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don't let everything that hath breath praise the Lord way the Lord way cheaper boredom way cheaper Lord hallelujah stronger by a mighty in battle God is worthy I'm just glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time anybody else go ahead probably do anybody else glad to be here amen we come into it this song and simply just says and declares to open up your mouth and say something you got to be able to say something not just open up your mouth and to bless his name but to tell somebody about the love of Christ hallelujah we have a responsibility we have a job we have something that we have to do Amen to spread this gospel all around the world can I get a witness can you put your hands together like this [Music] [Music] [Music] put your hands together different dance on but we all want time to sing with us in the house this morning can't you do it all possible animals you die we do wait the hand let me see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right Jenna my favorites come on to the bridge a weird head about the cockroach [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh years and years and he was able to be in the city this weekend [Music] [Music] give it the highest one as we glorify you sweetie the model I'm so happy and honored to be here this is holding me I'm just happy to be home today we thank God for the apostle can we clap my head for the man of God First Lady Mary and to mother Mary we think up for you we love you hallelujah he deserves all our priests he deserves all our honor he deserves everything we can give God we all him that end someone tell somebody I all got everything no somebody else I oh God everything they've been real good pick them out I think about it they get stuff somebody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you tell them my honey [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Judy [Music] but we and all that we need get away No I say all of the blow we say down all of the gold belong to you [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah don't dance [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] always its Jesus in my [Music] [Music] if your shirt Oh sometimes you run out of words oh yeah [Music] Oh [Music] let's get wise insane [Music] [Music] he is what's or you want to give drop the best ways you can give it right now come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me repeat that the Lord say so come on along [Applause] he's a great dog and he is greatly to be praised now sound like you wanna praise him for a minute or two come on go ahead clap your hands everybody let's give up surprise [Music] yes me yes she [Music] yeah [Music] you shall salmon go at it they're lots of praise come on and lift your hands and give God some praise of the house today or bless this man thank you Jesus I don't care where you go or who you know you'll never find nobody that can do you like Jesus can take your seat if you can [Music] [Music] I said can't no back [Music] do you like Jesus okay [Music] yes sir [Music] look at somebody till have at me nobody I tried people people let me down [Applause] but I tried cheese whoa [Music] Oh God an invasion [Music] big bro Akron thank you Jesus wait to Jesus let's try this again take your seat if you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god is what they don't show about it Oh [Music] [Music] he's strong in this place to take [Music] hallelujah somebody lift your hands up and give him some praise to speak up for what you feel right now hallelujah right now [Music] he is a brief guard and he's greatly to be praised let's thank God for Minister Joshua Copeland a man we appreciate iron a friend and our brother a man every time he's here with us he's such a blessing a man it takes me back two years going back a man when we were little kids a man I traveled with a possum burry he travelled with Bishop Copeland amen and we would meet up and have a great fellowship together all of these many years later God have kept us together in fellowship and we appreciate the Lord a man for him and for what God is doing and where God is taking him and I thank God for each and every one of you here today and those of you that are joining us by way of a man our live streaming service thank God for you a man we appreciate God for his power a man that we're filling this thing anybody just really feel the power of God amen and I don't take that lightly because they're places that people go away but they don't feel the power the way we've sent it and I think God a man is just a testament to the goodness and the grace of our God amen I'm telling you live it holding up just pays off after a while this panel right now somebody said I wouldn't have a religion I couldn't feel some time I've know it ain't all about the villain amen but I thank God that I can feel his power in the sanctuary think of fi first lady she's not here with us she's at our other location that they Amen but we think that for dr. Shirley Marie to this wonderful hosts of ministry and to all of you my father's children Amen at somebody and tell them there is a word from the Lord Amon and tell them that I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine and I broke mine with me you got yours amen come on hold that power up thank God hallelujah because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of our our God amen last week we started something amen last Sunday night then and I keep hearing a man that in my spirit and I want Amen today to call your attention amen to the Book of Isaiah Isaiah the thirtieth chapter I want to read verses 8 9 and 10 that's Isaiah chapter number 30 verse number 8 verse number 9 and verse number 10 the Bible says and the last days perilous times would come amen and we are there now we are in the midst of those perilous times Amen we're at a point where people have calling wrong right they're calling right wrong and they're getting mad at you if you don't play make-believe with them a man but God is calling back to an understanding of his word like we said last week how can you find out anything about God that God didn't choose to reveal to you amen