FGHT Dallas: Pay What You Owe (With Your Wicked Self)

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hallelujah those hands or bless his name [Music] yes bless you come on let those hands at the about some fries at the house applause all tonight Harlan or come on I didn't say lift your hands I said look your hands and give it praise Oh flinches happy thank you lord if your lover meant you're not ashamed of it come on let me visit give God some praise just glad to field the Lord's side or if he's a one that y'all so come on let me let me hear did it pay if you tried him and you pound up it ain't nobody do you like he pants come on let me hear you give it to praise in the house of the Lord he's a great guy and he is greatly greatly to be praised I'm so glad to be here anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord a man on this a wonderful Tuesday night family night amen mothers bring your daughters fathers bring your sons because serving the law ought to be a family affair did we enjoy and sister Patsy Oliver tonight come on and put those hands together let's thank God for her talking about the love of the Lord did we hear some great testimonies a man I tell you you know God is a sustainer and I loved amen the testimonies that we heard how God put you in the right place so you can experience him in a real way and know what you got a man a man and then system and that came and told us sometimes God will shift you around but you got to be willing to let the Lord use you for his glory for his honor and for His purposes and ultimately all of it is for the up building of the kingdom of our God anybody's just glad that the Lord decided to use you hey what an honor it is amen to be used by God well maybe it wasn't your night to speak a minute it wasn't your night to testify but there's something that you can do why don't you go shake somebody's head hook somebody come up you love them with the love of the Lord come on [Music] all right hallelujah oh that's it [Music] [Music] naari you're easy come on say the cheetah the cheetah [Music] sorry Garvey yari antisocial come on everybody clap clap clap dog pants real good sorry [Music] you're easy [Music] all right bacon good one more time come on and clap your hand Doreen's [Music] come on but those heads together give him praise everybody in the room god bless you take your seat a man after being gone for three weeks I thought I'd have got a little more love from this section y'all know it's sad the pro pastors so neglected a man we appreciate the Lord so good to be here so good to see you here tonight your presence is a testament amen to God's goodness he kept you a man from dangers seen and unseen and allowed us to come together one more time you know it didn't have to be this way a man a man one of the Saints call Sunday night and I was talking to one of my sons out the service and he told me he said I saw an accident it was one of the things he said but God is good everybody made it I don't right and he said you know it's just the guy hit him and kept going and they said we were right there together he said but God blessed everybody nobody was you know it wasn't a fatality you know damaging cause but look at God amen he's a good God and somebody say well yeah oh shut off everything did you just say them people in the wreck yes that's what I said but anytime it's something you can walk away from Lord it's something to praise him about amen and I think God because God is good and your presence here tonight is a testament to the goodness of the Lord and I told you Sunday morning hey man I don't care what you're dealing with what you're facing look around and find your reason to praise the Lord amen look around there's a trophy somewhere a testimony of how good god has been to you look at somebody just tell him neighbor find a reason to praise it there are there's something you can lift your hands about right now I don't even have to know I know that if you think hard enough there's something that can pull a praise I'm out of you right now Oh y'all get I know if you're big hard enough there's something you can come up with that both your hands are cool your eyes will open hallelujah will come out of your or couple I wish I had selected remember what the Lord has already to give it appraised right now come on make you Jesus it could've been another way [Music] lot it could have been over but Godspeed the hands of the enemy another chance to come into the sanctuary and look at us sitting in heavenly place because of the goodness somebody tell the Lord thank you tonight if you start thinking about everything he did for you that's too much touch the matter tell them just think about the last thing he brought you out of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody's that every time I turn around he's doing something that's worthy of my praise take your seat if you came every every time I turn around something else to shout about got up this morning put to cook feet on the floor went to the mirror recognized myself [Music] hey with joy five [Music] [Music] and you think I'm gonna come to church and not have church [Music] you've been too good my my mind somebody lift your hands up and just tell the Lord thank you Oh [Music] I just want to pay you I just want to you I just want to thank you you or I give you all the glory or I give you all the praise I am I just want to pay [Music] you know somebody lift your hands up and just that's it that's it that's it oh that men would praise the Lord thank you [Music] sometimes you don't know what else to say just yes hey [Music] thank you I just want to thank you you look and you know when you start looking at his resume they'll have to admit you've been so oh you've been so good you've been so good so good oh yes and tonight I just want to thank you just want to thank you oh I just want to thank you thank you lord [Music] it could have been alcohol with dog food or no food on no clothes out there alone without one friend could have been just another number and it's plenty of a map