Final Boss - Hutts Streams Loop Hero

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what's up youtube we are here on loop here and i'd like to beat it we're going into the last expedition i need to figure out uh what's this trait deck thing i don't think i've ever pushed that button what's my deck gonna be do i want suburbs do i want blood groves what were we doing last time i remember my my uh my methods here we were doing cemetery and grove or maybe we'll be killing spiders i'd have been killing spiders all right this game looks dumb would have watched literally anything else because the graphics later this close to just banning you out right i i just do not care for people that that outwardly have just if you have some problems you should probably figure out what those problems are in your life putting that on here is that's ridiculous what's gonna say it good riddance loving the high life watching my favorite content creator eating lukewarm marco's pizza on my bed with a bottle of slightly cold cola thanks for making this content huts also ooh new game i played a bunch of this game if you're interested in this game um all you have to do is look up hut's loop hero and you'll find a bunch of stuff and um yeah we're just gonna just make it up see what what happens enemies have more abilities now i haven't seen that yet enemies plus strength their growth plus four percent per loop as opposed to two percent on the first one all right give it a go it's got the 8-bit style yeah so here's the deal if you've never seen this before in your life don't want the crypt yes we basically get uh when we fight enemies we get equipment we want better equipment we also get tile pieces we can use those tile pieces to build the world the more we've built the world the more happens on the board the more enemies show up the more rewards we get the more blah blah blah the more damage we have the more all these other stats that are going on i'm a necromancer so my main thing is to summon skeletons uh attack speed is going to be very very important for us there's also some things like max skeletons i would like to get a rain that gives me max skeleton plus there's skeleton level that's important my my character does attack but he will what was that noise i've never heard that noise before [Music] camera or the graphics are better than pewdiepie's camera wtf i would have watched literally anything else hunts it's like you have people here on the channel that like try to make me feel better right for every one person minimum minimum one per person that tries to make me feel good there is one person that specifically tries to make me feel like [ __ ] i wasn't trying to make you feel like [ __ ] you're just being sensitive no no no you were actually that you wouldn't have said anything like that ever if you didn't want me to feel like [ __ ] about my choices so that i would choose differently next time [ __ ] [ __ ] rivers that's right we're doing rivers and um forests so forest what does that do plus one percent hero attack speed and then the river doubles the effect of the adjacent landscape tile so if i can get that river to connect with this forest it'll be plus two percent your attack speed blood growth we don't have a grove to put the blood growth by can't do that yet [Music] regen or attack speed let's go back speed [Music] so my health is right here 280 to 280. 18 out of 200 is my experience um once again stats um behind my face do i need to move this if i move this you won't be able to pet my head and explode what do you want chat defense plus shield pets stats are not that important for us all right we have a grove and we can set the speed now look at that the river going what do i want to do with the river or we just go up and maybe even do one of these [Music] corrupt omega 5000 bits and we're more awesome three bunch of us love you hudson we're more awesome i agree with that thank you so much corrupto mega i appreciate you and i don't mean to take away from uh from you guys and how awesome you are what's the goal of loop hero so we're looping every time we loop uh the enemy levels get higher that says up here but we will get better loot per loop and we want to basically level up faster than the enemies get difficult and once this meter here on the top reaches full the boss will spawn his map completion i have to complete a certain amount of the map for the boss to show up then we fight the boss so if i fill the map immediately the boss is going to show up earlier and i think the boss is easier potentially i don't really understand all the intricacies or remember them all for that matter and uh so we're going to just go until i feel comfortable with my stats with my items and then we'll spawn the boss and see what happens some in quality plus 13. that's pretty good a summon quality 13 uh the quality is like the chance that you spawn like a really really good um skeleton you want better skeletons you know just the bass ones there's an undead tier one 31 months loop hero thank you for that welcome back [Music] i'm not sure i feel like the box is always same strength what are cards used for are you building another map i'm building this map right here this uh gives me a speed boost 40 movement speed within its range 20 attack speed for all units never seen this before so i built the deck and i put in the deck specifically the rivers the forests the ancestral crypts the groves the blood groves the beacons i made all that show up here oblivion it will remove one tile if i