Grinding Materials! - Hutts Streams Loop Hero

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welcome back to loop hero we're gonna jump in save file is this one i have one that looks like a practice save file what have we got going on we failed twice in a row if you guys watch the video on my main channel we lost the first one and then we lost the second one just broke bumble reduce the adds more of a tile mana cost time suit up stuff to stuff item congrats costs two to add more p infinite money dope all right we got we just added chrono crystals which is uh let's hear crystals that are able to refract not only the light of the rising sun but the passage of dawn itself doubles the effect of days passing on adjacent tiles it kind of sounds like crap let's not do them and go all right who here has never even seen this game before has no idea what's going on you want some advice for the game well this type of game i say sure but i have the uh absolute right not to listen all right so it's a loop hero this is our loop we basically we've forgotten what the world is around us and by fighting all these enemies which spawn every day which is a day meter in the top left did you see this right here they progress as we fight the enemies we gain these cards the cards are like mountains meadows and some of them are like cemeteries where enemies spawn so we'll craft the world and by crafting the world we actually make it more difficult on ourselves but give us it helps us collect loot the meadows actually help us heal every day the mountains give us max hp when we place them um tons of stuff going on so we're just gonna constantly loop every time we loop uh the enemies get harder as you can see in the top right there's loop enemy level we got our first rock i know a little bit about the game so i'm gonna wait to place the rock morgan thanks for the thousand one hundred bits appreciate you el demar seven months welcome back here to taylor 500 to bought bits just to tell you that i loved the video on this bought the game after and it's one of the best games i've ever played and i played a lot of games awesome we got a grove we should place the grove so i can uh right click to go from planning phase to adventure phase you see that up here i'm going to stop and actually place my dirk i got a slot for a weapon a slot for a ring shield and then armor these ones are grayed out i think we unlock them later let's place the grove down so the grove spawns a rat wolf every two days battlefield and put the battlefield there battlefield spawns a chest every uh oh you know what i shouldn't have put it there because i could get a blood path we should have made a blood path maybe down here chest heavy loop i'm gonna do two times speed here i set the speed manually they must have done the update and removed that i had it set to a custom speed that i liked but oh well so the combat happens automatically it just goes and you have to buff your guy with the equipment that you have and let's see here so like right now this specific weapon gives me plus for attack speed 0.6 regeneration per second uh an evasion a chance to dodge attacks four percent and you can see the total stats down here oh well you can't see it but that's where that is um what else max hp 90 damage to all two defense two evasion four percent let's put that on right now my goal is to try to loop as many times as i can and get a lot of materials we're kind of stockpiling rocks so i'm just gonna maybe put some of these down i'm gonna make a mountain i could have waited for a treasure but so plus five hp for each adjacent rock or mountain to the mountains and rocks so we've got a bunch of max hp there strike three total lobby huts i always love to catch your stream welcome back my friend get on the rock this oblivion card it removes something so if i want to get rid of maybe enemies in the road maybe a tile that i put down and use that i'm going to definitely save it for later i'm gonna make a three by three [Music] seal mari with ten thousand bets absolutely amazing absolutely wonderful thank you so much see you mari i hope you're doing good i am i'm feeling pretty good thank you for that feeling even better now [Music] pat time thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right so i want to loop as many times as possible that means i need to strike a balance between creating enemies for me to fight to get loot back and um making it so that i can last more loops without fighting too many enemies that are too strong namely the boss road lantern really really good decreases the maximum number of monsters and adjacent tiles so if i load this corner here up with a bunch of tiles that spawn enemies if i also load it up with road lanterns it'll it'll decrease the amount the maximum spawn of that area if that makes any sense whatsoever so each towel can have up to like five enemies i think but let's say that i surrounded this area with three road lanterns then you can only have a maximum number of two enemies there it makes it a lot easier on me beacon 40 movement speed within its range and everything gains a 20 attack boost so i don't want to buff my enemies but i do actually want to make parts of the loop faster for me to walk through the faster i can walk through the loop the more we can loop and and without the days spawning because the days are really what determine how many enemies i bite right all right let's make this mountain all right so three by three of mountains and rocks makes a mountain peak gives me plus 120 max hp uh five additional hp for every adjacent mountain rock blah blah blah spawns a harper every two days so the harpies are gonna be attacking us now but hopefully with the extra health we'll be able to handle it all right that's a mimic chest we got our first chest spawning from the battlefield it was a flipping mimic if i place this rock down now point we summon this goblin camp that's actually a really good spot for the goblin camp i was going to oblivion the goblin camp but if we can handle the goblin camp with road