Fighting Faith Part 2 | Pastor Ken Claytor

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I'm glad somebody's excited to be in the house today come on let's give Jesus praise come on let's thank him for his goodness his grace his mercy his is anybody excited to be saved today man I'm fired up man I'm coming in hot today you all can be seated love you guys so very much if this is your first time attending a live church we welcome you come on give it up all of our first-time guests who are in the house we love you we love you listen if you have never been to church before in your life I don't believe you're here by an accident this is a church that's been created for people just like you no matter where you are in your spiritual journey I don't believe you're here by an accident I believe however you got here it was God's plan and hopefully by the end of today you can kind of sense the moving and the presence of the Lord and make some little commitments in your heart towards him it's gonna be a good Sunday and if you're here today and maybe you've been away from church for a while you did this whole church thing back in the day but now you're coming back to God I just want to say welcome home come on would you give it up all the people thank you so much being in the house we got some great things that are happening in our church right now our church is growing growing numerically but more importantly we're growing spiritually amen and so this of course is our year of believing big we're believing God could do some really big things this also this Sunday is step two and three a growth track we have this front door of our church if you want to get involved go through the growth track go ahead and tell your neighbor you got to go through the growth track go through the growth track we want to help you grow but we need your participation we want to help you in three steps get connected discover your purpose admit and make a difference you've been created by God to use your spiritual gifts to make a difference in this world and the lives of others and without that you will not be fulfilled as a Christian today is step two and three maybe you already went through step one maybe you did it last week or maybe you did it last month but you haven't finished a growth track come on out today we want to help you find your purpose and also make a difference or if you're a person that you came through growth track and you got busy and find a team or just something happened and you and you know that the Holy Spirit's been leading you to get more involved I would encourage you to go back through growth track 2 & 3 today so that we can connect you to the Dream Team so that you can have a community a family and a place to belong you're excited for the word today can you just put your hands together in advance come on put your hands together in advance for what God is about to be in this place come on put your hands in together and give the Lord praise come on somebody you can do better than the PGA tournament you can do better than a golf clap you can shout with the voice of triumph because I believe your praise steals the Avenger I believe depression is broken off your life when your praise addictions are broken when your praise is anybody ready for what God's gonna do in the house today come on let's pray and we'll get going today father we thank you for who you are we ask for you to have your way up and down every hour in and out of every heart I decrease Holy Spirit you increase in me I thank you that you're able to take this message and not it be just the message for this church but a message for people around the world place your anointing on it place your power on it for we don't want to just hear the word we want to do the word because it's the doers of the word that shall be blessed thank you Lord for everything you've done on Calvary's cross that you came to destroy the works of the devil and I thank you that we step into victory today and that we will never be the same again in Jesus wonderful name if you agree with that would you just say a man and a man hey you know what go ahead and greet your neighbor again and say hey look hello you good-looking thank you I'm glad you sit next to me go ahead and tell them hey hello you good-looking thing you hello you good-looking thing now somebody buy you they don't look good at so you can get yourself another seat Oh only one good-looking people sitting I'm just playing somebody all right hey help me welcome everybody viewing online or online family we love you god bless you if you tuning in via YouTube make sure that you hit the subscribe button so that you can be the first to get all the content as it is released if today's message is a blessing to you like I believe it will be make sure that you share this message with someone around the world that you believe it can be in make an impact in the life as well you know a few months ago we begin this series called believing big everybody say believing big and it's not just a series or a message we believe it's a moment it's a momentum and I believe that we have a big God and he's wanting us to believe him to do some big things in our life you know sometimes we believe too small we don't believe that God can make a way out of no way but we believe he is a way maker and that he can heal anybody who's sick that he can remove your depression in a suddenly moment anybody believe our God is a big God he wants to do some big things but he requires big faith from us as you begin to read through the scriptures you will look at Jesus and he would say things like oh ye of little faith why did you doubt we begin to contrast what Jesus meant by little faith and we begin to look at big faith and we said that it's our job to to develop our faith and muscles or to get into the gym of the Lord so to say and allow our faith to be developed to where it's big faith so that we can have big results in this new decade and so next week is going to be the last installment of this series everybody say oh I know I know how much you loved it I've really enjoyed preaching it and we want to end this thing with the bank and so we want you to come out next Sunday come with expectation I believe the anchor leg is so important how you finish the thing is so so important but bring some other people with you bring your family bring your friends bring your co-workers there's people all over our city that is in need of this church and that's why we believe that one invite can it can change your life and so after next week then we'll begin to prepare ourselves for the Easter season coming up on April 12th we have this holiday called Resurrection Sunday popularly known as Easter and we take a whole month to kind of get ready for April 12 we just we do Easter big around here in our church anybody ready for what God's gonna do and when we do Easter like really big both cities both campuses we're actually going to two services here because we're just believing for thousands of people to be transformed but that ain't gonna happen without your participation so we need you to get fired up man we want you to get passionate and begin to let's believe God for your unsaved unchurched family workers co-workers and friends we in the place the seed in their heart right now and let's get ready for April the 12th but last week I taught a segment that the Holy Spirit is allowing me to teach part two today called fighting faith everybody say fighting faith and so today I want to share with you fighting faith part two you know every other week I have a leadership small group how many of you all are enjoying your small groups that you live groups that you're in we believe that real life change happens in the context of relationships our