Gremlins! - Hutts Streams StS Downfall Mod

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what is up youtube we are back and uh we're gonna be playing the gremlins we haven't played this one yet i mean we tried it technically chaotic mob of spired denizens banded together and searched for food and treasure mob leader staff at the start of each combat gain energy draw one card and swap the next gremlin let's go name title change i'm on it new character gremlins switch over to play the spire all right we're this chunky dude enemies in your next three combats flee in terror or all gremlins get plus max hp one plus one um i don't know how much uh hp they normal oh 16. that's not a lot not a lot let's go flee and tear though like neo's lamenter hearts malice pretty okay um ads look kind of [ __ ] not gonna lie go risky with it what are cards gremlin dance deals 6 damage is a bonus effect based on which ground line you are it's not upgraded deals nine damage tag teams swap to a living gremlin of your choice or we could retain that card five to eight six to nine two gremlin dance so we got this lineup of uh gremlins i'm not sure if we're able to add on to that or what whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy game two temporary hp echo that's really ta-da and costly echo of a random skill to your hand it costs one less swap two gremlin wizard that goes are copies of cards with ethereal and exhaust counter strike deal eight damage if the enemy intends to attack at two wards three blocked exhaust sounds pretty good remove one card [Music] strike [Music] irritability gain six block gain three temporary thorns swap two mad gremlin that's one that gains attack when he is attacked dagger dance deal three damage to all enemies two times we had a strength build that'd be good you know that could be good though given the fact that some of these guys just gained strength like the bad gremlin still 20 damage that the enemy intends to attack do five damage otherwise retaliation let's try digger dance all right that's it for our hearts malice flop to the next gremlin fetch a basic card from your draw pile it costs zero target wounds deal three additional damage to weakened enemies before damage if the enemy is weak remove a stack to add two shivs am i supposed to be applying week hey look at my gremlins [Music] maybe one of my gremlin supplies week it's a legendary card i guess we'll try to go for a week build how do i look at my dudes i want to look at them [Music] oh well damaged three times 10 damage the enemy intends to attack at two upgraded wards sounds pretty good i heard gremlin you want me that's pretty welcome all right first fight elite mad gremlins up we just gonna go at it i don't know about this we could try to get target wounds out first but that gremlin applies weak whenever you play an attack apply one week to all targets do we want a tag team to fat maybe week week week set up that good week build if the enemy intends to attack add boards spill nice dropping chips everywhere or form [Music] yeah we need to get those target wounds out what happens when one of my guys dies [Music] what then [Music] just do dagger dance what's one whiz what does whiz do [Music] [Music] peg themed uh bad boy [Music] i almost finished him but not really [Music] the only temporary strength to this guy which kind of sucks but dagger dance is what we wanted to see there strange combat with additional energy that's good [Music] deal seven damage gain one whiz whiz when you have at least three stacks of whiz attacks will consume all stacks deal 10 additional damage polish i thought that said polish chips deal two additional damage awards grant two additional block they don't really have a ship built still six damage whenever you gain block this turn target enemy loses eight three hp we do have words though we can go for a shiv war build see what happens that gremlin plus you would be awesome presto maybe um i'm gonna go polish let me give it a shot heal every gremlin for thirty percent oh it's a smith something what would that look like this could be good target wounds now that we have the ability to weaken every enemy with fat gremlin i'm gonna rest though had two wards do one damage irksome blow is affected by strength four times before damage for each stack of weakened [Music] counter strike again omen seems really good and we did not skip our shop we get to do it now um i really want my fat gremlin to be in front kremlin dance with all that damage coming in actually it would be pretty smart to put mad gremlin up in front whenever you play a skill gain one whiz could we play a skill before we maybe tag team will count actually oh it counts well mad gremlin will go polish counter-strike counter-strike for some really good wards 20 damage baby lock on it actually just saved that one [ __ ] that cool plus 10 temporary strength you're kidding me it gave me all defend cards their temper ah would have given me dagger dance it'd be over that's the most [ __ ] i think i've ever seen in my life it shuffled my entire deck gave me 100 defend cards i don't think i've seen more [ __ ] ever possibly ever [Music] there's my dagger dance you little [ __ ] [Music] i'm done i'm out that's such [ __ ] [Music] what happens if you kill him says judy um dies gives me a ton of souls like right there it's