lanterns that would be the way to go goblins are actually really difficult early game in my opinion we got our first ring damage to all two attack speed plus eight percent regen 1.2 that's pretty good and then this armor max hp plus 256 a little up arrow next to it means it's better than we have but you can see the one we have right above it vampirism nine percent health back on attacks i really like the vampirism stat i think it's probably one of the strongest things i'm gonna actually save my meadows for a treasure super retro looking yeah and sounding another beacon like i said i don't want to place this where i'm going to place enemies i do want to try to cover as much of the loop as i can that's not that doesn't have any spawners on it and you know what actually putting the beacons by your cozy camp which is where the boss spawns is a great idea because the boss does not get the 20 boost talk i know i'm just throwing things at you but the only important thing right now is that the combat happens automatically i need to make sure that i pay attention to the equipment here you guys can help me do that if i get like a shield that's like level five and i'm using a level one shield no matter what the stats are on it it's gonna be better um and i need to place my cards down here appropriately another road lantern definitely i'm just going to put that like right on the goblin camp maybe there there or there getting a ton of road lanterns we're lucky right now to have two of them also see on mario if you said something extra in the chat and i'm not paying attention i do apologize let's expand our growth that's you missed a tinted shield [Music] put up up so this equipment here here's the thing we're stacking up the resources to go back and build our base camp we want to get a lot of resources right now and if we don't put on our equipment up here it'll start to like the next one that adds in it'll kick out one in the back and that'll go to scrap metal and that'll be really good to obviously stack up for equipment if i don't use these cards down here they give me some special resource called memories so if we could just stack these up it'll start doing the same thing where it'll kick them out but i i don't really want to kick out my oblivion so probably will be spending all my cards until those are gone you missed the legendary one percent shield i did see a better shield too but once again one shield is not gonna make a difference for me right now [Music] every 10 mountain a rock i put down we spawn a goblin camp so we're going to end up spawning another one who doesn't like shovel knight you know i've never played shovel knight i watched a full let's play but though tier two sub sexy tier two three months bloody panda how's it going how's it hanging hanging here's the goblin camp look at those boys look at how quick that attack is i'm on times two speed of course but is this giving anyone anxiety i'll put it back to times one speed vampire mansion spawns vampires to battles that happen on adjacent tiles we could just load them up in there and that might vampires ain't got [ __ ] they ain't that that bad but here's the thing right now we're losing a lot of health so i can hold off on the vampire mansion can you change cards around no that would be really cool if you could i love seeing some text through water bottle though i mean it is kind of perfect isn't it you guys want to see nuts what's your stats wait which one damage to all level yeah level four shield 14 defense versus three good catch good catch i'm gonna just i'm gonna place this down i'm gonna go hard we can escape at any point in time if we die we keep a third of what we we gain so far if we end up running away from camp we end up saving two-thirds if we escape when we're at camp we save everything evasion and vampirism seven percent yeah it gives us seven percent evasion on top of our vampirism a little less vampirism but that's fine and magic damage two or seven rather ah nah there's magic damage that does more damage to certain people and i don't really remember what but another vampire mansion we should maybe just start spamming these meadows instead of waiting for a treasure if we place the meadows next to other things they turn into blooming meadows and blooming meadows actually heals us for three at the start of each day instead of two so blooming metals meadows rather are better never understood what magic damage does there's certain enemies i think that take a lot less damage i think the skeletons they have a shield and they take a lot less damage normally but the magic damage goes through the shield i think maybe back to full health we heal every time we walk through camp 30 there's our harpy a spawn from our mountain that we put down level four what is this counter plus twelve percent i like my attack speed in regen level three attack of this um we're losing attack speed four percent evasion four region 0.6 for a hell of a lot more damage let's do it you can see the numbers that pop up every time around the enemies cemetery let's throw that down goblin needs to stop 16 plus regen on our shield you can oblivion the middle mountain and you can keep getting resources from it yes like an oblivion in the middle and then put another mountain back right got two treasuries now i'm like waiting for the treasuries to come ah we're not getting any i'll just start doing the thing if we surround the treasury with eight squares of something be it meadows or mountains and rocks or even these things if we put it next to the road we'd have to put some road lanterns and vampire mansions and battlefields next to it then we will unlock the resources within the treasury the treasury will also then start spawning gargoyles and the gargoyles they they don't have [ __ ] so we're gonna do that or i've seen a strategy where you actually wait on the treasuries you surround it with seven tiles and then on a later loop you then activate it when you need it and you get that higher loop level tier loot from it so the longer you wait the