don't like one of them [Music] build like what enemies you want with what character you have what kind of stats you want to buff suburbs this uh gives you plus one experience from killing an enemy i'm getting poisoned here by the slimes that's a new ability it's called thick slime minus 10 damage got it cemetery this will spawn dudes skeletons that we can fight we have a magic shield on us too branded by this amulet 29 magic shield [Music] what is this summon quality plus 14 let's do that we want to get the sound quality about 50 that's kind of like a good threshold to be at to summon better skeletons like for example skeleton warrior is it better than the friendly skeleton you got a ton of loot i know it's all level one stuff though it's not that important i'm not really concerned about it attack speed's pretty good i don't know what's going to beat that defense defense regen get a bunch of amulets but this one's definitely better all you need to know can't sell it no but as soon as this fills up it'll start bumping out the old ones and it'll in turn sell them for materials wait are we doing vampire mansions adds a vampire to uh the mix let's do it whenever we attack anything in these two squares we'll also attack a vampire vampire i think grants vampirism to any enemies that are on the same tile as well another blood grove i think two blood grows next to each other is something isn't it maybe not i remember i got nervous i didn't do it magic shield 107. they're going to be better than summon quality let's say no i haven't gotten hurt yet so there we go max skeletons plus one magic shield 46 evasion 10. [Music] we just lost our shield oh we're taking damage now skeleton level plus one six that's better than one cat skeleton level is basically uh the damage that our dudes do their health and damage i think can i change the speed of battle this is expedition speed is that all the speed or is it battle here i used to have it at like seven thousand percent but it must have reset that beacon invasion is good makes you not take a hit oh that sort of asian men that's good because i don't speak english helpful nice that you're here i just don't do i don't think it's that good just don't believe in evasion more suburbs suburbs they lose their effectiveness late game but some people say they're bad i think they're just fine because we will gain levels so much faster especially early game i think it it helps you get the run off the floor new trait we just gained a level here uh omicron's technique grants hero plus one resurrection with full healing ambitions of the dead when all when an allied skeleton kills an enemy it fully heals itself and gets 10 damage and hp buff for the rest of the battle blissful ignorance deals you a full hand of oblivion cards from now on using oblivion cards heals the hero i don't really feel like i need blissful ignorance but [Music] i guess i could go resurrection that states are quality level and max number third is hella strong blissful resurrection revives well it's belonging to super good but not exactly with the cards that i have and like i'm not removing anything i don't have mountains that i need to take down i don't have bandit camps i don't have farms that i can muck with you know it's like [Music] ambition sounds decent but not super good it's not that good it's not that good it could be good resurrection here bummer there's so many better traits to get and i should have done a little rip wrap around in here i forgot how to play backspeed plus and better skeleton so now we're fighting vampires vampires are gonna have an extra ability that we've never seen before too because it's the fourth final thing oh you know what we are going to get the forest cities early game they're not going to be a big deal but late game we're going to want to take them out these beefy guys skeleton guards the higher our skill and summon quality the more of these guys we get they always get hit by the enemies first before anything else so we really want the skeleton guards we're taking a little bit of damage here a little bit more than i figured we would something quality up um skeleton level book attack speed plus four percent wait max skeletons plus let's do that what else we got i still think summon quality is better than invasion but better magic shield could be good [Music] and we're getting hit with the fight all the bosses oh my goodness yeah i didn't know that i would have done the oblivion thing so that i could oblivion all the lich's palaces well that's not good i don't like that at all we're gonna get spanked we're gonna get absolutely crushed bookeries i don't even want know why i have a book right here but i have bookeries on i didn't know that each of these little ticks was the was bosses okay well we're learning rip run and that's not the best did we get a forest thing yeah village question mark yeah we did balls good refresher i guess [Music] so these guys only attack when you attack them like i said it's fine early game because you only get your skeletons that attack them but hardening gets plus one defense for three seconds after being hit learning with each attack increases attack damage by 1.2 for the rest of the battle wow spikes when attack directly deals 16 damage to the attacker he's crushing all my skeletons okay where's my my speed here cursor type that's kind of cool speed run mode [Music] speed remote will turn on the chapter timer which will always show derivative i wanted to go faster man it's so slow top left for speed yeah