The Difference Between Faith and Believing Pt 2

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[Music] so I want to do this real quickly and confessions this is a big thing that I'm gonna talk some about confessing tonight and if you're believer you have got to get the grasp on how your faith works the Bible says in 3 or 4 different places the just shall live by faith everybody say that to the just and what it means is is that what different world other people living by what they see as believers we live by believing God we live by trusting God we're about committing to God it's a part of our life we don't get through life without living by faith okay now the difficult thing about it is that faith is not it doesn't seem natural to the natural man and so I must take some time to try to explain kind of how it works and I've been I think I've been doing this for so long and every time we we get to a certain place I think you should teach faith at least four or five times a year because it's so necessary you will never be in a situation where you don't need the Word of God or need the faith of God where you have to operate in faith well life doesn't just hand victory to you you have to declare it you have to for lack of a better term you have to demand it okay whatever it is that you want out of life you have to get it and the crazy part about it is once you start doing it it actually becomes easy well I'll say it like this it becomes easier how's that alright so I was up and I've been seeing that lately lost me waking me up at 3:30 4:00 in the morning I guess I hear well at that time and he give me or a directive this is maybe about two weeks ago I started in Atlanta first and then Montgomery and was waiting for the screens to be fixed here but this is our hearing confession that's what I want you to do I want you kind of look it over real quickly just kind of look it over and they will change pages that we're gonna say it through then we're gonna declare it I'm gonna show you how we're gonna do it so you read through this flip to the second page okay we're gonna do this every service a Bible study on Sunday service before we hear the word we're gonna declare this and I'm tell you why um I'm gonna show you how powerful declarations are a matter of fact when Jesus was talking about confessions in mark chapter 11 he said in in some unknown certain term that that faith confessions is a part of your prayer life yeah he says what's the things you desire when you pray believe you see then you should have them and he said he actually starts to talk about it if you say certain things back to God from his word if he prays word back to him you actually aligning yourself with God so I'll run through the confession one more time um I want him to all kind of read it just read it audibly ready you just read I'm about to hear life-changing Word of God I received from the Lord eyes to see ears to hear next page I choose to believe a finished work of Jesus Christ and I will leave here today full of faith it's not it's not long and it's in it's very very simple but when you confess let me tell you how important it is put them to screen for me as if 15 verse 4 this is not a part of the lesson tonight but it's in a way it is I wanna I'm setting you up for this because I want you to understand that thirty years ago when I started confessing give me King James when I start confessing certain things over my life and what was strange is when when they start to manifest um it's not like it begins to manifest and you know it's happening God actually takes a hold of the words you're confessing and he makes a big deal out of it um so I read this scripture I found the scripture years ago Oh as I was studying the Bible and I was actually as if 50 and 10 has a powerful scripture I was studying I happen across this I don't know how I did but it says the Lord had given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word and due season to him that is weary he waken it the morning by morning he witnessed my ear to hear as the learned I think verse five add some more to that am I sure the Lord had open my ears and I was not rebellious neither turn away back go back to verse four so when I when I read that something in that appeal to me it struck me my heart and so for maybe 25 years every single day this became a confession I would actually say out loud the Lord has given me the tongue of the learn that I should not speak a word into season that is weary he waken this morning by morning he witnessed my ear to hear as to learn notice I'm praying for the tongue of the Lord but in order to have the tongue of the law yes - waking mind my ear - he has to learn and then our next verse says verse 5 verse 5 real quickly and says the Lord has opened my ear and I was not rebellious in other words I mean if I'm going to speak words in due season to people my ear has to be open when I start saying that years ago and then then one one day my daughter walk into my office and she said dad have you ever noticed that you speak in these bursts of wisdom and I was like no and what are you talking about she said she said you speak in these like she said you say these things in these little bursts and so I never noticed it before I you know I'm a teacher and so she had gotten together with some marketing company they brought to me brought to me this idea of uplift I thought it was a terrible idea I thought it was expensive I didn't think it would work on I told him no and so they insisted and so I gave in because my daughter was just you know pain and so I said okay whatever you know she she's daddy's girl that's okay and so she came and so what got me is years later we spent eight years doing this up with five hundred sixty thousand dollars invested five hundred and sixty thousand dollars but the the testimonies that I heard I've heard the life and people always ask me this question hayswood asked me how do you know what I'm going through the answers I don't even when people come to church they say pastor how I know I come to church is almost like you and my prayer closet it's from this scripture go look at Isaiah 50 verse 4 gate I want to show you something I started saying this the Lord has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary have different listing is so deep in my spirit that I've learned from my congregation when I'm going through something we're not under a certain attack then I know that's that's a foreign attack a foreign attack is when the enemy attacks you in an area that is not unique to you you all of a sudden you have these strange attacks in your lightnings okay that's what my congregation is going through so what I would do is I don't study that and teach that to you you got it when it when it comes to the up if whatever came in my heart whenever God's whenever something came a heart and his sounded new to my ear that's the thing he wakens your ear when something sounds new to you you said I never heard that before or that's not a normal thought I would have then you document it and ancient you as you go through the day you run into someone and they ask you a question and you realize God gave you that answer early in the morning he wakens me morning by morning when he wakes me up he's God wakes you up in the morning he's what he's waking you for your ear everybody said one got when the Lord wakes me up early in the morning he's awakening me to awaken my ear so that my tongue can learn how to speak a word in due season to the person who is discouraged and a lot of times I will share this with you a lot of times the person that discouraged will be you so you put the confession back on the screen one more time and the and so we read it and then we said it now we're gonna declare it I'm gonna tell you how you declared the difference between saying our confessional and declaring that the confession is when you declare confession you use your whole body have you ever seen people fuss how many note your fussing face looks like I guess have you ever seen a fussing posture what's a fussing posture how many of you talk with your hands when you had enough how many how many you like a star swaying than naked there that that's like that's a declaration when you get to the place I will tell you you know that that's a declaration so so I want you I want your fuss this this confession fuss sit in the heavenlies that's what you do you release it that you demand it you demand you demand okay how many of you go on through something right now your life is the past I'm going through something right you just don't have any idea okay good this is your declaration of faith and and pay attention to what you're saying because the Bible says that the seeing eye and the hearing ear they're from the Lord I can't make my eyes see what God wants me seen I can't make my ears hear God has to give me the gift of sight God has to give me the gift of hearing you got it I could look right at something I don't know what I'm looking at many of us the answer that we're looking at the answers that we're looking for all right there in front of us we just can't see him we our belief system is so prejudiced to a certain outcome or to a certain Avenue a certain way of doing things the word produce me I've prejudge the situation and the answer is right there but I can't see it okay and so I got the I didn't make this confession of my life and everything you saying this is brief enough where you say it with authority you declare it and you keep saying it and you keep believing this and it started show up in your life put the first page of the confession up there everybody