people are coming up with private interpretation secret meanings and they'll tell you you don't get it because you ain't prayed enough now listen I don't care how hard you pray whatever God says to you now is gonna line up with the word that God has already given unto us y'all can get quiet I don't care about preach today amen you've got to line up with the word of the Lord and what a place that where people don't want to hear it amen they want to come to church and a man they want you to agree they want you to give them everything that's going to benefit them in this life but the Bible says Amen what would it profit us to gain all of this everybody died and left you every dime that they ever made if you owned an every house in your neighborhood and you drove every car anybody could drive the Bible said what good is that if you die and still lose your soul where the point now where people are preaching as if everybody is already saving only way to help Amen move out is preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand amen we come to church and we just treat everybody like they already right with God as if the Bible don't already tell us that hell is enlarged and herself without measure preparing for those that will not come to please a man of repentance before our Tod and let me say this before I guess you know people think when you go to preach it Amen the truth of the word is only because you hate I don't hate nobody as a matter of fact I love everybody I love you enough to tell you the truth the man in the hopes that you'll hear the word of the Lord and that your heed the warning that he gives us through his word Isaiah 30 verse 8 verse 9 and verse 10 when you habits amen the Bible gives us this intelligence now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come forever and ever that this is a rebellious people children children that will not hear the law of the Lord which say to the seers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits they don't want to hear the truth they say to the seers don't see to the prophets they say don't prophesy rightly you can still prophesy but speak unto us smooth things and hear what they say prophesy this is don't look at no matter just listen to me today I want to talk to you today from the thought lie to me see don't prophesy the truth speak unto me smooth things and if you're gonna prophesy prophesy lies and deceit and the thing is now people know you lie but it make them feel so good they just keep on lying to me this sons and daughters is what the Bible amen indicates as the day of deception in the last days deceivers with tongue he said not only would they deceive but that they would be busy they meant you've got people that are running around now he meant they're lying and they've lied so much that God have given them over amen to that lying spirit and now they believe the lie that they told y'all done got quite already amen we are at that place Amen by which their element it's gaining control of the minds of people through the medium of deception and it's not hard to find it Amen because they're people now that really don't believe that the Word of God is really truly the Word of God you got those noun that are looking for a truth else laughs of a banner in the pages of the scripture but I want you to know today's sons and daughters Amen that every way and that the word of the Lord is still alright and we're at that point where we cannot afford now to give the enemy a stronghold in our lives and that's exactly what's happening that's what's going to continue amen to take place as long as people have you more than the truth you got to know that this is not a recent a problem but this is an age-old problem he in the spirit of deception can I say this anything substantial over millions and millions of people I was thinking this week whoever controls the flow of information controls your understanding when they control you understand and they can control your actions God will show the seal some have a blemish action quad and if you had 10,000 sheep you have to go through that hall and find the very best can you imagine what that was [Music] the seals don't see they say to the profits don't prophesied the right thing they're asking for people to lie to him because when you come face to face with the truth the situation st. John 17 and 17 sets ain't the bottom with that truth for the word is true that's what we got to do now we've got to get back to giving people the Word of God to know the truth the truth that's going to make you free alive never sit no matter if we're allies never done anything but make people feel good the devil's trying to shut down the voice of truth because without truth nobody can be delivered he wants to hold you in that place where you are that's the reason why you are set free we're just at that place now where nobody wants to hear the truth they told me Oh [Applause] [Applause] solutions go away take it out the courthouse take the classroom I wonder what happened we told our children thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal y'all but you know even though it's a good idea they said I won't you save it and they hate God this sense they don't want to hear it somebody else had a said and it would have been no problem but they hate God so much that even when he send the oldest sensible thing we got to the truth the truth don't talk about God keep him out of the public conversation the fruit of the Spirit it's so phenomenal that against such there is no law why don't we teach people to love their neighbor as they love themselves but because it's what God said they won't even tell them that because they hate God why do the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth had set themselves to counsel against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us cast his bands from us they just don't want truth they don't want God and so when you don't want God and you don't want you what else is there you know what the Bible said the Bible says that when we reject the truth God will turn us over to believe a lie and be damned Timothy said for the time will come when they would not endure sound doctrine but instead they would heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and I saw something this morning he said they would turn their ears from the truth they would time their ears from the truth but then he said they will be turned into fables when you turn your ears from the truth you will be turned into fables and look at this stuff that they got us trying to believe now this is a result of people not accepting the truth of the word of God see but don't see prophesied but don't prophesy right stuff lie to me this is the condition of the world that we're in now people love Allah but can I tell your sons and daughters if you haven't come to the place of loving the truth of the word of God the Bible speaks of a lying spirit baba takes us to seen in the heavenlies where God said who will go for us who would be see they have and the Bible said the Spirit came and presented itself before God and he said I'll go and I'll deceive it and Todd said how are you going to do it spirit in the mouth of his prophets and because people are rejecting the truth now there's a lying spirit going through the land now it sounds so good it sounds so right and two people are following that because they don't want to power the truth of the word of God people sitting down I listen to people talk about the Bible and I'm trying to understand how in the world can you get people to follow you with you're not even preaching the truth you can't even follow this in the scriptures but you can get 15,000 people because people now don't like the truth and they're begging for somebody to lie to me it's sad when you know they're lying but it makes you feel so good that you're willing to accept it because it gives you a way out of obedience to the Word of God brothers and sisters you better be careful in this hour we were talking Sunday night about a reprobate mind that's a useless man in the Bible said that when you won't accept the truth when you see God and you won't glorify Him as God when you want to in turn I turn around and do stuff that's contrary to the will turn you over to a useless that's a rapper bait but what do you expect when you don't want to hear the truth the way around that it's the brand everybody that speaks the truth as a hater the reason why they said that that's hate speech you know what that mean that means that's something that don't line up with what you want to do in the time so matters speak against what you wanna do then that's hate speech and if they can get you to believe that if they can control the flow of information then they'll change your understanding no wonder you got even Christians now we don't listen to that stuff so long we feel bad even preaching the truth [Applause] there's so nice how that loan you money and those are some of the nicest people in the world and now that's what's covered in our actions they so nice I can tell it me wrong cuz they're so nice and everybody's that nice can't be wrong no matter how nice they are it can be your mama [Laughter] the truth make you free not doing you no favors lying to you you go to the hospital you got something's gonna kill you and he sent you home with some amoxicillin come on you want him to tell you the truth I don't care how hard it is for me to hear it tell me the truth give me a chance to do something about it go get me an aspirin what I really need something more than that true if I'm dying tell me what you see Oh sing me home telling me everything that's all right what about family members ain't seen in a while I need to see don't tell me how you good you always say nothing we want everybody else to tell us the truth but when we come to church lie to me you want your boss to tell you the truth I pay you $25 an hour get your check and it was 1250 don't tell me you skipping to the bait [Applause] you only got 12 weeks to live you got somebody that comes and jokes with matters of life and death oh I'm sorry excuse me for laughing you're gonna die he told you the truth but look at how you throw but you got another doctor to say hey we see something if we don't treat it you got 12 weeks to live but I'm not giving up and as long as you're gonna fight I'm afraid which let's sit down together and get a plan of action I'm told you the truth but you appreciate the one that tells you no you go before God every one of us sitting in here today we gonna stand before God and when he asks you why didn't you live right you know what you will never be able to tell God I didn't know yeah you did yes you did you can use that excuse cuz I told you and I'm gonna keep telling you so if you want somebody to lie to you and make you feel good on your way to hell I'm not the one because I ain't going to hell I'm going to heaven and when I get back I wanna save you and it's a dangerous thing to reject the truth and I think about where I would be if nobody told me that you ever thought about well where would I be if nobody loved me enough to tell me the truth because now that I'm saving on the Lord's side I see things so much differently than I did back and you know they used to tell us you you're too close you can't see the forest for the trees sometime when you're in the world Yuri don't even understand what's going on with you where you are that's the reason why you posted them kind of pictures but when you have a moment of clarity and you come out of that mindset you gonna look back on some of that stuff and you go rue the day that you ever had that such a fool in your life y'all hear me what I'm trying to tell you truth has a way of set your mind while you're bound you think it's funny to be out there smoking dope taking pictures with your eyes low driving drunk running into trees and telephone poles you thought it was funny until the truth set you free now you look back on that stuff and it's a shame that you were ever even bound the way you were somebody did they need the truth I'm glad that somebody loved me enough one Sunday night to look out in that audience and tell me that if I didn't live right I didn't have nothing good to look forward to but you know what it told me before I was over with he told me y'all done got cried he loves you so much if you confess it y'all getting cried he told me that