but that's expedition speed how do i get battle speed should be a way to turn the battle speed up other content just ordering if you've played wondering if you played children or more uh it's fun at action roguelike with seven unique characters i made a video on uh children morta one of my rapid fire roguelike reviews [Music] i'm in quality 25 that's better than that one this is gonna hurt [Music] my bad sorry oh it's good [Music] these crossbow guys i get because i build watchtowers so anything within i think three squares of my base camp which is the start square these guys help me attack bubble upright for the boss any direct damage to the hero will be evenly split between him and his skeletons absolutely are you ready we're jumping in do one of these for sure it's way better oh that's just great i'd take the five percent chest thing [Music] all right first boss how is it possible shut up leave a score to settle mister what does he have health and damage are increased by five percent for every lich palace that's normal plus 35 enhanced by the palaces this is gonna hurt he just one shot my bro he just one shot my other bro this is not going fast enough our attack speed is not nearly where it needs to be it's so slow we're dead why is it so [ __ ] slow [Music] option to change the fight speed is above that speed run option allow changing fight speed there it is there's there was zero way that we were gonna get out of that one donkey place seven months it's gonna take a while [Music] awful like actually the worst booker is you're gone we want road lanterns maybe battlefields villages and wheat fields i didn't mind that strat that we were doing with the with the villages but um the scarecrows are tough scarecrows are tough villages will heal me going through them if i can convert them into a super village via vampire mansion that's also really good any chance you'll play gentian today maybe like super late but i wouldn't get your hopes up i usually don't run rivers for necromancer i think that attack speed is really really important so rivers plus force i think is like a generally good play but what game is this it's called loop hero we're on the final boss we'll give this a shot i think before actually i was i was doing not groves but but spiders but then again i do have the what is it increased damage to 10 chance to receive one ration after killing a rat wolf plus 5 hero damage against all rat wolves but that's pretty good suppose we could load stuff up right now how much more space do we have 35 or 37 lowers the resource penalty for dying heals five hp each day time a new item is equipped plus one to max number of potions attackers receive one damage after every hit this is a chance to redirect a storm temple lightning shot additional healing when passing through the campfire it was one hp after killing an enemy ease it lumpy guppy four months welcome back oh it's only streams like two hours now this is not true i uh generally stream for minimum four hours and sometimes up to ten hours last time i did a two-hour stream i don't even know i don't know why people are being a little dramatic there you have that giant shower head the party showerhead okay let me go maybe down to like 2-0 [Music] 10 hardcore [Music] i saw a stream with sunday on t jacob and you rage quit what's that lock what does that mean oh you lock it so it doesn't sell it okay that's it was it two hours on sunday [Music] river beacon [Music] looks really darn complicated ah might just because you're at the end yeah definitely that i kind of want to loop this river around and do like a windy river so we can get the corners rivers to touch three the tiles are three places don't forget to build around the camp that's what i'm doing currently regen what is this game loop hero [Music] we have villages turned on now so we'll see if we can make something happen with that have you ever done a 24 hour stream i think three times now i believe battlefield will just spawn a treasure chest once a day hey nasa thicket if i do if i surround a suburbs top up down left right with more suburbs i get a town which increases the experience gained by two it's like an advanced diversion we got to keep an eye though because we're over halfway to spawning the first boss maybe we should stop putting suburbs down [Music] wheat fields am i going to want to put that down probably not [Music] spawn scarecrows i want a town game's like yo dog i heard you like suburbs i believe you want to never make battlefields close to the places where enemies spawn question mark i think it's best to put battlefields directly after your cozy camp i kind of messed that one up i put it directly before unless it drops it on the camp which you probably won't because you get the better loot after the loop right so you want to like get the loot immediately when the loop changes we have a cemetery for all your dead suburbs now more wheat fields but no town oh my suburbs i want summon quality and i want max skeleton plus i hunger for it i think our biggest problem before was the fact that we couldn't uh our attack speed wasn't high enough to outrank the boss so i think we need to start beefing up our thickets and forests we probably got about i don't know six more tiles before the boss spawns take oblivion this time that's right you leveled up every residual heat each allied skeleton heals the hero for 3x loop hp when it dies card sharp 10 chance to keep the cards replacing its tile or horde each loop higher quality three high quality skeletons