Calendars 1 Once upon a time

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Church will you join me in welcoming all the world to open door Church and the open door experience boom outstanding doesn't want to bless you and call you blessed man I I'm so glad that you guys are here and I'm grateful that she overcame whatever it was it tried to keep you out the door tonight you made it here tonight and I'm I'm grateful I feel good I feel I feel really good I really do I feel like the Lord is here in a great big way and I'm excited about this message one of the things that God started talking to me about a long long time ago it's time and one of the ways that God actually one of the greatest voices that God uses to speak to me is actually the timing of things is there anybody else here this like that you can just tell it's God because of the timing of the thing and I'm like oh man that's the Lord and God knows that I'm a timing guy and so I'm always looking for logistical miracles everybody say that logistical miracles right on for things to line up the right way at the right time and for things to happen the way that they actually need to happen and that's a that's a common prophetic phrase in my own prayer life King Jesus sir I'm praying God for logistical miracles today amen well I under I started a long long time ago studying about time and looking at time and seeing what time was all about and understanding okay god I thought for a little while when I was a very young man that time and God was the same thing and that's just not the truth at all time is a created thing exactly like you are a created thing you were created for a purpose and time was created for a purpose and we're going to get into some of those things and this is part of a 30 year study and this message is called once upon a time everybody go oooh you see how it all ties together it's amazing cuz I have to talk to you about something well I have to I'm going to throw out some real fancy words to you prerequisites premises and lines of logic and the importance of getting things right at the beginning because there's a way that God Almighty has designed things that he leads you into revelation like one of the things that Jesus says is now you have heard it said or rap here you can wrap your head around this right now I say unto you now wrap your head around that and one of the things that Jesus does is he actually meets us in places that we understand whenever we were children the Lord would speak to us in ways that was part of part of my little boy world right and today he speaks to me and lots of different kinds of voices but I'm so grateful that God does not hate my humanity aren't you glad guys that the Lord does not hate your humanity right he speaks to you through the things that you're interested in and the way that he understands that you have a soul that is made up of all different kinds of moving parts and he's not he's just not afraid to bless your mess I'm so grateful that the Lord is like that but in order for us to get into the revelation or the conclusion of this truth that's going to set you free I'm telling you it will we're going to have to go through several different premises and again we're going to go through if we understand this understand that understand this we're gonna follow a certain line a biblical and revelational truth so that we can come and we can arrive to a certain conclusion now premise again is when you follow a line of logic now the Bible would call a premise a therefore okay so all the way through the Bible you can especially see Jesus say and therefore so he'll say this then he'll say okay you got this right then he'll say therefore in other words I want you to track with me all the way to a certain point guys there when it comes to their force there are a Titanic 1,220 their force throughout the entire Bible the book of John has seventy six their force meaning you can't understand this unless you understand that you have to understand this and from there move forward therefore this is why guys we have to have the counsel of God within our life this is why we have to read the Bible this is why we have to be people that are dedicated and consecrated to think in God stuff amen because we'll miss are there force if we don't miss our premises man I like that John chapter 8 verse 36 Jesus says if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed John 8 47 he that is of God hears God's words you therefore do not hear them because you are not yikes so this is why we need our foundations to be based upon the Word of God this is what we need to make dang sure that our foundations are based upon the Word of God and not upon popular culture amen to that guys so premise number one that I'm going to give you about time and you guys are gonna dig this premise number one and there are actually five premises that we're actually going to go through here today there's actually five of them the first one the first premise I'm looking through all these man there actually are five of them okay the first one is this God created time and he is not subject or shackled to time in any way whatsoever it's very important that you understand that that when God is done with the purpose of time time shall be no more that's found in the book of Revelation and time shall be no more time has a beginning and time has an end because it's part of creation as a matter of fact