Apostle Herman Murray Sermon “Calling a Nation back to God

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god bless you take your seat if you can if it had not been for the lord on my side tell me [Music] why where would i be where would [Music] if it had not been [Music] on my tell me where where would i be oh i wanna know where i would [Music] where would i be [Music] [Music] i [Laughter] where would i be i don't even want to think about i don't even want to think about it i don't even want to think about it hmm hallelujah come on and lift those hands and give him praise and glory in the house this morning hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus i love him today and it's a real honor and a privilege for me to stand in this house give god the praise and the glory for the great things that he has done and just touch somebody and tell him he's been good to me yeah you know you don't even have to be saved to make that statement god's been good to you he blessed you brought you to this hour he's a good god amen and i praise him for his goodness amen and this mercy toward us we honor the lord our first lady thank god for lady danielle amen appreciate the lord for her amen she preached the word on monday night amen and we thank god for what we heard thank god for dr shirley murray come on in praise the lord and to this wonderful host of ministry and to all of you today my founders children thank you amen thank you so much for obeying god amen and coming to the house of the lord i know there's a blessing in it for you we think of our guests that are here amen i don't know where you're from amen but it doesn't matter amen you're our guest and we love you this is the place where we say you come here as a friend but you leave his family amen so your family now and so come on back and see us again very soon our service times of course sunday morning you know for gospel the temple still has sunday school amen and i tell you evangelist drummer taught that sunday school lesson this morning amen she blessed me amen hallelujah and then of course all right that's at 9 45 a.m not 9 46 and we start our worship hour amen at 11 a.m amen then of course sunday night we have service we still have service on sunday night amen and i tell you we have a great time in the lord and then of course on tuesday night 7 30 is our family night if you haven't been in our tuesday night services you don't know what you're missing amen we have a great time in the lord every tuesday night and then of course on saturday night amen our special deliverance night god always steps in and blesses us and i want you to come back as much and as often as you can amen and get let the lord do something wonderful in you through you and for you now look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord and i am a lover of the word of god i love mine and i brought it you got yours don't you come on hold that power up today thank god because everything else is going down but the word of our god i tell you it's been enough preaching here this week amen if if you were here you didn't get your blessing your breakthrough amen or deliverance then i don't know amen i don't know what i can say that wasn't already said this week amen god blessed us every time we came together amen there was a word from the lord lady danielle started it out even on monday night and then by friday night amen evangelist teresa black just took us all on that express train amen and we got what we came for and i tell you and the women's mascot let me say this i have never in all of my years heard the women's masquerade sound as angelic as they sounded this past week i want you to put your hands together and thank god amen for the way they ministered before the lord in song first thessalonians amen the fourth chapter and i want to call your attention to the 13th through the 18th verses and then i want you to turn with me to saint john the 14th chapter amen and the first second and third verses that's first thessalonians chapter number 14. i mean chapter number four excuse me verse 13 through 18 and then let's go to saint john's gospel the 14th chapter the first second and third verses and when you have it say amen when you have it say amen read what the bible says but i would not have you to be ignorant god does not want us to be ignorant that means not knowing that means unaware he does not want us to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asl concerning them which are asleep now let me say this nowhere in the scripture do you read about soul sleep the body repels in death and and is in a state amen that that's why amen when you you look at people after they have expired a lot of times you say they just look like they're resting because the body is in a posture that resembles that of sleep the body sleeps but nowhere does it tell us that the soul of a man goes to sleep the bible says to be absent from the body is what present with the lord and we'll see it in just a moment read that ye sorrow not that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope oh don't cry like people who don't have any hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him now if they're sleeping in jesus but he's bringing them with him that tells you that although the body goes into a posture of sleep the soul goes to be with the lord and so those that have died to be absent from the body present with the lord they are the soul is with the lord all right y'all got that and the body goes to the