Change The World // Why The World Needs The Church // Pastor Ken Claytor

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today is a very special day not only is our grand opening and we have a new building here in orlando we're actually starting a new series on today and so for the next three to four months i don't know what you got going on on sundays but my hope is that you'll be able to track with us because i believe that this is a series that we all need you know 2020 was a rough year for so many people around the world you know if you were living in 2020 2021 there's been all kinds of drama and even though it was painful sometimes god will use the pain to push us into purpose and i was kind of praying and saying god what does all of this mean what would you have the church's response be to the darkness that's in the world and the holy spirit kind of nudged me and kind of said we'll lead your church in a way where we can believe for 2 million people to be reached for jesus over the next 20 years now i don't know what your life plans are but hopefully you have a vision that you kind of see yourself where you're going to be in 10 20 years it's up to man to plan but it's god that directs our path but there's something powerful about vision the reason today that people make so many mistakes is because they don't see themselves like god sees them and so the bible says to write the vision make it plain so he who read it they can run with it and so our vision is 2 million people over the next 20 years somebody say 2 and 20. no i mean say it with your chest somebody shout 2 and 20. and i've discovered that it is the nature of god to ask you to do something that seems humanly impossible it really is it is the character and the nature of god to ask us to do that we cannot do without his help and i've learned over the years this one principle is that god will give you more on your way than he does before you start so many times we feel like well we don't have the money to do this so we don't have the networking to do this and god says if you can take a step of faith i will give you more on your way than you have before you start it's kind of like this building when we first started looking we were just looking to least we didn't think we would own 24 000 square feet on 2.9 acres right in front of the third largest mall in america we just wanted to lease something we was just like god we have a little bit of money and um we went ahead and put an offer in and we were told no they didn't want to lease it and we ended up buying it and so now we have a building that's worth 5.5 million dollars to the glory of god but don't miss the principle is that god will give you more on your way than he will before you start see faith is not supposed to make sense and a lot of us we have so much trouble because that just just doesn't make sense but faith doesn't need sense it just needs trust in god that if i step god's gonna step with me he gives us more on the way than he does before we start and so god gave us a theme over the next two years that we're calling open heaven and open heaven is not just an initiative to raise money for our building projects even though we've taken a big step towards that and orlando was done somebody gave him praise all right open heaven is not just about raising up leaders in our church even though we doubled enrollment for our leadership school this semester somebody gave him praise open heaven is not just the um our willingness to invest the million dollars back into outreach and missions even though we've been doing serve saturdays and one day l.a and we have all of these mission trips and we support our church in india and we do all of these things all of those things are good but open heaven is a kairos moment let me explain so the word time in the greek comes from two greek words chronos and kairos chronos is where you get chronological the word chronological which is natural timing like right now it's a certain time a certain time of the day but the kairos is not a natural timing it is the divine timing of god and i want you to know that you're not here because of a natural thing we believe this is the divine timing of god that this is a kairos moment in this season this open heaven season is a kairos moment for our church and even though there's all kinds of great things that we can do we believe that the greatest part of open heaven now here's one thing we were believing for in open heaven is that we would see the greatest outpour of the holy spirit that we've ever experienced in our life but you do not have an outpour of the holy spirit if people ain't getting saved now let me change directions for a minute how many of you guys have people in your family or friends that are not saved they're not christians okay let me make it plainer how many of you all have co-workers neighbors friends people that you know who have not made jesus the lord of their life let me see if i show hands most of us how many of you all know people that believe in god but they don't really live for him let me see by your hands how many of you all have neighbors co-workers friends or family that are hindu buddhist atheist agnostic they believe in a god but they don't they haven't received jesus okay you need this message you need this message because this is more than a message this is a four-month movement it's a soul-winning movement the truth is is that you have the answer that so many people need and god didn't save you for you write this down god didn't save you for you he saved you so that you could save others he didn't heal you for you he healed you so that you could be the healer he didn't deliver you all the things how many of you all have a little little ratchet past be honest you got a little ratchet a little ratchet pass and