Dark Steps to Evil And Breaking Addictions (Ephesians 4:17-27) | Dr. Gene Kim

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we left off at verse 17. the bible says this i say therefore so paul is therefore saying to the ephesian church what because of verse 16. it is crucially important to understand about the body of christ that were all look at that previous verse fitly joined together no matter how different we all are no matter how feeble the body of christ is we're all in it together so because we're all in it together it is important as paul says that we should be edifying one another that it should be pure not consisting of wrong doctrine and also it should be done in unification you should not be splitting with this body of christ in unity paul says that's why i want to tell you this what he says and testify in the lord verse 17 so he's going to testify what god says he's speaking in the lord what does god want you to do that he henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk so paul is saying that henceforth which is another word for therefore this time forward that you should not walk as other gentiles gentiles remember are unbelieving people who are not jews if you think about every other nation that is not a jew and that is a gentile that is an unbeliever they are wicked they're pagan-minded they are filled with pride and wickedness so why does paul say to the church that we should not walk as them because we're the body of christ we're no longer a part of the family of satan we're no longer a part of the world system we are definitely separate from the world being separated from the world we do not follow what the world does we do not follow as the other gentiles walk because the body of christ remember the point is is that it has to be pure pure holy and growing it cannot grow in their sin in order to understand the state of the gentiles the world our pagan world it goes along these following steps so you might wonder how did america become what it is today this is the same thing with your life when you live in sin so this is very important it starts out the first part in the vanity of their mind the world the way they walk where we the body of christ do not walk accordingly is that they start in the vanity of their minds so usually sin starts from the mind what does your mind think about television and the internet is one of the most wicked devilish things that makes you covet makes you follow after the world's pattern you look at other people around you you get jealous and you want to be like them so the mind while running wild you see all these uh models that's shown on billboards and dirty magazines etc and then we live in a day and age where little children see that and young girls say i want to look beautiful like that and that's all vanity you have a magazine that calls itself vanity and that's what god calls it it's basically vain it's all for nothing the mind runs wild on nothingness remember you tell yourself that when you look after the world so whenever your mind looks at at all the things of the world tell yourself this is that you're just looking at nothingness it starts from there because once you that's how the devil tricks people into sin like eve he gives eve the vanity of the mind look at that fruit he gives him enticing advertisement he shall be as gods that's why internet television those ads are one of the most demonic things it deceives people it makes them vanity in their minds let's keep reading having the understanding darkened ah so now you get to a point where your understanding is darkened there's no light in your understanding light of knowledge light of truth it's darkened so now you get a distorted understanding now you start to justify so if you see all these fancy things that you don't need to buy that you don't need to have but you want to buy them your understanding is darkened that it's not that i want i need mom and dad you need to understand why i need that toy but you grown adults act the same way father god you gotta understand why i need that thing amen so your understanding is dark and you start to justify the worldly things that you have the reason why the understanding is darkened it says being alienated from the life of god so they are alienated like alien meaning you become a stranger you become stranger so to speak so you become a stranger from god's life that's the thing that's different with us and then so notice that the body of christ did you see that we are not supposed to walk as other gentiles walk you see that in the text right meaning that we're supposed to be different from these guys why because we have the light of jesus christ having the light of jesus christ we are distinguished from these gentiles jesus christ is the light of the world as he says at the book of john and he is inside us he is the light he is the life we get eternal life through jesus christ our lord amen let me know if this is kind of pale if it is and i'll make it darker the wording but if this is considered light and life to us when we got saved that means we have to be different from the wicked lost world out there who do not have the life of jesus christ that's why their understanding is darkened so it's natural to understand why the world does not think like you does not act like you the reason why is because they're not safe to begin with if they're not saved they don't have the light of jesus christ to begin with they'll never understand why you do things what you do no matter how well you explain because they're understanding they just don't have darkness their understanding itself is darkened look uh no matter how this wicked world runs with the kovitz situation they keep saying safety measures for the public good see that's their understanding which is different from the christian world we walk by faith it is necessary to serve god to worship him to win souls the gathering together of believers etc so that's why their understanding is will always be different from the christian understanding but it is also important to understand two things one we're definite this proves