stole souls from me seven damage to the enemy has a debuff gained two temporary hp early blow four damage for a stack of weakened it's just it's too costly the 20 damage that the enemy intends to attack do five otherwise started to combat with three thorns the start of your turn add a ward to your hand well we do have a kind of a ward build don't we rip panache gained five temporary hp swap to fat gremlin i like that too i might do that one clockwork souvenir is also just chef's kiss but i i got robbed so i'm five short it's bandits without the gold yeah i'm gonna go infinite block bulk up but we want to weaken them and we want to get shivs maybe [Music] get that out there that out there warn up let's switch over to fatty mcfat boy he's the best boy infinite block is good such a little hp we need to block like a lot additional damage to weakened enemies [Music] guess he's gonna escape or jump on it that gremlin oh who could i switch to right now to get this done with maybe sneak gremlin wizard i don't know if you get two whiz for dagger dance if he does then it would work let's try it you got zero whiz whenever you play a skill gain whiz got it skill skill he's dead didn't matter leon's shadow 15 months dad i can i drive the buttsmobile yet only if you have a certified butt in this in the butt car with you draw four cards discard all cards drawn this way that are not attack swap to sneaky gremlin cat scratch that's yeah with that i'll credit card what are you looking at an eight probably should do that one [Music] it's a tough one just woke up and he loses to strength maybe i kind of i don't want to target this guy though he'll be fine 18 damage coming in wards grant more block go award place telling you 15 damage coming in perfect ward more like jd powered associates award for safest card shut up [Music] um i'm probably gonna have to kind of write this guy [Music] ward more like surfboard [Music] yeah we could do that and that nice i should have not used one of them probably should have saved it we're doing extra damage you guys okay so here's what's going on let's take cat scratch for example we have the target wounds deal three additional damage to weakened enemies so deal two damage three times when they're weakened we're obviously dealing five damage three times we're crushing it with that specifically with the fat gremlin that automatically applies weak when he attacks anybody which is why we grab this sweat swap the fat gremlin bulk up card duh we also have really strong warts he's like already out you can't pull over you've already pulled over awakening also makes them do less damage this is true [Music] finish the other guy there we go nice nice nice that gremlin suffocates the enemies with his thick ass thighs actually does tiny little legs for additional damage look at that gain strength we need the strength shadow shiv whenever you play an attack that doesn't exhaust add a shiv into your hand that's so expensive [Music] do one damage draw a card that would be up to four damage with our ability if they're weakened whenever you draw this card add an echo of it to your hand and prick sounds pretty good man if we had gotten um panache then prick would be real good shortstack gremlin [Music] fat gremlin how come he has a thigh gap i'm thinking shadow shift surprisingly hopefully get something that gives us energy yeah see this is the problem we're gonna get one shot right here what we're gonna do is counter attack ward it [ __ ] [Music] my tag team am i gonna keep my block i don't know if i keep my block if i switch to a different person i don't know anyone here know who has experience of this mod i would assume not says judy but if i apply a power that does apply per enemy yes i think nobody else wants to chime in do it for science you can save and exit how much damage does it need to get to its mid needs to get down to 33 32 i can't do 10 damage normally i'd be against saves coming [Music] would i'd rather be [Music] that gremlin all the way does have the block [Music] oh [Laughter] don't really need a counter strike right now don't really need to block because we're gonna get it to 32. excuse it anyways it wasn't attacking right that's right [Music] that out for sure oh yeah don't you know that's a good one for not spending these wards they're going to actually end up piling up on us something good that we could do is maybe switch over to gremlin wizard or shield gremlin and these are free skills to pop to gain whiz or block cinder breath sexy tier 2 55 months what's up welcome back appreciate that stacy spice also stopping for 48. that is kind of nutter butter bro forget about that i need a ball cup no am i going to bulk up [Music] you're done pairing a bottle that's nice to have another polish or more shiv and ward stuff yo five damage if the enemy is a weak apply too vulnerable [Music] what are we gonna do when our fat gremlin dies quit probably just end up quitting [Music] look at that so fat so good can't really i can't i can't pull off shadow shift we gotta upgrade it of course i wanna gear ya on my next fire of course we don't get very many fires [Music] if the enemy has a debuff gain two temp hp add two words to your hand swap to shields gremlin awards are pretty good if i could put uh retain on that one i think i would maybe keep it but it's just sneaky starting