Don't Trust Your Teachers! | Kindergarten 2

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eyes and welcome to GT lives eating live where today's episode is brought to you by knees knees the joint that won't let you down do you realize that no one who's watching this live stream was here for the conversation that took place before the livestream that's why that's why I'm about well that's why I'm about to fill them in on the elements of that conversation Stephanie the joys of knees still oh I should I'm sorry before I get into the knee business I should have said hey guys welcome to GT live still on YouTube gaming what Auto mixer deal down turn down the mixer day we turned down a mixer deal so they had to ask a ninja instead sorry but it was clearly what happened so the reason I am talking about knees yeah and the reason I'm sitting like this right it's just because Chris was focusing the camera but which is in and of itself is just like a mirror shock like wait what crazy Oh No Amy's running Oh Megan what's what's going on Amy what what chaos has happened Amy what's arrest Oh bad connection no I definitely definitely knows everything 70 is gone now so you should be what are you trying to Stephanie is the og try cast runner I am dating both you and Jason that may be true but the term reboot implies turning everything off and turning it back on again or it implies a fantastic CGI show from I was before you I set that thing up I know I set it hold on Jason get out of here I'm really excited about this this is chaos patronizing however on the very first live stream I was there and running it you were sitting behind the scenes after I had already run all the tests one crazy so yes she set it up but she did not which came first the chicken or the egg the Jason or the Stephanie duking it out I don't like Jamie I don't actually that's not true thanks very much guys you're distracted from the topic of my name okay I had a story about the me and Chris you're you're a wonderful TriCaster runner just so you know even though and oh think oh you guys are adorable we especially know what a great TriCaster runner you are now that Chris promote reboot the stream real quick oh no we did not accept any multi-million dollar mixer deals we are staying here for you guys that was so dumb of us we were thinking about our audience on the platform where we cultivated that audience is more important than anything hence why we also don't accept partnerships and things not here friends we're not know isn't you dry for every dollar as it's less you doesn't make any money let's play actually thanks to kindergarten makes a little bit hey now yeah this month we might net back yeah man between finale our last month and kindergarten this month yeah all right we got a lot of kindergarten to play let's get to man if only we if only we milked these like I should have played finesse VR slow do you know how many uploads people got out of Navi are they would do like a three hour livestream that's not the say that doesn't monetize the same Chris yeah but it really hurted me what but I was sad while it was happening so it's worth more to me you were sad while those three hours let me sad Chris oh I hate to see you fail I love this this is like the family that gets together at Thanksgiving and then all of their pent-up aggression from over the course of the year just come spilling out like the bowl of gravy it's crazy up in here I thought you were gonna say Chris just shredded your heart oh I'm shredding Chris's godwe the game they're called bonuses for a reason everyone's like Oh drama I did not die that I thought I did really well in that game you did do really well but that wouldn't have been as funny to say I know it hey we're Blaine kindergarten okay here on YouTube for free for you guys wait hashtag DP live you know the deal you've been here look it's Cindy when you have such a variety of characters on this board look at this this is great cruising all right are using a shank util I've also had us up in the chat by saying things like drama from zoomy uh and I said I've been till midnight midnight UK time to see you guys says Danny dot me thank you for the late night joining why do we need what today we're joined on the couch by drama llama clearly for her where the drama is real and the llama is not president wait is up you are in real trouble of us have anybody oh we've shattered the illusion next thing you know they're gonna tell we're gonna tell people true that he isn't ready was playing with his many people chew it was adorable how it hasn't many people chew it's great anyway okay hey let's play kindergarten hui hui after today um let's let's check the quest board which doesn't spoil things which I learned I'll thank goodness I was worried that the game was you know I met all of this was for not okay mission map here we go so do we want to do so we know that if you follow Nuggets quest line right we get ourselves a leg that presumably will be able to deliver in science class at the very end yeah um flowers for Diana means potty guard so that looks like bugs so this is not this is gonna be penny yes yeah oh is that Danner is that dr. OH the science teacher yeah yeah maybe no he's up there I know no I know but you're we haven't done much with the principal or the doctor so maybe let's start the mission by talking about dude let's do the dr. Dehner yeah alright let's try it which then goes to eight because this one goes to literally everything that we haven't gone gone to yet right yeah it goes to all of those shadowy but yeah we'll see let's start that one okay so start by talking to dr. Danner all right I'm gonna take off to fund a kindergarten since I could take three things I'm just gonna take all three just in case am I ready yes I am yeah so for those who missed it last time he took care of the rich kids quest over here a rich twins quest on we got the little shield pin we got at least one run through of Nuggets quest we got Nuggets quest where we got ourselves a monster Mon plushie that all that we'll be able to use as distraction all that good stuff I mean all yeah okay and we still have our tool belt okay ah one of the new specimens not that we'll be seeing much of each other why not I don't let below-average students in my classroom for morning time I'm not below average I think that's the way to go because that'll start Apple oh really Gooden perhaps you'd be willing to prove it okay here's the deal if you can bring me five different types of flowers fine I'll let you into my morning time clay oh shoot why do you want flowers plants have a wonderful biology book so many possibilities for medicine and energy and poisons neurotoxins monster enhancing ah which would explain the monster that's underneath the school that killed us when your nugget cave just hit the flowers okay excellent don't disappoint me if you don't complete the collection it would be better if you don't show up in my science oh what's that oh my because if you don't get all those samples I'll switch today's lesson from plants to something that involves a nasty dissection got it whoa good now go don't get my flowers where can I find them well we know - yeah we know three three we know the blue flower which is on the other side of the opening yard I know the yellow flower that's in the teachers lounge and we go the green flower that's time the dumpster yeah where can I find him Oh your thought process is so simple females tend to like flowers start there any other ideas one specimen grows in the gardens by the handicapped ramp another by the dumpster behind there's one in a vase in the teachers lounge and the rarest flower isn't even at this school oh you have to get some lovestruck loser to deliver it you'll never be allowed in my class oh my gosh so what are you waiting for go go on your futile errand and hopefully this is the last we'll see each other oh geez we'll see about that Oh word to the wise you may want to have a chat with the Hall monitors before the day gets started they tend to give people trouble when collecting my flowers wow this is Wow this is really elaborate where are they I saw them chatting inside at the top of the staircase so you'll let me disable students are allowed to really and even if you snuck in the lunch lady would stop you I'll figure something out Wow play pal okay so after let get nugget so that he can let us over to the handicap ramp right maybe we only have so many apples to spend right so what they're telling us is we need to talk to a hall monitor before this period so we have four apples yeah to get to the hall monitor upstairs right yeah so we need so the flower is next door we need a way to get to the candy Kappa ramp area yeah he also said talk to a girl yeah so I would say let's talk to her first since Cindy is the other girl that's he happy in the silhouette on the mission map yeah she's right it's indeed yeah oh yes just over here let's take her so much more my style