grave you see that in the story of the rich man and lazarus after death amen has come and after death has taken a person out of this world when they go into the next world they are not going in asleep amen the body goes to sleep but the consciousness the soul of a man is still aware jesus said the rich man went to hell and he was tormented he talked he could see he could feel he could hear you always saying nothing he meant lazarus was competent and so it's not that the soul goes to sleep no that's not it the soul goes to be with its maker the body goes to sleep and when jesus comes the bible says those that sleep in jesus will the lord bring with him how is he bringing them with him because they are with him all right read what the bible says for this we say unto you for this we say unto you by the word of the lord ah that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord i shall not prevent shall not prevent them which are asleep which are asleep we're not going to come first we're not going to hinder them amen just because they have died reached for the lord himself shall descend from heaven lord have mercy with a shout y'all see that the first four words of this verse says for the lord himself i have that bracketed off i just i took my ink pen and i put brackets around those four words for the lord himself oh lord the lord himself [Applause] shall descend from heaven with a shout he's coming from heaven with a shout out with the voice of the archangel ah and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord hey wherefore comfort lord have mercy one another with these words just look at somebody and tell them caught up yeah john 14 1 2 and three let not your heart be troubled he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house in my father's house on many mansions if it were not so am i in i not not not not many mansions but men many mansions read if it were not so if it were not so i would have told you i would have told you i go but i'm going read to prepare a place for you to prepare a place for you and if i go and if i go and prepare a place for you and prepare a place for you i will come again i'm coming back and receive you unto my soul and i'm coming to get you lord i'm trying i'm trying y'all he said if i go and prepare a place for you i'm coming back to get you don't worry about it yo your house ain't gonna deteriorate and fall to the ground because you know sometimes people build these houses and they abandon them and you go back and then the gutters are hanging off the roof and the wind is broken out and no no no he says if i go i'm coming back to get you i i told you there was a pastor and and and he his daughter came home one day and and she said when she came home he was over in the corner with his hands lifted and she called his name and his uh reverend stills past the stubs and and she called him and and he didn't answer and she kept calling him and she called him and she shook him and he snapped out of it and he said jesus just told me my mansion is ready and the furniture go in next thursday and they thought he was playing they thought he lost it jesus told you your mansion's ready and the furniture go in next thursday and she said a few days after that he came in and sat on the couch and was and was just sitting there talking to her and she got up to leave out the room and she came back and she thought he just took a nap if i go and build this house for you i'm going to come again and receive you unto myself read that where i am that where i am there ye may be also oh there he may be us the lord himself shall be seen from heaven with a shout and we which are alive and remain after the dead has risen first we shall be caught up to meet the lord in the air and then jesus out of his own mouth says don't let your heart be troubled if you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i'm coming again i'm coming back for you to receive you unto myself that where i am there he may be also just look at somebody now say it and try to contain yourself just tell him he's coming back for me [Applause] oh yes he is he's not just coming back he's coming back for me and when he shall appear i'm gonna be just like him every now and then while god is blessing us and doing so much for us while we have the benefit and the honor the privilege of living good down here i'm telling you i'm looking out there at you and i know it ain't all about uh the physical blessings but it's like i can see god's blessing uh resting on you you you you have favor you look like you enjoy the favor of god you know that that's what happens when you become a child of god amen that that's what happens you you have the opportunity to have the favor of god rest on you and i'm looking at you and i know god's been good to you amen some of you sitting up in this room now uh you living better than your mama and your daddy put together ever live all the days of their life god has so blessed you look at you got your education got a family one of the only ones amen that that hasn't just walked off and abandoned your kids god's been good to you yes he has hey man it hasn't been the fact that you were millionaires it's the fact that you're a child of god amen i heard somebody say the other day i'm gonna keep my cash and spend my favor amen that's how god been good to you amen he he's been so very so very kind to you but you know in the middle of all of the goodness and the blessings and the favor of god we've got to come back and be reminded