Bullet Run - Hutts Streams Gungeon

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I just like them okay I just like the bullet bullet bullet where's Bassett when you need him bunny costume you know I do love the bunny costume I like the standard bullet costume too though that was risky that was full of risk have you guys ever used a block mechanism on this gun on blasphemy I've like literally never used it key drops are amazing they patch the gungeon so that they get like way more key drops and then also these little key dudes Oh keys galore that makes me feel real good Jay rags gonna be real please like already guaranteed to go to the secret floor but I have to go to the secret floor because that's where we find the shrew MERS specifically on the first secret floor you guys yeah that's a no so what I try to do is I try to get close enough that I do damage with my sword laser thing and this sword itself kills them real quick so for those of you don't know this game is uh pretty much like Isaac there's item rooms that have chests you need keys to open the chests the chests contain passive upgrades as well as some active upgrades and most importantly guns guns are like different tiers essentially there's a chance that you might find more and more rare chests I think he goes brown blue green red black rainbow metronome what is what's metronome I think table tech rage is really really good we do need enough money to buy that key though if we're gonna open up both chests and both chests and stuff and things and go the secret floor I leave the keys in the ground you guys you should do so until you find the shop because not having picked up a key is the only way to guarantee that one key will be for sale in the shop I will do this right that and you get the three Glasgow on stones which block bullets until you take damage and then they break metronome is item Polaris oh so it's really good then does it work on my first weapon oh [ __ ] yeah that'd be really good then Gunjan matt matt trinomial kit up and just read what the wiki has to say about it gains a +2 percent damage bonus for every enemy killed the effect maxes out of two hundred and fifty percent weapon damage resets that the player takes damage or change his guns so I can't pick up a new gun picking up a new gun does Oh does not reset the bonus effectively transferring the bonus to the new gun oh so if I switch guns I have to keep going with that gun shoot adding equipped weapon to a muncher also resets it okay alright I could just go blasphemy the entire way and not pick up a single gun tiny owl five months in a row welcome back fantastic me to join us you broke it with blasphemy alright let's let's yeah I think oh I think we might save it for that it's really good go for perfect Gatling bird dude that bird is tough especially with the sword okay blue chest I showed you the ranking it was brown blue green I think brown blue green red black rainbow there's a glitch chest in there somewhere that uh if you open it up you climb inside and you get teleported weird level weird to fight a double what's the guy at the eyeball double eyeball thing what's the name beholder the holster right it's got to be a gun pun yes yes I remembered I remember the beholder because it was an enemy in Heroes of Might and Magic three yep but the guy balls it's a big eyeball monster if he holds things with it behold my badonkadonk this fish prime auto resolve NASA scam no I don't believe it does alright we're going at though choose one of the blue chests unless the boss drops a key or one of these intermediate rooms drops a key I need to save that little water barrel over there if I can so I get the secret room - must save don't you break it that guy was thinking about breaking it I can see in his eyes anybody that shoots the water barrel be it friend or foe I think bus sailfin and you're screwed [ __ ] out of luck out of [ __ ] luck let's [ __ ] luck secret room is a must says Jay Reich secret room our secret floor make up your damn mind all right I think we're for sure buying metronome so maybe I'll just go ahead and do that I can't do that I might not be able to do that at all I might not be able to afford it which would be a real bummer I don't think I'm gonna get 10 10 big ones from this I'm gonna get 10 big ones from this and this is a tough boss don't fly too close to the Sun Icarus so my sort blocks bullets if you have it toe been able to tell I had to I'm sorry Jay Reich had to use a blank and no keys and a betrayer shield that's what I think about that 60 yeah no we're five short good oh oh yeah mmm that's nice that's just special that's just neat you know that's neat mr. shott man it's really cool that you sell things that there wasn't even enough money on the entire first floor it's really nice that you mark that up to a price that it's literally unreachable by anybody by anybody who tries to come through here and buy this metronome nobody can buy it nope nope nice maybe I'll find the secret room and there'll be enough money in there I'll probably be like one piece of heart or