Living A Spirit Led Life | Pastor Ken Claytor

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let's pray Lord we love you and we thank you we ask for you to have your way in us in me in our service today we thank you that the people that are here and are watching online are not here by accident we believe a righteous person's footsteps are ordered by the Lord I pray for the person who's just discouraged right now that they will find encouragement in today's message for the person who is just battling confusion so many decisions to make God that if any man lack wisdom we can ask of you and you give it to us freely I thank you for the people that are here that just don't know what to believe yet that there would be something that is said that will confirm in their heart that you are real and that you are loved and that we're here because you love us so Holy Spirit have your way in this service today and we'll never be the same again in Jesus wonderful name somebody say man today I want to speak to you and the topic the message title is living a spirit Lent life that's the name of today's message this is kind of our last installment of this series on the Holy Spirit that we've been on for about five months have you all been blessed by the series let me know if you've been blessed at all I kind of feel that might be the pity clap you know sometimes you just clap because I'm asking for it but I want to know for real has this series been a blessing to you anybody been killed in this series challenged in this this series convicted in this called in this series growing closer to the Holy Spirit in this series my hope is that just because we're finished with this series we won't be finished with the Holy Spirit my hope is that this is something that can continue past this series you know we have five months of this series and I was like god I need you to give me an anchor and this anchor for this series living of Spirit let life is the anchor cuz I wanted to preach this a long time ago I wanted to save it for the end because I need it to transcend the five months I need this to be a lifestyle for you and being led by the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with a message it has nothing to do with a series it has everything to do with the lifestyle and so I believe we're gonna end today with a bang if you're ready would you shout I'm ready I believe you all right I want to look at Exodus chapter number 13 if you don't mind Exodus chapter number 13 and I want to read this together we'll put it on the board behind me if you didn't bring a Bible with you verse 17 through 22 I'm a read out of the NIV and I kind of want you to go along with this story and so as we read it together please walk through this story on the canvas of your imagination verse 17 says when Pharaoh let let us let the people go God didn't lead them on the road through the Philistine country though it was shorter everybody said it was shorter for God said if they face war they might change they mine and return to Egypt now one of my jobs as a pastor is to get you battle ready to get you ready for the attack of the enemy and the things that will come up against your destiny God already knew that if they faced the war they will go back to who they used to be I'm here to declare that God is not calling you to ever go back to who you used to be to do the things that you used to do when he's called you out of Egypt the promised land is ahead we can't go back because we're too busy moving ahead but God knew they wasn't ready yet so verse 18 so God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea the Israelites they went out of Egypt ready for battle so Moses took the bones of Joseph with them because Joseph have made the Israelites swear by know if he said God will surely come to your aid and then you got to carry my bones from about of this place after leaving succor they camped near Ethan on the edge of the desert by day the Lord went ahead of them everybody stay ahead of them don't miss this so the Lord will go ahead of us he went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give him light so that they could travel by day or night last verse neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people and we want God to be out in front of us now there's three major points that I want to kind of take out extract from this from this passage any note takers in the house if you're a note taker you're gonna like this you can write these three points down number one the sort of way is not always the best way let me say it again that the sort of way is not always the best way I know we live in a quick fast society and we won't instant oatmeal instant relationship we won't instant everything you know matter of fact of people when we text them they don't text us back in five seconds we think there's a problem with them are they trying to carry me what's wrong with them I don't they text me back so we like when I read the Bible I like immediate stuff I like suddenly moments I like miracle moments I like to go from the pit to the palace in a day but sometimes God doesn't take you too short way he takes you the long way because he's trying to teach you something along the way and sometimes I need to speak to somebody who's here and you've been believing God you thought that something was gonna take six months but it's taken six years and the only reason that God has taken you the long way is because he's giving you the victory that you would never get on the short path he's giving it to you in the long way to develop your character in your endurance in your patience to really give you the victory and the answer to there is anybody hearing the words coming out of my mouth what I'm saying is that he's preparing you for promotion alright