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so today we are going to be challenging the rain Syndicate Tower but before we do that let me show you first the changes that I made with my base so as you can see here I've made a ranch for the resources that I would be needing in the future especially with the breeding because breeding needs cake and the cakes are quite expensive to make without the resources from this guy this guy and this guy the bee cuz we need honey eggs and flour and milk and as you can see I also built a breeding Farm which I put some something breeding here I'm actually trying to cross breed but I don't think it's working out and yeah I I've also I've also adjusted the incubation rates right after the recording of the last episode so it only took some I think 5 minutes for it to hatch Fang L that's a new one the one that looks like calion oh yeah let let me show you first the files that I hatched from the eggs that I've got last last episode so the first one is this pen pen King surprisingly it is unrelated to pen gulet ever wanting to be the center of attention this SP will strut it Stu or any on Loopers at first I thought this this was the evolution of this one but I guess not seems that there's no evolution in this game just some fusions by cross breathing yeah I've learned that from watching everyone and another one that I've got from the eggs is as you can see I've got a lot of new Pals that I've got from Explorations eggs and whatnot this one the ARX in ancient times carnivorous Palace pursued them relentlessly absurd F Fury the cries of ARX transformed into a raging Inferno which has been passed on to this day and wait I don't remember seeing this one H I guess I stumbled upon it but didn't really notice it this one sweet a sweet crawling along the ground it it'ss microscopic organic matter after a while it discharges any substance that provide provide no nutrition by using it as a map for cleaning everyone wins yeah I've got that from an egg also and which oh this one this one is quite strong is currently my main attacker a beacon some think it is related species to ragna Hawk but there is no there is in fact no connection using its sharp Bak it sends on its spray in a quick motion that resembles a bolt of lightning yeah it's quite strong I've been using it for hunting for quite a while now other ones I saw is this hell I tried catching one but it's capturing rate is quite low for right now maybe I need to upgrade my capture RS through the statue of power and this I also caught this while exploring a relax it's quite cute I've got a lot of new ones and I also have a new team right now and this one I've unlocked the saddle so I could could fly now yeah I've got a flyer now and I also finally CAU a dinosur yeah I've been searching for this for the last three episodes so I finally got one and I've also got the other one that I've been fighting last episode the one that actually killed me I've got another one of them so I've caught one and yeah the also the one that raided my base another raid came so in between the episode so I got the luxury to cut to catch one and they came with this one this guy is really cool looking incam but the thing is it's also a fire and dark type just like my van worm so I can't really use it because this one is currently my flyer and I'm not high enough level to make Beacon my flyer yet so yeah and also I've made an extension of my base as you can see I've I've built it just beside my original base because I was planning to I was planning to put my electronics here facilities that requires electricity just like this spe assembly line and the production assembly line I'm planning to put them here so won't be so crowded at my main base so yeah and if at some point in this video you enjoy it please hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new enable your notifications leave a comment down below and yeah so let's go to The Syndicate Tower but first I'm going to get ready so I am here near the tower and as you can see the entrance of the tower there is a cave if we finish this Tower quite bitly maybe I'll take on that cave later on so yeah let's see what would this Tower be oh there's a boss battle here oh I'm quite hungry so I think my P could take this on I'm going to Sol it even though it says that should be for maybe I could take it on I mean I've got a crossbow oh there's a story mode [Music] oh she's [Music] cool oh she's the one who's using that hey let bu look like a gas ball did we catch [Music] bosses it's got 30,000 Health it's quite a lot of Health maybe I should have used a poison arrow here no Beacon we can do this I believe in you it's not that strong huh but it's got a lot of health so it's quite annoying to do with I should I should avoid should avoid dodging while I'm reloading my gun it stops the reload Beacon is doing a good job taking the Arro I'm doing quite a lot of damage with my crossbow wonder if I could catch them it good yes it's showing a oh it it's immune to Spears maybe I can't I mean that would be pretty op if I could