higher tier loop you get i don't want to spoil anything but the best place to stock up on monsters is the campfire if you want to fight the lich because his buffs always spawn there and if you have something else they won't spawn got it i think i'm already settled here this is just going to be for loot i guess i'm probably not going to fight the boss unless something goes really really right because i got the lantern set up here already put the rocks in the corners and the meadows can still bloom on the sides the meadows can't bloom on the corners of the treasury all i ask is that you guys be patient and ask questions attack speed plus 12 we're losing our i kind of like the regen vampirism plus six damage to all counter no defense from 16 to nine not gonna do it might find beacons look at that we've almost had this whole half of the map sped up any point in time that we feel like we're going to lose a not in the middle of a valley we can't do this but if we walk into a battle that we're going to lose we could remove the enemies with oblivion or we could get rid of like the goblin camp for example because those guys are douches generally speaking it stacks up to four goblins and it gets overwhelming but there's two road lanterns next to it so that's pretty good i'm gonna save this spot here or a blood path if i can get a second battlefield that will spawn this corner into a blood path they'll start spawning blood clots and you bring back weapons and armor no you can't which seems silly seems like you totally should be able to do that [Music] not impressed with anything we're getting here is loop hero worth getting kill mario says um i like it i'm having fun with it i it probably will for me though be a game that i beat and stop playing but it is addicting it's it's good enough that you're like sitting there you know doing something else you're like i kind of want to get back in the loop hero i kind of want to go back to it when am i going to be able to play that next all right we need some more uh road lanterns please we just picked up a spider cocoon spiders they can get really out of regener attack speed if you're going a vampirism attack speed would be better i'm not really going vampirism though regen could totally be good got the spider cocoon in here to an area that's already going to be ham blasted with enemies because of the uh road lanterns but put it there over there son we're already losing i think we've already stacked it up too strong on ourselves went too strong too quick i just unlocked this treasure i want to give hints but there's a bit of spoilers of things you'd unlock well that that would be a time not to give that hint sounds like a hint that would not benefit me currently vampirism plus ten percent but if we went for vampirism then they're doing lots of damage like 20 and eight and seven per hit and i'm only getting five back per hit on vampirism got our second goblin camp and you know what i'm gonna oblivion it i don't want it i think we're gonna end up uh ending pretty quickly here i don't even want more enemies i don't want to place these blood groves and cemeteries and stuff we could make us make a hungry grove if we wanted to we could place a blood grove here and then oblivion in the grove and it makes a hungry grove which is just going to make things more difficult on me occasionally attacks the hero for 20 damage devours enemies that have left than 20 percent hp so now i just take this random damage from the hungry girl pretty cool huh wow have fun dying you're about to twitch china credit score nope time for a road lantern now we're only having one enemy here per square it looks like [Applause] but you're saying there's a chance vampirism plus 16 we need the health back get out back what's this more damage things looking grim you should get out of this loop low no i'm fine back to one speed there we go look at me i got almost all my health back plus our road lanterns are kicking in i've never felt better can't have two mountains by the way battlefield blood path not only ghosts are created on the battlefield spawns a blood clot every four days you do another blood grove right there i'm gonna maybe save that spot for a lantern so many beacons i wish i gave you a counter of how many mountains you had up one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 at 30 we spawn our another goblin camp there's no 3x3 meadows no so that guy gets really unmanageable when he has um a bunch of dudes around him counter and damage to all is that worth giving up my seven percent vampirism it's level three to level six but max hp ain't [ __ ] regening hp is the [ __ ] oxtail chicken thanks for the seven months oh seal mario i'm sorry i missed your tier three sub i appreciate that a lot thank you thank you thank you sexy amazing tier three sub vampirism 16 down to nine but we have nine percent invasion and two defense still no more damage like in the attack speed one is that attack speed mixed with vampirism good good combo we're barely barely hanging on to our health right now but we are we are we are the youth of the nation we're losing it it's a ghost ah ghosts can spawn the battlefield uh it says enemies on adjacent tiles can become ghosts how many mountains is that now one two three four five fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five two six seven eight twenty nine and we'll hold off there for a little bit vampirism blade gotta do it and we might die let's not die for a third time huh i don't want today the goal is to fill the world as soon as we've built enough you see this little lich meter here once we've built so if i place another thing down this will watch if i place this down i got a little bit higher once that reaches max the boss spawns you fight the boss it's over so we can't fill the world at least on this first expedition oh we're getting totally screwed over by the freaking vines bro i don't think we're gonna make it past these spiders leave it two-thirds or we we go for it you keep playing after the boss okay that's cool run leave it