with the tragic in you didn't see to let none of these things be everyday by your path you keep on keepin me [Music] for everything you've done for all you done for me I love you kid forever with all my heart I love you I love you forever forever you're my king my shelter in times of stole my shelter forever forever you're my king forever you're mine forever you [Music] what a mighty girl we should what a mighty car we shed angels bow before me all of heaven ever at the door hey [Applause] what a mighty God we serve angels bow before here heaven Hitler at door he'll grab somebody by the head somebody else yeah ah we we serve god bless you take your seat everybody I tell you God is an amazing God and why have some most of my time away look like but he's a mighty car and I praise him tonight and I don't just come to praise the Lord for what he's done for me hey man what a mighty God we say he's blessing all of us what an encouragement it is to come to the house of the Lord and be able to see that God has enough power to be ever so kind to all of us and I don't take that lightly just look at somebody and tell him I praise God for what he's doing in your life I praise him for the ways he's making for you I'm grateful he kept your body strong yes I am I'm glad that he put food on your table and clothes on your back hallelujah we all have a reason to praise the Lord well it's word time tonight somebody anybody come to hear the word of the Lord a man look at your neighbor and tell'em there he is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the word of our God you got your Bible with you don't you come on hold that up that power that's it thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God amen well I guess you ready to hear the word of the Lord I told you Sunday night the man we were gonna forecast the sermon for tonight and I told you that I was mulling over a man what I would say and it hit me pay what you owe with your wicked self but I told you I felt like it was that's kind of abrasive just coming back off of vacation so even if I don't say that it's written on my paper so you know what I mean when I preach what I'm getting ready to preach the Book of Psalms the 37th chapter sums 37 and let's look at verse number 21 the a clause a man will just be the first part of the verse a man and I want you to listen to what I have to say tonight found that people get in trouble because they discredit a discount rather the word of the and and and I tell people that that that work with me in ministry they travel with me to work with me I tell them listen I don't care where we are or what we're doing if I start talking thinking seriously I don't care if I'm laughing because you never know amen when the Lord is saying something that you need to hear and just because it's not in the pulpit on a church setting that don't mean that you don't take that to heart a man and so many times people feel like that you know and if he really listened no no you have to always always hid the word we men of the preacher because if he's a preach and he don't talk foolishness then you can believe that God is going to see something to you that's going to benefit you and we get in trouble because we don't fully take the time to comprehend and understand and sometimes even hear what the preacher is saying I can't tell how many times we get phone calls and people ask you the very question that they announced at the end of service because they left an altar call and now they walk out in ignorance which just means not to know they walk out of ignorance and what could have possibly helped them they didn't even have any knowledge of because they didn't take the time amen to wait around and hear everything that they needed to hear we get in trouble when we discount the word Amen of the preacher I remember we won't Ewing and and some people were caught jacking in the 90s and and there was a situation well there was some young man carjacking and they ran into church and sat down in the congregation while the police were following them they tried to get lost in the crowd and the police came and spoke to the security officers and said please ask the pastor not to dismiss the service because there are some people that have just committed some pretty violent crimes and they ran into your congregation and they're hiding in the sanctuary and if he turns the service out they'll go out of that door that door that door that door we'll never catch them because they're hot and they'll flow out in the crowd and Bob remember apostles standing up and he couldn't warn everybody cuz you know then it would be panic and there's no telling what would happen and he says I need everybody to sit down I don't want nobody to leave before service is over and you know you still have people child please I gotta get on this parking lot before we everybody get out here this trafficking and they had no clue that right there around them could have been somebody that was there that could have possibly done them harm listen it keeps you out of trouble Paul said to them when they boarded the ship and the storm came he said mothers I tried to tell you not to lose from Crete you just didn't listen the reason you and the storm you're in now it's only because listen to me so I'm saying what I'm saying tonight for a reason and I want you to listen is that okay keep your church finger out of the air tonight cuz I'm gonna talk to you and tell you everything that God want me to say to you Psalms 37 verse 21 the a clause read the who borrows the weakest the who the wicked power with and pay if not again not again the wicked and not again look at somebody and just tell them pay what you owe parentheses yeah that one the end I told you I had it wrote down not them a man all right hey what'd you get me Romans 13 and 3 I want to I want to to show you by way of the Word of God because I believe that everybody wants to go to heaven right you want to make heaven your home the problem is it's more than smoking drinking cussing fornicating lying stealing those are