you the way that things are created in our universe it's created and something that is called space-time so if you're going to have matter you have to have a place to put matter and the only place that you can put matter is in a place called space but the only way you can have space is if you have time amen you guys tracking with me come on y'all went to school right on you got the Discovery Channel amen so premise number two is God created time for the purposes of works of redemption the reason why God Almighty created time I believe is because time is the only place that you can say that was then but this is now an eternity you cannot do that however you enter into eternity is how you have always been and how you will always be so I believe that time started for Adam when he sinned I don't believe that Adam was subject to time until he sinned I believe that the clock started for him because god almighty said in the day that you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die and guys a day is to the Lord as a thousand years and the clock started and he died 933 and 930 years later you with me on that so I don't know how long Adam was around before he sent I don't have anything I did I don't know if he's around billions of years or if he's around four five minutes have no idea okay but I know this that as soon as he sinned a trapdoor fell out from under him he became subject to created things and one of the created things he became subject to was time everybody tracking with me premise number three the reason it's great that God created time for the purposes of redemption so that he could work something to a different transformational process right the reason why he did that is because redemption changes absolutely everything when redemption enters into the pictures just like our just like our prison ministry man when you went when redemption comes in where there was darkness now there is light where there was shame amen now there is honor where there was deception now there is truth Redemption takes something that is warped and messed up and turns it into the thing it's actually supposed to be and it's beautiful redemption changes everything so God Almighty is not scared of the problem of sin and in Genesis chapter 3 he gives the first messianic promise which is the seed of the woman right on you guys tracking with me which is a miraculous understanding because women do not carry seeds you guys that's a big deal and guys for the seed of the woman to be born of a virgin is especially impossible right on so all that starts in Genesis chapter 3 right around 15 is where all that starts and he's not afraid of it because he's like okay this is a mess but I've put it all in a space-time continuum where you can change things and transform things line up on line precept upon precept from faith to faith from glory to glory from everlasting unto everlasting from deep unto deep right now you can transform things one step at a time and there ain't nothing the devil can do about it because once redemption shows up everything changes amen guys listen we need to be Redemption fanatics we need to be redemption freaks we need to love Redemption we need to love restoration more than punishment as soon as somebody messes up bethinking restoration and redemption redemption and restoration amen we don't shoot our wounded amen we're constantly thinking yeah that's messed up but Redemption is showing up and whenever Redemption shows up everything changes premise number four noting the hidden manifest and omnipresence of God throughout your timelines what is all that about it's all about that within your timeline there are times that you can see God and there are times that you cannot see God but God is just as present in your timeline when you cannot see him as when you can't see him the presence of God is always with you just not just not it's not always manifest there are times and seasons that the Spirit of God is manifest and there are times and seasons that the Spirit of the Lord is hidden how come God is how come God is like playing hide-and-go-seek with me how come sometimes I can see God I can feel God I can hear God and how come sometimes I don't know where God is that you need to know the answer that I'm going to give it to you right now because when God shows up it's tada and it's all about him and when he's not showing up he's like let's work on you let's work on you and let's turn inward because when I show up it's all gonna be all about me Alleluia but you know what it doesn't need to be all about me right now because there's something with you within you my child that needs some attention and let's pay attention to that all right so there's this rhythm in how we walk with God where he's hidden he's manifest he's hidden he's manifest he's hidden his manifest right and he and he does that within our timeframes and he shows up at different times within our life in extraordinary ways to actually to change things amen and just go hey I'm here to change things because when God shows up whenever you have an encounter with the manifest presence for God in some crazy cool way things things have to change after that they have to change after that and then finally the last premise premise number 5 is we are stewards and not owners of our lives and as priests we have why the blood in as kings we bring kingdom dominion into all that we steward right so guys do you