two-thirds go for it zelkey believe i believe dad [Applause] [Music] get him ah [Music] no we made it through we're so close that's three losses in a row oh it's you're already better than that that this than me how roaring tiny roar roar tiny roar thanks for the five months welcome back that sounds like my spirits are crushed just because my spirits are crushed okay get out of here blood grove nobody likes you spider cocoon no one needed you anyways go [Music] pillow time is now 16 months yo welcome back i don't think i'm gonna be able to fight the lich i'm not gonna go for a lich run right now um because it's a rogue light we need to build up permanent upgrades by building [ __ ] at our base first so let's like do that first maybe missed four months because i've been so busy it's all right i've been busy too if you put on the armor that gave you plus 200 hp immediately it would give you the hp that could have been a play it could have been a play too to just keep myself alive vampire mansion we got here grinding seems necessary yes blood groves are good with groves near them blood groves can only be placed next to a grove so unless you were joking remove cemetery that's an idea go for another blood path for me a blood path over here throw on blood path first i want to get a treasure before i spend all this but we could just throw it down honestly let her rip you have a shield i'm chad i can see things ah does everyone feel about the new pokemon games coming out vampirism like a mazda flame at least i can smell all i smell is the lemon lime goodness of a nice crisp sprite vampirism seems so much better than like evasion but if we could get our evasion up to 50 then yeah that would be pretty good there's my flipping treasure right when i can't put it there those are not the lyrics battlefield blood path cemetery [Music] high defense seems like the best strat against the boss bacon go for the mountain we're going to spawn a goblin yeah once again though for if they're going to put the goblins around my road lanterns then they're stupid they're going to spawn here though shoot that's not where my thing is gal darn tootin or bacon vampire mansion beg nabbit more road lanterns wonderful loot me now vampirism sword yeah a vampirism ring yeah vampirism armor yeah counter shield oh i might keep the magic damage seven against this skeleton i'm in a bit spang-wengler it's finally getting warm over in pennsylvania so excited for spring yeah it was like 60 degrees today here and i had all the windows open for multiple hours yes i know you should be impressed oh my god that's here the window's open take me it's our vampire is a mat 23 with three items you think it'd be a little higher than that but whatever yeah seven six and ten is that it's just a lot more damage let's go with it we're gonna have to somehow take care of this goblin hut thing that's crazy [Music] so below freezing here in northern maine sucks to be maine soundtrack is so good it's pretty good yeah well yeah all right 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 rocks and mountains oh there's a blood clot from the blood path doing a number on us oh that was a ghost and a ghost of a ghost and a super ghost and a mimic oh my god this game is not happy about me being alive right now where's some of that bacon 17 18 19. we'll stop there 14's worth stupid blood clots stupid me with my advanced tactics and making really difficult things for myself stupid game giving me nothing but rocks i wanted i was like man we're just gonna grind away for a bunch of cool stuff and here i am like i'm leaving i can't live there yes this is good it's gonna totally bung me up with a goblin camp on the way right side of the map if i put another rock down what i want to do is wait for an oblivion to come by start placing some mountains and just oblivion the goblin camp the second one [Music] we have better vamp ring here [Music] that's not what i wanted to see i'll take it why am i like this you can't get loot if you don't fight things that's the big thing here you gotta keep fighting [ __ ] go for an all evasion build what are you a nerd someone pay you to say that are you sponsored by big evasion more groves i don't want your groves though places growth there's a growth there because i don't think it spawns anything because of the road land turn limit right maybe i'm an idiot one more road lantern be great [Music] what do we got regen 1.8 is that better than six percent vampirism i'm gonna say yes what's this 7-25 regen counter damage i think counter is pretty good for vampirism it says counter when i when i get a good counter in there we go road lantern that's pretty good we're only fighting one of these little goblins we can start placing mountains again and then we can oblivion that camp treasure that's what you really are got rid of my vamp jacket did it look like it gave me filled max health it almost seems like it didn't give me max health filled it almost seems like it didn't though invade these attacks like i evade taxes you and i not so different you know lamp i see we're getting like one and eight and nine back it's not a whole lot but the dogs we were getting just as much back as they were attacking so like that was worth how many mountains we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine we want to place just as many as we possibly can for the max health we don't want to overdo it for goblin camps that shield is pog what about this 8 31 to 47 damage on one of these suckers let's try it out oh this was seven i didn't even see this damage to all seven with the 24 and 36. so is it plus seven then when is this damage to all is that then uh you know 31 to 43 on the original target probably thoughts i'm finally here what's up boost the seven to the others it says all you'd think that it would also apply that to the original 24 to 36 original target that might even be better but seven really isn't gonna do anything we should just kill one target faster get him dead especially if we have vamp do we want no we don't want to really