[Vinesauce] Vinny - Baba is You: Vinny make noise (Fan Edit)

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out do me a skull and do bug is me then drag the skull that came from the me to the me that came from the bug then do skull is Kiki it without context these are the ramblings of um I I don't know baba Baba is me Bob Bab is you I thought it was a game about an elephant named Babar but it's about a sheep I think named Baba tonight's tea is Bilbo Baggins blend so this is Baba obviously it's a sheep obviously apparently this game gets incredibly difficult later on but you know you can move this around and I just broke the game out of reach so water is sink Rock is push oh [ __ ] baba is dead brain is hurting brain hurt so raucous is push I can push them all together skull is push I win my brain it was good today I do that you know I can't get the lava up there I've taken away my sense of self way lava is push wait a minute lava is push that's awesome I I think I love this game wall is you mental what I became wall so we get and now I like that and Baba is you and wall oh wait a minute baba and crab is you wait wait wait wait that's it crap and Baba is you [ __ ] I think this game is giving me brain scurvy okay Baba is you flag is win Wallace stop as you flag is when I can't believe I'm saying these words like this this is like new new language become a computer baba is you baba is is win yes that's so good extra one Rock is Baba Rock is you but the [ __ ] kind of paradox was that I don't know man mmm I lost control of my Baba over here [Music] got it wait do I got it no it's [ __ ] fused oh my god - oh my [ __ ] god this game [Music] really really need whoa voice place the orders push button you gotta come to my cousin's club it's called Club push whoa who the [ __ ] is this guy oh this is Kiki so say this isn't Baba famous video game character Baba door is you the Kabam orange with door hinge Tommy man him maybe a key key is is key key is Kiki I can do that one out what what exactly has that accomplished [Music] yeah just smart when I complete a level [Music] baba is Papa are you where Papa she is defeat [Music] [ __ ] and what will be when wall is win of course porky he could be win either one chat which one wall or key wall what ball is stopped poem roses red violet is blue flag is win bah bah I love this game this is such a charming game rock is you and Papa this words that are coming out of my mouth spoiler alert wait a minute rock is flag flag is when Vinnie but rock is you rock was float rock is not rock was me but rock is float what is [ __ ] is you [ __ ] is brain oh can you guys remind me to [ __ ] put my laundry in the dryer when I go for my BRB just this one time that would be cool thanks no all right text is float baba is you [ __ ] is push-up is huge [ __ ] hmm baba is you and open your gun all right I need a moment here let me just meditate brain her tea this is crazy whole matter is day-out this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do on stream arrange it so it says baba is you and flag is open wow wow this just slowed down the stream to a [ __ ] screeching halt I hate this I actually I hate this Vinny can I send you a picture yes you can tweet a picture to me if you want if you know how to solve this man and I just got a picture of Garfield that's not helping duplicate flag the sink open middle top move flag as you it's now like I'm reading how to do this and it's just hurting its my brain is [ __ ] hurting I'll try one more thing sure I'll try it Vinny and I found something ok I'm gonna watch the video until end upon example wow I've officially given up well now nothing opens and no one lives oh my god all my Gerard Louis I always close to that maybe 45 minutes ago 20 minutes ago so I'm playing as robots robot is stopped [ __ ] [ __ ] up nonagon affinity he opens the door it's moving new boot goofin I don't worry about that so what the [ __ ] do I need to do with this COG move cog trying to get my Krag on bro I need to put the COG in the bog I is Jesus oh man I don't know I don't know I'm not okay I'm I'm very much not okay right now what an absolute insane nightmare that was I had a drink tonight I had one social drink so it might slow down my brain but Vinny what kind of social drink I just had a whiskey on the rocks which is good enough for me I'm a here at the secret stream or may not have another social drink that I will be socializing with you Vinny you're not going to figure this one out on your own oh boy [Music] what what that felt like a glitch what have I done I'd say what I've done I've done who and lots of it I'm a big boy big boobs I don't know what that was hmm Kiki is you baba has has rock Baba is move huh love is you The Love Shack baby yeah it's a little old place where we can hmm get together you know I had not drunk people are saying Vinny's drunk and that's why he's smart but I had a whisky on the rocks about three hours ago and now I'm having a little bit not even buzzed really I got