join the hero's side mattress murdock thank you for getting a sub appreciate it naburu does horde spawn three quality skeletons for the boss fight or it is bad i always thought horde was bad and probably residual heat would be best because it heals me when my dudes die i would go heat here probably myself because like i said skeletons dying would heal me some i'd be able to last longer on the boss it is so good [Music] it probably even persists till the boss residual heat is busted i'm gonna go heat here i'm gonna try heat well hearts is dead good job numb nuts max skeleton plus a piece of good there some in quality plus twenty percent yes yes hyperbolic stranger 100 bits bits for the beer fund ear fund skeleton archer over here what is that about summon quality plus 25 yes [Music] where do you buy a dollar beer of pee pee poo poo at my doo doo got that one let's put a thicket down the river's gonna be like back up and around let's put that there i'm waiting for the village question mark to spawn it should spawn after 10 forests one two three four five six seven eight nine one more and then we can oblivion the no wait wait save the oblivion for the lich we also want to stack this whole area up so that the lich can't spawn lich palaces it's pretty good leave it at that [Applause] there's my village all right fine village here turn into a ransacked village and oblivion the vampire mansion out that's what i'm gonna do it's gonna be a play for later i have to fight zombies all the time now but we wanted to also fight the vampires giving them regen oh [ __ ] we're dead we're fine i'm fine look at me it was just my shield see old you was easy there we have everything surrounded except for this corner here for the palaces and he's about to spawn any second now what do we want to do about that probably nothing wouldn't recommend cheap beer though it tastes bad you know what sometimes light beer is okay when you don't want something that weighs you down because craft beer is heavy [Music] not true i had a craft beer that was really light tim you're not old enough to have beer you're right it was just tang last forest but now i don't have the ability to get rid of the forest question mark [Music] how much cola have you had uh not even one small bottle why don't you call them almate can't put it there though okay are we just gonna send it for the boss i don't know if we're ready [Music] i dare say we're not [Music] we got one more thickening this at least [Music] that scared me a little bit when that popped up that's just the first question mark hyperbolic stranger another 100 more looping oh we be looping summon quality regen attack speed defense i don't want to give up my max skeletons regen could be important five book that's pretty good i'm gonna say no laying down one's life any direct damage to the hero be evenly split between him and his skeletons or preparation for its ceremony first two skeletons summoned in a day will be strengthened card sharp ten percent chance we're going to go lay down one's life [Music] okay [Music] [Music] max skeletons plus summon quality this is the ring i'm actually going to replace my max skeletons plus ring i feel like actually my summing quality is 71 so i can actually get rid of this one still be above 50 at 72 and we're max skeletons four okay we did we did right there i think i do believe so once i make it around three times the map a lot of noises that just happens once i make it around three times this ransacked village will turn into a like pretty awesome cool village that'll be filled with awesomeness and will heal me extra especially if i put some wheat fields next to it but i'm not ready to do that yet you have two six books the number is not important to me the sum and quality is the most important thing some equality plus max skeletons are the two things i'm concerned about this will increase my skeleton level before four but decrease the summon quality coming quality making it so that i get these skeleton guards more often skeleton guards are super important because they make enemies attack them first i could probably summon the boss now it's still a little risky but we could probably do it we have three bosses to go after that so we probably should get a move on but i don't know i think we can handle it a little what's that called blood demon spawning on this because of this blood grove ate so many enemies its roots devour enemies that have less than 50 hp left and eats them automatically and then once it eats enough it spits out the blood golem don't risk it huts do one more you think i should fight the blood golem first i don't know save the oblivion for a lich thing forget about the village for now he gives good loot i'm going to do his dance check up once i get to the point where i'm gonna kick out this oblivion i'm gonna i'm gonna go something quality 24. i wouldn't mind a better necklace i guess but a summon quality necklace would be ideal why did he spawn i didn't place any tiles does this thing automatically go up just a simple cactus hour five months how are things mr butts how to tainted jacob runs go it goes up after every loop is that new did they change that am i an idiot will he ever beat the game [Music] just get rid of one of them i guess yeah they changed it so you can't just cheese it i mean is it really cheesing if that's how the game works i think knox that boy just smacked down both of my dudes one swipey swipe what if i got to the point where i spawned the second boss before the first boss was even