god anybody here god has brought you from a mighty long way you ain't who god ain't do that just for you to keep it all to yourself he did that so that you can help somebody else who's ratchet get free and by the holy s by the power of the holy spirit i want to equip you with everything that you need to help win the people that you love some of us have given too much attention to temporal things and not enough attention to eternal things we've given too much attention to the words of this world not much much attention to the words of god we have the knowledge of men but not the knowledge of god and the things that you see are temporary and subject to change but the things we do towards him are the things that are eternal and so this is what i call not a message but a movement and every sunday i want to give you pieces of the puzzle some of us we don't have a clear picture because we have missing pieces over the next few weeks i'm going to a few months i'm going to be talking about how to witness in the workplace how to overcome rejection how to handle everyday evangelism how to flow in the gifts of the holy spirit i'm talking about everything that you could possibly need to be who god's called you to be to win the people that you love so we're calling this series change the world everybody say change the world because unless you've been living under a rock or you've been in a bunker underground somewhere you realize that our world needs changing would somebody say amen there are wars and rumors of wars there are earthquakes in diverse places people are getting smarter and dumber all at the same time the average person spends three hours and 43 seconds a day on a cell phone but not five minutes with their creator we are more informed but we're more divided than ever more perverse than ever more immoral than ever and don't forget people are dying from sickness and disease every single day i think we could all agree that this world needs changing what somebody say man but we do not change the world by politics we do not change the world by social programming we don't even change the world by starting new feeding programs those things can help but they do not heal the only way you change the world is by giving people jesus [Applause] and i know you're not a believer yet and that's why i'm here i'm here to help you you don't change the world by helping people naturally you change the world by helping people spiritually because the natural things will fade away but the spiritual things have eternity and the truth is is that some of us we love jesus and we've been saved but subconsciously we kind of feel like well jesus is my thing you know that's my way i don't really really want to push that on anybody else and um you kind of feel like i don't want to be narrow and i don't want to be judgmental and you walking around with the cancer for somebody with the answer like i thought about cancer because if i had the answer to cancer i don't want to keep it to myself if you have the answer to sin and death and hell but you want to keep it to yourself because you don't want to offend people and you want to be politically correct i want you to know that jesus is not a way plural he is the way singular and you say well pastor why would a loving god send people to hell god doesn't send people to hell it's the rejection of the antidote towards our sin that sends people to a devil's hell that people was never created for for that and so the love of god because god loves us so much he's given us a free will he loves you enough for you to reject him or to accept him like me i'll be like whatever with that y'all gonna do what i tell you to do but god says no i love you enough that i'm going to let you choose you can either accept me or you can either reject me the choice is up to you then he says i lay before you life and death blessings and curses he said here's here's the key choose life and then the holy spirit is drawing you out of darkness into a light so he can lift up the eyes of your understanding so that you can understand that jesus is not a way he is the way he is the door he no man comes to the father except by him he is not a good idea he is not a tall tale or a fable he is emmanuel which is god with us i don't know if you hear me today go ahead would you just touch your neighbor a little bit are you are you listening to this today he is not a way he is the way so you say well well pastor um uh god hell is a place that god sends people that are evil no it's a place that he sends people that um are sinners when you accept jesus it's not you accepting a religion it's you accepting a relationship where he changes your nature you can be a really really good person come to church do a whole lot of good stuff in the community but your nature is still a center you don't have to tell a two-year-old to steal the cookie jars out of the cookie of the cookies out of the cookie jar it is programmed in them i'm telling you as somebody who has three kids when we are not around they get juice boxes they put you know fruit roll-ups they go into their room you look under their bed and there's reese's cup rappers and you don't have to you don't have to teach them to be sinners they are sinners when they're born that's why a man must get born again and this is a spiritual rebirth where the kingdom of heaven comes to lift am i preaching okay okay whatever go with me to john four i don't know if y'all ready yet this is our first day here we're just dating right now we're not married yet so let's john four um this will kind of be our springboard scripture that we're going to go through this whole series y'all ready for this um john four um is talking about the woman by the whale for those of you all who are new to church let me give you some context very quickly those of