FGHT Dallas: Sunday Evening Worship (August 18)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] well you might as well ladies look like you're glad you got some while ago gotta call them with a probe unfounded [Music] going rapper wicked [Music] where being around [Music] right which shall not all sleep with us the ballot twice [Music] [Music] Oh if you own your way to heaven and you're glad about it let me hear you give him some praise I'm glad about and I'll tell the world about god bless you take your seat when you get down there tell somebody I may not be rich but I'm going to heaven [Music] I'm going to heaven I may never get a mansion down here but they told me if I live write to me and I want everything God's got for me told me there's some streets over there paved with gold go so fine you can see through it there's a Crystal River over there that's what he told me said that the gates of the city I'm just one big pearl [Music] no more light bills over there I heard of read this morning that the Lord is in the midst of the city no need for the Sun cuz he's there no more hospitals because the leaves on the trees for the healing of the nation's [Music] what won't go to a place like that oh you better live wholly to touch them how to tell them you don't want to miss this you don't don't miss that now let's sit in holy is he that had part of that first resurrection Oh such the second death has no power you don't want to miss that tell me what Jesus show up [Music] when he show up just just be ready cuz he said he could come at any time coming back so quick the Bible said it's it happens out of it in a moment in the twinkling Govan he's gonna catch us and if you got the Holy Ghost you got some folk worried about ya what listen you ain't got no worry about it if you got the Holy Ghost calm your nerves you ain't got nothing to worry about Oh guess you filled with the Holy Ghost look at Otago when he show up go up in my captor hold it goes with me shower [Music] [Music] cuz I get happy calm yourself down take your seat it's what we live in for Lord and when we look around and see folk we ain't seen in a long time they going up with us they call that the great reunion in the sky love when I look around and see some folk ain't seen in a few years and we going up together what a time what [Music] whoa yo I'm trying not to save that mess cuz ya'll wanna hang around this heaven thing god bless you watch it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a few weeks ago a young man came down to get saved and I loved it got his testimony give us your name and tell us what the Lord did for you he said my name is Anthony and I'm going to help don't even know who you are just introduce yourself batted teller for you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what you also with your gift somebody give him a break I'm gonna give a prize [Music] you can sniff out dog Lucy [Music] [Music] whoa if you can sit down go ahead take your seat [Music] lord have mercy [Music] Oh [Music] feel good to know you're on your way don't it feel good to live that clean life and and you know you're on your way some have no kind of assurance at all but it feels good to know that you got somewhere else to cope to have that what they used to call blessed assurance to know that Jesus is mine to know that I know that I know ain't got a guess about this so folk living the life Willa guess and they think ass come on you're going to him I think I am believe him oh you're right with God I don't think he'll Lord what a miserable life but like all hope used to say if you don't wake up in the morning it's alright what a great life to live [Music] knowing that you're here and to know that he's yours [Music] to have that confidence and to know that when you lift your hands you're lifting clean hands before the line I felt like I was gonna get at least a few of you just just really glad about [Music] the fact that you are who you are tonight because of the goodness and the grace of the Lord one more time just lift your hands until the Lord thank you hallelujah yes Lord it is such a privilege and an honor blessing to be able to stand in the sanctuary and to feel his presence I don't never take that lightly there people that don't feel that presence they go places and believe the same way but I thank God for the spirit of the law that dwells in this place I will says wherever the Spirit is there is Liberty he's able to set the captives free do whatever we need him to do and I tell you God blessed us amen today thank God or for the miracle of the loaves looking somebody tell him I get it now I get it no more unnecessary struggling no more killing time because I didn't understand I get it now get it he's been too good to me and forever battle we find he gives us a trophy to take out of it with us something that remind us a testament to his power and his ability oh I'm not gonna struggle all night because I didn't learn my lesson I get it I get it I'd get it when I saw him do I can do it to look at somebody until them name of areas a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the word of our God I don't mind with me you got yours come on hold that power of thank God amen because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of the Lord and in times like this we need the Word of God amen and I tell you every time we come together bring your Bible with you make sure you've got your word because this is not the hour to take nobody's Amen word for what God has sent you better know what he's saying for yourself people are now listening to opinion and philosophy amen and they are equating that to be the authoritative word of the Lord but a man's word a man's opinion is always going to be insufficient it cannot stand it cannot support the whole life that you're trying to build on it nothing is strong and stable enough amen but the word of the Lord the book of Hebrews amen amen you know the longer preached the more I find myself going right back amen to this this same passage of Scripture amen Hebrews the tenth