done i was spawned first no me fight fight over me i can't get rid of my summon quality actually i can for that one more town summon quality up again yeah all right you have a seven block defense summon quality skeleton level all right you guys it's pretty good that's learning what the potions do they heal you but the game automatically uses them your trusty travel companion heals you by six percent hp when your life is in danger i'm looking for another summon quality max skeleton plus ring if i can get that then i'll swap out until then no probably end up with these rings for a very long time to come i'm imagining this is trouble the villages are trouble for sure more forest i could put forest down i could also save out for thickets which are twice as effective but i don't know now that the bar goes up every time you loop it doesn't make any sense though it's called map completion i want to do that bothers me skilled architect the hero gets eight times loop experience each time a map tile is placed preparation for a ceremony first two skeletons are strengthened or hoard each loop three high quality tier three higher quality skeletons join the hero side architect unfortunately we'll just level up faster when i place tiles odd snow that's bad you're dumb [Music] maybe a second village yeah i thought about doing a village with a vampire i really want to be able to remove the vampire oh i forgot about the bandit camp i'm gonna remove that too we'll see what happens we gotta fight the first boss that's the most important thing to think about right now give me a minute to absorb what just happened that's better [Music] if one of these had summon quality plus max skeleton the book if it was a lesser number i would still take it same thing goes with the amulet discuss me attack speed as well still not going to go for it yeah boss time seven ring don't care it's not even the right type of ring summon quality always looks like this this is a max skeleton plus book yep is that better than summon quality at this point in time yeah i'm gonna go with it we need more skeletons out in the field right shut up we have a score to settle mister all right we're summoning two per one attack that's good that's good news that's all we needed the big boys in there there we go they're still getting one shot but we're doing enough damage that doesn't matter yeah buddy nonsense this is impossible for so many reasons bro don't understand where's my lower jaw bruh next time i'll try something new on this punching bag [Music] you could have given me good loot instead of a bunch of turd [Music] i'll drink to that victory one boss of three a four we have plenty to go and we're halfway to spying the second boss now and now we're taking damage and now we're healing because my skeletons are dying and there's the pickles from last time hopefully we'll get some good level ups here we have a lot of stuff buffing our experience town skilled architect oh hey we have an upgraded uh village called counts lance heals 155 hp upon entering gives you a quest the quests can be problematic what it does is it turns one of these enemies up ahead into a super enemy it just picked this rogue and it's gonna be tougher to kill but i'll get more loot for it so hopefully that goes well love this game but it'll bring on some back seating i'm sure [Music] uh-oh three of these guys i guess it doesn't matter how many there are they only attack when you attack them so monkey man kills 51 total sexy tier 2 sub thank you for the past four years and still watch your videos over and over again and laugh i love you so much hutz thank you monkey man support and the very very kind words as long as we're busy stumbling skeletons we will never attack the wooden warrior and get hurt that's fine [Music] outfield oh i need a battlefield oblivion i'm gonna do it i'm in a vampire mansion this town ransacking and oblivion the vampire mansion i could have gotten rid of the bandit camp or the village but made my mind up for the super zombie as denoted by the golden bar i think quest gold plus 200 hp [Music] [Applause] i've got five total skeletons that that's why i'm summoning this back uh mage back here what do forests do forest gives me plus one percent hero attack speed but since it's next to a river it's giving me plus two percent i think it's giving me plus two percent attack speed but because it's next to this river and that river it should be uh either four six or yeah should be four or six or eight i don't know how it works if it's additive or if it's multiplicative this doubles the effect of the adjacent tile so i would assume that this is four and this is four so it'd be eight percent this one's touching three rivers two four six so 12 attack speed for this one thicket i think so my attack speed right now is plus 83 percent attack speed for me is attacking but i i uh summon skeletons before i attack so so many skeletons i summon them faster demon lord ran eight months what's up why do you have like a dozen suburbs it uh buffs the amount of experience i get for killing enemies and we're gonna level up faster it seems like towns and suburbs are better now that the bar automatically increases because before you could just sit there and do nothing and uh attempt to fill your entire map with thickets and rivers and stuff like that but now you can't wait that long the bar is gonna fill so you might as well fill up some of the map with some other stuff beacons don't stack but i could put a beacon you know to cover this other part of