Baby Faith // Crazy Faith (Part 2)

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hey guys we're about to jump into the message today but before we do special announcement transformation Church conference that is right we are getting so close it's coming up September 10th through the 12th listen you need to get your tickets this is gonna be an amazing time its transformation conference version one what do they mean by that we mean that you can start right where you are putting out the first version the first iteration even if it's rough even it's not all the way put together we believe that you're gonna get something so special out of this conference go to our website our social media our app get your ticket today because it's going to be amazing but for now let's jump to the message is anybody ready for the word tonight all right got your notepads because we are in part two of a series that we are calling help me crazy now you gotta say it like you mean it's a crazy faith oh I'm gonna like this service tonight we have been talking about what it looks like to not just live at a place of mediocre Christianity but what it looks like to actually live out the life that God called us to live a faith at our church when we started we wrote down these 12 things that we called our culture culture code and one of those things was faith we would be a church that has faith and this was the statement when we wrote down we said we have faith in God faith in people and faith for miracles somebody say that we have faith in God faith in people and faithful miracles just one more time we have faith in God faith in people and faith for miracles what I'm believing is through this series that that that would grow in every single person in this room that your faith in God would become so planted that when waves of life and issues come you don't move that your faith in people would be so optimistic and hopeful that even though they crossed you two times before that maybe this is the time that God did a work in them and on them and some of y'all like our Nami Pastor Mike because if you cross me once shame on me cross me twice shame on you like like like we think that we're about to do this and it's not no no no God says how many times are you supposed to forgive seventy times seven a day some of y'all thought it was seventy times seven for a lifetime and it according to my calculations I only have 16 people left forgive like it's 70 times 7 everybody say a day yeah and so you got to extend that same thing and have faith in people and then this last thing we're gonna have faith for miracles I don't believe God's greatest miracles we're done in the Bible days I believe that what my Bible says is that greater works it's like like like he healed the blind he cast out demons he he pulled taxes out of a fish's mouth he did all of these different things and then he looks at us and says guess what you're gonna do greater works see but I can tell in the room you don't believe it because we have really not sold out to this idea of having crazy faith but I wanted last week to be like the climax of the series like and we shouted and we jumped it we had news reporters and all that other stuff now I'm gonna walk you back as a pastor and a teacher today and let you understand that you don't just get to a point of crazy faith crazy faith is not not where you start at you start at the title of my message today write it down baby faith see crazy faith is a result of you exercising baby faith and most people don't want to do anything on a small scale like but there is power in small faith I'll prove it to you there was a story in Matthew chapter 17 where the disciples were sent out with authority to be able to heal sick and cast out demons so they thought they was doing it and they going around touching people people are getting healed and his father brings his son and his son literally says my son is demon-possessed can you pray for him the disciples like we've done this before let's get this baby healed and they walk up and they lay hands on him and nothing happens and the father like many of us when you're working with somebody and they don't know what they doing he said come please see your manager y'all know when the person that you're working with can help you you ask for the manager of the boss and they bring him to Jesus and Jesus touches the young man and he's healed instantly and they walk away to the back and and and the disciples like Jesus why didn't it work when we tried to touch him and look at his response he said you have such little faith now these are people who have walked with Jesus who have seen him do miracles who like not and invisible Jesus like the actual like Jesus where you're scaring so soft today like Jesus right there with them and he said y'all have such little faith he said I'll tell you the truth if you would have had the faith like a mom like something small now I want you to see have a mustard seed here this is all the faith you need to get everything that God's purpose in your life to get done this is it well how do you know that Pastor Mike because Jesus goes on with his analogy he said if you would have had the faith of the mustard seed you could have could uh you could have told and he looked for the largest thing in the vicinity and he saw a mountain he said you could speak to that mountain and tell it to be thrown into the sea and it would have to obey you if you had baby