have a the blood path is there but we want more blood path we could just put this over here so we get like a chest from it when we start the loop better to get the chest early because let's say that we put the battlefield that spawns a chest at the end of the loop you'd get the loot finish the loop the loop level would increase and your gear is already one loop level behind smart that's smart but we're going to die anyway so it doesn't really matter it was hard man we heal at the end of every day don't forget about that i got an entire vampire mansion by killing one vampire where was he hiding that mansion might just be me but i'd love it if your face cam was lowered it let me read what the text behind you says yeah but i don't have a second twitch thing that set up 3b twitch low what that what if i went like that and then i went the things they do for twitch chat better i'm not going to see everything but you know what suck it up damn it so much stuff in the screen to really have everything be visible handle them come on vamp so much better thank you this is weird but cool i guess is pk this game all right we're getting to a point where we're pretty much maxed out here i don't feel like any beacons are necessary i guess i could just throw beacons like over here for like fun but do anything no oh that was fun we got 17 back all right we're starting to push out cards here and we're collecting these memory fragments i think we're gonna dive we do another loop if you look at the map there's really like one enemy per square and that should be super handleable besides the fact that the squares within this ring of the vampires are getting extra vampires so it's going to be pretty much two enemies per square vampires might push me over the limit and kill me we just we have to do better attack speed plus 20 is that better than vampirism 8 more attacks more health back go that was pretty quick that was some pretty quick pretty quick action there ladies 700 vampire mansions that i'm not using if we get mimicked too we're going to be in trouble when we pull a bunch of junk we're not getting higher level gear i'm gonna made a blood path i just don't want to make more blood clots currently is it a better vamp no it's the worst vamp vamp plus attack speed probably like the best armor i've ever seen less damage on that but we do gain regen nope look at me vamp my way back up to number one 31 defense over 18 defense eight vampirism i think i gotta switch it out but i just we're kind of reliant on the vampirism here act speed 20 for over 10 damage cut no i said nay i'm gonna spend all the meadows that i get instead of going for memory fragments with them it's like oblivion i'll put more mountains down i could have stuck my uh beacon over here in the middle of nowhere and then surrounded by meadows that would have been a good play boss oh [ __ ] you're right i shouldn't build anything if i want to keep looping no more building the rapier vampires and 15 yes good day brian g'day all right literally cannot build a single thing backspeed caps due to stamina [Music] oh is that what that gray bar is i'm liking the vamp build right now look at us go give me some oblivion please first time today ever seen the ghost of a ghost of a ghost so that guy turned into a ghost when he died right the ghost has a chance to turn into another ghost which is called the ghost of a ghost it's this bigger batter ghost oh god dang i got a road lantern i want to use um and then the ghost of the ghost died and it turned into some sort of ghost of the ghost of the ghost of the ghost sir 5.4 regen [Music] that sounds crazy good i gotta try it oblivion please watch my my health regen right there in the top right regen build now [Music] oblivion oblivion oblivion please [Music] level 10 evasion 21 nope decent vamp rings but i'm liking the regen 5. if i end up kicking out this road lantern i'm going to be pissed another battlefield 2. watch me whip arch me nae going for the boss no not yet at least we can stay on top of this so we can get even better gear and might as well wait another road lantern attack speed plus twenty percent for a nine reduction in defense i think we're doing fine without it online armor attack speed plus -12 vampirism though this is 12 to 8 vampirism attack speed plus 8 let's solve evasion we'll try it out instantly dies doesn't even get hit by anybody just like trips on a rock on the road and just passes uh more vamp gear 14 vamp plus regen or attack speed of asian regen how's everybody i'm pretty good thanks for asking allah how's malala okay we're getting definitely harmed arm is still falling on my head is raining on my head [Music] why are there so many enemies what happened to my road lantern plays what happened to my oblivion oblivion looking at you douche this is our last loop we're not gonna make it past another loop loop level nine we made it 37 defense go there's my oblivion what would i obliviate well if this is our last loop then i don't really know if it matters would i destroy 10 shield i got the 11. the goblins i mean i'm not gonna go around again for it to matter right so but yeah sure is that road land turned down with that there i might be able to keep looping to be honest if i'm gonna be honest we might be able to keep going tarek what's up prime sub i always overextend don't be greedy man oblivion lowers the boss gauge yes that's why i built again another oblivion you son of a [ __ ] oh i should have obliviated first all right well here's what we're going to do we're gonna just leave right before right yeah retreat little sneaky little sneaky thing that you can do if you want to uh check it out can't see your face i got you another success you've returned and we still remember you unbelievable yeah it's good to be back but i'd hardly call it a success my old memories of the world are gone the path is empty again and there's only darkness everywhere i look interesting so technically you remember that there are things you have forgotten we should find a way to use that let's talk about