the map over here you want to put a beacon next to your main camp with the bosses spawn because the bosses don't get that buff good experience for dropping this down too so we just got a ton of experience that leveled up counter attack whenever the hero receives direct damage each allied skeleton is a 15 chance to attack immediately i like that one blissful ignorance full hand of oblivion cards that could be really good right now for helping clear out the villages the outposts the whatevers counterattack is op diminishing returns on suburbs good early not great later hyperbox stranger yes i and that some people say they're not good at all um once again i think they're better now that the bar automatically increases but also i think leveling up early and getting your build early is i mean these are huge these traits why am i sitting around eight suburbs because the more things i place the closer we get to summoning the boss and i don't really feel like suburbs are going to uh help me out right now more suburbs at least how's life been mine's been rough and it's been hard to stay positive your streams and youtube helps a lot sometimes thanks for everything um yeah i've been i've been good i've been uh coming out of more of a dark place i'm feeling happier and i'm glad to put tainted jacob behind me it's both now it's both map fill and per loop a michael blissful i don't know what do you guys think counterattack good just generally speaking that the skeletons can have a 50 chance to counter-attack anybody or blissful ignorance and get rid of some of these bs tiles that'll end me [Music] counter counter counter counter counter counter counter counter blissful is bad unless you can instantly use some i can um village and the outpost how many people are familiar with this game because i feel like when you're not familiar with this game you would never pick possible ignorance okay i mean everyone basically wants counter and i ask so i should go with it but the ability to remove bandit camps and villages and i guess the lich's palaces shouldn't matter on future bosses fingers crossed i don't know if it buffs them too [Music] don't know that oh [ __ ] that was our 20th forest so we just spawned another village question mark [Applause] we put a wheat field down hell yeah let's do it the wheat field plus 35 hp to healing in adjacent villages this feels 90 190 now but this will spawn um scarecrows and they're pretty tough you'll get oblivions eventually right yeah they're really rare go over our stuff right now i'm not saying anything that i would swap out but just to make sure yeah i agree myself dang that one's pretty good [Music] trademax skeleton for summon quality plus that's the tough one right there that is the question you want more skeletons or do you want potentially higher quality skeletons tough tough decision skeleton level is really needed plus it's 50 percent that i think is like you gotta be above 50 minimum max skeletons is really good yeah having that backline guy that like basically can't die [Music] max skeleton plus getting rid of summon quality i could trade put that there put that there common quality 52 5 max skeletons but now we have more defense more magic shield more attack speed more evade and higher skeleton level have you ever reached 100 or higher quality um i think so uh i'm wondering like if is that possible i think yeah 26 to 28 on every single item probably could get you there [Music] i don't i don't remember what what it did though specifically we're struggling a little bit there we took a little bit of damage but we are healing every time our skeletons die so our health isn't really going anywhere [Music] [Applause] what is this game about this game's about winning and being a winner your level 2 ring is really giving a lack of stats so this is a max skeleton plus ring and uh i would take a a level one max skeleton plus ring because the ring never changes ever you can never get a max skeleton plus two but if i ever found a ring like this one that gave me max skeletons plus summon quality would definitely take it this is just how necro is played basically this is just it unless i put max skeleton here on the book again and then traded this out thoughts on the burned forest tile gives you plus uh magic damage [Music] can be good these village question marks are going to be really troublesome later when we have really really high attack speed because we'll summon uh our skeletons too quickly and then we'll start attacking them we'll be in trouble [Music] more bacon so and open for uh blissful ignorance not gonna lie summon quality book that's higher skeleton level higher summon quality but we'll lose attack speed and invasion [Music] god hopefully what's going on but i'm still watching i hope you have any specific questions feel free to ask i'm trying to answer stuff [Music] i'm gonna spawn another forest question mark by doing this [Applause] [Music] getting close to that second box too this is a long game yeah that's kind of a long game this is also the final boss which is way more involved than i thought it would be so good i'm gonna loop the river around this way maybe do a little boop like that give more bacon i know too much is a bad thing [Music] i'm feeling pretty good though i feel like i might just send it all the way to the next boss i might just do it attack speed plus 32 percent that's a lot we're already sitting at 102 though lupiero seems very interesting honestly not my type of game to play but my type to watch there are games