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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the planet earth to open door church and big time Burleson Texas let's do it I want to welcome everybody that's listening all over the world on the pin fo radio network and our friends that are watching all over the world on god TV welcome to Texas y'all we bless you we call you blessed hallelujah us today is a very very very special day because I am I had been asked about brother Ward Simpson who's the CEO of God TV to speak up on the subject of favor and I love this subject I have such an incredible favor with in my life I walk in favor I believe in favor I see favor all the time just incredible things I mean I'm talking about you know a few years ago get a phone call who is it sir Sir Richard Branson you guys know Sir Richard Branson hey Troy can you come down the Necker Island for a couple of days yeah I went down there for five days everybody has to pay $40,000 a night to be on that on that Island and I was there for five days didn't have to pay a dime and and just like hey come and come and talk to us about being passionate okay I can do that you know I'm talking about you know being in downtown London and the queen of England's car stopped directly in front of me you know and I get to I get to preach the Queen for about five or six seconds right thanks I'm talking about the building that we're in has been given to me I have property all over the world that's been given to me the Lord has just done such incredible things for me and I walk in the power of the favor of God and since we've been doing this conference on spiritual warfare I want to tell you I'm not fighting for favor I'm fighting from favor amen I'm not fighting for victory I'm fighting from victory and that's so important to understand the difference of that so today guys I'm gonna unpack this encourage you guys to come with me this is going to be an incredible journey I want to come before the Lord first and pray you guys are ready to do this alright well King Jesus I want to tell you god I love you sir I love you so much sir and I praise you and I think you got for your incredible presence here Lord God bless this bless it God as it goes all over the world bless this house or God with your incredible presence in Jesus name everybody here say together as if you're gonna understand the favor of God you have to understand the difference between some phrases that we use in church all the time and we have to admit when we don't know the difference between these things a big part of walking in the power of God is learning the actual language you have to learn the language you really do and I'm listen I I am so much about okay what is the language for that and how do I wrap my head around that and I'm going to give you four different terms which are four different phases of the heart of God so that you can clearly distinguish between the four the first one is the love of God the second one is the grace of God the third one are the blessings of God and the fourth one is the favor of God those things are not all the same thing and it's very important for you to understand that just because God loves you doesn't mean that you're blessed by God and it's also important to understand that just because you're blessed by God doesn't mean that you're walking in the love of God you can be blessed but not have the favor of God Amen you can actually you can actually have the grace of God for you in certain things within your life and then choose terrible things like well how does all that work cuz it's very important that we understand the difference between these four different phases of the heart of King Jesus and I want to go ahead and share that with you now the love of God is connected to the end through the incomprehensible heart and the character of God the love of God is who God is the love of God is who God chooses to be and I'm so grateful that he chooses to be who he is amen as God Almighty has no shadow of turning when it comes to the love of God and what that means is it's very interesting to me that the Bible says that in him there's no shadow of turning and literally means well you know why in the old days that was how you could tell what time it was was about where the shadow was and what that means is this God when it comes to his love is not bipolar he loves you the same at five o'clock in the afternoon as he does at three o'clock in the morning there's no shadow or turning for him amen so he's not bipolar he's not going through manopause hallelujah he's not losing his mind he loves you he loves you he loves you hey see he's not like that he's unlike anybody you've ever seen he's unlike anybody you have ever known he doesn't love you because you're good he doesn't love you because bad things have happened to you and he feels sorry for you he loves you because he loves you because he loves you because he loves you because he loves you because he loves you because he loves you and the love of God is there now just because God loves you though doesn't mean that you walk in the grace of God the grace of God is different because the grace of God is connected to the power of God it translates as the god-given ability to overcome something grace is part of your faith package and once you begin to walk in faith God Almighty gives you grace to carry out the walk okay so grace is supernatural power grace is god-given ability to accomplish Kingdom vision and Kingdom mission now you're gonna walk in the grace of God if you're gonna walk in the power of God if you're gonna see the goodness of God in the land of the living you're going to have to get a mind that says how can I carry out God's heart towards me you don't get grace just because you go to church amen you don't get grace just because you say you know hey I'm gonna read the Bible you get grace because you say I'm gonna carry out God's plan for my life if God tells you to do