right just imagine having a boss a boss [Music] person yeah if you're doing this boss maybe you shouldn't be riding your pal so you get the Agro on your monster and just hit on the sidelines and using a ground type pile would be would probably be doing quite a bit of D more damage but I should stop trying to never [Music] works hey we got our first boss kill five ancient points that's that's good right oh there's there's a waypoint at the top so I could go back here where are we exactly oh it's still in the same area so yeah that's quite easy isn't it or maybe I'm just so overleveled for this I'm almost level 30 after all yeah I I think I've I've reached level 30 already so yeah maybe let's take on the cave after all I don't see why not let's get this Spang lets first US I need up oh he we can learned a new move I need a lot a lot of f fluids after all so he let's take on this cave I heard that caves have a have a lot of different FS inside so maybe we could catch one that that we doesn't have yet we don't have yet okay grammar brief for grammar oh there's quite a lot of mining areas but I don't think I have the enough weight to with it yeah Beacon deals a lot of damage is there anything here that's the entrance right I want to catch this one catch that yeah buler oh it's not the entrance scatch that one too she a grand spirit so where should we go from here yes as you can see I am not using D dream cuz day dream ruins my tames so yeah I'm not using him right now and I also CAU three more Syndicate thgs I just not I'm just not using them because they don't really have a use at the base it's better to use my teams they only do handy works and they're not even doing a great work with that attack this one then yeah that's right can we get these mushrooms we can what's this one kill Mars I got [Music] it it's quite dark in here of course it's a cave what am I expecting maybe we've gone the wrong way it's probably the other one oh yeah here maybe here guess there's a lot of Syndicate tags TGs here with them Beacon I'm using a pickaxe that's the wrong one is this guy doing here snipe him hey is this where we came from a while ago I don't think it is but there's not really much to explore here but there there's one oh you're still alive and he manag to [Music] dodge that's quite impressive up here would have been nice if we could have recruited that boss a while ago the one with the electr buuz look alike pal would be really nice to have that one just as a helper at the base I need those Venom Grands maybe in here or did I go here a while ago I don't think so I don't remember going through here oh there's the bus it's a Daydream a day dream it's only level 12 so you going to deal with it try to Capt the boss after all and let's compare it to my Daydream if it's bigger as you can see it's not uh the hardest cave cuz it's only level 13 a level 13 cave I've grinded this game a lot of Cam oh we actually get some technical manuals from there and schematics yeah we we've done quite a lot in short amount of time be honest I didn't expect it to be that easy so maybe let's just deal with this Outpost and go to the level 17 mini boss field boss that we took on last time and let's see if we could deal with it right now yeah I'm really sorry for the low voice I'm currently have a cold so yeah I can't speak louder than right now and what I'm doing right now and it kind of sucks to be completely honest I want to be as loud as I can but I can't I'm going to lose my voice if I tried to it's doing a highly effective attack but it's not doing that much huh I guess this one got its resistances oh there goes my inaccurate shots I don't have a giga spere do have a mega spe hey stop running I want to catch you ah I still got hit hey we killed it uh I really want to catch it though that sucks yeah maybe let's just fly around let's see and this is the fastest I could fly so slow but it's quite convenient so yeah then I'm going to go to another Mini Bus probably uh the one that's in here this one no no not that one it's quite strong maybe this one yeah the green table Oh I thought it was another dinosaur I'm trying to catch every dinosaur that I could see cuz there they pretty rare I think it's the flying in this game is pretty slow to be completely honest I hope they they do something about it like maybe add a movement speed option for the Flyers or the shift Bon because the shift botton is not working on Flyers so yeah it's really slow it's here go back to Pok ball let's eat first Beacon Tak a lot of food to get for yeah let's maybe catch this one then after all I failed to catch the other one a while ago oh he's got a bounce attack it's pretty strong pretty [Music] tanky going to get you maybe you go back I really want to get this one yay got another one we got another boss a green tail I don't know how how rare this bosses are I mean their species so I'm trying to get one of them as if I could cuz I might not really see them again or something so I I really want to catch that other one that sweet like thingy the primarina lookalike but yeah we failed