Fighting Faith | Pastor Ken Claytor

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Lord we love you we thank you have your way the devil is already mad because I'm gonna preach something today that's gonna give you some victory in your life is anybody wanting that anybody want to walk in victory what I've learned about ministry is that expectation seeds precedes manifestation there is something about the believer that just expects God to speak that causes God to speak and if you expect God to move it causes God to Moo expectation comes before manifestation I believe if you can have just crazy expectation today God's gonna speak something to your heart somebody's gonna leave out heal today somebody's going to leave out with some purpose today somebody's gonna leave out with some freedom today if you believe that just shout a man come on let's give it up for everybody who's online tuning in on you too we love you guys god bless you make sure you subscribe to the message below and I'll share this if it's going to be a blessing to you we know it will be to someone else as well we're continuing our series today called believin big alright and today I want to teach you a segment called fighting faith everybody say fighting faith come on say it like you mean it everybody say fighting faith and I really believe that today might be the most important part of our segment I mean we've been on this for several months now and actually we only have three weeks left including today and so I want you to get everything that God wants you to get out of this season out of this moment out of this Kairos moment where God is saying I want you to increase your faith because I'm a big God and I want to do some big things in your life but it's gonna require for you to believe big and so I don't want you to miss this moment but I believe this might be the most important part of our series that we've been on for several months because whether you know it or not you're in a fight and the fights fixed meaning that God is already giving you the victory but you just need to know need to know how to fight and so this is a message that I really believe should be like the most downloaded message that we've ever preached it should be the most talked-about message that we've ever preached it should be the most studied message that we've ever preached it should be like the most shared message that you've ever preached why because everybody is in a fight whether they know it or not you know somebody that's fighting for their marriage maybe you're here today and you're fighting for your mind or you're fighting for your purpose or you're fighting for your identity and you need to know how to win in battle now how many of you all were fighters growing up let me see if I show hands let me see you got in your share of fights growing up I see I see you out there okay so you know how to throw you through a hands through hands every once in a while right alright maybe you got to fight with your siblings or maybe you got to fight with somebody on your block or you got in a fight with somebody at school you know me myself I was a lover not a fighter come on about it I was a self-professed lover not a fighter and I really believed that I could kind of talk myself out of a fight I believe I could even talk myself out of a fight I could either walk away from a fight you know fighting wasn't just it just wasn't what I wanted to do but every once in a while I would find myself in a fight in a fight that I didn't want to be in not because I wanted to fight simply because my environment was making me step into a place where I had to fight what I've learned about Christianity check this out is that when you get saved there's all kinds of promises from God I mean when you when you accept Jesus you have access to the peace of God and the Bible says it's the peace of God that will guard your heart and guard your mind and that God would give you a peace that passes all of your understanding somebody shout peace when you get saved you have access not to this the world to peace I'm talking about a peace that comes from jehova sholom who is our god of peace when you get saved you have access to joy everybody shout joy the Bible talks about a joy that's unspeakable meaning you can't even talk about it the Bible talks about a joy of the Lord is your strength joy and happiness is two different things a lot of people are wanting happiness but happiness is circumstantial and if it's raining outside you ain't happy if it's sunny outside then you're happy but you can have the joy of the Lord no matter what the weather looks like come come on somebody you can have the joy of the Lord whether you're locked up or whether you're free whether you're in the hospital whether you're not in the hospital for the joy of the Lord is a supernatural revelation that ain't based on feelings when you get saved you also have a relationship with God no longer do you have this this stale religion where it's all about the rules and the regulations and what you can and cannot do now when you accept Christ you are a son and a daughter of God you can now call him Abba Father that means he wants to speak to you and he wants you to speak to him when you get saved you also have what we call eternal life eternal life doesn't happen when your spirit leaves your body eternal life happens when you say yes to Jesus when you say yes to Jesus the resurrecting power of God comes into your spirit and now you are forever you are born again that means born from above that means that you are God's and God is yours that means that you will never die so when when when your when you when you physically die and the Bible says that it's from dust you came from dust you will return it's actually a transition of Ram's meaning that the second death and this is what the Bible calls the second death it's the second death because you are