something many times he will not provide the provision until you begin to walk in that and that's called promiseland living it's the difference between the wilderness and the difference of promise land is the difference between the Old Testament and the difference between the New Testament in the Old Testament and in the wilderness God is there and you have a red light until God gives you a green light you don't move until God moves and you don't know where he's gonna move or when he's gonna move you just keep your eye on him and you rally around the presence of God and this is the important lesson of the wilderness is that God is not the problem God is the solution now whenever the cloud begins to move you begin to move when the cloud stops you stops that is wilderness living you don't have a plan in the wilderness you don't know what's going to happen the next day you just know where God is and you say I'm sticking here because that don't I'll die if I get out from under cloud I'll burn to death if I get away from the fire at night I'll freeze to death if I get away from the healing balm of Gilead amen the snakes are going to kill me if I get away from the presence of the Lord there'll be no mana on the ground God is not the problem tell the person next to you tell them say God is not the problem if you don't believe that I have a wonderful world for you a trapdoor is going to fall out from under you and no you're not going to end up in the nursery of the church how to live because you signed up as a volunteer amen a trapdoor is going to fall out from under you and you're going to end back up in the wilderness again until you get it that God is not the problem and sticking with God is the solution but the day is going to come where you were the muddy waters of the Jordan are gonna part and the manna will cease and then you're gonna walk across over into the promised land and then God says Sikkim and I'll back you up and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you into those places amen amen signs miracles and wonders follow the preaching of the gospel and God Almighty says Sikkim and he says go and put your foot on it and after you put your foot on it see I have given it unto you so in the Old Testament or in the wilderness you have a red light until God gives you a green light but now you got a green light until God gives you a red light and you're gonna have to get up and go and if you want to access the grace of God and the power of God for your life you can't sit there like the chosen frozen you're gonna have to get up you're gonna have to put your hands on something you're gonna have to take chances and you're gonna have to run out like the warrior that God Almighty has called you to be somebody say praise God but then when it comes from the grace of God you move into the blessings of God and the blessings of God are the corporate listen I want to tell you something you can you can not even know God and be blessed by God like what oh listen listen you might have the blessings of God upon your life because you got a praying mama somewhere and then it might be the reason your plane don't go down is cuz I'm on it come on tell you I I'm getting on a plane tomorrow I'm going to Frankfurt Germany tomorrow and I tell you what every time I get on a plane I say Psalms 91 peace of this plane this is the safest plane flying in the name of Jesus everybody's blessed cuz I'm on this plane yeah everybody get all weird till you get up in the air and people don't care if you pray once you're forty thousand feet up in the air they I don't care like oh praise god there's somebody godly on this plane had been good blessings of God come though from learning to choose God despite of hardship if you want to tap into the blessings of God you're gonna have to stick with God in the midst of your hardship and to miss your suffering and amidst of your pain not everybody can stand to be blessed you're gonna have to learn how to not bail Amen you're gonna have to learn how to not blame God for the challenges that you face that's why the but that's what the Bible says in James 1:12 blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial a big part of the blessings of God comes from just simply not bailing when everybody else bells and say our I will remain steadfast I know what the heart of God is you know what this whole situation is going to change but God ain't gonna change how to loo you imagine this Matthew chapter 5 is Jesus stands on the Mount and gives that a magnificent sermon that changes the world blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are those who mourn blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake blessed are you when others revalue and persecute you I don't sound like a blessing to me no listen the persecution is not the blessing but the persecution is the doorway into the blessing because you stick with the Lord and you do not bail amen blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven Romans chapter 4 says quoting Psalms 32 to live a blessed life man you have to steward what God has given you with in a godly way it comes with stewardship the blessings of God come with how you steward things and that's why that's why even godly people can be blessed by God man you show me somebody who's going to support Israel rather they know God or not they're gonna be blessed you show me you show me somebody that takes on the cause of widows and orphans I'll show you somebody god almighty is going to bless and they might not even know him but they can tap into the blessings of God and that's the good and the bad thing about the blessings of God because there are a lot of people that are blessed by God that think that they are approved of God and they're not because they don't know the difference we need to understand the difference the Bible describes that the Bible describes rain as the blessing of God and the Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust the blessings of God can come to anybody who's willing to walk in the precepts of God even if they don't know that they're walking in the precepts of God they're just like this is the right thing to do and I'm going to do that and God Almighty blesses that Ephesians chapter six verse eight says well whatever any good that anybody does he will receive the same from the Lord whether he's slave or free another way of saying that is rather than you're saved or not amen see then you need to teach your children the precepts of God so that they can be blessed you need to teach your children the difference between right and wrong so that they can be blessed you need to teach your children the judgments of God this is what God says and this is how he judges these things this is what God says is good this is what God says is bad this is what God says is life and this is what God says that is death hallelujah because the blessings of God's come with that so you need to understand that the blessings of God come to us corporately okay and that's another big thing in the blessings got you you can have the blessing of God upon you simply because you live in the United States of America and our founding forefathers weigh into covenant with God amen so a lot of the blessings of God come from come from things and it could just be corporate your family can be blessed your house can be blessed and you and you need to understand that but guys when we get into the favor of God the favor of God is personal and the favor of God is individual the favor of God is not corporate the favor of God is individual the favor of God is not just hey if this happens and this happens the favor of God comes from a personal relationship and the favor of God comes from a personal experience that God Almighty has for you I've been looking and prayed about this because what's real is you have to grow in the favor of God you don't just just because you got the love of God doesn't mean you have the favor of God and just because you're blessed by God does not mean that you have the favor of God just because you got the grace of God doesn't mean that you have the favor of God and I want to tell you friend you want the favor of God you want the favor of God the favor of God changes everything for you the favor of God puts you in the right place at the right time for the right kind of miracles to happen everybody say logistical miracles that's a prophetic term that God Almighty has given me and it's something that comes with the favor of God you happen to be sitting next to that person on the airplane you happen to run into that person and everything changes right that's the favor of God well that's not something that you're born with that's something that you grow in Jesus himself Illustrated this friends when he said in the Bible says in Luke chapter 2 verse 52 there were thief there were three things that Jesus had to grow in wisdom everybody say wisdom stature and favor with God and with man Jesus had to grow in those things so so just because you're godly doesn't mean that you grow just because you're godly doesn't mean that you automatically have wisdom you have to grow in it you have to exercise it you have to learn how to deal with it you have to walk it out you get it in increments in other words you qualify for it so what is wisdom wisdom is the application of kingdom things into natural things it's one thing to have knowledge of something but wisdom is the supernatural how to apply it okay well I know that that's there but I don't know how to apply it you can actually apply it wisdom always has to do with application always the wisdom to actually carry something out the wisdom to walk something all the way through the wisdom to avoid the trainwreck amen The Wiz say well I don't I need to navigate around that this way and to be wise amen it's supernatural power and it begins it begins with the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord doesn't mean that you're scared to death of God the fear of the Lord it means that you love what God loves and you hate what God hates that's why you have to grow in wisdom because you have to learn what God loves and then you have to conform your heart to what God loves and then you have to learn what God hates and then you have to conform your heart to what God hates oh god don't hate anything God is love that's because you think the opposite of love is hate the opposite of love is not hate the opposite of love is selfishness people don't even know what love is love is when I feel good no that's called getting high amen that's that's not what love is love is when yourself was when you're selfless towards somebody else so what that means is this I can operate in love and hate sexual slavery hate it with a passion I can walk in love and I can hate poverty I can walk in love and I hate it when children are exploited I hate it I can walk in love and hate addiction hallelujah hallelujah mm-hmm I'm sorry but we just make friends we'll way too many snakes in the name of love well Jesus grew in wisdom and I also want to say this to you to my friends that I looked up in the Hebrew Bible yesterday wisdom is in the Bible 222 times I didn't know that is there any two to two people in there our wisdom is chasing you down okay he also had to grow in stature what a stature mean it's being rank it means position and it means Authority now let's say I want to tell you something that the socialist world will never tell you nobody owes you Authority you you don't you're not born with authority you earn Authority and if you're gonna listen if you're gonna manage the company you're liable to have to start off sweeping the floors the weight of the throne room is through the servants quarters in the kingdom and there might be years that you are pouring out your heart in a way that is not celebrated by people but it's celebrated by God because you have proven yourself to be faithful and it grants you