FGHT Dallas: The Things That Will Shortly Come To Pass

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bow before him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Therese [Music] freeze warning [Music] and real good [Music] what's the hatch the color I'm gonna clap your hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they can see that they can ain't mad easy to love I love a man you I love you a man I want you to know and I want you to feel it and I want it to be real to you gotta be more than words I love you and I mean it and touch somebody and tell them and I'm praying for you a man a man don't just just tell me that a man if you tell me you're praying I want you to pray tell you that in passing you know I'm praying for you man by the time that food hit the bottom of that stomach they sleeping you got your trial by yourself you gonna tell me you praying for that hey man I want you to pray because the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous me it avails much bad it means a lot it it brings about great results and I think up tonight we appreciate the lord of our first lady don't we think God for leader Danielle Amen we think God for dr. Shirley Murray the man in Lord and we thank God for pastor Melina don't we a man back with us tonight hey man hey man we appreciate the Lord and for all of you even maybe I don't know your name or where you're from but I want you to know that you're welcome to here at full gospel at all times and I want to thank God for those that are joining us a man members up the cyber church we thank God for them Amen full gospel clap your hands for all of those a man that had watch I was I was in the store the other day and a wonderful man of God a pastor pastor Sosa and his son a man they came up and they introduced themselves and pastor Sosa says I have a an alert on my phone and whenever you all come live on YouTube it sends me an alert and I want you to know that I watch you all in it and you know I appreciated that that that that that bit of encouragement and maybe I don't know all of your names amen but listen to all of you that are faithful viewers I think God for you amen and because you prayed for us and you're hanging here with us and we honor the Lord for each and every one of you our goal amen our highest desire is not to be famous a man you know there's a we're not trying to be the biggest thing I don't try to hang out with everybody you don't seem in everybody's convincing with my head all in the back of the shot and all that that ain't even what it's about a man we're trying to spread this gospel we want to preach the word amen so that men are saved that delivered and they're set free by the power of our God this is Tuesday night amen family night and I tell you I'm looking forward to what God will do look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and gentlemen I am a lover of the word of our God I love it tonight I love mine and I brought mine you got yours don't you come on hold that power oh thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God amen and I said every week and I'll continue to say it amen if you come to church I want you to have a Bible with you a man to follow along with the preacher no matter who's preaching Amen I love you a minute I don't I feel God too much to lie to anybody but you can't take nobody's word for what God is saying you got to know his word for yourself he shall know the truth and the truth that you know is the truth that sets you free and so I want you ain't meant to follow along in the word of the Lord Amen if you don't have a Bible it meant you can get one Amen somebody even buy you one if anybody here tonight you don't have one just just just just let me know what I buy you one tonight everybody got a Bible you got a Bible anybody don't have a Bible if you don't have about raise your hand look at God all these by book everybody got a Bible did everybody bring they rhyme that was awful was only good tonight I don't know if I've come to be Dumber hey get your cousin everybody else he bribed everybody Bible no I'm not limited time offer the sale is over as of now a man but I want you to bring your Bibles to the house of the Lord a man it's important so many times they tell us we are not leave home without our credit cards and and that is important amen you know Mithen seems worse at the time than going to pay for something that you don't already ordered and you don't have cash on you and then you're reaching don't even have you your card on you you know I've been there a man that that that's embarrassing a man they'll tell you that don't leave home and some of you go back home if you leave your cell phone hey man I almost had worked reached down to make a call don't have your cell phone you're calling I'm gonna be late some happen on the road and then I get turn right around and go back home and get yourself owned eight man you leave your purse on the table you turn around and go back and get your purse and certainly all of those things are very important but nothing is as as vital and important as the word of the Lord this should be a part of your daily routine reading studying and praying concerning the word of the Lord the Bible says you're abandoned as frontlets over your eyes that means keep it ever before you so that you'll always remember amen the things that matter it's not our cell phone it's not our cards it's it's not the things that we have acquired what matters more at the end of the day is knowing the word and making sure that our lives line up with the word of the Lord the book of Revelation chapter number one and I want you to simply read the first verse and then I want you to come with me at the second Thessalonians the second chapter and let's read verses one through verse number ten amen that's Revelation chapter number one verse number one and then let's go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 verse one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten revelation one and one with your habits say Amen read what the Bible says the revelation of Jesus Christ uh-huh which God gave unto him which God gave unto him to show unto his servants to show unto his servants things things it is now which must shortly come to pass