eternally forever separated from God because of your sin but when you accept Jesus that no longer happens that means that your spirit in your soul is forever with Jesus and you will reign in the Millennium you will reign in the New Jerusalem for the rest of eternity with King Jesus that's what it means to have eternal life you know and I love to preach about salvation I think it's like the most powerful experience a person can have to be radically saved I'm not talking about just coming to church forget coming to church people come to church and still go to hell I'm talking about having a relationship with God where you've surrendered your life to Him it's the most powerful thing that can happen in a Christian and I love preaching about the promises of God I'm talking about the peace that passes understanding I'm talking about the joy of the Lord I'm talking about the protection the prosperity of God every promise of God is yes and amen and I love it all but what I've noticed is that sometimes us preachers we don't give you the other side of the coin that yes you're gonna have peace and you're gonna have joy and you live your days in prosperity or yours and pleasure but when you get saved you also get drafted into an army and you have an enemy against your soul that comes to steal kill and destroy this is not the pretty side of the gospel this is not the oh yes the Lord is going to give me peace and joy and it's gonna take care of my bills no this is where you got to carry your cross and you got to learn the fight and I wish that sometimes we would do just a better job at letting people know that as soon as you come through growth track that's training so that you in war that the Devils coming after your marriage and your mindset in your mantle and after you've done everything you better learn how to stand and we need to know how to how to what would engage the enemy we need to know that the violent take it by force we need to know that he's given us the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and the shield of faith and we need to know how to keep up our shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the wicked one we need to know how to we need to know how to fight so I was looking at a scripture and I want to go there go with me over to mark chapter four verse number thirteen and it was a scripture that I've been wanting to preach this for a while now but I didn't know in which context the Lord was gonna allow me to preach it in and if you get there say man and I want to give you a few objectives today if you don't mind if what I want to accomplish are you ready saying ready number one and you can write this down before we get to mark four is that today I want to help us realize that we're in a fight I want to help us realize because some of us we don't know it okay and if you don't know you're in a fight you're probably gonna get beat up the devil is so clever is that he's made a lot of people believe that he doesn't even exist some people don't believe in God and they don't believe in God they obviously don't believe in a devil and if you don't believe that your enemy exists you're probably already losing I need you to know today that according to God's Word you're in a fight okay now if you're that person that says well pastor I'm a lover and not a fighter - well I want you to know that sometimes you're gonna have to fight just because what's in your environment meaning that we're living in a fallen world where the god of this world has systems and he has things that are set up to take us away from having the abundant life in Christ Jesus and whether we want to fight or not if you're born again you're in a fight you need to realize that you're in the fight number two I want to help us realize that we already have the victory ain't that good news today we already got the victory so the Bible says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy that means that he's already a defeated foe when Jesus got on the cross he said it is finished what does that mean it wasn't just that he went to the cross that being finished but everything that he came to accomplish is finished the devil has already defeated that means that we are not fighting a fight from a position of defeat but from a position of victory meaning that I already know the end from the beginning if you want to know how it all ends up read the book of Revelation and let me give you the cliff notes we win come on somebody that's good news today we win so no matter what you got going on in your body and your mind or in your health right now I want you to know that you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you I want you to know that God is already giving you victory but all you got to do is get ready for the fight so we have the victory number three my third objective is this is to help us realize that if we want to win we got to learn to fight right we got to learn to fight right because what I've learned is that so many people they don't know how to fight you know now naturally speaking if you get in a fight you know check me out you're getting a fight you don't wanna fight like this with your thumbs up you break your thumbs alright Chuck you got to make a fist tuck your thumbs away alright if you're in a fight don't do like this because you gotta put your hands up okay try to guard your cranium you know what I'm saying you gotta learn how to fight you you don't want to fight and you don't want to be too like this because you get knocked down you got to stand like shoulders with you you got to have a little bit level of balance the last thing you want to do is get knocked down okay so there's a way that you fight but when it comes to spiritually there's a way that we fight as well and the truth is is that some of us we don't know how to fight right this is how we fight our battles prayer worship speaking the Word of God giving