authority within something one of the things I tell people all over the world is if you want to have authority in something you have to serve in something jesus says whoever is the greatest servant has the most authority well how come the church is so impotent because it's so vacant of servers amen people want to walk in yes thank you very much I'd like to be the CEO oh thank you thank you very much that's a lot of work for me okay go scrub a toilet oh no no no you don't know who I am I don't scrub toilets I do i scrub toilets like Troy brewer you scrub toilets yes man what do you think we do when we're all over the world and we're doing all this kind of stuff if I go into one of our orphanages and I see it's filthy let me tell you what Liana and I do we stop what we're doing and we start cleaning why cuz we don't want our kids living in something as filthy and then we tell all of our leaders this is how we want this ain't none of us too dignified that we can't serve on that kind of a level also two men if you want to you want to have authority in somebody's life you want to see them healed serve them serve them man you you know what you might have to you might have to actually take off your shoes and put it on somebody else's feet so I would never do that okay well then you won't walk in Supernatural Authority then because you're gonna have to grow in that grow in it it's something that you build up and expertise in because you have this incredible history that you're building between you and the Lord hmm man I tell you I got some favor when it comes to shoes I mean I do I got incredible fire that stupid cool shoe miracles happen with me all the time and if you've been you've been hanging out with me for very long you know those stories but I want to tell you one man years ago about 20 years ago we were down in the trash dumps of mad Amoros Mexico with Pastor jeana's Gary and his entire crazy tribe and we're down there we're feeding people loving people encouraging people had 50 or 60 people from open door with me we came across a brother who didn't have any shoes he was in a wheelchair and he was dragging his feet because because he couldn't move his feet he was dragging his feet through the trash he had all these open wounds we spent hours cleaning that brother's wounds and telling him jesus loves him and then I asked him dude why do you not have any shoes on he said because I have feet like an elephant okay that's code for Bruer feet now my daughter's would get mad if I talked about how big their feet are so I'm not gonna talk about my daughters but I talk about my boys my boys got some big fat feet like Flintstones okay and so we all wear triple issues because we just have fat feet that's just how we are and when that brother said I got feet like an elephant I went ding my shoes will fit him and I took off my shoes and I put them on his feet and then I had to go preach that night I was doing a prophetic conference and I didn't have any shoes and when I walked in the church and got on the stage because I didn't have no shoes because I've left them with that brother they thought it was a prophetic sign and so they all took off their shoes but I didn't say anything about it's like that's good that like the prophet of God is taking off his shoes I'm like hallelujah here we go that was on a Friday we drove home on Saturday 10 hour drive home we had a church on Sunday we celebrated it we made a big deal out of it on Monday I got a phone call from a world-famous organization towards the open door Food Bank and at that time I was the outreach pastor and so I said yes and was with pastor Andy Dahle and pastor Andy and I talked to this guy and he said hey it's non-food truck and we never turn anything down the following Friday this 52 foot trailer backs up to the open door Food Bank me and Andy open up the back doors 16,000 pairs of shoes one week to the day [Applause] sixteen thousand pairs of shoes well pastor Troy I want to walk in a favor of God well are you willing to take off your shoes and put them on somebody else's feet see it's very important that you learn how these principles work because because guys when it comes to the favor of God the favor of God is personally granted and that's the third thing guys that the Bible says that Jesus had to grow in is he had to grow in favor with God not just wisdom and not just rank but also favor it's something that you got to grow in this is what proverbs chapter eight verse 34 through 35 says blessed is the man that hears me watching daily at my gates waiting at the post of my doorstop that's called a stalker and that's how Leanna was with me before we got married Oh God if I could just get a glimpse of brother Troy you know whatever the Lord said no listen I chased her down like a duck on a dadgum junebug I was after her and I want to tell you man this this thing describes blessed is the man that hears me watching daily at my gates waiting at the post of my door like I just I got to get another glimpse of the king I got to hear God speak I got to see what God is up to if I can just get a glimpse of Jesus man I got to have more of the Lord I'm hunger and for God I got to have more of King Jesus man you got to be fascinated with him God says I'm looking for folks like that God is looking for people that know more about him than they do the game of Thrones oh the turk catholic church gets up and leave don't old start talking about the game of Thrones I'm not against the game of Thrones at all I'm just saying it just amazes me how people are so fascinated with things and are not fascinated with God well let me read it again blessed is the man that hears me watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors and then he says this for whoso findeth me finding life well who finds him those that seek Him right those that seek Him he says whoever finds me finds life and then wanted to say shall obtain everybody say obtained shall obtain the favor of the