have the authority to bring the blood of Jesus into every single part of your life yes listen ultimately that's already happened ultimately you need to understand that ultimately that has already happened but you need to understand also that right now you are in a place of Kingdom stewardship right now right this second you own your life the same way your daughter owns her room okay now I've got some kids and I remember in there they're all grown up now all of them are my oldest ones thirty-one fixed me thirty-two my youngest ones were 26 and I said you got 226 yeah I got twins right on and I want to just tell you this one of the things that would absolutely astound my teenagers is dad you didn't go in my room did you oh yeah sure did I sure did dad that's my room it is your room your job is to steward it but see you said in my house someday you'll grow up and you'll have your own house and you can tell me if you want me in your house or not now I'm going to show up daddy daddy did you really go in my room yes sweetie I did daddy you didn't you didn't look around in there did you oh yeah I looked at everything dad that's my stuff listen I respect your privacy and I love you but I want you to know you're my little girl and I'm gonna be involved in your stuff I mean I'm gonna be involved and here's a deal this is your room your job is to steward it you got to keep it clean there's certain things that that are allowed in your room and certain things that are not and it's okay for me to come in because see honey your room is in my house and that's exactly the way you own your life you don't own your life your life belongs to King Jesus but you're in charge of stewarding it so your job is to bring the kingdom into every single part of your life right and when you bring the kingdom and you bring in Redemption you bring in Redemption in every single part of your life and you grow higher and you go further and you go deeper and God's just gonna see what you're gonna do with the room he's trusted you with it's it's a big deal guys well one of the things that we can do is we can actually understanding that okay I have to steward my marriage I have to steward my house I have to steer my finances dr. steward my relationships with my kids and I have to do that as a man of God I have to steward my ministry and I have to do that as a man of God and guys are you guys ready for this I had to steward my time line I can't just be acting like I'm in Akko policy and I don't have any authority in any responsibilities when it comes to how I spend my time and what I do with my time guys listen you're either serving God with how you see your past or you're not you are either serving God with how you see your present or you're not and you're either serving God with how you see your future or you are not if you're looking towards your past your present or your future and you don't have any hope that's because you are under the influence of a lie any place in your life that you have hopelessness means that you're under the influence of a lie well pastor Troy that really happened to me when I was five years old or when I was seven years old that actually and whenever I think about it it just hurts so bad I want to just tell you something you can bring Redemption even into your past right now because God is not subject to time we've already gone over that right he can step into time anywhere he wants to step into he doesn't a Bible all the time you do know that Jesus is a time traveler oh you don't you don't know that because Jesus Christ is a time traveler and sometimes he takes people with them he shows up to John on the island of Patmos let's just say this right here is timeline right this is the day that Adam sins right there's two thousand years from Adam to Abraham two thousand years from Abraham to Jesus two thousand years from Jesus until now and we're right at the end of the sixth day and we're almost at the very beginning of the seventh day which is one thousand year millennial reign so he goes over here two thousand years ago he says hey John pull you up over here and punch it right there write all that down write it all down pull you up and now in position very in the great white throne judgment write all that down how cool is that now come back and tell those folk that's called the book of Revelation true it's absolutely true the Bible says two thousand years before Jesus that Abraham whenever he went to Israel I just love saying that that Abraham whenever he went to Israel that the Bible says and he saw afar off a sacrifice he saw a place afar off he was taken Isaac and he looked and he saw afar off a place of sacrifice and he turned to his guys and said the Lord will provide a lamb right now he took he took Isaac up to the top of the mountain to sacrifice Isaac and God said don't and they found a ram not a lamb who do you think the lamb was that Abraham saw afar off it was Jesus and it wasn't geographical location it was the same geographical location but it was two thousand years in the future he pulled him out here it's like hey man look at that okay no go do your business he did guys he did he's not subject to time he created time in fact time and space is literally the only place that you can have matter space time and matter are imperfect continuum if you get rid of one you get rid of the other so guess what happens to you whenever you totally get rid of sin see