faith and I'm trying to tell somebody in this room tonight that what you need is not as much as you think you do to see the miracle that you want to see cuz I know all of us want that Moses parting the Red Sea faith we want we want faith we think if only is valid in it's only God when it's an impossible situation and the armies behind us and there's a sea in front of us and we hold up the staff and then the Seas part and we see Nemo and Shamu floating past us and that was God and God was like yeah that's crazy faith but all crazy faith starts with baby thing and many of us have stopped believing God this thing is so small that most of y'all think I'm just holding my my fingers together and it's so small that I can throw it at you I just through tons of faith out there and it was so small that people looking at me couldn't even recognize it but God says it doesn't matter if nobody else can recognize it I can see baby faith I can see what nobody else can see I can see when you wrote down the vision and made it play I can see when you went to the bank account and open it up with fifty cents in it and said one day this will be an account that will be made just for blessing people I can tell y'all don't want to talk to me today I can see baby faith and he said I don't need crazy faith first cuz faith is a muscle and most of us have not worked the muscle of faith it would be the equivalent of me being like I'm about to hit the gym today for the first time in six months about to kill this mother put 300 on the rat three you heard me full three honey I don't know why you got to get like gangster and thugs when you about to were you about to lift weights and it it wouldn't matter how much I tried these muscles right here you see I'm flexing got my hands these muscles right here would never be able to lift that type of weight because I have not been conditioned for it it's not that I could never lift it it's just that I would have to spend time working that muscle to be able to lift that type of weight there are many believers even after last week's message that have gone out maybe like about crazy faith but you're about to lift something you've not been conditioned for you're about to try to get something in your life that you've never believed ever before God's saying you want me to do this but you won't even believe when you have a cold that I could heal you I don't there's nothing wrong with medicine but you go to the sudafed and the Tylenol PM and everything else and won't even pray about it when you know the cross around your neck represents crucifixion it's not just a chain it's it's when Jesus went to the cross and died for all of our infirmities and our sins and he said by His stripes we were no nonot are were healed that means you have healing available if to 39 stripes for your healing but you will not even believe him or have the faith that it works so you will go to your medicine cabinet and not even pray about the common cold but I believe God do you really and I'm not coming after you I'm trying to challenge you that we could see mountains move with this much faith so maybe the goal for us as a church is not to start off with crazy faith maybe the goal is we need to ask God for the ability to consistently live in what baby because if we could ever live in baby faith we would be able to see God move mountains that nobody has been able to move in our family addictions that have been a part of our line for years would be eradicated hate that has filled our mouths for years and gossip and it could be eradicated if we had the faith the size of mustardseed now you know that didn't hit you he dug to like Hitler the crazy thing about it is the crazy thing about what I'm saying to you today as most of the faith we have God is in our head and we think God could maybe do something but in this series what I want the faith that you have is to move from your head to your heart and move from your heart to your hands I don't want you to live a life not seeing what God has promised believers and so I need you to know that we're gonna start this thing at everybody say baby faith now let me remind you what crazy faith is crazy face your thoughts and actions that lack reason but trusting fully in which you cannot explicitly prove and that's why I told you last week faith is not a foundation faith is the foundation if you don't have faith you can't do nothing if you don't have faith you can't be saved according to John 3:16 if you don't have faith you can't pray all you do is wish but when when you when you have faith you stand believing that the Father in Heaven is hearing you and he's answering and working on the affairs of his children but you have to have faith and so when I look at this I said okay God you gotta show me how to teach your people how to walk in baby faith and he said I had to teach my disciples to look at the next chapter of Matthew Matthew chapter 18 and we're gonna start in verse 1 God just had that whole situation where he proved to the disciples that he was who he said he was and he's like you gotta have faith the size of a mustard seed then the disciples start talking crazy amongst themselves it says about that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked a dumb question who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven like why do you even need to know that but many times when we're insecure in our spot in God we're always trying to compare ourselves