a problem Fox has love love is defeat love is love all right Paul McCartney I've got a song for you all right John what's the what's the song it's called love is love don't know what that means John maybe maybe we can figure out another lyric you know something that makes a little bit more sense that's a little redundant don't you think think about it Paul I heard it I was on a mountain a yogi told me so Yogi Bear they told you then John how about we just change it to all we need is love about all you need is love lion let's call John now it's my song again yes love is love love is love box has box oh hey we just endlessly box it yes oh my God look at this power Jamie the powers returning to me Jamie you can't that's a comparable power oh god my [ __ ] head looks as human [ __ ] oh [ __ ] walk and hell someone just said I read the word box so many times that no longer looks like a real word Ben you gotta come to my club cousins my cousins Club what's a closet it's my clown cousin Bob uh sounds like two balloons rubbing together and it makes me uncomfortable yeah a little bit my brain it hurts I know what's happening anymore Oh God baba is move kiki is you goat Baba whatever quality commentary yeah I know baba is wind is move is Baba what if I do baba is push into Baba is move into you is bobbum so have to line up all the Baba's that damn it Baba's [ __ ] pappas Baba's is lined up [Music] I'm becoming stupider every second [ __ ] I don't think that works baba is such a weird word it's not even a word anymore it's just [ __ ] sounds I tried someone just said I've never seen this game before and I'm so [ __ ] confused yeah me too and I've played the game before Baba's flag no because Baba is Baba buk flag is move man someone said I haven't been this frustrated since hand simulator yep this is pure hell goddamnit [ __ ] this is the worst thing I've ever done amazing Vinny this is one of the worst puzzles in the game just because of how obnoxious this setup can be this should be so much further well it is it's in further fields never have I felt stupider and I feel stupid a lot [Music] hmmm I'm just goofin it's a little bit of new new boot goofin [Music] I don't know yeah now the brain isn't working here oh man this is Baba Baba I can't even blame 3 a.m. because even if even if it was 3 p.m. I still wouldn't be getting this [ __ ] hell oh my god we I got it now [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh my god this [ __ ] game bable bable bable bable last time I played this I had a little alcohol in my system and I do not currently I do have some alcohol in my system I was at a pinball bar for a little bit so Italy the people that watch the bobis dream is gonna be like so Vinnie drinks a lot huh that that Vinnie drinks a whole lot you got a problem Vinnie got problem oh sorry I don't know who that voice is leaf is telly that accomplishes nothing [ __ ] you do that how them how in the [ __ ] deed Oh may I don't [ __ ] know who the [ __ ] knows yeah you're year I thought keeping the rock around was vital I would do an ac/dc impression but I just don't have it in me do you like by grabthar's from her what our savings oh my god uh-huh oh my brain you can hear the my brain tearing itself apart if you listen closely you can hear those synapses yeah yeah oh no and then leave this door key is to never pull all right we did it okay okay now the mushrooms out a bit oh oh oh baba is not you Wow the very core of my being has been eliminated oh oh oh I don't get it I need to push the water right no and then I need to do not baba is not you I can't believe this not baba is not you get the [ __ ] out of here with this [ __ ] not baba is not you [ __ ] not baba is not you okay we'll just destroy my brain but why don't we what little remains it's not push not box is it's not pushed what not box is not push box is not not push whoa Tom Bombadil sorry it's [ __ ] this audio book is infecting my my brain my subconscious is just singing Tom Bombadil songs all day now I'll be driving you know I'll have the windows down feel like a G and then that'll start happening Oh Tom Bombadil will be looking in what is this guy doing what is he listening to what the [ __ ] is this music [Music] what [ __ ] my brain what if I do not fence this wind up like his wind Wallace wall me is you hot what do you mean me is you I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together what wha understand what how does this game have this power over me [Music] yo come on lift up lifted I just I'm confused so Baba when when Baba died Baba create so imbaba die baba ganoush oh you son of a [ __ ] yeah whoa [Music] [Music] why what am i doing papa has Papa oh right right I am invincible actually each Baba suffers the pain of death and a new one is born each time to also suffer and die kikiyaon kiki is you okay just ends the game kiki is you on grass this is what you look like on grass everybody so don't do it this is your face and this is your face on grass okay I've made a path of