the reason why you're still subject to time is because you're still subject to the Dominion of sin in some way now ultimately and spiritually you are not that's why your spirit is not subject to time but some day your mind will not be subject to time and some day even your physical body will not be subject to time and when it's not subject to time it ain't subject to matter because matter in space and time are all in continuum and that's why Jesus can just walk through doors because he ain't subject to time why because he ain't subject to sin amen okay so I've explained that Jesus is a time traveler guys I want you if you would please open up your Bibles to Exodus chapter 33 brother Steve Jobs says my favorite things in life don't cost any money it's really clear that the most precious resource we have is time Steve Jobs I'm gonna just kind of we're gonna we're eventually going to get to yeah I found it we're actually gonna get to access chapter 3 and let me just kind of tell you that when I was a kid I played in a Christian rock band and we played all over the place I got saved in May of 1986 and then joined this Christian rock band and we took off plan and we even played at this church you know we even played at this church long time before I was a pastor of this church when pastor Gloria was the pastor and I got to play at some really cool places and got to meet some extraordinary people and do a lot of fun things and I was a very young man I was 19 when I got saved and I started dating Leanna cuz Leanna chased me around guys you you wouldn't believe how smitten Leanna was with me and you know I her as long as I could and finally after stalking me for years we we got married so and we got I got to plan with this guy with a very good friend of mine named Scotty McKay a world-famous rockabilly guy and what we would do is our band would do the our band would be the warm-up band for him and then our band would be his band okay so we'd come out and do our stuff and then Scotty would come out and we would be his band okay and we got to play Austin and Austin is just such a neat place to play for for musicians it's so competitive you either love play in Austin or you hate play in Austin because the guy that is planned at the Howard Johnson Inn in Austin is way better than the guy that's playing at the big venue you know in some other town just it's such a competitive environment and I'm not an extremely competitive guy I'm I'm a team guy I love like you know I don't want to you know I'm not a one-man band I want to have an awesome band I want us to communicate I want us to have fun I want to have a team of people I'm very much like that I'm a family guy that's that's how I am and guys this was just great and we were playing at a place called the Liberty lunch on sixth Street okay I know nobody in here has ever been to sixth Street in Austin and so we were playing in a place and you know like well was it a Christian place well it was when we were there because we're Christians so I throw that out there and now I was bar and we were playing there and what we would do is we would play our gig and we would start off we actually had a secular set and the secular songs that we had were all Kingdom songs you know without love where would you be now and then now without love and all of our songs were were pop songs but they were all Kingdom songs is there anybody here that understands my language on that okay so so you must not have been ruined by religion hallelujah that's amazing so then at the end of the night we would just flat out bust out in praise and worship songs and then we tell everybody listen guys we are all believers and we'd be happy to pray with anybody we're all going to be standing right over there at the end of the bar and man we'd be happy to pray with anybody and talk to anybody about anything god bless you and God bless the Liberty lunch god bless you Austin Texas good night everybody well we were jamming and I could see the bar and I was getting ready to give my spill about me meet us over at the end of the bar we want to talk to you we want to pray with you and I looked and behind the bar was a quote and the quote said this it says God it says time is God's Way of keeping everything from happening at once and I was up there playing Dona Ana now don't na now without love no no no no and I'm at their plan to go on why didn't God want everything to happen at once and my little squirrel cage begins it and started this 30-year track of me being crazy and thinking about time and how time works and being very conscious of time and being very conscious of the power that God has given us within certain time frames and actually I learned that that is actually a quote from Einstein time is God's Way of keeping everything from happening once Einstein said that when they asked him what is time he's as well as God's Way of keeping everything from happening at once they went oh so guys we're in Exodus chapter 33 is where we're at and I want to take you back to ancient setting Moses the Jew that did not belong to the house of the Egyptians and wasn't welcome in the camp of his own people had run away and lived with another group that he didn't belong to and after 40 years of time he finally found somebody he belonged to and he was God and after a world-famous supernatural showdown with the most powerful man on the planet Moses wanted a deeper walk with God and