alive groups are still open you can find anyone that you want to at any time that you want to just go this week if you can every other Monday I do a leadership a live group that's where I bring my pastors my staff our small group leaders and our team leaders together and I just want to share with them leadership nuggets I want to increase and build their faith because they are the ones that are pouring into your life so I want to take my time and pour into their life so that the pouring continue and so this past Monday we had our leadership a live group and there was a gentleman whose newer to our leadership Corps and he actually got saved just four years ago before that he was an atheist so he didn't believe in God at all and sometimes what I do in group is I go around and I say hey what did you take from the message on Sunday because I think it's so important that you don't just hear a message without going home and talking about it let me go on this side cuz y'all not ready yet looking at me like that I really believe that how many you know studies show that you only retain 20% of what you hear audibly the first time but you need the 80% your victories in the 80% your healing is in the 80% and no matter how much we say Amen when we're in service 80% of its lost but you have to go home like a good student and download the app and look at the notes and talk about the message with your family and with your friends and in your group because the Word of God is being sewn into your heart to bring for for harvest in your future do you hear what I'm telling you today and so I usually start off like what did you get out of the message and the gentleman who I'm talking about he says well you know I've been saved for years he said but what I realized being an atheist and then getting saved is number one I didn't know how to fight and number two I didn't know I was in a fight let me I didn't know I was in a fight and I didn't know how to fight and I wonder how many people are here today that don't know you're in a fight and don't know how to fight I wonder how many people are online right now who don't know that they're in a fight and don't know subsequently how to fight I wonder how many Christians around the world right now are in love with Jesus been saved thirty years twenty years ten years but don't know they're in a fight and don't know how to fight I believe that's why you're here today because God wants you to know that you're in a fight but the fights fixed because you already win and I'm gonna help you learn how to fight today quick story so I got saved when I was 11 years old I was in a small Baptist Church in southern West Virginia and at times the preacher would put out a chair he said will there be one you know he put out a chair will there be one to come to the Lord and it was my 11th birthday his memory recalls my mom would have to correct this story but this is my story I got the mic in I'm sitting in the balcony with my mom and it's my birthday nobody said anything to me I just decided I'm 11 it's time for me to man up so I I decided to come out of the balcony and walk down to the front of the church and I decided to sit in the chair and I remember the Reverend he had tears in his eyes like Oh young man has come to the Lord I mean in a couple of weeks after that I was water baptized here's the problem though after that moment for the next 10 years of my life I lived as a Christian 18 now let me define what I mean by that for those of you all who don't know a Christian atheist I've coined it as someone who believes in God but live like he doesn't exist ever been there before come on let me see by show hands come on tell the truth and shame the devil today how many of you all are there right now I'm closing my eyes cuz I don't want to cuz that is not the place that's not where you've been destined to camp out that's not what God has called you to do and B you can't stay in the place where you believe in God but you live like he doesn't exist I was that guy that owned the Bible but I never read it I will go to church was convenient for me if I didn't stay out too late the night before and if I wasn't too drunk I was able to get to church I was that guy I was that guy that would pray over my food or when I go to sleep every once in a while or just when I really need something but I didn't go to God because I wanted to know him better and serve him more faithfully I went to God just when I needed a rabbit out of the Hat Laura popped me out of miracle what was I in God but I lived like he didn't exist I had I had the Jersey but I wasn't on the team I had the WWJD bracelet and if you were to ask me are you a Christian I would say yes I am but I didn't resemble Christ do you believe in God yes I do why don't you live for him I was a Christian atheist let me break it down that means that you could put me in a lineup with 10 of my closest friends that was unsaved a lot like they lied party like they party drink like they drink slip around like they slept around no judgment on them they not saved but me I said I knew Jesus I believed in God but I lived like he didn't exist and I was unfulfilled I was sad because I knew there was more to life than what I was living have you ever been to the place where you know there's more in you but you just don't see it right now so it affected my marriage you know my wife and I when we first got married always say this about my marriage I'll say we've been married 20 years it's been the best 18 and 1/2 years of my life come on somebody and help a brother out the first year the year and a half was absolutely horrible I didn't know how to be a husband she didn't know how to be a wife we didn't I had a plan to divorce my wife so I was thought out because I didn't feel like she did this I felt like she was holding me back I didn't think she was good enough I was being lied to by the enemy I was in a fight but I didn't know I was in a fight and I didn't know how to fight thank God we started coming to a church like this where the pastor had a marriage that I could exemplify and I learned how to fight for my family I learned how to fight for my relationship you can't fight by arguing at each other and the devil has you so turned on one another that you're facing up back-to-back with one another or face to face with one enough when you should have each other's back and turn your attention towards the enemy I was in a fight I didn't know I was in a fight and I didn't know how to fight my wife was diagnosed depressed for 12 years of her life dad passed away when she was 6 years old he was a boxer he was an amateur boxer he was really good he was actually on vacation in Colorado a few weeks ago and she went online and found a Sports Illustrated article from 1982 that talked about the passing of her father as a Golden Gloves champion in Pennsylvania it was it was crazy and so one night after a fight he had a headache after a boxing match he went into the locker room and he died it's since the whole family into a whirlwind all right she became the mother in the house she began to have to take care of her brothers and sisters she lived with her grandmother from 6 to 12 but then her grandmother died when she was 12 years old and it sent her into a very dark play she was diagnosed depressed from 12 to 24 years old suicidal thoughts panic attacks severe severe depression anxiety disorder but the difference was this 22 years old she gets saved she still struggles for two years 24 years old she gets filled with the Holy Spirit she gets power then she got hold of the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit at first she didn't know that she was in a fight for 12 years and she didn't know how to fight but she came to a church like this