which must shortly come to pass things which must shortly come to pass this is the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto John concerning things that the Bible says must shortly come to pass so it's not a fairy tale liebe and this is just something more than allegorical expression this this is the account of things that must shortly come to and you know people look at Revelation as if it's just symbolic rhetoric no the Bible said that what you see contained in this book are the things that must shortly come to pass read and he sent uh-huh and signified it by his angel unto his servant John by his angel unto his servant John 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 verse number 1 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ uh-huh and by our gathering together unto Him read that you be not soon shaken in mind that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled don't be troubled haha neither by spirit not by spirit nor by word nor by word nor by letter don't let what we have written to you concerning or what anybody would write unto you oh let that disturb you don't let it trouble you read as from us AHA as that the day of Christ is at hand as the days that the day of Christ is at hand because so many people and we see that Amen even in first Thessalonians we see how some had even declared that the rapture had already taken place to catch it away had already taken place but no it's not sold the day of the Lord is at hand it's closed now Amen we had missed it it's right around the corner really let no man deceive you let no man deceive you aha for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first accept that come a falling away first read and that man of sin be revealed that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God he opposes God he exalts himself above anything that is called God or that is worshipped uh-huh so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God he's gonna even sit in the temple of God showing himself that He is God and try to prove to everyone that he is God we remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things uh-huh and now you know that with hope what withholdeth what he might be revealed in his time that he might be revealed in his PACU and now you know what withholdeth that he may be revealed in his time he cannot be revealed right now this is not the time of his revelation but something is holding him back bring for the mystery for the mystery of iniquity doth already work it already works only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out and that word let actually means restraints or with holes only he that now he will take out of the way and how did he know who that restraining spirit is who is it he's the Holy Ghost that man of sin cannot be revealed as long as the Holy Ghost is still operating in the church watch the Holy Ghost has been removed out of the way him that man of sin that lawless one the son of perdition then he can be revealed but right now it's not the time of this revelation ring and then show that wicked be revealed and shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume ah with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his cunning this strong with the brightness of his coming even him even him whose coming is after the working of Satan make is after the working of Satan he's going to be somebody that is empowered by the devil himself somebody who is going to be a walking talking living breathing vessel through whom Satan himself is going to work and going to operate in the world that we live in right now we see the power of Satan himself he's not just going to be demon-possessed read what the Bible says with all power at all power in signs aha and lying wonders that don't mean all power amen in the record that God has all power he's great to have all of Satan's power amen amen God God is still going to rule and reign payment but Satan is going to place all of his ability behind this one man free and with all deceivableness iva says with signs and lying wonders not only lying wonders and signs but he's going to have the power of persuasion with all deceivableness because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saying those that are going to be up under its persuasion or those that don't love the true those that would not hear the love of the truth amen the truth of love and fall in love with that truth and you know this should be a lesson to all of us now this should be a warning to every one of us now Amen that we've got the hold hold to the truth that God has revealed to us in the world we've got to make sure of the [Laughter] reason why God has sent us the truth the truth the truth it's because it takes the truth wait you loose from the paths that Satan has around but that's not God's will for us to be ready y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you tonight we see now we noticed what everywhere we look that people are playing around they don't even realize the times that Jesus is coming on television and what they call religious programming Jesus is coming so much that we have been told these services all these television broadcasts that we are sit in the gospel around the world and still not warning people indications giveth it's gonna be one day soon something is going to happen and he's gonna throw the world into chaos brothers sisters sons and daughters I want to talk to you tonight about the things that will shortly come to pass we don't take a few weeks to deal with this the things that will shortly come to pass much but not all of what we read about in the New Testament concerns or deals with the hey of the church the church age even though the church age we are age for the kingdom of God and what we see we see the truth we see the object realities we see the fulfillment prophecy the Christ and so now what to publish a man and that work is to do what he would do here on the shoulders of those of the mark of the beast is coming remember that amen I don't wanna be here [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] lower than our Savior Jesus Christ [Applause] because we don't have a long time to share our time has to be spent telling people that Jesus is coming and he's coming soon