Best Prayer EVERY PASTOR Should Know! (Philippians 1:8-13) | Dr. Gene Kim

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we left off at verse 8. now remember the book of philippians is a very practical book so it'll be very important for all of you to take good notes and not just write the notes but actually start applying them they're going to be very helpful to you in your life our first philippian study was definitely eye opening on that and we're going to continually see some good gems from the book of philippians on how to practice our christian life the bible says at philippians chapter 1 verse 8 for god is my record so paul's saying that god is paul's record so god keeps the record and paul says that basically like god is my witness for god is my record what i'm going to tell you is honestly from my heart it's really true for god is my record how greatly i long after you all in the bowels of jesus christ as god is recording him he's telling the truth how greatly how much great he longs after the philippians all the philippians so he longs after them very much and he misses them and that should be the attitude and the spirit of bible-believing preachers and missionaries but unfortunately preachers don't have that kind of heart and it's two sides to blame is one is the preacher himself because the preacher has to have a heart of compassion for the members no matter what sometimes members frustrate the preacher but you have to love the person look at second corinthians chapter 12 please second corinthians chapter 12. the less they love you or the less they appreciate you the more you have to make up for it with your love and that's what i had to do at the beginning of my ministry and by doing that the lord he actually blessed and honored it now the church has gotten to a point where they love me in return they work for me they volunteer for me and i don't really have to ask much they're the ones who ask me if they could do the job for me so that's what happens with the loving church so it requires like i said two sides it needs the pastor producing the love but it also is the members because if your hands at second corinthians 12 going back to philippians 1 remember that the current the philippian church not corinthian corinthians is where paul had to work his love but the philippian church is the one that made up for the love if you look at verse 5 that we read verse 7 that we read and verse 6 remember that the philippian church that the people at philippi they produced much love to the apostle paul i knew it was one l all right so one l in philippians so the church at philippi they've done so much work and labor for paul they've helped him so that's why paul says that's why i miss all you guys you guys are a big blessing to me i remember back then where i wouldn't want to leave a revival meeting at pbi sometimes they have a thing what they call a blowout and i wouldn't want to leave it because i was getting so much of a blessing over there i was getting refreshed because going back to the ministry is just a lot of work again however it's really funny now i'm at a point where even though i'm enjoying a revival meeting at different places i can't wait to come back home why is that because the church here has become very active and been very involved and loving to me so then i just can't wait and then i miss you all some of you people even said that too right when you went away and then you say but i miss this church why because we've gotten to that point so it's so important that as a church we need to love each other no matter what so you need to love the preacher and help him out by doing that then the church can become an awesome church think about it this church would not be awesome if there weren't people volunteering sunday school tech tech tech tech and tech all right onliners you would miss out the blessing if these tech guys didn't sacrifice and the people who volunteered to mop the floor set up the stuff at the kitchen food and etc etc so by doing all these measures we are able to enjoy fellowship with each other the kids grown adults everyone male and female sister sheila volunteering to take care of the ladies ministry so then the ladies have become even stronger in fellowship so because this this is very important that's how we can grow as a church and enjoy and the pastor can long to come back to that kind of a church but it's the other way around too the pastor has to love the member even if the member doesn't love the pastor that much it's so important to do that look at second corinthians chapter 12 verse 14. behold the third time i am ready to come to you and i will not be burdensome to you for i seek not yours but you for the children ought not to lay up for the parents but the parents for the children and i will very gladly spend and be spent for you though the more abundantly i love you the less i be loved all right going back to philippians 1. so notice that at the main text here paul says it doesn't matter if he's less loved when he loves them even more it's his job as a pastor to do that why it's the right attitude at philippians 1 8 philippians 1 8 the people should be your heart and i made a promise to the lord that if it's just an 80 year old grandmother and me in the church then that's the person that i'm going to live all my life and die for heavenly father i really meant that and the lord tried me out on that one and he proved my patience and my love and then he gave me the fruit after that so it's impo we need to have that kind of church where a pastor does that for the member the member does that for the pastor going back to the main text at verse 8 so that's the attitude of the church now he says that he longs after them all in the bowels of jesus