something more positive we managed to tidy this place up time for the next step what do you have in mind expanding the camp we have all sorts of craftsmen from cooks to an alchemist but they all need a place to work we can't use the materials from around here you turn away for a second from a branch or a stone you just found and it's gone i'm afraid only you can solve this problem the materials that survived your trip always looks suitable for building these are just stones and splinters how can you build something with it you imagine like he's walking back with like a ton of rocks and sticks and like just an unimaginable amount of [ __ ] materials and it gets back he's like why would you want to use those well why did you carry them you dunce why were you bringing them back if i wasn't going to build with them seriously i noticed it with the fire you've made the things you obtain somehow infect everything similar with stability only in small amounts but it's still something even a small branch is enough to make a wooden wall exist without constant supervision i can build things we want refuge herbalist hot smithy gymnasium so this will give me the rogue class this will unlock the ability to gain special traits after killing monsters unlocks the village herbalist tuts starts with potions the potions are super weak though smithy unlocks the ability to craft tools for the camp and lets me start with basic warriors gear go for village special traits smithy jim smithy and potions are pogged smithy by the anvil of the seven seas it's a small forge yo you have no idea how i've missed the heat of a furnace and a smell of metal we'll have some good tools now you can be sure of it vlad you'll even be able to use something during those trips of yours you're quite enthusiastic something tells me you're not a stranger to seamanship or is that a gay joke son shiver me shiver me hammers how did you know it doesn't matter though you're right don't worry i'll prove to you that these are hands that can hold a hammer as good as they can hold a helm in a storm and for a dozen days in a row if needed you guys like his little up arrow beard that he's got going on village is nice for longevity and runs yes they are now i can't you should go for the smitty it's a good one no i can't build anything else [Music] nice [Music] what am i looking for there we go didn't even unlock anything what should we do oh i can't get rid of cemeteries i need at least two cards here minimum maximum it says here in the top and bottom do it again let's gonna do it again shiver me himbose i wish i could just right click on them over here and then just have them automatically get put into my slots you want to put what in your slots rhino crystals are good what do they even do you want to see me walk in a circle want to see me do it again all this on your youtube really enjoyed the look of it but i have questions are there various different heroes or is just the one at the moment um there's multiple heroes you can be as far as i know there's three there could be more i know of a rogue and i know over necromancer so we get materials when we walk through things too which is important to note oh neat so we started with the basic warrior set nice we got an early lantern which is also nice loop of the necromancer just gonna maybe make a mountain didn't have a mountain i had a newsroom a camera battlefield go for a blood path i said we just made the battlefields like we did before where we sprinkle we do a little tinkle sprinkle of the chests at the beginning crystal sounds like a time move faster but you don't you don't do any regen tile it would be good near it you know i see that you said words and i read those words but putting missing out on here ring magic damage counter plus five and evasion plus four go to bed now see zach you don't move faster by the crystal so if you were on a regen spot it would regen faster if i was fighting something there enemies would spawn faster though if i was there right one pro tip nine months yo how are you huts i'm feeling pretty good a long day but a good one vampirism you son of a [ __ ] what if we went for like a different build this time though [Music] people say crystals and meadows were nice mimic early on and we got loaded what do we want vampirism or vampirism you son of a [ __ ] how do i say no damage to all build where you kill everything before your target you don't get very much damage to all though is the problem there you know we could place a mountain that would be fine and then just oblivion that camp i'm not going for the boss if i was going for the boss i'd probably save the oblivions to get rid of the lich castle things and i would build around my camp we ain't doing that are we no we ain't [Music] vamp rang again attack speed down but gives me a regen [Music] instead nice damage to all build you have going on seven damage to all right now it's okay it won't be okay in like a loop [Music] get rid of my damage to all for vampirism uh i can't not do a vamplay man why does it seem like it's the best how do your game to go so fast well there's a times two multiplier here in the top but you can also set the game speed in the uh options the variables file in the game rng is saying it's the best because it is the best we go for damage to all they ain't doing [ __ ] to the skeleton attack speed plus defense three your attack speed plus 12 percent attack speed who can sam's fruitless adventure i don't think that's what i'm playing lanterns would be nice right now well there goes all of our damage to all maybe the play is just put the higher number on every time and stop caring about anything else go stop looking at any of the numbers every time i try to go for a build i end up having a horrible run as you go for horrible builds i'll place that there probably 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. i made let's put the hat on a treasury road lantern began [Music] what are we having for breakfast we're having a begin three beacons is not a good idea but it's 19 i think lantern