so that whether they meet him in the half on the other side of the grave they'll be found faithful and ready to meet the Lord we want to know him much about the return of our Christ even from pulpits we don't we don't hear many people preaching about Jesus coming again that daresay that the average church member knows the word rapture but to understand what it's all about we think everybody's going up in the rapture I told you I was in class and the teacher was talking and making fun of those that believe in the rapture and one student raised his hand while I was sitting there listening to this foolishness and one student said ah ha ha ha so so you mean to tell me that that people still believe that that one day Jesus don't come and all of us just gonna float up into the sky I said not all of us amen people think everybody is going up with him when he comes but the Bible says the dead in Christ shall rise first everybody ain't going cuz everybody's not in Christ and then we which are alive and remain those of us that are living in Christ we shall be caught up to meet them that is what's going to happen but until then we toil we labor until we go home now with jobs as the church as the people of God our jobs and not to be liked by everybody you know people tell me if y'all don't preach so hard against this then maybe you can have more people I don't want more members I want sons and daughters of the kingdom hey man everybody else could have members I want sons and fathers have a few people that's really going to help out of the people and all of them just about going to hell because they are not save according to the Word of God the same according to the word of a preacher I want you to know today that our job is to go out and tell him that he's coming when he came the first time John he's in the wilderness and repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand he's coming again so what is the message we should be preaching if when he came the first time John said you gotta repent because the kingdom is at hand since we know he's coming a second time what is the universal message that's a trash should be preaching in this tower we should be telling people and his comedies coming soon we don't hear much about it but the Bible makes it clear that it is a fact y'all listen to what I'm telling you wake up you listen it's a fact he's coming Jesus himself points us to a day of the father's choosing when he's going to call him and say it's time and he's going to send him back together all of those that are right and ready to go back with him at his appearing Jesus talks about it yes he does even tells us a man that there will come a day a man with that would be wars and rumors of wars and we would know that his coming is nigh when we see all of these sides he says then I want you to look up Oh God because my coming is not that hold it does Jesus talked about it in the gospel record but even in the book of acts the second chapter we see it the Bible gives us and records the words of two men that stood in the air wearing white apparel very confused and broken [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] but it's the people and he say not only that but we see in first Thessalonians the fourth chapter I believe it's the 13th through the 18th verse the pub against encourage those in the church I don't know with the word is that found in the scripture [Applause] [Music] he's going to catch us away he's going to separate like from the wrong he's going to separate those that were really saved from those that just enjoy the church service he's going to separate those that are ready from those that were playing around and I want you to hear me tonight this stuff that I'm preaching is in the Word of God God's going to use amen to speak doing a whole lot of things but whose warning people that you don't want to be left back I love these churches you think we could get everybody to speak with one collective voice and tell a lost in down world he's coming but people don't want to be ridiculed hey you don't want to be put out there they don't want to be made fun of and so they preach that's socially acceptable messages messages that people won't have a problem with be good follow laws and save your money get a business pay your house hourly and all of those are great things but what would that matter if you woke up in the morning and half the world was gone oh and I know what people say yeah I won't let him them them holding this folk scare me with that kindness and you got Church people that are a few the biblical account and I don't believe in our list you know and I don't he read revelation cuz cuz I I when I was younger Pope used to try to scare us and again save without through revelation and so I don't listen it's not a point of scaring you and they're getting saved it's a point of me telling you the truth so even if you don't get saving you get left behind and this your know what's gonna happen I was sitting there thinking and you know they had a movie about being left behind years ago and in the movie they had a tape a videotape it was that long ago a videotape in the back of the church just in case there were people who were left behind after the rapture because you know that's gonna be the first place people go people that won't come to treasure now if they walk in and they see somebody evaporate and disappear I can tell you now where most of them gonna go this place is going to be packed to the rafters and we need to leave a tape somewhere where people know where to find it so that when he comes and I'm not here anymore I can leave word on record to tell you there's no place to run and there's no place to hide jesus said to she'll be in the field one shall be taken and the other one is gonna be left this is what what Jesus said this stuff that I'm preaching somebody won't get you out the crowd [Music] [Music] [Laughter] because know Santa's going back with Jesus when he come Satan got kicked out because sin was found in him you mean God's go open up the gate and just let sin walk back into the streets ain't no sin going back Bibles let us go happen in the moment in the twinkling of an eye it's like blinking your eye and just that quick it's over I tell it all the time