with uh what's her face the watcher nine damage coming in upgrade our awards guarantee wards into wiz we get the wards even if they're like attacking like the special wallops yeah we can the damage what game is this i just got back from playing some monster train for the first time awesome this is say the spire it's a great game i highly recommend it we're not doing uh um ascension so i would assume that we can lose people and still be okay i'm gonna go shadow shiv here target wounds is also really good but [Music] another shadow shiv one artifact every seven attacks that's really interesting [Music] let's do it also do this and i want you to shadow shiv and then i want you to shadow shiv and then i want you to ward and then i want you to tag team the mcfatty boy who's this hero and savior of the entire town [Music] he's the best um he's the best [Music] not attacking [Music] let's put the heat on still get that weak and then get that vulnerability in oh this shiv's that's right oh you're applying more weaknesses to the shivs ooh that's good i'm gonna use that so we don't get overloaded with them [Music] how's my favorite youtuber doing i don't know why did you ask him uh attack mode 25 damage [Music] 25 damage weekends you say did i [ __ ] that up how did how did that work well goodbye fat gremlin it's been nice knowing ya psych you're gonna win daddy add two words to your hand and draw two cards that's pretty good deal six damage at a shiv to your hand for each card played this turn that's pretty good make two echoes an attack in your hand they cost one less hmm very dust a free fairy dust he's gonna go free fairy dust the end of your turn you no longer discard your hand double the effectiveness of potions or snekko eye [Music] maybe the pyramid maybe the bark these are this is all trash this is probably the worst relic round i've ever seen there's mods to this game i didn't even realize there's tons of mods [Music] we'll try pyramid we no longer get rid of the stuff in our hands that could be really good for things like wards and ships if we don't feel like spending them we could pile up three defense cards or for example switch to a character like the wiz the wizard that gains whiz for skills or the block guy that gains block for skills and pile them up that way i want to hit as many fires as possible i feel like because i really have some cards that need some upgrading [Music] i'm gonna head down this path here [Music] or i could bank it up this way two elites i'm gonna go with the question marks let's upgrade shadow shift steal six card now let's just play it dagger dance i wouldn't mind getting another dagger dance gremlin dance is also pretty good shadow shiv counter strike was good why do i do these things that's mind blast upgraded i don't even know if i want a second mind blast to be honest or a first uh of a two cost mind blast is what i'm trying to say i don't this official update you know at some point in time it doesn't matter if it's an official update or not imo shadow ship me target wound me gonna go target one instead of anything like block and i'm gonna bulk up look at that glorious bastard already chewed through the block you'll be doing though infinite block now it's only one attack round but no get rid of these awards so we have space for more cards drawn once again the pyramid makes it so that we never discard our hand only one more attack round shadow shiv again [Music] there's not enough space for more cards this is the problem [Music] that's pretty good though [Music] look at that i get anything for swapping to character no i don't think so cat scratch i like it with what we got going on what i'm gonna buy whenever you draw a tag team draw another card upon pickup add two copies of tag team to your deck that's the one that allows me to swap for free to other gremlins sexy asparagus thank you for the 25 months welcome back no clue what's going on raphael i'm just reading the cards and doing what they say double your strength you know i wish we had more like perma strength we will once we have the gyria thing if we get to the point where we can do that seven attacks one artifact sounds pretty good study the spire is costly if the enemy is weak remove a stack to add two shivs to your hand pour salt yes and i'm going to remove a defend card i'm gonna get all ballsy with it uh a second shop yeah why not what's swapping from fat gremlin though little lion thanks for five months how's your day been good good good good good good pretty good though let's come out of the gates swinging i'm gonna bulk up fatty fat boy gremlin hero of the town you've probably heard of him it's got vulnerability immediately additional damage warn it up [Music] 15 weekends not the best [Music] shadow shiv [Music] look i got a shadow ship but maybe not let's get a cat scratch or salts [Music] so the damage is stacking up on the shopkeeper by the way we pick up from where we left off if you didn't follow that [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no any more camping trips plans no but there is talk of a road trip to the pacific northwest of the us [Music] the three damage reached card played this turn that sounds really good with shivs and warts [Music] so does makeshift armor let's try the makeshift armor that sounds really really good every time you play seven attacks