and she learned that life and death is in the power of your tongue and those who love it shall eat the fruit thereof and she began to speak to the spirit of depression and say your days are numbered in my life for I have the joy of the Lord depression is broken over my life and now she's been healed for 19 years come on somebody no more medication no more therapy come on somebody what happened she learned how to fight and I don't know what your fight is but I need you to know that the fight is fixed and maybe you're fighting depression maybe it's an addiction maybe it's despair maybe you just feel lonely maybe you feel like nobody loves you I need you to know that you're in a fight but I also need you to know how to fight and I believe that's why you're here today I want to help when the victory that Jesus has already given you what somebody give God brings is anybody ready for this today if you're ready just shout I'm ready as I was going through this I felt the Holy Spirit said we'll just go through the Bible let's go through the scriptures because we need to know that we're in a fight and then we're going to talk about how to fight but many of us we don't even know what the Bible says about the fight so let's begin at first Timothy chapter 6 verse number 12 please say Amen when you get there first Timothy 6 verse 12 of course we'll put it on the board first Timothy chapter 6 verse 12 it says this fight the good fight of faith y'all here with me today I love the first word because it lets us know that we don't have to fight now some of you are like well pastor this is not really the message that I want to hear today pastor I really want to hear something about Grace in the love of God and how I am accepted by him maybe that's next week right now you need to learn how to fight come on somebody it's amazing the people to try to push the preacher into what they want to hear listen I'm giving you not what you want to hear but what you need today because you're in a fight and you know something about this scripture it's not a suggestion I mean it's a command it's not like fight if you feel like it fight if you want to fight if you even believe you're in the fight now it's like just fight fight you're gonna have to fight and then I love it that it extends it and it says fight the good fight of faith how many all know it ain't no good fight if you lose while you own the canvass bloody that ain't a good fight it's only a good fight if you win and I love it that Jesus has already given us victory that means that the battle is not yours but it's the Lord's all you gotta do is suit up because the fight has been fixed you already win I don't know if you are into boxing but just a couple of weeks ago it was a heavyweight championship it was a guy named fury versus Wilder how many of you all saw that fight okay so anyway let me catch everybody up so a guy named Wilder he's I don't know his record I think it's 46 and oh well it was 46 and oh and he half 43 knockouts they said he had the hardest right hand since Mike Tyson I mean this boy would knock you out okay the first time these two fault it was a draw so they decided to do fury and Wilder part two okay and wow there's this big old dude so fury he's like a boxer but he trained differently this time and he came into it he was like you know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move so he can't hit me I'm gonna lean into him so he can't hit me with that big right hand long story short fury ends up winning the fight now Wilder got knocked out he got knocked out come on smokey he got knocked out and so there is nobody who gets knocked out he's not been home for these last two weeks like oh that was a good fight I gave it all know it ain't no good fight if you lose it's not a good fight while you sitting around trying to find your teeth that's not a good fight it is only a good fight if you win so when the Bible says to fight the good fight of faith you should get excited because no matter what you're facing right now you're coming out with victory you're coming out on top and never beneath you've just got to get this faith and watch this it doesn't say fight the good fight of your flesh it says fight the good fight of faith that's why we've been trying to develop your faith are you ready all right let's do another first Peter chapter 5 say man when you get there first Peter chapter 5 y'all there watch this when it says be alert and be so reminded because your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for somebody to devour it says that your enemy the devil now there's so many people they don't believe in the devil they believe that he's just a figment of our imagination or they believe that he's just made-up fable I want you to know that this guy's real he's a fallen angel the Bible calls him the god of this world not this earth but this world which is the world system okay he was like Bearer so now the devil he shows up like an lookin like the good thing but he ain't a good thing he's not the god thing he shows up like the good thing so he looks he makes everything look good on the outside but they don't mean it is good he's fool's gold okay and sometimes we go after the good thing instead of waiting on the god thing that's a whole nother story for another day it says that the devil our enemy the devil okay so your enemy is not your coworkers it's not your mother-in-law come on somebody help me out your enemy ain't them people who are talking about about you they're just being influenced by the devil it says that your enemy the devil goes around like a roaring lion looking for somebody to devour what is he looking for he's looking for the weakest link he's looking for those of you all who don't know how to fight yet he's looking for those of you all who haven't went to Heaven's gym yet he's looking for the people that just don't know how to declare a thing until it's established he's basically looking for anybody who don't know their Bible they're saved but they don't know nothing basically he is looking for the weakest link he's looking for the person who was all caught up in the emotions that they have such a hard time believing God he's looking for somebody to steal to kill and destroy what's the answer it's found in the beginning of the verse it says be alert and of a sober mind let me let me break it down what that means is stay on your toes this is a fight you can't be caught flat-footed in you got to stay on your spiritual toes praying in the Holy Spirit part of groups coming to the house of the Lord see some of your greatest spiritual attacks is not that the devil is showing up to you at midnight it's that he just wants to break your spiritual rhythm he wants to give you a new job do you know that sometimes the devil will give you a new job just to break out your spiritual rhythm you finally committed to the house of God you finally committed to being upon the dream team but he just wants to give you a what you thought was a blessing to break your rhythm have you ever noticed going to the gym like you can be going and be working out but Jen when you get busy in life or you get some post nasal drip or something happens in your body it's so hard to get back in the gym not because you didn't start it's just that you didn't continue your rhythm was broken there are rhythms of grace there are spiritual rhythms that you have to go in line with and sometimes the enemy's greatest attack is just to get you to break your rhythm so it says be alert and then it says be of sober mind meaning don't be drunken thinking you gonna win in this fight don't be inebriated I wish that I could speak to a generation that you've been putting your confidence to get peace from a substance instead of getting it from its