chapter and I want you to come with me amen to the 35th through the 39th verses a man that's Hebrews 10 and 35 36 37 38 and 39 a man I want to just just read a little bit and can I talk to you I Amen I don't I don't I don't think I can holidays in the night because I need you to hear what I'm saying because that is well fed well being spiritually hinges on how you accept the word of the Lord amen as it is preached and his admonition to us not only to get sane because getting save is not the whole journey you know you got some people and I don't want to spend they'll come and they'll answer an altar call that gets saved and they'll be so happy amen in the moment but they got saved but then you never see them again no that's not the journey that's just the beginning of the journey it is not for us amen - just come the card one time and lift my hands and and ask God to come in and to dwell on the inside of us and then we walk away that's in this that there's no interaction there's no no prayer life there's no faithfulness beyond that moment payment and no wonder it's so easy for people to go right back into that same old lifestyle people delivered from because if you don't constantly sit under the strength of the Word of God you'll find yourself going right back into those old ways and those old habits you need the strength that can only come from the word of the Lord and believe me it's strong enough whatever it is Amen that you used to be bound by the Word of God will set your free it'll even clean you up the Bible said ye shall know the truth the truth shall set you free and then he tells us Amen that we are clean through the word if you want to say they liver you gotta get the word on the inside of him let me say this because you got a whole lot of people that are just found Amen they're powered by denomination they're bound by churches pound because they fell in love with a man payment bound because they love the choir let me tell you something I don't care where it is that your coat if I'm not preaching to you the word of the Lord you are just wasting your time I don't care how they sound how they tune up I don't care what kind of books they write how great the choir is you better know that's a lesson of somebody who I use and it seems the word of the Lord you can go to hell behind the choir but the Word of God will clean you up if you let it amen it's times like this we need a man to root ourselves deeper and more firmly on the foundation amen of the Word of God Hebrews 10:35 when you have it's a man read what the Bible says that's not a way there flash not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense which has great recompense of reward of reward for you have need of patience you have the Bible says need a patient that after you have done the will of God to hear it after you've done the will of God he might receive the promise there is a promise that hangs over your head ah oh yet a little while and he that shall come that shall come will come will come and will not tarry the Bible says that he will not tarry now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back if any man draw back if you go backwards if you return to the place that you occupy that space that you found yourself in before you came to know the Lord if any man draw my soul shall have no no but of them that believe to the saving of the soul but we are of them that believe it to the saving of our souls we work for God but then we've got to wait on God because if we wait he says if we endure patiently after you have done the will of God he might receive the promise look at somebody just tell them I'm looking for the promise now say it like you mean it tell somebody I'm looking for the promise God made us a promise it hangs over our heads it is ours for the taking if we can but wait on the Lord ah I'm going to hang in here because power promised me something and I want you to know it now there's no let me say this my no means declares that the only reason why I'm here it's because of what I can get out of God that's not it you know you got some book the only reason why they're serving God it's for what they can get out of God that's not why I'm here that's not what I'm saying I'm here because I love God anybody hey man here tonight because you love God I believe that we have suffered enough we have gone through enough there have been so many things Amen that we could look at and they don't have do many times when we went through we have walked away long time ago but you know because I love God I won't we've got to do now we've gotta make up our mind this is truly the life that we want to live we're coming to the closing hours and let me say like this we are in the closing hours of this thing is almost over and as we approach the soon return of the Lord Jesus gives us many promises he gives us many warnings he says you know that in the last would you see these things coming to pass we're now we're seeing everything that he told us would happen we are seeing it happen right now he told us that right now right now right now you don't want to miss what god this getting ready to do even the paper said one thing that we cannot afford to do is and it's no surprise that we're seeing so much what it is that we read in the pages of the Word of God you know what's to do is to stay faithful to the Word of God it's disturbing how because the trend now is rail against the church so many people has become weird it's we we found out that people don't realize that time a man isn't many situations the greatest enemy to somebody because that wondering how long we're with this witness Jesus reached for thousands of years we've been talking about it don't cast away you know what [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've got some decisions to come to but the rest of us to walk away from this you know it don't take much but people are smart fellow and cheers and people do some of the dumbest stuff just because somebody else made it shre indi oh look at all these challenges and people starting because