not even in one turn just seven attacks period you gain one artifact artifacts can be game changers [Music] don't have enough to probably get anything here for apply one week if the enemy has three or more weak gain 10 block i wish i could do poor salt again [Music] that's pretty good yeah it is except for the fact that we have so many cards we already have enough block i think i'm gonna say no to it we have all these awards we're doing award and shiv build let's not mix and match this is the mod where we play as the bosses yes but this is a new one it's not exactly a boss what are we gonna do i just don't bulk up of course i know what i'm gonna do you think i'm insane get that weak on a man there it is that's good this guy hits really freaking hard so getting that week out is gonna be good shadow shiv if we don't start with shadow shiv we're probably not going to be shadow shipping let's just be honest only three blocks shoot we got this guy wait is that normal just three it is because we haven't upgraded him with polish would you buy a plushie of all the gremlins like you did with the isaac plushies sis pavoda and this can i say no i'd buy a slightest fire plushie i'm gonna go polish sword counter counter [Music] finish it or salt isa i do want to smith my fairy dust said the spire needs merch it hasn't happened by now it's three skills deal five damage to all enemies i like it ritual dagger all gremlins lose 2 hp 15 damage if fatal increase it yeah it's really good there's smith shadow shiv soundtrack would bite on vinyl [Music] gain 100 souls or remove a card punch him really all right crumples in a single blow falling into a pile of mangled blue flesh you absorb its soul wow hefty punch he'll five or choose one of twenty cards choose card six damage at one shiv [Music] do one damage at two wards reduce the cost of all attacks in your hand to zero that could be really good paired up with my runic pyramid trying to see what it was upgraded i can't at a random assortment of two shivs and wards to your hands costs one less energy for every two strength go five damage three times not a fan of card games says pavoda a lot of roguelikes or card games i didn't think i'd be a fan of them either but here i am i'm thinking gremlin arms or glimmer i'm gonna go with gremlin arms [Music] see if that's what it is free or upgraded i mean three ships okay one last smith no never mind at this point i'm gonna lift in strength plus one strength means plus one attack power and everything [Music] hmm [Music] don't see much option here other than dying [Music] guess we're gonna die bitty bitty [Music] wizard's dead oh that used my potion i didn't know i was gonna use my potion to save one freaking guy well frick [Music] shadow shiv [Music] these guys gonna they're gonna run i'm not exactly sure what i'm supposed to be doing here [Music] 13 damage four times that's some serious whiz that boy's whizzing [Music] he saved himself and we're gonna upgrade our original dagger wow i'm gonna pin the prick that's pretty pretty good with our strength plus and our extra damage on weakened enemies not intrusive too you gain a card you draw [Music] additional damage to weakened enemies infinite blocks two wards two cards exhaust probably should [Music] save the counter strikes [Music] [ __ ] up go get your bulk on [Music] he's so good guys i'm getting dead god achievement good luck in your run thanks so tap sleep well we have the bonus attack on weakened yeah three additional damage on weakened enemies so this is not three damage four times it's six damage four times it's good finish let's them them with a normal strike i stretch this mo get rid of one of these awards we're overloaded with cards is this game hard uh yes game is incredibly hard you have to figure out everything what you're doing like you're probably gonna have like a 98 death ratio the first couple times you play it because you don't know all of the builds and um all the attacks but it's good i really like games that like legitimately reward you for playing smart i don't think it's that bad well me neither right now at this point in my career mean it's easy no difficult but not that much i just disagree i think it's an incredibly difficult game [Music] more poor salt [Music] gotta do it [Music] in the very beginning it's hard in the beginning it's very hard [Music] yeah that's what i think [Music] this enemies too tough in my opinion like very much so too tough [Music] so long gremlin i got nothing to save you [Music] that was a waste of my dagger gonna polish first my bad [Music] we've got the last two jacob unlocks this child yep most certainly did we go shadow shiv bulk no tag team save the energy cat scratch them [Music] the must finish give [ __ ] [ __ ] finish it fairy dust is is is so good couple two upgraded pin pricks into your draw pile [Music] free fairy dust is hard to beat [Music] but card draw isn't necessarily what's going to get us through here is it 50 bucks from chubb oh my god class is on for you thank you so much that's so generous of you we're also going to lose another gremlin immediately there is zero block which is just cool [Music] oh [ __ ] even the wiz yeah we lost two gremlins that's fair not the shadow shiv [Music] leave it up to fat gremlin his feet as well fungus among us yeah this is the one that spawns the mushrooms