like that right where it's like there's so much going on and it's stressful it's really stressful to play games like that but watching them is another thing when someone's like on top of their stuff it's really cool to watch it kind of like darkest dungeon maybe i don't consider myself someone that's got their [ __ ] together with that game though so [Music] he's got so much flipping loot right there only balls and all of it is bad deck builders are like that for me it's like some of these games especially for me a content creator like if i'm gonna decide to want to play a game or stream a game i have to get like really good at it and i have to balance every single one of the mechanics i have to learn them all these are like so many games out there that if you want to learn mechanics quickly at least you have to like you have to look it up you have to put time and research and energy into watching people or looking at wikis or you know tutorial videos and all this stuff to get good at the game as fast as possible so that you can be on the cutting edge and you know obviously this game is super old and i'm going back because i didn't fight the final boss hi for the win what's up leveled up what's this ring not max summon or knox not max skeleton rather so i don't care five percent chance for chess to spawn 30 chance to get a random basic resource chunk each time the hero passes through the tile he'll heal for .5 times loop hp for each non-road tile trash trash and trash and trash and i think i'm gonna go with the surveyor here i don't really care about resources at the moment or go to one thing that actually keeps me alive hey never could wrap my head around this game when i played it there's a lot going on for sure you have to balance like 20 different things in your head or just play necro and make it up and win [Music] [Applause] what about this game but chad controls it instant loss how's the house huts i haven't really done much with the house i'm waiting on the company that i contacted about my deck to get back to me so they can start that that's why i'm not going to be until fall i've been super super busy like every single weekend in minnesota once summer hits it's like everybody packs out every single weekend with cabin trips and camping and you know getting together going out no one does [ __ ] during the winter though especially last winter so everyone's itching to get out there and do stuff what's that stuff up there at the top these are all my resources that i've collected so every single time i pass through a cemetery um i get some preserved rock every time i pass through a grove i get a what is it uh twig so every time i get uh what is it 12 pieces of stable branches i get one stable wood with that wood i can take it back to the home camp and possibly build a house with it or the stones i can build a bridge um orbs of afterlife these are kind of like interesting ones that uh drop from other things and stuff orb of immortality time shards there's just there's tons of things going on with all this um this is the final boss so i'm really not concerned about the resources [Music] but i did have to collect a lot of it to grind up and and uh build buildings so that i could hold more equipment and then i had to grind up the equipment so that i could have you know plus necromancy ill blah blah boss is going to be spawning really soon tons of loot what was going on there well we were fighting enemies that spawned from the cemetery spawns a skeleton every three days days go along here in the top they pass when we're moving they pass when we're fighting so for fighting a lot days are going to go faster um so enemies are spawning per day or per three days it is on the cemetery we had a bunch of enemies there we are also fighting things from the battlefield spawns a chest um what else was happening enemies on the tile around it can become ghosts when they die from the battlefield so some of the skeletons turned into ghosts we had to kill them as well that was the the weird high-pitched screeching new level 10 grimwire is better skeleton level down defense up and summon quality two percent do we want to get rid of what is it points point eight skeleton level for two percent summon quality you know i i didn't think so but [Music] decisions decisions summon quality it's instead of max skeleton at this point in time maybe we do want to buff some in quality stay at four skeletons instead of five skeletons and and bump up the quality so we get better [Music] i'm gonna try it right now we're at four max skeletons where we're at eighty percent summon quality i think that we should probably start summoning the bosses really soon [Music] that's what i think [Music] save amulet with plus one skeleton and change the ring it wasn't a bad amulet but uh we haven't seen very many max skeleton plus rings either so it seems like maybe they changed the rarity of some of these things or maybe we're just getting unlucky and we have a pretty good build so i'm not really worried about it one more and i'd say one more loop one more tile boss is gonna spawn we're getting to the point where we are taking damage significant damage at least to our shield during these fights and uh gets to the point where it rolls out of control and you just die immediately three ghosts one super ghost it's a ghost of a ghost there is a small chance that we can get a ghost of a ghost of a ghost see this ring is i need a max skeleton ring here did not get a ghost of a ghost of the ghost oblivion what are