every now and then that no matter how good it gets down here this world is still not our home lord y'all didn't get quiet i just need some folk that that honestly amen honestly uh happy about the fact that there's another place reserved for you tap somebody and just tell them this world is not my home i don't i don't care how much i get i don't care how much i attain i don't care how good life is for me come on y'all let's be real we're living better than we ever lived before but in spite of all of that there's someplace else i'm trying to get to got somewhere i'm trying to go and you know you've got to be ever watchful and and and very careful uh not to start living for this world because you got you have a whole lot of people that are there hey man they're trying to live for this world everything they do every action they take every decision that they make is all about he meant they want the best down here amen and they'll go after it even at the expense many times of their spiritual welfare and well-being you got so many people that are trying to get ahead so bad that they're even willing to sacrifice their spiritual life he meant just to attain a lot of this worldly favor amen and what the world has to offer but i come to tell you that's the deceit deceitfulness of worldly riches y'all y'all getting quiet amen you have to understand that what the devil gives you but what the world provides amen the world can take away that's the reason why you can't put all your stock all your energy all your effort into living down here now that don't mean you can't go for everything that you can get i'm trying to tell you i believe that god has within his prayers amen a purpose for each and every one of us to fulfill in this world and come on y'all let's come on and be honest let's be real amen that purpose amen many times involves our financial success god is not against you being financially independent hey man he's not against you being amen financially aware of yourself where you are amen he's not against you having a 401k a 403 b or retirement amen he's not against you having stops and bonds and y'all getting quiet here he's not against any of that but what god wants you to keep ever present in your mind is that that's really not what life is all about come on amen it's not all about that the houses and the cars and if you're not careful you'll get caught up in that stuff amen and that will be the purpose by which you are driven amen you just driven you do everything to get ahead corporately amen but won't even come to midweek service because it's not that important to you what would it profit you to gain the whole world and then still die and lose your soul or touch somebody tell them neighbor i'm not gonna walk away from something i can't lose i'm trying to grab a hold of something i can't keep the devil is a liar amen this worldly riches this stuff will pass away are y'all listening to what i'm trying to tell you hey man you can spend your life trying to get a job and then get to work tomorrow morning and they've already packed your stuff up you know you got people that have dedicated 30 years of their life amen to one place trying to help and trying to get ahead and three weeks before retirement comes they get something in the mail said we no longer need you but y'all getting quiet that's why amen you can't set your affections whole things are down here i want you to understand that god has nothing hey man you excelling in the world but now you can make this stuff your treasure look at somebody tell them this ain't my treasure even my treasure is in the heaven and i keep trying to tell you hey man many times what we have confused amen is our source for my resource we forget that it's god that is the source of every good and every perfect gift as we start looking to people looking to the economy looking for politicians to help us out of the state that we're in but i come to tell you that everything you have your bank account your job all of these things are just resources but your source is still god are you always saying that i wish i could get about 13 of you to look at somebody and tell your neighbor don't forget where your source is how because you can go hard after the things of this world and forget that it's god that gives you the strength to get up every morning it's god that gives you the know-how to get from one place to the other and so rather than going after all of this other stuff i'd rather just go after god because if i go out to god the rest shall be added unto me oh touch somebody tell me if i'm going hard are you always saying i can tell them i'm going hard after god oh yes i am thank you kind spirit and so we're living down here to the end of living with him in the heavens that's why amen we're here that's why amen i take life so seriously because this is my opportunity to live so that i can live again it's not that i'm down here just to be rich or amen just to have money or just to be popular or just to be liked by people that is not my purpose in this world my purpose in this world is to live the kind of life that will get me in the gate and to take as many people with me as i possibly can i've got to live so that men might see my good works and glorify my father which is in the heaven that's why god have called us amen to this life of holiness i wish i could get a few of you to just say holiness our god it feel good coming out amen he gave us this life of holiness so that men can see it and be drawn by the light that