one of the yellow mushrooms neo's blessing boss has increased max hp no starter relic draws two less cards and has one less eight or one less energy [Music] let me stop using up my poor salts see that this is going to be really tough five damage to all enemies heal hp equal to unblocked damage i think it also targets the mushrooms when it reaps [Music] if i'm not mistaken [Music] i can't switch to my fat gremlin yet my hand is full all right another fairy dust i'll save it i see it did he did attack the puffball 17 damage coming in really oh really is that crazy to switch to my fat gremlin right now first things first board sport [Music] we tag team [Music] we could weaken them we could weaken them 24 damage coming in let's do that tag team the fatty boy supreme attack him weaken him vulnerable there we go there we go [Music] that gremlins up let's go [Music] wheel kick i wanna love the mushroom says judy [Music] i think mush is uber cutesies cutest disease get him fat gremlin [Music] any energy deal seven damage put a car from your driveway above up and gain 12 block and now it's gonna gain four thorns all right we'll have to pay attention to that what do we need right now shivs max damage now where is my polish i need that now [Music] shift shift shift shift shift shift shift counter strike shiv ward look at him go [Music] so good okay it's got flame barrier aka for thorn so we don't really want to attack it's not attacking us shadow ship god dang it couldn't you just have pulled polish you'd pin prick you're one of one of these defenses in here [Music] 24 damage coming in plus seven plus whatever the hell these things are doing [Music] could we defeat him right here right now it is quite possible that this might happen [Music] oh yeah uh target ones would be really good too encore gain three whiz whenever you consume whiz deal five damage to all enemies we're not really whizzing hard enough i don't think i'm gonna go target wounds another shadow shift is just too expensive i think for our build tiny boulder is actually really good we're gonna go kirsty open up a chest gain a curse [Music] but for energy now should help us maintain our amount of cards [Music] [Music] i'm not seeing a path i really like [Music] i do see a double shop i wouldn't mind trying to kill the shop guy before the end actually at the triple shop shop shop shop and we have three fires potentially two elites and another fire okay let's let's do that one let's do [Music] that we're gonna lift what do we just pick up target once we could go to five get upgrade our fairy dust i'm gonna lift [Music] we did not revive all of our gremlins that is shocking to me [Music] lit up we don't have an ability to make block right now we have five temporary hp but i'm gonna end up off in my fat gremlin but i do need to weaken them probably is the best place still this is going to be great and totally fine until it's not great or fine [Music] bum oh you guys [Music] let's go [Music] add a gremlin offensive to your hand what does that even mean oh it's the same thing um [Music] i don't like any of this oh we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him duh we got em easy [Music] if i could pull off heckle it'd be really good because every time i attack them they uh take they get weakened and i get to temporary hp but it's so costly and i don't know about that yeah i can't lose hp can't afford it [Music] it's a boss card though holy [ __ ] oh these kinds of boss cards one strength for every 12th card that you play strength is just like so good so is this remove all enemy block apply three weak and vulnerable to all what is this damage to all enemies at the start of your next turn lose one [Music] energy which one chat [Music] chrono or beam [Music] prana is really good on gremlins especially with shadow shiv well i have the energy to play it is the real question here [Music] plays it [Music] 9 11 and 10 damage coming in [Music] ward my friend [Music] [Music] [Music] 30 damage coming in did i make a mistake [Music] i might have [Music] might have made a mistake [Music] when you attack it will go down and not by enough okay 25 block that's pretty good make some moves here [Music] shadow ship going to be that move [Music] fault and strike call me crazy but i need to counter one of these guys ford ward then pour salt ship that guy i might actually be able to kill him with awards no i can't make any more awards [Music] hmm i should be able to toe stub [Music] pour salt get both these guys now we're blocking everything [Music] in prick ritual dagger go so the shopkeeper i'm gonna live through this [Music] might be best to be the shield gremlin first but bulk up damn it [Music] gotta go that's not what i wanted to see [Music] only taking two damage because we have five temp health [Music] that'll strike now eight health left on our uh our dude that we need [Music] this bro [Music] i think that vulnerability thing [Music] ah i'm gonna run now and i don't have like anything to hit him with [Music] strike them and then ritual dagger and that's all i can do that's all i can do is dead [Music] oh go shadow shiv deal five damage add one upgraded ship to your hand for each stack whiz no i don't have stacks of whiz or salt i have enough i'm overloading myself i'm putting myself at risk here vajra start each combat with plus one