you all who have been here for a while you'll remember this story there was a samaritan woman by the well that jesus comes to speak with the bible in this moment says that jesus the jews had no dealings with the samaritans it was kind of a racial thing and it was a religious thing it was a racial thing because there were some assyrians that married some jewish people and they had babies and the babies that they had turned out to be samaritans and so they looked at them as a half half breed i know that's a negative connotation but that's how they view things back then and not only was it a racial thing but it was a religious thing because these samaritans held on to the law of moses but also to man superstitions all at the same time and the jews couldn't stand them they actually preferred gentiles over the samaritans reports in history say that the fastest way from jerusalem to galilee was to go through samaria and some people wouldn't some jewish people wouldn't even go through the city that's how much they hated the samaritans it's kind of like how y'all do the hood you just go way around it like i ain't driving i don't care how long it take me i ain't going i ain't going through there so here's jesus talking to a samaritan that's a woman culturally back then jesus is considered a rabbi and rabbis did not talk traditionally to women publicly okay um matter of fact there was a fair a group of pharisees known as the bloody and bruised pharisees every time they walked past the woman they would close their eyes and because they closed their eyes they were running the trees into walls and so they were considered bloody and bruised because there's a lot of women out there i was at florida mall you got to do a lot of closing your eyes if you're going to try to do that and i know this sounds crazy but that's where it was but jesus is talking to a samaritan who's a woman and she's also a sinner because the bible says she had five husbands and she was shackling with this other dude who wasn't even a husband right now and so he and so what it gives us in john 4 is jesus's heart to break barriers and build bridges if you want to be a church that ushers in an end time harvest of souls and great revival you have to be a barrier-breaking bridge builder i don't know i don't know how you go to work i don't know who you deal with in your neighborhood but if you could just position yourself to be like jesus who broke down barriers i don't care what color you are i know the color of the blood of jesus and i know what he's done for all of humanity i know that there's one race in the eyes of god not multiple racists we are the human race we are young homo sapiens come on y'all and we are not genetically speaking 99.9 the same but the devil divides us over differences and you are more than your melanin but the world won't tell you that but jesus broke down barriers and he built bridges and there's something about that person that says i want to be like jesus you got to be a barrier breaker and a bridge builder the longest intro ever john 4 1. watch this he says therefore when the lord knew that the pharisees had heard that jesus made and baptized more disciples than john though jesus himself didn't baptize but his disciples he left judea and he departed again to galilee but he needed to go through samaria somebody said he needed to go meaning that he wanted to go he had a need to go to the places that nobody else wanted to sometimes you need to go to the prison you need to go to the hospital you need to go to where the poor are he needed to go to samaria and so he came to a city of samaria which is called cycle near the plot of ground that jacob gave to his son joseph now jacob's well was there jesus therefore he was weary so i love it because it shows his humanity so jesus was all god but he was also all man and here we see that he submitted to weariness god so he was tired just like we would be and he set by the well it was about the sixth hour in jewish traditions that means it's twelve o'clock noon so it's hot and he needs something to drink and a woman of samaria came to draw water and jesus said to her a samaritan woman give me a drink for his disciples had gone away to the city to buy food and i love how jesus he waited to all the other religious people left so he could break some barriers and build bridges and the woman of samaria said to him how is it that you being a jew ass drink from me a samaritan woman but jews don't want nothing to do with us and jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of god of who it was that says that you give me a drink you would ask him and he would give you living water now that's a reference to the holy spirit now my prayer for you guys is that you go home this week and ask god give me living water because to be a christian without the holy spirit well you can't really do that the holy spirit lives in you but you need the second experience where he comes upon you equipping you with power you need living water and the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where then do you get that living water and i love her questions jesus is not afraid of your questions are you greater than our father jacob who gave us this well and drank from it himself as well as his sons and his livestock and jesus answered and said to her whoever drinks of this water will thirst again but whoever drinks of the water that i give him will never thirst but the water that i give will we're becoming him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life and i love this woman she's like sir give me this water that i might not thirst or come here to draw and watch jesus he says go call your husbands and them and come here and the woman answered and said i don't have a husband and jesus said yep you're right you don't have