Take Authority | Pastor Ken Claytor

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excited about God's Word today I think there were some lives changed in the last service and he's going to do more in this service let's pray father we thank you for who you are and what you're doing in me through me and us through us those who are on our family online God I thank you that you use this medium to change our minds and change our heart sets and cause us to be more like you I pray for those who are here today it might just be a little bit confused about where they are in their walk with you that today you will clear up some confusion I thank you Father that those who've come in maybe they're struggling in their mind or in their emotions and maybe they just feel completely discouraged they feel down and out I thank you that today's message will be a pickup er I thank you that there's times of refreshing that will come in the presence of God so we don't put our confidence in my speaking ability but we put it in the power of the Holy Spirit that is in this place you said we're two or three gathered together in your name you're here with us and whenever you're here we think you that everything that isn't out of you must go so I call us blessed right now I think you that revelation knowledge flows and that will never be the same after hearing but also doing the Word of God in Jesus wonderful name somebody say man I want to go over to Daniel chapter 10 verse number 10 if you have a Bible please go with me over to Daniel everybody say Daniel if you don't have a Bible check out the board but take some notes of this cuz God's gonna be speaking to you today if you're ready say I'm ready today I want to speak to you about taking authority everybody say taking authority and I want to look at Daniel chapter 10 because what happens in Daniel chapter 10 is that there's an angel of the Lord that shows up and he begins to speak to Daniel about a time that's to come so he gives him a prophetic vision saying that this is what's this is what's about to happen and so here in Daniel chapter 10 verse number 10 it says a hand touched me and it sent me trembling on my hands and knees this is talking about Daniel and the angel he said Daniel you who are highly esteemed consider carefully my words that I'm about to speak to you stand up for I've been sent to you and when he said this to me I stood up trembling then he continued don't be afraid then you since the first day you set your mind to gain understanding don't miss this and to humble yourself before God your words were heard and I've come in response to them but the Prince of the Persian Kingdom he resisted me twenty-one days and then Michael somebody say thank God for Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me because I was detained there by the king of Persia and now that I've come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future that's all vision is it's telling you about what what is to come for the vision concerns a time yet to come and we all need vision for our life somebody say man now in my opinion this passage of Scripture speaks to me too much more than just the Ministry of angels I think we can see the Ministry of angels all throughout the scripture and an angel shows up and he gives Daniel a message in my opinion this passage of Scripture is so much more about the angel giving Daniel of vision we understand that vision is powerful it shows us so that we can have hope of what's to come in the future but to me the most powerful part of this passage is its references and inclinations to spiritual warfare alright and so as we talk about taking authority today you can't do it if you don't know about spiritual warfare if you don't know that there is an enemy of your soul that comes to still to kill and destroy but there's spiritual opposition that's attacking your marriage and your ministry and your mantle and your money and your mission and everything else that goes with an M that I could think of praise God but what is spiritual warfare it is simply good and/or evil forces against one another simply put to you personally it's whenever the enemy begins to fill your mind with negative thoughts of discouragement that's warfare when you feel like you're married to somebody that you just don't get any longer that's warfare when there's thoughts at your job of being laid off and you just sits fear or there's shortage in your bank account and you have more month than money a level of that of spiritual warfare when you feel confused in your sexuality your identity you're calling your purpose your anointing you feel bondage from rejection of the past and people that have betrayed you you feel down and out like how could God ever use you because of the things you've been through in your life all of that is warfare and there's so many of us that are in warfare we're literally in the war and we don't even know how to fight but I'm gonna help you today put your hands together for that Amen I'm gonna help you today that's why anybody excited about this so my job as a pastor is to kind of be your spiritual coach and I want to do my very best that if you are in a spiritual war to give you the weapons that you need to win in war for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not fleshy you cannot win if you don't know what you're working with all right and so there are a few foundational truths that I want to get into about warfare to kind of build a little foundation if you're ready say I'm ready number one you got to understand this about warfare that there is more to see than what you can see alright there's more to see than what you can see now as human beings we kind of focus on everything that we can see but everything that we can see is not everything that there is to be seen there is an unseen arena and then there's