christ all right whatever that means right so the apostle paul he longs after them the bible says in the bowels of jesus christ so bowels what does that mean so then the scholars they go into a little disgusting mode and then they talk about you know where i'm not going to basically mention it but where all the stuff comes out and then that's where the bowels relate to and then because of that it's related to a lower part of the region and then basically no they're wrong all right they just have filth in their minds that's pretty much it bible scholars i'm telling you bible scholars yes good godly bible scholars so this is not the idea of referring to bowels in that sense so then what is bowels referring to bowels is referring to in the sense kind of like bowls so the idea is inert all right it's hollow inside the innards inside him he longs after them so he says bowels of jesus christ so in other words this love is so aligned this love is so aligned with jesus christ because remember jesus christ is in you you have to be one in jesus christ so then within jesus christ himself what does he have within jesus christ as much as he longs after see inside me i long after you right so that's the idea inwardly i long after you within the vows so inside him he longs after the church but it's not just talking about his inside he's one with jesus christ it's the insides of jesus christ so where we can see practically speaking is the inner part of jesus christ how much jesus would long after his own children and love them paul is aligned directly with that doctrinally and this is where we get deep it's where it's talking about positionally basically literally itself go to the book of ephesians chapter two look at the book of ephesians and it'll be chapter one excuse me chapter one if you recall the lord jesus christ himself i won't use purple here i'm going to use red so jesus christ remember he fills up all the universe so god fills up everywhere god is everywhere in the universe so paul he's actually talking about that within the bowels of jesus christ if the universe is the body of jesus christ his body fills up all the universe then inside see the inner parts of that inside the universe somewhere paul uh longs and loves after the philippian church and jesus does as well so that's a huge blessing that with inside jesus christ basically you're at the heart of god almost can you imagine that that's how much god for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and he wants to offer that love to the lost sinners if they would receive him but for now it's given to his saved children who did receive him all right look at the book of ephesians chapter 1 notice that his body fills up all of the universe the bible says at verse 20 which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places see that the context is going to be universal far above all principality power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hat put look at this all things under his feet so the 20 verse 21 is all things all the principality power everything in this world they're all under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church so all those things within our world is what to the church which is his body keep reading the fullness of him that filleth what all in all it fills up all everywhere the principalities dominion heavenly places so it's talking about everywhere in the universe so his body fills up everywhere go to philippians chapter 1 again philippians chapter 1. that's something that's something to preach about that you're at the heart of god you're at the heart of god and this wicked world is at the heart of god and that's why he keeps giving them grace but pretty soon the lord's going to move that world from its place and give a cataclysmic event right they're getting further and further away from the heart of god and i mean that it could be in a literal sense too i mean that it could be in a literal sense too the lord can move it a little bit more and more okay let's look at verse nine and this i pray now paul the preacher is praying here if there's something that you want to know as a pastor as a preacher there are five things there are several things that you should pray a pastor's prayer for the church and the following prayers you want to keep in mind and write down and this is a good prayer that a pastor would pray for the church let me move toward this side all right the bible says here and this i pray that your love may abound so he prays that the philippian church here that their love will abound it will grow yet more and more so even more and more that's the idea it's going to grow higher it's going to grow larger and larger so then you get these calvary chapel guys and then you get the non-denominational churches that get on bible-believing christians you lack so much love and you're not loving like we are that street preaching is not the right way it doesn't manifest the love of jesus christ you guys make a big deal about doctrine what about love what about love and so they emphasize so much about love that it makes you puke pretty much so they say you got i mean we gotta grow more and more in love but their kind of love is not love it's a sick love did you hear what i just said it's a sick love so just like the homosexuals they would think well this is love no that's a wrong kind of love and the charismatic churches and the wrong churches out there that use a wrong love is just as wrong as that one so you've got to understand that there's got to be a right kind of love this love that grows more and more is found at the next part of verse 9 more and more in knowledge and in all judgment and that's where 99 of churches lack the kind of love that should be manifested is all in