especially the new selection of boys what do you think do you have any flowers court they do I have a pretty cute one but you already but you're you already know I have that reserve for my new boyfriend who's your boyfriend I'm thinking about one of those rich kids over there I'll have kinda the light is right over top of the text I have my mind made up buying morning time what about that flower wow you're really caught up with a flower thing aren't you I'll tell you what you help me get hitched for the day and it's all your deal got it good morning so we already know this quest line so we know that this quest line is gonna open up oh hey I'm Ted that's nice dead okay Carolee not talking ulis I told you tell you the plans foolproof - exactly right - Alduin I know it's just I don't know feel it's this whole thing seems all wrong as he hasn't done anything just so we know it so this is Kazi line right show apples off pin oh yeah I think we do it right example flow oh my apologies I didn't realize your amount of steps apology accepted you must be new student my name is klutz Huxley here's the Apple soft and fair and I'm Ted must you always be like this Teddy sorry I just thought I should look world my words you really are outlined say anyone with that pin let's be trustworthy Teddy I think we should let this fine fellow in on our little plan but I don't think it's a good idea obvious just job if you won't help me I'm sure it's this fine fellow we'll what do you what do you need give this document to us it's imperative that he reads it and understands it got it Oh what say Oh secret just give it to him and make sure he reads it all right good meet me in the smart class after it's done huh okay but we really don't want to follow this quest line we want to stick with dr. Danner so either we need to restart the day without the pin or let's see if this opened up right yep hold up see you during the morning time people are saying use Monty I needed it to a handicap ramp yeah I mean the thing is we can't afford to use the tool belt route yeah cuz there's too many toys and stuff okay too many Apple steps right you're looking to buy something I want to handicap ramp I see well maybe we can work something out like what I'll tell Bob over there that you're pushing you off the ramp for three dollars sound good yes let's doing business with you it always does Monty hey I need that kick okay I need that kid I was just having what to push me at the ramp oh all right then go home bye all right they're eight so here's this here's flour number one yeah Wow get into school that way I still only have one I don't actually need your help you don't really have one yeah just do what you got to do no I mean we have one Apple left oh okay so he did say the lunch lady would stop us yeah we should see where this goes yeah what's this no children are allowed before the bell rings sorry I didn't know not appease me okay what's my punishment [Applause] oh hey study hall what's up what's your decision you didn't lunch lady oh no well we got the outfit yeah woo new outfit alright alright don't go inside okay so don't go inside unless the lunch lady has been removed okay here look there's a lot of pieces in this one okay okay we're gonna start from the bedroom yeah let's try to ditch the pin yeah let's lose the pin and we'll have these other two just in case okay let's start the day okay so dr. Danner all this why not I'm not below average I'm gonna find okay okay so I got the flowers for everyone in the chat who's telling us that if she's trying to give us all the answers we really like just playing this game and discovering stuff so if you don't want us to discover stuff on our own or you only want us to play it the absolute fastest way through might not be the way you want to see it played but just know we like to test things out and try things without like yeah we like to actually play the game not just look at a walkthrough and then do the pieces step by step because that's not really playing laced like not the way that we like to play so just so you know I know there are a lot of people yelling at us in the chat how we're doing everything totally wrong but video games are about having fun and they're not about playing right or wrong so cool okay Wow PSA um okay so here's my interpretation here stuff I feel like we might not have the necessary thing yet really right it feels weird feels like we've got to get the booth but these guys still want me to start their quest okay so keep asking Rico over a can I don't want to talk about it Bugsy she took my knife okay this is my problem I feel like we might need to maybe we continue what with what Felix is doing yeah like since the pin seemed to work with him yeah I think that's interesting yeah it is a different it is a different way to go through it and I think it's one of the one where Ozzy ends up dead Yeah right no no it's a different yeah let's start what let's start one more time sorry the one where Teddy ends up dead right [Music] just cuz it seems like that one was already kind of presenting itself to us yeah let's do that one so let's do this let's show them the pin to that something okay applesauce Empire great so we're supposed to show him this thing yep what's it say we don't know just make sure he reads it meet me in the smart class after it's done which in and of itself will be challenging right okay here's Ozzy I can't believe it it's not fair Felix wants you to read this well well look so we're all their new kid I'm not taking anything from you your hands are filthy I smoked you won't take it until your hands are clean here you filthy animal okay so I know that Monte offers hand sanitizer so fine I'll buy something I want the hand sanitizer great this is the bottle of hand sanitizer it kills 99.9% of germs that last point one percent probably lives on nugget it'll run you a $2.00 deal feels feel like doing business with you it always is okay so stop over to Ozzie hey that's better let me see that thing Oh typical he looks he knows I can't read come on let's find someone who can read this for me okay then so who's gonna be able to read um Carla's heart cool yeah Carla seems to be our go-to for like everything Hey oh good hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla do you have any contraband on you can you read Carla yeah I can read what's it to you we need you to read something unless it's required reading I'm not interested oh man okay what about uh janitor [Music] maybe maybe we go to Bob Bob the nice janitor I don't know you'll think who are we thinking yeah is that a thumbs up of the film yup hey there's new film we've been working on it upload it might be appropriate first spider it's quite a hand day and so it's films here so after this livestream go check out the new film theory there it is okay Monty iton strikes me as someone who can read okay come on kid you know I can you also know it'll cost you we have a deal whoa six bucks whoa how about cuz I saw you talk talking to moneybags over there that and my medical bills are expensive so do we have a deal I can get the money fine okay go take from the rich kid I'll stick around so I can so you can get it just hurry up okay so okay I need to borrow some money yep Wow great great okay okay so judging so where's money okay pleasure doing business with y'all it says act extremely vulnerable mention frequently how if something bad happens to you it would ruin your mom's company extremely vulnerable mention frequently how if something bad happens to you it would ruin your mom's company okay I guess I can do that don't know why he wants me to do it but I'm happy to make to take his money so okay a Felix wait at the end Felix said that wasn't actually the plan to kill Ozzy yeah no the plan was actually to kill Teddy that's right yeah huh interesting okay I'm taking good okay that's now everyone head inside your inside classrooms [Music] so great so let's talk to well I gotta meet him in the smart class hey kid I'm coming around to Felix's plan Ozzy is Ozzy's we mentioned enough vulnerable as mom's company is I think deal designed to some that's great Ted so work so he's gonna die yeah by the end of this gosh it sure would be bad for my mom company if anything bad happened to me today I love nothing bad happens doing great Ozzie keep up to solid work okay we gotta get out here we got to get out and get to the source CBS to cause a distraction yes I just love this doll she's pretty just like me that's great Cindy what do you want busy trying to figure out I got my knife back it's probably better he doesn't have it okay okay stop me okay study hall yep study hall great that's fine here come it's not good there's no good oh you lovely weather we are having nugget next we do okay great so you got to get upstairs of the smart class right hold up there new kid you're only allowed to use the bathroom nothing else [Music] okay only until we distribute pass books to you new kids now