also a seen arena stick with me there is a spiritual arena but then there is also a natural arena now Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 says it this way it says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God all right now that makes no sense it doesn't make scientific sense it makes no sense that's why we do it by faith that means that I trust God's Word no matter what it looks like in the natural by faith we understand that the worlds were framed not from an explosion but by the living breathing word of God so God spoke like being like was and he set galaxies in the universe in the universe into motion so Hebrews 11:3 says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen watch this were not made of things which are visible now think about this for a moment the things that you see were not made by things you can see that are that doesn't make any sense now everybody look around look at everything that you can see look at your neighbor and look at the hair say oh you guys nice hair today thank god you're sick look at the TV screens everybody look at my jacket I know you like my jacket please got for you okay now listen but the things that you see was not made from the area that you see it came from the area that you can't see that means that the unseen arena is actually more real than the seen arena I need to speak to the people that are here today that you're like I got to see it to believe it no I need to speak to the people here and I hear this what I just can't believe in something that I can't see you're in a war and you're already losing if that's your mindset because there is a lot more than what you can see in the scene arena because it's the unseen that's producing the scene all right let me break this down somebody say break it down passion sickness is not just a natural problem it's a spiritual one depression is not just the natural problem it's a spiritual addiction poverty racism is not a natural problem it's the spiritual one we can put billions and billions of dollars towards those things but they don't go away we found one cure than another sickness comes we pick it we March we talk about racism but it's still here and that's why you should be so excited to come to a multicultural multi-generational multiracial Church because we are showing the world that it ain't about what we do in the natural when the church locks arms we're showing what heaven really looks like you aren't even ready then here's the thing that those things aren't just and see what we do is we chip at the fruit but we don't deal with the root the root of the problem is not what you see it's getting a mastery of the arena that you cannot see that produces what you okay all right I don't know I don't know if you're ready yet so what I'm saying is have you ever noticed that the devil fights you so much to read the Bible in the morning and he fights you for coming to church like you're never in a fight to watch Netflix have you ever noticed that you're never in a fight you could just watch it all night long you're just nobody you know you're okay have you ever noticed that you're not in a fight to go to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts go ahead the light is on just just go ahead but as soon as you say I'm coming to church it's amazing how you get a flat tire your mama called you need some medicine I'm talking about all these things happen why because if you keep coming to church if you get into a small group if you spend your first 15 with God you dive into the Word of God what's happening is you get an understanding of the spirit arena and the dividend wants you to understand demons and angels the afterlife he wants you to just go ahead and get through life living as a natural man not understanding that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and you are an ambassador of Christ that can cause the Kingdom of Heaven to the earth he wants you to stay in the dark are y'all with me today and so that's the first one the second thing you have to know about spiritual warfare is really to understand the origins of Satan these are foundational things all right now I'm not gonna get into this fully today but I will say this God didn't create Satan God created Lucifer Lucifer was an angel and he was perfect in his creation literally the Bible talks about how there was instruments in him and as he moved it was worship unto God but obviously at that time and I don't know it all but it seems as if at that time God created angels with their own will meaning that they didn't have to do the will of God they could choose to do what they wanted to do kind of like we have our own will and the Bible says that iniquity was found in Lucifer and it was the iniquity of pride and I say he talks about I want to be like God and I want this and I want to exalt my throne and I want more followers and more coming so I'm sorry but what I'm saying is that he wanted everything and so what happened is that he was kicked out of heaven with a third of the angels and the Bible says that he was kicked out of heaven to the earth now in the earth he become Satan and he basically sets up a hierarchy all right he's not a creator he's a pervert oh so God has a hierarchy he have Archangels he have other angels he has a hierarchy so the devil looks at that system and he says what I'm gonna do in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 watch this we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities so the battle is never with people the devil loves it when whites turns on blacks and denominations turn on each other and you don't like this employer you work with he loves it when husband turns on wife and the wife turns on the husband he loves because he has you battling against the people and you don't understand that he's the author of the confusion so he starts