with other people we do not have faith that God has a plan for our life we're always trying to get God to show us that we're better than somebody else and this goes all the way back to the people who walked with Jesus so don't think that it's strange when it's happening in your life okay the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and Jesus said come here little Ricky come here and he called the baby a child the scripture says he said come sit right here with me he said um I tell you the truth unless you turn from your sins for one instruction repent and become like little children unless you get more like babies like like unless you come up off of your high horse and humble yourself he said you will never not just be the greatest in it you won't even get into the kingdom of heaven so anyone who becomes as humble as this little child as this baby is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me but if you cause one of these little ones you're about to get the key this is what makes this is what Jesus is qualifying this child as a child oh babe he said it's a child because if you do this to one of those who trust in me like the thing about children is they trust adults like what makes a child a child if they don't worry about certain stuff that adults worry about they just trust like my daughter she comes up to me every Sunday cause she know it's a time where daddy's just glad that service weren't good or something and every Sunday after church she says daddy this Bella you did so good said Thank You Bella I said what's up can I get a slushie after we leave here and I say yeah baby we can get a slushie after we leave Church at that moment I'll tell her she can get a slushie she does not think about it again unless she has to remind me that I said what makes her a child she didn't ask have you paid all the bills dead she didn't ask did the finances line up with the budget this week she didn't ask do we have gas in the car she didn't ask did you and mommy discuss this first when she heard her father say it she completely trusted it and God is saying that to many of his children have become so mature that they have stopped trusting his word and he said and if you want to be the greatest in the kingdom you're going to have to have faith like a little child that trusts when God says you're gonna be healed it's not like what would it what happened if it I'm gonna trust what my father say I'm gonna trust my family's gonna be reconciled I'm gonna trust that my child who keeps crossing me all this money and disappointing me because they're doing everything against what we taught them I'm gonna trust that somehow God you're gonna carry their heart back to you I'm going to trust you the problem is most of us don't have faith like that we we we hope God will do it but we don't believe he will and I'm praying that through this series that you will begin to believe like these disciples didn't believe at this time that if the way that you're going to walk in crazy faith is having baby faith the ability to just trust God at His Word the ability to say God if you said it if you told me you were gonna protect me if you told me you were gonna turn all these situations around if you told me you would acquit me for everything you called me to if you told me that before I was formed in my mother's womb you lose and you had a plan for me a plan to prosper me and not to harm me a plan to give me a hope in the future I'm gonna take you at your word I trust you God and I put my faith on it but I can tell by how you've planned your whole life without him that you don't really trust him because because all of us have areas in our life that we're mad at God because he didn't line up with our timetable come on cuz if God was really listening I'd be married by now because if God was really about his business but my children's college would be paid for I'd have a little money in the 401k and God says if you plan me out of your life you cannot be dependent on me and the only way you can have faith is to bring it down to a place of dependency trust my babies don't get up and ask where their next meal is coming from they trust the provider in the house that when they wake up every morning everything they need will be there my daughter has never asked daddy are the lights coming on tomorrow because she's not even worried about those things cuz she is trusting she has faith in her father and my question to you is do you have faith in your father and I need to be very sensitive in this moment as we talk about this because in in Psychological terms they tell us that a lot of us have association habits and tendencies where if we were hurt or damaged by somebody that was supposed to be a father figure or a parental figure in our life then we usually associate that when we start to talk about God and it's very hard to have faith in something that you can't believe in and and and so so like if you had a deadbeat father an absentee mother and they said I'm gonna come pick you up this Saturday and they don't show up and they're like well maybe they were busy and then you wait next Saturday and they're like well maybe they were really busy and then and then you come the next week and they don't show up and then you start feeling like maybe they don't want to come and they don't show up the next time you're like they're never coming and then they show up at your 18th birthday or your graduation from