either go to the bathroom or go back to class look we use pass books instead of a traditional pass here and look at the special occasion they'll be distributed soon thanks for the info now stop dawdling and get back clasp so I need someone who can get me upstairs stupid lock can't get into the weapons closet oh great killer closet yes same thing new stupid new school won't even let me get the weapons I need oh wait no I want I wanna help you yeah help you janitor okay the key yeah I'll go get the key for you from the janitor upstairs hmm fidgety sweetly they get shooting it up like a trapped coyote to help him escape great okay okay you do here try that again try it you might have start the mission by talking to Felix and intent okay and then you have to go through the Nugget questline is that what this was telling us no we can't this wait I know it we can't now it opens up the Nugget quest line which is what we did the other day interesting shoot I mean huge about what we do we need a way to open up upstairs no it's somewhere totally stuff Oh No darn it our hubris see I don't think there's anything I'm trying to think so we unlock upstairs bye you can't do the quest yet apparently no do we not have the ability yeah you have you have to have to do dr. sander first oh we do have to do the documents we do the flower mission we thought it was a reverse shoot how do you the flower mission should we just try and get as far as we can on the flower mission and see how it goes well we I mean we got by getting one in first period and then no but the thing you we need to get rid of the we need to get rid of the lunch lady so we got to figure that out no we don't none not in the muck not in this opening section do we yeah are you sure here what here okay oh don't disappoint me is that got it where can I find him okay females tend to like flowers so we know we got to talk to Cindy okay yeah one specimen grows in the garden which we got it's the blue one that's right right but you pay off monkey it costs zero apples there's one in a vase in the teachers lounge we know we can get that during once yeah the rarest flower isn't even after school you have to get some lovestruck loser to deliver it okay great I bet it's nugget or something oh wait here we go Oh weird otherwise you may want to have a chat with the Hall monitors before the day gets started so that means now so we need to get into we need to okay so we need swell they tend to give people trouble when they're collecting flowers where are they they're at the top of the staircase but in order to do that we need to get rid of the lunch lady okay okay so we have to actually you a couple things here one five bucks it costs three dollars to get them to move the to the handicapped right right right so I'm thinking how much is a lighter buck fifty I think we need the lighter for the whole monitor right right because he appease yep looking for a lighter haha and then also we need him to meet him to use the handicap ramp Bank three dollars great okay so I can go through there now I need penny or I need Cindy get my flowers who's your boyfriend what about flower okay okay you help me get hitch for the Danakil yours right see you during the morning time okay so maybe so maybe we only yeah maybe we talk to them during morning time rather than talking to them now okay because maybe if we talk to him now it triggers that mission and we don't want that okay so how do we get rid of the lunch lady what do we need from the lunch lady is the question [Music] let me ask everyone if they have flowers flowers no looking to brown-nose dr. Dan or huh come see me at lunch you're gonna want my help okay that's interesting so I need her Wow I need her at lunch okay okay not interested bugs he's just gonna complain about it's not about what's-her-name my problem this snitch girl I have a lighter shield oh okay yeah she's gonna flag me okay I think that's it no that doesn't get rid of the lunch lady oh oh it's you how's it uh going who's gonna get rid of the lunch lady for us principal it's either gonna be the principal or applegate right hello I'm the principal of this fine school I'm so happy to have so many new students today sure you are oh I know what you're thinking but I promise this school is far safer than your last look I don't believe you I'll tell you what why don't we have lunch together my treat we can address any concerns you may have so if I say yes she's gonna give me some pass right yes maybe I'll try it yes this does oh goody here's your pass it will get you out of lunch just meet me at my office and we'll talk this whole thing out that's probably not gonna do it no probably not your your differently-abled pal let me know what helping okay all right get the one flower shoot no in that ends the day and she flagged me for the okay we a start over yeah I'm sorry are you allowed to confiscated of course my mommy's the principal she'll see if the school safe no okay so we do got a restart darn what is this opening sequence okay shoot it's funny cuz once once you're you get started things go a lot smoother like I feel like once you're once you have everything set up everything else makes a lot more sense or like falls in line why not I'm his lonely moving on Twitter says who gotten rid of the lunch lady before remember your first run that's the handle gave you my first run who are you first first was the janitor nugget gets rid of the butt but this is getting rid of the lunch lady first thing that's the thing maybe you should talk to the principal after talking to nugget wink wink really let's see you need is tree attacking down there hey nuggets that but yeah okay yeah help ask janitor or the principal okay okay so hey hello I'm wrinkle spines cool blah blah no get stuck in the sewer grate oh that the log child yes I'm aware of the situation are you gonna good thing about it most certainly I wouldn't just leave a student trapped in a sewer the fire department is on their way to get them out thanks Ellen no oh that won't be necessary I'll have my sister watch over him Oh Margaret oh geez oh behind you sweetheart Oh Oh can I be of service there's a boy trapped in the sewer grate go keep him company yes principal sister dear okay oh well there you go they're all taken care of is there anything else I guess not all right so okay well that's nifty it's not okay so there now what - Cindy yeah prompt all this who's your boyfriend oh my gosh okay there's this one don't talk to them talk to him I want though I'm assuming the lighter right I'm assuming so right I feel like once we're inside we're gonna need that okay it always says now let's get him - oh no no did that take a yeah I took this will be too many apples mmm okay I'm trying to predict ahead of time I know yeah it's too much yep we got a retard damn it okay that's fine we got it we got it this time we know it it's going well okay thanks at speeds tire for that tip though okay that was that was on we did do that on our very first run didn't we I seem to remember the this the lunch lady coming out really I don't even remember that okay this game is a bit cyclical I don't know if you've noticed that super great are you gonna do anything about it I'll let no fantastic you're here comes lunch lady the washer fantastic delightful I'm old and decrepit oh man it sucks serve it up lunches stuff at loves teaching life says the love stuck stuck the lovestruck loser is probably nugget since he likes the girl from the last game I really exactly the preteen Unni and I think you're right I think that's gonna be who it is you should talk to the Nugget and then the principal okay cool right yeah it's it's gonna be nugget somehow right okay so take the flour which we have to do and that takes up one of these yeah so now this is open [Music] okay why do we need to go upstairs oh and bribe on pay these guys off okay we're all that stands between chaos and order do you understand yeah bro I get it it's hole monitoring it's not that big of a deal not that big of a deal if you're not going to take this city you're totally home on it on the Left students in the halls before the bail study hall study hall please you've really are lost as aren't you this is your chance to prove yourself rookie take this kid to the principal's office fine I'll take care of it don't monitor downstairs or something okay okay okay look man I don't really care what you're up why your get your up here that little dweeb can follow that down those stairs all I care seems a little uptight no kidding just discrete a little jerk why don't you take this it's good your morning time you can't do much to you when you're carrying oh sweet Thanks acha good through morning good morning now let's get you back outside come on dude don't come back in or Stevie I'll totally flip okay okay great oh never mind just head down to class get a move on great okay so I got a Hall Pass yes okay which will through morning time so we need to use it now yes