like Oliver Twist he dared to ask for more and he said Lord show me your glory I want to visibly see how awesome you are God you got to show me your glory I don't want to just hear about it I don't want to just know about it I want to personally experience your visible awesomeness show me your glory I like describing glory as visible awesomeness it's the weighty the weighty are the tangible presence of God the weightiness it's heavy the heavy presence of God where you can't ignore him and you can't deny him and he didn't just want just a little piece of that he said he said God show me your glory show me your glory the audacity of that otherwise hidden from people who do not have a heart to truly know him Moses just like Oliver Twist had dared to ask for more and I love that the relationship that Moses had with God was very very very special and so was the revelation that God had put upon him a bond request God replied that his awesomeness would not be seen head-on but still he had a plan so in Exodus chapter 33 and verse 17 so the Lord said to Moses I will also do this thing that you have spoken for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name can I tell you the key to unlocking encounters with God is getting to know God it has to do with intimacy it has to do with a personal journey that is between you and God and nobody else and if you don't have that you're never going to have those Wow encounters that some people have the key to have an incredible encounters with God where he shows up and speaks to you in a way that changes everything he does something for you that he doesn't do for anybody else is that he knows you by name and that you have found favor in his heart and in his eyes because you know I know all of those people by the name Israel but I know ye by the name Moses I know them as a body but I know you personally verse 18 and Moses said please show me your glory guys I want to just just stop it I want to just unpack this for just a second let's just I want to ask you if you had a child and if your child let's just say somehow you adopt a whole bunch of kids let's say that you got a dozen rebellious teenagers living in your house all at the same time and all of them call you dad but one of them wants to know you one of them doesn't just want you know have the air conditioner bill paid and have Wi-Fi one of them actually wants you and I'm talking about I want to know you as my dad I want to know what makes you happy and I want to know what makes you sad I want to know where you've been and I want to know where you're going I want to know what motivates you to take in people like me please listen I know you don't have those kinds of conversations with all the other kids will you please please PLEASE spend time with me because I love you so much I just want to know you better would that make you mad No then why don't you go to the Father and why do you assume it's gonna make the father mad if you being evil are good like that how much more so your Father in Heaven amen it is not gonna make him mad for you to go to him and ask him for more he's gonna say praise God or God's case praise me I got a kid that actually wants to know me hallelujah doesn't just want my hand once my face doesn't just want my benefits once my heart that kid owns me that's beautiful verse 19 and then he said here's his plan I will cause all my goodness to pass before you stop if you ask God to show up guess what he causes to pass in front of you his goodness now I want you to think about this this is of them day the only understanding that Moses had of God before all this was Pharaoh who had some joker that walked around with him make sure nobody looked favored on the eye because if they did they'd hold you down and poke out your eyes so that it was said he's such an awesome God that if you look at him your eyes fall out no that's just some Egyptian let's go around poking out people's eyes it's horrible and gods like all right you want to see my glory you really want to see while I'm all about get ready to see my goodness oh Jesus what a good God we have he's so good he said so I'll make all my goodness pass before you an hour approached I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you I'm gonna cause my goodness to pass before you and I'm gonna name that part of me I'm gonna identify it for you I'm gonna spell it out for you I'm gonna show you something and then I'm going to explain it to you and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I will have compassion upon whom I will have compassion this is a very interesting thing and I I'm sure that there's somebody who really understands what that means but I'm just going to tell you my Johnson Countian version of that is just thinking that he's like whoa he actually said yes and oh my gosh how does that work and God just says this how it works I'll have compassion on whom I will have compassion that's how it works when you come and you travel with me all over the world and you'll find a whole lot of people all over the world that are a whole lot better than us who don't have nothing and you just say Lord I don't know how this works I God I I don't know why I'm so blessed with so many good people are not and the Lord says I'll have compassion upon whom I'll have compassion let's just leave it at that okay verse 20 but he said but you cannot see my face because no man shall see me and live and