ain't a card game god damn it damn it okay I need maybe I just spam all the heavy hit on things I think I need a heavy hitter yeah we don't have a heavy hitter right now I think we need legendarium clearly we need clearly this is not a defensive game swap HP I think that's the lead in there and gain mana hard smack them early I think we need a lot of gaining mana stuff too okay wait so deal for this is good that's a good one yeah that one's never come up for us let's do what's another hard hitter this guy takes damage yeah okay deal 1 is there anything else that helps me heal mana cuz if I'm using up plus three minutes swap mana with your opponent oh that seems good I like that one though I do too so maybe we get rid of that's a good one there you go with the stack you think this deck yeah I think we go with this day I think we get rid of this guy's not doing yeah that is doing that's doing nothing for me I think we do swap man with your opponent great good all right okay no blues don't worry about it the only blues I have right now is losing to this rich kid over and over oh well let's beat him down dune worm six damage tho get rekt damn it he blocked it what damn it we're never gonna get the trending of this game deals two damage reducible it okay that's fine oh let's do damage if you okay okay okay no reaction okay so I got stance a little bit but we can deal three damage plus two okay great and look then we can gain three mana back because our last discarded card will be blue fine so boom spanked good five BAM rocked Felix go celestial slug I don't really care yeah game backhoes two mana right we got to gain back that mana no reaction boom okay little thanks that's six that's nine left let's regain our mana all rights we gain our mana boom all the way full again what the hell comes off it you suck you suck you suck you suck so bad okay he's gonna deal two damage to us okay that's I think that's okay right nope no reaction God now we have less HP we could reduce any damage by one but that's gonna cost us manna which I don't want wait okay hold up hold up this thing about this wait can I kill him no I cannot God okay so what would happen here is ideal for damn no he's gonna hit me yeah this is a reaction yeah I reduced his damage by one so I only get knocked back to five right yeah then my last discard is green which means I'm gonna hit him for four but that still doesn't kill him but it knocks him down to one to one which would be the closest we've gotten do we do it yeah sure go for it why not play recklessly that's not helping us in the slightest because otherwise what we could do is maybe okay I'm gonna actually let him hit me okay so now I'm gonna use this deal for damage great great okay cool you don't have anything that blocks why why is this card so overplay we don't have anything that blocks green see we would have been able to use this but he had something that blocked it okay fine we're done god this sucks there's any monster run damage by one shoe show no reaction come on let's lobby cream six is so screen else no I want to we're not allowed to play with anyone else until we beat him okay the blocks green great ah this sucks green red green we're totally gonna run out of time just from playing reflectively reflect a GU reflective green oh that's I like reflecting that do that so what are we gonna do could we replace reflective green this is useless that's useless reflectively great we go we got this all right okay okay no I don't want to climb the rock wall I want to beat this kid one more time Monsoor mines fine we're gonna do this okay okay okay man if your last color is blue it's great smack him down good yeah X yes suck on that yeah oh I'm so bad he doesn't like party I feel too damaged reducible okay that's fine okay with this we're okay with this we're still okay with this no reaction I have me that's fine okay okay deal three damage plus two of you have I don't but I can at least hit him for three yeah I'm just going ham just going ham boom you're down to one yeah so I'll come back okay and then if he has this budget or we can cover it okay okay deal dip to damage I don't care because all I have to do is looks like this karna then we're done we're pledged agreed yeah no no yeah reflector green your ancestor you have no clue look now i-20 log was green on and I thought it was good keep moving okay good yeah the heart of the cards all I need is to unlock my blue-eyes White Dragon guys okay I need one person it monster gone didn't people huh but someone of your cast beat someone like me if I give you a card you won't mention this to anyone right I mean you beat me literally like ten times yeah great just rare jewel good good I won yes victory I mean someone else wait what does I want to see what rare jewel is maybe it's a good card here game three mana if your last discarded one that's great now into that garbage can't be penny nope Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie hey monster man yes battle me Ozzie here read Ozzy's line I doubt someone's some damn you can has what it takes to beat me my red and blue deck is unbeatable let's go up lying about the color your deck Felix was like my deck is all blue there was no blue your your beat'em up card was green get out of here go home alright here we go deal for damage yeah I think we go hard go hard [Music] dammit okay - one that's fine okay it's still missing for three I'm pleased with that oh yeah buddy yeah feel the pain deal one that's okay what is fine that's high