number two right there's now a note taker say hey your greatest miracle will come on the heels of your greatest obedience let me say it again this is what I take from Exodus 13 that your greatest miracle will come on the heels of your greatest obedience now you'll participate with me just shout it out what do you think is the greatest miracle in the Bible the resurrection huh water to wine in the back shout it out baby alright uh-huh walking on water okay what do you think is the most well known miracle I'm talking about non-christians and Christians they've heard of this miracle before that would be okay I'll give you my opinion this is all speculation nobody knows what it is but what I'm saying all right I believe and I believe you can ask it doesn't matter who it is atheists agnostics it doesn't matter what religion they are they've probably heard of the parting of the Red Sea okay all right for those of you all who haven't because I don't know where you been let me let me let me help you out real quickly so God's people known as the Israelites they were in Egyptian bondage for about 400 years God basically caused them out and this is the story that we're reading and so they don't go the short way they go the long way and God brings them into a tough position where there's a mountainous terrain on this side and there's a mountainous terrain on this side and the Red Sea is behind them and the Egyptians are coming this way isn't that the humor of God to get you into a place where your back is up against the wall so he can work out your miracle and so here God asked Moses to do a simple thing he says take the rod that I've given you and put it out over the Red Sea so Moses has to be obedient he grabs the rod he puts it out over a sea in the waters part and the Bible says the Israelites marched through the Red Sea not in love but on dry ground they get to the other side here's the word of the Lord stretch back out to rod again and the Bible says that the waters came crashing in and it destroyed it destroyed all of the enemies okay I started thinking about something else I was thinking all right all right so my wife and I we were we we've been watching Netflix every once in a while and I'm not proud of it it's just so everyone so I will get a show that we really like and right now that was like a couple weeks ago right now we're not watching TV in the week we kind of watch it on the weekends it's kind of like dessert don't have it all the time just have it their mind too much information that's been fun so one of those shows that we're watching right now is called comedians and cars getting coffee okay couple people got a witness okay all right let me fill you in so is a show created by Jerry Seinfeld who is a well-known comedian and basically he picks up comedians and they're in cars and I like cars all kinds of different cars fast cars slow cars unique cars and they're getting coffee and I like coffee so it's comedians I like them cars getting coffee and / are binge-watching we've learned a few things number one I've learned that just because a person is famous doesn't mean they're not a real person and I loved it because this is not scripted they're just sitting around and they're kind of talking about their life and what they're going through and you got like Eddie Murphy Chris Rock Ellen DeGeneres comedians that you know and love and they're just talking about their work ethic to get to where they are and I thought it was fascinating just to hear people over coffee but one of the things that we realized and that I learned from this show is that to make any joke a good joke there has to be a setup everybody say a setup and then there has to be a punchline everybody say a punchline and the joke ain't funny if you miss one of those things you can't just come out and give the punch line without the setup cuz people you just gave me the punchline but it has to be the setup and the setup has to be this thing where it makes everybody kind of lean in a little bit and then you hit him with the punchline and when I was reading Exodus I noticed that the first 13 chapters of Exodus was the setup for the parting of the Red Sea which was the punchline I know we just jumped into Exodus but let me explain Exodus basically comes from a word that means exit out of something isn't it aren't you glad that God won't leave you in bondage he will help you exit out of your past and exit out of an addiction and exit out of a sickness and exit out of depression come on somebody I need you to know today that our God is still a delivering God and it doesn't matter how tight the bondage might be or how the prison doors have been closed or how long they've been closed when God calls you out you're coming out because there's a promised land in your future with the church please save so I'm reading the book of Exodus and I would encourage you to go home and read this thing because Exodus chapter number one it starts with this whole story about a guy named Joseph y'all know Joseph so our whole Christian faith basically as God made covenant with a guy named Abraham the Jewish faith the Christian faith all stems around Abraham and so Abraham the Bible says that God made a covenant with him into the seeds of Abraham and we are joint heirs with Christ Jesus and we're heirs according to the same promise but nonetheless Abraham had a son and his name was Isaac and Isaac had a son his name was Jacob Jacob's name was also Israel it's where we get the nation of Israel Israel had like eleven sons and the tenth one was a guy named Joseph and Joseph was favored by his father and he made him a coat of many colors and all of his brothers his older brothers hated him because of it because he was a dreamer and he had a vision so they sold him into Egyptian