THERE CAN BE ONLY 1 JANITOR - A Tale Of Two Janitors Story - Kindergarten 2

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okay I'll take the spin chief integer whoa whoa what the hell nugget is present no nugget is late so you're getting a study ho oh dear god what happened to your arm look it had to chew it off in order to escape from the fair doggie cape why did you oh never mind do you want to go to the nurse you're bleeding all over my new classroom nugget is quite durable nugget will survive what's up guys and welcome to kindergarten - so some of you guys might remember that I played through the first kindergarten on the channel and I'll leave a playlist if you want to check that out because it was one of those surprising games I've ever played but I expected very little from some 8-bits cartoony kindergarten game about children but I ended up getting severed leg on stick oh yeah this is gonna be good my second day at school and I am noticing a few familiar faces a couple of returning students and teachers I guess it makes sense that not everybody would survive the first game if anything I'm surprised the janitors here I can definitely remember blowing him up and putting his head on him off at least once or twice I think if we want to start things off we need to talk to him but first I've got to ask why is nugget trapped in a face - no get what's going on buddy you're already off to a bad start help nugget is trapped how did you get down there dog it was searching for a suitable place for the new nugget cape so you proper a sewer grate no no get was searching for a suitable place to dig by the Queen next to the handicapped wimp the ground started to shake there was a gaben your dandy can help it's no good you're really making me second-guess this voice buddy people seem to think so bright so what should I do find help ask teacher or janitor a printable nugget does not care just get no get out of here okay okay sorry nugget that might be another story line I gotta go talk to the janitor what are the odds you've turned over a new leaf since yesterday and now you'd be more inclined to help nugget rather than cave in his head with your mom filthy absolutely filthy bill gonna stuck behind us you were great Nick I enjoyed him if I wasn't about to go to war with that other janitor over there I'm gonna stop talking to you now and maybe get a mops length distance away that's rule number one we're talking to this guy actually I do need to talk to him right that is the story mission we're going after our okay hold on filthy absolutely filthy weddings are you blind look at this place the other no-name janitor over there has really let this place go to crap you don't know his name yes yes no but I guess I should learn it if I'm gonna drop kid go find out his name for me oh okay okay Jesus Christ so I'm supposed to ask you for your name or helping getting nugget out of the basement I suppose but I gotta wonder do you impale kids on your mop is that just a general passion among janitors hey there kiddo I'm your friendly school janitor friendly yeah I like to think so you just let me know if you need any help getting adjusted here I'm always happy to help what's your name Oh rude of me I'm Bob most of the kids around here just refer to me as the janitor anyway you can call me that too if you like holy crap a nice staff member you are so gonna joy I got his name what's his name come on I've got a declaration to drop Bob so my nemesis has a name Bob why did you yell that do you have a name was no I lost it in the war which wore the best one which was asked the one I was in haven't you been paying attention do you have a name don't piss off the janitor when you're within mops reach um that's what I thought so it sticks in the guy whose name we do know it seems nice nice what do you say you say that I ain't nice you do have a history of violence along and ever-growing history let's head to that right now great and I broke the rule [Music] that didn't take too long uh okay let's try that again after what he just did it seems almost redundant to ask but I will anyway what are you gonna do to him what janitors code of honor says I should do which is I'm gonna kill him and take his mop seriously you bags take this declaration of war and bring it to Bob return to me when it's done this will be one for the history books I guess it will be is he having a stroke why does he keep yelling Bob so what janitors are like immortals there can be only one now I get hello again little buddy what's going on the other janitor wanted me to give this to you okay thanks I'll read it when I get inside go ahead and tell him you delivered it I'm really looking forward to working with him I doubt that Oh interesting so if I want to get through here I need to go with Monty was it okay either way that that's probably another story right now we'll go back to you has it been delivered is war bonnez yes excellent my attack will be swift and sneaky he's alone his mop is as good as mine I'll be sharpening my mop in the boys room have fun with that that's the Bell everyone head inside to your assigned classrooms what the hell is this game okay kids teacher has a headache so we're going