not the only sins you can quiet a man that'll get you in the lake you know you you got people why don't do this I don't do that and I don't do this but you are saved because you borrow money and you don't pay what you oh man ain't no need look at me like that now hey man if they gonna go to help a lion you're going to hell for borrowing money and having no intentions of paying that money back boy it's gonna be some it's gonna be some some rough preaching here tonight I'll see y'all done checked out touch somebody and tell them you better say a matter they go no you owe somebody Romans 13 and 3 read for rulers for rulers hear this now are not a terror to good work it's not a terror good work lawmakers and those that are in authority they are not terrors to people who have good or honorable works read but to they evil but to evil people they are the ones that look at people in authoritative positions and find them hard to deal with but if you have honorable life if you have an honorable life it's that hard for you to deal with people in authority wreath wilt thou then not be afraid of the power do not be afraid of the power uh-huh do that which is good if you do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same you can get praise out of those same people don't you know if you handle your business right the people that other folks are running from will turn around and praise you for the way you are honorable in your business re for he is the minister of God for he is the minister of God to thee for good to thee for good but if you do that which is evil be afraid then be afraid if you've gone around and you're not honorable then you got something to be afraid of because there are consequences for not doing things the right way does not the Bible teacher said everything that's done must be done how decently and in order and if you are not doing things decently and in order you have a reason to be afraid because consequences are sure to follow you Reeth for he beareth not the sword in vain oh you think he got a weapon you think and you know what get me you got folks scared of the police ain't done nothing you don't think you did nothing but in the back of your mind you trying to figure out what about done what have I done and the police pulling up next to you and you sweating scared to even look over there because the insurance nothing laughs then you think looking at him he go automatically no insurance laughs and the reason why that guilt is on you boy y'all ain't saying nothing it's because you are not assured that you've done everything properly if you got warrants you're running from the bunk not running but you know you you you trying to board him at all costs hey man do you think he has a that authority that gone those in cuffs you think that they're for nothing he had his authority he don't bound the sword in vain read for he is the minister of God well he is the minister of God a revenger uh-huh to keep wrath upon him that do all of these laws that keep society together God has ordained that even laws and standards and statutes are in place to keep us safe and those people that enforce the law wherefore ye must needs be subject be subject not only for wrath not only because you don't want the consequences but also for conscience because you're a child of God and you ought to want to clean mine y'all get you ought to want to clean conscience so do right not just because there are consequences come in but do right but consciousness sake real for for this cause oh hey you tribute also you even pay taxes oh here we go with payments you pay tributes you pay taxes read for they are God's ministers and those people that are collecting taxes that go for the upkeep the country or the state of the city those people have to collect those taxes because that's what helps us make it alone in society you pay trip you free attending continually upon this very thing we reason therefore to all their due render to everybody that do if you owe taxes boy y'all gettin quiet tonight pay what you owe we tribute to whom tribute is due tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom to whom custom is due fear to whom fear fear to whom fear is due honor to whom honor to whom honor is due oh no man anything don't owe anybody anything really but to love wanna know that's the only debt you ought to carry the debt to love one another that's up it shouldn't be let you run it around shout y'all get quad running all around shout if they outside hook in your car to a tow truck cuz you ain't paid your bill in three months and now you're gonna get through shouted yo ain't standing up in here and go out then can't even go home because you did not pay what you listen I don't care glad y'all get them on toe because somebody needs to hear this tonight it's a shame you got poked shouting now and still always and they're not trying to do anything about it and they think that it's something to brag about it's a matter badge and a Medal of Honor just stand up and say stuff like you know honey my credit was a raggedy car anyway and you want me to shop because your credit is that raggedy and you feel like but I've got away with it so sure with me you ain't got away with nothing they coming for you oh no man anything read but to love one another but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law if you love one another you fulfill the law amen the Bible says it's the wicked that borrow and he not again he says you pay your tribute you do that it's right to do that pay your taxes amen hey your best pay yeah no snow hey your car note y'all get quiet here you've got to pay because it's something that will hang over your head and because you are a child of God God expects for us to deal honorably with one another and before the world Amen that hurt us testify about the church that we go to the table that we serve the salvation that we enjoy brothers and sisters sons and daughters we are at a place now what we've got to stop and deal with these issues because it's causing problems between the children of the