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so today we are going to be exploring the cave that we found last episode then after that we are going to be exploring the snowy mountains right up here uh here I've already found a waypoint near there but I haven't explored the snowy mountains yet because I wanted it to be captured by the camera I wanted some ice ice type thingses so we could start on the cross breeding with vanm this one so this would probably be a quick episode so if you do enjoy the video at some point make sure to walk a like subscribe bring the Bell enable notifications leave a comment down below so let's go so this one's a new cave but looks a lot like the previous one so I'm guessing all caves are looking like this I've been using vanm a lot because I've been flying [Music] around let's his Beacon gu he's he's our strongest he I I'm not really sure if this guys I'm not really sure if all caves are looking like this but I've only been to into two [Music] caves and I wonder what would be the bus inside of this one I hope it's something that we don't have yet the enemies inside this cave is not that strong anymore for us because we're quite fast the [Music] level and I'm not really doing a lot of caves I've only been grinding outside just catching a lot of FS so I wonder where's where's the boss that one torch there doesn't really help a lot in terms of lighting this cave I wonder how those Syndicate tugs are seeing things here still not that used to aing this game feel like the enemies are quite Nimble i twoing ball for us or maybe I'm just bad that one is purely just standing there and I still fail to hit finally I finally found it I've been going for i' been going circles for quite a while now escapes are really design to be annoying I guess I don't want to hat that H hres I'm not really a fan of that one but yeah I'm I might try to use them for cross breeding but I don't think they have Fusion I don't know maybe let's try a little bit later so yeah we finished that cave pretty fast I mean it's a really easy one so I was planning to record an exploration a while ago but hope just keeps on acting up and I've lost quite a lot of footage chose so as a replacement I would just take on a boss here in a a dungeon boss the SRM of the winter Tyrant Wing Tyrant which is maybe this guy the one in the Statue so yeah let's just take this on to make the video quite longer than what is retrieve from the corrupted file it's a quivver can we can we catch this one let's use Beacon it's a dragon type so would probably not deal a lot of damage to it oh but Beacon is actually pretty H oh I could catch it it has a percentage catch rate let's you say hypers spear that I've got from my explorations let's try oh I got it quiver is it any good though how rare is it I guess it's not that rare though really because the rare ones are probably here that's quite cute sleeping while cuddling a quivver is said to be a Heavenly experience but there are some who have been crushed and sent to Heaven by once that toss and turn in their sleep that's a funny and a brutal description so I guess that's it it huh for this one maybe let's hunt this oh you can you can fire it again after the cool down I think that's quite the lag Spike you can fight it again after it revives so yeah I guess I won't meet this one just yet looks cool though so what should we do maybe let's take on another cave I found quite a lot of caves maybe this one or should we fight that oh that's level 31 it's quite quite strong why is my game lagging it's a level 35 that's the one that I took on a while ago game is lagging is it going to crash I don't know not quite sure if it's going to crash it's lagging quite a bit maybe let's change locations let's go here still lagging maybe I should should restart let's take this one first oh maybe I should restart should restart the game it might might crash I'll be back once I restart the game so I am back I've just restarted the game and get the lag spikes are lesson maybe it's because I've been playing this game for a while now I've started playing quite early in the morning to be honest and I still haven't close it yet even once so maybe that's it and yeah I I've shown this one on the recording a while ago but fortunately it crashed so I guess I've I've need to show it again hatch quite a lot of new piles this one I've got this one foxal it's from a large Frozen egg got it from the ice biome and I've also got this one from there it's a fire type but I I got it from there it's from a large scorching egg it's a kitson looks cool I wanted to add this on my team but I've got quite an OP fire type right now so I am really struggling if I should exchange this one for that cuz it's got a ferocious passive skill and a birdie body so it's really good good and with workaholic and I've also got this one I've caught it while exploring at night I've also got my first Fusion but I've only got this from my Syndicate settlement that I've raided oh there's a raid happening there's going to be raid maybe let's intercept them the thing with my Bas is the raids are quite bugging out they're they've been heading right here and not straight to my base so I could intercept them real fast just like that I'm just going to wait for my cool Downs every time so it's not really that hard of a fight I could just chase [Music] them yeah I'm I want to exploit this bug well I can because my to be completely honest my base is not that good when it terms when it comes to defensive capabilities I haven't set up my defenses yet so yeah this is quite a good thing for me that they're not reaching it oh someone actually B it I guess they fell from here they're already running away so that if they started to run away that means that the raid is already over it would count it would still count as a win for us they run away it's just that they're getting quite annoying to deal with because they're getting quite strong oh there's someone left there that's why it's not ending huh should have ended a while ago oh he just disappeared did they damage this one don't know anyway H I've also caught this one a while ago this slander they just raided my base also a while ago the fan girl raid so I caught one actually I've caught three but but that one is the best one for a base companion so and as you can see I'm currently breeding my inceram and hell zier but I don't know why hell zier is here you should be in here with incam I don't know what are you doing there and I'm currently incubating some eggs because I'm got a lot of this is from exploring that's a fox spks Chile yeah I thought Chile was quite rare but I guess it's not so let's just put this eggs here now so we can have them hatched later while we're exploring so what do you do now oh I still need some electric organs