yes so now's our chance to get out basically make our way to get through morning time which means that we'll go maybe the teachers lounge flower or the dumpster flower during this time period because we have to get things before basically before Jim / science class we also need to earn back a dollar so that way we can get to science class because we're at two bucks right that's right okay so we got to talk to Cindy because we have to do the ball is that on a boy yet he's in the upstairs class I want you to take this to him what is it how do I get upstairs Cindy yeah sorry good that's good I suppose you could try that but school started interesting there's Maggie Maggie is busy oh yeah when I'm do your arms I'm gonna chew it off it'll slide great no you go grab the fidgets spinner fantastic okay here I'm gonna talk to him real quick okay wasn't going to latex nope the unlived lady lift after the bell rang she left interesting okay so we got the love letter okay okay so here we go we can go up sign hey you can't leave I'm responsible for your little monsters have a Hall Pass I didn't give you up you know what go ahead I don't think a jury would convict me over that Thanks great from now he'll that new kid you're only allowed to use the bathroom nothing else I have a fast what did you get one of those I won't accept but I kind of have to it's on a lot of stairs yes and go yeah okay see once you get the like momentum a lot of the stuff inside the individual quest line starts to flow a little bit better yeah that using that pass really annoyed a little jerk didn't you bet okay so we gotta get in here just be it stealthy yeah blue shirt red tie I'm reaching Richard I know but I don't want that II know I don't want the last time I walked in here he like shot me I know okay they're good I think if he just talked to like when it's yeah okay I have no interested in discussing trivial things with you I have a love letter for you okay let's I'm flattered yet but I must assess from Cindy oh that makes much more sense you had me worried things were about to get off oh no yeah good thing it's not awkward let's see here partner would make more appealing to potential investors how awful is Cindy actually true oh she's pretty awful she's not bad she's not bad we have to lie oh do we he could maybe he's attracted to more awful people what do you think I mean I know I think we have to like not bad yeah okay okay good then I'll accept your request we will dine together good here's for your trouble messenger boy Tata okay oh yeah hey I haven't seen you around here before why aren't you in class I'm working on that kind of ambition I like that Danny Lux is cleanse those red flowers really are hard to come by how do I get them ask some of the adults see if any of them are suspended a faculty member now that there's been an addition to the administration here oh man this is totally gonna be Bob what it's probably gonna be Bob and miss Apple oh no what are you doing in here you're not gifted in any way get out how would I say okay great good so we're allowed to do that we should talk to Bob oh yeah I think Bob smitten with oh man okay oh gosh I didn't see you there this is the girls bathroom you're not supposed to be any here you look a little red dozen red flowers go well oh she had lovely brown hair and beautiful purple dress and huge [Music] good personality and huge personality is that her name Wow this Applegate I just wish I knew how to get her attention oh why not get her a flower oh I think she would like that yeah yeah I'll get her flowers thanks for the tip kid no problem oh my if I leave now I can be back in time to give them to her at recess good plan great go for it Bob oh oh there's a man you shouldn't be in here sorry I'm not gonna ask any questions just go to lunch great okay cool so now my word she is a handful wrong she wants something vegan but I don't know what the devil that even means neither does she oh well you have to help me find something she'll eat this is all your doing anyway I'll figure something out good just remember to bring it to me no her we're trying to make me look good here got it okay okay okay so so uh huh okay okay oh we need to talk to her Carla at lunch remember yes she's like you're gonna need my help yeah at lunch okay when we and one of the apples is what's-his-name leaving the teachers lounge so we know so we can move into the teachers at that point if complicated hey do you kid how are you liking the food give any flowers oh corn new kid already suckered into helping dr. Danner with his silly plans so that's a no you're so observant however there is one in the teachers lounge I don't get in there Stevie is pretty easy to lure away all I'd have to do is leave without a pass are you willing to do that for me of course for the right price how much since I'm beginning study hall for this it'll run you $5.00 whoa do we have a deal both will need to make three back yeah well in order to get two again we need to get to Sonny's well it seems like we have to it does seem like it's kind of railroading us into there and we have $5.00 for a reason yeah how did you do it okay is there any other way to get Stevie out of there I mean he leaves on his own after two apples no he does it up going to the apple cart it doesn't seem like it Oh Danny does yes Danny doesn't know and it does seem like this is the period that we're gonna need I can't do it yeah excellent I'll give him the runaround for the frosted lunch good luck kid hmm okay hey Stevie what uh-huh hello Carla can I get a pass for the bathroom no you can knocks you've already used yours today well then it looks like I'll just have to go outside them okay okay hey come back it's not recess time yet great okay so that's that so we know a Z has onions yeah in his lunch wait what wait Carla's never left before what's in her lunch I can't get it I know I was thinking the same thing where something might be there but doesn't seem to be in case yeah look all he leaves right close to the end of the day normally my girlfriend sits next to me and my best friend would sit across from me but no we can't have that anymore stupid new kids okay so we can't do that yet and we need it here let's let's talk to Felix real quick and see what he says please tell me you found something she'll eat she's becoming insufferable thirty flowers here right yes flowers uh there's one a teacher's lounge but Stevie's guarding the door where is it okay we already dealt with that okay that's fine oh no yeah yeah yeah well well well look who it is seems that stevia sleeping in his slipping in his duties how's my flower collection coming along have you found any yet I have hopefully that's more than I expected I suppose you are in here to collect the flower in that vase over there yep so be it make it quick and get out I have to check on something outside and I'll be damned if I let a child stay in the teachers lounge on provides got it okay good okay so go yep great all right I've entertained your presence long enough get out okay she's okay so okay no usually defined something vegan right which is I think gonna end up being Ozzie leaving I think what I'm but I'm resistant to waste because you never waste apples right like come see me at recess I'm in the middle of a lucrative deal I love making new friends it's great I just need to burn through an apple that might be it okay draw Bugsy still off doing their own thing do we need to go anywhere else and get another flower I do we need to go outside to get one I don't think so oh that's a good question got anything I think vegan there we go yeah do it oh yes I should have seen this coming you new students are also everyone with their individual do you have anything gluten-free aa sugar-free gluten-free vegan dairy-free uh Fairtrade organic organic Fairtrade non-gmo cuz that's all I can eat kale so here you can compare you know you get Gail yeah that's it oh you get to scale enjoy your game here go okay yes I can you soon as a picky I shall return you know range okay oh wow so she's gone [Music] oh he's gone he's no okay no I okay so I have free rein now now to do so if you last two apples have her picture on it not it's a box of dog it don't do it like it needs them don't don't do it you'll think so no yeah would waste last mom we already got that one anyway it just seemed him so she's gone [Music] okay I think looking he's still talking there burned through an apple I can't imagine that we burn through an apple right Shh we never we never burn through Apple you know there are never spare Z's right doesn't make any sense I think it might be then do we just take the nugget see cuz she's gonna give us the vegan thing here people a lot of people are saying no right nope if I take it door flower at the playground in the back like in the and she can we get to that one no no we can't go outside okay I think we were here I'm gonna just burn okay quick so he or she comes okay with presumably