kingdom and this stuff has to be dealt with it's got to come to an end because what the devil would love to do he would love to have amen people shouting and then the world says y'all just shouting but your feet and then folk will come to church amen and they're borrowing from one another and now you got people in the same church can't sit next to each other they can't talk to each other they won't go out the same door they ask it us just to sit me somewhere else they getting angry you get enough pester pod they eyes are rolling all the way around because you o folk money hey man ought not be among the people of God and let me save this amen I started tonight to have a whole other sheep whole stack of paper over there and I told him I was gonna ask everybody that's somebody in this church right now oh you might hold your hand up don't do it hey man I was gonna tell you right down on his paper we don't get your money back because this is getting ridiculous talk about just here it's getting ridiculous everywhere because people are taking advantage of hope and it's not just in the church it's everywhere but listen it's a shame for that kind of stuff to be named among the people of God I'm not I'm just talking in general now amen because it's not just about a member church it's about in your family know people to be here you supposed to take care of me the devil is alive Amen if you borrowed five dollars from your mama you owe your mother five dollars are y'all hearing me it has nothing to do with whether they say whether they st. the powder filled with the Holy Ghost it has everything to do with the fact that you owe with your wicked self y'all get cried hey man you don't just borrow money amen and think that you can get away with it you cannot thank God is holding you accountable for the words that came out of your mouth and when you sign your signature on that dotted line and promise that mortgage company that you were going to pay God is looking at the Bible says it's better not to make a bow then to make a bow and don't keep it you are a child of the kingdom you're a child of God you're telling the world about him but then they pull up your credit and you owe everybody from Abraham Lincoln on forward come on now hey man you got to be honourable or else you are cutting your own witness short because of the less than honorable life that you're living don't be hard here tonight and let me say this this stuff is affecting preachers it's affecting pastors it's affecting qualm members it's affecting deacons and Usher's it's effectively members and cousins and aunts and uncles and best friends because people now a men are just at a point where they don't want to work to get what they can get they want to sit up and wait for you to work and then come and borrow what you worked hard for and people are now been put at a disadvantage because they got so much money out but they can't even take care of their present needs and you got broke that oh and no they owe and won't even call you and make arrangements something ain't right the Bible said it's a wicked person that will borrow and who will not pay again let me tell you something you gotta be especially careful because people don't think church folk will get you like that let me tell you hey man there's some people that work a church they come amen to church of any size Amen they'll sit down there move from this section of that section down here back down back and while we raise an offering up here they raise in one out there hey everybody barring getting money I just need a little I just and listen and then when you look for people to keep their word till you pay don't do it and the next thing you know you got schism right up in the house of God between people that's supposed to be saved we're supposed to be able to pray for one another we're supposed to be able to hold one another up and it is a sheep hey man when people's attitudes are so sour towards one another and it's all behind that hey man now can I tell you some what people do you got to be careful now because you testified and just as sure as you testified before you get ready to leave service somebody gonna slither up next to you and try to talk to you and give you some sad story about what happened there girl I'm glad god bless you I tell you what i'ma rejoice with you because I'm waiting on my blessing you know I lost my job about two months ago and if God can bless you with a five-figure raise I know he can do it for me and you know what oh I'm sorry I was my stomache girl I ate and in two days and you know what but when I had money I was good I just fell out for a minute and the next thing you know they done got up under you and got you in an emotional place and now here you go and you know there'll be confidences okay you got $20 oh yeah I want to break in now you ain't gonna break are you sure if that's too much if that's too heavy I don't want to break it oh no I got it turned out now I got that home with it ain't no problem did I really need 50 I just didn't want to ask because I didn't know when it was gonna break here let me tell you something you better watch these slick-talking people that's speaking tongs and come out the spirit that quick to ask for money now y'all can get quiet y'all just gonna prolong the process but I'm gonna tell you what God needs me to tell you tonight it's sad Foca watching you praise the Lord they'll listen to your testimony now watching you give in the Humphrey oh man you blessed and you're the one they're coming for you gotta watch it hey man I've seen situations when people lost loved ones you would see people going targeting people when they got that insurance money you know this is a sad day now when folks don't have no more honor than debt and you got some folk who feel like if I don't do it then they go hold that over my head can I tell you something [Applause] because you're going to put yourself at a disadvantage and God never required you to put yourself at a disadvantage just to help somebody else up or