stand together real quickly just jump up real fast jumping real fast yeah you go we're gonna declare this now you I don't want you to say I want you to declare it I'm not gonna say it with you you won't declare that loud ready declare this I am about yeah eyes to see ears to hear and a Whisenhunt yes I choose to believe the gospel of the finished work of Jesus Christ and I would leave here today full of faith now rejoice on that yeah yeah now if you pay attention if you pay attention to what you say and you and you said something that listen there's a thing the Lord Jesus said on this people draweth nigh to me with their mouths but their heart is far from me so you want to make sure that if your mouth this ain't your heart is in it everything everything you speak everything you declare be very intentional about your words amen let's talk about some worse than I have a seat in the presence of the Lord um before we before I teach you what you greet your neighbor will quickly tell time I promise I'm not gonna bother you anymore but I want to greet you so so um you know what I'm gonna do and I move this over here so we could be closer together and and kind of you know this is a room that we can feel and I don't know why people insist on staying home from Bible study this is where you grow this is where ministry is birth and warning you this is where you go in the Lord I want to begin tonight in James chapter 2 that's what we begin talked about the difference between faith and believing and and I've got all kinds of tools I forgot my phone I'm looking for scriptures all kind of stuff is coming to my heart because I just want you to learn this James chapter 2 and verse 14 now faith we said is a noun that basically means to be persuaded or to be won over by words so faith begins with words faith begins with words and I'm gonna tell you this right now you can't have faith if you don't know what God said make a note of this faith begins where the will of God is known faith begins where the will of God is known if you don't know what God wants you can't have faith if you don't know what God's will is in a situation you may say I have faith but you can't fake if you don't know will what God's will is because faith begins where the will of God is known and I want to say this to you faith is not for deeply spiritual people it's for people who are real so don't think you have to have a Bible School degree or you have to be no faith it's simple trust right now you have faith in thing when you came in you didn't check your chair before you sat down you just sat on it that's faith when you get in your car or if you don't when you step on your brake you do not expect the brake not to work and my fact you are totally freaked out of the brake doesn't work all right because your expectation is that you trust that when I step on this brake it's gonna stop my car that's the way it works you know matter of fact you have faith in people that you should that you don't even know you get in a plane don't even know who the pilot is you know on if a pilot went to went to school to on to fly aircraft and he graduated with an a they call him a pilot but he'd be graduated with a C they still call my pilot you have faith in doctors what do you call a doctor a graduated with an A you call him a doctor but what do you call dr. graduated with the C doctor so you have faith all the time you place your faith where you want your faith to be the problem is obvious oh I just can't it's hard to have faith in God that I can't see him well you don't see the pilot many of you get in the plane you even see a pilot you're part of Bobby drunk probably asleep all night long you never fly again will you you see what I'm saying so you have faith everybody say I have faith matter of fact let me switch this go to Romans chapter 12 verse 3 I want to show you this the Bible says that what God has done he's dealt to every man he's dealt to every man the measure of faith God has dealt to every what does it mean he's dealt the measure of faith it means that God is giving you faith Romans chapter 12 and verse 3 real quickly there you are it says because oh give me King James if you don't mind works better for me if I say through the grace given unto me to every man there's among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly here's what it says according as God hath dealt to every man the word so you have a measure of faith everybody says I have a measure of faith now where your faith is developed in something now your faith a lot of us our faith becomes corrupted where we become highly developed and worrying the same energy you used to worry is the energy you could be using to meditate the Word of God and grow your faith if you matter that Jesus said in Matthew chapter city says he says um why do you worry I'm paraphrasing he said why are you worrying worrying can't add any height to your statue or length to your life but worrying doesn't change anything matter of fact in most of stuff you worry but I don't ever happen anyway you got it so what happens to us is that we we take this measure of faith and and we we become so so bothered by the situation are so taken with the situation that we take our eyes off the Lord and we begin to magnify the situation this is a powerful truth whatever you focus on you will magnify God has given us magnifiers whatever I look at all repeatedly I will magnify it what about him repeatedly will be magnified and whatever I speak repeatedly will be magnified the thing doesn't get bigger it becomes bigger to me when the Bible says magnify the Lord with me God you can't make God bigger than he is but you can you can look at that you could look at God you could fix your eyes on him so much the although you can't see him you could fix your faith on him and he becomes bigger than your situation that's what magnification is about okay so now I want to I want to give you this instruction to begin with on faith has a couple components the first component of faith is I got to hear the word of God what's the first component got to get the word God number two I must accept the Word of God as truth in other words when I hear the word of God I can't go here but I can't act like the word of God works for everybody with me when I hear the word of God the Word of God has to be for me it has to be for me you got it now I want to say this and it's gonna blow your mind but it's true I came out of our organization or school of thought and ministry where they will talk to you and tell you to off to basically check your faith to make sure that's the worst thing you could do the worst thing you can do is check your own faith nowhere in the Bible the Jesus Jesus tells anybody to check their faith he never encouraged anyone to check the faith no one ever said I have good faith no in the Bible Jesus was the one that said oh ye of little faith I've never seen such great faith no not in Israel I'm God as the one that's giving testimony in Hebrews 11 about the people who were people of faith to them it wasn't faith to them it was life this is why I just said every person in Hebrews 11 to them it was not faith it was life they just chose to believe God in a hard situation I must say this real quickly um the Bible says the just shall live by faith that in self suggests that your life will be always lived against the grain and you always have to defy the odds because faith is not sight and faith is not natural to the natural man and what it means is this it simply means that you if I have to use my faith it means that I'm like I'm in the dark I can't see I'm against something something is against me you got it something that's bigger than me I'm the underdog it says a lot of things about my life that he says I have to live by faith means that I have to trust him in almost every situation in my life so if you're sitting here tonight are you not up against the challenge I'm totally surprised and if you up against the challenge that's the normal Christian life it's normal everybody says normal yeah it's normal for you and we'll tell you and and and sometimes you must understand this in a generation God will choose the person maybe no one in your family ever believed God before no one in your family probably ever was saved before maybe they went to church and and if they went to the church but they weren't Christians but you're the first person in line in your family in probably in your generation that ever set out to live for God that means you're the one that's gonna be begin you said well um um no one of faith came for my family so a family of faith have to come from you and what it means is you have to be the person that's gonna begin the legacy of living my faith your testimony the testimony that other people gonna tell after you after when God brings you through the situation and you give the testimony about how I trusted God and God did so and so then people in your arm and your lying after you people who know you are gonna say I wouldn't be just like this person and they believe God you got it so it's not is it the trick the trick is because no one has ever believed God in your family before you don't know how to do it so you're learning my job is to teach you but you gotta want to learn I don't tell you about me all I have been through you sitting in my vision this is just one building of the vision this the Dalton the Dalton part of vision is 21 acres for buildings its aircraft and different that's that's what miss wouldn't it come from it came from me believing God is not it was not the skill the education came after the work those of you who start out with