my vegan thing but it might be the end of the period so we might have to redo this one I have oh should you've returned for your pinky food I have I was enjoying a rabbit food okay so that's this okay so we're gonna here turn it over so we start at lunch yes okay so let's try this again okay I got to get her some vegan great hey [Music] Carla with the distraction we have to do Carlos distraction what do we do it now is the question yeah I think maybe we start okay let's try this okay okay oh and then we use one of the next Apple to talk to Carla okay yeah uh-oh she has a wig janitor to finish his work I will make the food then huh okay so Jill okay she'll do that no no I think that I think this I think that's like a deal she goes okay scared him okay he leaves we go in there okay he finishes up she goes so this all is starting to kind of like okay and now we and when no do the Apple no yeah yeah we're gonna go in there he's gonna be like what are you doing here okay when we take the flower it'll use the Apple yeah okay take the flower yeah you want to combine okay okay he goes so this is more efficient already right okay so I have the salad okay here we go that's what work here you are I think a nice vegan meal for you I think we need you're the best now you just need to do one more thing for me at recess and we'll be official can't wait honeysuckle please before they start making out okay okay good okay that seems like that made sense okay become for my cafeteria anymore know who's disobeyed our lovely principal today she'll report Johnny y'all all may go to recess okay so we need three dollars so basically we need three dollars yeah he'd go because the janitor is also coming back seriously we can sell up maybe you're right uh thank goodness you're here she's being absolutely wicked what now she's insisting but I took something horrible it's one of the other girls but I'm not much for getting my hands dirty so you want me to do it your hit man of course cousin he already told me that you want that thought work for dr. dinner it's as good as yours if you can destroy a Penny's self-esteem okay I got a destroy the self-esteem she is quite the eye for contraband I see you take this and planted by the tree with the bee hive why is that it's not I'm not really sure all I know I've got to lose in a safe place in our summer home father probably doesn't want it found which we know is you know the grass clippings that their father likes to keep it is small Ziploc baggie right of course of course the grass who doesn't like to keep reminders of their freshly cut lawn it's it's there their long scent bag that's it's like an air freshener except in real life Wow you open it up you smell the grass clippings it's like ah the smells of summer you laugh about it but some company's gonna do it okay probably already has right so I mean people are selling bath water online these days Hey I did I did bath here's my water do what you will with it here's my we should sell grass clippings as our next month long yeah no yeah terrible stupid donut grass in California we have a little bit of grass there's no grass very small it's like a postage stamp worth of grass very dry and spindly centipede grass it's not grass that you would even want to tell us not lush nuts Dibble grass all right ready let's do it continue oh yes once you plant it I'll let her know that it's there when she's under the tree shake until the hive Falls the bees will sting her and she'll look awful just like city wants okay then so we have to be careful when we shake the tree though because otherwise we will get hurt indeed we also need the flower in the back yep okay and at some point the janitor is coming we gonna come back oh he's coming back on the second yeah oh oh the Sun is so bright what a miserable day okay so I should plant this as number one right yeah I think so this tree is quite large it has a behave behave behave it has the behave good day penny it's a good day isn't it the sun is shining yes yes cut the chitchat I heard a nasty rumor that one of those nasty new children has hidden some contraband by the big tree oh I'll look for it right away oh I'm still need some contraband here I just need to find it not my grass clippings okay yeah let's shake it because right shake it shake it or wait hold up look baby she's in prime position shake the tree sorry I just want to make sure take it now oh man this is all like my girl mommy please I just learned the other day that my dad is oh and we don't have to open the gate on our own yes that seems less on Apple yeah bloody good show Sydney gonna be quite pleased happy you're happy I just learned the other day that my dad was apparently allergic to bees no way right I didn't know that he was he's like yeah I got stung a bunch of times the other day and my foot luckily it was my foot and so I like was able to take benadryl in time cause otherwise it would have been really bad and I'm like wait you're severely allergic to bees he's like yeah I'm like why don't you have an EpiPen he was like oh and you had no response me an EpiPen damn on please please dad this is an intervention come on oh you in the world without you probably even watching right now but consider this an intervention father who care about you care all he cares about you we can't have you going into anaphylactic shock he's got a happy path my mom wants him to get an EpiPen just so and she can like do the jab in the heart like you see in the movies which you probably should you know don't do that you shouldn't inject my mom likes the idea ah ah not even a stab and a half friends just the salads okay one stab to my ears those bees did a great job in that awful girl's face great cool can I have that flower of course ideal good meal thanks for coming up with this walking goldmine I'm sure we'll be very happy together you deserve each other great Oh would you look at that a little snitching take the air contraband Oh gonna mind if you wanted to keep it perhaps you could find another use for it like selling I'm gonna say we're gonna sell funky right I've seen father's associates so large this Applegate oh no oh oh it's you the new janitor what do you want these are for you yuck you got me flowers why that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me that didn't come with me but what about the flowers leave them oh no just gonna sell some weed pick up the flower first oh geez I just wanted to sell something they'd sell it oh I think I could be a defense about this thing what do you want to sell sell this stuff where did you get that oh jeez it whatever you're doing here in way over your oh yeah yeah here how's $5.00 sound deal yes pleasure doing business with you okay wonder if we could have gotten more no I'm Carly good okay flowers take the red flower yes this is a bouquet flowers Bob got from Miss applicators made of red flowers great guy okay now head to the back to the back yes my flowers blue this is green flower take it hey you're not supposed to be back here they really should fix that gate sorry I'm going to science class or give go to soccer science rules welcome to science class today's lesson will be about plants please observe the common plant in front of you notice how it is neither carniverous north poisonous because the PTA is a bunch of cowards feel free to take a sample and look at it under the microscope this one won't do much but if we are do this I've almost forgot one of you was supposed to get me some flower samples today did you manage to get him all buckaroo no yes I did yeah you did that is most impressive I didn't think a lovely student such as yourself could manage it you'll see I'll be right back [Music] I passed this test ooh oh oh no oh no what the PTA said you can't do stuff like that anymore so all are you shut up this new students actually managed to get all the specimens needed to allow Diana to grow there's no way the PTA will stop me got it Ozzy oh man is that it's Little Shop of Horrors it's Audrey Tautou except it's called Diana Oh God dr. downer food oh now we're all gonna be feeding her the flowers in a very particular order oh where did I leave those notes damn I left them downstairs I'll be back momentarily feel free to observe the boring plant while I run out and grab them uh how did you discover the order what oh it just came to me while I was gazing around the room I'll be back with it shortly don't touch it like the fact that the beakers are in the order of blue red green like that so great so it's so huh so what do we want here this is doctors dr. Tanner's plant creature it's supposed to be fed the flowers I've collected so I think it's new yellow pick pink pink and then purple red green no I I think it's like one is over laughing so yeah oh wait there's no there's more up there look yellow blue much yellow pink yellow pink red purple [Music] red green wait can we operate that machine back there to help sort this out a little bit No we can operate