presence some of you all have been giving yourself to a perverted second because you don't have the faith to get everything you need from the Word of God some of you are falling for a discount anointing a perverted anointing but all of the peace and the contentment and that that goosebump feeling and that's feeling kind of buzz and all right everything you need you can get from the new wine baby you can get a high from the Holy Ghost and what God gave the world can't take it away but you're focused on the wrong thing it's nothing but a misplace 'men of the anointing of God and some of us are losing the fight for our family we're losing the fight for our calling simply because we're trusting something else more than God so he says you need to be alert and you need to be sober-minded but I love this next one his first Peter chapter number 4 verse number 10 through 12 and I think this one is hilarious he says dear friends go ahead and tell your neighbor dear friend dear friend don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal that's come to test you as though something strange is happening to you what that means is that as soon as you get saved you got a target on your back and don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal nobody likes to talk about this side of the gospel it's like you finally decided god I'm going time and I'm gonna give to God then you get a bill don't be surprised by that then you get laid off don't be surprised by that God got a better job for you anyway just keep on trusting the Lord don't be surprised by the fiery ordeal that has come to test your face what what is that that's somebody who's in a fight they don't know they in a fight and they don't know how to fight it's amazing to single people to be like they get a conviction finally all right well my bodies for the Lord in the Lord is for my body okay the Bible says to flee fornication okay pastor I'm gonna give it everything okay nobody no ready okay no nobody nobody no no contact no contact or any no thinking okay I'm gonna do that now but as soon as you stand up and say I'm gonna be sexually Feuer and your girlfriend leave you or your boyfriend leave you and all of a sudden you're surprised don't be surprised by that don't be surprised I'm just trying to love God because they ain't the one for you no way because if they really loved you they would never lead you to sin they would always protect your virtue and protect your calling and protect your destiny because the truth is you can do bad all by yourself you need somebody that's gonna lead you to God instead of leading you can I preach this today if anybody is this thing on today is anybody ready for what I'm preaching do you oh well I'm so surprised I can't believe my family talking don't be surprised that your family don't like you no more because now your light is putting a spotlight on their darkness don't be surprised by that as if something strange anything strange about that baby you want to fight you just need to know that you want to fight and you need to know how to fight so what's the answer verse 13 but rejoice go ahead and tell your neighbor tell somebody around you you gotta rejoice come on even if you're sad you still gotta rejoice even if you're in the valley you still gotta rejoice even if you lose a relationship you still gotta rejoice because that is an act of your will it says rejoice and as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ my God we were singing about that this morning so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed it don't cost you nothing to rejoice actually the original meaning of this word rejoice it means to stand up and to act clamorously foolish and to turn around and spin around wildly say we don't need you to come to worship and I know some of you all you struggle so much just to come on time to church can I give you a word today I came to preach to somebody today is this thing on today some of you are want God to come through on time for you but you ain't on time for him and if you so late see you're getting a late harvest I dare you to set your clock and just try to come thirty minutes early like the Shekinah glory of the Lord is in the auditorium like God has a healing for me today and he has a miracle and a breakthrough moment for me today you come with a snuffleupagus face like all I had to drag myself out of bed you ain't ready for victory yet you're not ready for the supernatural move of the Spirit of God listen I prophesied that this church will come to a day where thousands of people will be here 15 minutes in advance dancing before anybody tells them to worshiping before anybody tells them through you will see people standing on the sides of these walls hoping to get into the auditorium and you better set the pace now would you get somebody around you and say you've been called for this time you better setting the pace now ain't nobody happy for me I'm gonna preach this even if you're not here today so what does it mean to rejoice it means I'm gonna rejoice no matter what I'm going through I'm gonna rejoice no matter what's happening in my life i'ma rejoice no matter who's in office I'm in drama rejoice no matter the coronavirus could be on my block praise God I'm still gonna give God praise 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 I love this one it says for the weapons of our warfare or not what carnal but there what mighty through who to the what pulling down I don't know how you read your Bible but when I read my Bible certain stuff stick out like weapons I circled after like what that mean Lord warfare so glad I got to go home and study that out what that mean Lord carnal stuck with that Lord what that mean strongholds know I spend a whole five days just on three four words you know what I'm telling y'all kind of know how to study your Bible man so it says that the weapons of our warfare what does that mean you're in a war well pastor can I just want peace I just want peace and love The Devil's trying to kill you he's come to steal kill and destroy talking about peace and love because you don't know you in a fight and you don't know how to fight the weapons of our warfare so when you get saved there is a devil loose who wants to stop your prophetic destiny and so the weapons of our warfare are not carnal that we're carnal simply means fleshy of or of this world that means you can't fight flesh with flesh they are not of this world the weapons of our warfare are not of this world but they're mighty through God to the destruction of strongholds I wish I had time to preach to you about strongholds my god I'm trying to see who's pulling it out of me I don't see anybody out there it'll go this way but I'm trying to go it real quick a stronghold in the Old Testament it was a walled city that's all that it is it is a wall that is built around the city to protect what's in the city so when it says the destruction of strongholds it's not talking about a literal city it's talking about the way that you think that opposes the Word of God for some of you all you have a walled city that has been built in your thinking and that's why you have to change a carnal mindset to the mind of Christ it is a stronghold in your mind you know how people want to smoke weed and they say well it comes from the earth I mean it's okay and you know Genesis the Bible in Genesis talks about an herb I'm talking about I've been doing this 20 years I've heard some of the dumbest stuff what's that they have a walled city to protect what they want to do that's all that is some of you all you have such a hard time receiving the Word of God because you have already developed this thinking thinking and you think that you're right but you're getting the wrong results I wish