somebody do it everybody start toning focus kill themselves behind foolishness just because it's the Shred and you've got people now hey man finding it a convenient time to walk away and what gets me hey man they can't just walk away they got a walk and Boy Scout opposition now if you bachelor just bachelor that's lighting crawl over into the corner in the shadows don't try to judge Facebook put it up we have make us right now in America that have declared that one of the greatest threats we can freedom is the Christian philosophy why don't we think we're going don't if you can't stand up now when they threaten to put you in jail it's coming down to [Music] but the real questions gonna finally but sadly now people are not running to be identified with him they're running away they're hiding the Bible said on the night that Jesus was arrested all of his disciples read the Bible all of his disciples left him at the moment that he needed somebody to walk with him somebody to just just hang around the Bible said when the going got tough every one of his disciples turned around and walked away people are now running away from an identity with Christ on the job and nobody know you saved on your job and nobody nobody even know you have a relationship with John I don't seen how they talk about other folk hey if I own that I'm just here to get a check-up and preach in the middle of your office but what I'm telling you is when it comes down to it are you afraid are you ashamed are you no you won't even pass out tracts won't even talk to people people back you for a conversation about God now and you won't even take the opportunity they ask you don't some evening you dress so nice ha you're just coming from church look at all this opportunities your gap I won't even see what happened how about declaration ain't gotta wear no shirt that's a holding it system I know you don't but why don't you wear one you got shuts you ratted I Cowboy fans mostly die I know people right now I always got the hand trembling up in there every time the Cowboys play they wearing blue and silver but those same people won't tell nobody about the goodness of the Lord God here's your 17 different kinds of counsel it won't even testify what happened to our bow declaration don't cast away your confidence your boldness don't cast that away because it has a great recompense of reward that's something great that God is promising us as a result of our willingness to be faithful to God and what he said afterwards but you have me the patient but you do know some people that are walking away from God because they don't think he's going a better life but now what happened to your paper 30 years [Music] because we was good for us he's good for everybody else people stand up and openly denounced what they want embrace them and the sad thing is you got others who are still there but they act like that don't bother them they act like they're so close to people even though they wasted clusters some folk just couldn't hold on it could make it they tried but they just didn't have the patience they'll walk it away then shopping this save life and they'll say stuff like I tried that you don't even understand [Music] Oh [Applause] look at what he says he gives them encouragement by saying to them just a little while and he that shall come will come always remember just a little and he that shall come he will come you you gotta test the back to the assurance that he's coming just just a little Wow my grandmama said she already came for her yo grandma didn't have it wrong she had it a right just a little while and he that shall come will come and can I tell you what that means that means he's right oh I don't care when he gets here he is right to let go because he didn't show up at November 15 ah that's not what we do if he don't show up November head on your pillow get a good night's rest and wake up November 16th look at me today might be the day he says now the just shall live by see though the buster saved and on the Lord's side we live by faith we believe that there's something greater than what we have right now and it's a sad child of God that places a price tag on the goodness of God oh he's not good unless I'm making 75,000 dad I got it can I tell you something with your $35,000 yourself you making a whole lot more than a lot of people in this whole wide world so you got to know there's a lot of folk in the world the majority of the world a man ain't making thirty five thousand dollars and we are so blessed we complaining about making more money than most of the people in the world we don't even realize we are so blessed that we're complaining but all we have is what a whole lot of people ain't never even seen people sitting up don't even have a car you getting discouraged cuz somebody got up and testified about how God blessed them boy y'all gettin quiet now when your grandmama used to tell your child we walk 69 miles to school in the snow and here you are mad cuz you're cost seven years old but it's running like a dream and you get this Cup what do you get this garbage for you are still living better than a whole lot of people you've got to be some kind of ungrateful that's good I'm still complaining about it come on now you're not have folk used to talk about what they didn't have Coke was making syrup out of grease YouthBuild time fo got through frying chicken there's no grease away they got that fool just came and poured that grease in it some of the oh you know what Folgers here just start but this too strong but generally just just got a coffee can hey man just poured that brick and then when you got up in the next mornin trying to cook something you dip that spatula now got some of that chicken grease pancakes tastes like chicken yahweh said look at you look at you today got out of this now and still complaining oh you need to talk to somebody low that you are so they can tell you just how good you got it please and we complainin about stuff that won't eat how to make that three days in a row no you complaining about having