me you you remember I didn't I didn't start this with a Pete with a PhD I got that as I went along you got it and say wasn't the one that you surpassed I'm not smart enough faith is not about smarts most of the people who believe got a Mateus right now most of the people who believe in the scriptures um you never you notice the Bible never said it and um Abraham went to school you never seen the scripture that David before he killed the light took a class you know he enrolled Ian rollingstone through a class now I'm not against education I'm just saying education is not a major factor in belief in God he surpassed you'd understand messed up my life you know how I am I mean I'm working a minimum-wage job so what your the view the likely candidate to do what God wants done because when when God moves on your behalf no one can get the glory but here you can't give the glory to your college professor or your you know you're smart you know is this God everybody says all God so number one is here in the Word of God number two except in that word is truth number three responding with what what's called corresponding actions in other words faith by itself is not it's not enough another not faith by itself believing by itself I should say it's not enough matter of fact speaking words by itself is not enough you could there's only two ways to release faith and and some of you this is you've written this down before but keep taking notes okay there are only two ways to release faith the faith is released by the words of my mouth and the works of my hand but it's powerful because God creates by the words of his mouth and the works of his hands I'm never more like God than when I'm living by faith and I'm gonna tell you this right now you have we have got to move and talk some more about this tonight it's for all of us it's for me it's for you whenever our life becomes pressurized whatever our life becomes difficult what we tend to do is we tend to get into description mode describing what we see and we do we fail to move over into prescription mode what would you do if you went to your doctor and the doctor says to you you said you go you go doc my foot is swollen the doctor look at your full so you know one yeah your forest woman yep it's swollen good alright um got front they'll give you a check you could check out a front and we'll see you later no one pays a doctor to describe what they know if you are feeling good you say doctor I'm sick I mean I don't feel good he can take your blood work I mean he look at the blood work you say yep I can see I can see why you you yeah your iron levels down lowly mean your vitamins yeah yeah you like inviters okay well now we know it is ICU is that what we do no and if your doctor did that you'll be offended you go to him because you know if you feel a certain way yes you want him to help with the description and man that money he asks you for the description so his job is not even description description is your job prescription is his what do you prescribe what's the prognosis in your life you are the doctor you can't spend your entire life if you keep describing your situation and not prescribing from the Word of God what the answer is it will never change listen to what I'm about to tell you I'm challenging you to nighttime challenge you if you don't get what I'm saying your life will not change this is the only way to do it and I'm here I'm with you I wish there was a different way I wish I could cry to God and and compress it no it's not fair I'm tired I've been working hard no it doesn't work like death they just shall live by faith without faith Hebrews 11:6 without faith is it it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that God is that he's a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him the Bible says I have to have faith - please God God says I can't be pleased with you if you don't release your faith faith is released by the words of my mouth and the works of my hands except for you yep okay good so after I release all I perform a call corresponding actions then I have to have patience for God to act during that time with me waiting on God to act must understand that that um I have to continue declaring the outcome I could never become weary in well-doing I can't get tired of saying the same thing over and over again I gotta keep singing I gotta believe it I gotta be committed to it I gotta keep it before my eyes it has to be in my ear as we coming up my mouth I'd be consistent with this and it's the hardest thing to do especially if you depressed I'm talking about depression your body responds to two different chemicals when it comes to dealing with um being picked up you know the thing that we say that's you ever heard the term somebody that's dope that's dope you know you know it what I call drugs dope because drugs function just like dopamine dopamine is this arm um what we call it in the bodies it's a neurotransmitter I don't get deep with that I get a little simpler than near transmitter so it is a neurotransmitter I was trying to get a simple term I had a simple term escapes me but that's what it is and you won't northern ear I'm going to pick me up cuz I don't you don't want to MIT I was in pre-med I don't wanna do that to you so it's like a neurotransmitter and what it does it makes you feel a certain way the problem is though dopamine um it happens quickly but it leaves quickly um and there's a lot of things I could tell you about dopamine but on the other hand so so for example um what will happen when people have learned is is when they feel down there's certain things they could do that picks them up immediately but but it usually will have a negative effect it usually does not last a long time you got it um it's usually it usually involves some form of misbehavior that its stimulus immediately people don't believe drugs alcohol porn quick stimulants dopamine is released the opposite of that is serotonin serotonin is a normal medical people I'm close okay so it's low serotonin is though serotonin is built into you when you discipline yourself to do certain things and and it's more long term based serotonin when you went by the time you were clinically depressed the serotonin levels in your body have been depleted and you know it's crazy you know what they're just finding out that you know that every day our cell is created in your body that can become cancer every single day your immune system defeats a cell that's trying to become cancer you know you know one one of the things there's several things that that I'll have to do with whether or not your body's able to defeat those cells one would be diet they are the one to be rested on different things on even atmosphere where you are environment but another thing to our thoughts so the enemy will use your thoughts to to actually um take down the defenses of your immune system so he can make you sick and a lot of time people who recover from the sickness because once the thing gets in their body their thoughts have to be elevated after look and they can't do it they can't stop worrying about the potential negative outcome and so what it does it keeps the defenses down and the cancer spreads be careful when the enemy is bringing all these things against you successively everything around you seems to going wrong and you're the kind of person that invest yourself fully you trying to solve everything you trying to worry about everything you're trying to be careful of that because where the enemy is doing he's going after you've your body okay it's in the place of depression but we call discouragement depression it's in is from that place that faith first finds God that's where you have to start speaking it's the craziest thing in the world God expects you to say exactly what he says in your negative situation I wish that time to take you to off to the story of David and Goliath you know you need to read that story again the thing that blessed me about that story is that when David show up on the battlefield and he heard what the life was saying immediately something registered in him who's this dude why he talking like that his conversation picked a particular character attention to his conversation with King Saul the way David talked the King Saul Saul was like listen he said you want to fight him here's what King Saul said you wanna guess what he said he said you're a butter boy you're a boy and he's been a warrior from everything he was a boy he rose Davis response David and blew me away David said said I watched my father's sheep here's the story he just he went off he went off the beaten path he's sorry saying he's gonna kill you gonna eat you up and spit you out and there he goes I watched my father's sheep he said every once in a while and you think it happened one time read the story David said and whenever he didn't say one time a lion came he said whenever a lion would come or a bear would come whenever they would come and they would take one of the sheep and run for them he said I will run them down he's usually said he said I would grab the lion by his beard and take the Sheep out of his mouth and that's what he said and he said and if the lion attacked me that means there were certain situations where he grabbed the lion by the bear I mean by by by the arm the beard and he pulled out the land those are the Sheep and nothing happened the lion just looked him and went his way but there were times when the lion did attack him and he said when that happens I would kill him he said happen Lions it happen with bears and here's what David said to Saul he said the same he said the same God