you can take it good and we recover a little bit of mana there you go six hit it hard all right get it hard all in all in damn it damn it damn it and it reflected I hate card game damn it ah oh no okay it's fine it's fine it's my deal two damage let's do if your last discard is blue so we can you should play the green guy we should play the tornado reduce any monster on damage my one that's the only way we survive no we need we need to start any no what's fine really play it no because all we we're down to one sure but we need we need mana to do literally anything throughout any minute now - not nearly enough mana I think we I think we passed I think we got to go on the defensive you deal two damage plus two if your last discs are oh we can do actually maybe do this if you also deal one damage for no mana I know but I don't want to let's try that one yeah damn it Ozzy deal - okay we really can't do much all right well it's fine we're learning we're learning and right great I knew some dumb new kid couldn't beat me get lot looser oh can we get lost oh then we we fight back we got this not yeah here we go what do we start with so I was six th go hard go hard go am go hi Pam that's fine you just reduced by one still your kids smack down the flag boom we went ham thanks Mac oh and we got a swap HP - so if he does anything okay okay please feel and Red's we can reflect your reflects we cannot reflect as we don't have enough mana that is correct fine take it off yeah but now we can do three damage yeah let's do that yeah I think we do that good great boom - Ozzy we could swap man with our opponent that's the useful now let's do that deal two damage I think we're okay with that still yeah right yeah that's fine excuse the cool let's swap cuz now he has four and we have two right I'll help that that'll keep him from dealing any of those yeah that's good shoot damn it oh no damn it yeah okay he's dealing one damage elected green reduce any monster Mon that one dunno I think we just take it yeah yep fine okay so now we deal two damage and that's it that's it that's it yep that's it come on come on Jew dare come on don't you dare one I've already played that card he could have multiples maybe yeah she's impossible he's the final boss what is this garbage this is literally his blue-eyes White Dragon what is this deal three damage already so he could do six damage if his hand is already but it isn't he's played other cars Oh what his mother - hell yeah okay think about it so I'm assuming he's playing this because he knows it's gonna finish us off right yeah that's my prediction here so we should reduce it by one that would still do nothing because that would still hit us from far I'll try I can still try I mean otherwise we're dead you might as well play no the thing is no if I play it he still hits us for five it's three damage plus three so it's five and we have five does that make sense just no reaction no so you save the man save the man ah Stephanie but if we're dead that what's the point of saving manna because maybe he only hits us for three maybe he's it's a bluff no reaction yes it was a bluff see and now I have more manna that I can do this deal for okay let's do it okay for or or do I just use one damage no no I know that's deal for our to be reduces you very well yeah through the sandbox the worst everything I've done god I hate it hate okay we are out of time because you have been angling we're never beating this game we're never getting the true final ending this game I can't believe this is how we have to finish this [Music] make me feel better by buying our merch that will help sir multi about this whole thing we back to continue playing monster huh we're gonna be okay I thought man I keep thinking that we're gonna finish this game and then we don't Matthews really grumpy so I'm just just show you the journal again it's really nice there's a whole lot of original game here we aren't in the beginning the first few pages just to get you started and then series from there good to go this is very depressing someone in the chat was like by your own merch I do actually we pay for it yeah it does it this stuff doesn't come free oh I'll take all your best free t-shirt no he's like buy your own okay so you we we pay you see how it works you pay to get it made and also pay to get it shipped into the u.s. okay let's what paid have it designed my god we have to go Matthews really angry about mom I'm so upset hurry back are we gonna come back tomorrow and play this are we gonna try and beat this tomorrow uh I don't think we can because we have to film with row but yeah that's not going Mike we're gonna see okay probably not probably be Monday but we're gonna try Oh mornings yeah it might be a morning boring stream we don't know okay huh we'll see you guys this is a harrying experience at least we got a decent amount closer how many wait how many more monster mine cards doing you know no really no not really no Ally really hold up hold up let me see how many more monster mine cards I need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 oh my gosh there's so many okay Oh I want the true ending of this game so badly live stream live stream see you tomorrow okay pooper chance us by Charlotte has that says behind Tipton out with us know
Channel: GTLive
Views: 905,616
Rating: 4.9202909 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice
Id: P2zpx-RS1vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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