something you guys notice that this room I'm standing in looks like a bullet can yep oh I have to find the secret room first there's no guarantee that's gonna happen [Music] good oh yeah Oh yep yeah feel oh yeah mm-hmm yeah and the membrane not very good not very good sir table Tec rage it is the scape rope I think that takes me what the hell is the escape rope like actually do what does it actually do upon use teleports to play her into the shop cannot be used to reset a boss to get the master round after getting hit if used in bullet-hell it teleports the player to the starting room it can be used to get into locked shops when used to escape a room in challenge mode the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Bob blah blah blah blah bog blog oh I never published my video that said I was live huh I'll do that now people are gonna be like what the hell I'm Way late table rage is nice yeah I'd have to remember and you'll have to remind me to hit the tables if I tip over a table with table tech rage I get a little bit of a damage boost for a short time so it's worth it alright secret floor here we go you know the Ducks have corkscrew penises yes be devs everybody knows that okay and yes everybody knows that a cashew is grown at a fruit there's a rumor that's what the Shrimpers look like 16 of those you guys who's gonna have a running count honestly what we should do is just reset after this floor and then just get to this floor again and just like grind this floor away until we unlock the shrew MERS and go for all the achievements but another Shermer that's got to be 14 now paying the shen thousand bits donations how what a hacker flippin you it's an ammo box that I don't need really animal boxes don't stay keys and hearts are some of the only things that stay in the grounds wow that was nice honestly if I could amass I can amass glass goo on stones from the shop decrease my chances of getting hit significantly I just will lose them all the next time I get hit the ten thousand bits are 1000 bits every time I do a room without taking damage we're getting dropped frames huts yeah it seems like it's unstable stream is unstable I'm gonna give it a couple seconds you guys and see what happens if it keeps doing it then I'll restart the stream which usually seems to work let's wait for stability wait for it hold brother's boss kill sorry I know I'm kidding pea Shen oh it was a joke that's a really funny joke is super funny I know it's fun Wow well oh goodness I didn't even see that last one through the fire and flames carry yard fight for the day yay there's Mikey I think I'm by that as soon as I can there's the 38 special but I don't know about that she'd go back for the key though I'd hate to forget that I left the key behind well you play overwatch some day maybe I'm not that good at it though Josh and I tear to tear it up sometimes though still getting dropped frames everything looks good on my side you guys so maybe refresh the stream do whatever you got to do everything's green lights on my side what floor is this huts it's the oblate Oh Blair tear Oh [ __ ] challenge rooms I hate them with a passion I'm awful at those rooms this is fun got him mmm I have been picking up all the dropped frames big shroom er see the shroom er is not actually a mushroom it's just a guy whose top layer has been peeled back so it kind of looks like a mushroom I thought it was the mushrooms too and I looked it up not take any stupid damage on the poison Wow that got close speaking of close holy crepes Wow Wow whoa whoa whoa holy balls that little spinner dude he's like called up like I'm pooped something I remember but it was about butts but that was a SH rumor right there you guys that's thirteen this is a b12 here more ammo for nothing oh I'm missing one bullet here worth yeah let me let me check that out what was he called C this is the SH rumor hear that guy defective and then I was gonna look up the pupal on great mighty a disgusting glob of a waste a blob ulong corrupted by decades spent in bullet-hell a poopie lon it's not the trap room see I hate these rooms I mean they're so easy I'm gonna end up losing my Glasgow on stones going through that room back there and I'm gonna be pissed about it a chest drop that's really good give me something good please bass heart where is he this is for you bass bullet bullet what's the best you on stone there's blue there's red there's yellow I think V you put the glasses back on low [Music] you're nuts vu in like the best way hmm I can make things on this equalizer Explorer was this what if I downloaded some things to put on here bullet bullet bullet I tried to summon him but it didn't work oh I don't want to log on through Facebook I'll just put I'll just put some text oh come on there's not enough come on I need more letters all right that's what it's gonna be until you tell me otherwise vu holy moly bullet look at these moves he's got like nunchuck moves with this gun all right we're done I did that for bass hmm it's a locked room to get into the crest I can't say that the second sacred floor is