the Lord said here's a place by me and you shall stand up on a rock and so it shall be that while my glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and I will cover you with my hand while I pass by then I will take away my hand and you shall see me you shall be able to see my back but my face shall not be seen there's a long long time ago Moses had gone to the top of the mountain and seen the backside of God in a tiny glimpse of God's glory and I when I think about this what I see is that God is doing everything all Moses is doing is looking but God is doing absolutely everything it reminds me of the Covenant that God made with Abraham and he said brother we're gonna do a blood cut covenant and we're gonna take some animals and we're gonna kill all these animals and we're gonna walk around in a figure eight in the midst of the blood and we are actually going to cut a blood covenant together and he's like okay I'm in and then the Bible says and God put Abraham to sleep he's like I got this you have nothing to bring to this table just let just let me do this I mean Moute everyone was there to cut blood covenant with God Almighty Himself he's like perfect now go to sleep I'm gonna do all the work from here and just exactly like that guys Moses it's like I want to see I want to see he's like okay here's the deal I'm gonna put a rock by me I'm gonna put a cleft in the rock I'm gonna pick you up and put you in the rock I'm going to put my hand over your face and then I'm gonna pass by and then I'm going to remove my hand and I'm gonna give you the ability to see me and to hear what I have to say as I pass by so God's doing everything as because there's there's a way there's there's a partnership that you have with God where there's things that you are responsible for you're responsible for seeking Him you're responsible for loving him you're responsible for going after him you're responsible for desiring him you're responsible for saying yes to him but then when you see him it's all about him you got nothing else to bring to the table nothing else and he's like no problem I got this aren't you glad that he's not offended at that and he's like this is my part of the partnership if you seek me you gonna find me and if you ask I'm gonna answer and if you knock I'm gonna open that door and then I'm gonna take over so you know what happens he's there and we guys we all know that that the Lord God Almighty spoke to Moses in a cloud so he couldn't see anything and God would get right in his face and he couldn't see anything and yet God would be like hey Moses he biked who you say Moses I you know I'm like literally a half inch away from your nose right I know I know it's so awesome I know like I want to see no no no no because you will supernova no no I got stuff for you to do boy no none of that none of that but I'm right here I'm with you but listen we're friends this is what friends do friends speak face-to-face and I'm so glad to be your friend Moses I really am I'm glad to be your friend and I'm glad that you had the courage to trust me and climb up into this high place and the mists of thunders enlightening scary stuff and you're not scared of me Oh Moses I love that I love that about you he's like I love you too bad but this is different clouds gone he's like I seriously got to keep my hand I'm serious don't Paik you will explode don't I'm serious don't don't peek all right here we go are you ready you ready Moses yes are you sure you ready I'm sure are you get ready then he disappears now he proclaims a word there and I want to go into that but I don't have time to go off into it but it's just there's a mind blowing and and he literally caught a glimpse of the backside of God as he went on now can I just say that if God was dealing with a lesser person they would have been offended what if God showed up he said God I want to see he's like all right but you can only see my backside what if you said that to somebody else like hey man you know I'd like to get to know you a little bit can I see you yeah honey but you can only see my backside would that go over well no so God Almighty shows him his backside he doesn't see his side which is present time he doesn't see his face which is future time he sees his backside which is past time and he sits down and he writes the book of Genesis that glimpse of Jesus of that glimpse of God Almighty the backside of him was from time was present past tense of God's goodness he saw how good god has always been now guys there are holy angels or cherubim whoo circle the throne of God and they have eyes behind them eyes beside them and eyes in front of them because they are seeing God it concerning time concerning past present future and every time they circle the throne they crowd to God holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was who is and who is yet to come when Moses saw the backside of God he saw the goodness of God from that moment backwards and he saw it all he saw all the relationships that God has had with everybody from from from Adam all the way up to where he was at right then the entire book of Genesis he sat down and goes I mean he went booth saw it I mean he just saw glitz boom he's like got it saw it and he wrote down in the beginning God so Moses after he would get through seeing the goodness of God in present past tense it was his job to write the law now friends Moses only knew God in