you would just humble yourself for a moment to say God what do you know that I don't know and you have a walled city a walled city it is a stronghold in your thinking you don't have to get married right now girl you know you know God knows we love each other this was me back in the day with my wife will sweetheart come to my apartment and we're gonna have a ceremony in our apartment and the Lord will see our hearts and know that one day you know cuz I'm making up everything because I want to do what I want to do to her and I have a strong hold around that and I make up stuff like God to forgive me and I make up everything what God knows I love what God knows were married in our heart it is a stronghold and the only thing that can rip down those walls is the Word of God it is for the destruction of strongholds watch this so the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God you got to know you're in a fight you need to know how to fight your weapons every believer has weapons you just need to know how to use them you ever watch the movie Jumanji with Kevin Hart and the rock Dwayne Johnson so it's about these four individuals and they're sucked into a video game and they show up and they're in this video game but they don't realize that each person in the video game has strengths and they have weaknesses they were accidentally tapped on their chest and all of a sudden their weapons would come up and we found out that the rock he could use a boomerang and take out like 300 people some of y'all need to go home and do this to the Lord I need to know what my weapons aren't Jesus and I need to give you a hit right now today that your weapon is worship worship worship is a warfare weapon prayer is a warfare weapon come on somebody we not just meeting out 9:15 in the morning the same kumbaya and hope that the Lord moved we're calling down fire from heaven we're burning stuff up do you hear what I'm saying praise is a warfare weapon see I don't come to church that's why I get right here and I don't care what I feel like because if God gave me legs I'm a dance if God gave me hands I'm gonna move I understand that my praise is a weapon giving is a weapon that's why the devil loves for you to be stingy and keep everything you got because when you sow a seed God multiplies to see increase the fruits of your righteousness and bring you back more than you ever have given in your life giving is a weapon serving as a weapon the devil doesn't want you to use your gifts to glorify God he wants you to use your gifts from me for me that's your for no Lord he doesn't want you to use your god-given gifts to do something away from yourself so that people can come to Jesus because you're serving is a weapon you're inviting is a weapon you're loving is a weapon turning the other cheek is a weapon and we just got to know how to use our weapons I got one more Ephesians chapter 6 don't you love God's Word season 6 and 10 what's this it says this finally my brother somebody say finally Oh be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind go ahead and tell your neighbor said you got to be strong in this you're in a fight you need to know how to fight it says put on the whole armour of God alright alright now this is this is a spiritual thing that you need to put on today and don't take it off I'm talk about this whole armor of God thing put it on right now about fat go ahead and do like this everybody lift up your hand you like this act like you're putting something on right now tell me the Salvation ergo breastplate of righteousness feet shod with the preparation of the truth truth sword of the Spirit God knows come on I got the Michael Jackson sword y'all know what I'm talking about today all right you need to go to work with this arm own you need to get up in the morning with the arm oh you need to go to sleep with this arm oh ho come on you need to take a shower don't you dare take this armor off come on you need to go to Orangetheory with the armor home you need to go to lakeyanna 5k run with the armor home you need to go to the mall on millennia with the armor home don't you dare take the armor off the armor of God you need to know use what God's given you so it tells us this prophetic assignment it says put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil this is the Bible I don't know what other people are reading the Wow's what is that strategies so there's a scripture that says don't be ignorant of your enemy's device and people love Jesus but they have no idea the devices you don't want to get in a boxing match without knowing your opponent is a southpaw you want to know are they leaning what they doing some of some of you need to take the next 12 months and study the enemy how he comes to you so that you have sleepless nights so that you'd be more stressed in the day and then some of y'all don't drink enough water and that's just messing up your body and then you got this aching you got this pain and then it goes into something else and it's messing up your sex life in your marriage and it's messing up the time you spend with your kids and you don't know you want to fight you don't know the Wow's the strategies the tactics the devil studies your life he wants to see your weak points he loves to put his finger there he loves to see your hurts your habits and your hangups how you've been rejected by mom or dad or have you been abandoned by people he loves for you to feel lonely you can sit amongst hundreds of people but still feel lonely because you don't know the strategies of the enemy so what the Bible is saying here it says verse number 12 it says for we don't wrestle against flesh and blood all right how many of y'all know the battle is never with people now how many times how many all say people get on your nerves sometime let me just be honest in this place sometimes you just want to slap the taste out of folks mouth because it's just like oh my god you're an idiot right but it's not them they are pawns in the hand of the enemy you know it's so crazy to see the whites against the blacks or the Republicans against the Democrats of the Nigerians against the Mexicans they've all been fooled but we don't wrestle against people groups y'all the wrestle is not with flesh and blood the fight ain't with people and then the Bible goes and tells us who were fighting against for we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places it's never husband against wife it's never daughter against her mother-in-law it's never against people what are these these are the four categories of demon forces so biblically speaking you have Lucifer the head fallen demon fallen angel dude and then he has these categories of demons and all of these young I get scared cuz I see something y'all get scared all of these demon forces are defeated and underneath your feet because you've been called to rule and reign through Christ Jesus you need to understand how powerful your salvation is we don't have a religion guy we have the kingdom of God living on the inside of us we are ambassadors of Christ and we are experienced see our Simon in the earth is to expand eating it is to expand the original intent of God to expand the territory of the kingdom we are not here just to have a home in a car and a white picket fence in work for 50 years and they give you a Rolex no I am here to depopulate Hill and populate heaven there is something powerful about you knowing why you're here so it gives us these these enemies that were up against then it says therefore take up the whole armour God so that you can be able to stand it in the evil day and having done all to stand it says stand therefore having girded your waist here it is here's the full armor got on your waist with what true breastplate