to be very quiet it looks like this school has more funding than the last one since there are actually toys go clay just please be quiet it's good to see you again miss Apple Kate was it this is giant jiggly jugs you look a little disheveled oh and bump is back what up bugs what do you want I'm busy trying to figure out how to get my knife back probably better he doesn't have it yup words to live by literally we've got a couple of new kids and Cindy Monica I should really remember considering we've been married for a time but to all I can see right now is a monster Mon card hey I know it looked like death right now but my eyes still work no going for other people's copies okay okay I'm not gonna fool around at copies I don't need money or a dime bag of weeds best kindergarten ever I have absolutely no doubt that snitches get stitches in this place so I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that little baggie a weed and a cubby and I'm gonna play with my toys instead there are some toys in here but only the spinny fidgeter looks interesting okay I'll take the spin Jeep immature whoa whoa what the hell nugget is present no nugget is late so you're getting a study ho oh dear god what happened to your arm look it had to chew it off in order to escape from the fair doggie cape why did you ah never mind do you want to go to the nurse you're bleeding all over my new classroom nugget is quite durable No we'll survive if you insist go ahead and play or do whatever it is that you do there are no toys left football nugget this makes nugget sad dug it you're literally bleeding what the hell dude buddy I have no doubt you are durable it looks like you were dropped on your head quite a few times and you made it out okay but you're losing a lot of blood here there anything I can maybe do to help no toys no um nugget is having a bad day at the new school I have a toy for you will get appreciates generosity nugget will reciprocate with a monster mom card cool thanks I got a monster mom card somewhere okay well that was a thing what am I supposed to do with the janitor in here can I just leave I'm gonna go to the bathroom hey you can't leave I'm responsible for you little monsters I need to use the bathroom well too bad I don't have a bathroom pass for this new school yet so you'll just have to hold it in you don't look like you can stop me I can still give you study hall apparently that's a punishment but stuff here fine okay if you want to give me study hall then just go ahead because I need to go find the janitor hold up new kid you're only allowed to use the bathroom nothing else so I'm allowed out without a pass only until we can distribute pass books to you new kids now either go to the bathroom or go back to class passbook we use pass books instead of traditional passes here unless it's a special occasion they'll be distributed soon thanks for the info and stop dawdling get back to class okay so I can only go to the bathroom which is fine because the janitor is in here sharpening his mop this feels like a mistake it definitely does not feel right ah well I can see you haven't gotten to cleaning up around here that mop doesn't look particularly sharp either now that I think about it so what have you been doing in here oh good here you're happy to see me it's a weird feeling for me too I need your help again or else I'm fighting a losing battle here what now bob is currently hiding like a coward upstairs and since my hip is made of glass I can't make it up those stairs what do you want me to do about it I need a key to that elevator I'm sure that little black market [ __ ] has one are you talking about Monty I think I saw Monty right he's in a wheelchair now you're the one who crippled him and I'll do it again if that invalid does it give you that key tell him that and see if he'll give it up he's in the special smart class upstairs okay then special smart class up stairs but I can't get upstairs something tells me the janitor is not gonna be too pleased with you fatty hold up new kid you're only allowed to use the bathroom and nothing else I need to go upstairs too bad unless an adult says so you aren't allowed up there you need to go to the bathroom or go back to class no exceptions with the janitor if the janitor wants you to go upstairs you can come tell me himself it's your funeral I can guarantee he'll tell you what it'll be his mop did you get me that key the hall monitor stopped me that grimy little power-hungry come on what is gonna be good Hey Oh rats give my little errand boy trouble yeah rules are rules mr. janitor if you want him to go upstairs you have to I guess I could just beat you like I did the other kid and you would have an elevator key excuse me I said I could beat you till they give you an elevator key oh pretty sure they're gonna give him a coffin hey other hall monitor yeah man what's whoa gee you totally wrecked Stevie and I'll do the same to you if you even think about stopping this kid from helping me out today got it no problemo do whatever you want kids there it's taken care of go get me that key I'll be waiting by the elevator okay then if we want to call an ambulance for this guy I can see his brain he's still