Lord obtain means to gain by plain and action or effort you have to grow on it you got to gain it you don't get it unless you go after it favor is not the love of God God loves you no matter what but favor comes from people who go after him so what is favor the favor of God comes with God's approval favor proves that there's something going on within your life between you and God something special the word favor actually means demonstrated delight the favor of God can be described as a tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord you can be blessed by God and not be personally approved of God because the blessings of God are not the same as the approval God okay so like okay I just to make sure that we understand how this works the best the best way I can describe it just comes from personal experience we have ten orphanages okay we have two in Kathmandu Nepal we have two in vishakapatnam India we have two in Uganda East Africa we have several in Mexico we have one in leticia Colombia which is on the Amazon jungle we have another one in Tanzania yes we have a whole bunch of orphans Jesus okay I have blessed a lot of people throughout the years we've housed people we fed people we've encouraged people last year right here in Johnson County Texas guys we fed seventy one thousand people last year through the open door Food Bank okay but I want to tell you I want to tell you [Music] not all seventy one thousand people have access to me right I bless them I love them but there's some people that have my private phone number all right that's where you have a profit net I have three phones I have the phone number that everybody gets I have the phones that a few people get and then I got the phone that hardly nobody gets like well what do I have to do to get that well number one we got to be good friends otherwise you'd be calling me at 4 o'clock I've had another dream pastor Troy oh I had another dream like no man that drive my wife crazy amen man we got a ton of postures on staff here to meet everybody's need and there's no special Jedi juice in this brother amen hallelujah amen so it's like what excuse me you mean I don't have access to you 20 no no no you don't have access to me 24 hours a day and neither do all the kids that are in all of our orphanages or all the girls that we saved out of sexual slavery they don't all have access to me like that well who does the ones I favor it's like what it's okay so how does that work okay out of all the people that we fed out of all the people that we've cared for of all the people that we've taken care of there I'm not telling you about the ones that are mad at us right I'm not telling about the ones who didn't think we didn't do enough I'm not gonna stand up here and tell you about the ones that that we took care of and their life still didn't turn out very well okay we bless them and love them the same as we did others but there were some other people that they came back to us and said you changed my life there's a beautiful little girl of the name of shravani and shravani is one of my favorite people in the entire planet Earth and when she was a little bitty kid I would see her she'd always be sitting on the front row every time I was in India well we got her into the orphanage and we I loved her and I would talk to her and I would bless her and I would take her around with me and every time I said on the stage I would get strawberry to come sit up there by me so that so that she would have an honored place because she was an orphans little girl and then just recently whenever I was in the airport in Kathmandu she flew in that's actually a picture of us a mountain she flew in to meet me I haven't seen her in three years though I talked to her just about every single day through whatsapp and we see her and listen that little girl calls me daddy and she loves me like I am her daddy okay and I love her that is my little girl and I love her with all my heart and I was nothing I wouldn't do for her she considers my biological children her brothers and sisters and she's like dad how is my sister Megan dad how is my sister Rima dad how is my brother Luke dad how is my brother Ben like your brothers and your sisters are good and they love you and they bless you my kids have never been mad at me for me having a ton of other kids they've always loved that and I'm so grateful to my kids for that amen well Sravani is a special special special person to me and I've watched her grow up in and I want to tell you she has my watsapp and when so often he needs something she asked me for it and she has access to me and that's not that's not my blessing that's my favor because I have a 20 year history with that little girl and now she's a grown woman and she just now graduated from stewardess Academy Howell Oh yet yeah and whenever whenever she was a little girl you know what she was asking me hey how do you how did you get here and I told her I told her about an airplane and we had a tea party with all the little girls in the orphanage and I put them all out in chairs and I acted like I was serving America like I was driving a plane down the runway and then we all did like this wing and we did like that and then I walked around serving people and she's like dude there's people in those airplanes that serve people I guess and she goes that's what I want to do and now she's 22 and that's what she's doing now amen okay well that's the favor and I want to tell you she flew all the way in to Katmandu to have a talk with me she's like dad I've always wanted to have this talk with you but my English wasn't good enough and I'm like she said daddy my English is becoming good now and I'm my kind of year you're your English is so good and she started telling me when I was little she said the first time that you picked me up and you put me on the stage with you she said I thought you were Jesus okay well I must have been a terrible disappointment I promise you that and