the slides but we don't I don't think we do outside I don't think we do the slides we don't do the leg the pretty flower can I have it away you idiot you gave it to me yeah go away he's trying to learn this is cool okay Darney none of these parts are the one I'm looking for what are you looking for I'm curious I'm trying to find something to upgrade the precision of my laser cannon on my chair I'm gonna use it to make that janitor suffer okay so no okay oh here we go maybe there are some fish in this tank there's also some small yellow particles in here I wonder what they would look like magnified magnified so if we get a slide we can get a sample and then look at it under the microscope I wonder what they would look like magnified okay so we know where the other leg is so okay so we need the yellow yeah let's get a slide maybe I [Music] could use the microscope to look at slides I've taken but there isn't really a points in the teacher left okay this is a box of slides I can put samples on them and view them under the microscope so do we want to look at the slides or do we want to feed the baby some fish in this there's always every time you feed the flowers to the plant does it use an apple yeah it's a good question actually let's see I'm assuming yes yes okay no then we need all these apples then this doesn't have to be right it doesn't have to do with that okay so it ends with green right we know that and it starts with maybe we just do it blue yellow blue yellow pink red green I think I think it is cuz also I mean it's in the or one its order we collected on but two blue yellow pink red I think that's got a pink red Greek cuz it all follows this Oh Oh duh duh it follows the same thing blue yellow pink yellow pink red Oh pink red green yeah that's what it is yeah so that's the only what it's just there's overlapping colors okay so it's blue well repeat it now Yolo wait blue yellow pink pink yeah pink red green you know I I'm delighted yes I'm delighted by your plant munching other plants now that's great I found my notes let me can now begin my work she's absolutely great did you did you actually feed her the flowers in the right order I guess so yeah I never would have expected stability from a simpie to such as yourself Thanks I suppose you've earned an A+ for the day you are welcome to join my advanced class for a morning time tomorrow you're also welcome to have this silly car and from that game you play yes there it is yeah there's the bell I'll be seeing it tomorrow in the morning time yes you will ha ha nailed it dr. banner whoa oh man see it's a thing a lot of times just opening up the day is the hardest part like yes you have everything well I got an A+ yeah period done nice new clothing the monitors and you monster my card the monstrous flytrap there we go okay nice not too shabby oh that was pretty good that one try it one more run yes whoo well here before we do let's look at the mission map okay so I think we go ha start this mission by getting some contraband confiscated and talk to bugs oh yeah bugs tiny bug this timeline I don't know that one yet or this one start the mission by showing Felix the prestigious pen we started this let's try Atlas we have the ability to finish it I would know we need no no we should be able to write because I if with the A+ I should be able to go upstairs and talk to him right okay let's try that if not we can probably switch over to this fairly quickly but let's try that first because that's my that's my prediction right so if we look so if we have the eight or so we need the prestigious pin and a plus right so with the eight plus we should be able to get upstairs and do that so we add all this this whole thing Ozzy show the EPS off pin I need to show it Ozzy okay what do we need when you can show it to Ozzy okay great I mean like that's a class okay great show this Ozzy he's like I can't read it wow so I'm not to you though I gotta sanitize my hands that's right oh my gosh right all right this is uh you still selling stuff I want to buy something I want to buy it there at all this is great so now I've sanitized my hands there we go use hand sanitizer okay let's find someone who can read this thing Monty's gonna be like I'm gonna charge a lot of money for it but I don't have enough right why so much I can get the money go talk to the rich kid any money okay oh my god now here like the nested fetch quest of a century there we go okay all right so now Ozzy needs to put now Ozzy's like oh no my company's gonna fail go to the smart class this time right [Music] okay okay well there's glass if you are here you have proven yourself to be smarter than the other slugs you call your peers please try to use this time constructively Einstein was building ray guns in kindergarten so should you really remember to fill out your daily assessment on the computer plus if you take it you get a school mandated prize oh because we can't have learning without incentive anymore okay so Wow this whole there's a whole new world that's opened up to us Stephanie holy cow here we go oh good I was hoping out to here I take it Ozzie knows his part in the plan he does excellent I suppose we'd like to learn what the plan actually is that would be helpful before I do that I need you to sign this contract it's a basic non-disclosure you can't tell anyone about this especially that's how they get you and on disclosures like that those damned NDA's alright I'll sign it fathers company's very large and very important Teddy and I are the heirs to his commercial empire so you want to be the sole heir I take it exactly Teddy is far too naive to run a business he must be taken care you want me to take him out heavens no I just need your assistance getting everything sorry I just get excited about the prospect of killing small children Ozzie is already doing this part well what's Ozzy's cars Ozzy's mother is wrinkly we got a startup company that directly competes with our company so why not collapse it that's what Teddy thinks we're doing he wasn't on board with the plan but Ozzie is going to drop a few hints that should persuade Teddy to strike now so what do you need me to do do you see that jar of spiders in the top shelf over there barely right yes it's pixelated and looks a bit like salt and pepper mixed together but I assume that that's what you're referring again got it we're going to need them bring them to me before the bell rings can I ask why because Teddy like most people hates my hashtag relatable get them now do it cuz the van looks connected from the girls bathroom I had Carla shamrock before class so Bob would have a ladder against it now oh my gosh oh my gosh there's already five last oh holy balls what about Bob easy enough to distract cause the janitorial emergency that should keep him busy okay he on the floor ringing Pam Clark hey what gives hey what gives this is just a box of cleaning supplies I thought we were getting prizes the school mandates that I give out prizes doesn't mandate that they have to be good prizes so I just grabbed something out of the janitors clothes it's gonna be like an accident what a total ripoff okay I'm gonna go down to the Anton computer it'll keep me on danders good side okay so we need to get on to that into the vent through the girls bathroom gosh and cause a janitorial emergency so bathroom pass what if I do this I can take an assessment on this computer if okay so if I take the assessment I'm gonna get a janitorial supply yeah which in turn might allow me I'm out allow me to get to the let's try that hurry up with those spiders okay will do let's see if anyone else has anything it what's the point of science I can't bring my dad back my jet Oh your dad was testing on small children he was kind of a terrible person are you enjoying gifted class yes so you two what's your favourite science subject plants where's your oh then you're in luck it's plant day today if you come to science class you get to learn all about yeah that's great so penny is obviously a robot right we're all we're all very confirmed that Penny's our only go take your assessment okay I think we do that okay you know what we're gonna have to do for penny I bet I bet we have to change the lesson plan into talking about robots at which point it's gonna stress her out and like she'll reveal herself to be a robot I bet that's what's gonna happen okay take the assessment thank you for taking your assessment please take your pick of cleaning supply teen fries toilet paper or spray bottle toilet paper we could TP something that's what I'm thinking I think toilet paper is the way to go yeah we also are gonna eventually probably need a stick to get the spiders out of the boys bathroom remember there's that awkward spiders in the bathroom and they're like I'm not touching this without a stick which I think we need to roam to be killed by miss Applegate there we go there you go enjoy your hurry up your eyes now go do some smart child things