high school and be like that's my baby look at you look just like your daddy like like cuz you're like you haven't been here any of the time and what happens is you don't they say well I want to take you out for lunch today and you don't put any faith in it because they disappointed you time and time again and then you find Christ somewhere along the way and they tell you he's a heavenly father and that you can trust him and he's a good good father but what happens is you can't get past the faith that you've seen in real life and so you associate what people have done with you and you put it on God and so when it comes to being dependent or trusting or having faith it's very hard to do because you've never seen it in real life and all I'm asking you on behalf of God is could you take him off of the standard of humans could could you please release what they did to you and give God an opportunity to be Abba the father who will never disappoint you the father who will be there in the midst of a trial cuz that's the only way you can truly trust you can't have faith in something that you don't believe in and I ain't even talking about crazy faith I'm talking about baby thing and today I believe God's changing some of the ideas that we've had and you're gonna be able to walk in this so how do I do that Pastor Mike well let me just give you a couple of points to so you can walk away with something today as we start this series number one faith in God comes first like like like a lot of us have faith in a lot of things but I need to tell you if you're gonna really walk in baby faith that turns into crazy faith you need to realize that faith in God comes first you have to believe that it's God's will for you to be healed delivered to prosper to live a life that is abundant like because if you don't believe it you won't expect it and if you don't expect it you will hope for it and if you don't hope for it you have now taken the fuel of faith because remember what faith is according to Hebrews 11:1 faith is the confidence in things that we hopeful and so what happens is most of us have stopped hoping therefore we stop expecting therefore when we stop expecting we stop believing and then we don't believe so we don't have faith in what ends up happening is God's got a bunch of Hollow Christians who come to church and don't have the one thing that pleases him you all know what the Bible says it says it's impossible to please God without faith not because he's trying to give you an identity complex because when you accept Jesus into your life and you give him your whole life he says you're your identity is secure you're a son you're a daughter he said but it doesn't please me because what pleases me is my will being done on the earth through your life and when you don't have faith I can't do what I plan for you in the earth and so a lot of people are going to heaven but living in hell a lot of people your eternity is secure because you had faith enough to believe for salvation but you do not have faith enough to walk in purpose cuz you don't trust that God will hold you up I'm teaching a whole bunch right now and I'm just like I'm trying to hope it gets into your soul right now that that is the reason we have to start at baby faith that you have to start believing that God has good things for me that when I read the word that applies to my life even if it didn't apply to anybody else and I don't see the results of it there's something different about me and when you start to believe that you put faith in God first let me tell you another story that happen in Matthew chapter 11 verse 22 Jesus is walking with the disciples and Jesus is hungry and I like that just it makes me feel good that all my problems in this midsection maybe Jesus had a belly and gonna be hungry anyway but Jesus was hungry one day and it was walking past the fig tree he's like I'll bet I'm about to give me some fake news right here and he went and he was like funnel the thing that's supposed to be producing fruit is no longer producing fruit this isn't how I created it you'll never produce fruit again shrivel up and die and didn't break stride he just kept walking like a gangster into the city the disciples like wow that's interesting John did you see that Peter Wow woof but they didn't see it shrivel up and die at that moment but they heard because God is Jesus and Jesus is faith he spoke to something do you know how the world was created it said by faith the worlds were formed like it was by faith he spoke it into existence so now Jesus is here and he tells something shrivel up and die and the disciples like okay Jesus tell us stuff the shrivel up and die they come back the next day and Jesus walked past the same fig trees like yeah and then and then Peter sees it and it's like yo Jesus now I don't know if you know you did this Jesus but yesterday when we walk by you was a little dizzy I think you were you you're not yourself when you don't eat I think Snickers made a commercial you were hangry and you spoke to it it's dead I believe Jesus gave him the look that he gives us many times when we're surprised when he does what he says like I don't know in my mind like sometimes like God you did it anyway and look what he said to him in verse 22 he said have faith in God like like like that's why I said faith in God comes first he was like y'all ain't got no faith in me y'all walked with me you've seen me meet your needs you've