shines in us and i know amen we're living in a time now amen where people are seeking to discredit the validity of the word of god and they he'll say stuff like that amen i'm living to live again when i die i want to go to heaven and if you're not careful you'll find yourself in the company of people that don't believe in these fairytale stories and living the best life that you can live and so many times people look at holiness folk and they think that we got the short end of the stick god damn folk over there i feel so bad but i'm holding this i feel so bad don't feel bad for me feel bad for yourself because i'm trying to tell your holiness it's the only thing that made good sense are y'all getting quiet up in here come to tell your holiness it's still right [Applause] i think you can spirit and so it's not about amen feeling bad for me i just have an understanding that there's coming a day when i've got to get up out of here that's coming today i got to leave you amen and that day will be the day that will tell the truth about my life see the day that you walk up out of this life that's what's going to tell the truth amen about the life that you live when you have that understanding then you realize how that should the lord delay his coming it is appointed unto me and wants to die and after this comes at the judgment and so brothers and sisters listen you might be looking at your life and saying i just want to live life until i live it to death you might want to just do it all you might have no expectations beyond this world but i'll come and tell you sooner or later this one that is going to run out on here y'all listen to what i'm trying to tell you i said it's going to run out on you and when this life runs up out on you then you got to make a decision i mean now that you know that this life is running out you got to make a decision now because after a while it'll be too late and that's the reason why we're living every day and if jesus is coming today because i don't know when this time is going to run out are you always saying nothing here somebody said on one occasion and stand in the hourglass oh god y'all getting quiet i sure ah the days of our lives and after a while that sand is gonna run out on one side and it'll all be on the other so you've got to make your mind up now as to how you want to fail when you leave here because remember should the lord delay his coming we all got to lay down and die all right look at somebody close here and tell them i got some bad news for you oh y'all getting quiet some of y'all don't want to talk to nobody can i break it to him i'll break it down tell him look up here you are going to die oh y'all getting quiet i got some bad news for you you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die you you you you wanna rise up hey man you you you you you back there you you you your past and over there you and you and you you go and y'all too hey man yeah you're good as gold because you are going to die so the question is not whether we're going to die it's what state we're going to be in when the lord calls that number i'll take somebody tell them i just want to be right i just want to be right and so family if he comes for us that way of death that means that he comes for us personally that's what that means that means that he comes for us amen to himself you know the bible said in the last days there would be mockers people that would scorn you and say where is the promise of his coming for since our fathers have fallen asleep we have heard that jesus was coming again but what you don't realize is that if they have died then he came for them personally and sometimes you just got together hey man if he delays his coming we all will repel in death we all got to lay down and leave here that's why i keep trying to tell you i ain't got time to be stuck on stupid stuff i ain't got time to be translated and worried about stuff that really has no long-term lasting effect i'm not living for this world but look at somebody telling me i'm living to live again and you've got to understand that when you die the only one or two places that you can go are you either going to heaven or you're going to hell and i know folks i don't see i don't i don't like going to churches when they talk about that hell stuff well it don't change the fact that you know and could i preach up in here see we've got to talk about hell because if we didn't talk about hell then folk would not understand the sense and the sensibility of making this decision the bible said the reason why we preach christ is because we understand the terror of the lord knowing the terror of god we try to persuade the men the reason why we preach like this is not because we hate you but we don't want to see you die and go to hell the reason why the preacher has to stand back with it and not worry about you looking and rolling your eyes could i preach here you know they used to tell us stop rolling them when they get stuck that way and you know you got focused sitting out in the congregation and big role in their eyes it's gonna change the preacher you can roll your eyes until they come around on the other side somebody got to tell you that if you're not living holy that you're going straight to hell could i preach to somebody up in here i said somebody has to say and declare to you that if you're not going to live right there is a place called hell jesus talked about it he said no matter how bad this world is hell is worse than this did y'all