a husband for you've had five husbands and the dude you shackling with playing house with and he ain't put a ring on it yet is not your husband and that you truly spoke and the woman said to him sir i perceive you're a prophet i love this one and i know i'm joking around with it but this is what we call the word of knowledge it's actually one of the gifts of the holy spirit some people read john 4 and they say oh that's jesus he knew her business but the truth is is that god wants to reveal to you people's business to lead them to the kingdom and it's a gift of the holy spirit which we call one of the nine sign gifts in first corinthians chapter 12 there are three categories of gifts on power gifts revelation gifts vocal gifts one of the revelation gifts is the word of knowledge what's very simple it is when god tells you something divinely that you could no way know in the natural you want to win your family members co-workers and friends get a word of knowledge where god downloads to you what they have need of and they know you ain't get it from nowhere else but god that's when you're just chilling and you're at your desk and the lord said you need to go talk to your co-workers they're struggling in their marriage and in your mind you're like nah i seen them on instagram and they was in the bahamas they looked so happy and the lord said they line their hands and you go up and say hey the lord sent me to pray for your mother [Music] and so when he gave her the word of knowledge and we can operate in these gifts severally as god wills right when he gave her the word of knowledge she upgraded who she thought he was from a man that was thirsty to a prophet and he was like listen i perceive that you're a prophet verse 20 our fathers worshipped you on this mountain and you jews say that in jerusalem is the place where we ought to worship jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when you neither worship on this mountain or in jerusalem to worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is of the jews and that's true jesus was a jewish messiah and that's where it started but that's not where salvation ends thank god it's available for everybody today but the hour is coming and it's now somebody say it's now when true worshipers will worship father y'all with me in spirit and in truth meaning that we don't just worship on sundays in a church building or in a synagogue or a temple we worship god at home because we are worshipers that's what we do and the woman said to him i know that the messiah is coming who's called to christ when he comes he'll tell us all things and jesus said to her and i love this one because many times jesus would skirt questions they would be like are you the messiah and he would not even answer them with a word or he would do a parable like a riddle and flip the whole question but i love it to a samaritan woman who was a sinner he got plain and he says i who speak to you in he jesus says i am the christ i am emmanuel i am the one that has been prophesied i am the savior of the world and at this point his disciples came and they marveled that he talked with the woman crazy culture right no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her and the woman left her water park don't miss this and went her way into the what city and she said to the man what come see everybody say come see come on say it again come on come on highlight that underline that circle that and we're going to come back to that in a moment because you don't have to know the whole bible to get people saved you just need to tell them to come see a man who told me all things i ever did could this be the christ and they all went out of the city and they came to him now let's jump down for the sake of time to verse 39 and many of the samaritans of that city did what believed in him y'all with me because of the word of the woman i'm here to let you know that we can reach the world with the word of women that god is ready to use women like he's never used women before come on somebody there is an anointing on today's women any pilot women in the house today that understands that you can win this world with a woman that is anointed that knows how to pray and prophesy come on somebody and she was like he told me all that i ever did so when the samaritans came to him they urged him to stay with him and he stayed there two days where most people wouldn't even pass through here's jesus building bridges for two days eating with them talking with them loving them this is the character of christ and many more believed because of his own word and they said to the woman now we believe not because of what you said we ourselves we've heard them and we know that this is indeed the christ the savior of the world i love this they came because of her words but they stayed is this city is gonna come because of your words but they're gonna stay because jesus is here and anything can happen come on somebody come on somebody listen and here's the thing god's not gonna do your part and you can't do god's part god is not telling this city to get saved he is no longer preaching the gospel the bible says that jesus is at the right hand of the father in a position of rest but he has commissioned you and i to go out to the world and make disciples of all man teaching them to observe everything that i've given you and how beautiful are your feet not jesus feet i ain't seen his feet but your feet are beautiful because you preach the gospel so god is not doing what you can do and you aren't doing what he can do you catch the fish and he'll clean it raise the line ah ain't nobody happy with me today so what can we learn from the samaritan woman in john four um here's a few things write this down number one you don't have to be perfect to be used of god will the