strength happy flower pretty good six block could be meaningful whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy they take five damage that sounds amazing with our build boss awakened one gain one strength when you would die heal 20 hp that could be good but it's costly we'd put our fat boy up at max health you have the mage that has plus one whiz i know but we're not using it the mage because everything else is way better why we don't have it i mean we're not using it [Music] he's dead i might just uh remove one of my strikes and go fans 57 what's up thank you for [Music] that heal up attack cards sound great but finally we got our curse what is it lose hp equal to the number of cards in your hand it's over game's over actually because uh we have like 10 health and we have the pyramid which means we're gonna have like 30 cards in our hand at any given time run is actually over wait shop i can remove it for 125 and we have 126 or is it 150 don't you [ __ ] me around 125. [Music] wow the luck that's pretty good [Music] runs back on meets back on the menu boys [Music] he's not doing anything so i should probably go ahead and shadow shiv my hand is full my back hurts [Music] pretty it's time to bulk up oh i think it's time to bulk up now what do we do we hit them hard [Music] make them vulnerable [Music] totally could keep the ships we'll get more ships keep this yeah [Music] yep that's the one [Music] option look at all them ships look at all those chickens upgrades plus defense yeah sure bill 6 damage ship to your hand for each card played this turn plus one less for every two strength you have deal five damage three times we're starting off with three strength two here one here this costs two five damage three times worth it [Music] shift per card counts shivs and wards [Music] i'm just i'm worried about not having enough block new character just a mod it's a mod [Music] it costs one since you have four strength right two here one here [Music] here it would essentially be a 24 free damage my votes on volley do you think we have got enough block cards though you get shivs for using shivs no shadow should be read it there [Music] whenever you play an attack that does not exhaust oh volley folly i think i just feel like skipping like skipping we have very few block cards in our deck and we're [Music] gonna get to the point where we won't be able to block ever am i gonna do double fire here through this uh super elite [Music] maybe [Music] strange spoon rip [Music] i can't afford anything except for dagger dance [Music] hey block five temporary thorns swapped a mad gremlin do we even have a mad gremlin [Music] let's get a block card though uh are people coming back we do have a mad gremlin now oh it must be per fire that i arrest at we get plus one gremlin all right i suppose i'm in then [Music] gang's all here shadow shiv or chrono as well [Music] baby spanish [Music] [Music] spanish [Music] double shiv there we go [Music] pop the ritual dagger i might oh that exhaust i was like where's my shiv dog i never understood what slow effect was this little bass little bass little bass little bass uh slope whenever you play a card giant head receives 10 more damage from attacks so if i use two cards it receives 20 more damage three cards it receives 30 more damage so you want to save your attacks to the end [Music] we got a lot of good stuff i want to use here we got a lot of damage coming in flop to mad gremlin i don't really want to do that right now not yet see not two but 20 receives 20 more damage if you never understood it did you ever re it says it right there [Music] you're like ah [ __ ] i never read it this is really good [Music] well no wonder silly [Music] that's kind of op it is it's really good 60 more damage now [Music] yes to that whenever you apply debuff they they take five damage this guy applies a debuff every time he hits him shadow shiv [Music] hell i can't say no to it rocket widget 13 months another month of huts keep it going thank you thank you thank you appreciate it i was 19 damage 19 damage and an extra 5 damage [Music] 22 damage plus 5 27 damage 28 damage 30 damage 32 damage slow is really good [Music] steal one's strength [Music] we were to upgrade something what would we upgrade try this fairy dust or lift take stone skip to any non-boss room [Music] before you as a welcome sight in one of the living walls of the beyond is an enclosed stone entrance filled with a swirling magical portal this portal allows you to quick access the beyond overlord however if you take the stone that powers it your journey to the spire would be hastened i don't understand where it's taking me anywhere like i can go backwards what's the challenge with this mod uh you have multiple dudes that have very very very low health [Music] to any number of rooms the next time you move but cannot move into a boss room [Music] what does that mean get back here what am i doing [Music] may skip any number of rooms oh skip them like i can like oh oh not skip two skip over you skip over [Music] literally the only time i couldn't have used that this guy if we hurt him he does less damage [Music] but what are we going to do infinite block polish [Music] stop that and prick may shift armor [Music] we need to get our fat gremlin out faster [Music] we need to get fatter faster [Music] faster