off and he says well we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities powers rulers of darkness spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places so basically I call it like a the four different kind of demon forces and they happen to be power spiritual wickedness rulers of darkness and principalities now listen I don't want to break that down today but I do want to look at the last one because it's a common word you know sometimes you can go and somebody you know they basically have government over a certain principality and we use that word in the English but it's a spiritual word and a principality is demonic influence that affects the culture of a city a state or a nation okay that's all a principality is it is a demon force that influences the culture have you ever knows have you ever went to a city and it's all about gambling it's all about gambling what's that the Principality the Prince of the power of that air for that region has made that the thing to do okay have you ever went to a city and it's all about lust and perversion and your g-string and what I when I'm looking like you know you know a city I'm talking about what's that the principalities of that area has influenced the culture to where this is how we do it here and it's okay it's not the kingdom culture it's the world's culture right have you ever went to a place where it's just like crazy poverty you're looking around like I don't believe this and then on the other side of the island people got million dollars of homes but other people on the other side they live in on trash dumps what's that the principality of poverty has influenced the culture and it doesn't matter how many missionaries we send there doesn't matter how much money we give there it's not a natural problem as a spiritual you know with me today Daniel chapter 10 Daniel begins to pray Gabriel this angel shows up and he's like listen the Prince of Persia withstood me twenty-one days there was a are y'all with me a spiritual principality in the kingdom of Persia that withstood that means warfare happens so here in the natural arena Daniel begins to seek for understanding and he begins to pray in the spiritual arena there's a war that's going on and whenever you continue following God and putting him first God in sins Gabriel the help of a guy named Michael who was the head Angela and then they get the victory and the angel shows up and he says I've come for your words are y'all with me today that brings me to the third thing that you need to know about warfare all right what you do or don't do affects the outcome of spiritual warfare y'all hear me today you need to know that what you do or don't do will cause you to win or to lose now some of us think it's all gonna be God God she's gonna do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it and the truth is he's waiting on you to pray and to get in faith before he gets involved now here's the thing that goes down in Daniel 10 Daniel sought for understanding and he humbled himself because all breakthrough begins with humility see the reason that people reject Jesus and they reject the Bible is because they think they know better and I don't know about that because you know I've read this book and I was on YouTube and I've been a part of this but what Daniel did and Daniel was a president of a nation he was a man of influence a man of character but he knew how to Humble himself even though he was a man of authority and he saw understanding of the kingdom of God and obviously he had a prayer life because the angel says I come for your words but here's my question to you church what would have happened if Daniel wouldn't have humbled himself or prayed with the angel of the Lord showed up the answer to that question is probably not he would have lost in the battle if it wouldn't have been for Daniel and what he was doing in the natural so there are some things that you can do in the natural that will affect the warfare that is happening in the supernatural I want to speak to you today about the role that you play because you have a role in righteousness you have a part where you partner with God for God to get involved you have authority because God has given you spiritual authority if you are Christian but there are so many people that don't know how to exercise or use the authority so we put up with whatever comes in our life I don't know about you I'm like mad I'm like a tad bit angry of just seeing people live below their god-given potential of what Jesus has come to give us by the finished work on Calvary's cross he came to destroy the works of the devil but the devil still destroys our marriages and our communities and our churches and our homes because we just don't know how to take authority all right now a lot of y'all know me I grew up in a small town called Beckley West Virginia y'all know where West Virginia is okay whatever it's an actual state it's not the western part of Virginia it's a state anywho small town probably about 25,000 people in my city okay and even though it's a small town it still has an inner city alright so going through elementary school I went to Lincoln Elementary alright and I remember there was two inner-city schools back then it was Sylvia against Lincoln and we would go at each other in basketball and track and everything else okay and I used to live in the district the school district for Lincoln and my mom and dad moved out but I went to Lincoln anyway for all six years why because both of my parents were schoolteachers there okay now imagine from first grade to sixth grade I went to school with my parents that had some huge advantages but it also had some huge disadvantages the advantages happen to be things like never taking the bus so in West Virginia is snows a lot but as a kid I didn't have to take the bus till middle school