that delivered me from the paw here's what he said that he said God that lived me from the part of the lion because that's where the strength of the line is in his part and the part of the bear he said he would deliver me from the hand of the Philistine as far as David was concerned he saw a lion's paw the bear's paw and the hand of Goliath as the same thing he said God could deliver from a paw he could deliver my hand and that interesting and David said David said I wish said I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna cut his head off that's what he said i'ma bring it to you what and when David went out and Goliath saw him glance said am ia dog that you coming to me with a stick with sticks and stones and here's what David said matter of fact he said he said come and kill you and the Bible says David said to him he said this day he said I want to kill you and I'm and the army of the Lord will kill your men he said and we will feed your caucuses to the birds Deckard is telling him this and when Goliath started to us and the Bible says David took off running towards him loading his slingshot why he knew here's what David he made a powerful statement he says you're not defying me he said you came out here you insulted the armies of the Living God if you don't have a relationship with God if you're not serious about your relationship with God you don't understand that the attack against you the attack against your family that attack against your church the attack against your business is an attack against God he's trying to make God a liar the one who said he's your healer the enemy is trying to make him out of life you've got to take that personally all right it's okay so give me let's go back to James chapter two let's take up some scripture we got some time I've got about 30 minutes but I'm gonna do this fast remember I read this on Sunday said what what good is it dear brothers and sisters if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions can that kind of faith save anyone suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing and you say goodbye and have a good day stay warm and eat well but then you don't give that person any food or clothing what good does it do now that do remember now we said the faith is released by the words of my mouth but but it also released by the other the works of my hand in this situation what that saying is not wrong what they're doing is not wrong because Jesus did it the man came to Jesus and said hey my son is sick at the point of death he lost his glory away your son will live so there is a declaration you could speak and the man's like Lord mind you you come with me law says no I need you to go and when he went as he when his son was healed so there's nothing wrong that but what James is saying is if it's in your authority was in your power to help them sometimes you don't have money but here's the thing remember now if whatever gift of the Holy Spirit you have it it operates as currency Peter John Peter in John rather at the gate called beautiful saw a man begging for money he was a beggar he looked upon him he wanted arms what we call arm or gifts of love to the poor and the Bible says that they said to him Sylvan go have I none but such as I have such as I have give out to thee what did have that a gift get a gift that Jesus gave him go heal the sick go raise the dead cast out Devils they had a gift such as I have him a gift to you and they snatched him pull him up and he he's up and walking so there's certain things you could do for people listen you could speak a word but you have to do something if nothing but pray for them you got it you your faith is activated when you will you speak and when you walk or words and work everybody said oh says two words words and work now his system verse 17 it says um so you see faith by itself isn't enough unless it produces good deeds it is dead and useless if your faith does not move you to do something and this one comes on to is the plan you need a plan you need a prayer by say I need a plan here's the thing I was I brought my phone up here to look for some scriptures because I gave someone this directive today I do a lot of counseling do today I don't know who it was I gave this counselor - but I gave someone this counsel I'm trying to find it - right quick I'll give me a second and my phone I wanna load every other time my phone would load okay yes okay there it is put him to speak for me proverbs 16 and 9 proverbs 16 and 9 so you need a plan okay and here's how it works have you sell pestilence I'm supposed my plan is not God's plan everybody look at me I'm gonna help you out this won't blow your mind nine times out of ten the plan you make is not God's plan so you could breathe it's okay I've never made a plan that was God's plan the first time but I want to ask you a question how many of you have a GPS in your car okay so when you first put the directions in the kind in the GPS the only thing the GPS will say to you before you take off is proceed to the route if you don't proceed to the route that GPS gonna be sitting there quiet on the screen waiting for you you'll have the thing laid out but if you don't proceed to the route because here's the thing GPS do not give directions to park cars if your car's parked you'll need directions you got it but the moment you what the crazy thing is you could take off and go the wrong direction and GPS I said rerouted right so your thing is I just don't know God wants me to do some what you're gonna do I'm just waiting here for him the problem is you gonna sit there and God will say procedure around and if you know here's a good part if you take off in the wrong direction then the Lord will reroute you here it says we can make our plans but the Lord determines our so if the Lord watches now if in my plan I want to go over there but I'm walking here if my heart is right with God I'm say God I think I'm going towards your will and I could text it no matter I take a step here I put my foot here God turning this week direction after a while I'm gonna start realizing I'm trying to go this way but God sure I take me this way he will direct and redirect you every time if you make a plan and get in motion enroll in the car I don't have the money stop saying that stop describing and stop prescribing there's an answer to that hey how many of you got me you saw him you give your givers what you end up okay but yeah now I'm gonna tell you this right now if your testimony is passed I can't afford to give Europe you are listening to the devil if you can't even natural you can't afford to give then in the spirit you can't afford not to give so I only got a dollar dime comes out of that that's the way it works you've got to start where you are you can't wait till it gets better to do better you got to start right here you got to give God what you have you have to do you have to give him something to work with when you start sacrificing and do what God wants you to do you because you believe that he is and he's a reward of them the difference in seeking diligently seek Him come on Heyward on when you when you do that it gives God an interest into your life and wonder when God gets interest into your life he starts to work the funny thing about God's working is the heat it doesn't feel like church you think every time God moves you will feel acquitting in a tingling know something God is working and you feel absolutely nothing mat fat would you sometime you feel grieve you feel exhausted you feel this but God is working okay now so um that's one Scripture let me get another one come on phone look Jeremiah 10:23 Jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 this is gonna blow your mind I know Lord that our lives are not our own we are not able to plan our own course give me King James I want show you do it the way says in the Old Queen's English it says O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps it didn't say it's not in a man that planteth is that it's not in a man that walketh so what God says I need you to make a plan pass I don't know to do acts somebody come up with something so can you say I want to go to I want to go back to school on the favor okay good you look call to school I did and what happened did to him I'm not qualified so do you wanna grab the school yes so what are you doing nothing why cause it's I'm I'm not qualified what's wrong with that faith has a tenacity about it where it does not take no for an answer as matter of fact i'ma say this to you if you have not been declined nine more than 20 times I don't want to talk to you about it you have good credit who told you that who told you that well we started trying I had horrible credit horrible credit how do I want any qualify for any loans I mean I ain't qualify for I mean for no loans you got it so it's not about that it's about you trusting God let me hurry up I want to take you some places okay so does this happen yet go to Romans chapter 10 verse 9 give me King James Version real fast I want to I want to show you this we covered on Sunday so as far as believing the whole premise of James chapter 2 is to show you that we saw you Sunday the Bible says that the devil's believe in they tremble so you can't just believe demons believe and they tremble they believe but they get no result they believe with it they're no better for it they believe but they can't trust God you you can't you believing gotta be better than the bullying of devils okay now look at the scripture says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus shall believe in that heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved this is the way we got saved after we heard the gospel the Bible says that we confess with our mouth and we say that I believe that Jesus died for my sins I believe he is Lord I believe he rose from the dead I believe I believe in my heart that God raised from the dead and because based on that God saved me so Paul says this worked because that's the word gospel works but then he goes on the same verse in verse 10 that there's a principle behind it everybody said there's a principle behind it the here's the thing about a principle you could extract a principle out of scripture and the principle work there major corporations in the world right now that have function on Biblical principles I was in the military for 11 years the whole structure of the army of the United States Army is it's based on the Word of God the whole layout the whole the whole hierarchy the whole is based on the Word of God the principle works as we said for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation so as we said we point out on Sunday that with the heart man believeth what and with the mouth confession is made work so notice now it both both my believing and my confession the word confession hormonal gear and the Greek means to say the same thing as when I believe when I believe God and when I say the same thing he says they're both transported they moved me on to something so let's just get clear what it's moving me into with the heart I believe unto righteousness now listen to me carefully this this gets a little technical in the greek the word deke higher sunni is the word is the word for righteousness they're different words for righteousness this particular word is is DK DK oz d kya sunni the sunni suffix on the end makes the word what's called it in in language and abstraction I know I'm coming I'm coming just give me a minute it's an abstraction what abstraction means is that it's not something I can do it's not isn't there's nothing to do with an extract abstraction so what the heart man believes unto righteousness doesn't mean I believe unto doing right that's not doing right the Sunni suffix means that something happens to me righteousness happens to me so with my heart I believe into a position of righteousness okay so let me tell you what it means so so imagine that that on you you putting in for a loan or you put in for a house or putting for whatever and and you don't qualify okay that means you're not in the right position to quite to get the house financially or whatever not in the right position okay imagine now that something happens or something someone does something in your favor and it positions you to receive the house I don't have the house yet but I'm in position you got it so for example I remember I was trying to get a house one time and he said to me to say hey you got this thing on your credit report we don't know what it is check it out fix it it helped your qualification so I want to check it out my oldest son has my same name they had put both on credit credit things together and so I said I argue that that's my son so when we separated the credit reports all of a sudden it positioned me to get the house you got it changed my credit score position me to get the house but the problem was I didn't have the money but I'm positioned now so with the heart man believes into position when I start to believe that what God says applies to me it positions me to receive from God I may not be healed yet but I'm in position you got it I mean I have the money it but I mean I have the job in right in position I mean I mean I mean I whatever my faith is set for I mean I haven't yet but I'm in position it begins with my believing but being in position like we were saying on Sunday it changes nothing if I go to the thermostat because I believe that thermostat can change it the temperature in the room if I don't touch that thing and move it I can stand right in from the thermostat and still be hot or cold all right so it positions me um to receive from God now with the mouth confession is made unto what salvation this word salvation is the word citerior which means with my mouth I speak I begin to declare what God says and by declare what God says it gets it invites God to get involved okay so so with all that explanation tell me say fast I got it okay i'ma show you why it's important for you to declare the Word of God over your life you could even take a scripture and read the scripture and paraphrase it in your words and declare it and God will honor it I'm gonna show you a bunch of Scripture I'll show you some Sunday Isaiah 55 verse 10 real fast IV 55 verse 10 it says the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth they caused the grain to grow producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry look at the next verse the next verse says this God says it is the same with my word he said what now what is the same he said the same where the rain comes down that remember we said this on Sunday we said that the ground in scripture is all indicative of the heart of man it's a picture of the heart of man he says so he said the same way the rain and snow come from heaven and sit on the ground and prepare the ground to produce he said my war does the same thing is the same with my word he said I send my word out it always produces fruit it will accomplish all that I wanted to I want to accomplish it will prosper everywhere send it so we highlight the words always all and everywhere always all and everywhere no one is left out nothing is left out the word everybody said the word works now let me show you why he said past it is okay I'm getting it go to Jeremiah chapter 1 in verse 12 look at Jeremiah 1 in verse 12 and the Lord said Matt go back to verse 11 I want to get some context maybe it probably starts at verse 10 then the Lord said that go diversity left will do it verse 11 and the Lord said to me look Jeremiah what do you see and I replied I see I see a branch from an almond tree and verse 12 and the Lord said that's right and it means that I'm watching and it will certainly carry out all my plans now give me King James cuz I want to show you how I learned this as a baby Christian then the Lord said unto me thou is well seen finish the verse with me for I will hasten my word okay give me amplified if you don't mind me amplified bible right here then the Lord said unto me you have seen well for I am actively watching over my word to fulfill it I am actively watching over my word before I am actively watching over my word to fulfill it and this is real God what God is looking for someone that will take his word and saves were speakers word build their life on the word so he could fulfill it okay so I want to give you a couple of other scriptures so real fast the in the Bible there's a the Bible talks about different attitudes that we could have when you're going through a trial when you're going through hardship when you're a difficult season of life you can tell what spirit you're operating in okay so I won't you show up in King James Version put Psalm 116 verse 10 on the screen from you Psalm 16 verse 10 King James Version this spirit that you're in so right now you how many of you going through something said pass up against the trial right now I'm believing okay good alright now if all the men let me tell you something I have confidence in you the the heads of households the brothers who who have to believe God for their family let me see this right now and I'm this is for real if you do not take the lead in this in your house the enemy will come after your kids she's not listen he will wait until they get two adolescent years where they're transitioning from children to adult that little window where they're no longer kids where you could tell them what to do and they will just go along with you blindly the window between that time and the way to get to the place where they're full of dogs is a dangerous time for them and your faith is gonna make a major difference it's for all them not just the father's but all the heads of household your declaration over your child your declaration over that time of life is is so critical there be times when your child will not be anyway in your presence won't won't want to hear nothing you have to say and only thing that it's covering them is you speaking the word of the Lord over them and wherever they are and sometimes they will get them selling some dumb junk they will get themselves some trouble and the only and they'll come home said mom you don't know what happened to me I mean we were going through the thing and and upside the car cut off and then this big drink this artist tractor-trailer came through you don't know it was your word you declaring that one engine that won't angel cut the car off from the engine just cut it off just put car stop shut it down testimonies will come from you haven't you cannot afford to not have faith here is the spirit of faith I'm a short to you in the scripture David said this he says I believed therefore have I what spoken and he said and in this situation I was greatly afflicted I was in a situation of affliction but I believed and therefore I spoke in my affliction I believe and therefore I spoke now go to septic release chapter 4 verse 13 I want to show you something he says but we continue to preach because we have the same gimmi gimmi King James I need to show them they need to see it we have in the same spirit of faith what same spirit of faith the same spirit of faith that David talked about in Psalm 116 we have in the same spirit of faith as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore we do work speak don't tell me you believe if you don't speak you're speaking you it was indicative of you of the believer or Christians type of faith is I believe and therefore I speak now here's the thing because thought making it personal how many of you believe that the Lord is your healer good how many of you believe that the Lord is your provider it's in the word how many believe that God could take a hard situation and turn it for your good it's all in the Scriptures the Bible says make everything to work for your good right okay now if you believe that you have got to start saying it stop describing a situation pastor you don't understand we still pro we saw brought one my god guys I don't know what I'm gonna do that's not that's not the spirit of faith that is a spirit of defeat trying to help you it's a spirit of defeat stop saying they don't like me stop saying that something I have favored when we let me tell you some when I first came to this city the past is you tell me or the city and work with you good luck with that you're getting under there we started to declare we have favor with city officials we will come in here nor Tuesday night and put confession on the screen and will confess our favorite city officials with the government with bankers we confess that we said it till it happened the bank banks started calling me saying what can we do for you so what do you mean we see you building something over there you need any help I'm I said oh no we good we're good we're doing out of pocket well if you need help give me a call and then the day will come I said well Lord we do need some help I'll call the bank and say y'all still on y'all still wanna help and the bank were like yeah we we were waiting for you you got it got stopped confess listen I'm gonna tell you this right now let me let me give it to you I got 13 minutes now I want I want to give you this help little verse 14 real fast verse 14 says knowing that he which raised up go back to verse 13 let me get a running start we have in the same spirit of faith according it is as it is written therefore have I spoken we also believe in therefore we speak look at verse 14 we speak knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you okay that's his context is he said we know that that the same person that raised Jesus from the dead he could do the same thing for us but listen to the language he said we should have the same spirit of faith we speak because the same person that raised Jesus from the dead after they killed him he got us to and we could speak Jesus tell him you killed his body I raised again in three days he said it me the entire time before they crucified you you killed kill youtell on this temple I rebuild in three days he will speak why was he speaking that he cuz he was believing that was that's what God was gonna do and God did it for him he said the book that we have the same spirit of faith in the midst of your affliction in the midst of your heart place you start declaring it you start saying it you start saying it I don't care how it looks listen to this words frame world's people's chapter 11 verse 3 real quickly it says Hebrews 11 verse 3 through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear do we have the home and Christian Bibles standing about put the home in by book that want to show him something it says it's by faith we understand that the universe was created by God let me take my little rabbit tree right here for a minute my pet peeve stop do not let these people tell you that that you could pray to the universe it's foolishness about you the universe will give back to you if you put it as foolishness the universe Ronnie I'm one preacher even said to me he said what if God created universe I mean the universe is God that's like I create this table some on the table it's the dumbest thing listen so this thing about the universe no God create the universe we don't worship his creation we loop we worship Him the Creator not the creature okay since by faith we understand that the universe was created by the Word of God so that what is seen has been made from things that I what what is see now here's the thing now what is seen were made from things that you can't see right now God is making things in your life a lot of things you can't see you can't see it but God is making God is making stuff out of stuff you can't see words frame world's Psalm 33 verse 6 real fast Psalm 33 verse 6 it says by the word of the Lord where the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth verse 7 says he gathered the waters of the sea together as a heap he lays up the death in storehouses verse 8 he let all the earth fear the Lord that all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him look at verse 9 for he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast that's you could get a better translation of that I'm not giving you one tonight but you read one from a different translation it tells you this words frame world's go to Genesis chapter one verse one I'm just gonna give you that I've taught some of this before in the beginning God created the heavens and earth verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep sound like your life doesn't it and the Spirit watch this now give me a New Living Translation I want to show you something is gonna blow your mind listen to me everybody in my words are important take a look at this the earth was formless and empty darkness covered the deep waters and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the water here's a picture this thing is a mess and the Spirit of God just hovered what is he waiting for he's hovering over the water but what is he waiting for he's hovering over your situation what is he waiting for watch this now he's hovering over the surface of the water nothing's going on verse 3 the Bible says then God said let there be light and they respect you think light just came out of nowhere the Spirit of God was waiting on God to say something and the moment that God says let might be then the spirit goes into and such creating and all this thing happens and from that moment you read the creation story the hope the holy spirit stop hovering when God started speaking may I subscribe to you tonight that the Spirit of God will stop hovering over your situation when you start speaking there notice notice that God said it sure is dark in here the Spirit of God kept on hovering but he stopped hovering when God gave direction he says let light be you need to start speaking to your situation watches where you need to declare wherever I go God is there waiting on me he's prepared the way from me he's opened doors for me that listen you've gotta say this when you go to the doctor you declare over your life I'm going to the hospital I got a surgery in the morning you make a declaration and listen it's not you do it to the level of your faith I've heard people say we're not going to not gonna find anything yeah that's that but remember now that's your plan that's that that's not in Scripture so that's my plan and I may get there they may find something so my next word will be okay well praise God they found something only the best doctors with it went by the timing knocked me out every every B and C great doctor will be out of there all the a great doctors come in you you out of your mouth you declare the app we leave nothing to chance you speak the outcome okay so now this is important so so I watch this not a choose prescription of it over the description nothing will change until God's until I speak the word of the Lord just like what God did you I'm gonna show you something angels the Bible says the Bible says angels a ministering spirits who have been sent forth to minister to those who are heirs of salvation translation angels are right now in the earth to minister to us you have to believe it that's what the Bible says I've never seen I've seen one but but not enough like like arm there's a young lady that we cover in ministry share it was Shayla give the testimony about her seeing the angels and she was wondering how she was seeing angels and not long after that she had a brush with death so it wasn't a week some weeks some months some weeks before she had a major brush with death she saw angel she was so freaked out she she was posting about this angel that she saw and they're feverishly in the same angel say life in a crazy this is real we're not just making this stuff of this is real now I'm gonna show you something in Psalm 103 verse 20 here's what it says Psalm 103 and verse 20 if you have that in your outline I'm not sure I may have added it later on but it did not just find a go it says praise the Lord you angels you mighty ones who carry out his plans listening for each of his commands here's the crazy part God documents his commands in the Bible in the earth we are his representatives we can lift the commands out of scripture and articulate them and the angels have to respond to them because they are listening for each of his okay that's not enough for you okay let's go to go to our arm give me another one go to Daniel chapter 10 verse 12 from the King James Bible Daniel was praying he was seeking the Lord and when the angels finally showed up Daniel chapter 10 verse 12 the angel said something that was powerful he said don't be afraid Daniel watch this he says since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before God your request has been heard in heaven I give me King James that he came yeah okay then he said unto him enter to me fear not Daniel for from the first day that thou dis set that hard to