gonna be worth a whole key I don't think so it's a hefty price bullet bullet with this blasphemy the secret here is honestly two-timing get to time it correctly so that you can swing when they're firing minimize damage to your face Wow help hey Oh table Tec rage very much worth it was anybody trying to remind me a table Tec rage tabletop rage yeah okay people we're who the heck are flippin you for the hex flipping these tables tiny owl oh my gosh it's like another one comes out of the Woodworks I don't even know what's happening how many accounts does basser own that's why he went to bed I'm able to catch a stream for a while so this so this is to make me feel better about it love you heights thank you so much tiny alpha 69 69 oh Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you unbelievable I don't even know what to say anymore you guys I'm in shock do you ever know what's going on huts hmm this is gonna be actually really difficult what the glass is on all my glass cool on stones and now my blasphemy doesn't work I hate this game so much it's so difficult to get to that spot 20 months for bold chart I remember when your sub goal was 250 can't believe you come this far thank you so much bold sharp for the 20 months that's crazy pants those pants are crazy yeah you might as well just give up at that point games over games over whoa that just glazed me glazed me so [ __ ] plays man oh [ __ ] [ __ ] those little blogs they come off the wall with a freaking vengeance man [Applause] help that's tight that was tight in there Volpone och seven months in a row hope you do not run out of believe kind of lost a little bit of believe there but I got a key back so I feel pretty good about that and shades revolver someone loses an eye shades revolver is that the one smiley is the one we get cheaper shop prices this is uh it looks pretty cool I wonder if it ups my cool factor which is actually a real thing coolness there's no hearts here one dollar but PayPal pal on it put PayPal pal on it well pay pal pal okay how about Pay Pal no if you like it then you probably should have put a ring on it look at this guy's like oh boy mmm there's not a teleporter after that room oh my Jesus I gotta go through it again I have to go through that room I got a little bit I'm not okay with that was that again one size fits all increases my clip size increases magazine capacity for all guns great I love that because my gun right now that I'm using right now I totally has a thing yeah oh I can't believe I got to go to this room again actually can't believe it there is no God it's all a lie oh it's easy that's the easiest trap room I've ever seen you guys it's simple it is actually really simple if you really think about it Seeger emplace more shields in a blank thank you kind of wanted another key but alright we have a key so let's just use it gets get our crest let's get my crest on I don't I don't feel like spending money I really don't trap rooms are diggle's sounds hot and a slice of pizza all that this tons of pizzas a novelette so many people flush their pizza down the toilet didn't realize there were spikes that was part of the problem man he just walked vertically along the spikes fast enough though you have to worry about it guns really not that strong Oh more shields lay it on me girl if I get hit once though I lose my crest and me lose our chance to go to the second secret floor but maybe not going to the second secret floor is really the answer here because it's like really really difficult the second to your floor is the boss is near impossible to do perfectly I like how it goes blam-blam-blam- on the wall to way of a blam-blam-blam- solve your problems with words qumu the pen is mightier than the sword but the gun that shoots letters defeats hall oh that was a nice curved shot Oh God I just need a r1 red heart peace one one heart please sir you could give me that that I can use my sword then it's like I get like non-stop heart drops until I need the heart drops and it's like okay I think we're out sorry bud heart drops never heard of them cool moves cool moves he looks like that guide like those those guys that flip the fire sticks around BMX Marcel nine months that's a that's a but baby yeah nice very nice welcome back wow that was close bullet bullet Oh a key drop I love that I got him another key drop oh hell yeah all right come on no my crest lost my crest I hurt myself today son of an [ __ ] we got this as Jay Reich no we don't know don't we absolutely do not have this locked shop bill suck on my D got in for free c4 though I'm just gonna buy this and then I'm gonna pick up my other ones pause it and do ten push-ups make me three keys feels pretty nice though good just get like a half red heart like a half heart scoffs could be fun it might be fun for all of us you know you don't don't you don't know until you know you know [ __ ] okay that's okay yeah rip all of my health then good excellence bear still got hit it doesn't matter if you dodge it perfectly nobody cares really you're gonna get hit anyways it's kind of guaranteed I got