she's just told me dad I I mean she was crying we were in the car coming from the airport all the way back and that that beautiful little girl and Stephen Jenny were in the car with me and and there's Jenny right there and and they were all in the car with me and and she was telling me dad I've wanted to talk freely with you but I'm just now learning English good enough doc and she's like she kept telling me you have no idea how you have saved my life you have no idea and she told me she told me some very hurtful things of stuff that we'd saved her from and when I say that that kid owns me she owns me okay that's how favor works all the kids in orphanages do not have the same favor that they have the same love and they have the same blessing do you understand that you understand that so I have a beautiful daughter named Grace that lives in Uganda East Africa and grace is one most brilliant people in the whole world she was born without legs she was born she was born with one arm and you don't want when it came time for her basically prom I told her I said honey I'm with him I want to buy you a prom dress and so she she said we'll tell me what kind of dress you like and I said well I like anything that you like and she said should I show my shoulders and I went if you want to show your shoulders you can show your shoulders and she said I have good shoulders like rock on grace you do have good shoulders show your shoulders and she said daddy I want to said she is it is it bad for it to be sparkly she'd never had a nice dress in her life and so we sent her some money she bought that dress she bought that dress for me she wanted me to be happy with her dress and I was so happy with her dress okay so can you imagine how I favor that little girl okay that's not the same as blessing that's favor and it's personal it's extremely personal this brother here his name is George and I've known George since he's a little boy George is a grown man and George is a guitar player he's a genius he's so smart and he's gone to college but it was a minimal College now he needs to go to a big college and he just recently contacted me and he said dad can can can I ask you about this I'm like George you ask anything you want he's like I need to go to this College and he told me how much it's going to cost now it's like dang I didn't know they had anything along there that was expensive and he said well it is expensive it is and you know what the answer is yes I'm gonna come up with some money and you're gonna and you're gonna finish out your degree and you're gonna you're gonna be a rich man in Uganda you're not gonna live the life of an orphaned child your and your children I'm not gonna live like that you're gonna be a rich man by the time he finishes his degrees he will literally he's gonna be set up okay that's what favor does now guys this is what I have to close on the favor of God is when God proves his personal delight over you because of his personal experience with you the favor of God is when he proves his personal delight over you because of his personal experience with you I have personally known these three beautiful kids okay so they have my favor in a way like what a lot of people don't now I bless tons of people but I'm gonna send everybody to college amen because I don't know amen and it's a big expense man I'm not gonna put everybody in the house now I I can house everybody but I'm not gonna build them a specific house unless I have millions and millions of dollars that I don't have right now but I mean but there are some people man you go way out of your way and you're like no no no whatever it is they want let's just make that happy like why because of my personal experience with them that's what favor does and that's let me tell you where I learned that from I learned that from the Lord because I have found that if you walk with God long enough and if you conform your heart to the image of God long enough and if you in fact do that that you'll begin to build this history between you and the Lord that changes everything we're all the sudden the favor of God is upon you and what should take you ten years takes a moment what what you should never be able to walk in you can you like Lord you have favoured me so much he's like sure I love you okay so this this right here is Pastor Troy's key principle for favor and it comes in three different parts number one personally encounter God in places your heart is going to get broken you will not find the favor of God in safe places and I'm sorry but I have no other word to preach to you but to tell you this you will not find the favor of God in very safe places you're gonna have to love somebody who might not love you back you're gonna have to bless somebody that people are going to say you're foolish for blessing those people you're gonna have to get out there and guys you know like listen you like Pest Rory I don't understand why you love going into prison so much in preaching because I find Jesus in that place I'm blown away at how Jesus loves people in captivity well don't they deserve to be in there heck we all deserve to be in there amen I'm not minimizing what anybody has done listen yeah I'm a Texan okay I believe in prisons but I'm not in a prison business that's not the business I'm in man I'm in the freedom business and I take the grace of God into everything and I'm like man you know what I can I'm blown away at God's heart for people so blown away same thing with homeless people same thing I can't wait to be out there today and because my heart just starts to blow up within me when I'm out feeding homeless people and love and Anki or they're like why don't you why are we saving all these girls all over the world why are we doing that because of God's heart towards them and guys I want to tell you number one you have to personally encounter God and gods Detroit do you see how much I love this girl yes word I see ok well then the second thing is