knowledge so the love that you have has got to increase more and more toward other people and it's following the baseline of knowledge in other words you need to know what's right and wrong you need to know what's right and wrong but then the charismatic churches they don't care non-denominational churches they don't care and guess what onliners i'm very sad to say this but a lot of you don't care either you just watch our videos because it's very interesting or you never s been taught that much bible before in other channels and then you keep watching our stuff you know why because we believe in love that grows in knowledge other churches lack that and you get upset at me when i criticize the false churches out there or your favorite youtube heroes but you got to realize this is that they have to be criticized because the reason why is if it doesn't follow the word of god if it doesn't follow proper knowledge then they are wrong the bible is right they are wrong you keep thinking you keep looking at pastor kim that's your problem oh pastor kim thinks he's right and he's better than other people no the bible thinks that it's right and above other people see you're not looking at the bible when you're watching my teachings all you see is me are you even looking at the verses right now some of you probably need to get your bibles out right now and just stop watching and then need to take out your bible and then start watching and then make sure that we're going through the bible all right i'm getting hard on some of the onliners here and i hope you understand why because i love you because i want you to follow knowledge it's a love that grows in knowledge and i will be wasting my time if you're not growing in knowledge in this teaching right now well what's the point of coming to this bible study i mean you came here to learn that's why some people are marking their bible taking out their notebooks paying attention looking at the bible so it's got to grow so with knowledge obviously comes judgment and they hate that see that if you grow more and more knowledge it's natural that you are going to judge a right love is a love that judges it's a love that discriminates but see the world hates that they accuse you of discrimination but no basically you have to know that within judgment and when i term discriminate i don't hate but discriminate the meaning of it basically you have to tell the difference and find out which one is better which one is not better which one is bad which one is good and the world hates that they want to say everything's okay so we're interdenominational so some churches following the liberalism flow of relativity but no if you grow more in knowledge this is right this is wrong what happens then you judge and you judge that oh perry stone is wrong then with his speaking of tongues oh then sid roth is wrong with his visions and some of you people still watch that stuff and get mad at me it's amazing and you're not really loving christians if you're truly a loving christian you're going to grow a knowledge on what is right and wrong and it's going to judge on what's right and wrong and we lack that in our bible believing churches today we need that we need a kind of love that grows in knowledge and a knowledge that judge think about it if you truly love your child if the child goes around messing around with criminals and messing up his or her life what is the parent going to do a love that is knowledgeable enough that that kind of life is going to mess you up so they judge the child saying don't hang around that crowd that's a bunch of punks out there that kind of crowd is going to mess you up i don't want you to go out at the middle of the night with them doing these kind of conundrums all right let's go back we're going to uh look at verse 10. so that's the right kind of love that ye may approve things that are excellent that's the second thing the second thing that you want to do as a bible believing christian is to uh have an approval of things that are excellent so a lot of bible believing christians nowadays they don't really care about things that are excellent in their lives they just approve things that they think is uh that they deem to be approved but they don't take the approval on things that are excellent all right go to the book of first corinthians chapter 12. first corinthians chapter 12. do you have excellence in your life are those the things that you approve or is it the vain things right the worldly things the fleshy things the things that die out and don't mean anything and turn to dust even spiritual things you have proven want in your life but you don't want the better spiritual things see a lot of people they would like to get attention as i want to preach on the pulpit but they don't prove that things are more excellent which is loving the person and praying for the person putting up deficiencies they don't like that they want to be i want to preach and then run away that's not that's not the right heart all right first corinthians chapter 12. first corinthians chapter 12. notice that the bible says at verse one now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant so the corinthian church they're ignorant about the gifts here what's going on well the gifts they have a problem when they don't look at the more excellent yes things that are more approved look at the last verses at verse 29 are all apostles are all prophets all teachers are all workers and miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret obviously no but see that's what charismatics want getting attention through that feeling through that and that's of the flesh that's not of god god doesn't want you to prove of those things those are not excellent things verse 31 but