y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you the Bible said you've got to take care of babe your own household because you'll owe somebody money and they didn't pay you back so they got water running through their pipes which his own people walk all over you and let everybody power money from you I'm sorry I know people got needs I know we love helping people out but not some point hey man you got a drop to your knees and pray has got to sharpen your design meant so that in your efforts to help people they're not actually just giving yourself over to be used I see you shaking your head because a whole lot of people have been there whole lot of people are pale right now being a Christian don't mean that you're obligated to let people walk all over you the reality is money is hard to come by you work hard for your for your living and here people are not just want to take your kindness and undo you with it mission it's too hard to come back and God is not telling you you have to when I felt bad because as a child of God we're supposed to help bear one another's burden you are but when you look around and see that you the only ones bearing come on now please put your shoulder under this load while I help you carry it but I'm not gonna sit up and support you why you up at the house y'all getting quiet because that's much of the whole problem that we're dealing with now we are in a generation where people are lazy and they don't feel like doing it for themselves because they feel like they can always find somebody else to do it for them and this is a wicked attack you got people knighted say they say and we do stuff like that let me say this there's no way in the scripture that forbids us to lend money he never says don't do it he never commands us to lend people all of our stuff either as a matter of fact but the Scriptures tell us is how to handle the situation he tells us if we Lyn we're not supposed to take advantage of our brother and charge userid amen fire were brothers he said now for them other people you can do that but but for your brothers you don't charge amen that kind of user you don't try to make money off your brothers and your sisters and but let me say this that goes two ways because I've seen where people now and you know it's sad folk look for you to have something and they come up and everybody want to hook up listen you say you're blessed you don't need to hook up everywhere you go I remember what Cici's Pizza used to be what was a 299 - 99 are you out of your mind you remember and I'm do a gentleman that worked there and he told me that people would call and ask for coupons it was the hook it's almost over let's join hands and go in the church shopping together but it's a shame when you try to do this we gotta get this stuff together because it's a shame for Pope to be found friends falling out behind money you know you money kid in your voice and got us arguing it stuck on this kind of stuff in the house of this art not even be named among us s becoming the children of pot now let me say this lending it's good because it helps to expand the property of the community if you live that the whole community can benefit from it I was reading the day and they said if you have 90 thousand dollars in the bank of the banker sees he has ninety thousand dollars and it's just sitting there nobody's doing anything and you need a hundred thousand dollars to get a house oh you got his ten thousand he can loan you the ninety for you to pay the builder of the house you give the Builder the one hundred he take his applications out of it and if he got Shepard in left he put that same separately right that can be somebody else come on in these fifty thousand they take fifty other seventy go give it to somebody and whoever they give it to neither Bank so they come back with money back in the back it's the same name the thousand dollars but the whole community has been affected by library books they don't have to buy 300 copies of one book one book you borrow it today you borrow it tomorrow and at the end of a year 300 people could've borrowed one book that's a whole lot cheaper than a library having about 300 separate copies so loaning and lending and borrowing is good so long as you can pay it back let me hurry here you've got to know to lend is the temporary transfer temporary transfer of the control of property but not of the ownership of property so it may be their money in your pocket but it's still their money it may be their car in your driveway but it is still their car just because you got control of it don't mean you have ownership of it you don't do what you want to do it boy you out in that crowd see that this is taking it in the hole but you know you got something I tell them if you're gonna drive my brother don't drive it like you drive yours driving like I Drive it because I just gave temporary control to you I didn't give ownership of it to you and then quickly bring it back to borrow means to receive with the implied or express intention of returning the same or equivalent that means if you borrow a hundred dollars from people pay them we're very good one hundred dollars if you borrow a coat from your brother or your sister give them back the code you barbarous don't give them another coat that's not what they loaned you since you got people now I want to make this alone or make this this transaction and then change the terms after they done got it listen I didn't ask you for a service you borrowed money I want money back what now y'all getting crying well I come over there and your yard well I appreciate that but I gave you $1,000 now y'all didn't check that on that let me say this to you when you see people who are always borrowing money you got to think about that number one why can't they go somewhere official and get this money and number two who do they ask before they got to you people get me with this stuff I didn't have nobody else to ask no you didn't have nobody to ask what makes you think you had me and what I want to know is who did you ask before you came to me and why