alive but screw it you know what I'm pretty sure if nugget can survive that kid can survive we're cool yeah we're cool okay you don't want to be put into a coma uh what if I go in the girls bathroom oh right I could do whatever I want hey Bob what are you doing up here oh you're doing janitor work wait why does the girls bathroom have a couch it's so nice oh hey oh good god that letter you gave me this morning it was a joke right you wrote that yourself right I can't read or write oh no that's pretty scary but nothing some strong words can't work out I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding we could talk this out like adults good luck with that did he seriously just go downstairs to with janitor that's a mistake good news it was just a silly misunderstanding we're gonna do great work together I'm sure you will he's monster Mon card for helping me work this out and remember it's always good to use your words great morale Bob so what did you survive this is no way you survived right I'm gonna go to science class anyway see if I can get the elevator key for him Monty help me out oh wait this is the room with the leg is it a leg I gotta see this looks like a leg go wait it is a leg I wonder if the other is around here somewhere oh hey keep an eye out for a woman's leg that's like ten times the size of us hey Monty what guy you're not supposed to be in here you're a stupid kid do you have a key to the elevator course I do how do you think I got up here the janitor wants it uh the night janitor the other one uh just just bring it back when you're done with it I can't get down without it I'll try what are you doing in here you're not gifted in any way Gittes ah that's the bell you'll get off easy this time dude but don't you dare intrude my class again okay so Oh what oh right right very right okay that's Nuggets blood and the Hall monitors blood we got a distinguish between everything that's happening here this is us a lot well would you look who it is I couldn't help but notice that you didn't give me a key to the elevator I have the key right now I was never given a chance I was it doesn't matter now I smashed that home on or sculling and this is the thanks I get sorry it looks like I ain't on smashing skulls today bad news for you kids oh no not again not good you at least clean it off before oh come on he really wants that key before lunch starts so if I talk to Bob and use an apple then clearly things did not go according to Bob's plan so I got the key they kicked me in a science class and I still have one apple left so I should be able to give it to you Wow where's the key to this thing here oil done kitty here's a walkie-talkie I'll be in touch uh great it is great I'll let you know how the mission goes we ride to war let him ride to war okay then ah go to lunch I don't think you can make me please go honor the wishes of a dying child okay hey kids come in what what now things got a little sticky get up here now I have lunch yeah well it'll be your last meal if you don't get up here right now I don't think I'm allowed to leave well one of the new kids in there must have a way to get you out get up here now or I'll have another body to clean up okay okay geez okay uh okay still hasn't found that arm apparently one of the new kids will help me out of here oh Jesus hi hello child what would you like for lunch nothing no I do not want any kind is a good chance that those burgers are made of people so these would be the twins I don't think we've spoken to you yet that wheelchair-bound boy was supposed to meet us here I wonder where he could be yeah I wonder Felix says I'm not allowed to talk to anyone unless it's about business sorry hey Ben how you doing nugget nugget is getting quite Rudy nugget myth is his arm I don't want to talk to not get any more how about you little lady I just love making new friends you don't seem to throw the meat you uh but you are Z anything normally my girlfriend would sit next to me and my best friend would sit across from me but no we can't have that anymore stupid new kids whatever Ozzie just shove it up your Dawsey putt hey new kids how are you liking the food how do I get out of here look came to cause some trouble eh I can draw the lunch lady's eye away from the door for a fee oh I only have $5 I need to get out of here so all right you got a kids this won't last long so get out while you can got it hey mrs. Margaret look at me please child settle down return to your seat immediately his door doesn't work no am I supposed to go through this door she's looking one eye is looking right at me close enough whoo oh crap oh right good kids aren't allowed of the teachers lounge get out my bad my bad how the hell oh wait wait wait wait follow the blood there we go thank you nuggets God love that kid Hey oh it's you yeah I guess I'll let you by so I don't end up like him it's for the best is anybody gonna move him uh-huh let's just leave Stevie alone okay I need to get up here right I'm pretty sure he's up in oh hey how's it going hey kid what the heck is wrong with you what are you doing up here good two-way elevator key I pick it down the lunge without it where is it the janitor still has it okay that's