of what that you were in right standing with God your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace and so what does that mean that means that you're a preacher would you get a couple of people around you and pointing them and say you're a preacher you're a preacher come on in the back participate you're a pitcher come on in the balcony all of the campuses come on somebody say you're you're a preacher because some of y'all think I'm the preacher but if you're saved you're the preacher and part of your full armor is to put on see the feet represents journey that means that we're not staying but we're going we're going to make disciples of all nations so when you show up it works the preacher has showed up and then eight all the time that you got to open up your big fat mouth and beat people over the head with the Bible sometimes it's your example sometimes it's your kindness hey you want to know how to really get people saved by some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts lunch and just start loving on people showing up on time and then people say hey you know what's going on with you you're a little bit different okay let me tell you about this God that I serve okay and so right here it says right watch this verse 15 and feet shop with the preparation of gospel of peace let us above all everybody above all come on say it like you mean it somebody say above all that means more important and everything I just said take the shield of faith why we've been talking about faith since November Jesus can you preach anything else of course I can but not if you're still in fear and unbelief and worry and skepticism when you've been called to the shield of faith to quench all of the fiery darts of the wicked one the devil wants you to believe that you'll never make it that you'll never succeed nobody appreciates you nobody loves you you got to hold up the shield of faith I am who God says I am I'm above only and never beneath all things are working together for my good you better hold up the shield of faith don't take you down you got to walk by faith the just shall live by faith without faith it's impossible to please God this is the one part of your armor that is a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon cuz you can take the shield and you can do some stuff for the shield you hear what I'm saying but you keep that shield up to quench all the fiery darts of the devil you know you should take your own life you don't look your mistake you're an accident people don't care about this is a fight you got to know that you're in a fight and you need to know how to fight the last ones are equally as good in verse number 17 it says take the helmet of salvation so you can protect your Dome cuz you don't want to get hit in the head so start with getting saved and then the sword of the Spirit oh you're one offensive weapon come on I ain't got time to preach the sword of the Spirit but you need to learn to cut the devil coming and going it's a double-edged sword which is the word of God that's why the devil fights you for Bible study and he fights you to be in a word church and he fights you to be a part of a small group because he doesn't want you to use the sword of the Spirit because as long as you just got defensive weapons he's just gonna keep coming at you right hey y'all good this is it's for me it's for me know you're important too anyway let's talk about how to fight you need to know that you're in a fight but now you need to know how to fight y'all ready if you're ready shot I'm ready number one don't be scared to fight and I said skirt go ahead tell your neighbor don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared in a fight all right God has not given us the spirit of fear but of what power love sound mind now you can be tempted to fear but don't give in to it you know some people said well I'm walking by faith I don't fear anything please all the time when I'm walking by faith fears right there but I don't give in to the fear because I've been called to walk by faith all right they say that you know if you ever come up against the dog it's a little bit mean don't run cuz they sense the fear send me all been running from the devil and the devil should be running from you here's the word of the Lord don't be afraid of nothing you got to face your fear it's not okay to be afraid to fly you need to just at least book a trip to Miami it's very short but you have to face your fear it's not okay to be afraid of heights you gotta face that fear at some point God has given you Dominion in this earth you got to take the sword of the Spirit and you gotta use that thing it ain't all right that you afraid of water that's not cool man it's hot outside we live in Florida you need to go get in the ocean or a pool or somewhere y'all know it's hot I'm telling you not today but you know it's about to get hot you're afraid of water come I want to mess up my hair you a lie you got the spirit of fear come out of her Bobo in Jesus name tell my mom I'll get my makeup messed up come on somebody but 33 years I swim with a nose plug because I was afraid of the water y'all know what a nose plug is it's like this rubber thing with this plastic thing to hold your nose you know and I look just like that for 33 years of my life I went to the beach and looked like an idiot into the pool and look like an idiot I'm talking about grade school idiot middle school idiot high school idiot college idiot idiot idiot because I was afraid of the water and I got it honestly from my uncle who taught me how to swim he had a nose plug isn't it amazing how things get passed down generationally by accident and some people that have been doing you good teaching me to swim but you also taught me your bad habits that I'm 33 years old and I could not shake so what happened to me is then I started having kids and when my kids became four and six and eight years old I started to teach them to swim in my back in my pool and I note that I would not let them hold their no and they didn't even know that was an option I would throw them in the pool and instinctly they held their breath and came up and then all of my kids all of them little babies swimming we eat and I'm sitting around looking like Bozo the Clown and I identified sometimes you got to locate where you are to get to where you've been called to be and I identified that I've been afraid for 33 years and I went into my pool and I taught myself come on somebody to swim without any nose flood and without listen I'm 41 years old I'm talking about for eight years I've been set free come on for eight years come on somebody listen I have not held my nose one time in eight years come on write it what's the end there's times you should hold your nose like if you jump off a cliff hold your nose like water go if you do a flip under the water hold your nose I don't do that I come up it's like I swallowed a whole pool but I refuse to go back to Egypt when I've been created from the promised land when somebody prays God listen a little fear is not okay guys you don't be afraid of getting cancer when my mom had it and my grandma had it but you've been born into a new family you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus you got to begin to declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and there is a spirit of fear that is in the land right now about the coronavirus and listen I understand we need to do everything we can do in the natural we got sanitizers out in the lobby if you don't want to hug people and give them a fist bump do whatever you need to do because your safety important to us but at the same time don't you dare live your life in the prison don't you dare live your life fearing to leave your house