FGHT Dallas: Never Give Up

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when your bourbon is hard [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to praise party extended why don't you just take a moment and give God something personal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the name of the Lord let's give the choir creepin round of applause tonight certainly we've enjoyed here men didn't we enjoy those testimonies the night man God is a savior a man he's a keeper he's still opening prison doors and setting the captives free god bless you think you see them you can I'm so honored to be here tonight glad God loaned us to life amen another day Amen glad to be where the Saints are hey man the Bible teaches us that we have it inheritance and our inheritance is among them that are sanctified and I'm just so grateful tonight amen to know that I serve a god that can y'all got quiet real quick tonight I said I'm glad that I serve a god that can what do you mean he can if you got a need and you can't he can and I'm so grateful amen to be his child the Bible tells us now unto him that is able now he could have stopped right then we would have shouted anyway a man just to know that we serve and able God amen a God that can is he's able and you know that's encouraging because there's a lot of people that have the will but don't have the power hey man then you have some people got the power but don't have the wheel but the Bible says our God is able and not only is he able but is able to do exceeding abundantly and above all that we can ask or think but it's according to the power that does what that rocket in us that means it can't just be there you gotta let that power work in you you know you got some people a man they have on the Holy Ghost a speaking tongues they shout but when trials come they turn around an ear on listen if I call the cops and they came a man and they started running I'm gonna think something wrong with that cop hey man you got all that power and you run it what would you think you look like the god when you got the Holy Ghost power to work it is impossible it's not pleased with you you believe you got some is is a testimony they hopfield a man they scream they shout but they can't walk the walk of pain but you gotta understand tonight that if you're going to receive anything from God hey man whatever you do it has to be done through faith and I don't mean just that hey hey man that catch you up and have you talking I'm talking about the kind of faith that says if this is what I'm believing God to do I'm gonna put my foot in the road with that issue hey man and if I really believe that he can help me I'm going to why he exercise for you you gotta know it nothing is going to take place if you don't exercise the Bible tells us that the same word was preached unto us and unto them but it didn't profit them because they didn't mix it with faith when they heard don't preach tonight but it's up to you to believe the Word of God I can't make you believe nothing and honestly if you don't believe then I'm not talking to you I'm talking to the believers Amen because somebody can walk out of here with a miracle tonight somebody can leave here healed set free and delivered the Bible declares that when the Word of God goes out it goes out and it cannot come back until it has accomplished whatever it was sent to do and it sends a healing word that means somebody there is a word from the Lord oh and gentlemen I'm a lover of the Word of God I love mine so much I brought it with me you got yours come on hold that power tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what Oh everything but the word of our God the book of Saint Luke's Gospel the 18th chapter and all familiar passage of Scripture amen I want to want to talk to you tonight because the journey of faith sometime lasts longer than we would prefer sometimes in you're believing God it seemed like your faith is never going to turn to site but I want you to know amen you believe God and God rewards your faith there has to come a play when you see with your face what you see in your spirit come a time because if God never rewards your faith then what is the incentive for you to keep on believing if you believe in God for a healing miracle and if God never healed then how would you justify continuing that's why testimonies are so valuable testimonies are important because what they say to those that may be in that kind of trial is that in God did it for me then that same God is able to do the same thing for you and I know we're in a time now in people Amen believe that God is through healing he's through working miracles he don't feel nobody else with the Holy Ghost if you sick just get ready to die because the days of miracles are over and I'm telling you now if you sittin up in a church that tell you that God is no longer a miracle worker run Amen because every one of us are going to need all of us amen are gonna need the benefit of a miracle sooner or later and if God ain't working miracles Amen anymore then all of us in trouble but I got good news for you Jesus Christ is the same yesterday that pay ten-four Keva he said I am the Lord your God and I say whatever he was doing back then I come to the clatter somebody tonight he's still doing that same stuff right now he will heal you tonight if you can furnish the faith to believe Luke 18 and one when you haven't say man read what the Bible says and despite apparently spake a parable to this entry that meant all to always pray AHA and not to faint saying there was in a city of Judge that was in a city a church read which feared not God now this man was something else he didn't fear God neither regarded man didn't care nothing about a man and there was a widow in that city and she came unto him saying came unto him saying avenge me of mine adversary I need relief from somebody that's bothering me and he would not for why a Bible said he would not but I'm glad that it included that last phrase he would not but afterwards he would not for a while and the reason why to tell us that he would not for a while is that it matter how long the trial lasts this is the Lord's way of assuring us that trouble won't last forever he would not for a while and maybe somebody here tonight you've been in something a man has you've been looking for relief and you haven't found it and you might say well it's been a while but you know the Bible tells us that he tells us that I was suffering or the injustice that we face in the Spirit amen many times is only gonna last for a while it does what he says after you have something oh wow now the reason why because it's a year because but afterward but after he said within himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this Widow trouble it big call she troubles me I will avenge her lest by her continual blessed by her continual coming she weary me she worries me uh-huh and the Lord said the Lord said hear what the unjust judge says did you hear and shall not God avenge his own elect shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them do bear long with them Bree I tell you I tell you that he will avenge them speedily haha nevertheless when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth shall he find faith on the nest when the Son of Man comes shall he find faith upon appear just look at somebody until May but never give up look at some Matty again until him never never never give brother sister sons and daughters of the kingdom I have come to understand everything about a child of God of strength and stability so easily and so easy you got to always understand [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm here for the duration when I seem and shake the holding horse that made a commitment to the Lord and what they [Music] [Music] without gravity sometime we go into it and we give the situation but you know what I'm learning to do I learn to take a man baton off the table and so that solves it for me now amen I'm already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I tell you to show you know you're doing good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this woman shows us what our