it I've had enough you and him working together this ends now it does Jesus Christ blondie is pretty bitter about being left upstairs don't get too close to him and he'll leave you alone I don't think a wheelchair can and really cares about range I guess the mopping he received in the first game cut I screwed with his eyes because he can't see me okay I'm just gonna go in the girls bathroom where no Bob are you okay Bob or Bob he deserves so much better than this I'm a monster I when I got Bob's outfit that's right there are outfits in this game now which is hilarious octa Brett occupied I'm not gonna bother her not even a little interested she seems kind of hungover what happened finally geez can't you move slower than a kid who is knocked out of a tree under suspicious circumstances okay I'm here what do you want well in case you hadn't noticed I won the war congratulations I appreciate the support I've had from my allies that's you kid which means we're going to have to clean this up together you know yes well I am the only janitor it would be nice to have some help around here you just killed your help that's not true your help now although there is still time for me to kill my help so keep that in mind okay what do you want me to do I'm gonna get started mopping up this blood you run down to the weapons closet and get me something to slice up all Bob oh here with was it yeah boys were we janitors store our weapons it's the boys bathroom you're gonna slice him up of course look at him he's a big boy normally I don't deal with big ones cuz it's harder to remove the bodies first kids I guess that makes sense go find me a cleaver a chainsaw or something okay here's the key old Bob oh here is learning how to share now that I've won the war okay oh gee goodness I'm going to have to check into rehab after dick nope new nope nobody nope my exact response oh can you deal with her that I would really make my life a whole lot easier this is the door to the janitor's closet it's locked unlock the door oh hey well we do have weapons and something to dissolve him in great you got anything else of interest that I can look around for this is the janitors cleaning cart it looks like there's a monster Mon card in the wastes best it I'll take that should I have not taken notes he doesn't seem like the kind to be in the monster Ron what do you want a chainsaw or a sword or an axe or something like that his weapons are way too big for me to carry the accent it's been used recently knocking ask not all that interested this bat is giving off some dizzying fumes it's hooked up to a tube that seems to be running to the cafeteria this is why you don't eat the burgers just don't eat the burgers chainsaw sure this chainsaw and a shovel on this shelf you can have chainsaw chainsaw yeah well we'll do that I get the feeling mrs. Applebee's is gonna have a really hard time taking a dump over the sound of a chainsaw cutting a bob go Diane what did you get me the chainsaw perfect let's get slicing [Music] okay you couldn't let me get out of the splash zone first well looks like you got as good a ttle I'll be in touch can't wait Oh before you go here take his head you've earned this he's heads great now let's get you to study hall okay I have Bob's head in a bag well well well look at all the bad children I expect you all to behave until recess is over please take this time to reflect on how to be less awful in the future there is to be no talking or moving until the bell rings is that clear crystal clear eye shadow jogging nope god damn it maybe if I just hang out here for long enough bugs will scratch his arse and get blown away and I can make a run for it anything I can't move and I can't talk they're the only two things in this game I can't interact with the heads or the walkie-talkie or the key um I got nothing time in this game passes not by seconds or minutes or hours but instead apples and in this case you can eat time and have it pass who woulda guessed oh that coffee I had during lunch is running right through me okay I got a moment do not move or talk while I'm gone yeah no promises about that I get the feeling a janitor is gonna need me hey kid come in kid we've got a problem where are you in study hall you gotta hide that head right now find a garbage can to chuck it there's one in the mess hall what are you talking about you gave it to me why why all the sudden is our rush it's a little petty girl she's been following you all day you gotta hide that head and stop her from getting up here what so what if she knows who cares kids there's something not right with her I don't know what it is but she's in cahoots with principal who is the principal of course of course is something wrong with the principal there's always something wrong with the principal uh uh how do you know that some kid in a hoodie just came up here and dropped an envelope on the floor he had pictures in everything she's been following you okay - what do I do after I throw out the head see if there's some way to trip her up on the stairs on your way up to the cane get her to fall and break her head open how do I make a trip you're in that stupid class right maybe one of those toys will do the