understand and to chastened I said before that God thy words were hurt and I am come come on and I am come as long as he's just describing a situation angels have no assignment this was better I don't like the people when people like me you suck everything's always wrong I don't get the loan no way nothing ever works at the angel like let's play game engine me like your move we leave off they go back to play chess I mean but when you start declare when you start declaring outside of church get you a Bible promise book start going through your Bible start saying about yourself what God says about yourself oh I got two scriptures and then I'm not even done but I wouldn't be done for tonight okay this is important for you to understand that the gut that God wants you to speak against your situation I'm gonna show you something go to Malachi chapter 2 in verse 17 Malka chapter 2 verse 17 here's what it says God said it this is God talking to the people he said in your situation you have wearied me with your words yet you say wait and have we wearied him this is this is the Prophet Malachi speaking to the people he said when you say everyone that does evil is good in the sight of the Lord and he delighted in them or where's the god of judgment hope quickly go to the New Living Translation I want to show you this when the new cycle comes around and you start seeing stuff in the news that grieves you and you wanted where's justice here's what the prophet said to them he said you have we have wearied the Lord with your words how have we worried him you asked he says you have where'd him by saying that all who do evil look good in the Lord side and he is pleased with them you have wearing him by asking where's the gut was the god of justice now flip not that chapter 3 verse 13 give me a New Living Translation that's what God says you have said terrible things about me says the Lord but you say what do you mean what a voice what have we said against universe 14 you have said what's the use of serving God what have we gained by obeying his commands or by trying to show the Lord of heavens armies that we have sorry for our sins verse 15 from now on we will call the arrogant blessed for those who do evil get rich and those who dare God to punish them suffer no harm he goes down and he's talking about how how how the people of God had gotten to the place started beside swiped by looking at their life and compared to other people's lives and then starts speaking evil of the Lord he said your words and God says you wore me out the world wearied you've worn me out all I need you to do is say what the outcome is gonna be and stop saying what it is right now so I want to give you a story and we end with this did this help you any at all mad fact no let me get me some more this I'm not doing I got two more verses I'm trying to get out of here to skate out the basses then those who fear the Lord spoke with each other and and the Lord listened to what they said the people who had respect for God the Bible says they spoke to each other God was listening to what he said in his presence a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him respected him and always thought about the honor of his name where 17 says this God says they will be my people says the Lord of heavens armies on the day when I when I act in judgment they will be my own special treasure I was spare there as a father space and obedient child 18 then you will again see the difference between right the righteous in the wicked between those who serve God and those who do not the teaching here is that God says I'm taking note of the people who honor me in the difficult situation the less thing you can teach your kids a lesson you can show your friends a lesson the lesson that you will learn for yourself when you say you know what I've been saying these same things I've been acting the same way and nothing changed I'm sure something we get an older come on you know Oh young baby um you know you know it's crazy I did the math I got out the army after 11 years you know I was 30 I thought I was old I did 11 years in the Army I got up at 30 that was 27 years ago the reality is the time passes so quick you have to start doing this now I want to show you a store and I got so many I can share but I want to share this one from 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 18 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 18 New Living Translation so the prophet the prophet Elijah matter of fact is interesting because the prophet Elijah his mentor had the same kind of situation but the prophet Elijah would come back and forth to this certains town and shoot him and the Bible says a woman who was a she's a great woman which means that she was rich she told her husband she said this man of God is always passing through and seen that he's travelling a great distance she said we have space in the house when we build a room so they built Elijah some prophets quarters upstairs it said we perceive you a holy man of God and we want to bless you so whatever you come through shoot him you can come upstairs and stay and so the Bible says that the Prophet was so moved by that he was like you know what he told he called his home sir but he says I he said go to this Shulamite woman and ask her what can I do for you can I speak to the king on your behalf can I and she said no we're good at miri rich I mean we have nothing and he says I tell you what you having a child he said by this time next year you will have a son her thing was I didn't ask you for a son she said but so play with me and the man of God said no but you want one so by this time next year according to the time of life you have a son she said she said like it like Sarah she said my husband is old I mean he says it's okay by this time next year she said don't play he said my plane the Bible says are then according to the time of life 9 months later she's pregnant she has a child one day when her child was older he went out to help his father who was working with the harvesters and verse 19 it says suddenly he cried out my head hurts my head hurts his father said to the one of the servants carry him home to his mother that's what all good father's think take it go to your mama so the servant took him home and his mother held him in on her lap but around noon time he died she carried him up and laid him on the bed of the man of God then shut the door and left him there now flip the King James cuz I want you to see something everybody look at me she did act for the boy he up and died many of us would have told God you see I didn't ask you for this see what we would have been so mad at God but I want you this is the spirit of faith I want you to take a look at it the Bible says and she called on to her husband and said send me I pray thee one of the young men in one of the asses that I may run to the man of God and come again look at verse 23 and he said wherefore without go to him today it is neither new moon nor Sabbath and she said it shall be well wait a minute go back to that go back to that give me a New Living Translation I want you to see what she said the language of this he says the husband acts why go today isn't even a new moon festival or North Sabbath but she said it would be all right now get back to King James verse 24 notice she never said where the boy died she never could bring herself to say the words out of her mouth because hence how she saw it we were not qualified for a son my husband is old really asked for son it was in my heart but God showed the prophet and the prophet told me you bout to lose the house you didn't qualify for the house you got that house supernaturally you your didn't qualify for the job you didn't you didn't have the skill for the job they trained you on that job you got that job by the by the will of God what is now so the thing that she's thinking is she said Bob she said well her mind she's saying the boy is dead she took him up to the prophets room put him on the bed and closed the door since her husband Tom sent one of those I need a driver real quickly send me up send a limo to the house and he says his air time okay why you gonna see the property she says it's well then she then she saddled an ass and said to her servant drive and go for it slack not by riding from me except I bid thee no DOS Lord unless I tell you so she went and came unto the man of God to Mount Carmel and it came to pass when the man of God saw her from afar off that he said to get his eye his servant behold yonder is the Shunammite look at the next verse run now I pray thee to meet her and say unto her is it well with thee is it well with thy husband is it well with the child and she answered come on she answered he was dead so how goes it with you how is it going with you how is your family doing how is your money how is your body the thing is she didn't say because it was cute and cool to say she said it because she left with a conviction she said the same God that gave me this boy from my older husband that had no life in him this ain't he got two I didn't ask for this God gave it to me and as sure as God gave it to me I ain't letting it go just like that watch this now verse 27 and when she came to the man of God to the hill she caught him by the feet she fell in and caught him by the feet and gaze I came near to thrust away and the man of God said let her alone for her soul is vexed within her and the Lord had hid it from me and had not told me to the man he said the Lord did not show me this then he said to her she then she said have what she asked if she said did I desire a son of my lord did