church say amen you say pastor you don't know the mistakes that i've made you don't know how much sin i've committed i will say that you are a prime candidate for god to use you in a mighty way this samaritan woman had five husbands and was living with somebody who wasn't their husband but god used her to reach a city you don't have to be perfect you just have to be willing you just have to be available come on somebody number two write this down you don't need to know the whole bible to evangelize you just need two words and i'm gonna throw a conjunction in there come and see come on church come and see that's all you have to do this week is go to the highways and byways and say listen i found a new church and they are so alive and excited and they got a brand new building and all i need you to do mr employer is come and hey co-workers i know you having lunch right now but i got to tell you about this church that i found i just want you to come next sunday with me i want you to come and see see you don't have to know the whole bible to tell people about the part of it that you know it wasn't like she went to jerusalem university and she got her doctorate in seminary school to figure out how to tell people about jesus it wasn't like she went and studied the hermeneutics of scripture from old testament and pulled up the torah to find out the genealogy of christ she didn't know anything she just said i met this man by the whale and i think he might be the christ and i don't know a lot but i just know you should probably come and see that means that i might not have everything together today and no because people love to say well i think the bible's been changed listen i don't know all that i just want you to come and see i came this sunday i was depressed last week and now i feel a little bit better about myself so now you need to come and see but what about jesus and what about egyptology i don't know about all that i just know i'm happier this week than i was last week why don't you just come and see and you don't have to say no for people christians are notorious for in your mind making up reasons of why you can't share your faith with somebody stop saying no for people that you haven't even asked about the savior with pastor i know they're a muslim yeah tell them to come and pastor you know they're atheists yeah i know tell them to what well pastor they told me that they went to church before and it was born and they didn't like it you know that ain't just church girl tell them to and you don't have to know everything you just got to be willing to tell people just check it out she was not a theologian she was an enthusiast your enthusiasm for the gospel goes further than your theology some of y'all want to debate online about what thus saith the lord instead of exemplifying it the life changed so everybody can see you used to be raptured but now you live for jesus and your lifestyle will beckon the truth for people to just come number three write this down this is what we learned from john 4 that there is power in your testimony there are all kinds of debates the history channel thinks this facebook focusing and we live in a crazy time now because crazy people find each other a lot easier than they used to back in the day you could have you could believe the aliens was coming and stuff and you you thought that was just your belief now they get online and they got the group of alien believer people and then they find other people to just believe that you know we cellular matter and everybody kind of comes together i'm sorry i went there i forgot what i was saying but there's power in your testimony quick story so i'm online i'm on instagram follow me shameless plug hey come play okay hey and i got a few trolls you know and this is what you should do you got to ignore trolls come on y'all know i'm preaching better than you saying amen y'all sometimes be getting so upset about what people are saying in your dm and on your comments like whatever crazy people gonna be crazy i ain't got time to even think about that so i know that i'm not supposed to give any attention to trolls but every once in a while every once in a while somebody will say something and i'm just in that mood cause i'm naturally got a snapback for everything so typically if i'm ignoring you i've already got it written i just didn't hit sins yet because the wisdom of god is saying don't hit sin but i've got it written i'm ready to come at you and for whatever reason i was on my phone and a guy came on and they put so they they put my team put a clip of me preaching about jesus jesus is this and the dude put in the comments he was like if you still believe in jesus you need to get woke because anybody who believes in jesus is still living in the dark and i was like no he did i was like no he did it so i had to respond it was early in the morning like i didn't even think about it i didn't pray about it i was like okay i said to the dude i was like look i was like if i'm in the dark and my wife was diagnosed depressed for 12 years her life and she got healed and has been depression free for 20 years if i'm in the dark and my marriage was headed for divorce i had a plan to divorce my wife but now i've been married 22 years and she's my very best friend if i'm in the dark i preach around this world and i preached in india and a young girl 12 years old came in and she was blind we laid hands on her and she went out and she could see if i'm in the dark i've seen time and time again people come in and they are demonically possessed or oppressed to where their eyes even look black and we lay hands on them not in ken's name paul's name sue's name but in the name of jesus and all of a sudden the white come into their eyes and so i said brother if i'm in the dark you should come live in