serving turning the other cheek many of us we fight out of our flesh and I just got to take another job and I just gotta get back at somebody cuz they got back at me and I'm going I'm going I'm going unfollow them cuz they unfollowed me and you fight and wrong and we stress cuz we just don't know how to fight right so mark chapter 4 I was looking at mark chapter 4 and I'm like okay Lord what do you want me to say for mark chapter 4 cuz mark chapter 4 is this parable of the sower if Laura kind of showed me something that I hadn't seen before in mark chapter 4 verse number 13 and let read this together so we can all go along y'all ready let's give it a shot ready read then Jesus said to them don't you understand this parable how then will you understand any parable stop right there so what Jesus is saying about this parable that we are about to read called the parable of the sower he's saying if you don't get this parable the other parables that I speak about you're not gonna get that as well meaning that you first got to get the parable of the sower for other parables to make sense so this one's important go ahead and tell your neighbor this one's important this one's important we got to get hold of this one today watch this one all right let's ready ready 14 ready read the farmer shows the word but some people ever I say some people are like seed along the path where the word is sown as soon as they hear it Satan comes and what takes away the word that was what okay and so the Bible begins to talk about some people everybody say some people and it kind of breaks down these four different kind of people or these four different kind of hearts or these four different kind of soils number one is the person who has seed among the paths okay now think of it in a farming context you have seed and you want to sow seed into what ground you don't want to take your seed and throw it on the sidewalk or throw it on the road because you know you're not gonna have a harvest or a crop but this kind of a person and I don't know who you are hopefully this is not you or those of you all who are watching this is the kind of person that when they hear the word the devil comes one translation says immediately and takes away that which was sown it's called seed among the paths all right so that's the person they come to church and they're like oh man the message which is so great today it was like pastor ken was speaking directly to me oh my god but you have the word stolen by the time you get to your car you go over the kids church and they gave your kid apple juice instead of orange juice and you get offended I can't believe I don't told them for three weeks straight don't forget they don't like apple juice okay what's happening the devil still in the word you go out to your car and wow I can't believe they let someone parked that close to me what's happening the devil still in the word and the truth is is that many of us we get a good word day that we lose by Monday or we lose by Tuesday come on somebody or we lose by Wednesday and that's why some all groups are so important that's why daily time with God is so important because the Word of God has to be hitting in your heart that you might not sin against God it needs to be meditated on and studied on it has to be applied you have to persevere with the Word of God and so this person is a person that hears but when the fight breaks out they lose it I never saw that before that this was a message about fighting that as soon as you hear the word of God if you don't fight to keep it it's gonna get stolen the next person watch this person hear others verse 16 they like seed sown on rocky places they hear the word and at once they receive it with what joy but since they have no root they last for time when trouble of persecution comes because of the word now notice that trouble and persecution doesn't come just cause you come to church or because we have a religion it comes because you hear the word some of you all have problems in your life and you're like why I'm trying to live right and do right well it's coming for the word just don't let them take the word it comes because of the word quickly they fall away so this second kind of person is what we call rocky places everybody say rocky places they hear the word of God and what do they do they receive it with joy come on y'all participate today praying to God for a church like this one the people dress so well the pastor is funny I love the music oh this is a great church but because they have no root they endure for only a time what does that mean because they never develop a root system they never allow this thing to get deep down in their spirit to where they develop roots deep down in the ground when the storms of life come and the winds begin to blow it blows them away that's why the Bible says don't be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine so you won't be tossed to and fro when you're planted see we need teaching on what it means to be rooted rooted in our marriages in our jobs some people there one job one week another job another week as long as somebody don't offend them they gonna go here and they gonna go there because they haven't developed a root system it takes time to develop roots and you want to go down before you ever build up and you want to let the word of God have you have you to be planted and rooted in the Word of God so what happens is they endure for a while so they don't have endurance so the key from this and this is a fight so what I've learned is that you know Christianity is not a sprint it's a marathon and sometimes what we do is we get so excited to the fight comes and when shots of fire we see where people really are because they don't know how to fight so they don't endure see we have some professional sprinters that are here and they will tell you that when you come out the block on 100 or 200 you