seen my grace pour over your life you've seen me save us time and time again like many people in this room you've seen me let you into doors you aren't supposed to get in you've seen me keep your mind when your family was crazy you saw me make a way out of no way have faith in God and I feel like he got a little perturbed because like like he said I tell you the truth and back in Bible days like that's like can't believe y'all I tell you the truth I can't believe y'all he said man I'm gonna tell them you could say to this and he found the biggest thing he could find again you could say to this mountain this is the second time in two chapters back-to-back where he has told them if they just had a little baby faith that they could speak to the biggest thing around and commanded to move you think depression has a hold of your life you think divorce is gonna ravage your family I feel this thing you think that financial debt is gonna come in God says if you had a baby thing you could speak to the biggest thing in your life and you could tell it to be lifted and thrown into the sea and look what the Bible says and it will everybody say will it will happen but you must really believe it like that's why I keep coming back to life but do you really believe but do you really have faith I know you come to church but but but do you believe on Monday cuz I know like I know brain do is come in but on Tuesday by faith I see a miracle but on Wednesday and many of us do not take the faith that we feel and we have charged in this atmosphere to that to that job we don't like tomorrow and God says that's where I want to show myself strong that's where I want you to believe that peace can come into this atmosphere that's where I want you to stand up and be my representative and you thought that your face was for the church he said this is a huddle we got to go run the play what would happen if a football team just stayed in the huddle y'all we gonna run this blue point two six nine up the middle but we never ran the play and so people senior like you are we about to tell them about the whoa whoa and they jumping around and the other team like that's what the church looks like a bunch of people like I know I know I know if you know to play running if you have faith if you have faith show us if you believe the Word of God let the Word of God run the play look at three people and say run the play come on run the play [Applause] run the play either God is a provider or he's not either he's Jehovah Jireh or he's not even it's the God with us or he's not run the play that's what he's telling the disciples he's like man if y'all would just if y'all would just listen to me and run this play you got stopped and blocked in the last chapter cuz you didn't have enough faith and now you sitting here surprised that when I ran the play it worked and he said I'm trying to show you these things so that you can have faith verse 24 he said I tell you you can pray for anything do you really believe it because Moses was done for a very long time of my Christian life I felt like certain things were below the God care meter right like God don't care that I get a good parking spot here but then when I looked at this Bible it's like do I really believe this or not cuz it says I tell you you can pray for anything and I don't know we want to pray for like John needs a healing he has stage 4 cancer and will die tomorrow everybody get together let's pray that is definitely the right time to pray but also the right time to pray is when somebody things come to my mind and then I have to tell myself nope don't say that how's it so y'all just seeing me think out loud all right but but but it's also time to pray okay I'll tell it like this now I'm just gonna tell the story that's all early okay I'm just good timing so my wife um my wife when we were first in our relationship she gonna kill me okay so I'm just trying to think where I'm asleep tonight so so when when me and Natalie started datin and I think we were engaged to be married I read the scripture and my faith was building like my faith was building building and so I started really putting my weight on these scriptures in like I read this mark chapter 11 scripture and it says you can pray about anything and my wife was complaining to me one day because her eyebrows had went rogue like she started losing hair or her eyebrow said one eyebrow was karate-chopping the other and it's just one acting right and you know for a lot of y'all like oh my god that's so uh like well I really believe this cuz I was hearing her talk about it and I looked at description so you can pray about anything and I know some of y'all y'all wouldn't even bother God with this but you're living beyond your privilege or below your privilege so I asked Natalie straight up I said do you want our brows I said cuz the Bible tells us that we can pray about it she said baby I want some eyebrows I said in the name in my brows I'm not lying to y'all I'm telling you the truth and we pray that God would allow whatever follicles were in her hair that weren't dyed what we're we're dying or anything we prayed them things back to life and see people like ha ha ha but she got eyebrows now so you can hate if you want to but prayer what do you believe it it ain't where she wanted to be but they ain't where they used to be hear what I'm saying and I'm being funny right now but I'm dead serious the simple fact that Jesus