covet earnestly the best gifts see that even above healing apostleship teaching miracles isn't that something what is it verse 1 of chapter 13 though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity oh come on pastor that's a more excellent thing giving to others that's what charity means sacrificing when you give the offering to the church sacrificing talking to everybody that you can especially newcomers sacrificing your time to be able to pray for the individual making sure that uh keeping an eye on people who may feel down charity how about that look at the last part of verse 13. so faith is so valuable in the christian life because without faith faith the bible says it's impossible to please him hope is an important gift in the christian life why because it keeps our vision up like that's why we've grown as a church right we've gotten hope like we're gonna try to win every soul that we can around the world that's why we the lord keeps blessing us but there's something even more powerful than a strong hope like that powerful then faith that pulls you through the trials and gives you victory and the feeling power of the spirit it's the last part of verse 13 but the greatest of these is charity it's giving to others it's loving why because by through these by pure love it'll pull you through a lot of things in life let's also look at the book of first corinthians 14 first corinthians 14. look at verse one follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but look at this but rather that ye may prophesy see that look at verse 4 he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself but he that prophesieth edify at the church see that let's also no so notice here that the bible shows that at chapter 14 prophesying is better than speaking in tongues so excuse me what is prophesying prophesying it means to preach the word of god so it's rather than directly today it's through the word of god itself that we're preaching so do you preach the word of god to other people when you're witnessing are you soul winning a lot of people they avoid soul winning don't avoid soul winning it's a chance where you witness the gospel of jesus christ preach to other people that's something more excellent than what you're going through right now it's more excellent than sitting down in a bible study that talks about blue-blooded aliens or the deep doctrines okay because what is good with all that knowledge in your head if it's not benefiting other people in your life or benefiting or doing something for the lord so you got to approve the more excellent things so you have to look not look at which spiritual things you're doing in your life and are you approving things that are excellent more excellent or are you thinking that the spiritual things you're doing now that oh this is fine for the lord and i'm enjoying it or are you asking yourself am i doing the more excellent things keep up the good spiritual works but don't waste your time just doing the low spiritual works find things that are more excellent all right philippians chapter one all right i don't want to expound that point far too long but that's very good advice your spiritual life will will grow so much more so i want you to examine yourself and find out like what are things that are more excellent in the spiritual life that i can do for my lord all right the next part of verse 10 that ye may be sincere so that's the third part of his prayer the third part of his prayer is that the philippian church they will be sincere so looking back at the book of ephesians chapter 6 and that is the problem with churches is that they lack sincerity so the idea is it's being honest here truly being honest with all your heart look at ephesians chapter 6 look at verse 24 they keep em the church that keeps emphasizing on love does not know what it's talking about a love that's more specific is what charity love that gives to others a love that what is in knowledge and in judgment a love that is in sincerity ephesians 6 24 grace be with all them that love our lord jesus christ in sincerity so it is so important to be honest truthful you know what's not honest and truthful what's not honest and truthful is drawing on a whiteboard and then trying to affiliate yourself with bible-believing preachers that you actually criticized against and pretending you're a bible believer that is not right with god that's not being sincere you're being sneaky you're being dishonest and you know it too and the way that you act like oh but i'm loving toward people and etc etc you're being insincere and you know it so you got to watch out for preachers who try to try to put out a fake show of love and that always gets rid of people see they turn away from uh this channel here because my tone of voice how i criticize people but there's one thing you can't deny about me i'm being sincere about it i'm being genuinely sincere and when i love people i'm being genuinely sincere about it and even against my enemies even if they criticize me i am being sincere on what i said against my enemies good things about them and bad things about them i don't like dishonesty trying to put on a show of love love love and then people say oh what a great christian and stuff like that god sees all that hypocrisy and so a christian church should not be that way a christian church that harps on love and when people come inside the church they can see you through and through that this is a show and unbelievers know that too so you have to show genuine love a genuine love toward these people are you being honest are you being sincere now look i get it there are times that it's hard to love another person okay and then you try to be loving toward the person but in the heart it's like oh but i wanna