I'm excited about that alright alright it vanished was if I ever left behind my lunch money I could just walk down the hall I left my lunch money at home can you give me some money everybody say advantage but one of the disadvantages was if I did anything and I do mean anything my mom and dad would know before I got myself to the car because they would talk and one of the other huge disadvantages was a few bullies that we had once again we were in inner-city elementary school and you know a lot of times bullies would leave me alone because I don't want to mess with mr. Clayton son you know they kind of leave me alone but if you was a really aggressive bully I was the target because he was mad at the teachers and so because I don't like the i'ma take it out on the teachers kid and I remember being bullied and we need to quit all bullying we need to just put a stop to it is so ridiculous you know Thank You Corbin I love you anyway I think it was about the 4th grade and there was this bully and you know bullies always trying to just just mess with you just mess with you right so I recall one day I was at the water fountain and had a ruler in my hand I think I was I don't know what I was doing I don't know I had a rule I had a ruler okay just 35 years ago stick with me had a ruler and I was out getting some water at the water fountain but it was in between classes so all the kids was gone all the teachers was gone and Here Come a bully he comes down the hallway with one of his friends you know how bullies they talk smack what you gonna do now what you gonna do now and I'd had enough that day so I was getting some water right and I turned around said what thing like with this look on my face right here you know like like I'm about to go crazy like mind your business that's all just I got a twitch I'm just going back right but I forgot I had a ruler in my hand so when I did like this almost hit the boy in the face with the ruler so he had to do this and back up and his eyes got real big right you know and I was on I was like what then what then what you know you just gotta act crazy sometimes get people to leave you alone and so he did like this and he began to back away slowly I mean there's eyes I feel I never forget this he ninjas back this way and he walked out and he never messed with me another day in my life all right the moral of this story is that there comes a time in your life where you have to stand up against the bully you can't allow the bully just to keep backing you down telling you you'll never be anything telling you you won't get out of debt telling you that you've made too many mistakes there comes a place in your life where you got to stand up against the bully you can't let the bully of fear and unbelief and doubt rip your marriage in your home apart you got to stand up and take authority over the devil because that's all the devil is he's a big bully it's not like he can fight you and win because Jesus lives on the inside of you he just wants to intimidate you and manipulate you and control you so that you don't know who you are he wants to lie to your identity and lie to who your purpose and your calling so that you just back down because the truth is is there when Jesus went to hell and rose with all power in his hands he kicked the teeth of the devil in and now he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom don't know they got the authority to devour but he is gumming people he's walking around with no teeth in him he's not a lion he is like a roaring lion because Jesus took all the authority of death hell and the grave and now Jesus says this I'll be giving all authority in heaven and in the earth and watch what Jesus does then he gives it back to us and now he's waiting on you to take authority over your family for you to take authority over your future for you to take authority of your emotions for you to take authority standing on the Word of God not letting the bully back you down come on somebody are y'all hearing this 11:30 so here's the thing your clap is okay hopefully you get better as we can move on so here's the thing so I was I love just young leaders you know just sons and daughters of faith that's just answering their call and so I texted one of my up-and-coming young leaders I said man how you doing and he texted me back and says everything is good but I've just been stressed financial stress things like that and I text them back and I says you you will win and lose and warfare based upon your prayer life okay and I didn't even know that it was so prophetic I just randomly was like you will win and lose in warfare based upon your your prayer life the battle is won or lost okay and he hits me back he says man I've spent my first 15 with God I worship God daily I pray in tongues every day but what do you mean how do you pray and I didn't really think anything about it and then this week I was hit with something you have you all never been hit by something a bad doctor's report a life from the enemy I'm talking about you feel like you're being pressured you feel pressure now pressure is good because it produces the power but you got to know how to respond to pressure so when I feel pressure I don't back down to say Oh well I do that for a minute but then I come out of it and I go into prayer and as I went into prayer after my own personal battle as I went in I heard the Holy Spirit say you need to reach out to the young man you were texting because it's one thing to tell somebody what you do but it's another thing to take your plus-one with you on the journey so I said hey I want to pray hey you want to just hear what I'm about to do cuz I can show you better than I can text you I'll put them on speakerphone and I said act like you're not here you're going through son I'm going through something I said father in the name of Jesus I enter