himself this isn't reading your Bible said you can pray about and you still don't believe it you don't even have baby faith like you want crazy faith for God to give you a company doing eyebrow makeup but you don't even pray that he could let your own perhaps and I'm using it apply it to your life apply it to your situation may be crazy faith is a song of you consistently working baby faith when I wrote down that the Spirit event center would be transformation Church and we would pay for it in ten point five million dollar that wasn't my first time exercising faith that was crazy faith but when I was in middle school I read the scripture that said write the vision down and make it plain and so I started drawing Jordan tennis shoes funny again huh hahahahaha except I became a prophetic artist cuz everything that I would take my time on it I would make sure the language right I'd use protractors I would trace see the thing is I wanted to make sure what I had I presented to God in excellence I don't have money I don't have any of these things but it was funny but I was working my faith muscle and when one shoe went from my paper to my feet I started drawing the level and and what that was happening is for some reason as vain as it was I believe God was allowing it to happen because I was building my faith that I could pray and believe and follow his word on anything and it could happen so then I graduated from tennis shoes and I told my dad I wanted a custom-made drum set and my father I thank God for my parents cuz they never crushed my faith parents hear me just cuz you didn't have the faith to believe for it do not tell your children what they can or cannot do y'all see them golf claps over there well it's not realistic that is not and they will have exactly what you did but if you take the limits off of them and point them to the Word of God they may be able to live the life that you wish you was living right now how many security as we leave the one thing about my mom and dad they never crushed my faith even when it seemed crazy I was 15 years old and I said I want a custom drum set dad he said how much did it cost I said $8,000 now I want you to imagine your 15 year old self telling your parents whoever they are I want to buy something for $8,000 my father said Wow son he said well if you have the faith to believe in God can do it that's all I needed I needed to permission to dream all I needed was somebody to give me permission to allow God to do it in my life so what did I do the only thing I knew how to do start drawing again I don't have no money I have no job I was in high school so I took protractors and rulers and I have one piece of paper I have people in here who saw me do this and I created the most beautiful drum set on a piece of paper you've ever seen in your entire life by somebody who can't draw and I would show everybody this is what God's gonna provide for me this is what God's gonna provide for me this is what god I used to carry it on the outside of my binder you know the binders where you can slip something in to see some of y'all don't know nothing about that because you didn't take books to school but for the rest of us I slipped it into the outside so when I was walking down the hallway people would something be like what's that oh this is the drum said that I'm that I'm gonna get one day my sixteenth birthday one year later my dad said we got something for you I said what you mean you got something for me he said you know that money that you've been saving up I'd save $2,000 at 15 years old for this thing that I didn't even know could happen he said give me the money you've been saving I gave it to him he said go look outside and there was the most beautiful eighth piece custom a drum set that I've ever seen in my life and he said your faith produced that now watch now watch now watch cuz some of y'all pessimist here like know your parents produce that my parents was broke it was my faith that attracted the finances through them they were not the source they were a resource that God used to be able to make his word come to pass in his child's life and so many of us do not have the faith to believe that God could do anything like that for us but I'm here to say let faith arise let faith or Allah start hoping again that God could do something like this for me so I'll tell you the truth pray for anything and if you believe that you've received it I need you to get this in your mind that you have to not just only think God can't do that you need to visualize that you have already received it God's giving us a formula to walk out baby faith he said I've given you amazing tool called your imagination it's the only thing where you can be sitting in the exact opposite of what you want and close your eyes and see yourself receiving what you want think about it you can be in a full cast and you can close your eyes and you can see yourself healed and walking again and you can see yourself running again God says I need my people to believe they've received it some of y'all need to just turn off everything and start stay in the apartment that is where you can cook and use the bathroom and sleep within one arms-length you need to think about that and then you need to believe that you've received keys to your new home and that it's paid for and that you're sitting there having barbecues in July and you'll v see y'all don't even believe it over here you need to believe