that's quicker than a hiccup and if you can't repent in the time that you blink your eye how many words can you got your mouth in the blink of an eye so if you think you're gonna be able to repent when he shows up you're sadly mistaken you've got people now that are playing around and the devil done got some people that accept the fact that they gonna be left behind you know I used to be one of them foolish people I told you I used to I used to every night before I went to bed I'd lay on the bed and I would say Jesus coming back tonight because the Bible says no man knew the day nor the hour and I figured it by saying that that meant he couldn't come back cuz then if he did then I would have guessed it since no man know the day nor the hour I felt like my little confession he coming back tonight missing he can't come down cuz I was right [Applause] used to be a time when people wonder where does this go happenin have is this but do you realize there's nothing in this word now that would keep Jesus from returning tonight other than that one scripture that says that God is long-suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance it wasn't for his long-suffering he could have come back three years ago he could have come back the week before you got saved I don't know how you feel about it but I'm glad he tarried a little while I'm glad listen and you got people that a lot I wish still I would have to come come on back but you got family members that ain't save y'all ways say nothing why do try to rush it if you're ready you ain't got none to worry about why would you want in the rush when you even got your family members you ought to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are the church we rather go whenever he comes but I'm glad he's carrying because there's a lot more people that he wants us to throw the net out and bring them into the safety zone but one day is going to be over one day this thing is going to be done and I want you to understand that the rapture of the church is not the end of the world the world goes home are you listening to me the world goals palm and things will get worse than anybody has ever imagined that they would the matter of fact the Bible said then shall be a time of trouble such as the world has never seen before it is important however that we establish the fact the tribulation there is not for the church the tribulation is a time for God to deal with all of those that rejected his son it is the time when before it's all said and done God is going to force all of mankind to make a choice it is going to be forced upon them either you're going to choose the Lord or you would choose the powers of darkness you cannot understand on the fence you're going to be forced into making a choice and listen we are all pre-trip people aren't we that means pre-tribulation that that means that we believe that we go up before the tribulation am i right amen the church don't need correction the church don't need to get right the tribulation is an opportunity for God to go back and deal with the nation of Israel and all of those that rejected his son the Bible asked in the book of Romans has God cast off Israel forever god forbid God hadn't cast them off ever but remember he came to his own and they did not receive him but then he turns and he went amen to all of those that what received him and that's why member treasure now is predominantly a Gentile Church this is the time of the Gentiles are y'all hearing me but once the church is gone Israel y'all getting quiet now so once the church is gone in the church has to leave that first people of sand but the Bible says you gonna have tribulation yes he did but I want you to notice he never said we would go through the Great Tribulation we will always have tribulation and trials domi we would be now for the tribulation what would be the purpose of the church going through that and it's clear throughout Scripture I don't believe I'll try to get this much of my time is going when you open the book of Revelation and you look at the second and the third chapters of the book of Revelation you'll see that Jesus takes two whole chapters and and he spends a lot of time correcting the behavior of the seven churches in Asia I know your neighbors so why is it that doing our all of this tribulation we hear nothing about the church until they mysteriously appear again in chapter 22 after the tribulation is over I'll tell you why it's because we won't be a part of that when you read the Bible get get second Thessalonians to enclose your Bibles did you second Thessalonians to hit that verse one again that's let's talk and and a now I'll tie this up and we'll cuz we're gonna be here for a while y'all second Thessalonians the second chapter now we beseech you brethren now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him read that ye be not soon shaken in mind by our gathering together unto him we beseech you by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ he is coming and when he comes he's going to gather us unto Him by our gathering together unto Him the Saints from every nation the Saints those of us that are outright a worshipping God in the open and those saints that are underground in other countries that are hiding of those Saints that are holding on to God even at the at their life's peril those Saints Amen that only have pages of the Bible but they're holding on and that that's the thing that you've got to understand I'm trying to figure out you've got people who don't even have whole Bibles but they cherish and they treasure the pages that they have holding them to their hearts and loving God through pages of the word and here we are got the four Bible won't read it won't live bad question the preacher and try to find loopholes so we can live how we want to live where shall the sinner be ungodly up here say how do we make sense of this when there are people in other countries that are dying for this I get pictures from friends of mine but in other countries that are preaching the gospel I get pictures of people that are laying outside of their homes bad in the streets because they were killed for their witness and then I see people who live around the corner from the church and still won't come and