God was faithful and just to forgive me of all of my sin why the head I told me I was good like I was and then I died and I tell you you want to know the kind of stuff that keeps this preacher up and I tell him I don't have problems sleeping I'm go to sleep on the way home I don't just sit up all night just worried about no I don't worry about stuff if I can't control that they don't need me stand up all night I can't do time buddy no way I'm not gonna be broke and fatigued ain't got no money I'm gonna stay up on that girl ain't got no money now I'm tired the next day the devlins and I if I'm broke I ain't gonna be tired be the most well rested broke somebody you ever seen but can I tell you the the stuff that keeps me up and I think about it sometimes we on average around here have what is it Chaplin a hundred and how many 156 156 funerals a year but that's a whole lot of feelings in 156 on average funerals a year I think sometime about those members of Full Gospel that I passed it who have died and gone home and I wonder sometimes if it were possible for them to come back and talk to me what kind of stuff would they say to me everybody else where I knock how many members you have how many folk you have in service Sunday how was how big was your friend doc that's the kind of stuff they worry about I don't worry about that you want to know the stuff that that keeps me up what if some of them that's on the other side no matter whether y'all could come back and speak to me and I don't want them do I'd be there indirectly but if they could what what kind of stuff would they say what they tell me oh man we came to church if we shot it and we did all that man we were some shouting people over there but then I died and and meant God and found out you didn't tell me what I needed to know and I heard him say depart from me brother Herman you preach to me so that I would have a good time but I ended up having a bad eternity Oh what they say to me you were hard sometimes some of that stuff you said got under my skin I left there angry plenty of time saying I wasn't gonna come back but I came back and when I died I found out that everything you said I needed to do was on the checklist for entrance into heaven and I just came back to tell you I'm doing fine and I appreciate you for telling me the truth that's the kind of stuff that keeps me up what they tell me I appreciate you for preaching even if it was hard and I didn't want to hear it thank you for preaching it or would they say to me we shouted and you tuned up real good but I died and lost my soul for every man a woman of God that stands behind the pulpit there is a great responsibility that's hanging over our heads the Bible says we're going to give an account of all of these people that God have called us to pasture and if we do wrong by the Sheep of his pasture then we've got to give an answer to God for the God that came over this pulpit I'm grateful for the truth a young man wrote a poem years ago and sent it to me it was called hurting me again and he was saying if the word of God that you preached hurt me it was only because there was something in me that didn't want to line up with the word of God but in that you preached to me the truth I was able to get that a right and now I'm right with God and if the chance should ever come again where I'm out of favor hurt me again if the Word of God got to brief me let it break me but at the end of the day I just want to be right I just want to be safe I want to know that when it's over down here I got somewhere else to go prophesy but don't prophesy right things don't see straight speak smooth things to me lie to me some people are leaving the truth to go somewhere where you know it's a lie and God's gonna hold you accountable to it he's gonna put your feet to the fire after a while everything else going in to because when you leave the truth there's nowhere to go but to a lie they say to the seers don't see they say to the prophets don't pop us our right things just become to a smooth things prophesy deceit I know you're lying but keep the lives you make me feel good keep lying to me tell me that I'm okay because if you keep telling me I'm okay sooner or later I'm gonna believe I'm okay and I won't have the burden of conscience that keeps bothering me telling me I need to get it right just keep lying until you convince me but I love you too much [Applause] and if the truth makes you angry there's plenty of people that will not to you I'm just not one of them and the thing is I got to live holy to live right stinky feet some people won't preach it because then you hold them accountable to the word that they preach so they love telling you what you don't have to do and what you can't do because they don't want you to look at them and expect them to do no better and I keep telling you any preacher that'll get up and tell you that can't nobody live right I'd be scared to sit under that preacher cuz if you come home and find him on top of your wife he told you up front jaw you bound the don't worry about it don't worry about it we all gonna mess up you keep listen to him say that if you come home and here in your house sitting in your bedroom actually like he was just having a casual conversation you ain't got nothing to say cuz he told you up front that he didn't believe nobody could live right that's a lie why did Jesus have to die such a cruel death just to leave you like you were if he couldn't change you he should have just stayed up that but he came down the Bible says that he might destroy the works of the devil preached a lot of me just make me feel good about myself deceive me even if I know you're lying just just don't tell me the truth this is a sad reality but ye shall know the truth and it's the truth that's going to make you free the wise man said buy the truth and sell it not whatever you gotta do find the truth stop feeling like you got to sit up in some church that's lying if you I don't know where else to go let me tell you some I sit at home on my knees talking to God 23 hours a day before I sit up and listen to somebody lie and I know they lie ask God to send you somewhere where somebody's gonna speak the truth to