so that's that it is where it is oh there's another cave here but I don't think we have the time to take on another cave though maybe let's just mark it on map let's mark it like that so we know there's a cave right there maybe let's take it on some other time what level is this game anyway level 13 also level 13 yeah maybe we should take that on in the next episode oh as I was saying a while ago I adjusted my my incubate incubating settings I also adjusted a lot of things so I could make this game more fun for me oh there's a wayo right there and let's fly fly up there I adjusted the stamina consumption because stamina consumption in the normal rates are quite terrible and the hunger Hunger consumption too CU I always get hungry while exploring and my pals also gets hungry a lot and they do less work than they should because of it so I adjusted it for a little bit incubation settings too I've adjusted it to one so it would only Take 5 minutes at most depend depending on no it's 15 minutes at at most depending on the quality of the egg look what I found while exploring another dinosa let's catch this one oh I'm using a mega sphere shouldn't be oh and the shiny Fox Sparks huh let's it for a bit oh I killed it I didn't realize it's level oh well it is what it is I mean I could get ancient civiliz civilization parts from them so still good this kind of sucks that it's a a lucky one a lucky Fox parks and as you all all probably know the lucky passive is pretty op so you actually want that you actually want to get that on your strongest SP what is that why is there torches around that one oh it's a black marketer those guys are quite strong they're using Gatling gun so I still haven't found a waypoint in this island I'm starting to think that there's none this place oh wait yeah I was saying earlier that the shift Bon is not working for f it is but it doesn't really help a lot so maybe they should buff that yeah look at that I'm holding on to shift but it's not really helping at all in the flight speed so they should really buff that one oh I missed an F FG right there but let's get this one first yeah I'm just going to collect the fgs right now and see if I find a wayo oh so I found a loit tanzi let's use a mega spere for this one cuz it's scatch rate is quite lower than the usual and I'm not going to make the same mistake of attacking it so as I was looking for a waypoint um I've already reached the Volcano Island thingy and I found a Wix a wixen and an AR Sox yeah this is the place where the our Sox will our Sox lives so let's try to catch this wixen first oh it deals quite a lot damage I keep missing my really hard to [Music] control hey we got one [Music] finally oh is there another one Al to us thought there was another one out I got a lot of things on my backpack so I really want to go home right now I can't find any way point [Music] it said that there's one 200 M away so let's try to find that oh there's a Manda I've got one of those off I've been grinding this game for hours so as you can see every episode The liap on the changes on my base quite quite noticeable why is it getting where are we getting further from the Waypoint just that it's here oh it's here the bottom I didn't notice that yeah so let's go home and organize our things then call it a day oh wow right now there's going to be a raid H it's going to happen there's a talk talk implode unit oh that's not a good news it's probably going to explode my base so let's intercept it while it's not here yeah it's definitely and I explode my base maybe we could C it before it gets here where is it going it's going from the [Music] top that would be really annoying if it goes from the top oh they're quite bugging out they're not even noticing me here this should be a quick catch yeah I don't want to use my beacon here because it might I I want to catch this one CU I think this guy is pretty rare I've only seen it in the black marketers so hey we got them it's quite good that I've got it in camera I've been waiting for a raid actually that would happen while I'm recording and it happened bread here oh yeah if you use the sort button it resets the spoil Time spoiler timers of your consumables so it's quite a good trick yeah as you can see it this one only takes 2 minutes to hatch this one takes 3 minutes because it only has 50% incubation speed I think someone made a list for the crust breathing maybe I'll look it up later so I could use some oh let's just put one there so we could use some some PS is this one bigger than the common Daydream yeah wait let me check let's put put them both on my it's not it's pretty much the same yeah so I guess that's it for today if you guys enjoy the video please leave a like subscribe if you guys are new leave a comment down below and as always have a good day yeah peace out and see you on the next episode
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 12
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3n5mYVHtSxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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