pastor Bryant said it I mean she said it and it woke me up she said you talking about God don't lift your 250 pounds up in the air take you all the way up to the clouds but he can't even lift you at the bed to make it to Sunday school there are people that you think for sure are going to be raptured and if you get left behind you're gonna see a whole lot of because they got the outward show perfected what about that inward heart he's coming he's going to gather us together unto Him read that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us don't allow anything to weaken your faith don't allow anything to cause you to waver don't be soon shaken in mind don't be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is and if he said this back then how much later in the hour are we now I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to warn you because he's coming soon read what the Bible says quickly as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition there are some things that must take place there are some things that must take place there shall come a falling away first we're at that point people are losing their spiritual minds I see people that got collars around their necks and microphones and congregations in front of them taken down for some of the dumbest doctrines that ever blew through the church world you got people now now I get it we love everybody but not come on some things just don't they just don't match holding that two men together they don't match holding this two women that don't match holding this y'all gettin cried y'all shaking y'all here but five husbands don't match holding this either and you got people now that are taken down and he says listen there's gonna be a great falling away people are going to leave the truth of the reveal why they're gonna go to other churches but when they go they're gonna believe that even though I'm not living the way I was told to live I'm still okay they're gonna fall away they'll keep their eyes on other people other people leaving I'm going to have you noticed some people they can't stand a home if one person don't come to church then then then both I'm absent if one presence I don't believe this then the other person makes a confession I don't believe it either and you don't realize it's to your own peril it's to your own detriment if somebody else besides this is not the life that they want to live nothing to do with you I would rather be the one be the one but he said there's gonna be a great falling away when I look at the condition of the church he can't be his purpose [Laughter] it's the enemy trying to distraction and keep you from realizing he's coming back but he's only coming for holy people this thing is getting serious more so than it has ever been and I want you to know Bible said after the great falling away that man of sin can then be revealed after he that let it has been taken out of the way who is that man of sin there are only a couple of scriptures in the Word of God that used the word and the Bible tells us that the Spirit is already working in the land he tells us that there have been many Antichrist but there's coming one who will be the embodiment of Satan and once the church is taken out of the way the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost in the church age it's gonna be removed from this world when there are no more praying people who know how to pray under the power of the Holy Ghost when there were no more warriors when there are no more time talkers I'm not talking about people that learn how to speak in tongues I'm talking about people that speak as the Spirit of God gives the utterance when it's no more a church in Sidon we're moving to destroy this world the Bible says that man of sin shall be revealed you ain't got to worry about who it is I wonder who that listen yeah you can argue about that I don't even have to know that cuz I don't be there no it didn't do me no good to know who is all I know is that once the church is gone that man of sin shall be revealed this is actually going to keep letting the devil tell you the Bible is a fairy tale these are the things that will shortly come to pass and that man of sin is revealed Bible calls him the son of perdition and we see that the title used one of the time when it discusses Judas who betrayed Christ this man is going to operate with the same spirit that Satan used to deceive Judas he is that lowest one the Bible calls him an abomination and when he arises on the scene never will there have been a more brilliant leader never would there have been one that would have been so widely accepted by the kingdoms and the nations of the world the Bible said he comes out and when he comes out he's coming out to destroy but he's going to fool people because he's a great deceiver once there is no more Holy Ghost to restrain him what do you think the devil is going to do with this world I don't have time tonight but come on back next week we don't talk about this stuff what do you think the devil is going to do with this world once the church has been taken out of here and we just sit there just shouting and speaking in tongues and don't want nobody to preach we just want to come and shout you better realize there's something coming the Bible says when this man of sin shall be revealed he will be revealed with all the power that Satan can endow him with he's going to be one that's able to work lion sands that's what I'm telling some of you that's running all over the country behind signs and wonders the paper said even this Antichrist this man of sin is going to be able to work some miracles he's going to be able to mimic the miracles of Christ he's going to have the Bible calls running behind you better make sure you put him in the rapture because if not he'll even deceive the Bible said very let this man of sin comes and according to the scripture nobody would be as charismatic as persuasive as this man will be he will rule the whole world and I know some people that had some of the characteristics but nobody fits all of the characteristics that the Bible has outlined of this man that we came to know as the Antichrist he's gonna rule everything the Bible says he'll make a treaty with the nation of Israel and