gonna give it all you got tabatha now we ran a marathon about three or four years ago to Miami marathon 26.2 miles if you come out the blocks giving it everything you got you done it won a one-mile you got 25 point two more miles to go and some of us we come out so fast because we're running another person's race not our own and sometimes you're seeing someone else on Instagram or on social media and you're trying to run it their race but there is a grace for every race and there is a grace for every pace that God calls you to run in and most track people will tell you that if you look at the other person in the other lane you probably gonna go into their lane and get disqualified because you've not been called to run another person's race and you've not been called to run at another person's pace so you got to find your lane and your pace and say God if this is what you've called me to do I am planted I am rooted I am unmovable at that once you've last told me to do what's that faithfulness okay but this person they endure for a while but watch this the Bible says when tribulation that's another word of saying trouble or persecution come so when you get a bill you didn't expect or maybe you lose a job or maybe persecution somebody talked bad about you have learned in America we don't even really have persecution I'm reading a book right now about persecuted Christians around the world and how in communist countries you can't even lead one of the house groups without spending at least three years in prison for your faith and we think we're being persecuted cuz our cousin don't like us no more that ain't even persecution y'all but what the Bible says is that because of the trouble that you go through what's that a fight because of the persecution that you're experiencing people not understand your Christianity what is that a fight the Word of God is stolen from you okay now the third kind of person watch this mark chapter 4 what verse are we at verse number 18 still others like seed among what thorns they hear the word how many are here in the word today the worries of this life all right the worries I'm so worried I don't know if I'm gonna get into school I don't know if I'm getting that scholarship I don't know if I'm gonna start that new career I don't know if I'm getting married I'm single I don't know if I get a corona virus I'm wearing a wearing a wearing whether a Lord Jesus the deceitfulness of wealth you know I would get into a group right now but right now I'm just working on me you know I did the whole dream team thing at my last church and right now I just need to take care of my for in no more I need to work on my business and I need to make sure that I'm financially taken care of and it's nothing but the deceitfulness of wealth and the lust for other things think about that I just desire someone else's spouse I just desire some a life that I don't have I see what I have but you know what I want what I don't have lust is so strong this is a fight y'all so the desires for other things it enters in and it chokes the word ever been in a fight and somebody got choked out Darrell I tell you find unchoke somebody out before but this is a fight y'all it chokes the Word of God and that person becomes unfruitful but I love verse 20 it says and then the are those who a good ground or a good soil they were see they hear the word everybody I got to hear it I got to receive it somebody said I got to receive it and then they bring forth fruit or a crop some 30 some 60 and some what hold on hold on so God's Word is a hundred for seed somebody say man what that means is that it has it is optimum maximum power meaning that there's nothing wrong with the Word of God now a hundredfold seed should produce what kind of harvest a hundredfold harvest this ain't hard yard a hundredfold seed should produce what kind of harvest but if you read mark chapter four the majority of people have a hundredfold seed they here but they have absolutely no harvest then there is a small portion of people that have a hundredfold seed but they only produce thirty some produce sixty in a very small amount of people that hear the gospel message take a hundredfold seed and produce a maximum optimum amount of harvest why because there's warfare between the sowing of the seed and the manifestation of the harvest and most people ain't ready for the fight are y'all with me today is a hundredfold seed when we hear the word of God preached this same word that is being preached raises people from the dead and people are being healed from cancer and marriages are being restored but if you're that kind of person there's like I don't know if I want to do this you have absolutely no harvest even though it's a powerful word that could change your life if it was sowed into the right kind of ground so this is what I've taken from this passage of Scripture number one is that you have to you have to guard your heart or better yet tender soil okay so whenever you hear a gospel message it is a seed that is being sewn through the ear gate into the ground of your heart that's why the Bible says guard your heart above all else for out of it flows the issues of life all right and so the issues are coming from this arena right here number one number two what I take from this passage is that this is about spiritual warfare this is about spiritual warfare now I want to speak with you are you guys doing ok ok I want to speak with you about spiritual warfare today you to get this okay God's promised you victory all right many times when people speak of spiritual warfare they go way too far to the left or way too far to the right too far to the left everything is a devil everything is the spirit you know the lights go out oh we rebuke the spirit of lights out know somebody just didn't paid a bill come on it ain't that deep come on so they go way too far to the left or they go way too far