like that are you being a hypocrite no what you're doing is your drought you're trying to fight against your flesh on the dislike on the hatred you're trying to resist that and trying to use the love of jesus christ and from the spiritual nature to overcome it see if you're trying the lord sees that and the lord will bless and honor it so there's nothing wrong with that one so it's important to understand that you have to have a sincerity sincerity a church emphasizes about love love love but they're not sincere about it why if they were sincere about it they wouldn't keep preaching on tithes and offerings they wouldn't try to be controlling of the people they disguise it through love independent fundamental baptist churches are really guilty of that there was one pastor that was very loving and nice to people but then all of a sudden he said during offering like we're behind half a million dollars and it's like he was trying to get on the church i'm like whoa what in the world you know so and it's in this area so i'm not going to try to give out names though but that's the idea independent fundamental baptist churches do that and that's not right with god uh churches that uh be weak on doctrine sidestep like ravi zacharias and i don't care if you onliners get upset at me about this i'm doing this because i'm not going to put on a show and because i don't want you to be deceived ravi zacharias put on a great show for you and you still empathize with that person that's very strange and that really breaks my heart and that's why i don't hesitate to kick that kind of guy because that guy is so sleazy with his words trying to put on a show of sincerity but he's an abuser that guy's an abuser and ruined the testimony of thousands of christians which is sad i give credit to whom credit's due don't get me wrong about zacharias a lot of stuff that he use i still use myself and the lord mightily used him but man i don't defend i don't defend that guy when he messed around like that i don't defend his reputation with that kind of mess that's manipulative see it doesn't matter how much great you are with words where you put on a show of love a person that's not sincere but manipulative that is manipulating twisted dishonest like ravi zacharias not right with god all right going back going back so uh make sure that you stand strong for doctrine that was zacharias problem remember he was going like this like a snake so that he doesn't displease both sides he wants to please every side that shows his attitude his attitude is not being sincere see his attitude and his heart revealed that he's sneaky that's the idea dishonest you know me man i mean i tell you plainly i'll tell you the name of the person i'll criticize the wrong doctrine and i'll make it very plain why because i'm doing you a disservice by trying to get you into my church and getting your offering i'm not interested in your membership or in morphine or more subscribers in the button and some people do that they try to draw put on a show call themselves bible believers but they have a lot of strange people in their channel now do i have that too sure i do it but you know what i do i clean house and a lot of people unsubscribe from our channel people who tried the rbb connect a lot of them dropped out you know why we're cleaning house why because you know this pastor i want to be real with you i don't want to be dishonest just because i want to build up your numbers i want to be sincere and real with you you know what you're getting in my channel and some of you people who still hate me and don't like me you still watch me anyway and i just all i can say is thank the lord for that even though i'm being sincere and honest at least you know what i stand for uh going so i say that a lot because that's a church has to be that way don't put on a fake show church do you understand please don't do that that's the worst thing that can happen in this church all right going to the next part of verse 10 and without offense till the day of christ so it is important that his third prayer excuse me fourth part in the prayer is that it has to have without offense go to the book of second timothy 4. ii timothy chapter 4. so the king james bible it words it as a fence with the sea so i'm going to put that there so without offense till the day of christ now remember the day of christ is referring to the rapture if you might recall so it's referring to the rapture when we go up at the judgment seat of christ so it is important to understand that when we go up here at the judgment seat of christ god paul's prayer a pastor's prayer is they will be without offense so that god won't have to judge them harshly and that's a good prayer of a pastor and that should be the good prayer of every pastor pastors should pray about that for their members it shows how much they love them the mo one of the most important things in the christian life is the judgment seat of christ and pastors should be praying that their members be without offense there that's a great prayer you all should be praying that too all right ii timothy chapter four and then we'll read verse eight henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day see that day just like the day of christ and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing all right go to second timothy chapter one second timothy chapter one and verse 16 16. so that day is where he's getting his reward paul says so we know that's referring to the day of christ aka the judgment seat of christ right if that's the case then look at second timothy chapter one notice what paul says that he prays for this individual to find at the judgment seat verse 16 the lord give mercy unto the house of ones for us for you refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains verse 18 the lord grant untim that he may find mercy of the lord look at this word in what in that day so that undoubtedly matches with second timothy 4 8. so the idea is is that that's a good prayer of a pastor seeking that the members would be without offense at the judgment seat of christ going back philippians philippians so here is what we can call the philippian prayer do you have the philippian prayer a philippian prayer should be a prayer not more so for the member but more so from for the pastor so every pastor should know about the philippian prayer that should be my advice a lot of bible believing pastors including myself probably don't didn't know about that so it's important that bible believing pastors should know this or those of you who are entering a ministry should have a philippian prayer for your people returning to our main text verse 11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness so the last part of his prayer is that they would be filled with the fruits of righteousness so filled right kind of like being filled with the holy spirit right if you're filled with the holy spirit the holy spirit produces fruit right so when you're filled with fruits you're also filled with the holy spirit go to galatians five galatians chapter five galatians chapter five so the idea is is that you have to be filled with the fruits of the spirit now some people who talk about the fruits of the holy spirit they don't know what they're talking about they say oh the holy spirit the holy spirit is in this place blah blah blah and then they speak in tongues roll around the ground and play rock music thinking that the holy spirit's in that but no that's not right the holy spirit is definitely not within that some people think that's the case the holy spirit is not within a place that's filled with sin the holy spirit is in a place that is filled with righteousness did you notice that philippians what did it say they said that the fruits of what righteousness not worldliness if that's how you have all your fruits and your numbers in church your fruits are rotten do you understand that so a church is filled with 99 of churches are filled with rotten fruit sadly they fill it up with fleshlyness and worldliness how did they get all the numbers because of gimmicks independent fundamental baptist churches are guilty of that through worldly music non-denominational churches emergent churches are guilty of that speaking of tongues healings doctrines are not a big deal charismatic churches are big into that prophecy prophecy we're so big on prophecy and they don't make a big deal about doctrine within prophecy see that that's what the lord does not honor and that's why these prophecy youtube channels it's a shame you online or subscribe to them despite of the wrong doctrine they teach in their prophecy sad all right uh returning to the texture that's why the fruit has to be of righteousness not corruption so first of all we know that these fruits come from the holy spirit in galatians chapter 5 notice that the bible says about the fruits of the spirit at verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit see that so the fruit comes from the holy spirit now going to ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5. we're going to look at ephesians chapter 5. so the idea is this look at the fruits of this ministry so looking at all the fruits of the ministry here with the soul saved and people going to bible believing churches and people filtering out from wrong doctrine and getting their doctrine straight which is a huge blessing all this kind of fruits that we have we ask ourselves this are we filled with the holy spirit well with all these fruits it should encourage us yes this church is filled with the holy spirit with our young men preaching the word of god always asking god to fill within them the holy spirit no wonder the lord blessed them with their preaching right bless them with the soul saved right so constantly praying to be filled with the holy spirit and living being filled with the holy spirit should produce so much fruit and that should encourage you so count your fruits a lot of people don't count their fruits and you'd be surprised how much you are filled with the holy spirit okay so uh what encourages this pastor where he doesn't feel uh too bad you know i'm a sinner say by grace that's all i can say that that's all that i am and what encourages this pastor is well i must be doing something right because of the fruits that the lord blessed me with and that encourages me that the holy spirit at least takes some part in my life where he feels within me now look at ephesians chapter 5 verse 9 for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth see that close away 99 of the false churches there who claim that they're filled with the holy spirit or they have a lot of fruits no the fruit of the holy spirit follows what is good right and truth so that is important to understand so remember that the fruits here they have to be something that is filled with righteousness oh you fundamentalist you guys are too extreme extreme and legalist about the dressing the music etc etc no we make a big deal about righteousness what's wrong with that there's something wrong with you if you're upset about that to be honest it shows that you don't want to live a life of righteousness you love a life of worldliness something that makes you comfortable right all right going back to the main text philippians chapter 1. philippians chapter 1. i have a strong feeling that i'm not going to make a lot of friends after this or a lot of onliners i made mad but it's important that i teach you this if i truly love you all right so if i really