that we're different from the wicked world and evidence and proof that you have life the christian life in you that you're a same person is your understanding is different from them so that's number one to understand number one it's evidence of your salvation which is good which is very assuring but number two it also shows that a christian can fall into this understanding darkened otherwise paul would not even warn them wouldn't even tell them at verse 17. he wouldn't even tell them that at verse 17 and 18. don't follow like the don't walk like the other gentiles walk so that's important to understand is that see the christian walk is totally different from your salvation a christian can contaminate the christian walk paul washer gives a horrible impression even if he probably doesn't mean to but he gives the idea that the christian walk or fellowship is pretty much the same as your salvation no that's baloney it's total bogus christian salvation is totally different from christian walk so your salvation no matter how many times you live in sin or in wickedness you're saved no matter what you can never corrupt your salvation but your walk you can corrupt as a save christian you can corrupt your christian walk that's why paul says don't walk as the other gentiles walk but at the same time it also is good preaching against the easy believism crowd who don't believe that once you get saved in the lord jesus christ that there's a difference no there is a difference because now that you have the light and the life of jesus christ in you then your understanding is different from the gentiles god gives you a light understanding the only problem you have is you choose not to follow that understanding because you have two natures you have the light of understanding in your spiritual nature inside you see it's inside you it's not on your flesh it's inside you the holy spirit nature so you can choose to follow that or you can choose to follow this outward old man which follows after the gentiles how they walk and paul even said those two clear distinctions of the two natures later on at the book of ephesians that we will see now let's keep reading being alienated from the life of god this is done through what through the ignorance that is in them so see they deliberately choose ignorance understanding is darkness is darkened because they choose to ignore because of the blindness of their heart because their heart is blinded go to the book of second corinthians chapter four second corinthians chapter four second corinthians chapter four and then we're going to look at the book of ezekiel open your bibles to the book of ezekiel so second corinthians chapter four and then we're going to look at ezekiel 14 to look at the book of ezekiel and then we'll look at verse 14. now 2nd thessalonians 2 is another place but we're not going to go over there the understanding notice is darkened and why is it darkened and as you walk you're in danger of falling into this darkness the understanding is darkened because it comes through a matter of choice and in the walk of life there is a sign and like i told you before two natures right two natures you can choose to walk the way of the flesh or you can choose to walk in the way of the spirit if you choose to walk in the ways of the flesh instead the only way you could do that because you have the holy spirit inside you that's giving you light it has to be no matter what the easy believism crowd says and they don't believe that there is uh there isn't a difference that uh they tried to deny the repentance part no because the holy spirit is inside you there is uh the holy spirit is grieved the lord has to chasten you there is conviction because you're his child he has to set you at the right path so you have to have a light and life in you but the point is is that even though you have the light and life inside you you can choose choose to ignore this and choose the flesh instead and that's where lordship salvation gets it wrong now remember lordship salvation again what that is is that paul washer crowd thinking that you have to follow the ways of the spirit there is a significant change but to be quite honest no you could actually even though there's a difference with the new nature you can still remain the same in the flesh nothing changed of the flesh the flesh you can choose this part and remain the same as you are in sin and be just as wicked as other gentiles how they walk because you make the choice and that's done through this key ignorance is key you know that too because everyone here sins and i know that when you sin you ignore ignorance ignorance is bliss as they say so you forget the preaching and the conviction that you heard sunday you forget uh you skip bible reading and prayer and then you malnourish yourself through ignorance to build up the ways of the flesh it can go on and on and on second corinthians chapter four they get they blinded their heart see so the ignorance comes because their heart desires what it wants and that's all done by satan so if they don't have the light of jesus christ the unbelieving gentiles have this at verse four in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them now notice that see they read the gentiles they do not have light and life that's why they're in darkness they're stuck in here go to ezekiel 14. now you're in danger of that because the danger is it depends on the idols that you set up in your heart and you've got to make jesus christ the lord of your life you've got to surrender those uh idols to him macarthur keeps giving the question like is the lord jesus christ the lord of your life etc if he's not then you're not really saved no that's not really true because no matter how much you make jesus christ the lord of your life as time passes on you're going to find more idols that you didn't expect to have in your heart before so look at ezekiel chapter 14 and verse 4 therefore speak unto them and say unto them thus saith the lord god every man of the house of israel that set it up look at this his idols in his heart and put the stumbling block of his iniquity