hear what i just said i said no matter how bad the world is hell is worse than this what a positive i don't believe in hell but you believe in heaven when it makes sense how does that make sense if there is no hell then what makes heaven heaven and somebody said because we're in hell right now well i come to tell you it'll be a shame for you to live in hell and then die and go to heaven touch somebody and tell me lord i wish i could preach this here tell them i ain't going to hell are you always saying nothing here i told you a few months ago let the devil go to hell by himself i wish i could get you to slap three people and tell them let the devil go to hell by himself i'm not going to hell i ain't got to go to hell he died to keep me out of hell and i ain't going there it's bad enough down here 106 degree weapon and you can't even go outside how are you gonna go to hell the devil is alive cut somebody crossing you and tell them neighbor i can't go there i just can't go there and heaven is a real place too jesus talked about it he said it's a place of beauty it's a place you always standing here that you want to go to it's a place where the wicked shall cease from trouble and whether weary shall be in rest touch somebody close to you and tell a neighbor now that makes sense if you know you gotta go somewhere go somewhere that makes sense to go out it makes sense to go to heaven not just because the wicked ain't there it's not just because of what else ain't there because we talk about a heaven and we say like there'll be no more light bill no more rent payments no more car notes no more jail houses no more hospitals no more emergency room no more age no more cancer no more sickness and no more and it's good to think about what ain't there but that ain't why i want to go you know why i want to go to heaven it's not because of who's not there it's because of who he that god dwells in the health attack and the reason why i want to go out is because that's where he is if there were no streets are gone trust that long and when i die i can be where he is if he's in australia that's where i want to be if he's a marsh and he wants me to be what he is that's why i'm living holy i heard i heard the bible say let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also with me in my father's house of many man if it were not so i would have told you what [Music] he promised us that he was coming back for us and it's been a long time now almost 2 000 years people have been struggling through life trying to hold on to the promise of his covenant trying to hold on after they showed up again and they started getting sad because people started dying off and they were looking for jesus to come back anything look at somebody and tell a neighbor any day now he's coming again but folks started dieting and when they started diet folks started getting sad because maybe they're gonna miss it maybe when it comes they get left out because they couldn't hold on until the lord came again trying to live as long as they could so they could see him coming but power said let me stream it out for you because i don't want you to be ignorant concerning the coming of the lord he said those of us that our lives shall not prevent those that are asleep that some of us have lost loved ones some of us have lost fathers we've lost mothers we've lost siblings we've lost children but if they were saved cut somebody and tell them neighbor everything is still all right i wish i could get about 173 of you to help me cross the finish line look at somebody and tell them neighbor it's all right if they die he won't forget about them as a matter of fact i heard paul say i don't want you ignorant about those that are asleep but that's coming today when the lord himself look at somebody and tell them the lord himself shall descend from the heaven with the shadow with the voice of the archangel come on y'all tell somebody the lord is coming back for me he's not sending gabriel he's not sending michael and i'm glad about it because i didn't live holy to see michael i didn't live holy to see gabriel but when i see you when i see jesus i catch somebody and telling me that's the pace that i want to sing if michael shows up i'm gonna stay right there if gabriel show up come to me later but when jesus split them clouds [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody giving praise [Music] [Applause] about what it feels like to be left away i remember times i've been in the grocery store and my mom and my dad are done shopped basket full of groceries get up to the checkout all this stuff here i forgot something and go get some left and while they go on the checker just standing and growing and you're looking trying to see how many more groceries they got to go because you don't see mama nowhere but stay tuned somebody don't just stay there i'll be back in a minute y'all ain't saying that i just stay there i got a business some business i got to take care but i'll be there in just a minute somebody said an apostle what has he been doing all this time did you hear what he said he's been building your took him about a year and a half to build my house but he been building my mansion for 2 000 years now he said i'm not lying to you and if i go and he did go he said i'm coming back to receive you unto myself so the lord himself shall deceive one day the wait is going to be over he didn't tell us today he didn't tell us the month he didn't tell us the year but he said i'll give you seasons when