love you and i want you to be without offense at the judgment scene of christ i'm gonna give you all the truth otherwise you're gonna blame this pastor hey so you let me subscribe to your channel and you called yourself a bible bible believer and you drew a lot of stuff and affiliated yourself with bible believing preachers but you didn't warn me or tell me about what's wrong here or what's wrong here or what's right doctrine you cared more about subscribers didn't you and that applies to onliners and that applies to pastors they want more members see that that shows they don't love the people they love their audience number okay going back to philippians chapter one now uh if you're filled with the holy spirit it's so important to understand that the latter part of verse 11 the fruits of righteousness which are by what jesus christ jesus christ so all of this is from jesus christ alone the fruits unto the glory and praise of god and that's done to glorify god to give praise to him go to john 15 john 15. now this if you recall your basic doctrine study on the fruits of the spirit or those of you who are taking beginners discipleship classes on that it's so important to understand that it only comes from jesus christ it comes from god so are you following are you relying on jesus christ for the fruits not your own efforts and that's the thing that this pastor always has to check himself and it's very difficult for this pastor sometimes he feels like he has to take control he has to do this and that and then a lot of times i have to learn to let it go and let god because jesus christ is the one producing fruits so slow down gene i know that a lot of people in church or onliners are saying when are we going to get this when are we going to do this and i know that some of you might be frustrated on that but i have things by god's timetable i'm already overrun in my schedule as it is i'm just too tired especially the last couple of weeks but the lord has been blessing us with a lot of fruits why because it's definitely of jesus christ not my own so i i have to learn to let it go and trust god about that people who criticize me online i have to let that go and let god because god always taken care of me on that one all right john chapter 15 notice that at verse 4 this is so important abide in me jesus is speaking here you have to abide in jesus christ and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you except the abide in me see that now all this work okay preachers you listening to this members are you listening to this onliners2 if you're not abiding in jesus christ i don't care how much of a killer sermon you make i don't care how much of a killer title on youtube you make to build up subscribers or a nice drawing right or how hard you work in church management making sure everyone feels welcomed and that everyone's needs are met i mean it's not much different from a consumer economy right of america you got to get off of that you got to rely it on jesus christ now look don't get me wrong all those things are important where the lord can use these things but if it's not abiding in jesus christ relying on jesus christ then all the work you've done is for nothing look at the next part verse 5 i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth me and i am saying bringeth much fruit for without me what ye can do nothing and some of these preachers who started out with a lot of soul saved and then you know they say well i'm a bible believer and i translated the bible into a different language and stuff like that and when they mess around with their pride and then they mess around in sin the lord just thrusts them down like that see so you can produce a lot of fruits at the beginning that are genuine and right but don't think that you can keep that up the lord can make it nothing again and he did with some of you right some of you who are proud and messed up in sin some of you pastors too going back to john chapter 15 again i mean not john 15 philippians 1 philippians 1. there that's an example your pastor literally can't do nothing i just gave you the wrong text there philippians 1. so only by jesus christ that we can go through a lesson all right let's wrap it up so verse 11 we see that without jesus christ we're definitely nothing so don't forget where you are please church the lord made us great the last thing we need is we work so hard through jesus christ relying all on him and that's all done to waste all right let's keep up the humility that i'm nothing without jesus christ and that we need all of god and that we don't compromise like the other churches we need to make sure we're doing things with sincerity without offense filled with the fruits of the spirit that's done in righteousness a love that follows knowledge and judgment and we need to approve things that are more excellent that's the my prayer for you church today and you online nurse too all right i want you to know that that you're a part of us too all right going back to verse 12 by wood so paul he would he wishes what he should understand brethren he wishes that he would that they would understand and he calls him brethren because they're saved what that the things which happen unto me all the things that happened to paul remember he's in prison right so he would be describing that case have fallen out rather unto the first furtherance of the gospel all the bad things that happened to paul actually furthered out the gospel spread out the gospel even more so that my bonds in christ so that his bonds the chains right as a prisoner that is in jesus christ he identifies himself with jesus christ is in this when i'm in prison my bonds in christ are manifest in all the palace so throughout all the palace that he's at it's