trick see what I can do okay so maybe we could just grab a Lego and put that on the stairs or a couple of toys in here there's a doll in a toy car something tells me a toy car is a whole lot easier to trip over okay it's a toy car required we don't want to go in the bathroom we do want to put a toy car here should I place the toy car here yes good now you see it's interesting because we have multiple apples left we have one more Apple until she goes up the stairs and one more Apple until he's done his poop which means I have just enough time to drop off this head bit this is a garbage can it smells bad it's about to smell worse oh look who it is she does seem a little weird you're not supposed to be out of study hall what are you doing here looking for the janitor oh really I was actually looking for him myself you wouldn't happen to know where he is he's upstairs thank you for telling me now go back to study hall I wouldn't want you to get in trouble okay then do I get to see her eat [ __ ] I heard her eat [ __ ] I just heard what I could only assume is an evil little girl falling down the stairs it would seem so good work kid you remind me of me when I was your age you mean before the war why or oh you're talking some nonsense never mind now get back to that study hall place that mad scientist looking fellows probably doesn't like what students escape from there okay good idea thank you so I don't need to bother going upstairs uh what the hell is a pool of green cool here it leads towards the elevator this is solid gulab of it on the floor I can't take the glob because I need to I'm not touching that right I need to get back before he's done if I take it up I'll use my last Apple what the hell is that little girl there's no way I'm supposed to take it right I'm the 99% sure of the way this works is if I use an apple he's gonna come out of the bathroom he's gonna catch me he's gonna shoot me in the head and I really don't want that so instead I'm gonna go in here and I guess stand very still yeah I would want to go here and just my apologies good to see you're all behaving I was tempted to use the Apple to grab that money in the cubby but I realized that he would have noticed I moved ah there's the Bell anyone who pays their lab fee can come with me to science otherwise head over to the gym I don't have any lab fees so I'm gonna go to the gym are we good here Oh My gods hurt its top jiggling now it's a guts oh my life is ruined it can't actually get worse so what are we doing here try your best to not look like me in 30 years go run laps or bounce that orange ball or something that's gonna be kind of hard for nugget he's still missing his arm yeah I guess we could do that I'm gonna go stand over there and try to keep the room from spinning I wouldn't expect anything less uh hey kid come in Kate what now we're almost home free I just need a little help with some of the heavy lifting you want me to carry a Bob's body oh no he's much too heavy for a small worthless child like you I need you to carry out something a power-hungry hall monitor I tenderized him this morning that's not really my specialty so you want to carry Bob instead fine by me dodo I'll carry Stevie that's cool good I left him in the weapons closet meet me out by the dumpster behind the playground and well toss them in together I must and I just leave of court hey you little weasel you're required by law to play so go play but I have to go to the bathroom then pee and a water fountain you're not leaving the gym gross so how do we get out of here nugget you've got one arm left do you think you could chew it off and help us both escape this place no game is having trouble enjoying gym today why is that khoka tom is missing oh yeah okay uh there seems to be a bit of a fight going on for the orange bouncy ball let go I want to shoot some free throws get in line new kids basketballs mine I don't know what I just did oh what a sorry oh dear God okay who did it who threw that ball it was this Jerome kid he tried to take the ball for me and when I tried to get it back he just threw it in your direction what that's a lie this kid came over and helping her snatch it out of my hands went flying when they made me let go both of you shut up what really happened Carla's telling the truth I didn't do anything I don't know way to talk about that's what I thought Jerome do you know how bad my head hurts right now not more than that waistband of the shorts I'm guessing oh you are so dead okay melon eggs ow hey stop Oh hmm yup screw this I'm out of here come back here this is making me feel better oh good work kid I appreciate the help you think fast on your feet yeah no problem okay so I'm good I'm good I need to what did the janitor oh he wanted me to carry out the kid what kind of want to take this though should i as a pool of green goo here at least towards the elevator this is a solid glob of it on the floor I'm not touching that no no I need to go get that dead body right I gotta go in here and Jesus race what's going on in here oh those fumes are really building up I'm gonna assume this is the body this bag looks like it could fit Stevie in it okay hey peg it's getting really hard to breathe