to the right and they're saved but they don't even understand the Holy Spirit they don't understand the spiritual cosmic rebellion they don't understand demonology they don't understand that you are in a fight there's a devil that comes to steal kill and destroy so we don't want to be too far to the left we don't want to be too far to the right we kind of want to be right here where we understand that everything is not the devil matter of fact a lot of your battle is not the devilish your flesh that's a whole nother message for another day so everything is not a devil however there is spiritual opposition that you cannot see and it is very very real let me give you a practical example so we started most of you guys know this campus Orlando campus is four months old and I think it's looking very good for four months I love you guys so much you're doing a great job thank you so much for serving on the dream team and getting plugged in and all the things that you do when we started our interest meetings before we launched our church October 20th we had these interest meetings and I remember we would have stuff at the house and it was so intimate because we're taking a small group of people and we're getting ready for the launch and there was a young lady who was coming and she was so fired up man she had finally found a church that she just loved and actually through the processes of going through the interest meeting she felt a call to Pastor or in her life and she says you know what I'm called to be a pastor I was like okay how many all know your gift will make room for you you don't have to come and chase us down all you got to do is let senior leadership know and then just be faithful over what you was last told to do and your gift will always make room for you but something happened if she was going through some things on a per in her personal life and she just vanished okay there's about three months ago and so we call and we text and we check say hey what's going on with you and she says well I'm just going through some things in my personal life what's that warfare and the crazy thing about warfare is people are involved in warfare and they have no idea they just offended about something or maybe they got so busy doing a good thing they forgot the god thing they don't know that you finally found a church that is speaking to your destiny and you finally answered a call of God to move into the highest office that is in the land but now you can't even show up warfare and I want you to win there was another guy who at the beginning of our series I did a message called giving faith and if you're a person and you have any financial struggles make sure you get this on youtube or if you're a business owner God's been really good to you you need to make sure that you worship Him right with that which he blesses you with it's called giving faith it's a part of a believing big and I was teaching practically not what you have to do I'm preaching like what we've done over the last 20 years and there was a guy who's been struggling in his faith for many years but he was there in that service and he texts me afterwards and he's like pastor can I'm ready to live for God I'm ready I want to give I want to get ready to go over and above and my giving I want to do all of this stuff I haven't seen him since that day I spent three months ago what's that it's warfare see he finally makes a decision then I'm gonna put God first and I'm gonna come out of being and being lukewarm but all of a sudden he gets hit with with other things I remember years ago there was a guy that um had been unfaithful in his marriage and we decided to counsel him you know the Bible talks about when someone messes up and they fall into sin let he who is spiritual restore the one who's messed up and be gentle with them now restoration really goes both ways okay spiritual restoration those who are senior leaders have to be willing to restore but those who have made mistakes have to be willing to be restored nobody needs to be chasing you around to be restored which somebody say man but anyway he had been married for 10 years and so we said now what in the council it was like hey so why did you cheat on your spouse after 10 years and this is what he says he says because I don't think I ever was in love with her like we got married because of family members and other things but I don't think that I ever really loved her and so he had believed in his mind that he's made a ten-year mistake subconsciously he felt that then it was okay since he's been in a loveless marriage for 10 years to step out on his wife long story short he destroyed destroyed his family in the blue you know messing up the call of God that was on his life why was there warfare in the enemy used what I call the greatest tactic you know because the enemy has a bunch of tactics and the Bible says don't be ignorant of the devil's devices and one of his greatest devices is he's a liar like really oh he's just lying he's lying to some of y'all right now he's lying about your destiny he lies about your sexuality he lies about your purpose he lies about your past he lies about how God could use you he is the father of lies he don't just lie he is a liar it all comes from the devil he's a liar that's who he is and the best Liars make a truth look like a lie and a lie look like a truth and he and for whatever reason God has decided to give him access to the arena of our thinking and so what he does is he sits back the enemy and he throws what the Bible in Ephesians six calls fiery darts and he tells you that you're never gonna make it out I don't know why you're trying that anyway nobody loves you nobody's even thinking about you nobody even appreciate you you shouldn't have got married that was a mistake from like he hits you on both sides he'll tell you you know what you're getting old and if you're gonna keep