before his faith and cometh to the prophet this is scary look i the lord will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols that i may take the house of israel in their own heart because they are all estranged from me through their idols now look at that the lord will help you out that is very scary sometimes you've got to understand this that as you walk in the ways of the flesh the scary thing is that the lord god almighty he could just pretty much leave you well enough alone and you don't want that in your life you don't want god almighty himself leaving you well enough alone you actually want him to keep dealing with you chastening you and he is doing that with you out of mercy and grace because that's his job as a father but you know what's scary is that even though the lord scourges you you can still choose to ignore his chastening like any bratty child would and just keep following the ways of the flesh and you know what no matter how much he chastens you just like a normal father would they would just give it up because they know it's pointless from that point onward now let's go back to the book of ephesians all right now this is going to be a lot of good preaching if you're already uncomfortable there's so much more buckle your seat belts there's so much more this whole the remaining part of the chapter is going to be about dealing with sin and how to get spiritual victory so if you like that then you're really going to enjoy today's teaching today's probably going to be your favorite the last last time we talked about ephesians was dealing with wrong doctrine right to have a unification of the body of christ and a pure body of christ to also have a pure body of christ requires sin being kicked out of your life so that's the next part of this whole chapter let's keep reading this one is good preaching this one is good preaching i even preached a sermon on this verse 19 who being past feeling now you see that now they're past the feeling why because even with an unbelieving gentile when they look at something shameless and they see they become shameful about it and it becomes very shameful something where it becomes a little bit more nude for example etc then the child or somebody who first sees that will blush honestly but when you constantly keep getting into that stuff and looking into that stuff what happens then you become past feeling child gets a guilty conscience smoking the cigarette behind the parents back or doing some sort of drug uh behind the school's back or grown adults etc but what happens once they keep doing that they don't hide anymore in their past feeling guilt of the conscience goes away so is that where you are right now as a christian you can be past feeling in the sense where the holy spirit is being grieved constantly and you're so used to that that your past feeling very quiet here all right i told you it'd get worse all right keep reading now this is where it gets dangerous you notice it comes to vanity right starts with the mind first you become very vain then your understanding gets darkened you keep justifying yourself then it comes to a third step here the third step is now that your past feeling and you sink all in have given themselves over unto lasciviousness now i don't know if you know what lasciviousness means but that's really really dark uh wicked stuff something dark sexually corrupt that you could hardly even think about use your heads now a person doesn't become a child molester unless he started somewhere back at the beginning you just don't become a pedophile like that it starts somewhere where you grow up in where you become vain and imagine and then you keep justifying justifying and then you keep committing the sin that you'd go all into it how about you christian how about you church so look at this now look at the steps number three is past feeling so now you get over that conviction but then four you dive all in into lasciviousness this is bad so sin will take a you go one foot with sin it will take you a mile longer that's what the saying goes sin will always take you far farther along than you want to go you thought that you're in control you made the choice but trust me sin is the one who deceived you and took control of you now and you're going by like a enslaved robot to how sin goes you dive in it grows into something big in fact lasciviousness keep reading to work all uncleanness with greediness now look at that to work all uncleanness that matches so well it's so dark into lasciviousness where you dive in but now you commit all sorts of sins your work in your life your works is not considering consisting of good works for the lord it's all kinds of evil works with all uncleanness now if paul warned that to the ephesian church that is great evidence there that lordship salvation it is totally uh heretical thinking that a saved christian will never commit the worst kind of sins like a pedophile might commit but you got to realize that yeah you can get to that point you can get to a point of murder etc that's what you have to be extremely careful to work all on cleanness with what greediness ah so the next step the next step is greed now why would the verse end it in greediness you ever wondered about that the reason why the verse ends with greediness is because when you dive all in into sin creed will build up i want more because it's not enough i'm immune to it because i'm already past feeling and i want to build up my feeling why do you think drug addicts will get heavier and heavier into drugs why do you think something sexual becomes dark and dark and dark why do you where do you think a homosexual got to where he or she is at today where do you think that pedophile got to where he or she is at today where do you think the mass murderer ended up where he or she is at today talk to ted bundy talk to all these people be their counselor and they'll tell you all the way back where it starts it doesn't start with murdering someone it starts with something small at the beginning every murderer every criminal in prison today starts out with something small at the