he's going to give them a treaty and declare that there will be seven years worth of peace but because he's a liar Bible says halfway through three and one-half years into the treaty he's going to break it and this man that promised peace is going to bring more chaos than the world has ever seen when they shall say peace and safety then comes sudden destruction and after three and a half years the Bible said then shall be a time of trouble such as the world has never ever seen before can you imagine people running trying in forest tryna small islands trying to hide trying to drive and get away can you see people trying to outsmart somebody who's empowered all that Satan has to offer it's more than a fairy tale these are the things that will shortly come to pass or we'll talk about this Antichrist later next week but the paper says that he even causes Oh to take a mark in the right hands or him they'll fire and listen let me tell you something people are bragging I never do that I'll never turn my back on God but look at what some people are compromising for now your neck is not even on the line and some people trouble they can't even give up even though they say God may happen travel walking away the devil tell you even if you get left behind oh you gotta do is let it kill you and you go home to be with Jesus Wow is this courage gonna come from you got people that are declaring now I don't care what he do I don't care what he say if they try to cut my head off I'm just gonna tell them cut it out I wanna go to heaven and you don't even have to do all that now you gotta do is repent live holy you can't even do that but the devil is telling you that you go have some kind of courage here cause backfire man you ducking and hitting the ground and running which so scary said and you telling me that you can watch them literally shoot somebody in the head or cut somebody's head off here this man right there next to you and you just volunteered here Kyle now go ahead get me the X this courage coming from courage you don't even have now some people can't even have saved because they don't want to be ridiculed on the job scared to be an outcast in the family and can't even live holy but you don't get left behind and then when you do you're gonna be the most courageous person in the history of ever you just you just you're gonna be so bold for God whereas that bonus now this stuff ain't funny this is nothing to play with these are the things that will shortly come to pass stand easy there's something in the atmosphere young people you gotta get it right - wouldn't that be a 10 can you imagine what happens in the five minutes after the rapture some people are going to be sleep in their beds but I dare say within five minutes of the rapture most of everybody on earth is going to be awake Pavel said there's going to be a noise and it's undoubtedly the sound of graves bursts and open bodies coming up trumpet shall sound cars crashing airplanes falling on the sky emergency sirens blaring all through neighborhoods what happens five minutes after the rapture when people finally realize that the stuff those preachers were preaching about really just came true what would you do if you said laughing with somebody and you turn around in them go what's going to go through your mind when you realize that they are tall and you have just been left back people don't want to preach this but they need to because for somebody this is gonna be your reality if he doesn't come for you by way of the grades how many church people gonna be left back oh and it's more to it than that and I'll tell you about how about the rest of it starting next week because they're things that are going to happen that she would probably say that can't be real oh yeah do you know the Bible said there's an earthquake that's going to hit this world that's going to be so great that even mountains are gonna be moved out of their place even the kings of the earth are going to say to the mountains just follow me and hide me from the face of that man on that horse hybl says there's gonna be a plague there's gonna be diseases the Pens are going to be open and animals and insects that we've never seen they're going to come bursting from the pits water it's going to be time to plow this is not a fairy tale these are the things that will shortly come to pass every head bowed every eye closed young man I'm calling you young lady I'm calling you it's not me trying to scare you if you don't want to be saved I can't make you stay as you see but make sure you get this DVD so you'll know what's gonna happen if you get left behind calling the RUC you gotta stand in here if you're not ready to go back with him when he comes if he'll come tonight maybe you'll say I'm not ready I want you to come I want you to make your way to this altar that's it come on hallelujah I want you to come come on somebody else needs to be here [Music] come on these are the things that must shortly come to pass is there another if you come and come now elders would you pray hallelujah the rest of you why don't you lift your hands and just pray for these that are at this altar hallelujah come on [Music] oh yes smoke hallelujah playtime is over thank you Jesus granted for all by you hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] Jesus name hallelujah come on that's it just keep praising it alone you can still come hallelujah thank you long thank you Lord hallelujah I don't hear nobody pray thank you Jesus [Music] Oh bless His name do it Jesus Wolcott by your power yes Lord yes Lord somebody give him a praise right now [Music] [Applause] these are the things that must shortly come to pass take your seat if you can there's a lot to unpack there's a lot to consider we've got to know what it is that he put on record for us and may encourage us to be faithful and to be ready when the Lord shall come he's coming and he's coming soon let's get our announcements tonight
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 26,411
Rating: 4.8855586 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: ppaqyKvWjEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 52sec (4912 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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