that you're healed you need to believe you need to see that your family is around the Christmas table and everybody's laughing and giggling and there's no arguments and Uncle John ain't drunk outside and y'all know we got a Uncle John but you don't even believe you've received it he's given us the formula and if we could ever do that start using the imagination God's give us to visualize what he's called us to have he said you can have anything he said if you believe that you've received it it will be yours I want you to say he's not using like qualifiers like it might be it could one day be if the sky is 78 degrees and it feels good outside it he said it will be yours but when you are praying just just make sure this one thing because a lot of y'all about to get disqualified and this one verse 25 cuz I could have stopped it but I got a I got a pass to you but when you're praying oh shoot first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against dang it cuz now 75% of you wouldn't be able to walk in baby faith not crazy faith baby faith cuz you won't let those people go he's saying the thing that is the sedative to your faith is the people you won't release your faith can't go to where I want it to go cuz you won't forgive your father who wasn't there and yes he did you wrong and yes he didn't deserve to treat you like that and yes you have a right to be frustrated for the rest of your life but that means that you will forfeit the blessing of God for the rest of your life too and this at transformation Church 2019 is the year of what release and God saying if you would release them I would release it if you will release them I would release you if you would release them I will release my savour and my blessing and my influence on your life but you all forgive so your faith is useless I wonder if we could ever become a church that will let people go cuz if we let people go that's why my wife is like why are you so friendly with them and you what they did I can't let them stop what God's doing in my life I don't have to be uh uh I don't have to be all around them and be like oh but I'm not going to harbor anything in my life in my heart that's gonna stop my faith from working and that's what some of y'all came for today you you are crazy faith but you can't even qualify for baby faith because unforgiveness is cancelling out the promise of God in your life so what do you want us to do Pastor Mike I want faith to arise in your life how is that gonna happen I'm gonna give you one point and then we're gonna pick up next week and it's gonna be crazy okay read your Bible no that can't be a fast enough you see them claps it's like okay wow yeah I found out that there's only way faith happens and is ignited in you and it's found right here in Hebrews 11 chapter 1 it says now faith no no not Hebrews chapter 11 1 let's go to imma go to Romans 10:17 it says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God it's amazing how illiterate Christians are in the one book that has all our answers we think it's a historic book we think it's like a fiction novel like oh I like that David and Goliath won I like that that's a good winner and this is the only book that when you read it it reads you this is the only book that you can be feeling temptation and you start reading it and the Bible says in Psalms 119 how does a young man and young woman keep his way pure he hides himself in the Word of God even I just don't call me don't do that no no no you need to read your Bible you hadn't bothered it'll cool you all the way now y'all want to be faking the veil then today open up open up Acts when you get a booty call when you're angry put proverbs up when you about to do something you know you're right like you feel it Matthew and see if it won't start speaking to you but the problem is our faith is not built in the only thing that can build our faith we build our faith and other things and that's why you got to understand that faith as a principle that God is placed in the earth so if faith comes by hearing it's your faith is built in whatever you're hearing so if you're hearing a bunch of doubt and lies and division your faith is getting built in that thing if you're trying to stay pure but you bump in every sex song and I like to be and this is the rapid this is the thing and all of your relationships in like a Beyonce song to the left to the left you've been in 15 relationships but it's because faith comes by here and that's all you've been hearing you've been building your faith in something that cannot help you to stand you get angry and all your relationships in like Game of Thrones because faith comes by here and it's built in whatever you're hearing and so many of us will prefer our preference over God's purpose he was like man if you could just get faith like a mustard seed I don't need crazy faith from you all I need to do what I want to do in your life is baby what would happen if we just were a church who didn't like like act like we were saved and act like I was doing a miracle in our life and act like it but really walked it out so what you want us to do Pastor Mike this week everybody under the sound of my voice from watching online I want you to read your Bible for 15 minutes every day I loved it that's if I got to do an hour you don't you don't you're more consistent and checking Facebook then you are seeking his face so I'm I'm not trying to I'm not trying to create a crazy