to use V flyer that's why even though I'm in the right level to use them I'm still using vanm so what should we target next this King Paka oh I mean I guess we could do this one the paning yeah we could do this it's a water type so Beacon could deal with it pretty easily why is it lagging again maybe it's loading a lot of stuff and let's enter this one we don't need to catch this one because we have a lot of B King why is there oh I thought there was no boss I used the wrong still with it see not that hard ble it's only level 15 and I'm getting quite a lot of ancient materials from this guys I'm Mis clicking my R button with my e so I guess that's it huh that's really not that hard so what what's with in this in this place maybe let's just try and see what's in there that would probably be a nice place to go to yes the snowy mountains are so it's quite difficult for my level right now the lowest level of the monster there are level 37 and I'm only level 34 so I would be constantly dying right there so maybe let's try to find a good place just to explore and just within our level level maybe that one let's try to reach that place so yeah I could almost see it almost see it clearly and it looks like a an abandoned power plant or a laboratory I don't know I can see a wayo right there quite far flying is so slow oh there's a pen King and it's only level 19 yeah this is it should have been the place where we I visited early earlier then what is that is that a cave there's like a gate right there we need to go in there I don't know no where's the Waypoint that's glowing a while ago is it not a waypoint it's not showing on the compass so I don't really know there's a person an infantry is that attack us no yeah it's a new place so there should be oh there's an a deer uh an earth type deer that's also one of the fusion fusion files that you could get yeah the fusion one the fast ones are also obtainable by Wild by taming them from the wild but they're quite rare I think some of them are quite rare but some of them are also pretty easy to find like the cat the F version of that is in ice type I've found a lot of those in the snowy mountains I don't think there's a waypoint here maybe there is but I can't just see it maybe we should really get here this even criminal activity under wage what what what does that mean are we the criminals there is this thing talking about oh we are I think so it's [Music] actually so we shouldn't be here I think let me catch this guys I want to catch one of [Music] those we wanted [Music] oh why am I wanted though is this a restricted area trespass in [Music] the they're getting stronger maybe we shouldn't be here oh it's already level [Music] 37 oh they're getting stronger and hey let me ride you let's go away from here I'm quite scared I don't want to lose my stuff [Music] here maybe they [Music] wouldn't I don't know they wouldn't chase me until my to my base I don't know they're still chasing me I guess I they'll chase me until I die so oh they're respawning in front of me so maybe we should cure them away from my [Music] base yeah we should gear them away from my base because they may damage my properties in my house right [Music] there okay let's so where's the nearest oh let's go to the nearest Waypoint while away from my base where's the rest way point I don't see it and I'm almost out of [Music] St oh there it is yeah probably need to get killed by this officers to remove that wanted status that's pretty annoying to doal with I didn't even do anything anything wrong I didn't know that that was a restricted area that was their fault not mine let's [Music] go let's take off my armor oh it's already damaged let get killed here right think oh it's gone and you're not going to attack me right oh we could buy the electric organs maybe let's let's just buy some let's buy 10 I've got a lot of gold anyway so I guess I'm not wanted anymore yeah I've run quite far from them let's go home let's make a saddle for a beacon let's start with is there someone going to help me here I guess there isn't so I'll be back once I add this so I'm back and yes we could finally ride Beacon finally oh it's this faster than van that's good yeah he is a lot faster than van wheel you could finally switch them up uh I'm going to let van stay here should we bring River we could right or this one oh yeah I forgot to mention this one this is the fusion of Van room and oh and the fox a while ago it's name foxic the vanman foxic when you breed the two of them it will would produce this one a van vanm chis an ice type borm okay it's quite cool but I guess I'm not really a fan of it and yeah I want to produce my I want to get that ferocious passive skill from that Beacon to my beacon but I can't do that unless I have I had them breathing so if I do that I would need to produce a newer Beacon and have have to store this one but yeah I mean I guess I guess we could do that but before that though let's try and breathe the two of them I really like that incam so we could get something from them from the two of them would be really nice let's see if we could get something from them are they yes they male and a female I forgot to check that oh this one is complete let's check what this got a ragna hawk oh wow that's a new one what typing is that oh it's not sorted where is it oh it's in my yeah I forgot that I've got a space in my party oh that looks cool that looks like a bar type Beacon maybe they would produce this one maybe maybe just maybe maybe they they're going to produce a ragna oh it's got stronghold stat strategies [Music] maybe I should breed that one with the vegan also later on where's my hell up here though that's that looks cool let's just have it stay there oh yeah I've also got this one from my large common egg looks like new too Mew lunaris maybe I should use a kit soon this one has bangard it UPS my attack oh this one this one is what I'm talking about earlier and ice type Mau that's a fused one also and I've also got this a lot from eggs from the eggs that I've got in the snowy mountains yeah so I guess that's it actually for this episode I've had a lot of plans on the snowy mountains but I've talked a lot about during the recording with it but yeah life life happens sucks my OBS just started to act weirdly keeps crashing a while ago I just reinstalled it so now it's quite fine but thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoy it and if you do please hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new leave some comments down below and as always I'll see you on the next episode peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 63
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7OT1Sbi4f-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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