the dark cause the dark if that's your darkness i'm gonna stay in the dark see i've been walking with jesus too long for you to try to convince me otherwise come on somebody hey and check this out church do you know what he said nothing because you cannot combat my testimony see some of y'all just need a modern testimony we don't care about your intellectualism we don't care about your philosophy have you encountered jesus that's what a live conference is about some of y'all need a fresh encounter some of y'all need a miracle moment right now so you quit debating in your soul there's a debate because you don't know him enough yet there's power in your testimony number four last but not least this is what we learned from john 4 is that this woman was an influencer and so my subtitle for part number one of change the world is how to become an influencer and i want you to set yourself from this day forward to be an influencer would you say it by faith i am an influencer ask your neighbor do you believe the words coming out of your mouth ask them because i don't know if they believe it they just said it because i said say it does anybody believe that somebody shout again i am an influencer and that's a buzz word right now it's a buzzword i google how do you become an influencer there were so many articles and blogs and they said well the first thing you need to do is identify your niche and then you need to build your brand and then you need to create content that is shareable that keeps people on your feed long enough to increase the algorithm and that will help increase your following and i began to think you know what i don't care about people following me i wanted people to follow jesus and i think so many of you all are trying to build your brand instead of building a life that leads towards him and here's the truth you are either influencing or being influenced which one is it going to be come on somebody you are either in every situation and in every atmosphere being influenced by the world or influencing the world influencing those people or being influenced by those people and the power of influence is crazy because some of us even the way we dress right now we we're influenced by fashion including me travis gave me these shoes i like them but they are influenced because you can go shopping today but next fall they're gonna say that was last fall that ain't cool no more now you need to go shopping again because they're influencing and i'm not saying that that influence is bad i'm just saying you need to know what you're being influenced by and you need to position yourself to be the influential factor in every relationship i remember when i first started dating tabitha one of my good friends he came to me and says i don't know about tabitha i heard she did this and was with this guy i was like huh and um later on i found out that her ex-boyfriend who was abusive she broke up with him and he spread lies about her so nobody else would get with her my friend had believed the lies and he was trying to sew those he was trying to influence me i was looking at dude i was 19 years 19 years old i thought to myself get thee behind me satan because i'm like i gotta pass myself how am i gonna go judge her and she finding everything and i like her smile and everything i don't care what she done did sign me up for some of that [Applause] but some of y'all single today cause you let your family influence who you dating come on somebody but i don't know he ain't got a car like this and so forth i saw him got all of his teeth but he got gold teeth that's good enough for now because a lot of that stuff can be replaced with but what i'm saying is of course we don't want to be unequally yoked with unbelievers but what i'm saying is you got to put your feet in the ground and not let people who have no fruit tell you how you're supposed to be living people will influence well you know you work too much at that job and they don't pay you enough over here and you know you was born this way and you can't help who you love and you let everybody in the world influence you instead of the word of god and the calling of god in the word of the holy ghost and you got all this stuff in your mind that you think's right but it's wrong because the kingdom should be your influential factor are y'all okay with this today i didn't come to grand opening to play i came to get people set free and we need to talk to our kids because many times when your children begin to grow up the reason if they ever start tripping is because there's some other ungodly influence in their life some little ratchet kid that's stealing then influence your precious child some little kids sleeping around involved in pornography the first time i ever watched pornography i'm chilling i'm on my bike i'm like 10 years old going down the street one of my friends and my neighbor hey man you want to come in the house i thought i was going for you know maybe some apple juice and he got out his dad's pornography and i'm like um what is this you got to sit down with your kids and say this either you're going to be influenced by this world or influence this world you have to tell your middle schoolers come on somebody i need to help parents today because sin looks fun especially if you're 14 15 and your hormones are tripping you like and you need to be truthful like yeah it looks fun and truthfully it probably would be tons of fun i mean to look at that yeah that looks pretty cool to look at you know it sounds i know all your friends are doing it you're called for more and either they're going to influence you or you're going to influence them [Music] you got to make up your mind you got to tell your teenagers tell your high schoolers like yeah everybody else they're going to be smoking they're going to be