this man you need to sleep with him and then you go sleep with him and then he makes you feel bad because you did it and say now that you look you're washed up you don't want nothing to do with you he wants to hit you with guilt condemnation and fear and embarrassment he wants to do everything that he can to make sure that you never have the abundant life you're in a fight and you gotta learn to fly rides and my preaching okay to anybody who's here today this ain't nothing but warfare guys so we got to learn to fight right and God has already given us the victory you know Tabitha now we've been walking with the Lord for 19 years now and we've experienced some great victories some of our great victories she was diagnosed depressed for 12 years of her life and God healed her and she's been free now for 19 years come on give up and give it up for the Lord 19 years no more medication no more therapy it's good to be saved our marriage was headed for divorce I literally had a plan to divorce my wife our first year of our marriage there was this singer she was famous and I said hey I'm going and this is a horrible story I know but whatever this was a long time ago I said I'm gonna go to go to Cancun to you know the MTV Party thing and if I meet so-and-so I ain't coming back home true story God got hold of my heart taught me how to love her and serve her and honor her now we've been married for 20 years and we're best friends come on give Jesus praise only God can change a man like that he can change anybody if you let him you know when we first got married we had over $100,000 of debt we lived in a one-bedroom apartment with roaches and mice our needs had needs I literally remember getting up in the middle of the night crying because I did not know how to get out of debt I had that kind of financial pressure and what God decided to do at 22 years old is put me in a church that taught me how to put God first and my giving and I started to tithe and to live a holy life and to lead off with that as a form of worship to God and in four years of doing that we went from owing $100,000 a debt to giving $100,000 first year of our marriage our combined income was $10,000 for the year by the fifth year of our marriage our combined income was 750 thousand dollars for the year and I'm not saying that God's gonna do that just because you this is some formula what I'm saying is that God watches over his word to perform it he is waiting for you to learn how to fight right now here's the thing some of you all trust your ability you trust your degree you trust your hard work you just say I'm gonna drive uber until 3 o'clock in the morning to pay this off and I'm gonna Rob God it ain't gonna work that way you're gonna kill yourself early because you've not been graced to take matters into your own hands for us not by my might or by my effort but it's by his spirit saith the LORD and there comes a place in your maturity where I'm surrendered to the plan of God I realize now that God has a better plan for my life than what I have and that if I keep driving this car I'm gonna get into a wreck but what I'm gonna do is allow Jesus to take the wheel and I'm not just gonna get in the passenger seat i'ma get in the back seat and say wherever you want to take me God that shell that will I go to do you hear what I'm telling you today [Music] 19 years we've seen God do amazing things but we've also had our share of battles it would seem like if you just love God and you live a holy life it would just be like this street paved with gold I could live my days and prosperity in my years and pleasure I love those verses that helo just daily wit benefits there's no good thing will he withhold from them that walk it right he gives us the power to get wealth I love to stay on that side I don't like the side over here with the carrying your cross and how we're supposed to glory in tribulation and how we're supposed to suffer like Jesus suffered I don't want to read all of that Jesus I kind of like this out over here and so over 19 years we've been attacked at our health and I've seen attacks happened in our relationships I've seen the tax happening on ministry on our team you don't think you're just gonna come into a city like Orlando and not have warfare like the devil just don't let you go into multiple campuses with multiple cities and just say oh yes just here you go just get a bunch of people say it's okay no you got to learn how to fight remember years ago my son was born and he's he was born and it was actually one of the easiest pregnancies that she had had the easiest delivery that she had she gave birth to Kenny how much did he weigh I think it was over 10 pounds just under 10 pounds she pump out some big giant babies right and you know how it is when you first give birth to her baby any mothers in the house today you won't skin the skin you won't you know just to begin to nurse you can do all those things but Kenny when he was born he had this long problem and they thought that he wasn't going to make it so as soon as he was born they rushed him off to a special hospital they took him from the hospital we were act and they rushed him over to the ICU in the first 14 days of his life we didn't know if he would even live he was hooked up to all these machines and I remember when they first came to get my son like I'm a girl dad I got two older girls but I was believing God for a little boy and I remember as they took him away the paramedics came in and said we got to take him to another hospital he'll meet us over there later on my wife was sitting in a chair with tears coming down her eyes but I heard of praying in other tongues under her breath because when you don't know what to do you just need to know how to fight right listen you can worry you can go drink more you can go smoke more you can you know get on your Ouija board you can do all kinds of ungodly stuff