in here I'm not sure how much longer I can last okay it's fine I don't need anything else it's good screw the weapons now I need to go outside and put this in the dumpster was it uh we get outside I think it was this right hopefully this door leads outside to the handicapped ramp it's locked uh I'm confused turns out the dumpsters out behind the cafeteria took me a while finally you had me worried kid no way I'd be able to move all these poor corpses by myself yeah this is great you didn't bring the body right yep good now we just need to toss them in the dumpster and this is all over good Oh what it's locked who logs a dumpster we gotta get it open somehow we need it hey kid you just hear that all the voices in my head getting a little too vocal again I heard it and it sounded a lot like you huh I think someone is in there gotta get em out come out any idea I'll think of something uh that's concerning Mayo it's a dumpster it sounds like someone is laughing inside bang on the dumpster don't I'm gonna bang on the dumpster who is banging on my dumpster oh great a dumpster woman and she sounds exactly like me everything was going so well what are you nice people wants do you want to give me some food we just need to use the dumpster you old hag well there will be a price to pay I need something something more special than food what do you need are you drinking a wine glass of the liquid that was in that tube that's probably not good right running out of this delicious cream drink you wouldn't happen to have any green goo on you a pretty penny girl Nora has some I would she'll have any of that that's cursed yeah that's pretty gross well until you come back with some green goo this dumpster stays locked Tata Chris you dumpster hag okay I know where to find some she's got us beat kid without that goo I'm going back to prison while you just kill her too that'd be so bad I'll go find some goo okay I could probably get you to kill her which will be hilarious but I know exactly where there's some goo I don't know what this blood is from I would assume dragging the corpses or maybe nugget went out to lunch that I missed that I don't know anymore we'll just be taking this yes take the glob got it okay so now we should have no problem handing this off getting Oscars wife to leave this stupid place we could dump the bodies and be done with our second day of school Jesus Christ this game man hello dumpster it sounds like it's got someone laughing inside uh-huh hit bang on the dumpster come on oh are you back with my green goo yes Oh delightful oh right ahead and dunk whatever is his items you need thanks dumpster hag I pleasure you boys have a nice day he's just gonna return to her living room well done kids looks like we're gonna get away with this I'm thrilled here's the bill looks like it's time for you to go home my little apprentice go ahead and leave the party here I'll do the rest Oh ed okey well that went good now get lost and erm I think three four people died hey kid wait up I like the fact that we're friends now we could carry this forward to all the other playthroughs who almost missed you please don't kill me Illya I think I'll kill you well nice day at least so what do you want for your dedicated service today I would like to bestow upon you the spoils of war you talk don't don't give me Bob's eyes like that please I got some good stuff off Bob Oh his body some catch watch some kind of medication thingy may be possible I got this what is this it's a tool belt don't mix nothing around here anyway you can also have some kind of sad silly card game you kids play though God kind of looks like me okay thanks our sketch person sees me talking to a kid I'm going to prison okay see you later so I got a tool belt love's tool belt okay and a monster bong card I got clothing or both Bob and the I guess if he kills somebody get their clothes right they were the two who died and a bunch of monster munkar it's hollow night mr. nice guy bucket of water and lamb with cleaver I can't wait to collect all these you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of kindergarten two guys and I don't really know if I should do one full story per episode or sort of break it up a little bit yeah I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a very long video but if you guys have any input you know let me know and as always your support is what makes one video into a series I would love to play more of this so be sure to leave a like in this video let me know and maybe I'll return to hopefully avoid the janitor next time I think about watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,499,687
Rating: 4.9155164 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten, kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 janitor, kindergarten 2 a tale of two janitors, kindergarten 2 funny, kindergarten 2 funny moments, kindergarten 2 walkthrough, kindergarten 2 playthrough, kindergarten 2 full game, kindergarten 2 full release, kindergarten 2 full story, kindergarten 2 full gameplay, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: yL0cDP5JC48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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