we struggling with most i'm a little bit worried for these villages we have a second counts lands by the way that's pretty good i don't believe you in the village the last ghost always gives me anxiety remove that so our counter went down a little bit we should have room for maybe a river or two i'm saving for thickets i'm not putting forests out because it's the thickets are twice as effective i can speak max skeleton book but i'm not giving up my summoning quality villages do not attack you no they don't but wheat fields do villages heal you ransacked villages attack you there's the boss i thought it was per loop but we weren't even close to the boundary of the the thing whatever i have to pee again you guys make nine book with max skeleton replace ring to ring with quality question mark um [Music] yeah that makes sense to me [Music] eighty-two percent summon quality four max skeleton still [Music] the level two ring is this you can't focus on the numbers you guys it's a really good ring he's still a level two ring yeah once you understand the game you understand that the level two max skeleton ring is just as good as a level 50 max skeleton ring they don't get any better thought that's taking a pee break i do have to pee soon but we'll do it after the boss [Music] i just got rid of that one attack speed is 136 i don't know maybe we don't need to buff it any further than that [Applause] look at us taking heat we've got a lot more to go better get some good loot here it doesn't seem like a whole lot of heat that we're taking but once again once it rolls out of control you die like that it's over over before you know it you just want to be crushing all the time 100 crush mode candy crush saga amulet huts we lost our amulet because the rogue stole it one of their abilities just to steal [ __ ] that [ __ ] my favorite amulet [Applause] timing quality is back down to 55 percent yeesh we all sudden just get really really bad and take shelf that's a good one oh i remember why we weren't using skeletons with the necro one of the necro's abilities is to gain plus one max hd every time it kills a living creature i think plus three max hp for every enemy with a soul killed that's why we were fighting spiders right there's some in quality again that's that's the one that's the one right before the boss good good timing so instantly feels like we're doing better i mean we also have the cross moments maybe that's not a fair comparison in me hope heroes fun but what is this character this is the necromancer last time let's go get it yeah girl could you please stop i refuse to arms to break the mirrors in order to get to the boss boss also summons these back guys to punch me summons two angels instead of an attack each angel disappears after dealing two attacks creates five stained glass windows instead of every second attack has twenty percent chance to be protected by one of the windows sixty percent chance to be protected by a stained glass window i don't know why there's 20 and there's also 60 whatever we're dying hard why am i dying so hard huge okay massive hits is that coming from the dudes in the top or is that coming from the priestess [Music] i remember absolutely dominating this boss before massive damage from the angels maybe maybe it was from her angels swing twice each requires fast attacks right through the mirrors yeah or multiple skeletons that could attack faster than you could possibly ever dream to attack if you were not the necromancer dudes because the priestess doesn't do any damage seems like she did loop level is 11 and your skeleton level is far behind i was keeping up with the loot that it gave me you might might have needed to play a bit faster [Applause] damage 271 i was getting 250 damage on my face and i think she does attack summons two angels instead of an attack each angel disappears after dealing i don't know mattress murdoch 42 months thank you for that welcome back i think i can put on right now to up my my stuff not really lost my skeleton level but i minus one max skeleton up my summon quality attacks when she has allies he's alone he only summons the allies [Music] skeletons die one hit [Music] i think i'm dead either way but i don't know if i can do it with three skeletons [Music] 158 damage to my face crowd control you can't you don't get more crowd control or faster hits than the necromancer with and we had a very very high attack speed surprised that i didn't absolutely annihilate that boss not winnable i think the choices were solid on the run i've never not crushed that boss as the necromancer no idea what they changed it just seemed like it was doing way too much damage period even with the healing for my skeletons dying i couldn't keep up i'm not sure i'm gonna ever win this game or beat this game i'm not sure i really care to to be honest i made it there once like tapped in two seconds her damage stat did seem pretty huge problem was level on the skeletons was too low i got nothing oh well
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,169
Rating: 4.9558825 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, loop hero, rpg, strategy, roguelike, roguelite, card game, deck builder, real time, indie, boss, enemies, combos, mountain, secrets, turn based, top down, dark fantasy, pixel, soundtrack, let's play, playthrough, footage, review
Id: hwu__Ut-phw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 56sec (4916 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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