slavery okay the favor of God was on Joseph and he went from the pit to the palace to where Joseph was second control and all in all of Egypt the Bible says that there was a a man that hit the land and now josephs family was starving for food said they went to the mecca which was Egypt they did not know that God had sent their brother ahead of them you don't know what God is doing for you you don't know that all things are working together for your good right now it's a setup for a putz Alana y'all hear what I'm telling you today and so they come and he's like let mom give you some houses I'm gonna give you some land and everything and so Joseph had favor he had favor with the favor oh he was second in control of Egypt Joseph dies the Pharaoh dies the favor goes away the Hebrew children are still in Egypt and 70 people turn into millions of Hebrew people the Egyptians are afraid that they would lose their land to the Hebrew so they began to enslave them they began to oppress them and for 400 years they're under the task masters and the Bible talks about how the Hebrew children will call upon the name of Jehovah and say God would you deliver me I want you to know today that it doesn't matter how long it takes God hears your prayers and as soon as you start praying God begins to unravel in answer you just got to keep on sticking with them keep knocking until it's open or y'all with you together and I love it that he brings forth a deliverer and his name is Moses everybody say Moses and Moses is an Old Testament shadow of the New Testament Christ who is a deliverer of us from our sin and so so Moses shows up in the Old Testament and he shows up as a deliverer and what he does is that you know chapter 3 and 4 goes through the life of Moses chapter 6 and 7 it says that he calls them to be to go before Pharaoh and tell them to let my people go Exodus chapter 7 through 13 stuff gets crazy it's like 10 plagues that come on the land I'm talking about like water turning in the blood the overcoming with frogs and locusts all this crazy stuff happens and it's all a setup it's all a setup for chapter number 14 the parting of the Red Sea the destruction of the enemy the victory of the Israelites and at the apex of the setup the climax of the story where the story is as heightened as what it could be since chapter number 13 and before God could give the punch line or the miracle he first had to make sure that his children would follow him and there's this whole thing that you could go the way you think is faster or you could go God's away and God to give you the victory in chapter 13 can you imagine people following a cloud by day in a fire by night I almost preached this message and entitled it following the fire because it's easy for you some of you ought to follow God when everything is going well in your life but we need to know can you follow him when it's dark can you follow him when it's nice can you follow him when you got more month than money come on pastor Jimmy can you follow him when your marriage is falling apart can you follow him where you don't know what step to take next and you're just trying to follow the Holy Spirit back into the house of God and into the will of God and this is what we see in Chapter number 13 and then God brings forth the punchline of the miracle and so this point of course is that your greatest miracle comes on the heels of your greatest obedience when you can say yes to the Lord no matter the cost God always will make a way out of no way but somebody say Amen now number three for you note-takers oh this is good to me the same God that led his people then is the same God that will lead us now let me say it again the same God that led his people in Exodus is the same God that will lead you and I today do you believe that so I asked the Lord I said God what is the difference between how you led your children in the Old Testament with the fire in the cloud and how you lead us today and the Lord says I led them externally by firing a cloud but today I lead you internally by the Holy Spirit God is not giving you a sign of no wonder he's giving you the Holy Spirit which is your counselor your Parakletos he will lead you and guide you and teach you all things so the Holy Spirit is given to us as a compass to lead us into the promises of God or you're here with me today and so the last part of this series is this anchor this is the one that I hope you share on YouTube with everybody that you know and I hope you eat off of this message for the next five to ten years of your life whenever you need it you can go back and be reminded that I've been called to live a life following the leadership of the Holy Spirit over the last five months we've went through this cycle where we've talked about spiritual warfare everybody say spiritual warfare we've talked about the anointing everybody say the anointing we've talked about the gifts of the Holy Spirit everybody say the gifts of the Holy Spirit we started a series in March and here it is the last Sunday in August God has been progressing us and I really believe that when God calls you to himself it's not for you to stay where you are he wants to take you from one level of faith to another level of faith from one level of glory to another level of glory he wants to progress you now this word progression is like a football term I know y'all like football so let me use it that way is that okay so the quarterback in football you know and I know we got an international audience for for whatever reason I'm starting to get a lot of people are tuning in to us in South America and England and hey y'all we love you but we play football here so let me explain so the quarterback will go up into the line and they'll hurt him the ball now a good quarterback begins