moons so maybe now I need a moon is open that is cool as [ __ ] this is one of the best puzzle games I've played in years and I don't play a lot of puzzle games so that doesn't really mean a whole lot it my words have no weight behind them I have no idea this mess what have I done my brain is is currently rotting oh this this is [ __ ] brain destruction [Music] mmm [Music] door is sink door has tree tree is push what the [ __ ] ah nice vini all you have to do is remove sink well right at the end there no I got it good if I solved it i chiseled it Vinnie you're gonna hate the solution and I'm pretty sure it never comes up again oh boy my favorite kind of level Rock the Bob Rock the Bob Shareef the locket you have to set up you have to set up so rock becomes two things at the same time what the [ __ ] does that mean so this is correct right no okay all right you got to do both at the same time I don't know how to do that though what do you mean setup yeah my brain is not good it's bad brain I have a bad brain set it up so Rock is Baba and rock is key happen at the same time come on come on you guys told me that was gonna happen and I still didn't believe that it was gonna happen [Music] let's touches yes yaks group one second I'm okay my brain is just imploding I need to get drink Oh what did I get Gatorade I just happen to have a Gatorade what color Wow what there's a lot of people curious about what color seems like a very mundane topic of discussion but here I'll tell you water sugar dextrose citric acid modified food starch neutral flavor sorry natural flavor red forty there's 40 red in it neutral flavor Oh Nick can Nick I gotta show that that image you sent me Nick sent me something that someone he knows found in New York City this was just there in New York City just on the street somewhere where the [ __ ] is this who did this here's my brain right now this is my brain [Music] [ __ ] hell alright so you know [ __ ] inside home this [ __ ] right wall is belt Oh today was gonna be the day was gonna be the day that was gonna be the date today I don't know what to do here this is another confusing confounding one make belt right stack the rock in line move closer [Music] Vinnie good puzzle now solved my sadness oh well hey can you solve my [ __ ] anxiety my favorite advice has a ever as always and continues to be just be happy for head Vinnie we lost 35 viewers by saying that I'll get them back the true High King so what judges said it pisses me off that not once have you ever shown a single anime image I've got this and this but you're right I mean well not once I mean there's maybe several times what if buck is shift and belt is push and then belt this bug and then bug is gross buck-buck is bug eat dick wait a minute again another really [ __ ] obtuse solution if that's the case you got to put them on the same square on this Cuvier for me if you go to the palms clear with me bye-bye swap welcome to Criss Angel's mind japes so like text so like text is swap and pull oh god okay yeah yeah Wow well this game makes me want to die so we're gonna have to take a moment all life is a series of moments Murph I mean woody would it would it Harrelson now would you say we would have here up some Baba is empty just like me sorry never do a Smashing Pumpkins impression ever again where is it where is that part there it is there you go mute that [ __ ] bod now they'll definitely mute it Billy Corgan himself is going to mute the [ __ ] baud I heard you been I heard you I'll give you the old steam punk Willy is that a wrestling move he does wrestling now mate mate Oh Oh someone in chat you said my brain over here is nearly completely fried oh well I'm expecting much more [ __ ] than we've seen already nope now this this one is [ __ ] me right up god I don't know Kiki needs to be on top of me what the word me or the actual like character me you need to use me as a moving bridge to what I don't understand sorry this is it's 3:00 a.m. this game is hurting my brain more than usual even 20 yeah Kiki and me must both oh god [ __ ] this level so hard I can't believe I put nearly 10 hours into this game and I'm still not sick of it and I don't really know how much of it I'm gonna be able to do before I die or before my brain melts into some kind of bottleneck of whipped cream and tapioca as Colin Mochrie would say tapioca I got to appeal to my sixty five-plus geriatric audience but why don't we go to the nice flower garden and then we can we can go to Mordor got all this stuff here Oh for [ __ ] sake he didn't baba an ice key is pushed let me work backwards Baba is melt ice and water and key is open and Kiki on key is hedge [Music] well oh my god ah ah ice on god damn it how did oh I just reminded myself somehow this reminded me for some reason I had a dream that I crossed some kind of bridge and kiss was playing in a Mexican restaurant it sounds like a Family Guy joke oh my god Lois kiss was playing oh I hope I haven't [ __ ] this puzzle but nice nice what a [ __ ] level [Music] the brain hurt levels are just maximum I I just I'm astounded at the solution of this one unbelievable unbelievable [Music] well mate mate that's that's how you do it I think that's how you do it [Music] why you not win that's me [Music] [Laughter] this [ __ ] game fruit because we got fruit for the first time produce fruit [Music] was that gonna do what am i doing I don't even think I did anything useful when week let me try that again I don't know I'm just trying some [ __ ] try to build like a factory so that the skull activates the thing you see no didn't if this works well nope ice and flag is defeat get behind ice on flag once hand on belt moves Isis defeat why this one [ __ ] sucks I hate this one so much you have the right idea you just need to fix the belts not I hate this level so much how like even when I was Baba making belts they weren't turning properly like they don't you know what I mean like they don't go into they don't turn Khanh top part is down left left up right down no it's fun no this level is making me not want to play this game anymore hmm fire on kiki is defeat but Baba is melt and lava is hot he is Baba is kiki is you [ __ ] the [ __ ] man but but also Baba is you I'm like there's death happening every second here Vinny this is stupid and I hate it and you shouldn't do it almost every recent level someone has said something like that so this is I'm doing basically what I think needs to happen which is to say that rock needs to swap text on to me let's try that I hate it [Music] what's happening what's happening God Jesus ah make a big column push key key is win alright sure I get I've given up on this puzzle anyway so let me try key key is when my not that would be nice if the developers realize that this level was garbage and they just [Music] oh my god that was my favorite moment in this game he is word word means the object and also acts as the word [ __ ] oh my god wait so Baba is word that's [ __ ] crazy hmm so water is no longer push and then water is push God [ __ ] Oh dumbass nope don't be [ __ ] Vinny hang on a minute don't be [ __ ] Vinny solved this may be defined the word is okay brain where were we a moment ago I can put this is down there and then water is word I see I see see please no no this game is a jape this game just wants me to be miserable until until I solve the puzzle and then I feel good visiting Baba cut what is all this [ __ ] me is you I don't like that [ __ ] disassociating all all as you I am you Sean I'm your father all as you as you mi and me is you and we are all together don't you get it Sean security can you escort this guy out of here please all is you that Beatle lyrics do you get it but all is empty I can do a cross hand his hand hand won't disappear hope because someone just wrote brain blast brain blast finally happened a rock is more [Music] Baba is more wait listen even if this doesn't work it's gonna be it's gonna be entertaining his [ __ ] mama it's you and more in a vat of math and magic you lose time within yourself mr. woods is this true looking for a heart me too let me drink that fizzy black cherry drink I got ye and then wonder why I have chest palpitations love is all you need I wrote that song totally out in the [ __ ] mind it's a nice sentiment John but what does it mean really I mean you need foodie [Music] Jesus Brock is rock all is Baba what is that what is that gonna do where the [ __ ] did Baba go glitch or was I just did I blind did I rely okay that was a genuine hyper blind totally blinded that I thought Papa this [ __ ] peered star is more [ __ ] level is move can we not fragile existence level is weak wait a minute [ __ ] is this gonna do but it just turned the level into a key on the world map [Music] what is going to what there's a whole island down here okay well text is hide or bonus secrets on secrets on secrets how the [ __ ] is there that much of this game so I got the bonus but that was amazing so I need some level is flag [Music] excuse me excuse me what glitch welcome wall camo lovest love is real shot yeah you know John I don't I don't understand your lyrics man it's just too [ __ ] weird love is love love is flag Baba is love I had a dream Paul there was a little sheep is pushing words around my Paul impression is just the [ __ ] France and heaping pile of [ __ ] [Music] welcome it's you know what they say no fly it doesn't just have to be horizontal J okay I would have yeah I would have been still slamming my head against the wall on that one hedges stop and not you and not push and head what not lonely flag is wind son what baba is not you do not baba is not you so baba is oh god I'm babbling again I'm babbling I don't I don't know rock is not rock is not push not rock is not push the [ __ ] am i doing what what not rock not is you don't really know what this stuff is going to accomplish okay I mean obviously oh boy oh [ __ ] alright beetle is ship oh god there's so many parameters here me is Kiki so that you can make me Kiki push is