into your gates with Thanksgiving and into your courts with praise lord I thank you for my knees my toes everything is working pretty well right now lord I thank you from the house and my wife and my family and my kids I thank you Lord for right now a wonderful staff a wonderful church family I thank you Lord that I'm free to be able to worship you you know I just give you the praise God and I also thank you that you've given me your word and I thank you that you always watch over your word to perform it I think that all of your promises are yes and amen that I'm blessed in the city and I'm blessed in the field that I'm blessed in my coming I'm blessed am I going Thank You Lord that I'm the lender and not the bar thank you that you give me if I delight myself in you you give me the desires of my heart thank you that you load me daily with benefits and everything that I touch prospers everywhere the foot of my Hill treads upon you give it to me as my land thank you that you watch over your word to perform it and wherever your word goes it will not return to you boy but accomplish that with you please and prosper word until you sent it I'm speaking the word right and then I've said thank you for giving me the power and the authority to what I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and what I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and so I said right now in the name of Jesus I bind every lie I bind the spirit of anxiety and depression and I loose Liberty and I lose freedom right now i bind sickness and destruction and death and tragedy and mayhem and I call forth the Kingdom of our God to invade the earth I pray just like Jesus did for legions of angels to be encamped about me that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we fear no evil in Jesus name you inhabit the praises of your people and God we give you praise right now for victory until the walls come I went plumb crazy right and then I said hey so how you feel now he said you shifted the atmosphere okay so here's the thing some of you all are going into prayer and Lord I hope you hear me and maybe let's start there it's okay some of us are going and we're just soaking in the presence and we're just enjoying the presence of God but when the devil is trying to kill your life and your marriage and your ministry and your mindset when the devil is attacking you and you feel pressure at any time to go in with a sweet violin and be soaking it's time for you to decree a thing until it is established for you to bind something here and lose something there it's time for you because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man will avail you much of his power and it's working and listen sometimes I think we said well that's not my personality I don't care about my personality at this point all I know is I need the victory do I got anybody here that is understanding what I'm saying I'm not trying to be cute I'm not trying to be Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian or nondenominational ain't none that in the Bible I just want to be like Jesus and I just want to prophesy over my wins and my waves until peace shows up in the situation I want to be like come on I want to be like Ezekiel that prophesied over the dry bones until a vast army came back to life again I ain't got time can I preach to somebody today that's ready for success can I preach to somebody today maybe you've been having problems with having a baby don't you know the fruit of the womb is his reward but you got to get on the threshing floor and get on your knees again and stop looking at what the doctors are saying cuz you know a doctor that has never lost the patient and the violent has to take it by force it is not about our religion it is about the kingdom of our God wanting to infiltrate the scene arena this is what I'm saying today I don't know if you're hearing me or not so I want to give you a few scriptures and I want to build a little foundation real quick on the authority piece because for some of you all like I grew up in a very traditional church I didn't understand the Holy Spirit didn't understand the power of God or the authority we were all climbing up the rough side renowned I'm come herve the rough side but then I read the Bible and they said you can speak to the mountain and some of y'all been climbing something you should be declaring - and all I'm saying is you give me back your religion I'll give you the kingdom of our God and we will shake nations from Florida so help me God we will raise up a generation of young people that will prophesy and declare and heal the sick and raise the dead does anybody believe that our God is not finished I don't know if you're ready I got to move on Genesis 1:26 it says then God said let us make man kind in our image and in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish of the sea the birds of the of the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals so you're not just an animal I know they classify you as a mammal but you are the god kind you've been made in the image and in the likeness of God so God created mankind in his own image in the image of God created he them both male and female were both created in the image of God it's not like the woman is secondary to the man they've been both created in the image and the likeness of God and then God blessed them because you need the blessing and the blessing is the pronouncement that caused us the power of God to come on you he blessed them this is before the fall and he said to them be fruitful meaning that he doesn't want you to be bearing all the days of your life he says increase in number fill the earth and subdue it God's assignment to Adam and Eve they were he created them in Eden in the Hebrew means paradise their job was to extend paradise throughout all of the earth with other