pog higher number vampirism we have not gotten very many battlefields did we get another battlefield please vamp no idea what's going on but we vibin it's called loop hero we do loops we put on equipment and we place these meadows and rocks strategically to have happiness happen upon us backspeed plus nice there we go not sure if you saw it uh or or not but the chrono crystals doubled the per day effects so you can either increase the spawn rate of enemies or get more regen per day from meadows [Music] because of the meadows heal me per day you're saying it's a trade-off to say do we want to heal more and have more enemies this game is all about the trade-off it seems like every positive effect also comes the negative effect i mean the only way you can advance the game is by putting down enemies to fight ave sterk tier 1 sub what's up higher number that's a higher number that's a higher number that's a good one right that goes with equipment also [Music] oblivion good to see cuz i'm gonna place down some rocks goodbye probably could have handled a goblin thing there but another oblivion [Music] needy here i am with a higher number and i don't want to get rid of it because of the vampirism [Music] i have a problem and nasal class alley one point in time do we have too many treasuries we can go attack it's my attack beacon you're beating the skelly boy yet no [Music] i don't know what loop level i gotta get to but it's some higher than seven you're gonna oblivion the middle of the mountain question mark yeah i'm gonna consider going for the final boss i should probably consider not oblivioning it though but i can't really save up a bunch of [ __ ] for the final boss if you know it's like it's gonna kick the oblivion out if i'm trying to get to a higher loop level and be wasted anyways for dying can i see me uh oblivion in the middle of the mountain wow we got all that stuff back amazing kibbu vemo tier one sub i wonder if i lost the 120 max health that the mountain give me by removing that and then i got it back or if i got an extra 120. for chronic crystals it only hits adjacent so you get to choose what it hits goodbye oblivion no i already use the oblivion right goodbye treasure there's my second battlefield finally i want a blood path [ __ ] it yeah cloud lantern what is this damage to all magic damage defense 5 counter 16. what type of game is this loop hero more like poop hero this is dumbo robert i made a video on my main channel where i tried it out for the first time so i would just checking that out i guess better field for sure unlock that treasury we don't need any more bacon wait you have a youtube channel all right did i say youtube channel i meant only fans you're right my bad we want to stack up more blooming meadows probably for the heels every day three from the blooming meadows health all adds up boots helm for another character uh i think it's for this character but not this expedition maybe possibly that i unlocked that by building buildings back at the home base i don't know i don't flipping no okay is that what you want to hear i don't know what do you want from me are you also struggling to find games that are fun i actually have a surplus of games that are fun right now how much does this game cost i think it was 15 bucks but it's on sale 15 off right now for the next two days [Music] we got our first book of memories we're getting memory fragments every time we kick out one of these bottom things and ten of them form a whole book is our blood pass blood clots i'm thinking if we spend a lot of time here by the time that we end up getting actually to the other enemies a day is going to have passed we'll have healed up and it won't be a big deal neo catalyst five gifted subs to afro thunder star fruit probably nobody v300xl and gluttony thank you for that appreciate you have you heard of riveta or are you interested in it at all if you have it um it's not reveda is it it's uh what's it called revita revita yeah i bought it so yes i am it reminds me if at first glance at least to um flinthook i hated taylor gifting five subs now to yak dan dark crest torque stormy and licks act what are you guys going for like a second uh steam hype train i mean steam train turn this height train into a steam train i see a day's already passed we're back at the full health the blood path was worth it i think that is a spicy suit when when evasion in region or vamp or attack speed evasion about that one nine what is this regen magic damage or attack speed you like hype trains name every train [Music] we just two shot at a gargoyle which is pretty dope this is an even better sword oh yeah that's even better we're spanking it now 36 plus attack speed and regen yo look at how fast i'm s spitting out the damage come for you and you and you and you and don't forget about you and you and you and you what we got magic damage plus let's try it [Music] who's weak to magic damn it you and chad knows this answer it's an 11 axe i'm keeping regen three three four seconds pretty big hey hey where's my huts go boom that's there pretty neutral which is honestly nice for today so hi robson see ya hope you feel better hey how are you i'm feeling great myself battlefield how about an extra long blood path the bloodiest path you've ever passed in your bloody path life keep it low key for now save up for road lanterns or treasure i'm gonna be really really close to spawning another goblin camp so maybe i should not go heavy on the rocks i really wish there was a rock counter maybe there is and i just don't see it how many rocks count and mountains do i have for goblins let's say up there is that what that is no that's 30 of the small pieces and 29 of the big ones pretty good we've had a pretty good run so far we could honestly leave right now and build at least a building but uh we're doing so well so there's a mimic another mimic it's full of lies two slimes road lantern road house not sure we're going to be able to fill out this without summoning the boss to be honest because we were almost there