beginning and they're used to committing that sin and then past feeling and then they're just greedy they want more all right with that conviction in place let's give you some good news okay verse 20 but ye have not so learned christ obviously not so the meaning of that verse which is pretty simple is jesus christ says that you i didn't teach you that way god never taught you that way god almighty never taught you to live your life in such ignorance jesus christ never ever taught you to live your life in sin or iniquity you never learn that the ignorance is what's cutting off jesus christ as you might notice in this picture that's your ignorance that's not jesus christ what did jesus christ teach you so think about this think about the fruits of this wicked world where it's at today liberals justifying their sins homosexuals justifying their sins saying that jesus loved everybody jesus tolerates all religions etc that is all vanity of mine understanding darken past feeling diving into sin and they're just greedy guess what this is not the worst that we're in it's gonna build up more but all of them are now thinking that this is jesus christ loves all of us so we should love each other that is baloney that's garbage that's pure utter wickedness and filth from hell that is lasciviousness all of that stuff you did not learn from jesus so remember that you didn't you never learned that from jesus jesus christ did not tell you to be gay jesus christ never told you you were born that way jesus christ stop that baloney because look at verse 21 if so be that ye have heard him okay so ask those same people who say gee you said to love everybody and you know why can't you love other people tell them this well if you already heard about what jesus told you right that's what verse 21 says okay if you heard what jesus told you then what and have been taught by him did jesus teach that to you tell them that because if you've truly heard jesus been taught by jesus read the next part as the truth is in jesus huh so jesus is the truth he'll tell you the truth why do you have to ban information call that hate speech huh huh you wicked sorry wicked devil dog you are man wicked evil people censoring information hate speech and you know these kind of people they are not of truth they're of a lie purely of lies if they truly heard from him been taught by him look at verse 22 that he put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust see you would have put off the fleshly nature what your flesh wanted jesus christ would have fully taught you that that's what he would have taught you but you don't do that you just condone the ways of the flesh you parade it shamelessly on the streets so that all the little children can see you're filth shamelessly i kid you not harmless people loving people don't fool me man now let's break down verse 22 that he put off concerning so what are you supposed to put off it's as if you're wary you're not supposed to be a part of this guy and that's your flesh concerning the conversation the old man see it's what you're putting off concerns with former conversation the old man so this is known so now we see the body of christ which is a spiritual nature let's cover it with the fleshly nature so this is this purple guy is the old man here so this is the old man but you're not supposed to be the old man you're supposed to be the body of jesus christ that's important to understand now how do we know notice it says old man why is that because he was our old man we were from him but now we're part of the new person inside us so this is now old to us it's no longer new up to date it's no longer in par a part with us anymore so that's why we call this the old man our flesh now we know the old man has to be the flesh because the next part which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts so that's obviously a reference to flesh the flesh has lust whatever the lust of the flesh wants it always deceives you does it not look at james 1 james chapter 1. now notice how this matches well with these steps here the walking of the gentiles you see these steps here why is their understanding darkened because of the vanity from their mind that matches with your flesh it all has to do with flesh lust of the flesh what it wants deceives you look at james chapter one james chapter one james chapter 1 notice at verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it bringeth for sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death do not air my beloved brethren so notice here that verse 14 when temptation comes it is by lust and the next part of verse 14 it entices you it entices you it is always deceptive it is always deceptive go back to ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four lust deceives you and the king james bible words it as put off the conversation now some of you might not know this but conversation is referring basically to your lifestyle like your testimony basically even today when you do your conversation it shows who you are as a person right so this old english wording is actually not too difficult to understand because king james bible is old english wording the conversation is an accurate translation basically representing who you are your own lifestyle so you have to put off your old lifestyle from the old man modern translations think it's such a hard word so then they have to update it but if they don't update shakespeare and say leave it alone then why don't you leave god's book alone i think god is better than shakespeare so the conversation your lifestyle has to be put off it's a deceitful lust now i want you to look at the following steps verse 22 says put off remember i mentioned that because it's not a part of you you keep putting it on church you got to put it off because it's no longer a part of you now this is a key toward the victorious christian life always let me know if i'm out of bounds to always get victory in the victorious christian life is found in the following steps within these following steps this is how it works the first part is putting off now i gave you a teaching which