children of God that had been made in the image and likeness of God and their other responsibilities was to subdue now the word subdue means to conquer and to bring into permanent subjection meaning that you you were supposed to be here to take over and sometimes we get upset about you know the Hurricanes and the tsunamis and earthquakes and the mass shootings and things and our heart goes out to the families but the truth is if we would humble ourself and pray and seek the face of God and use the authority God has given you the ability just like he did he lie to change even the weather patterns because you are to subdue to have governing authority over the they are not ready yet let me help you out some more let me help you out some more someone 15 16 it says the highest heavens so heaven has three layers you have the sky you have of course the orbits and then you have the place where God is the highest heaven belongs to the Lord but the earth has he given to mankind now what does that mean I like to look at the scripture like God is saying I'm gonna control the heavens but I'm gonna give my sons and daughters the control in the earth what God is saying is that I'm gonna let you Stuart the earth the vegetation the animals the climate everything you have here and I'm gonna be God of the heavens are y'all here with me so the will of God is not automatic the will of God has brought the past by the prayers of the saints that's why second chronicles 7:14 says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves turn from their wicked ways and seek my face then I hear from heaven and hill their land God wants to heal you he wants to bless you he wants to love you that's in his nature but God has also put the earth under the control of his word in his principles so what he says is that I'm not gonna get involved in your affairs unless you want me to and so now through prayer and faith we accessed the Kingdom of Heaven for him to come and it's not that God's not sovereign what it means sovereignty means that God can do what he wants to do when he wants to do it he's omnipotent that means that God has all power all power belongs to him but this omnipotent sovereign God is also a God who is just and faithful over his word and when he put this law in the motion before the fall of man in Genesis 1:26 and psalms 115 he says listen I'm gonna manage the heavens you got to manage the earth and so now there is a whole lot of stuff that happens in the earth it's because we haven't exercised our authority Luke 9 and 1 watch this when Jesus had called the twelve together he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases do I got anybody who believes this stuff so Jesus basically he called his twelve disciples together before they were apostles he's like listen I'm giving you power and authority to drive out demons in to cure diseases now when we really understand this we will then go to Shands Ronald McDonald House wherever there are sick people and we'll just start to cure people because God has already given you that authority use it in your life use it around your family you say well pastor it's taking so long there's a war now the Prince of Persia withstood them 21 days I don't know if some of y'all you've been in a battle 21 days 21 years I just know that the promises of God are yes in a man and if you continue to believe God I don't know when it's gonna show up in the scene arena I just know that if you quit you'll never have the victory okay now some people will say this they say pastor well you don't understand we're not the original 12 disciples you know some people believe that there they were some kind of special group in everything to me they were a bunch of fishermen and tax collectors that God anointed like he will anoint us but nonetheless I know that out there in the world you were here that this power kind of stopped at some point in the Bible there's not one scripture that said that God moving by his power in your life has ever stopped you know what the problem is what happens in in the religious world is we pray for somebody that dies or they remain sick then we have to make up an excuse to mark out all of the scriptures that talk about the power of God because we didn't see what we wanted to see when we want it you have to end this here's the answer there are some things that happen in the earth that I don't understand but at the end of the day I'm taking God at his word and I will continue to believe so help me God whatever he said he watches over his word to perform it the things that I can't explain I won't try to explain I'll just say hey well we'll understand it when we get to heaven but for me and my house we're gonna take this word and we're gonna live our life by faith somebody say man now for those of you all who said well this stopped with the 12 disciples well here's another one for you Luke chapter 10 verse 17 then the 72 returned with joy and said Lord even the demons submit to us in your name all right now that's for those of you all who says no that was for the original twelve disciples thank God it didn't stop with the twelve but now we see 72 people walking in authority that the demons have to tremble and bow to the authority that they have in the name of are y'all here with me today so what I'm saying is that maybe you wasn't a part of the original 12 or 72 maybe you're the 72nd millionth disciple but if you are a disciple of Christ the same way God gave His disciples authority and Luke God's given you authority here in a live Church and on YouTube and wherever you are you just gotta know who you are and begin to walk and exercise that authority and I got one more for you now be done Matthew 18 and 18 it says truly I tell you that whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven I like to say it this way whatever you say heaven has your