is it that you can't go to your bank see that's what apostle mary you said I was telling to pass the last night upon Samaria taught us some of the some of them some of the most basic things he would teach women and say listen if you gotta come out of a store and it's at night don't come out in get your car and got a dig do that big old purse trying to find your keys get your key in your hands before you get out there so basic but you know what I told him last night I can guarantee you that's still a large population of full gospel hold it simple women they get they key in their hand because he told us that kind of stuff he told us how to pay our bills which bills to pay y'all getting quiet he told us keep a roof over your head do nothing else hey you're rich and after you pay your rent if you're struggling between paying your light bill in your water your water because you can burn candles and get like y'all ain't but if you ain't got no water you can't take a bath you can't brush your teeth you can't flush y'all get hey man if you ain't got no water in your house you can't cook look at y'all ain't saying nothing here and then you're like oh you ain't saying nothing to nobody you know what it made us better it made us survivors but you know what else he told us he taught us first of all amen anything over two hundred dollars is a bank loan and then he told us don't loan any more money than you are able to give away if you can't give it away without it hurting you then don't known it to nobody because if they don't pay your back and you end up hurting it was kind of productive so you don't need you loaning people no no I somebody and can I tell you the reality of it if they don't have money this month the applications ain't go stop they still got that same house still may have another water bill another light bill and they paid it have enough money to cover it this month and you load the money if they give you back what you don't know then they gonna have to take out another loan because and we're thinking that this stuff makes us Christians being hospitable I believe in helping people out but I don't believe in nobody taking advantage and using nobody because they don't pay back anytime a person don't have good credit you know what that means that means they don't pay back now y'all sitting there like I'm talking to you but I'm trying to help you anytime you can't go and get a loan from an official establishment it is because you don't do honorably with any money and if you won't pay them back I'm hard-pressed to believe that you're gonna pay me back - you gotta know that's why they come to you because they can't go nowhere else why can't they go anywhere else because they did them the same way they're getting ready to do you so if you decide to do it after I preach this message just foresee with the understanding that you may not get it back so don't give no more than you can afford to give away if they never pay you back and don't hurt you ain't got never taken up okay but if what you're getting ready to loan somebody is gonna hurt you if they don't get it back and you can't just cut your ties with the money you loaned them don't loan it in the first place whether conservation sitting up and I just feel bad every time they ask me because they know I make good money and they know I got it and that's the reason why you taking care of grown people amen the Bible said God love a cheerful Giver that means if you can't give it cheerfully then you shouldn't give it at all so just tell them I don't feel good about loaning and the Bible tells me that if I don't feel good about giving I can't give that's y'all tell me when I get out the word now and he said he loves it don't give grudgingly and I tell him if I give it to y'all more hate that I gave it to you so the Bible told me not to they already old people and you're just a fresh victim and you know I found out as I hasten that most of the problem centers around greed people now trying to live lifestyles that they can't really afford to live nobody told you to get a 17 bedroom home you did that we in this when this one-bedroom apartment we need most space the next time you testified god bless me with a 17 bedroom home you did that and God never told me that I had to come to your rescue after you got yourself in trouble doing foolishness the way of a transgressor is supposed to be hard and so it's people borrowing to support a lifestyle that they cannot afford if you can't afford to drive a Maserati I don't care pay two for one don't do that amen they got a sale on houses you don't have to do that you have to be honest with yourself where am i if I'm making $500 a month ain't no need me going out and getting a car that's gonna cost me four hundred and twelve dollars a month be honest because greed is causing people to live the lifestyles that they cannot afford and when the bill comes they're looking for somebody to help them to keep this lie going and if you don't know no better people will come to you every month I sure hate to come back then why did you explain to me why you back here again and I'm just waiting on somebody to get saved enough to say no because this stuff is getting ridiculous and if you are one of those people that find yourself constantly borrowing money to pay for what you have be honest with yourself downsize because nobody else is supposed to take care of you if you got a car that you can't afford take it back y'all get quiet and tell the people I can't afford it I try this again at another time and ride the bus now Dallas is blessed we got a train we got a bus they got uber they got lift y'all getting cry you can get around they even got bikes and scooters if you can't afford it be real and honest with yourself because when they come to the place where people hate to see you come in I throw you some folks don't mind beggars they bad so much they hand look like a cup it's deep and got the dimensions of a cup and every time you see them they hand out I mean just money fits perfectly in there it's like calling quarters