to read the dick defense before he runs the play some of you all don't know the tactics of the enemy enough to have victory in life because you don't know how he's attacking you emotionally and mentally for the weapons of our warfare now Carlo but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and that's why you got to read the playbook to understand what play needs to be running when you're under attack you ain't even ready so what I'm saying is that the quarterback goes up and he reads the difference then he steps back into the pocket now a good quarterback reads progressions everybody say progressions now his first progression is a wide receiver this going out and he's doing 10 yards and he's coming back to the ball the second progression is a tight end he's cutting across the middle and the third progression is somebody that's going long and the best quarterback reads all the progressions but got to do it quickly so he comes out of the pocket and he begins to read progressions pass it to one passage so he's open I'm going for three but unfortunately there's a lot of Christians that we don't run the progression and we get sacked and you're living a life that every time God gives you a promise you get sacked or worse yet you do like the Gators did in the first half and you keep fumbling the ball and fumbling the ball and fumbling the ball I want to know thank God we got the victory after all that hey man go Gators come on okay huh yes all right but God's called you to move the chains he's called you to score the touchdown to win the Super Bowl of the national championship but you've got to be willing to progress okay now as it relates to the Holy Spirit the first progression is you got to be born of the Spirit John chapter 3 verse 8 alright now what the Bible means by this being born of the Spirit means that you've accepted Jesus there comes a time in everybody's life where the Holy Spirit begins to draw you to the realization that God became a man sending his only son Emmanuel got with us he lived a sinless life and he died a sinner's death to pay the price for every lie everything we've ever done that has been wrong in our life and all we have to do is surrender to that now what happens is when you finally say I'm not smart enough I know that I have an expiration date somewhere in my life Jesus come into my heart the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is the one that regenerates your spirit and makes you alive again to God when you are born as a baby and you come out of your mother's womb you are spiritually dead even though you're alive and you're kicking and they put their hand on your foot and everything but you're still spiritually dead why because you were born in sin shaped into iniquity and that's why the Bible says that we must be born again now Nicodemus asked Jesus this question he was like does that mean I gotta get back up into my mother's womb god forbid we ain't gonna do that right wait wait wait can't do that what it's talking about it's not a natural rebirth it is a spiritual rebirth and so when you finally say you know what I'm not smarter than God there is somebody who is singing over my life who is in love with me that I've been called to be an extension of his family I am a sinner I'm in need of a savior Jesus saved me the Bible says that God steps in and the same power that rose Jesus from the dead now raises your dead spirit and you're alive again to God that's what it means to be born of the Spirit and you're here with me today here's the bad part a lot of people they stop right there oh I prayed that prayer at the end of service praise the Lord and I confess Jesus praise the Lord and I've been going to church for so many years in my life praise the Lord and I want you to know that when you accept Jesus that's not the end baby that's the beginning that's not the finish line that's the starting blocks this is the start you just started to walk with God day-by-day it is not the ceiling it is the floor so many people will stop with fire insurance instead of living our life completely and fully for God the second progression we got one we got two the second one is that we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit now that comes out of Acts chapter 2 verse 4 let me explain this one when you accept Jesus the Holy Spirit lives in you but there is a second and separate y'all know I'm like a broken record because I want you to get this when you first accept Jesus the Holy Spirit lives in you so you have the Holy Spirit but there is a second and separate experience where he comes upon you and Dowling you with power from on high to live a supernatural life in the earth we also call this the baptism of the Holy Spirit all right you say pastor what happens when I do that progression I don't just stop it being being born of the Spirit but I go on to be filled with the spirit the Bible says you will receive a prayer language where you can pray the perfect will of God Jew 20 says that you can pray this way and build up your most holy faith is for every Christian but the second thing that happens is that you will receive power and everybody say power my wife taught a message about explosive power and the power that God gives you it will blow up depression it will blow up discouragement and despair and confusion it the supernatural Dunamis power of God and we need that progression we need to be born of the spirit filled with the spirit but the one I wanted to give you today it's like the most important one because the other two it's really not the most important one because if you're not born in the spirit you can't get these other two but being born of the Spirit is an event you say yes to Jesus done being filled with the spirit is an event you say I want the Holy