puff-puffing passing either you're going to get your peace and your joy from a substance or you're going to get it from the holy spirit come on teenagers and at some point in your life you got to say no i'm the influencer i will mess up your buzz i'm that guy i will mess your stuff up like i'm that guy that if i walk out in the parking lot people smoking cigarettes they see me coming and they chuck it it's it's like it's just the in i'm influential that way it's like my presence like i come and i saw you throw the cigarette like i don't care do what you want to do your lungs is between you and the lord i'm not here to judge you but people will see me coming and you want an anointing on your life that when people are in the darkness it the light makes them nervous like you influence every atmosphere and every culture that you step foot into i'm that guy i'm telling you and i'm okay with it now i used to have a persecution complex but i'm okay with it now people i'm that guy that unsafe people will cuss around me then apologize i blankety black oh i'm sorry pastor i'm sorry pastor like i don't know how people have more reverence for a man than they do for god like you use that garbage language but god's with you everywhere but just because i'm here but i just want you to be influential i want and you got to tell your college kids specifically before you send them to a secular university we are getting reports that at secular universities many of them have a plan to dismantle freshmen's faith freshman year it is the spirit of antichrist and they want to influence you that we came from an explosion in tadpoles and apes and stuff and there's no transitionary fossils there's none of that but they want us to be influen they don't want you to know that you've been made in the image and likeness of god male and female created them they don't want you to know that you have dominion and authority and so people don't want to submit to the lordship of jesus they will make up anything but good science confirms the bible bad science makes up whatever and it's the truth y'all you got to tell your kids okay before you go to so-and-so university your professors are going to say this are you solid enough to not let them influence you so that you influence them because if you ain't ready yet don't go shameless plug we have a college here called the alive leadership institute that actually is starting in next september where we have bachelor degrees associate degrees and we are a safe place for you to get an education but not lose your faith shameless club come on brazil i know y'all brazilians y'all love pastor kids if you're hollering at me come to america stay with us for a couple of years but you understand what i'm saying it's so important and so i gotta go here's the bottom line you change the world do you know how by changing your world because if we leave this and we're like i'm going to go out of here we're going to change the world you're probably going to fail because you're probably not going to be the next mother teresa you're probably not going to be the next doc dr martin luther king or somebody and so if you go here with a high-minded like i'm going to change the world no it's not about you changing the world it's about you changing your world your sphere of influence your kids your neighbors your friends your co-workers the people that you pass every day in the grocery store that you visit the people that change your oil when you go get an oil change at that one car dealership that you see all of the time you don't have to change seven billion people around the world you just need to change your world and if i can change the clator world and you can change the baker's world and you can change the smith's world and the leftwich world if you can change the hernandez world if you can change your world together we can change the world so the way that you change the world is by changing your world and you have an anointing to be able to do that if you'll lean into it you don't just change your sphere of influence on the outside first change has to happen on the inside of you you change the world by letting jesus change your world get this on camera you change your family your marriage your kids and your block inside out so many people want to live outside in for the likes and the comments and you will be miserable at night i don't give a care about how many followers we have i don't care about what men think about me i don't want to live for the audience and the approval of people i want to live for the audience of my maker is there anybody here that is living the life of the audience of one so when you stand before jesus he could say well done that good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the lord come on somebody let's give the lord friends anybody ready to change the world come on we got a four month journey this ain't a message but it is a movement come on somebody come on worship team i want to pray for you guys today if you don't mind father i thank you for every person that is watching online every person that is in this auditorium that you knew that they would be here before they even did and i pray for every person no matter what they believed before they came into this place that you have deposited into us boldness to change the world i thank you for an anointing to change the world wisdom to change the world god would you use our past as messy as it has been to create a message of how good you are and i just thank you for divine turnarounds in this moment and so with every head bowed and every eye closed this is my appeal for you today if you're here today and you're not sure where you would spend the rest of eternity if god forbid you were to die today you can admit that you're a good person and you do a whole lot of