enemy's not weak dang it that's pretty good would you just let me get my fat boy out come on look at him in the back he's like i can't do anything back here grabbing his head panic [Music] am i really gonna go shadow shiv twice here i'm thinking it i'm thinking that's a yes [Music] yeah it's it's the yes well yeah oh take team there we go my bad i didn't even see that hey team thanks boyd didn't even didn't even see [Music] it [Music] what do we want to do here vulnerable or some salt on me it'd be smart i mean it would be really fun for us to try to go for an ultimate victory and try to kill this boy off very rare but instead i think i'm just going to go ahead and uh stand my turn play it safe [Music] oh boy is getting a host is it one that he disappears at [Music] dies this turn fading okay then we'll go ham so 100 ham we'll do all the ham [Music] yeah we got him down to 337 that's pretty good ham is gross as judy liquid memories choose a card in your discard pile return to your hand it costs zero this turn [Music] i'm locking that i'm really liking that get rid of explosive oh [Music] holiday sneko okay we got the poison stuff going on here i have poison resistance at the end of my turn i uh i turn any unspent energy to remove 10 poison this guy start of each combat apply four poison to all enemies sneko skull whenever you apply poison apply one additional poison noxious fumes supply three poison which of course is gonna be four apply eight poison apply five poison so it's poison poison poison poison boom boom boom don't worry call the car axe man [Music] it's in chrono against strength let's get some infinite block how much poison damage we're gonna take for crazy strong with uh with gremlins tag team let's go get him up and out is that a waste of counter-strike it might be fairy dust fell waste of fairy dust it might be maybe not [Music] i can't take four damage so i actually have to stop now a 13 poison coming in now so i want to stop at two energy 10 block three damage one week that's three damage coming in and they're getting three dexterity as well so instead of these deflect cards doing seven blocks they'll be doing 10 block for free shadow shiv give me some of these awards thin prick [Music] i wonder if artifact would stop poison i think it does let me be mia might be a hard counter what i'm trying to say [Music] three poison [Music] do dexterity more and dodge and roll twice seven fourteen block now fourteen block next turn [Music] [Music] i'm going to cat scrap make some space for poor salt ship ship ship ship just gains one artifact that should block the next time that they try to poison me probably the noxious fumes will stop it yeah i blocked it fly three poison to a random enemy three times and then double it [Music] shadow shift target wounds might be a good time to just stock up on that [Music] probably should have blessing the uh blessing of the forge on that so we're not gonna be able to do basically anything next turn because we're gonna have so much poison it's gonna be insane [Music] and also it's it's pro they're probably gonna hurt me like really hard they're [ __ ] hit really hard but we can get tag team back if we need it to switch to a different gremlin to have them die instead that's what we'll end up doing [Music] one more card i'll gain one strength five more cards to gain one more artifact though i don't know what to do let me get rid of some of these cards yeah dirty poison dirty portion there's six energy coming in though i think we got active war there if you don't play any attack cards gain additional energy we had happy flower proc there gain one energy it's something else proc no those are the two things they gave up give us six okay six poison four damage four poison another noxious fumes which means total of six poison per turn alex ooze two months important message doo doo [Music] [Music] balls awesome we have plus eight strength right now what are we gonna do with this [Music] board i guess [Music] counter strike them or salts good good move here put our shiv on keep the damage up [Music] strike them so 30 poison we need three energy left not that tall of an ask in fact that we're gonna like win right now basically we could win it's possible we should probably call it there dude pull up full up on cards though you earned it on your card done we win fat gremlin carried the [ __ ] out of us [Music] what did you guys think of gremlins just a pile of them [Music] ggs fog enthusiasm i thought that said euthanasia whenever you swap draw a card party stick whenever you swap while this card is in your hand gain energy interesting at the start of your turn gain energy and swap to the next gremlin conga line okay okay swap bonuses came at the end but very enjoyable cool thank you guys on youtube for watching and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 15,814
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, slay the spire, the silent, characters, enemies, cards, deck building, rogue like, rogue, rogue lite, best cards, victory, bosses, chest, shop, event, upgrade, early access, strength, exhaust, discard, heavy blade, poison, the defect, new character, the watcher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 10sec (5950 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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