i highly recommend it's called victorious christian life it will give you basically the three secrets in conquering temptation and sin it will give you the three steps in overcoming anything in life that the devil might attack you with but i'm going to give you three other things from the book of ephesians 4 on how you overcome sin notice the first part is putting off the flesh now that's important usually now there's nothing wrong with this don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with this but there are times that don't work right sometimes you'll sing a hymn sometimes you'll quote scripture to try to get rid of the temptation and lust but a lot of times that temptation lust may be too great that you just fall into it right so sometimes that happens even if you try to pray it out read the bible memorize scripture there are times that it gives you victory but then there are some people who are just so caught up in the flesh and they just want to be honest alright and they're going to just be honest with you they're going to be honest with you they're going to say it's just too much i can't do it i can't take it why is that you ever thought about why because the reason why this is important think about it they're debating it in their mind did you understand that they're debating with sin in their mind when you deal with sin this is so important to understand you don't debate sin in your mind you don't debate it where hey okay scripture uh will you win or lost will you win no when you keep debating it off then you're just gambling with sin you're giving sin a possibility to win you're giving it a debate platform you never ever want to do that you know what the bible says with sin i'll tell you what it says flee also youthful us you know what joseph did when potiphar's wife seduced him he didn't take time quoting scripture or debating in his mind or praying about it you know what he did run away now that's your problem see the reason why you fall into sin is that it doesn't come from the mind where you recall a sermon or a message or a memory verse you're going to notice that's the next step at verse 23. notice verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind which means what you have to renew yourself you have to make yourself new again because you're at that old thinking that old man so you have to get a grip on yourself and do it like a new thinking renew yourself in the spirit of your mind you have to make your mind think what's wrong here what do i have to do to conquer it but that comes from the spiritual nature spirit of your mind see spirit of your mind so the spiritual nature has to do the thinking for you now did you notice your problem if you look at the previous verse at verse 22 22 this is your problem you gave sin a debate platform you gave a part of your mind to sin even though you were giving a part of your mind to the spirit by quoting a memory verse did you understand what i just said this is extremely important to understand the crucial pivotal point to conquer sin is not where you sing a hymn or you just quote a scripture verse or you pray about it because it does work those things work but you're timing it wrong the problem and sometimes it does work when you do that but the problem is this it will not work a hundred percent if your mind is operating on memory verse singing a hymn praying about it when another part of your mind is giving a debate platform to sin do you understand because usually when you're drawn away from temptation and sin and you quote a memory verse to try to chant it away see your uh what you're doing is uh you have a memory verse in your mind while having that sin in your mind see you're giving a debate platform which one's gonna overcome no you don't do that okay what you do is you get rid of this guy first all right so when you're look at that see you you have a tv screen you watch something that you shouldn't you know what you do it's not a time to quote a memory verse at that point when they're showing you the next scene and the next scene and the next movement etc that's not the right time the contemporary music is really bad the next music be the next music be when you're quoting a memory verse no shut it off shut it off put off you put it off first and then the second point you let the spiritual nature think for you i hope this is helping you this is going to really really help your life spirit from your mind now you get your mind thinking and then you tell yourself what just happened here what did i do wrong recall the sermon that you listened to that convicted you recall the memory verse that helped you your mind's got to be operating i think it's time to pray i think it's time to read the bible then your mind starts to get into sanity the mind will not run to sanity when you keep putting on uh insanity does that make sense your mind's not gonna think soberly if you keep drinking alcohol if you keep putting that alcohol down your system it keeps making your mind insane no matter how much sanity you try to let the spiritual nature run in your mind god's holy spirit cannot run at the same time when sin is running does that make sense so you need to put off sin then let the mind run now if sin is so great and your flesh really wants to do the sin the good thing to do is this all right when you now i don't want to say this where i sound like a tempter or evil but i'm saying this for people who are really desperate and who really are hooked into sin so let me just say this okay you might say it's hard to put it off right it's very difficult i know but look it won't hurt to put it off for just put it off put it off for one minute put it off for one minute and let the spiritual nature run your mind it won't hurt for those who are extremely desperate i want to say that i'm not saying that i'm not condoning where you can go back to sin immediately after that you know that's between you and god but the point the reason why i'm saying that is for you who are desperate where the flesh runs and say don't turn it off don't put it off keep putting it in your mouth and etcetera