my half red heart though so y'all can suck this D y'all can suck on this D that's a terrible weapon new boss who dis came with the Supply Drop update it's like a random event boss back on the blasphemy train though with shields we just take the boss on already hurt myself had to Oh God suck on this nut Oh knees weak palms are dripping roll Bom it's pretty cool I guess 2,000 bits got em got em flip those tables put our tables and have never heard of tables before can I eat them why dodge bullets when you can just destroy them rubber bullets sounds so sad when you swap them there used to wish it's their job we have three keys so there's no reason not to have to go do that oh hey they oh good oh this AK restroom Oh perfect let me give you my crust that I totally have stale nice I would love to that random event boss like literally exists to take your crest away alright who's doing this there's that listed yeah you're done should I use an Xbox controller or keyboard to start playing dungeon well do you like winning because then Xbox [Music] germ warfare thank you so much the prime sub friend appreciate your support in these matters Sica room please alien sidearm I'm okay with that I've had worse cell bhai EEP Thank You Jerry more fart what is that flak bullets catch some is that some of my bullets explode because I would like to have that projectiles fired explode into smaller bullets on impact sake smaller little swords sword lasers yeah it's kind of like bouncy tears in a way all right where is this secret room you guys I only have one blank do not miss your chance to thank this opportunity comes maybe a couple times in one's life howdy emotes works as germ or fart go to the same spots that you would normally use your emotes and you'll see mine there now nice man let me let me let me know how it goes all right where the hell is the secret room it's usually like symmetrical to like doorways and stuff or like in the middle of the room but it's usually towards the middle area like in this pocket or this pocket over here probably this pocket probably off the shop over here in this pocket but I can't shoot the I can't shoot the the shop because he gets mad I can't test the walls there hey hey I'm Alex thank you so much to the prime sub welcome friend fight me huts hey Autzen sup thunder show the second seeker room if I can get like extra keys though it could totally change the game around could totally be worth it I got nothing you guys need the brick of cash now it shows me the secret room location not too good I'm too good for you can't stop me use my extra keys up though for a mutation do I get little tiny mutations when it hits something no it doesn't look like it all right mutations good I like it how's your day been so far excellent wait a second wait a second my body's reflection is on the bottom but my gun's reflections on the top so it looks like I'm a vampire oh that's that makes a lot of sense you know good job Gunjan that makes total sense nice reflection physics what oops somebody made an error that's the c4 I don't need the c4 it's not the worst thing but I'm fine rip second secret floor Gunjan is drunk creepy literally unplayable somebody should screen cat that and like put that on reddit literally unplayable all right I'm changing up the message waves it is until someone yells at me God said oh my plates missed me missed me oh close calls of the Third Kind no none of that sir thank you I love the tiny swords just rarely ever see tiny sword since the swords that I have is so big massive huge I don't know anything small actually what actually needs to reload membrane has been actually pretty okay so let's give that the first reload it needs it Table two tech rage penis table tech what you are way too fast they all died because they chased after that poison thing they all walked on the poison challenge room good for the king dude we put forth in a knave sorry I've got bad without using weight using not but this derringer I'll do it oh this little guy oh this little peashooter oh yeah okay I love the way you like shakes the gun is like it's high for melee it's 1 a.m. here well I hope I can make you laugh even if you're tired at 1 a.m. everyone can relax I have a right relax yeah relax don't do it when you wanna get to it relax don't do it when you wanna come downtown out right now no no not that guy I want to fight him with the derringer it's actually a pretty strong weapon we got three bullets to a cup though it's got how many bullets to whose quit Haho the victor returns what you got for me buzzkill saw on hey I kind of like this weapon it shoots saws out and they bounce around when does it bounce into smaller sauce okay at the very end of its life it shoots out three little saws okay oh yeah okay sure okay that's a good boss killer whoa their huts glasses I really want want to know where you got those glasses Amazon look up kam ion or light up glasses use that to the dragon I might as well just use this like I could totally just walk around to the shop but I'm just gonna teleport to the shop military training actually