he's showing his trial his uh prisoner status to the whole world as a testimony but his suffering is for jesus and in all other places and not just in the palace all around the world it's testifying to the people about his stand for jesus christ go to acts go to the book of acts so here's a great example we're going to look at the book of acts chapter 25 acts chapter 25. so popping up the fact that because he was in prison what happened he got the government officials involved those in the palace government officials get involved obviously government officials they do things where it involves the public so then the public gets involved that's why paul says all other places get to see him so i a great example is sadly there aren't bible believing preachers standing up for jesus christ but there are a few out there who's standing up for jesus christ we know of a case with pastor samson ryman he stood for jesus christ on what he deemed was right and because of that the government officials got involved but also the public got involved all other places saw a stands for jesus christ and then we see other preachers uh hopefully uh i take it for a fact a lot of them are safe christians one from canada who believed in trying to stand for jesus christ and that was all over the news uh even john mcarthur who messed up in wrong doctrine took a stance and all the world saw that one we saw that pastor in canada he actually went to what he actually went to jail so to speak so that's an example of standing up for jesus christ so sadly there aren't a lot of bible-believing christians who are willing to do that to stand up for jesus christ even through prison in imprisonment being a good testimony to the world how did we do it now obviously i'm not saying get get yourself plainly into trouble and grab attention there are some of these idiots who like to get attention on youtube and get viral so they deliberately get themselves into trouble with the law or to go into prison and they could care less about sacrificing their church so me i'm at a place where i have to stand strong for jesus christ but at the same time i'm not going to sacrifice my church or the onliners so what have i done i took a stand for jesus christ i mean we didn't skip street preaching visitation you got to realize we're in a liberal area all right and we did not we did not mess up in church either all right in the public eye this pastor had to be wise and careful to get away with serving the lord god all right getting away to serving the lord god but he couldn't do it in a way where what it cost him the ministry or does something foolish because i'm in the middle of sodom and gomorrah right so it's one thing to be like simon peter cutting off a guy's ear and thinking you can take on the whole synagogue in sanhedrin but no then the ministry would have been nothing but another way like what jesus said be wise as serpent and harmless as a dove in the midst of wolves where paul said i caught you craftily with guile that's another way where you can do that while surviving while surviving against the jewish affliction persecution sanhedrin peter should have done that way but he didn't do it that way so that's how this church has manifested itself for the glory of god amen i mean it's a great testimony to the whole world man i mean we are the ones who passed out those uh those uh controversial chick tracts don't we we're the ones that pass them out i'm not going to say it online publicly obviously so but we did that it's a huge uh victory and we've done it to thousands of houses around all the counties here street preaching throughout all the counties here isn't that a huge blessing all right going back all right i got to wrap it up oh boy i'm late so acts chapter 25 let's wrap this up quickly so notice here at uh verse 24 and festus said king agrippa and all men which are here present with us ye see this man about whom all the multitude of the jews have dealt with me notice that a government official got a king involved and the public all the jews involved why because paul's a prisoner at verse 27 for it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not with all to signify the crimes laid against him see festus said this is pointless unreasonable to send out a prisoner but god saw a purpose behind it he says yeah i know it's unreasonable but i want him to stay little longer because i have a reason behind it so that you can hear paul's preaching the king can hear paul's preaching and all those jews and that's what paul did at chapter 26 what did paul do give the whole gospel to the king his whole testimony and then the king almost got saved he almost got saved and paul said this word at 29 verse 29 and paul said i wit to god that not only thou but also all that hear me this day we're both almost and all together such as i am except these bonds so paul wanted them to be just like him with the exclusion of the bonds why because he's the one bringing the testimony to them through his prisoner status okay we're gonna go back to philippians chapter one later on let's close with the word of prayer god my father i pray that tonight's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers some of it may have been hard for onliners but i pray that you'll please soften their hearts and don't let them be upset or stubborn or easily offended i pray that the holy spirit will open their eyes soften their hearts and that they'll change their lives and set their mind and focus on bible believing truth in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 12,586
Rating: 4.9371729 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: 1g1qQ1aCabA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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