or go to a basketball game or go here and there because medical professionals are telling us that there is a two to four percent fatality rate for those who get the virus in contrast Ebola was 80 percent y'all this ain't Ebola all right ninety-five thousand Corona of our cases around the world 3,500 deaths four percent y'all if you can't believe God to be in the 1900 people who don't get it and if you did get it 96 percent of the people live listen all I'm saying is that you can't control what happens you can take care of yourself in the natural wash your hands 35 times a day if you need to but don't you dare give in to the temptation to fear God has not given you the spirit of fear but a power of love and of sound mind and as long as they let our church we open our church will be open and we'll be worshipping God as a community believing for God to do what man can't do with somebody shout hallelujah with somebody shout a man and with somebody go wash their hands after service hallelujah praise God cuz you got to do what you gotta do number two how to fight you got to know what God says about the fight this clock says negative 19 minutes I don't even care you got to know what God says about the fight this is what he says Romans 8:37 but in all these things you are more than a conqueror the Christ who loves us do you know what a conqueror is it is someone who consistently and continuously wins in battle you're gonna fight you need to know how to fight are you hearing what I'm telling you not yet alright God says he doesn't say that you're just a conqueror he says that you're more than a conqueror then he goes on in first John watch this one first John chapter number five he says for everyone who's been born of God overcomes the world in the victory that overcomes there's a fighting term that's an opponent term overcomes the world it is or what y'all reading is the victory that overcomes the world is our what what does God say about you he says your world over comer and a conquer he says you are world over comer and a conqueror number three how do you find you got to learn to submit and resist don't know what it means to submit sub under mission at some point in your life you have to come under God's plan instead of your plane I'm submitting my money to God's plan for money my time to God's plan my marriage to God's plan for marry I know I feel like I know everything but I'm gonna submit and then it says resist warfare fighting turn that means that all hell can come up against me but I'm gonna resist it I'm not giving in to temptation I'm not backing down I'm not backing out I'm not backing up I'm going to resist number four you said how do I fight number four don't fight a spiritual battle with fleshy means come on somebody I'm not tired yet and I'm not done yet I got to mow all right watch this the battle is not won in your strength the battle is won in your surrender the battle is not won and how hard you work the battle is won and how hard you worship listen the battle is not won in your pacing the battle is not won are you getting in the flash translation so if you're ever attacked by the devil come to church more serve harder if you are ever attacked in your finances give more don't give less because if you're attacked and you disobey God and go the devil's way the devil's gonna keep on attacking you that only makes sense is if he can get you to give up the Word of God because of the battle he gonna keep fighting you but if he ever comes up against somebody that's just so rotted ah and so crazy that if you come at me devil I'm coming back at you if you attack my family I'm gonna go to the Walmart and get everybody saying if you attack me with cancer I'm praying over everybody in this hospital if you attack my business I'm giving my house away I'm giving my car away ain't no devil in hell go stop me from being who is anybody hearing what I'm telling you today some of y'all come on somebody some of us when we get attacked we don't see you no more you stop praying and you stop worshiping cuz you're supposed to do the exact opposite thing that's the time to get prostate is that the word maybe not you get on your face before the Lord and say God I live for you and I need you to move on my behalf and I ain't gonna do nothing but worship you until you do I got one more for you number five last but not least come on now somebody know what I'm talking about all champions need championship coaching does anybody here want to win let me see my show hands come on let me see pops show anybody here the question is who's your coach because even sports that are not team related still got a coach Tiger Woods got a swing coach all come on tennis players got a coach up in the stands they can't say nothing during the match because they supposed to prepare for they get their boxers got a cut man they got a trainer they got a promoter the people who says I'm a self-made person you a liar somebody helped you let me give you a success a success key or a success hack find a mentor that can help you get where you've been called to go because they can get you there in 10 months when it would take you ten years by yourself I believe that part of our assignment as a church is to reestablish the father son and the father daughter relationship you say there should be spiritual fathers in the house there should be spiritual daughters not just churchgoers not just people that come and nest opinion in my opinion Paul himself said I beget you in the gospel what does that word beget in the New King James it means to give birth to you that means that you need a mentor in your life that could give birth to your potential meaning that there's greatness only inside of you but greatness can just be potential until it's realized by somebody else who knows how to draw it out see everybody who is a champion understands that there are a champion because they got a great coach mentorship is one of the most important things for you to grab hold of and mentorship angel mentor taking all a time having a Bible study with you on Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. and you wearing out your mentor with all these questions and all your problems just because you don't want to do the last thing that we don't preach on on on a message somewhere you'll want to download it see a book when you read a book that's a mentorship when you download this message that's a mentorship when you come to your mentor let's go here I don't even care whatever listen for those of you all who have problems in your marriage you know what you should do humble yourself and find somebody that got the relationship that you want yours to be like ask them to dinner pay for their dinner see come with 20 questions and shut up stop talking so much because we don't care about you you don't want to got the problems you got the answer sitting across the table from you and with a humble heart ask what are the top five things you wish you would have known when you first got married what is how did you keep romance in the marriage what do you do when you don't feel attracted any longer to your spouse what are the things you can do to safeguard your marriage come on somebody high in the world you've been married for 12 months and you around somebody that's been in a battle for 20 years and you don't even know how to ask the right questions it's tight but it's right I'm gonna gently walk through this moment you know I'm telling you the truth you in business and some of you are struggling much because you're the first generation you don't have a blueprint for marriage think about you ain't seen nobody in your and your family stay married you don't know what it means to raise them kids you don't know what it means to try to be an entrepreneur