gives me increased accuracy if I do remember correctly and I think I would like that I just need three more cents and I can buy that too oh my god my little roll bums they shoot out small little roll bombs it's like everybody's having babies soup's cutes man for a jolly ride I see all right who gets the next reload bullet use the rope escape rope only 500 viewers for dungeon is pretty good over 500 oh yeah definitely I said only I was like two more casings two more bullet cases and I can go ahead and buy that can I get prescription LED glasses you can fit glasses underneath this thing's thing's huge like look at how long the back is - there's two triple-a to triple-a batteries in the little like ear things of this like if you were at like some rave or something you definitely hit somebody and it would like fall off but it comes with an attachment so you can look super nerdy I mean cool super cool man definitely not nerdy [Music] rahrr I'm [ __ ] pissed oh my god it touched him and then I got hit by something what happens I'm blacked out Johnny rocket prime sub welcome thank you so much Johnny rocket let's cut through all the [ __ ] get out of my way why is the chat so slow because it's nothing but vu BOTS ain't that right Chad viewbot confirmed boomerang I don't like the boomerang I mean is the boomerang better than nothing it usually comes back as it's what it says what do I actually use it for grabbing stuff right bomber Aang no boomerang I think it's pretty bad right bee throws a boomerang that travels around the room and stuns enemies you know it might be better than the teleporter you guys think boomerang or teleport rope I mean holy butts I just got noticed finding secret room yes I am Robo beep boop boop peep boomerang boomerang rope boomerang boomerang squad top is best jeez now we're just fighting words all right we'll go with the boobs the boomerang go that seems useful well Chi comes back I thought I was gonna continue around the room and tell her I was dead oh he was really stumped Wow okay ammo bring on bubble and got [ __ ] you ain't got [ __ ] you thought you had [ __ ] on your [ __ ] was [ __ ] and you didn't have [ __ ] the Charmed Bowl I'm not a huge fan [Music] neat alright by the military training let's just double check that it increases my accuracy memories of your years training better reload speeds and weapon accuracy that sounds really good to me nice I can do more dead cells I actually up that up to you guys to vote if you wanted me to play guns in our dead cells and you vote a gun gin so Mike bosses refused to be stunned he's like running with me give me some space man would you give me some space oh holy [ __ ] ease on my D got a Jew come out got um boink ah yeah I'm gonna take the knife shield instead knife shields pretty okay panshin another one for the man there one for the man thank you so much pain the Shen count it thousand little bits all right now what now we keep going procane five big ones hey someone start a donation train with increasing amounts of money starting with one dollar show some love guys broken always just stirring up [ __ ] stir up the [ __ ] go there we go look into my eyes look at me chant you look like a loser says o'clock a looser looser than what o'clock I feel pretty tight thank you mom epic birds you look like a loser that's cringe if you like women in their 60s that's all you bro love them in their sixties it doesn't matter what age there's got to be classy classy broads that have terrible children it's like the opposite of a daddy problem a son problem be dams two big ones guess I'll hop on the train I guess so how about you all aboard this tiny train it's the tiniest train you've ever been on Oh remember to use this thing every single time it's ready these uh these knives block stuff and I can stack them on top of each other so it's just gonna be a big knife storm thought my dad may have something to say about that that's prove it I got hit in the face that's nice George oh hello hi what's your name I think you're pretty don't be friends that's a red chest 50 from bu there is no train without vu the Train of three people or three strong you just kind of blew right past the whole like increase amount of money with it the with a dollar kind of thing just crushed it went right by see now no one can join the train you just you just put the caboose on the train you put the both the caboose and the kibosh you just kibosh the Boosh the Mighty Boosh caboose kibosh and nobody asks $51 that's ridiculous thank you though I know I sound like an ungrateful little poop alright basser didn't show up so I'm giving away his bullet gun it's just a punish you bastard [Music] and I got the windup gun it's actually pretty okay plus it makes music man that music is music to my ears pain in the shins is no I mean bastards like I gotta go to bed sleep is for the weak bed in quotes exactly what is he really doing the world's may never know you monster that gun had a wife and kids everyone's got to go at some point 51 vu I have 51 dollars though who said I couldn't continue the train choo