back heaven is waiting on your response now some of you all have all kind of Hell in your life I dare you to go home and start to take authority over that hill quick story years ago my wife and I was in real estate before we were pastors we bought this big old house and had this big old sunroom in the back of the house when you first move into a house you don't have blinds and you don't have curtains up and so people on the street can see you and you can't see them it's spooky it's weird it's crazy you know people looking at you and you and your own house but for whatever reason my sunroom back to the trees and every time the first night in my brand-new house it was like I heard the spirit of fear coming out of the woods you shouldn't be here I don't know he was just trying to intimidate me you know booogy booogy booogy booogy I don't know what he was saying but what I did or my first night living in this house is I went around and I said baby you coming with me I grabbed my wife and I say every spirit that has been in this house that is not of God I want you to know there is a new sheriff that is in town every spirit of fear lust perversion and anything that comes from the kingdom of darkness I command in the name of Jesus to leave this house and never return and I opened my door and did like this and said you're out of here buddy and then I went and got my wife by her hand and went and walked the edge of my property and I walked around and I said everywhere he everywhere the foot of my hills giving me he's giving it to me is my land and I say there's a new owner here and I represents the kingdom of my god and I came all the way around my whole property and then I got into the woods and it was pitch black in the woods and I've spoken to the woods and I say hey you shut up so I can sleep in Jesus name I went back into the house I lived there two and a half years I never heard another boogity peep in my life okay now that story might be facetious to you but I want you to know that you have authority over depression over sickness over Daisy come on y'all hear what I'm telling you do you believe this you have authority over stress and anxiety you have authority over an eating disorder you have authority over what's happening in your kids life you have authority over what's happening at your workplace when you show up the atmosphere should shift and I'm not telling you that you're all that I'm just telling you that God Almighty has decided to live in you and greater is He that is in you than he that is in this world do you not understand that all things are working together for your good because you love God do I have any help today of any town of God that's been made in His image and his likeness God he made a mistake when he leaves you you ain't sneak into the earth realm you was brought here with the purpose and for purpose it's time for you to use your authority it's time for us to shake Nations there's revival winds that is blow and glory to God come on church let's give God praise in the house come on let's give him a round praise a world tumbling down praise what is that it's doing something in the unseen this making stuff shift on the scene so you got to know how to give God praise in your storm praise in your battle praise in your bad day girl use your weapon you've got to understand there's more working for you then working against you I hope I leave y'all today I don't even care let's sway to this jacket off come on everybody standing let's do this name let's pray if you're here today and you say pastor this information it's new to me but I receive it and I want to be right with God today you're in the right place you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one you just have to be willing to humble yourself like that Daniel did I know you're smart I know you're educated for some of you all know you've been hurt but Jesus is madly in love he's not mad at you no matter where your lifestyle is no matter what seeing you've been a part of God wants to forgive you he wants to love you he wants to restore you more importantly he wants to give you himself the greatest gift that anybody could ever receive is the gift of salvation and a personal relationship with the God who became a man so that he could pay the price for your sin and with every head down every eye closed if that's you you say pastor I want to be saved today I want a relationship with God could you lift up your hand and just let me know who you are so that I can pray with you today just lift it up high all over the building if that's you and you can say I've sinned but I want forgiveness lift up your hand high I want to be saved today I wanna I want to give I want a relationship with God I want to know this God I want to know the one that made me maybe your father wasn't around but God wants to be a father to the fatherless if that's you would you accept his love today by lifting up your hand and just kind of waving at me so that I can know who I'm praying for hands are going up all over the building even online God sees your hand your life will never be the same again I believe God's gonna give you authority today with every head bowed every eye closed nobody pray alone we're gonna pray this as a family say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward I decide to choose you because you chose me now forgive me heal me restore me use me save me Lord Jesus I'm Yours in your mind in Jesus name I pray that that message blessed you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yeah if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you gotta go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do us a favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 3,804
Rating: 4.9797978 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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