over here dad they just beg so much and you know what they want when they come man that sure has a nice side cut through these preliminary so I can tell you know if you find yourself constantly borrowing money be real downsides when they go talk about it bro gonna pay I had a friend who had a very prominent house on the street and one day they were gonna move and he was looking at another house a nice house and he told me he said man my daughter heard we were moving and she said daddy we can't move if we move people don't think we got poor and you laugh but that's the mentality a whole bunch of people in living with right now if I move out of this house and get an apartment they gonna think I'm poor who cares what they think you obviously don't care what people think or else you wouldn't keep borrowing money down sighs look at somebody and tell them down sighs everybody my age got a house that don't mean you got to get one this thing is not about comparative lifestyles come on it's not you it's just not you you can't afford a new car you don't have to break up with nobody else seeing situations like that what people testified about new cars got a real good pop you find the same going out getting the new car just because somebody else need a different car just because they're trying to keep yourself - nobody else yes they have good cause yes they have a big house they gotta work three jobs they can't even take a vacation come on Frank I'll let you blessed in ways that they'll never even know about be honest with yourself because if not you gonna be one of the people that folks hate to see come around and can I say this for you and in all honesty people spread the word about people like you Hey since the song so if she has he see y'all talking after service you could be talking about recipes and we all get to talking they gonna go right after if she asking you for money don't give it to cuz she borrowed five hundred from me and ain't paying me back here girl call me what we saw over there town man don't tell me she was asking you for money now we were talking about chicken girl look but don't let her fool you with that cuz it's coming people talk about folk like that and you know what the Bible says he said a good name is rather to be chosen and some of us are living in ways that we have given ourselves a pathetic name I mean you can't go in and get a grocery card from Tom pound and they free I mean your name beeping on the check after I don't hear he can afford savings he he can't even afford discount don't get in this car you know you got a bad name in church folk working as mortgage companies and long companies and your application come through and then they looking at all this you got and you sit up and church shouting every Sunday you need to stop shouting and save your enemy for your energy for the job work and work harder and harder after that so that folk can appreciate your shout because I've seen situations where people can't even listen to people talk because they own money and how you gonna preach to somebody and you owe folk money sitting up in front of folk in the pulpit conducting and preaching and doing all that and you got poking the congregation turning sideways ain't listen to nothing you say if the Lord ain't told him to give me that $300 back I doubt he even hear from God you got a bad name and a good night listen I don't count quite y'all get a match again I'm gonna tell you a good name is rather to be chosen and it's sad that you can't go nowhere and the only thing you can do is try to come hustle up on some of the Saints because your name so bad forgot that won't give you a dime I was in a grocery store at the service desk and you know back then they used to hang checks up on the wall and I'm sitting at minutes before the Lord elevated me and I'm sitting at the service desk and I'm just sitting there oh well they got these folks up here from there but do not accept checks from these people and I'm sitting I saw chicks from somebody that I knew now you know that sad that the one place you can't hold up the blood-stained matter is in minutes my name is so-and-so did you with your wicked self we're better than this because we are the children of God and if that's you stop borrowing let me say this to you if you have not paid people what you old people stop insulting them by asking for more money I guess I better say that again yeah I said if you've already borrowed money from people don't insult them by going back to them and asking for some more money after you stole from him the first time it's an insult I know I owe you then why are you in my face I'm trying to tell you because what I can't be in the church I'm like Jesus who made me a judge or I divided over you a pastor a pastor I need to talk to you brother Shawn so borrow some money from me and he gave it back here I'm telling you now if you can't give it away don't own it so that's gonna cut it off what am I supposed to tell it and he said he didn't give me nothing well if he say that he'll be lining where Paul says brethren line not one to another he covered that what am I supposed to do and so I'm telling you now don't loan your money if you can't just afford to give it away I think I'm in this for you if this ain't gonna satisfy you tonight ain't got nothing else fate be careful because some people don't mind working the congregation then you got folks fighting over money Church hiding the guards got a separate you on the parking lot cuz you're down there between this cars on the ground unseemly over money this is a sad day and it's sad that you have to say stuff like this but you do because I would be less than a watchman to sit up and watch the wolf trying to come in and steal your money and say nothing to you and if it was just one person that that got victimized then I could probably deal with that but I'm tired of send people moving all over the congregate and so rather than me have the car all of you in my office because I'm tired until all of you at the same time after this if they get you they