choo it's called vu strain of loneliness thank you for a 51 more dollars vu I don't know what I did to deserve such generosity you know what we could do you guys is we could just pretend that view is donating the right amount so we're up to five dollars now and we got a five spot so you just have to take V use donation and divide it by like at least five to be fair with everybody else sir Chippewa thank you so much to the prom sub welcome friend thank you for that [Music] I love it when people yell notice mean definite makes me want to notice that boy and not block them oh Jesus oh jeez that hurts sob oh that's a green chest for a curse oh god they good there was an eyeball on that thing you see that eyeball I've never seen that eyeball before I don't know what I got myself into you can't notice me Oh reverse psychology huh what's a curse again oh it's that thing that leads to a grim reaper showing up no big deal really it's fine whatever it was a bullet hiding in his undercarriage and got the bastard though beat ABS $5.00 that feelin view stops the train before it can leave the station I'll keep it going you know we love you right vu Thank You beat as the five big ones see what you make me do awesome love remember back in the day when he even tried to get mad at me for using the word bastard is it would offend people that were born out of wedlock yeah yeah I don't know there's a point at which she just got to be yourself everyone's gonna be offended for some reason I don't like this red guy gardener I honestly don't think that he was even bothered by that I think he just wanted to brag about having somebody some youtuber follow his advice battle of the bastards exactly myzel just email email HBO right now tell him no that's come on man I'm a bastard both figuratively and literally well as long as you know what you are wear it and it can be never used it can never be used to hurt you isn't that how it goes all right I got one key and I know where it's going no key drops in that entire floor I'm ready to buy one all right red chest give me some good like a Polaris like uh what else is good Gunther yeah yeah we'll gun Seoul it's fine really brings me back to life if I die where's the snack gun yeah the snack gun is really good - true dat all right what are we killing the boss with possibly the buzz kill it's got killing the name I was hoping to be the walnuts said no man ever [Music] I don't think this is working membrane it is 5:40 train hype from pants lad EU it's not an even amount oh I'm a master oh that's like the first time in history of the history of history of history that I've ever done that fight perfectly oh and I'm so cool ballot actually gives me extra coolness which increases the cooldown decreases the time of cooldown on my active item so my shields are gonna be bangin it's pretty good I didn't get an extra key though whoo whoo a well deserved ballot thousand bits oh snap first time I've seen that you're like b-wing six dollars b-wings in here is to just keeping this going six dollars Thank You b-wings we got people on the train now we got people on the train the people are like Barney the Train is cool that's like neat it's pretty nice I'm just gonna blow this up I guess well I mean we could find the top Sechrist technically but that chest is just gonna bust it's just gonna break open yeah not really a way I can like not shoot it not seeing it did we already find the secret room I think so got your back huts I think I already checked that spot there very very rarely in the elevator room could happen though nah it's not feeling it love bonding of Isaac and starting to like this it seems awesome and if you like Isaac good probably like this too painting the shed I trust you can do the dragon I gotta go to work people where where where where where where where where where where where where where raloo I just wanted to see how that sounded we were way away away away away away bubu a-wimoweh a-wimoweh the lion we were way away away we will [Music] can I get a secret room though I have one come on have it please sir can I just get one oh my goodness how where could it be where could it be shop do you think it's gotta be in the shop goodness it has to be in the shop I don't see an another place it could be shop it's gotta be shot in son of a dick where could it have possibly been I am confuzzled and I'm leaving vu7 dollars i sexually identify as an Apache helicopter I'm having plastic surgery and I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades 30 mm meter cannons and amg-114 hellfire missiles on my body that's good you should like send me a picture I want to see that whenever you know when you're done with that could be yeah it could be cool thanks to the seven bugs view I wanted some junk daddy Smith but the chances of getting one of those is so slim aren't all males sons of dicks you assume the gender of a son all right all right all right glass coming off we got to take this seriously you guys and save battery that red okay that piece of health is on an S elevator escalator no do you call this magic