I not say play with me I'm not to be fooled I done told you didn't I then he said to go hey Zack gird up thy loins and take my staff in the hand and go that way if thou meet any man saluted not if any if any salute the answer him not again and lay my staff upon the face of the child the prophets servant gives his staff he's running towards the house the latest thing in the child look at the next verse and the end now remember this woman Elijah Elisha has been staying with her a while so he's already told the story about how he received his mantle when he's when his father when his mother and the Prophet that was over him was going was going to be taken away he set the Elijah he said as much as the Lord liveth am I so living I was shall not leave thee I must stay with you till God gives me what God has to me that's what Elijah has said to the Prophet before him and the mother the child said as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee and when she said those words he knew that she was speaking back to him the word of the Lord that he had said to his mentor she said the same way you would leave Elijah until the mantle fell on you I'm not going to leave you until you do something for me and about sin so he arose and he followed her next verse and you Hays I passed on before them and laid the staff upon the face of the child but there was neither voice nor hearing wherefore he went again to him eat him and told him saying the child is not wake awakened and when he lies ship was coming to the house behold the child was dead and laid upon his bed and I want you to pay attention to what he did he went in there for shut the door upon them Twain two of them and prayed unto the Lord now I'm gonna taste I got time to show it to you but if you go to first King chapter 7 chapter 17 I'll have to do it now he's doing exactly what Elijah told him what he heard Elijah had done before him remember remember that the woman the widow who was armed commanded to sustain him remember after the famine was over she had a little boy the boy died remember that well but this is exactly the way he like Joe had raised the boy from the dead so Elijah was not just doing this he was doing something he had seen his mentor do when you're walking in faith sometimes you won't know what to do so you know you do you do it you see someone else doing faith and he went up he lay upon the child he put his mouth to his mouth his eyes to his eyes his hands upon his hands and he stretched himself upon the child and the flesh of the child wax warm started to warm up next verse then he returned and walked in the house to and fro in other words he got above the child he started walking back and forth pacing and the Bible says and he went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneeze seven times and the child open his eyes looking verse 36 and he called you his eye and said call this shoot in mind so she so he called her and when she was come into in unto him he said take up thy son verse 37 then she went in and fed on his feet and bowed us up to the ground and took up her son and went out verse 38 and he lied she came again to Gilgal why do you tell us this story a situation was dead a child was dead her promise was dead but in the midst of it when axed how are things going she didn't just say it as well she said it as well while she had a plan in place her plan was if I need to get to the man of God and I'm not gonna leave the man of God did he comes with me and come fix this thing see what our plan was so no way to the man of God she how you do it is well to tell it is well certain it is well and when we she got to him now she says listen my situation I told her play of me and he says he said I promise you I wasn't playing and she said well games I'll go fix it and she's like hey I don't know who he is but it's the Lord liveth and my soul liveth I will leave you I must stay right there we go I see what like this look see what like this I'll if I let you go so what we gonna do and like okay I'll come with you and she's took off and he followed her sometimes you got to get in the situation where you start speaking the word of the Lord let's just use your words to mock out the outcome use your words to draw the framework of how you want it to turn out what do you want got to do use your words let whatever you whatever receptacle you build God will fill it right now you've building something and whatever you building either gospel feel or The Devil's feeling I'm so late I'm on my time but I need to do this your words of building a receptacles God is trying to feel something right now what are you saying change what you're saying now I'm not gonna lead you in something some emotional declarations and that I'm not doing that I've came tonight to tell you you got to take the bull by the horns you have to say this is what I'm saying this what I'm gonna do this is the how godless I was gonna play out this is all gonna happen you see how I don't know she had no idea what he lied you like she was gonna do she didn't know what she didn't know what she kept saying it as well and in translation it's gonna be alright how y'all doing it's gonna be okay why cuz God go see to it God knows everybody says everybody said it's gonna be okay it's gonna work out how God will see to it no and it's this has got to be your life your testimony this has got this has got to be how it how you see it you've got to move beyond this mentality of it's bad because it looks bad I know I was I was raised I won't talk to you how to defeat hopelessness can you imagine being a man you got your family you know never really provided for you or show you how to go about making ends meet or digging yourself out of a hole can you imagine that you gotta figure it out here's what I want you to do for the missus for the men it's for the men who believe that you should be further along at this stage in your life this is for the men who's the pastor people depending on me and I just you need to get with God it's not a hard thing to do and he's not gonna make you go up to heaven to bring Jesus down I'll go out to the to hell - brain oh well oh it's the world is near you it's in your mouth and in your heart that's what Romans 10 says the word is nigh unto thee you know you'd have to go let's go jump no walls no all you have to do is to say to the Lord I have to trust you in this are you telling this you see my family you see what my family is you see what I'm what I'm making you see we have come from the mind I'm here now I used to be gonna declare I declare over my life that you make all things work together for good I don't know how you're gonna do it but here's my plan you may need another job god I thank you I thank you that you have another job for me do you know that God has God right now can clear a position for you where he can make - I read a testimony the other day a lady said she's making three times she changed one job one to another she's making three times in a day her pain tripled I come on I need you I need you to say something you don't win battles with your mouth closed and I know you said pastor I'm still in shell shock I know but you gotta still your up me and my to start speaking the word of the Lord I'm to the place let me tell you something I'm to the place now wait I don't care what I have to do whenever I'm put in the position where I got a soul I got to do something my thing I must saw it my wife will tell you I saw I don't care because you know I do know God has a way money finds me I've been saying that it's true money finds me listen I'm gonna tell you something that's crazy I'm not saying it's a proof I'm just gonna tell you something out there so the property is safe harbor next door to safe harbor didn't ask him for million won for it for years all of a sudden they pursue us to buy this property I was like what's up what's going on with that so I thought that's what I want to say this is you this is you I'm gonna do something crazy they're asking I think they asking 980 thousand we are new $980,000 so you know what I did all from quarter of a million I expected him to laugh us out the room when I receive the Karla did he said we will take you off your offer you take my but it listen listen to the rest of it we will take your offer to the owner I'll see you I mean for real and they were like yeah okay you you think you think you'll take it pretty sure you are now we don't know that they're gonna it's not done deal but no no that they can't counter what's this what just but what's gonna happen is this that's what happens this we're going to get that property for a fraction of the cost what's just I'm not done yet budget and by the time we give the testimony God is gonna be so glorified when I said I said it's not gun deal I'm not saying that the deed ain't done I'm saying we sign they no income paper yet but when we get we gonna shout on whatever it is because right now to be honest with you we can't afford to buy property but if they sell it to us for that the same God that gives us the approval will get us the money Oh have you not learned yet it's working for me it's working for me yeah it's working for me everybody lift your hand saying Lord I heard you you were speaking to me yeah here's what the law says he told you ramaya DA has seen will if I watch over my word to perform it [Music]
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 16,320
Rating: 4.7393765 out of 5
Id: BOs-qkyz7Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 7sec (4987 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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