okay so I'm gonna try to go to the bathroom here see if that works if you must leave it would be nice if you asked first I don't know can you make I leave yes that's quite all right just be back before the belly it's nice that smart kids are just allowed to do that kid she passed everything man man it's the best okay so here in the janitorial emergency I'm not comfortable using the stalls in the girls room but I am comfortable with clogging them you can I called me it's gonna matter which one pick the far one stupid vent just a little more and it's pop open leave Bob alone okay quiet okay oh no daddy looky boy that sure tear it out my arms I'll close it back up in a second Oh Bob look oh no man my arms are pretty tired after messing with that vent I'll get back to in a moment hey the toilets clogged Bob oh dear I suppose that takes priority over this thanks for letting me uh know better go get a pen standards closet kill you of course not I'm just gonna go get a plunger from the utility closet I'll be right back oh okay great we didn't need the toilet paper so we didn't have to take this no that was right okay here we go you this is jar spiders Felix wanna and I still don't know I take the spiders did you just like just hunkering on this shelf just another day on the show don't mind my hunker hunker in the bunker hope you all learned something today please go how do you get up you know watching their mind get down and get out of the class great perfect that seems to have gone okay cool so now let me talk to Felix again [Music] all right Oh red Thank You penny Teddy already picked up lunch for you I take it you were able to get the item I requested yuck excellent let's not let Teddy seat see what Oh what is it yo easy it Felix there Teddy weren't you just telling me something about Ozzy something important oh yeah I heard Ozzy mentioned that if something were to happen to him today could his mom's company be finished I think you were right Felix so you're on board with our little plan then Teddy I think so me yours let me help I want to show father how capable I am a pork oh don't worry teddy you have the most important oh no poor teddy I filled with frequent anyway I feel bad for all this molecule it's part of the plan we dig us a hole know anyone who could help I think I do excellent lead the way lead the way I think we're gonna have to get him some nuggets nugget no he's getting woozy we need you to dig a hole nugget but no he's missing his Shiva [Music] we were able to provide you with those things what do you do the whole foods the arm the shovel I feel like is the least of our issues here outside of an arm I feel like an arm is a pretty big Pro in this noticed arm bonus are you saying nugget a lot ah what if you sort of took duh what if I sort of took you to my family's nugget Factory oh man he's gonna happen a nigga cook very quick to the nugget Factory bring me the shovel and an arm Nega negative who is fastest I knew in his demons hell right well we can get you a shovel in generous closet I'm not sure what we can do about your arm maybe we can cover that at recess really great I was wondering if we had to do something to set it up earlier but we didn't have any apples earlier so okay we give you a shovel from the janitor's closet okay make it your new weights you were too great okay well I admire his enthusiasm and his made the shovel but not beat ah what now now talk to Carla she is a key to the janitor's closet for you go get the shovel while I figure out what to do about the arm great awesome someone else has had a problem solver I love this in it it's good even though he is a sociopathic murderer bent on taking over his father's corporation at the expense of his twin brother I like his moxie also take my passport you'll need it to get out of here great wow this is fantastic yeah okay Carla is the key great we've got work to do okay Carla hey new kid are you look at the food Felix said you had something for me lighten up a new kid I got you here's the key to the closet go have a party great easy nice ok so just this easy okay you can't leave you've not eaten yet I bought her a check my mistake ok please allow me to mark your passbook passbook hey there you go thanks for buying lunch great awesome we're here ok I have a pass bathroom pass go ahead rape so far so good hey I'm gonna do these spiders when you need to stick to get him off wallet windows he gets killed at study hall isn't it no no it's last period it's Jim it's Jim cuz he because the ball hits her and she chases him away that's what it is door's locked grab it so we need a shovel I'll take the shovel hey what the no it's fine it's the good one kids aren't supposed to be in here there's lots of sharp objects and bad chemicals in a good there's blood on the floor there did you cut yourself are you okay my blood buddy but but whose blood is it then it would have to be but no hole that don't make no sense something isn't right are you okay Bob I'm fine just having trouble remembering what happened yesterday why is this year what happened that's the male why don't you head out to recess I think it's best if I figure this out by myself oh no Bob is it the other chick no it's not the new Jen it's not the old janitor it was Bob somehow cuz the oh it's cuz the new janitor this is its first day we're so late it's Oh Bob oh no Bob is like bob is a serial killer who has like mental like he keeps forgetting stuff oh no oh jeez Oh Bob we'll see Oh Bob oh I don't know I'm not gonna it's we'll see here we go okay uh were you successful in your endeavors I was for you no need to be snippy a wheelchair boy just the fact that you're calling him by that name is very concerning the differently-abled child who is appear in our classroom our handi-capable Pierre our handi-capable parent he will put up a fight he could run you over you yeah the laser being built in email like I think I think you're under estimating but even if he didn't don't you dare pick on him because he's in a wheelchair Hodgins I'm excited to do Romani's quest he deserves it Monty deserves a really good quest right oh boy sociopathic and ableist people I'm very excited for all the child murdering and killing that we've done I'm very excited to help someone who's been the butt end of a lot of this stuff right over the last few games okay well let's talk to the little wheelchair boy how do I get the wheelchair boy's arm Felix at lunch about a very lucrative business do you so what so when I give us a goal tell me inside just sign the papers so they all alone it'll be the perfect time excellent just good word and I'll send you a signal you sure to have your passbook ready so you can get inside where do I get a passbook I just lost it I mean you don't have one that's right look maybe some gonna threw it away check inside the dumps Oh dumpster woman OH dumpster well not the dumpster hag I'll see what I can find whoa okay so we got a lot to do okay you find okay okay still looking are you ready to get that arm no still looking still looking for the passbook we gotta get Cosmo I need the passbook first that's right is there an easier way to open that no I don't want the swings get in line yeah I think we just maybe have to go back there yeah real Apple seems like a good spot to dig a hole I'm so glad I can help okay so everyone's excited to help me dig okay everyone everyone's excited to dig let's go all right let's just go back yeah open all right maybe Beltre hey it's my favorite care I was banging on my down sir local dumpster oh hello child so good to have a visitor say wouldn't happen to have any food on you Shh my name is Agnes this is my dumpster I live here so anyway any fool oh that smoky flavor to it reminds me of my cat smokey do you want him got everything else right we won yeah oh you don't want my cat that's too bad let me see if there's not something else in here oh here we go one of them pass books you kids use thanks for the food she's precious precious woman god bless that woman okay literature close my secret calling oh it's the voice thing it's all dumpster in kindergarten actually ever gets a cartoon made after it please I hope they cast you for all the parts or at the very least for nugget because I think you make a great dumpster hey you know just love that and you know it can I be dumpster hat don't play by Stephenie Patrick you'll always be my specially abled nugget child and my dumpster bag rest assured wants to hear that's love right truly you're already my cat lady I don't like but soon you'll become my dumpster hag find one are you ready to get that arm I'm ready let's get this arm Oh let's let's chop the arm off of this poor handi-capable boy since I don't keep them waiting oh boy here we go let's chop his arm off look where do you think you're going you're not allowed inside I need to use the bathroom fine have a good time Oh Oh No oh yeah hold it right there kid not a step closer I know what you're about to try I