Spirit it's done I believe in one filling and many reef fillings but let's just put that in the category of an event but this third one being led of the Holy Spirit that's not an event that's a lifestyle it's 24/7 it's 365 it's day-by-day it's play by playing Holy Spirit help me worship Holy Spirit help me understand the Bible Holy Spirit help me not slap the taste out of this person's mouth right now Holy Spirit help me forgive come on somebody you need the Holy Spirit and that's what Romans chapter 8 verse 14 is talking about watch this let's try it again it was so smooth Romans chapter 8 verse 14 watch this for as many that's us as are led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God I love it that this translation doesn't say that these are the children of God because the only way you become a child of God is by accepting Jesus to me when it says sons of God that means that this person is a mature Christian and there are too many children of God that don't mature to being sons of God there's a scripture in Galatians that says the heir as long as he is a child differs nothing from a slave though he be Lord of all so as long as you are immature in your faith the devil will enslave you and when you move from being a slave to a son you'll have victory over his tactics so it says for as many as are led by the spirit these are the mature people these are the mature people meaning that everything that I do in my life you have some people they say well is that in the Bible listen there are some things that the Holy Spirit leads me to do and not do that ain't in the Bible it's just his leading there are certain movies I can't go watch because they're not good for my soul I can't find that in Matthew Mark Luke or John but the Holy Spirit will put conviction on the inside of me and that's how you know maturity for the sons of God or led by the Spirit of God I don't need to hear a message I don't need to give you my Ten Commandments I just need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit are y'all ready for this today come on listen to the scripture proverbs chapter 3 is one of my favorite passages and proverbs proverbs chapter 3 verse number four five and six I believe no five and six it says trust in the Lord with all of your heart now some of it don't lean to your own understanding don't we have a tendency to lean to our philosophy or degrees and our intellect of what we read he says don't lean to what you think you know trusted me with all your heart don't lean to your own and then he says acknowledge me in all your ways and I will direct your path you don't know who you need to marry you don't know what job you need to take you don't know what you need the major in but he does cuz he made you and I love it that it doesn't say acknowledge me in some of your ways because we love compartmentalize Christianity like on Sunday we're gonna be spiritual and I went to church today and then Monday through Friday I'm gonna go to class and do my business and do what I do and that's just on me then on Saturday I'm gonna be with my friends and God is like I don't want to be compartmentalized into your Sunday I want to be a part of your Monday in your Tuesday and your Wednesday and your Thursday and your Friday and definitely on your Saturday come on somebody he don't say acknowledge me in the comfortable ways or in the convenient ways or in the ways that are popular he says acknowledge me in O your ways and God steps into your situation and he teaches you things that you could never know from the natural arena in all your ways acknowledge me and I'll direct your path this is what it means to live a spirit a spirit life if you're with me say I'm with you the Holy Spirit wants us to help he wants to help us to know when to invest when not to invest he wants to give us words to say in the courtroom he wants to give us words to say in the boardroom he wants to give us the answers in the classroom come on students he wants to help you with your exams you need to learn how to tap in he will help you have better grades come on single people he wants to help you know who today and more importantly who not today come on somebody you think you're getting somebody off tendineae 10 you you better you better ask God to check them out you better ask the Lord the Lord know them [Applause] people love Torah more than character nowadays anybody can be charming you can get to do that from under the bridge he charming hey girl how you doing roses are red violets are blue oh you look good too I mean anybody can be charming you don't give your value and your destiny to somebody because they have charm I need to know do you have character and you can only know if somebody has character by how they handle the storm you got to wait till somebody dies to see if you still come to church or not you got to wait till you lose a job to figure out if you still go tithe and give to God you gotta wait until trouble get a life to figure out because anybody can save that they follow God I'm ready for y'all today I'm ready B all today he wants to help you on the interviews he wants to help you close the deal and increase the sales you don't have to do that on your own he says acknowledge me in all your ways that means all every time I preach a message I go I go to God and I say God what do you want people to hear this Sunday I give him a white piece of paper that's a Holy Spirit what is it he begins to give me ideas and I going to the lab 8 hours 10 hours 12 hours and I got to put a lot of myself into it but at the end of the day I'm leaning on him and then after all that study before I come to the stage I say God forget what I study what do people need to hear Holy Spirit happier way some of the best decisions that have ever happened in my