i might wait for an oblivion alexa what's up loopy poggin you uh you vibing this game alexa no boss bar yeah the boss bars like loop level 10 though i mean this is what as far as we've gotten so far in our whatever 10 loops that we've done it's so good it's in ravita on my life right now yep someone was just asking about ravita provida revita um call me crazy but what if i got rid of one of these vampire mansions they they hella annoying right now we could loop even further if it wasn't for those pieces of crap or i could get rid of a goblin castle that's bound to spot to pop up but no i'm gonna do that screw that guy nobody likes vampires anyways stick with the meadows skeletons suck yeah we got some good magic damage right now though attack speed plus or magic damage i just talked about my magic damage oh what do you attack speed plus counter plus we'll lose out on the regen let's try it and i recommend you'll enjoy it when you check it out it's if neon abyss was good it looks to me like flynn took did you ever play a flinthook alexa i can't say it is or is not because i have not played it yet but yo we gonna sneak that out oh man sneaky sneaky but dang it the road lantern love those i hated flynn took you hated flint tuck i loved i was all about flinthook i wanna go back and play flinthook you know what cancel the stream we're gonna play flinthook speed doesn't look like he swing at all he too fast he's got no backswing it's just all forward he just flicks send the flick of the wrist should i have stopped should we stop now at loop 11. should we summon the boss i don't know this looks like a pretty good build you guys we should probably summon the boss if we can get back with near full health i gotta slow this boy down my goodness [Music] let's hear attack speed plus but the 36 on this one is really what's doing it for us attack speed build and we have a little bit of vampirism on the top of it so we're getting fours back of health but we're getting more damage now than we have been much more classic isaac style roguelike instead of the level system of flinthook what i know you'll love is revita has ascension levels and a lot of them like 20 plus tons of replayability for early access school it's on my list to check out it's towards the top look at all these road lanterns we're just gonna let go to waste i'm not sure we're gonna get back with full healthy guys i'm not sure we're gonna survive at all for that matter we just spawned a heck and ton of enemies up here and we're dying right now we're currently dying we're in the process of of being dead skeletons hit so hard 89 per hit we might as well just run right now i think we should run right now we were like full health full health full health full health full health hit 11. it's just like you're dead and it's over look at all these enemies we got one skeleton we got two rat wolves one rat wolf one rat wolf mind you two rat wolves with a vampire one ratwell for the vampire one rat wolf one rattle three rat wolves sugar we're going down swinging i gotta go lost a third of our stuff but what happens and i don't have enough to build almost anything got a gym yeah rip some weights and put my gym here and then i'll put my my farm there so that's how it works instead of remembering something you can just learn it again that's a nice trick there's no ill intent without education our world would be left to the savages you too could learn a few things though we could all get together and share our useful knowledge and skills nah he's the one i spent all the money to make the gym he's like learning's for nerds i already know what all i need to leave learning to the kids to the tims sorry you guys want to see your face your first lesson learn to like learning that would make life easier for both of us he's got served herbalist i couldn't afford the herbalist i can't afford the herbalist i could afford the herbalist if i wanted the herbalists and i think i'm gonna go ahead and build the herbalist do i get anything for building and connecting these other places these are things i don't know it's a miracle and we could find some fertile soil and that we were able to save some seeds of precious healing herbs want to see all them wrinkles but the real miracle is that all these healing poultices and bombs still have any effect we've already lost many people because of the cataclysm it would be nice not to lose more to disease and these potions can also help you take a bottle or two on your trip and your chances of getting back unharmed will be much higher that chin i can build the refuge can i i can build the farm wait how are we like gaining stuff there's our farm okay i guess we're just going to start building and building a building building i guess we're getting things back when we build them and you notice how strangely this oblivion affects our senses hunger for example you can stop eating for days and you still you still won't be hungry this of course does not mean that you should stop eating altogether farmer promises that he'll be able to grow some stable crops but it will take some time it will be interesting to see what he can grow without sunlight you can call me master back seat master exploder cemetery passing through the cemetery and expeditions grants you a memory fragment can resurrect the hero after an upgrade you know all right i'm calling it the in this game at least we're gonna move on to uh one more game so thank you guys on youtube for watching and i hope you tune in for the next one bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,803
Rating: 4.9392099 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, loop hero, rpg, strategy, roguelike, roguelite, card game, deck builder, real time, indie, boss, enemies, combos, mountain, secrets, turn based, top down, dark fantasy, pixel, soundtrack, let's play, playthrough, footage, review
Id: -J4XXqpuytM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 27sec (5247 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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