etcetera don't do it because you know it's so good and just tell that flesh it won't hurt to put off for one minute man just hold off for 60 seconds just stop flesh will you shut up for 60 seconds please just say 60 seconds look you run my life the past few days and weeks and months already so why don't you shut up for 60 seconds just do that and then let the spirit speak to you and let your mind run think about all those sermons huh memory verses get some sanity in you pray talk to the lord and that's where verse 24 comes in the last step and that he put on the new man ah now you put on the new man and that he put on so it's put off flesh and put on the you man because this is the real you the new updated version of you so this is the real you put on the new man which is your spiritual nature which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness god created your new nature where it's intended for righteousness and true holiness it's created the spiritual nature is holy it is holy so that's why at ephesians 2 10 second corinthians uh five i believe uh yeah second corinthians chapter five it verse 17 it talks about where there is you become a new creature god created something you knew within you where you created on two good works why because you have a spiritual nature inside you that craves her holiness that craze for righteousness one thing i do not like about easy believism guys is that they tried to weaken the power that you could use to overcome sin and it gives people a wrong impression even though they don't mean to but it gives them the wrong impression that what salvation does it does nothing for you it gives you no power to conquer sin it's as if you're the same as you are all it does it saves your soul no salvation does more than that it gives you a creation to do good works it gives you that but you have a choice to choose it this guy or this guy that's why we're different from lordship salvation so number three uh it says here that it's you put on the new man created after holiness so think about this church no matter what your flesh feels the spiritual nature inside you is is that verse guarantees it don't let easy believe ism don't let your flesh don't let your weakness don't let the devil tempt you out of this what's inside you is so powerful greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world prayer works listen up now prayer does work memory verse does work bible reading does work singing hymns does work the reason why it didn't work to you is you didn't do this guy see that what you need to do is you have to put on that spiritual part now put on the spiritual part delve yourself into bible reading prayer memory verse etc you might say well the flesh is coming back again that's the idea it's a spiritual battle it's not like when you read the bible all of a sudden it goes away it doesn't come suddenly it comes in with a fight it comes in with a struggle and it does work guarantee it's like when you're dying and then you're going through a surgery treatment it is a long struggle and a process it's not sudden or immediate but it does work and it will help you when you're bleeding and dying that's the idea it does work the spiritual nature inside you but it's a struggle it's a fight and it's a process and you need to keep doing that so if you do this it will help you tremendously in your christian walk as much as i want to park here uh that should be enough information because i got to keep going but i hope this has been extremely helpful for you to live in the christian walk in victory much more joy and confidence let's look at verse 25. now look at this is so important this matches uh with romans chapter six we're going to turn there romans 6 is the best chapter concerning about the victorious christian life how to conquer trial and temptation is romans 6. ephesians 4 goes hand in hand with roman 6 in the following explanation when you put on the new man the reason why that's necessary is because if you don't do something spiritual you will go back to something carnal now the problem with alcoholics anonymous and the problem uh with a lot of other uh rehabs and other things is that to conquer addictions some people think i just stopped cold turkey i just stopped but that's to be honest that's not how life works you're not if you get rid of your temptation you have to replace that old desire with a different desire that's a guarantee because you are made to long after something you have to have a replacement somewhere you can't just survive cold turkey by yourself some people could do it there are cases but trust me that's not the natural way to do it that's not the normal way of doing things and those are uh less than diamond than a dozen you have to replace it with something and that's the problem with aa is that they replace it not with some not with god they replace with god but it's anybody's version of god it's not the god of the bible now look at romans 6 that's why it shows you have to replace it with something notice that verse we should start with verse six verse six knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin romans 6 6 first secret to conquer sin and get the victorious christian life if you've already learned this in your basic in your beginner's discipleship and if you don't know now you should mark it down now it's to know that your body of sin is destroyed it has no control over you you got to believe in that you got to know it because if you don't even believe or know that then you're not you're going to fall the second step is verse 11 likewise reckon he also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god so through jesus christ our lord so the second secret is where you apply it you make if you know you're dead then make yourself dead to the sin you see dead corpses in the graveyards they don't smoke dance they can't sin anymore you know why they're dead so make it dead to you but you can't just keep doing that i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no you can't keep doing that when there's a crave in there so that crave needs to be replaced verse 13 neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god you need to yield that's the last secret you need to yield to the spiritual nature inside you spiritual nature inside you says go to church because you know it's good for you that's why you've been backsliding all this time you need to go out and sow in that's the reason why that you've been slowing your soul winning that go out and read your bible pray see that so you need to yield to that that's why look at verse 25 back at ephesians 4. look at this back at ephesians 4 verse 25. wherefore put putting away lying right it matches with romans 6 you make you you know you're dead and you make yourself dead so you put away lying ephesians 4 they don't talk about knowing and make it dead they just call it putting it off okay you put away lying but you can't just stop lying if you're a liar especially if you're a habitual liar you need to replace it with something else speak every man truth with his neighbor you now you need to replace that with speaking the truth so if you're at a constant habit of lying you can't just put away lying in that say i'll stop lying no that's not how it works you need to replace it with something else start speaking truthfully speak the truth and then it'll get rid of lying this verse says speak every man truth with his neighbor so to each other you need to speak truth with his neighbor why does it say neighbor because you're the body of christ read this for we are members one of another see because we're all saved christians members of the body of christ you're a neighbor this hand is neighbor to the arm you know that this hand is the neighbor to the arm so don't lie all right so don't lie to me church all right don't lie to me church when you come to church and that's the same thing with the pastor when he preaches and teaches which is why 99 of pastors are guilty of right nowadays lying to the members why so they can build up a membership look at verse 26 be angry and sin not so verse 26 you have to get rid of anger a lot of times when we get angry uh we sin but this verse actually says the opposite here it says be angry you're supposed to be angry white and sin not the idea is some people think anger is a sin but that's not the whole truth anger is a sin when it's used for sin but when anger is used for righteousness and holiness it's a right anger the bible says god is angry with the wicked every day with the wicked every day you think he's a sinner then he's sinning every day no so anger is necessary people always get angry at me when i get angry online when i teach and preach so who's the hypocrite there some of you online just got to think about that anger is necessary to point out sin as long as the anger is not sinning be angry and sin not but look at the next part let not the sun go down upon your wrath the righteous indignation is correct as long as it's controlled the controlling thing is don't let the sun go don't let your anger continue when the sun goes down as you're very wrathful so see the idea is it goes on for all day long because that anger is very is a very unhealthy anger now that becomes like a grudge and a bitterness and something you're gonna hold and you're gonna keep that becomes dangerous that's dangerous you want to put that away from you and that's not righteous indignation that becomes bitterness and that becomes a grudge and you know what some christians uh the worst thing that you can ever have in church and i hear this so many times in preaching i see this in nearly every church that i go to the worst thing that can ever infect your life is this anger inside you that's an unconscious anger and it continues on and that bitterness and grudge is still edged inside you you've got to really put that away from you especially when we come to verse 32 we'll cover that i you got to forgive and you got to reconcile you got to put under the blood you know uh believe it or not there are a few uh there are a few members uh within my church that did something wrong against me and uh i just covered it under the blood and they never even reconciled with me but i just reconciled with them in my heart and you know what what makes it worse is that those same people don't even know they did the wrong against me earlier they know they did but then later on they just forget as time flies and that hurts even more but you know what helps me so much is we're gonna i'm gonna explain more at verse 32 that's why forgiveness is so important forgiveness and reconciliation you not that other person that other person is up to between them and god but you have to do that because your bitterness is more important than that person your health your spiritual well-being is more important than that person it is so important to do that church you need to do that that way you can get along with each other especially how many times you've sinned against god and you've forgotten about it you've forgotten about it and you don't even realize the wrong and the hurt you did against god but god forgave it and forgot about it man that's gotta humble you all right going back and uh we should close it off here neither give place to the devil that is extremely important so people think that i justify anger i don't anger it has to be justified in the sense when there's a righteous indignation but the anger that is so dangerous is that it goes for a lifelong process of 24 7. i mean the book of ecclesiastes told you there is a time when you hate something and love something it's a time to hate and a time to love that is so important times that anger should show not all time long 24 7. so if this anger goes 24 7 the dangerous thing is it's giving place to the devil i understand more and more now when dr upman says the worst enemies you can have and he believes in demon possession of christians and i believe that too and that all stems from oh boy there is absolutely no room here but that all stems from bitterness and grudge and the anger going on forever and ever and ever and ever and that is never reconciled the devil takes advantage of that and you become the the most demon-possessed