something to eat and the fact that you have so much of it it lasted three days and don't even know how to spoil your new sounds of people who wake up wondering what they go eat today I keep telling your folk used to put stuff together just make them in my mom I'm hungry gonna get you some like bread what just fold the piece of bread in half and eat it have you complaining yeah please you got all these modern conveniences and you think you live in so hard sad I'm roughing it roughing what coffee makers convection ovens George Foreman grills on the cabinet oh listen you ain't roughing nothing not even got quiet George Foreman breakdown take a breather just do it back in the day see until you don't fry below me [Applause] hey ain't none of the young folks standing up they don't even know nut baloney what is that my bologna has a first name look at these Saints at his stop showing up crying below Yahweh stand up and you complain it that's you listen you don't even know how pop you got it until you sit there looking in the Skinit waiting on that baloney that come on up look at us and you know what you do when they rise up don't you you don't even know what roughing it is dad I'm over here living bad faith with a George Foreman Braille please until you don't make toast in the oven because y'all don't know that when you used to put a little dab of butter in every corner needed your back strong you put one in the middle right back you ain't roughing nothing well y'all getting quite column over here living by faith and it's getting rough I can't Hornet take what you mean you can hardly take it you ain't suffering until you run out of the odorant and go get you a potato and rub it on the arm but you always said you a ruffed nappy pray for me child I got it huh and the devil fighting me because they ain't nothin going right and you got a George Foreman grill it ain't nothing hey hook Chad I'm I'm suck this the longest child of my life it's getting tough John please if you only know what a stake of me is you ain't it ain't tough you still going buying our name-brand stuff coming to church John I'm going through I'm sure you ain't suffering that's the devil just trying to show you how bad you got it and you don't even know how good you got it unknown cuz you donate cereal with water until they done poured anything white in your cereal coffee made everything just here sit down and the devil fight you I want y'all to pray for me I don't know when this trial don't lift people now don't even realize how good they have it but they'll walk it away because the devil is telling them whatever you got ain't good enough you bless your doing better than your mama and daddy did combined you making more money cuz you went to college and the devil is fighting you telling you to leave because God ain't been fair to you you're selfish walk it out behind that stuff we were talking the other day we were out of town and I told him it's sad that you got people who got videos of how they used to preach and how they used to witness and how they used to do this live in the better life and they done got Deportes they lost a whole family they out there smoking weed and looking like they done lost everything my page still looking at us like they doing better can I drop something with your mailbox you don't need God and do [Applause] how you laughing and how many likes you got on your post I know what the don't know that you have already live the best life that you'll probably ever live I know it ain't nothing but pain and misery and sometimes were just too ignorant to even realize where we are are you so happy and so close to hell oh you ain't fooling me I know you ain't doing better because the Bible said that we are not of him that go back unto print you know what Perdition me it means ruin the Bible said when you go back to the stuff that God delivered you from get us he said it's like a dog returning to its from it you can't fool me and make me think you're doing better not when you have to eatin vomit what a way to describe that you got forgot that laughing ha ha ha ha and you eatin bumming you ain't fooling me that same stuff you know what folks it some of y'all took that bad tasting stuff then it tell you up and you see man and you start sweating your mouth start getting water you know you got to make it quick you going in just you know why your body rejected that stuff because it was making you sick and you turn right around and go eat the very thing that your body got rid of because it was making you sick and you think you're going to do better who we are no matter how bad it gets no matter who walks away no matter if I gotta stand by myself gave God my word and they don't matter how many preachers stand up and declare now I don't even believe it about that one preacher said if now you can call me a Christian I can tell you now that all of my Christians believe they're very shaky right now not mine not mine I got enough sense to know this is still a right and I don't care how bad things get down here he gave me a promise that if I held onto this word that my confidence would bring me a reward after a while don't you let the devil tell you that God's got things for you in this world but not in the next and you're going after the stuff listen why would you leave now to go and grab some stuff you can't keep you won't go out there for money you can't keep that you can't take that to the other side I remember so the horns was talking about a man that told his wife when he died he wanted to be buried with all his money she made he made her promise you don't bury me with everything she said okay and he died anybody wanted to know did you keep your promise she said yeah I wrote him a check when he cashed his check and you think you don't care it as money with you ain't caring that money with you and you're gonna leave God for that you gonna leave God for people who will turn around and stab you right in your back and walk off and leave you look at somebody and tell them I came over here to stay until I die I'm looking for