carpet and it's not moving I hate that Rumble hate that room I have to go with that room Oh No I love it so much go to the door Wow oh man that was risky look at how fast my swords come back it's almost like once per room key word almost Oh your mum where all those skills oh yeah conveyor belts I'm Chad and I know all the answers to everything in the world I gotta get in there to say that no rip so long fair chest if I could just break it oh what if I was able to bust it open you're such a dick you're such an ass tries to get me to panic and go in there and use two keys no nobody has that kind of keys Chad had an emote what would it be good donkey I was gonna give you one and it was gonna be a donkey with glasses on you [ __ ] [ __ ] get it smartass okay so let's just lets us talk about something for a second those enemies that come out of the wall and they go ha and they shoot you right in the dick oh good you know I really wanted to have another one that was yeah good thank you to that nice pretty good pretty nice stuff would recommend to a friend having zero keys and having to deal with that [ __ ] nice uh-huh yeah uh-huh yeah heart locket bracket key pitchfork stick it Rome sawed-off shotgun bracket keys pretty special it basically kills everything in the room upon use cots lock talks about new update that gives you a whole bunch of keys gets literally Mel keys the whole run we got a lot of keys in the beginning and that's what I feel like they only changed it to give you extra keys to start maybe maybe I just tell myself things to make myself feel better even though it's all lies here comes the Sun do-do-do-do it wants to kill you shields are good what needs a reload membrane probably few things could use it membranes been pretty nice it's like underwhelming as a weapon as a whole but what we got this runs just Falls oh my god oh wow very doable uh-huh not difficult at all okay hell man all right oh hey it's in my face here ice breaker that's the worst fours I think I've ever seen in my life that's a really bad Forge oh Jesus what happened there Oh oh hey what's hey knock it off hey stop you [ __ ] you oh we just lost hell I almost can't use my store anymore because of that baloney what is this on be [ __ ] believable all right made of it we may have the dragon oh yeah we're good no I'm done especially not good in fact let's beard that doesn't count as a table I just want to burn them burden to this gun you got a when you as soon as you fire through half of it it loses its damage and it's bouncing when I keep it charged keep it loaded up Nene buzzkill Jose is in this gun right how come you don't use a crosshair is that our need one I don't use my mouse crosshairs are for the weak still don't have any keys though was tricky what does one do about this situation in which no keys or presence buy a key there are no keys for sale nice excellent good choice thanks for that ok bye putz is such a baller he uses a controller with a mice's it's an option in the game it allows you to do it my aim assist is very low because I don't like it I like the aim where I please it's a little bit on but yeah so it's not really cheating it's just your bitching about not being smart enough to use them they gave they gave you to win I feel very comfortable I'm gonna use the buzz skill I think still haven't found a secret room but uh kinda want to say my blanks hey guys did you like the state that totally helps you gameplay out suck though I don't want that at anybody whose is it as cheating if it was a mod that I put on there absolutely pack city okay this gun is like not doing it for me our guns are really not that strong you guys you just take a step back and look at all of our guns kind of underwhelming [ __ ] me I took damage I'm a liar I didn't get the lube yeah it's just it's all downhill from here [Applause] as soon as you take it one hit of damages it's all flowing in it's just a nice [ __ ] best on your face there's no way we're making a through bullet hell you guys we are this is a bad run this is literally like a bad run it looks good I don't know if it ever really looked good though that was real tight did it actually ever really look good sure that it did probably sawed off maybe here gotta get Shanna's money bag I know that's why I said I'm a liar and a thief but not a cheater the sawed-off sucks balls oh my god it's really bad point-blank with a sawed-off shotgun you think it would hurt you'd think that someone would be in pain help help help help they're stretching me so thin right now with the placement of these stupid little things oh my gosh longest dragon fight of I think I've ever had in my toilet this is a bad run I don't even have a weapon that I can use to kill the heart and longer than 17 tries see was the it was the added pressure of knowing that I had to already beat this perfectly so really Shh hey in the shed screwed me over I blame Shen completely 100% I would have been just fine way too much pressure I blame squat is this really a conveyor belt you guys if it's not conveying anything hmm see now we're getting rid to