fake moment Church I want us to read our Bible for four hours every day cut off PV cut off social media let's not start with crazy let's start with baby everybody in this room can take 15 minutes 15 and read your Bible this week well pastor I don't know where to start great that's why we have a team and a church here that's gonna help you you can go to the Instagram the website the app and all this week starting tomorrow you'll be able to find places to be able to read your Bible I'm just asking what would happen if your faith was built all week we came back in here next Sunday night there would be miracles happening worship what nobody would even have to hear Pastor Mike speak because your faith would be as soon as I touch with one other believer my mark the word says if two or three of us are gathered in his name everybody else could leave he said God is in the myths matter of fact I got goosebumps I don't even gotta make it to church I just need to call one or two people who actually believe that God can do a miracle and my baby faith will turn into crazy faith but if we can't get it on the small level we'll never get it on the big level can we commit to that this week I said can we commit to that this week okay I want to pray for every person in this room cuz the day I told Charles earlier I wanted to ride the wave of what we did last week I we was gonna be jumping around here doing jumping jacks flips I had a message that what I had us pop and the Holy Spirit said that would be bad parenting if you keep your kids on a high but don't teach him why and I'm not calling nobody a kid but I am the spiritual shepherd at this house and it is my job to make sure that we're growing we're gonna see more crazy miracles but maybe God would be more pleased but not just one offs of crazy faith maybe he would be more pleased with consistent baby faith hands lifted all over this building father I pray for every person under the sound of my voice today something has started on the inside of us God I'm thanking you for every person who have felt father that maybe you forgot about what their situation is or what they have to do father I think you did you care about the details of their life today let faith arise on the inside of us I declare and I believe father God that you are giving us the hope to believe in you not just a fake facade of believing but truly putting our weight on the things and the promises that you say in your word this week as we read our word for 15 minutes every day I thank you that faith would arise on the inside of us father I think that we would believe your word father I thank you that we would trust you again and God I thank you that our baby faith would turn into crazy faith I come against depression I come against doubt I come father God even against unbelief father God that will make us say this is crazy this won't work father God it's crazy until it happens and today I thank you that transformation church and transformation nation will be a group of people that will fully believe you and we will see crazy faith but it will start with our baby faith in Jesus name if you believe it will you give God a shout of praise in astre oh come on if you why don't you give God one shot appraised [Music] listen just sit down for one second this is the most important part of our art service if you don't have to leave just stay right there because people are about to get ministered to if you're in this room and you've never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior this is about to take faith like coz some of y'all like well I don't understand like how do you believe in a God that you've never seen I feel you but you've never seen wind either and ain't nobody ever seen Wi-Fi but you believe in it could it be that there's something so amazing that's right in front of you but you just have to receive it today would you bow your head and close your eyes everybody all over the building and if you want to give your life to the only one who really knows what to do with it in just a moment we're gonna pray but it's the it's the one greatest decision that I ever made it took me from being a liar somebody who was addicted to pornography a manipulator and a bad person on the inside and it took me from from not not to be in a perfect person but a progressing president today God wants you he want you to know that His grace is extended for you if you're saying pastor I want to put my faith in Jesus Christ or I'm gonna put my faith back in Jesus Christ today on the count of three I just want you to lift your hands all over this building and online I want you to do that there's hands already going up 1 2 3 there's hands I see you ma'am I see you sir I see you sweetheart I see you ma'am I see you ma'am I see you ma'am you can put your hands down I see you ma'am today we're a family at transformation church we don't pray alone there's power in our prayer together song 1 everybody to pray this prayer say God thank you for sending your son just for me I believe he died he lived and he rose again just for me come into my life and take control change me renew me transform me I'm yours in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 1,123,270
Rating: 4.9208789 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Tulsa, Represent, God, Christ, Sermon, Jesus
Id: 0-6zYwaLTK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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