you see wars and rumors [Applause] when you see pestilence earthquakes and diverse places when you see all of these things come to pass [Applause] start looking up cut somebody closely and tell them maybe it's time to look up [Music] [Applause] 11 minutes your wax call it's time to [Applause] because these are the signs that is coming as near he said we that are alive and remain will not prevent those that are asleep your mother your father your your grandparents your big mama your pawpaw quan and your name all of them that died in the lord the bible said the dead in christ gonna rise first see see that's some kind of assurance that's what a whole folk used to say if i don't wake up in the morning it's still all right matter of fact that doesn't mean i get that quicker because i'm coming up first can't you see it when he's standing in clouds paul says to the church at corinth in a moment in the twinkling of an eye i tell you all the time that that's quicker than a hiccup just that quick he would have come snatched us and been gone that's why you gotta stay ready touch somebody and tell them get her at him stay ready now i don't mean this new kind already because you know they got a new kind of ready now that tell people come on i'm ready and when you get there you still gotta wait 15 minutes while they put on nature you ain't ready y'all ain't saying nothing you just get ready but when he comes he ain't gonna have time to wait on him if you're gonna be holy be holy if you're gonna be ready be ready because when he shows up touch somebody and tell him i'm [Music] that the earth and the sea gonna give up today from being buried at sea they call them fish food this fish that ain't a piece of them that fish they need a piece of this but when he comes everybody got to give up every piece they ate [Applause] the power talks about the the skin worms eating my flesh but in my flesh i got to see so that means the worm got to give up my flesh and i gotta come forward with his shows somebody said apostle what if they build something on top of my grave i cuz you know sometimes they disturb cemeteries and didn't know what if they build a building on time listen the people they've got to get out the way y'all ain't saying nothing here oh either that or you're going to take a holy ghost elevator and bust through every floor on your way but when he shows up came no grave hold my body down [Applause] those that are in the grave can't you hear the graves busting open [Music] [Applause] grains bursting open vote coming up out of every nation on their way to the great coronation but after the graves burst open i told them i don't know where they're going to be but i figure by the time they get right about here it'll be our time now and the time the bible says that we which are alive and remain take somebody and tell them caught up [Applause] lord y'all didn't say that right i said if you know you're going touch somebody and tell them caught up [Applause] i want you to say it like you're ready to go today tell them count up lord i'm starting to get ahead here take somebody tell them to be the lord in the air he's going to keep his promise taught somebody and tell them he said he was coming back for me and soon and very soon he's going to keep his promise he's gonna keep in the way that's why i'm living holy cause he's coming back again that's why we're walking up rightly because he's coming back again come on said to your feet [Applause] [Music] found out [Applause] hallelujah look at somebody telling me if i don't wake up in the morning till about meet you with the ass yeah i'll meet you in the ass some bad morning when when this life is over ah i'm gonna fly away i'm gonna fly away i'm gonna fly i'll fly away hallelujah somebody here needs the lord whoa somebody leave the lord in a real way i want you to step out of that road step into the dial and come meet me at this hotel hallelujah oh they're coming they're coming gotta get myself together [Music] he's coming back tell somebody tell them he's coming back but more than that he's coming back from me somebody can't say that today the most you can say is that he's coming back but you can't declare he's coming back for you [Music] because only the dead in christ shall rise and then those of us that are alive and remain living holy and walking upright [Applause] [Music] lord and did pastor brian let us know what was going on the other night pastor brian said how you gonna get up there you better have the holy ghost apostle murray used to tell us the holy ghost was the last thing came out of heaven and it's the only thing to know its way back so you better have the holy ghost but pastor brian said if your holy ghost can't even get you up after bed to come to church how's it gonna get you up in there i said where jesus christ has spoken unto us today if your holy ghost ain't strong enough to keep you from sucking cigarettes then how is it gonna be strong enough to get your 250 pounds up in the air somebody else needs to be here you're on the risers we'll wait grab somebody by the hand and tell them i need to go i need to go and if you need them to ask them to walk you this way they'll do it look at them they're coming they'll come i gotta feel it if you pray god's gonna touch somebody and they'll walk these houses come on i need your prayers pray that god damn it is he's touching somebody come on young lady young man come on jesus is coming jesus is coming i said jesus is coming hallelujah come on come on