what is that words skull on me is weak that's not accomplishing anything Scout are scold me Kiki skully is a sea UFO molder that's a cat [Music] what the [ __ ] am i doing do me a skull and then do bug as me then drag the skull that came from me to the me that came from the bug I know you mean well but listen to what I'm saying out loud do me as skull and do bug as me then drag the skull that came from the me to the me that came from the bug then do skull is Kiki without context these are the ramblings of um I I don't know but what thinking Kiki skull is once you turn Kiki into me remove the lower is as me moves on to the Scott walk I hate this level so much God do I hate this level then you just follow the video and be done with it I am very tempted to do this push me with skull and push again with every timing oh yeah I gotcha with every timing every informations you need [Music] oh well I feel like a [ __ ] dumbass Vinny I'm dumbfounded explain what you did can't I've had every time I had to get every timing you can put a rock next to Kiki is stop and then pushed up onto it and then use it to push Kiki is left yep no thanks did you know that tic-tac makes gum you know that I tried it and it's not a tic-tac it's just gum oh my god lowest sometimes you're in a hotel room and the only thing that's on TV is Family Guy and then you watch quagmire [ __ ] himself out well Peter pimps him someone just wrote in chat Peter is epic [Music] whoa whoa whoa oh whoa call the cops do this one basically follow a walkthrough have someone who's done it tell you how or skip you have to stop existing for a short time just why fYI that would be you know I mean that's just one of those things that I wish could happen every now and then I mean sleep is close enough what happens isn't that what happens when you use a transporter the transporter and Star Trek does kill you yes it kills your previous body and then it uploads your consciousness into a clone a perfect clone yeah everyone's okay with that except reg Barclay mr. broccoli level is sync and Baba well maybe it'll work I don't know let's try yep it worked thank and thank god it did [Music] okay that's a little easier than I thought it would be depths what this is level this is a level select that is made of objects in a level ah Vinny this is where it gets really complicated yeah I don't have galaxy brain for this don't even have a solar system brain I can't I can't do it someone just said in chat this game needs to chill I kind of agree with that half of this game should have been free DLC it would have been that makes no sense but you know what I mean I'm just I'm just being a dumbass or we need to be smarter yeah I don't even think we're ready for um we weren't even ready for the internet how are we ready for Baba picked X they're not it's not gum they're they're saying it's gum but they're saying it's also tic-tac and it's like no a tic-tac is a very specific thing this is a hill I will be dying on a tic-tac is a mint which if it's orange you just eat it like it's candy but you know if you're gonna say it's tic-tac gum just call it gum just say it's gone don't call it tic-tac gum you're just that's I don't the [ __ ] I'm talking about if you want truth if you want honesty I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about currently proof not the hard wad tic-tac is mint and tic-tac is mint is not gum right and is not gum that is what it would be yes exercise halt oh god what I don't like it I don't like it just gonna turn my head sideways that's fine thanks Bob why is you skull facing Kiki his move oh god I thought I don't have the capacity for this game anymore I love when I start a level and people are like Oh have fun with this oh boy this one ah [Music] the challenge is getting level is text right okay belt is text [Music] felt good now I have extra belt thoughts jet I'll take your suggestions if you got them turn off the game game is off level is quit try giving up you already [ __ ] it this level is extremely particular III don't know if I can do this anymore yeah I don't know game is too hard just when I thought I was done with this game it throws like so many more levels at me there's still three other worlds understand how there's that many [ __ ] dude I'm torn on my opinion of this game at the end because on one hand this is one of the best puzzle games I've ever played and on the other hand I'm just like please stop please orbit is bonus but orb is weak [Music] I don't know maybe I'll come back to this game someday I'm not sure it's cool it's more than cool I recommend it I genuinely recommended despite the things that I've said about later on I loved it [Music]
Channel: Mental Desolation
Views: 302,946
Rating: 4.9601374 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, fullsauce, vinny, stream, highlights, compilation, edit, fan edit, baba is you, baba, you, puzzle
Id: eJIxMtE6OeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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