the Lord called me in the marketplace ministry you better go find somebody who's been doing it for 35 years and they got fruit and they life and sit down with him I said hey can I get your coffee can I carry your bag I just need to be in the room so that what's on you can begin to fall on me I'm preaching better than you say in a man maybe somebody on YouTube is getting this word today this is a word for the nation's today come on somebody do you need check so I guess what I'm asking you is this can I be your mr. Miyagi not just me okay my small group leaders my team leaders my other pastors pastor Scott tabatha Josh can we be your mr. Miyagi can you not just come to church and say huh I don't know about and we make announcements in dream saying blah blah blah blah I got things going on in my life because some of you are doing them y'all know mr. Miyagi right okay so Daniel son he's getting beat up by the enemy he's in a fight you don't know he's in a fight you don't know how to fight these guys are beating him up he's from Jersey or somewhere and he's like he runs into this ko master named mr. Miyagi and mr. Miyagi's like Daniel son I'll teach you how to fight come over to my house so Danielson comes over to his house and he thinks he's gonna have some kind of dojo going on and he's gonna give him you know special belts he got him cleaning cars day after day he got him painting the fence what he did not know is he was being prepared for the fight and he ain't even know it and so daniel-san got upset like man I've been cleaning you cause I'll be playing your house he's like oh sorry come back so I start doing like this and start pushing he start blocking the punches he says do defense you start doing like this he start blocking everything he didn't understand he was being prepared for the fight even when he didn't know you thought you were just coming to church to to hear a message but God has you in a training facility where you're being prepared to walk in the victory that he has destined for you to walk in before you were formed in your mother's womb come on somebody we don't want you to go to growth track just because we need more people serving now I would love more people on the dream team I think we can do more if we have more but the truth is is that our dream team ain't nothing but the mr. Miyagi training center to develop your heart to be able to carry the anointing for the servant shall always be the greatest we are just having you wax on and wax off we don't need you to lead a small group because we need more small group leaders that would be nice so that we can reach more people but the truth is you need to lead a small group to keep yourself on your toes so in the middle of the fight because I know I preach every Sunday even if I go through a storm in the week I got to get myself together to preach to you and God has destined us not just to be a taker but be a giver and he's called you to go and make disciples of all nations and we're just having you wax on and we're having you wax off we don't want you to go to one De La because you ain't never been to Los Angeles before we want to expand your heart so that you can see there's more hurting people out there than what you're going through and some of you are who go to LA you'll be healed from depression as soon as you figure out that at least you got a house at least you got a family at least you got a job your perspective is broken because you're in a fight but you don't know how to fight come on somebody we don't need you to go out to serve Saturday so we can put down some mulch I need the most of my own yard praise God we're trying to get you to live a life of selfishness and selflessness instead of selfishness we're trying to get you to the place where you are the hands and the feet of Jesus when you show up he shows up we're having you wax on and wax on and wax on and wax off and I'm here to declare to you today that the training is for training the training is for the reigning this is not a training you get a CrossFit y'all this ain't a training that you get her orange 32 st. that training you get they don't give you this in middle school they don't give you this in college this is a this is a school at a spirit for there's greatness only inside of you and the Lord is calling you to rise up he's calling you to step up and to break down generational curses to be the first in your family to worship God the first in your family to stay humble and committed and pure the first in your family to pray in other tongues what's that that's a weapon that's why the devil don't want you to pray in the spirit that's where know it ain't is powerful it will hurt the devil bad it ain't nothing but a weapon get three people around you come on there by staying and tell them the training is for the reigning come o get somebody around you and tell them the training is for the reigning come on with somebody begin to give the Lord praise with somebody began to give the Lord praise oh wow with somebody begin to give the Lord praise let's do this thing come on with somebody begin to give the Lord praise come on with somebody come on this is how you fight your battles do I gotta tell you to praise God after a powerful message do I really have to tell you a child of God a born again child of God to praise God after you receive such a meal do you really gotta wait on him to play a key to worship the one that made you what I have anybody in this place that understand your praise is a weapon you're worse is a weapon your hands being raised is a weapon the drummer is a weapon the minstrels are weapon there's a magnetic worship that is in this house which somebody lift up their voice which somebody tipped up their hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for what you're doing in the City of Orlando what you're doing in Gainesville what you're doing in our generation not just in our church but by the outpour of the Holy Spirit but somebody just touched somebody around you god we pray over a protection from any virus any germ any cancer any disease any infirmity and we break its power right now we declare that God has not given you the spirit of fear but that you are the beloved of the Lord that the reason that you're here while somebody else is at the golf tournament while somebody else is sitting by the pool but you are experiencing the Kingdom of our God is because you've been called and you've been chosen and Lord we thank you that you expand our territories financially emotionally and spiritually bless our brothers and sisters that we might know you better and serve you more faithful to give you the praise I hear the Lord say there's healing in the house there's freedom in this place and if I could sing it I sing it over you [Music] coming in this place there's freedom in this place every head bowed every eye closed if you're here today and you say I want to give my life to Jesus maybe you're not saved you have it you don't have a relationship with Jesus maybe you've been away from church for a while maybe you've never been to church before but you want to step towards God by faith if that's you lift up your hand right now all over the place so I can know who I am pray for lift up your hand high and say pastor I want to give my heart to Jesus today today's my day the devil can't steal it for me let's pray this prayer together say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward I'm yours that that message blessed you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you gotta go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,033
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qU8k_qIvByo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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