good things but the bible says that your good works are a filthy rag before holy god you don't get to heaven just because you do good things you get to heaven because you've received jesus who is good you can't earn your way to heaven so you don't have to try to earn your way to heaven all you have to do is to receive salvation by grace grace is favor that you cannot earn it is a gift that god wants to give you today whoever you are and wherever you are there's two responses to that gift you can either reject it as an act of your will or you can surrender to it and accept it and i believe that you're here because god has brought you to a place of surrender and if you're here today and you say pastor i don't know everything and i don't even know for sure what i believe but i do want to take a step towards jesus if you're here today and you're like you know what i don't want a religion but i do want a relationship with god i want my sins to be forgiven and i will not leave this place the same way that i came here in orlando gainesville online if that's you i would love to pray for you but i just need to know who i'm praying for today if you're here and you say pastor i want to surrender my life to jesus on the count of three i want you to lift your hand boldly right where you are so that i can know who i'm praying for today one two three lift up your hand high and just say pastor include me in that prayer what's that keep your hand up that's a sign of surrenderance i'm giving up my way for god's way hands are going up online in gainesville i'm sure but i see your hand in your hand and your hand and your hand in your hand i see your hand in your hand and your hand and your hand your hand in your hand i see your hand in your hand i see your hand in your hand and your hand in your hand you can put your hands down is there anybody who is here that should have lifted your hand but you didn't it's not too late god is a god of a second chance so just slip it up and say pastor when you pray pray for me a five-second prayer can change your eternal address all of the building if that's you just slip up your hand and say include me in that prayer i surrender my life to jesus online nobody prays alone we're all gonna pray together would you repeat this after me say this lord jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward i surrender my life to you i believe you died on a cross so that i could live i believe you rose on the third day with power in your hand and that same power is now available for me thank you jesus for saving me from this day forward i'm yours and your mind right here right now in jesus name [Applause] come on you can do better than that let's see the lord's way [Applause] oh heaven is rejoicing man come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] i want to say this if you prayed that prayer this is like a birthday for you you know how you celebrate your birthday you got cake and everybody this is a spiritual birthday for you write down october 3rd 2020 take yourself out the dairy queen get yourself an ice cream cone and celebrate the fact that you were led by god into this moment give me a connection card real quickly and um if you're here today and you prayed that prayer of salvation can you grab one of these very quickly they're in the seat back in front of you and we're going to ask you just to communicate that with us we want to continue to pray with you we want to know who prayed that prayer of salvation on the back if you have any prayer requests this is your way to communicate with us if you're a first time guest here we actually have a gift that we want to send you and so all of us can use these cards and on your way out there's a connection center right in front of the growth track room we want you to stop by there and leave us this car and if you're here and you're like pastor ken this is my church man i want to get plugged in here even if you're a first time guest if god is leading you to get plugged in we have a thing called growth track if you give us three weeks we can help you get connected discover your purpose and make a difference it's happening after every service every sunday so if that's you and you want to get involved here just stop at growth track let's go change the world together i love you guys i'll see you next week hey thank you so much for tuning in to a live online today i pray that message was a blessing to you i pray that the holy spirit just takes something from it he illuminates it to where your life will never be the same again that's the case make sure you let us know how your life was impacted and changed because of the message on today we would love for you to share this content you know we have a saying in a live church that one invite can change a life we also believe that one share can change your life i mean get your share on god will use your share as a lifeline to reach people around the world all right if you like what we're doing here we would love for you to be a part of our online family you can do that by hitting subscribe we want you to be the first to grab hold of all new messages and all new content as they are released you know the bible says that when we give it'll be given back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and one of the greatest ways that you can make a difference and change lives is by giving and so if you would like to sow into the ministry of a live church hit the button below and i know that god will bless you and you'll also be a blessing to other people we love you and we'll see you real soon god bless you
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 0
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Id: t3PpwVVU9Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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