this you have to learn what God's heart is towards them and then you have to carry that out and see that's the reason why grace has such favor with me this beautiful Ugandan girl is because she asked me what do you like Papa what what kind of church should I wear what will make me look beautiful to you my god what there's not anything that that little girl could do that she doesn't look beautiful to me she's so beautiful and she's so sweet and she's so smart and she's such a good girl but she wanted to do something special for me okay that's how favor works see whenever you let your heart get broke and say okay god I know what my opinion is of this situation what is your heart towards this and guys like okay really I'm going to show you toy and then boom you get afflicted with their hurt and then you say you know what I'm taking care of this and I don't care how much it costs I don't care if I got a now that we've taken in this baby that we took in yesterday what if that's a 25 year situation for us so what no matter the cost where did I learn that I learned that from the heart of God and then I'll tell you something you do that you will find the favor of God and folks who look at you and they'll go what in the wide wide world of sports is going on and how in the world can that person walk in such favor well you might see their glory but you don't know their story because if you're going to walk in the favor of God you're going to have to personally go through the Fellowship of his suffering towards other people and you're going to go through that and you're going to love people and you're going to help people and you're going to bless people and you're going to encourage people you're going to have a holy hatred for slavery you're going to have a holy hatred for racism you're going to have a holy hatred for poverty and you're stand up for people that nobody in the world stands up for and you're actually going to do something because that is God's heart and you know what somebody that loves Jesus actually does something the power of God in the favor of God that is in the book of Acts which is the fifth book of the New Testament is not in the book of opinions it's in the book of Acts the Acts of the Apostles you got to get up you got to do something and say this is God's heart and I'm going to do it for those of y'all that are school teachers you have found out how God's heart breaks over a child who wants to learn you've found out how God's heart breaks of our child who can't learn you have found out for those of you guys that are school teachers you've learned what it's like and you can tell you can spot a child just as soon as they walk in your classroom there's something bad going on at that house and you know and that's the anointing that the Lord has given you as a teacher amen to carry the presence of God into that and if you become like the chosen frozen they say I can't let my heart be touched by all this I've got a job I'm going to get up I'm going to write it down they're all going to take the test and I'm gonna go home because it just hurts too much you'll never find the favor of God in safe places you're gonna have to let your heart be broken and if you will if you'll do that then you'll walk in a favor of God and folks will be jealous of you the way that they're jealous of me I'd like to challenge everybody this watching all over the world and tell you this listen don't protect yourself from the heart of God fall in love with the people that God is in love with be desperately afflicted over the desperate afflictions of other people be somebody that gets involved and do that and carry it all the way through carry out God's heart towards somebody else and you will walk in the favor of the Most High God hallelujah I passed the Troy proved to me you walk in the favor of God I want to show y'all picture Liana and my grandkids yeah the brothers bless the brother is bless my grandkid they're so funny and look at how gorgeous Liana is just look how gorgeous she is that's ridiculous I mean we've been married 29 years we're gonna have our 30th anniversary this year hallelujah he married 29 years and I'm super super super blessed and I have the favor of God upon my life I do I want to tell you man that comes personally from knowing God and walking with God hey listen fall in love with Jesus in a whole new way by learning how his heart breaks over other people and get involved and do something about it and then you'll have the favor of God so such as I have I give unto you I want you to lift your hands up father God I pronounce in the mighty name of King Jesus a brand new grace to go after you and to seek you and defines you father God I announce and I pronounce over every single person that is here Lord God a brand new god-given ability to seek you to wait at the doorposts and defines you and father I pray God that we would allow our hearts to be broken over the mess that is within people's lives and I pray God that we would have the courage to do something about it guys go ahead and bow your head and close your eyes if there's anybody here friends within the sound of my voice and today on this day it's time for you to give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ man this is a perfect day for you to give your heart to King Jesus I want you just to kind of wave your hand at the Lord like I'm waving my hand right now awesome awesome awesome awesome praise the name of Jesus hallelujah Church let's all say this prayer together you guys ready say father God I give you my heart I give you my life all of my life from this day forward belongs to you please forgive me receive me and fill me up with your Holy Spirit from this day forward in Jesus name Amen Church let's give Jesus mighty warrior a great big praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 14,496
Rating: 4.9213758 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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