prayer posture should be she shows us what our prayer posture should look like she was persistent not a have this do you know how this coverage and that has to be every day everybody else in the courtroom is already handled and she the only one sitting out there and the judge look out that court adjourned and she gets up has to go back home adversaries still troubling but she comes back the next day facing disappointment again hearing bang that gavel Court is adjourned she goes back get something he comes back the next day and the Bible said this lasted over you know one of the things that's hindering a lot of people from receiving the miracle is disappointment some people are so fearful of disappointment that they even scared to exercise faith in God because they don't want to exercise faith and then the devil says what if you don't do it what if you jump out and he don't catch you what if he gets you all the way out in the deep end and he's not there to keep you afloat some people are so fearful of disappointment that they're scared to even try the devil have already told you you got so much disappointment already if you're disappointed one more time you're gonna lose it you're gonna snap you can't take it the Bible tells us that there have no temptation taken you come on now but such as is what common to me you know what that means that means you ain't the first one to go through this sometime to never got us talking crazy see I don't nobody understand really so you honestly think that all these years people been around this is the very first time anybody ever got sick so out of all of these years that men have been inhabiting this work you means you are the very first mother whose daughter got pregnant when she was a teenager you're the first one no you're not but it's some about trials because feel like we're isolated some about going through makes us feel like nobody knows nobody understands for don't let the devil play with you like that I told you that's why I test upon this means so much and if you're gonna test about telling I mean if you don't testify testify tell me about the bondage but then tell me about the deliverance because I need to know that God still can y'all don't got quite faith comes by [Music] in the hearing would tell me how God kept his word in your life I listen to brother Baker tonight talking about how when he got saved the Lord impressed upon him to do the right thing he would make and turn himself in and you know he was safe because you got some folks speaking in tongues and know they got warrants were looking for him and they still in church hiding from the TV cameras I don't want to see me you scared they come for you didn't see your TV now they know what church you going through they wait another parking lot for you come on out of church just keep your hands up and I just put them behind you back he turned this up here but he told us how God brought him out kept him while he was in there he still testify and still telling it and then look at God set him free if you're gonna tell him tell me what God is doing I don't I don't need to know just what he did five hundred years ago I need to know he's still doing this stuff today I [Applause] need to know that if I could that the God that I serve is feel able to touch my body and raise me up for his glory and for his honor I need you to tell me tell me that you were in it for what but that holding on props you out tell me that you were sinking but you called on Jesus any picture well that's what I need to hear he put this story in the word for a reason he starts out by telling us I want you to always pray but I want you to never give up even before he tells us the whole story he says the meaning of what I'm about to tell you is that you should always always pray always trust me always believe that I can give [Music] so that means if he told us that before he said what he had to say tell yourself that before you go through whatever you go through I've got to always breathe never give up and because this woman troubles me he said I'm not doing this because I got saved last night I'm not about to do this because I had a change of heart now I believe in God he said no because you keep coming that's all because you are so persistent if I don't do it today I'm gonna see you tomorrow and I'm sick of seeing you so whatever you need whoever it is bothering you fill out the form and tell us where they live I just don't want to see you it's what got his attention [Music] he said I think it's a god I don't have a change your heart Jesus said don't let him wear you out but then he shows us they hate them God can wear you and me out don't you ever give up if somebody gets tired and walks away let it be your enemy but you keep coming don't let about to make you feel me if you have a need you ought to come to the altar but if you're gonna come you have to come believe me if you don't walk that Island standing and you gotta come trusting that he is a rewarder of him diligently trustee I want everybody to stand to [Music] he says never don't lose heart and is easy to do it you know how easy it is to giver all you have to do is just determine I'm not gonna try and there are some people and make up one of them off you wanna lay here tonight you don't even want to try [Music] just don't love to maybe you'll say for the harmon there are still days [Music] that when I wake up in the morning I laid out but do we have looking at the ceiling cuz I don't even want to put my foot on the floor I don't want to get out the pan because I would have been over back now if you're trying to figure out Lord how long how do you told me that we've been [Music] indoors for night [Music] but I'm trying to figure out how long is this night Donna will be over bat now [Music] and I'm still crying heart still broke I'm still on this roller coaster and just when I thought I was gonna smile again felt like the pieces of my life's pulse are finally coming back I was happy again even though I had reservations I believe I found the courage to trust in and I'm right back in this place somebody here tonight I can hear your prayer and the sentiment of your heart [Music] what's the saint of God I was good like I was I was on the road to healing and I jump back into it only to find myself hurt again and looking like it's gotta go back and start over from scratch want you to know tonight Jesus says before you go through it instead of the issue in your mind I'm gonna always pray and I'm never going to give up I'm gonna trust and when it seems like I made another mistake after I said I wouldn't do God has his own way and God has his own stuff we don't understand we just have to give it over to the Lord sometimes and I'll say this sometimes we've been guilty of trying to make things be what we wanted it to be we've been guilty of trying to make people able to meet our needs only to find out they were not sufficient and we put so much more faith in them than they deserved because we wanted the situation that we felt like God wanted for us I have found out the guard never makes a mistake never makes a mistake never does and in those times when we are in a tailspin how hard is saying I don't want it to be I don't so we look and we try to make sure that everything that's done is done in accordance the gods real and God's me we just don't want to be the compass of why it is things in true and pivoted and sometimes it happened so quickly it's not like a u-turn it's just a pity it doesn't take a long time it doesn't take a while it's not like we gotta go in circles sometime like just just turn and at a moment's notice it's going in a completely different direction and we'll start trying to figure this code everything was set up everything was ideal [Music] and we wonder what does this mean Jesus says simplify this trap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] then I've got what you pray what you pray with these [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 20,126
Rating: 4.8669 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: f3iUQk2abVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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