trying to figure out the future but what if you just go to God who knows yo tomorrow today what if you just say you know what god I don't know what to do but I'm gonna pray and the Holy Ghost until stuff shifts somebody shouts shift and so I saw that happen and I saw that have a strong she's very very strong she's a pie needless to say y'all know my son is alive he's eight years old now God healed them after those 14 days and now he's doing well he still has asthma from eight years ago so we're believing God God would heal it and allow him to run like other children and be able to speak and worship and do the things that he wants to do as a young man and I say all of that just to let you know that you really have to determine like when the shots are fired how you're gonna fight your balance I'm looking at my son now and there was a respiratory therapist you know the person as soon as the baby's born they're there the tap on the foot to check his lungs with the respiratory therapist he actually goes to our Gainesville campus Amy we were having lunch together six months ago at Francesca's Italian restaurant in Gainesville he set there and he said pastor can and your son was born he didn't look good as a medical profession I didn't think it was he was gonna make it he says but now when I see him running around here he is a modern-day miracle and two grown men set in that restaurant and we just cried about the goodness of God and how no matter what we go through if we don't give up if we don't give out God's still gonna give us the victory this is the victory that overcomes the world it is my faith and I gotta have faith in God and no weapon formed against me shall prosper it might be formed but it ain't gonna prosper you might come a time I teen acht down but I'm not knocked out I'm getting up I'm gonna fight again I'm gonna believe again you got to learn how to fight y'all and this here I need you to hear this today I need somebody to hear this today because see what happens is when stuff that's wrong comes at us we retreat when we should advance the best defense is a better offense if the devil hits you hit him back if the devil listen if you're attacked on your body with sickness go to the hospital and pray for more people if you're attacked in your finances give more don't give less don't come to church less be the first to come to the house of God get your face prostate on the floor and worship God until something shifts don't you dare let the devil talk you out of your destiny you've been made for this moment you've been created for this cause you've been positioned for this purpose and this is how we fight I wish I had somebody that understood the Thursday power in your praise I wish I had somebody in this church that would stand up on their feet and begin to declare that your tomorrow is better than your today the yesterday's knows don't equal tomorrow's yeses that your letter is gonna be greater than the glory of your former does anybody believe that today shout if you believe it come on us a shout if you believe come on dance and clap and worship our King God we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name we worship you we worship you we worship you my friend Charlie here there's our became to come up real quick grab a mind remember my crook which is called aesthetically [Music] you know Mike I want to show you guys so see this is how I fight my battles [Music] this is how a fine my bed was all my minions you see this you see this right here when you go home please just have a fight where the hell is breaking out all around you hey when you are confused when you're fought for your life with depression and suicidal thoughts and the devil tell you that you'll never win you need to remind him that I can do all things [Music] [Music] my battles this is how fighting our battles this is how to find my bad words let's just have a fight my last Isis how find my it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you she's house he may look like I'm surrounded found surrounded by you he may look like I'm surrounded I'm surrounded by how you can you lift that up say you may look like I'm surrounded I'm surrounded by this is how to fight my bad this is how this is how but this is how I find my barrows [Music] this is how I find my bears I'll give you one more scripture of first Timothy chapter 6 I'm out of time today I'm gonna preach part to this next week as I was studying I had too much for one Sunday and I just feel the Lord saying let's just extend this the next week so I talked about the battle today next week we need to talk about the victory but I want to leave you with this scripture it's not a suggestion it's a command tell somebody around you this is a command it says fight the good fight of faith say pastor I'm a lover not a fighter he doesn't matter because of what's happening in the world right now if you don't learn how to fight right you can get beat up by the enemy fire and it's not a good fight if you lose I don't know if you saw the wild or fury fight Wilder heavyweight champion this week is a bad week for Bob cuz he lost it's no good fight if you lose fights only good if you win so when he says fight the good fight of faith that means I've already went to Calvary's cross I've already sold the keys of death hell and the grave from the enemy I've already paid the price for every abortion every lie every mistake every bad decision I've already done it on the cross all you gotta do is suit up and get ready to speak my word as a soldier in the army of the Lord this is how I fight my battles in here come on sing and this she shall find my bad this is and we say this is how I find my bad years before your finger this is how I find my parents [Music] I really feel the Holy Spirit wants to do something unique and special today I hear the Lord saying this that some of you all he's calling deep is also calling