the promise I'm not looking for an easy time I'm looking for the promise I'm not looking for friendship and kinship I'm looking for the promise I'm not looking for accolades I'm looking for the promise and if he said I could have it I want it all and I'm going to stay and listen one thing I don't like there's certain changes anybody that knows we know I can't stand that if I've already made plans I do not like sudden changes I don't want to stop no we're on the way I don't know if I'm focused on getting that last-minute changes I do not like because I feel like I'm wasting time and time is a commodity that I can't get back if you take my money and y'all come back cuz I'm gonna preach on that Tuesday night I'm telling you up front what I'm gonna preach Tuesday night I'm trying to decide on the title I was kind of considering pay what you owe with your wicked self but I felt like that was too harsh just coming back off of vacation but it'd be something like that so y'all come on Tuesday night if if I lose the money I can get that back work harder I can I can recover that you know that I saw a commercial other day for a man that started a business and I forget how long he said he gave himself to make a million dollars he was turn it into a million dollar beers I think it was 60 days or something like that you work hard enough you can get money back friends walk off and leave you gotta send somebody a man you you and listen over the course of your life you're gonna replace friends over and over and over and over them I feel bad for people who invest and everything you got into people you got now and you 16 but let me tell you something 16 you ain't got good sense yet listen to people like us that fall it's gonna be around 41 42 for you realize you're gonna replace friends and people over and over and over and over you can get new friends but if you lose how do you go back and get four years of high school back that you play it around and messed around and now you're the real world in this serious and you wish you could go back and get though how do you go back and recover time you can't do it and that's why I'm telling you now don't cast away your confidence some of you been saved but 20 years 15 years party is and ever get you to walk away now you just wasted that you could never get back you know the Bible says when a righteous man turns from his righteousness all of that righteous living that he did before he back slid the Bible said it does him no good it's not even credited to him it's like it never helped so you mean to tell me I can be holy for 40 years and backslide for you and go to hell that's exactly what I'm telling you it's not how you start it's whether you're willing to make this whole journey don't waste don't cast away your confidence after all this time all these miracles hold that testimony and you just gonna give it away because leaving God is becoming popular you're a soul for letting the devil take some from you you can never get back but if you will in turn do if you're willing to suffer if you're willing to hold on if you're willing to honor your commitment to God oh he said there's a promise ahead of you I'll give you the earnest of your inheritance not give you the downpayment now but as good as we got it down here it's just a down payment Oh what God has for us when we get up there there's a reward and so many people stand to your feet so many people hear me they want to look big in front of a five hundred followers on Facebook they are playing to a 1000 a 1200 person following on Twitter or Instagram women look big in front of a thousand people and that's why they're backsliding because the thousand people that they know they want to show out in front of them you want to look good in front of a thousand people and some of them don't you have a thousand but they want to look good as if that means something most of those people don't care you at the red light getting hungry think I'm going to win days and they don't even care gotta keep up with my followers going to bed now okay and you know what people to do to show you they don't care these are they doing and you know what they just typed lol laugh out loud and they haven't even cracked the smile but you're playing to that you want to look big in front of those people but you know what jesus promised us that if we stay true to this commitment he would reward us with a very public reward before a greater audience than anyone you can get down here the whole world is gonna see him reward you oh go ahead and backslide just for those thousand people to give you a like sixteen people retweet it and that's what you're praying for all got sixteen retweets and the Lord is saying I reward you with a very public reward forget those thousand people that liked your post he said I reward you before my father and the Holy Angels all of those people will see him say to you I'm not giving that up for 800 people pushing like on a post I'm looking for the promise every hit bowed every eye closed if there's one hit a night that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the pardon of your sin I want you to come I'm ready to commit my way to the Lord [Music] hallelujah come on if there's another I want you to come Honolulu come on come on I just Hey [Music] too far from where I started from Road would be easy I don't believe probably this far if there's another you can come nap you need the hornigold you give your power to live a holy elder would you just come [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in Jesus name he brought me this far too come on one more time let me finish it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't believe he brought me this far [Music] the deals and mountains [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 20,149
Rating: 4.8908191 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: g7ChRb-JxsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 36sec (5616 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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