person that people has ever seen there is such thing as judas is in church people who are so winning bible believing know all the right doctrines preach super awesome and super good and i know some of those preachers who are like that too but guess what i'm not buddy buddy with some of them you know why because those same people they've done some kind of hurt to me or to my bible believing friends and when that happens man i mean i don't get along with them anymore but i don't let it become an anger where it becomes a grudge and a bitterness that's extremely dangerous because then the devil will take advantage of me but it happens with those same people that i don't get along with the devil takes advantage of them and then they become the most demon-possessed people that i just get so baffled i go what's the matter with you especially listen up now especially those same people act all charitable and make you look like the bad guy those are the worst i don't like those people period those kind of people they'll say that i graduated from pbi and you know they'll try to draw on boards you know to make themselves like a bible believer and they'll teach from the king james bible teach dispensational truth etc etc but those kind of same people who uh you had problems long time ago with some of my bible believing peers back then and then they let that thing continue on and that problem that happened a long time ago they pretend they're the good guys they pretend they're the charitable bunch and they make those other people like they're misunderstanding they're hateful why won't they get along with me etc because you still got a problem that's why so that's why some bible believing preachers say cannot get along with other bible believing preachers i don't know if you knew that because it's not just doctrinal issues it's more personal issues that's a big deeper thing among bible believing preachers that's the sad thing that's why there has to be what god says unity in the body of christ that is essentially important what helps it immensely is reconciliation and forgiveness and reconciliation and forgiveness don't just come easily you have to earn it and you have to prove it as well it is extremely important to do these things there are those pretenders who want to reconcile and unite but pretenders are worse that becomes more dangerous than nose keep your distance keep your distance that becomes a worse but the idea is is that if you're truly reconciling truly uh uniting you have to truly repent you have to prove it you have to really say you're sorry and you have to make things right and if if everyone did that for each other we'd live in a much happier world but that's not how things work sadly it is important that especially within the church uh that you do that as bible believing brethren because we're going to be here a long time to the rapture unless the lord sounds out tomorrow we know that the times seeing all the things that are happening that man i mean we're just this much closer to the rapture but as we keep thinking that i notice how much more divisive the bible believing body is there even more and maybe the problem is is that we think the rapture is just around the corner and we don't make time to reconcile so it's important that we get along with each other and keep fighting the devil don't give place to the devil that's very dangerous all right i have to uh i have to keep commenting on verse 27 later on well actually i'll wrap it up with this verse 27 then is proof of demon possession for the christian i kind of indicated that a lot of people don't believe in that but the idea is the reason why they don't believe in that is because they think that the holy spirit's inside you so how can the devil and the holy spirit live together it doesn't make sense can the temple of god agree with idols it doesn't make sense but that's their problem their problem is is that they think that when god lives inside you the devil lives in the same place that's not the idea there's a dividing line they forget it's called spiritual circumcision the flesh is not part of the fleshly nature that is extremely important to understand people who think that christians cannot be devil possessed because god and devil are living both inside you which doesn't make sense that's a dangerous thinking you're thinking that god is a part of your flesh no god is not a part of the wicked flesh flesh is filled with sin and evil god is never a part of that he put a dividing line where the spiritual nature is divided from the fleshly nature so outside of this dividing line it's all nothing but filth and wickedness the thoughts and the imaginations are wicked and evil and satan he can take advantage of that well i don't believe the devil can go inside you no the devil can go inside you verse 27 neither give place to the devil see demon possession what does that mean it mean demon possession what does that basically mean the devil going inside you look at verse 27 you're giving what does place mean a place means whenever you look at everywhere in the bible it's somewhere where a person inhabits it's inside they're inhabiting see that that's devil possession that's demon possession so you why did paul warn at verse 17 through 19 not to walk like other gentiles and the worst kinds of sins see it is so possible it is very possible that's why a christian has to be very careful demon possession for a christian is an important doctrine to understand because it makes you more careful of that enemy and to be very careful of your christian walk and be more alert not believing in that makes you less alert about spiritual warfare so it is extremely important okay let's close it with the word of prayer i went over the time i apologize god my father i pray that today's teachings were a blessing to the hearers increased our knowledge of the scriptures and truth in jesus name we pray amen thank you everybody
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 16,933
Rating: 4.9235363 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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