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[Music] good morning everyone hope you're having a great day we're going to the flea market today main goal liquidate everything i'm okay with somebody getting a good deal great deal resellers even better make your money but put your ass down in the comments as to how much we'll make and let's go on the road just arrived here it's about 6 a.m now and this place is dead empty this is our first time back since the post-apocalyptic covet thing so there's like three cars here and there used to be like 30. i don't know how this is gonna go but i'm out of here by ten we got four hours that's all we can sell get rid of what we can get rid of we're gonna be giving people such cheap deals it's gonna annoy the crap out of you so let's do it [Music] five three two dollars a piece you do twenty five a dollar for both um five bucks thank you thank you me too i told you i come to pay my debt i know okay 25 all together right yes what the hell is hot water thank you good morning i i i need your um signature before you leave california okay morning i saw i saw your video last night yeah four for dollar dollar piece five bucks right okay thank you yeah they're pretty out there thank you thank you so much you're welcome i agreed to keep that right yeah all right thank you want to take this and fill a bag of toys no you can have them for free for no money no why that's a good deal you can have a whole bag of uh toys for free if she wants to go through this too wash your hands and say your prayers because jesus and germs that's cool that's good you found that yeah it was right out here friday and i thought you know how appropriate right right how about 25 for all how about 20 bucks deal 40. yeah yeah it works i was just using in my garage the other day i just don't use it that often and this right here is why i love this flea market remember i told you we started at six right look at my phone now it's 6 40. it's been 40 minutes and look at how much money we've made already in 40 minutes i think it's up to like 260 plus the one so close to 300 and it's only been 40 minutes this is why we can get in and out by 10. maybe a pain sometimes but you know what that kind of fast money it's just worth it what are you asking about it you can get more oh more channels i have no idea i know it's some kind of cable box but i don't know yeah i mean i don't know for sure you want to take a gamble it's five bucks i'm hoping to find someone that has poles that just needs a tent sorry about that five bucks for both of us thank you um if you're looking for shoes it could be in that blue tote over there too but honestly i'm not sure thank you three oh it's sold yeah thank you two thank you all right eight from the country tell me how many you're interested and i'll give you a deal i don't really have a set price for any of them we have disney ones right here too for those um excuse me too you're welcome have a good one thank you man thank you that's pretty cool how does that work listen here no it won't pop what do you want me to do oh my gosh for this part right here don't ever think you're having to look at me five bucks for both of them five bucks on the chest thank you thank you two thank you everything and anything one dollar make a paula give you a good deal fill a bag for a dollar anybody want a bag [Music] you want to fill a bag for a dollar fill a bag for a dollar do you want to fill a bag for a dollar or you can fill this bag for a dollar just fill it up for a dollar put other stuff in there [Music] fill a bag for a dollar fill a bag for a dollar i don't know about the strategy thank you sir um i just need somewhere to put the stuff i just don't want to dump it on the ground [Music] i have a blue one over there that's empty that's the blue one over there do you want that one i'll take a dollar for that one thank you is that one all right thank you salary thank you thank you [Music] free free free everything free everything needs to go come get it for free hold totes all boxes free don't make a mess please [Music] oh boy a couple minutes after nine and we are already out of there unfortunately we didn't sell everything we have a little bit of stuff left but it's only maybe 20 percent of the stuff we came with so you know what we cleared out a lot we made pretty good money considering we were only there for three hours so when we get home we'll count it all out and let you know what we got now we're home let's count everything up so we went by the grocery store and we actually spent 31 dollars so you know subtract 31. or add 31 to this but we kept 25 here in one dollar bills because well we didn't have any change today there was a little bit awkward if we want to go back again if we wanna have a yard sale you know it's probably best to have change so that's 25 bucks plus the five that's 30. that's 30. and that's 300 luckily they only had 300 bills for me i like hundreds so we have 300 330 360 plus the 31 that's been earlier so like 391 just under 400 for approximately three hours of work you know what i call that i call that quick and easy money most importantly we got rid of all the stuff we wanted to get rid of but if you enjoyed the video guys leave it a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 33,518
Rating: 4.9254236 out of 5
Keywords: selling stuff at a flea market, selling stuff at a flea market 2020, how to sell at a flea market, selling stuff at flea markets, flea market, selling stuff, flea market flip, flea market sellers, flea market selling, flea market selling ideas, flea market selling tips, flea market tips, fight at flea market, selling vintage at flea market, selling art at flea markets, selling at flea markets, selling at flea markets tips, selling tools at flea markets, making money
Id: Z6xzHwY8gkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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