don't know what you're talking about monkey oh please Felix is a good business man but I've been doing this he has you can tell him hey what's going on over here only one student is allowed to pass through at a time oh shut up halt nerd we're talking business here as I was saying you can tell him one of you have to go outside right now I mean it okay how about this Ned oh good there's an RHS oh there's an R yeah how funny but that's great actually Oh you shot my arm my arm it's gone my art there's your arm kid you don't need mine anymore you can tell Felix the price on the goods just doubled see how he feels about that little boy great Monty Monty Monty ism' be fun clap and a half for Monty their way to fight back buddy wowsers my arm it hurts mommy mommy it hurts oh I'm sure it's more than just your this is Stevie's arm it has blocked many children trespassing in his halls take the arm fakie arm take the arm leave the cannoli right go to the gym please okay Stevie thanks a solid hall monitor through to the end okay good Jim all right here we go oh come with me okay all right I got an arm I got a shovel let's try need to make our move Teddy you know your job I sure do Felix I won't let you down we're going to do this and then you and father will finally yes yes now get to it we'll meet you at the playground they're ready to move forward what'd you tell him I told him to guard the location go home little does he know he's protecting his own burial sites oh wow what's next your weirdo go get the weirdo that arm we'll need him to get started okay great good okay your weirdo here's your arm all right do you have the arm for nigut Nucky's wouldn't like it I'm so curious salad nugget it's good that's the term to his body but okay I'm not asking questions this arm Megan is now ready to earn his trip do the Nugget factory great get dig in there nugget oh good leave TJ must be removed free nigga to dig great we know how to do that which is down here right unless should I talk to him I don't want to your back take it he got his arm he did why has he left layout teacher what let him of course okay yeah oh I'll have to get rid of miss jiggle jugs Oh Mike all right okay good smack in the head okay great yeah this is this is fine I knew that that's the case I just wanted to double-check if we need to like prompt anything up Carla grab the ball which is her so now she's gonna chase Jerome out into the other room she's also gonna stab him with a stick which I'm presuming we're gonna need for the extra spiders that's my gun right okay okay great so she's good Felix okay dig deep for the negative have fun with that buddy bye don't leave a trail of evidence behind you it's almost time to make our move with the Nugget weirdo digging digging the hole in ten and supervising its development we'll just need one more thing what's that we're going to need something too just something we can use for a good bludgeoning fine excellent bring it to the sent it where the grave is being dug enough great this is why I'm glad I'm an only child okay since why only children man it's a good decision on my part okay find something to bludgeon him with that's the stick not asking any questions just taking the stage don't mind me I'm just walking up to this dead body removing the stick that's been planted into walking away okay okay here we go and here we go oh yeah I do wonder no this terrible Ravens did you get what I requested yes Alma teachers pointing ah the teachers pointing stick excellent choice this will do splendidly thank you buddy well Teddy it's time okay I'm ready where's ΓΆzil Oh course there's not even Nuggets at the bottom the cushion is fall there isn't a grave for Ozzy huh no no no it's for you there's not even a moderate amount of nuggets at the bottom of that hole is also a monster I'm more concerned about wait no what Felix you can't I did everything you said an apple soft thanks you for yours oh no wrong way I told you you need the Nuggets at the bottom of the cushion to follow the spiders oh god this is horrible drop the spiders in the hole this seems like an excessive part of the plan feeling you've gone too far now he's definitely dead down there drop the spiders in the hole Ted is at the bottom of this hole Felix has asked me to empty this jar of spiders onto him Ted has suffered enough thr oh no I think we empty that you have to go through with it I don't I think so right all right right this is this is efficient oh I love every time you kill someone you get their clothes it is nice yes yes that's kind of the point okay weirdo time to fill in the hole and didn't you take Nicky - Nicky factory oh the nugget Factory is heaven yes of course good nugget we feel for Nicky oh cool let's get to the schoolyard I have something important to give you oh my gosh oh no get survive or maybe nugget survived this is Tara nugget survived i well Doug it's still filling in this hole but that's mine you get survived great good yeah not good I this story line made me feel the worst of all this right of all of Wow even the one where we dismantled the wheelchair of Montaigne yeah yeah this I know here I feel really bad for to really tear oh this is terrible and it's like insult to injury and all sorts oh here we go Wow okay well the deed is done it is I appreciate your assistance I'm sure you'll be wanting your payment then yeah I do okay you are the finest semi-legal chemical in existence what is it go you know those pills from the old school this is the key ingredient in making them what an odd reward you're giving me for helping you in your quest please accept this monster Mon car as well it's a treasure chest but the real treasure is the friends we've buried alive I don't think that's how the saying goes silence our business is complete good day to you hit Ben good day to you oh wait for you yet Oh go negati squished filling in the booth nugget was now his trips to these negative sectors no no oh yes how could I forget um hey girls look there wasn't a nugget factory if there wasn't a nugget factories that'd be okay right [Applause] berry the rich boy with his rich brother Rex okay then uh look this way weirdo I hope they make nugget somewhere around here I mean it almost makes killing the poor twin brother work I still feel terrible I do actually I feel awful about babies being shot in that car Felix a strange chemical unconfident red shirt and treasure chest there we go friends Tuesday again how we doing so we've got ourselves miss ma'am all right nice so I think we've gotten five of them done breaking sad start the mission by you doing miss Applegate once with Cindy and once by yourself interesting thank you sad I like that okay and opposites attract that's gonna be an interesting on bugs and send out lots of bugs and penny penny I feel like there's also a quest line here probably yeah that it's following Bob I want to help Bob I'm really curious about Bob's story line yeah this is fascinating all right all right so we got at least two more of these before we get to probably like the big final one um so we have to wrap it up for today because we have to go to a dinner um you know we have a good memorable election cooking hard bulgur water so far her neveress nimbus purpose and it's like globs of ducklings we leave every row look at this dress mom like yeah these designs are so fun dude worm okay carob spikes great monsters flytrap that's a little look at these entirely Oh Mystikal tomato legendary swore nice treasure chest lamb with great then octopus onion oh oh hey dumpster hag oh okay okay no we will see you guys ah monday I guess probably Monday probably Monday early Monday I mean definitely Monday but maybe before then maybe we'll see we'll see I'd like to say although this is really fun I don't know okay alright so anyway guys thank you so much for joining us today I hope you had fun we certainly did in that right now yet Oh Nikki's never been happier and how are you doing dumpster hag good that wait oh wait till next time on now and now I'm kind of known as my throne oh that was the voice I was looking for good know your voice oh good cuz like I said you'll always be my dumpster hang and you can also always be my dumpster hag but if you remember that that was just a stream oh I must revenge anyway Megan else's buy a cake a squat says ma oh that's great job guys bye agree you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 930,964
Rating: 4.938447 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 trailer, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice
Id: -1Bg33zC1lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 51sec (5511 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

All hail the dumpster hag.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That thumbnail quality is doodoo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MartinPlayzPokemonGo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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