life has been just me following the leading of the Holy Spirit you know I was 20 years old and I heard the Lord saying you need to marry Tabitha and I remember telling people that the Holy Spirit was telling me to marry this this this this woman and I will tell people close to me and they said was she pregnant cousin what I hope not ha it'd be news to me I was like no God just told me and people could not believe that God let me give you balance because some of you all find people off the internet you want to get married next week that ain't what I'm talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about there was a track record here we had some longevity and I knew the voice of the Lord last month we celebrated 20 years of marriage thank God somebody hears you God oh man I gotta preach to somebody today I came ready for your 11:30 come on God wants to help you have you ever had people lying on you and and discrediting you and making it seem like you're something different than what you are sometimes you got to go to God and say God what should I do about that person should I confront them or is confronting them gonna make it worse you need the wisdom of God you ever had somebody steal from you before or something in something injured and you could take that person to court and you're looking like oh my god they owe me so much money you got to be like David David inquired of the Lord should I go up and fight cuz I don't want to fight if you ain't going with me but if you go with me we can fight get my money back god I need you to tell me what's it going because I'm ready to go ready to go right now every decision that I've made I remember God called me to pastoring Gainesville I had to Google it to figure out where it was like I'm in Washington DC like hey okay it's in the middle okay all right Lord right and it was in 2005 he says I've called you to Pastor a church in Gainesville and at that time I had a bunch of real estate that I owned it was like millions of dollars of real estate we begin to sell all of our real estate I did not know that the market would crash in 2007 and 8 and if I wouldn't have followed the leading of the Holy Spirit in 2005 I would have millions of dollars upside down in 2007 and 8 but I said yes to Jesus and he said yes to me and I did not know that when we stepped here there would be thousands of people like you of different races and different backgrounds and different nationalities and different education levels that our church would be a forerunner to resemble heaven and it doesn't matter what you look like or what you've done but this will be a melting place of safety where the loss could come in and find Jesus and grow I had no idea that thousands of people would be hinging important my following the cloud and the fire I did not know but I just wanted to go with God and I'm here to let somebody know today that the rest of your life will be the best of your life when you quit going to other people that don't know your tomorrow today and you start going to God about what he's called you to do and where you're supposed to be you should ask God God where do you want me to serve what do you want me to give Who am I supposed to what toxic relationship do you want out of my life who should I be investing in right now who should be a mentor to me who should I be mentored by and the Holy Spirit will begin to learn these things up my oldest daughter she just started high school and she's been doing this thing or she comes to me and she's like Daddy what career should I have what should I do when I get holder daddy what should i major in in college what college should I go to daddy what elective should I take in high school what what what sport should I play I want to play I want to run track of one who cross I want to do volleyball I want to do soccer I want to do gymnastics I want to dance I want to do all like she's that over-ambitious one right and I'm like oh my god I'm talking my every other day it's a question to me about her future till we ago I had to shut it down I said I want you to quit coming to me about what you're going to do in your future because I don't know your future but I know who does and if you quit coming to your earthly father and start going to your heavenly father he will direct your path he will tell you where you're supposed to be what time you spoke to show up what you supposed to dress like he'll help you avoid the traffic accident he'll help you take the right course at the right time and get favored with the right professor quit coming asking me that's the low-hanging few get on your knees and go before God because he knows your tomorrow today with somebody give the Lord praise and here's the thing here's the thing Church I realize as a father my job is to train her up in the way that she should go but at certain at a certain point my training now is to get her to hear the voice of God she came to me last week and she says I took YouTube and snapchat off of my phone so I can study the Bible more and you know you try to be cool as a parent like oh yeah that's like a good idea on the inside I was like thank you Jesus thank you come over with somebody give the Lord praise in the house today come on everybody stand up come on let's give them praise come on let's give them honor come on why don't you praise your way out of depression and despair and confusion and say thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit amen man what a series hey man I want to pray for you everybody grab somebody's hand or shoulder or just touch somebody all around the room can i prophesy over you and you receive it can I declare some things over your dry bones until but things begin to wake up on the inside of you I see a vast army and I hear greater things that yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city in Gainesville and Orlando we're just getting started Lord show me a vision of 18 campuses in 18 years and I'm bold enough to see it and say it let's see what God's going to do father I thank you for every person that's here that's watching online I ask that you begin to bless their relationships bless their minds bless their careers bless their ambitions bless their calling I pray that the warfare that is against them to cause it to be suffocated and aborted by the enemy we break its power right now in Jesus name I speak over that person that has weight and sadness I declare that God has given you beauty for Ashes right now and there's a divine change that's coming I declare that the waters are being stirred just like the man with the pool by the Pool of Bethesda that as you begin to step towards God he's making all things new we declare that your marriage is healed don't give up don't give up on God don't give up because of what you see quit watching so much news it wants to in fear you you think it's informing you it's in fearing you and God isn't giving you the spirit of fear but of power of love and of sound mind and I want you to know that you are an ambassador of Christ you didn't sneak into the earth realm God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought you to this church today because he's trying to get you to walk by faith and not by sight I want you to know that everything that the enemy has stolen God is restoring it time seven in your marriage and your mind setting your emotions the sleepless nights the doctor's reports the money that you've lost we declare that the angels of God are bringing all of the possessions that Jesus holds in his hands back into your possession that the wealth of the wicked is later for the Justin you just now made a decision to be one of the just and we declared it from this day forward you will be ultra sensitive to the presence of heum Holy Spirit and then in all your ways when you get up in the morning what you eat for breakfast who you spend time with what messages you return what you look at on social media what classes you take where you go on vacation what you decide to give your time and attention to what movies you watch what music you listen to who you hang out with what you do from this day for you ask the one that made you God is this for me or is it not for the sons of God or led by the Spirit of God and you be a son somebody give the Lord praise in this place tonight I sense new I knew I knew I knew I knew I knew one there is freedom I love you guys man I want to pray for you one more time for those of you all who are here and you're not sure that if you've been born of the Spirit don't leave this church without accepting Christ man this is not a fantasy or fallacy I'm the realest person that you know I can spot fake in the minute I want you to know that Jesus is the real deal he died for the sins of humanity and to accept him is to be right with God and forgiven of your sins every head bowed every eye closed if that's you today you're tired of running from God like jobs and you want to run to God like josh is down if you're here today and you say pastor Ken I have sinned if you are humble enough to admit that you're not perfect you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one you just have to surrender and so if that's you I want to pray for you and I'm going to ask you to lift up your hands so that I can know who I'm praying for on the count of three and if you're like pastor pray for me I want eternity to change it changes it starts right now so if every head bowed and every eye closed if you say pastor pray for me I want to be right with God I want to be forgiven I want to be saved today I need a relationship with Jesus your hand your hand your hand your hand your hand and your a hand of your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand you can put your hands down and I know because I've been pastoring for 12 years that there is someone who is here today that you should have lifted your hand but for whatever reason you didn't and I believe that our God is a God of a second chance and here's your second chance you might say pastor I'm Catholic I'm Presbyterian I'm an atheist and agnostic I'm not asking you for your title I want to know have you received the person of Jesus Christ he is the only one that is died for your sin and if you're here and you say I'm 95% sure 99% sure but I'm not a hundred percent certain I want to pray for you today this is your second chance if you didn't lift up your hand but you should have lifted up right now lift it up right now don't let the devil steal this moment from you thank you I see your hand and your hand [Music] [Applause] come on nobody prays alone the Bible says when you call on the name of the Lord you'll be saved you don't have to go do anything it's not about your work it's about receiving the finished work of Jesus let's pray together say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins on today I make a quality decision to surrender my life to yours my will to yours I want to be born again I want to be a Christian I want to be forgiven I want to be saved and I want to be loved so I make you my Lord and my Savior right here right now I'm saved on my way to heaven I'm a child of God in Jesus mighty name amen I pray that that message blessed you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yes this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you've got to go here to get that fried chicken into my sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 4,196
Rating: 4.98 out of 5
Id: g12nAV8oo70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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