come on i need your prayer i need you to pray god's gonna touch somebody he's gonna touch somebody today come on i need you to pray and pray and pray dad coming come on he's drawing up to this altar hallelujah that's it hallelujah i want you to grab somebody ask them are you saved and are you ready if they said no ask them do you want to be and if they said yes then bring them to me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's not just coming back he's coming back from me [Music] i'm not gonna miss and touch somebody and tell them neighbor don't you miss it don't you miss it don't you miss it that's still coming come on now coming they're coming hallelujah young man don't turn it down come on young lady don't turn it down come on he could be coming tonight it could be coming today don't turn it down come on come on that's still coming come on come come on young lady come on young men they're coming come on hallelujah i need you to pray while i call them out of that seat come on out of that seat come on out of that seat say that you're a liar loosen in the name of jesus i claim the freedom to move in the name of jesus they'll come and come out hallelujah they're still coming come on [Music] come on look at it they're still coming come on come on they're still coming come on come on [Music] hallelujah that's it come on back quiet as you can come backslide as you can count civil rights just come out morally good come on [Applause] go that's still coming y'all ain't praising the lord [Music] hallelujah now listen those of you at this altar what a decision to make the decision you make today determines how you stand in eternity and i don't know how much longer we got to be down here i would love to tell you exactly when he was coming but the problem is he tell me so we just have to prepare and stay ready and i'm telling you the bible said if you come to the lord he will in no wise cast you out people may have been through with you but god loved you enough to draw you to this altar and i'm telling you now if he's been good to you and you were in sin he's gonna blow your mind once you serve it those of you that are ready to give the lord your life i want you to lift your hand as a sign of surrender to god and i want you to talk to the lord and i want you to mean it from the bottom of your heart open your mouth and say lord oh come on you got to open your mouth say lord i'm sorry for everything that i've done that wasn't like you come into my life lord deliver me and set me free ask him lord baptize me with the holy ghost and when you do it today tell them lord i live for you for the rest of my life come on if you want hey if you believe it god's doing it for you right now hell does help me if you believe it he's changing you that's what you'll feel on your now that's the power of the horny ghost father lay your hands on oh he's baptized with the holy ghost he's brought yes hallelujah [Applause] [Music] he's hallelujah [Music] thank you [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] ready [Music] oh [Music] oh you gotta be ready [Music] if you know you're ready come on put those hands together yeah he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back for a church without a spot a church without a wrinkle he's coming back he's coming back are you ready ready i said are you ready are you ready are you ready he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i yeah see [Music] hallelujah in jesus name [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] come on i need your praise and the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh is [Music] come on somebody put your hand up [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] i was [Music] that relaxed [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] what go ahead and blaze it mother go ahead shooting there myself [Music] come on throw your head back and give him the best praise you can give in the [Music] day [Music] [Music] on your way to your seat tell somebody he's not just coming back he's coming back for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] some of y'all looking that's somebody that just remembered that just a few years ago he would have missed that train but touch somebody told him i'm glad i got it right now i'm glad i already got my reservation space is limited i'm glad i called ahead and got me a mansion i need at least a thousand of you to clap your hand right now and give him praise [Music] oh oh you want to think about what you would have been if he had to say and then think about where you're going now that he did [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] life down here but when i die [Music] i get to go to heaven he's going out to my prayers down here he's going to heal me down now my shackle he come over today hey he's going to do it down here but when i die [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hey [Music] if there's only 12 people in heaven i'm going to be one of them i'll be with [Music] he's coming back from [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] come i on i'll take jesus [Music] even the ushers need ushers hallelujah thank you lord have mercy it's getting hidden here i don't wanna waste my time oh
Channel: IFP TV
Views: 4,068
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Id: Au0C4UeQgJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 49sec (4969 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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