the real nitty gritty is it really moving anything not really conveyor belt it means it's in like a factory right that it's like you're building something on it mmm proved it wrong all right I'm out of here it's conveying you to your death it moves you but I don't want to move B taps did you see you're saying someone built that specifically to move me maybe vice is still called a conveyor belt you silly uh-huh no no I'm gonna keep at this until I get this jump nope I'm gonna keep at this until I get this jump nope still going uh-huh I have to do it I'm absolutely necessary it's a hundred and twenty percent necessary we're late how can I not make that jump I made that jump all the time they patch it they patched it didn't they I'm gonna make the jump it's just like give in game why are you trying so hard to try to stop me if look it makes you look kind of stupid game now you're trying so hard that jump is too broken well damn I make this jump all the time I had had to be nerfed are you [ __ ] me how's my favorite jump it made me look so cool a roll has been nerfed for the bullet it's literally unplayable literally unplayable I don't know why anybody plays this game it's embarrassing for the game damaged in the first room oh yeah buddy sounds promising first rooms a dead ends mmm and I take damage in it yeah oh girl spin the gun so I get all the ladies like that guys just you can't dodge those bullets it's not possible I'm not even sure why he's a hit keep my character you nerf my jumps but you leave that guy in the game GG me me me me this gun is mocking me be close enough to use my swords on their face oh hell no and then two pink bubble [ __ ] all God is this justice I asked [Music] we're empty I just rolled through that guy oh goodness hex prime sub welcome thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it what should we reload here wine D gun Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina I'm dying stop just stop stop stop stop stop stop don't hate stop we could use less of the summoning of ancient douchebags [Music] [ __ ] this game man right when I come out of mine roll dodge I walk right into the bullet I couldn't turn around that point it was too late oh good extra money will stop dying then you shall not pass [Music] we call this a funnel funnel into an area with piercing bullets it's deadly command some Flint hook well go watch my videos on demand it's the Popeil on yeah did you guys know that your old dodge does damage I call it a choke not a funnel whatever I want i funneled them at the choke got him come again try to outsmart me Teddy go toe to toe with me this is really fun by the way [Music] these guys blow he's gonna go spank him the pains me you hurt me like that bakit love you like that Wayfarer is east 20 months in RL hello huts see you in a month you're too busy [Music] Oh Oh ooh dead-end confirmed the chance to come to a stream about once a month when I get an email saying IRA subbed and then life hits again Lowell take care don't go too hard take it easy on yourself I'm gonna take breaks stay hydrated thanks mom [Music] I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about this tough stuff man slowly losing my health okay we made it uh-oh what is our biggest chance Oh oh god I don't know probably mutation at this first battle mmm I don't know rawr I'm the final boss my name is Greg oh good I'm glad I roll dodged up into that hail somebody who what am I supposed to go where was out what was I supposed to do which in which direction was I supposed to head in huh oh you don't have answer oh good okay seems fair then eat the bullets question mark oh wow switch my guns now buzz kill yes buzz killington this is not gonna be easy [ __ ] that's what the hell is that going what the hell was going on with that boy just controlling it I rolled right into that one too nice oh good and walking into them walking on sunshine yeah it doesn't feel good it does not feel good it doesn't feel like God oh-ho mine did you see these [ __ ] Hail Mary shots that are coming into my vagina are you watching this I have no words to explain I have no words to describe what just happened besides holy G [ __ ] gene Oh Oh I'm back oh good cuz I totally stand a chance now let's do this gang look at me go I am going to Vic I am going to Victor I'd start that yeah okay no let's do every single room over again with one red heart with one heart let's sounds good to me because if you can't make it with eight hearts you probably can make it with one probably I just that was the most amazing Lich fight I think I've ever seen in my entire life that was absolutely astonishing I was like yep this is how I do this and I roll dodge now and I'm like yay and then I roll dodge and then some random bullet was just like blink oh yeah okay good
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,641
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: WL7ssWNSdqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 12sec (5712 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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