you higher but some of us we've been distracted as a person just moving to Orlando I see the strikes distraction is in the environment and we're going for so many good things that were missing the god thing God is asking us to reposition a heart around him to where we keep our mind stayed on him he keeps us in perfect peace if I chase after your face I'll get what's in your hand I will not be moved I will not be shaken I will not be destroyed by the battle god we want to know you better and serve you more faithfully how many of you all are in a fight let me see by show hands fight for your family all y'all hard to find I was gonna have you pray for each other but yo know [Music] if you're in a fight come to the front I'll just pray over you myself fight for your family fight for your bed fight for your purpose fight for your sanity that was a crazy appeal because we're all in a fight I just preached it's okay including myself we're in a fight but the fight is fixed come when everybody touch the body grab a shoulder grab a soda which hands when somebody's back we're big family everybody's talkative [Music] we prophesied that though your ladder will be greater than the glory of your former the God is taking the mess of your life and is going to give you a message the God is perfecting things concerning you right now and then just like Jesus prayed to legions of angels they were praying that God sends legions of angels six legions which is over 72,000 ministering spirits warring on your behalf right now we pray they just like Daniel begin to speak the word of the Lord and there was a spiritual battle in the heavenly realm with the Prince of Persia with the stood the angel of the Lord 21 days but the angel of the Lord came because of the word we declare that right now whatever has been holding back the hand of God and the blessing of God and the provision of God for moving that which is wrong out of your life we declare that there is victory in the only signorina right now God you've given us authority and you've given us Dominion in this dimension so we use that right now and we declare that our family shall be saved we declare that our marriages are on top that our relationships are restored that the lies of the enemy the voice of the enemy the voice of a stranger that we will not follow that we acknowledge you and all of our ways and you will direct our path and so God we just pray for every person right now that's in a battle that's in a fight that we won't take the fight into our strength alone but God now we ask for you to cover us we asked for your wisdom your grace is truly sufficient so we speak to those who are in a fight for your health and we declare health and healing is yours we speak to those they're in a fight for discouragement and sadness and depression we break its power we declare you have the joy of the Lord and the joy of the Lord is your strength we speak to those who have confusion and they don't know which way to go and the devil is warring with them and they haven't been able to sleep we declare that he gives his beloved sweet sleep and from this day forward we declare that you will begin to use your weapon that you will lift up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God that you will put up the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and all of the lives of the enemy will be exposed and you'll begin to laugh at the lie you'll begin to laugh at the lie like who you say I am I am who God says I am and God is watching over his word to perform it in my life and there ain't no devil in hell they can stop what God is doing in me right here and right now so come on Saints let's begin to lift up our city we lift up Orlando right now we come against the spirit of this age we come against every distracted force god we pray right now for those that are far from you those who say I'm a Christian but I don't believe in organized religion remove the blindfold off of their heart and mind God give them a love for your bride give them a love for your house God let us not do this the way we want to do it God we want to do it the way you want us to do it so god we pray right now that you remove the blindfolds off the heart and the mind of the masses in our city and we pray right now from the north the South the east and the west of four corners we declare the winner of the Lord is blowing right now it's blowing on dead dry bones and that which has been dead it's coming to life again we prophesy revival that which has been dead their hopes their dreams dead marriages dead ambitions we declare that muscles are coming upon those bones skin is coming upon those bones and that which is dead is living again God we praise you for an anointing to make bad things come to life come on somebody and shout come on somebody and praise them praise them like you believe it right now like you see your boss is coming to salvation your family members coming to salvation our kids won't be lost they will live fully funded for the king in Jesus name whoo was that good let's do this anybody here need to be saved today you want to give your heart to Jesus lift up a hand maybe you're not sure if you're born again not sure if you're saved that's in your hand anyone else say I want to be right with God and want my sins to be forgiven I see your hand I see your hand and if I say I need the relationship with God religion and don't do you put your hands down come on let's pray this prayer together say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward I'm Yours you're mine I'm your child you're my father observed in Jesus name come on put your hands together I pray that that message blessed you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you got to go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,487
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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