you because you know the reality is time is moving on I think about that this this next few months it'll be 25 25 years since I graduated high school 25 years I was sitting that other day and I started looking up here I saw all this great coming up and I ain't gonna do like some of y'all I'm only right there so you can see what you did to me some of us used to be fit now y'all laughing I'm some of us and it seemed like just yesterday we were in our pride 0% body fat we were just I mean we could we could fall off the roof on our knees pow get up walk off now if you were injured back in the day I fell off a back down the hill do some woods and I've scraped up when you get older how you get hurt I sneeze too hard it's just Duma what we so fragile now time is moving on hey man Oh call your name you jump straight about the band harlot do not just stand straight up on your feet now show you some of y'all would you sit up minute ago you heard every bone in your body time moving on we're getting older where did the time go where did it go seemed like just yesterday I remember where I sat in the kindergarten I remember where my mat was laying when I took a nap in sister Woodsen's class I remember and look up and I'm 42 years old and some of you older than me and still running from the truth people hate the truth so much then the club with a children and a grandchildren and you wrinkle up after that trying to dance with your grandkid you know he won't the truth as old as you are you still can't accept the truth acting like you're gonna be here forever don't say that to me the only as old as you feel no you as old as your age but we don't want the truth you call it nature life nature's not lying they were telling me about a gentleman I let me hush they said he was preaching and and he was 70 years old and he kept telling the church I feel like I'm 18 I feel like I'm 18 said he got preaching that night he just kept saying what he preaches I feel like I'm 18 and they said something got ahold to him in and told him he was 18 and he jumped off the pulpit down on the front and they say when he landed he landed bent over like this and he was looking at the people on the front row and they were looking at him what nobody's saying nothing broke before his legs don't get how you feel you ain't 18 gotta throw everybody by your head time is moving on lies and make you feel good about yourself but at some point you got to come face-to-face with reality the time is not only moving on it's running out and we can keep playing these games you can keep loving these lies but after why you're gonna have to give an answer by the truth a lie is free but you got to buy the truth it means you got to be willing to give up whatever it takes to get it somebody here today is not saved you don't know the Lord in the part number your sin I want you to come I want you to come the truth is Jesus loves you the truth is he cares so much about you you've tried it on your own didn't work and the intimate keeps telling you try it again try it again children and grandchildren where did all that time go it's moving on hello you don't have to hack like that you have to be like that hate to think about it whether you think about it or not truth is truth you know what I found out about truth truth is not good it's not bad it's just what it is it's just the fact of what is that's a brown suit that's not good it's not bad it's just truth and some of us despise it but God is calling us come on there's somebody else here God is calling you the truth why don't you come if you need to grab something out of a hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll do it we're coming to God I need you to pray God is touching somebody today and if you pray they'll walk these house we offer Christ to you oh my we are for Christ to you they're coming oh my he will yes he will come on come on somebody else needs to come he'll give you life more about the [Music] whoa come on come on Wow come on super hallelujah illness would you come and pray or we offer prize to you [Music] come on they're still coming we offer Christ to you [Music] hallelujah he will [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on sir buddy we are cries to you hallelujah granite Lord hallelujah we offer cries to you you see the defeated by your power or what we paid for it in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and we take it from it now [Music] father mania hands on them now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got some crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well some other than those hands if those hands are given blow [Music] we have in jeans Halloween but one more time just whip those hands [Music] god bless you you can see the Pitkin preparing the dismiss we thank God amen are you two from Missionary Baptist Church Amen is more in mantra Georgia destiny Givens Amen we think ah are you still here oh let's thank God by YouTube family amen we appreciate the Lord for you Amen come back as much and as often as you possibly can Andreea or a man she's here amen guests of her dad brother Andre oh she's still here oh she's in the prayer room well praise the Lord and we thank God for lakita Crowder and Ericka Wallace amen also a man from are they from Dallas thank God for you amen from the First Baptist Church of a Waco we thank God are you still here amen well we appreciate the Lord for them and maybe I don't know your name or where you're from but you're welcome here at all times I love you amen you believe that don't you I love you with the love of the Lord and I'm telling you now if we get to heaven it won't be because we were shouting it'll be because we were living holy and we were walking upright before our God it's still right amen and we're going to live and do what God has called for us to do but how many of you notice the outside of the church you see a man well that was a big job a man but we
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 37,174
Rating: 4.8830771 out of 5
Id: 6I6OPybejFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 56sec (6536 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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