present past tense and it was a high and incredible privilege to know him like that so he writes the law guys what do the 613 walls hoji accountable to your past right the law can only deal with you in present past tense like well I did this and did this and did that so I have to do this and I thought this and did that and said that so I have to do this it deals with you and present past tense but Jesus who came as the fulfillment of the law he didn't destroy the law he finished it he closed the book of it he fulfilled it he walked it all the way out he deals with you in present future tense so he calls Brian Dobson holy right now he calls Darrell night holy and righteous right now because pastor Jerry the the the righteousness of God in Christ he he calls you that right now why because he's dealing with you now but he's also dealing with you concerning where he's taking you not where you've been Amen so it's time for me to close and whenever God's it whenever Moses sit down and wrote Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth he went back and he saw it all and guys I want to close on this because this is a mind-blowing revelation you guys you guys remember that I told you that space in time or imperfect continuum with matter space time and matter all right this is all Einsteins stuff okay but and all this this the revelation of space time and matter only came out in the early 1900s but Moses saw it he saw it way before anybody else saw it and we're talking about a guy who had been watching sheep and goats for 40 years sit down and wrote these amazing words in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth this is the first thing that he wanted to write after seeing the back side of God the first thing he's like in this in this incredible supernatural brilliance he takes an animal skin piece of paper and he takes a feather and he takes some ink and he writes down in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and guys in the beginning it's time God created the heaven space and the earth matter the mystery of time space and matter is in the very first verse of the Bible and has been there for thousands of years before it was discovered by anybody else who knows anything about time so friends I want to tell you that you can trust God with your past you can trust God with your present and you can trust God with your future you you can and I want to I want to just encourage you and challenge you yes to trust God with your future absolutely but also trust God with your past and if there is something in your past that you can't get past yes you can guys do you know what do you know what a place that you can't get past it's called it's called a mountain and guys mountains in the New Testament or what Giants are in the Old Testament and they have to be removed they have to be removed it's something that you can't get past something you you you like you can't ignore it you can't not think about it I don't know a thing about that I just don't know okay listen it is by faith that you speak to the mountain and you tell it to be cast into the depths of the ocean you're like well that's something that happened when I was five that's something that happened when I was 22 that's something to happen when I was 16 and I'm old now what am I supposed to do am I supposed to go back through time are you as foolish as Nicodemus that's what Nicodemus asked can I go back through time and enter back into my mother's wound to be born again he's like no no no Nicodemus you're not the time traveler I am I'm the time traveler and I can have you to be born again and guys Jesus Christ is a time traveler and if you've got something within your life that is messed messing up listen it's still toxic in your life today and it's way back in the past invite Jesus into that place back then right now I dare you to do that I double dog dare you to seriously think about what that place is and say King Jesus I invite you in this place the same way that the guys on the boat had to invite Jesus into the boat or else he will walk to the water past him the same exact way that the disciples at Emmaus had to invite Jesus into the house because he because he was well he would have gone on further the Bible says you have to invite him into that place well that's a shameful place I wish I'd have never done that well listen he already knows about it you don't have to hide that from him like you know best ROI I did something horrible horrible horrible invite Jesus into that place right now even if it was 50 years ago invite him into that place and as soon as he steps into that place it will change you're right now he can literally go back in time say you talk about here in your timeline why because you are responsible for stewarding your timeline which means you are responsible for bringing the kingdom into your timeline same as you're responsible for bringing the kingdom into the marriage that you steward of the finances that you steward you do not own your timeline you are responsible for stewarding it invite him into that because Jesus has a handle on time and time was made for the purposes of redemption let's give King Jesus a great big praise [Applause]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,760
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: jGmGjKceCpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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