get you because I'm telling you now and for you wicked people that are borrowing money and not paying back at some point in your life you've got to do something honorable stop borrowing money and get a [Applause] get me second Thessalonians 3 & 6 now we command you brethren now we read in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ uh-huh that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly oh wait a minute stop being party to people's criminal activity ain't got a golden hand sister Johnson stop sending people to folk I can tell you who you can ask touch your neighbor and tell him keep my name out your mind don't break me up don't do that free and not after the tradition and not after the tradition which he received of us read for yourselves know how you know how ye ought to follow us you ought to follow us for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you you the leader ought to be your example I haven't borrowed money from none of you don't see me going what you know the example that you bet I'm depending my place man what you learned you hadn't seen that if anything you see people give but I'm not going to set up let nobody use me I learned that a long time ago I got tired of going out to eating people convenient and if they want at home you already know the game then him Satan unjust that being interpreted means you just got got get tired of that he said I was your example you didn't learn that from me you didn't learn that nobody took a death I don't take advantage of none of you and can't nobody to help and if I had they would have said it by now nobody can say that that's not what you learned I don't mind giving let me take that back don't give grudging it you told me not to I don't mind helping people when I can but now I'm not going to support you and you grown you sitting up it posted on Facebook in the gym bench-pressing 300 panel and then come here we choke up out waiting on me to put $5.00 in that to get you some gas paying for your gym membership you know what I found about people they got time and money for the stuff they wanna do they do all of that better run up to you my rent do wait a minute really neither did we eat any man's bread for not I didn't eat your bread and not pay for it but wrong with labour and travail day and night you saw me work read that we might not be chargeable to any of you read not because we have not power but to make ourselves an example unto you to follow us free for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat wait a minute for even when we were with you we commanded you what that if any would not work that if a person won't work neither should he eat well that's too hard and y'all act like I don't show no love to know about it no no he never told us to take care of you and I'm telling you now they have a saying able-bodied adults without disability a bodge you got a whole bunch of a barge able-bodied adults without disabilities there's nothing wrong with them the only thing wrong with them is that they're lazy and they have learned from people that poke will take care of you if you give them a sad story it's sad now that you can't even believe what people tell you because you've been got so many times focus it up and I was up there on Redbirds in 67 and a man came over to me he said hey you ain't you to preach it yeah that's me he said I know I know brother so-and-so and brother so-and-so and I know this I know this man my car's it's messed up I said well yeah it was something keep my wound up next time hey here's a little something I gave it to him I went home I was on my way to church and I exited up here right at a Wheatland and 67 and I saw the same car the hood was back up and the same man was standing there I left my window he turned around saw me slammed the hood down got in the car and drove out we have been guiding so many times in sad that we don't even hard to believe people when they say they need because shysters y'all getting quiet and hustlers are ruining it for everybody if you don't work and you are able-bodied adult without a disability then I'm not obligated by God to take care of you and you're not gonna hold that over my head you supposed to be a saint you supposed to be a Christian I am and you know what else all my bills gonna be paid cuz I ain't paying for nobody else's house in my life so I'm a smart Christian you're staging I'm frugal if you know what you are not eat and if y'all for work you'll see who really gotta need enough but I'm not in the business of loaning money I mean if I got some work to do I I'll let you know you're not a cut grass I ain't done then the wise he told me stare at the Sun come on you wanna be unkind let me hurry up if you borrow it from people pay what you owe and let me say this to you stop hiding from people are y'all listening to me if you owe somebody some money stop hiding from people you see them coming to you after church and you disappearing your exit was rapturous they just look and you were gone in a moment in the twinkling everybody ain't saved like the Bible say they supposed to be safe somebody is gonna hurt you after a while you don't play with people's money and it's not an excuse I'm not excusing whatever they do I'm just telling you some people ain't saved like you think they say and some folk will hurt you behind they money stop running from people the Jesus in me loved Jesus in you stop running from people if you own now y'all laugh pay people what you owe them have some dignity have some honor and rely on the people who is that that's then people that says you're old in $100,000 tell them a home you home stop running from people be a man because nobody has to chase you down to give you the money well not even cry oh I forgot to confine you like you don't know you old people money go to the people you owe and give them at least an explanation that makes sense and I don't care if you can't pay it all now make some arrangements ask people can I give you $50 a month until I can get this thing pain but for you to know you owe people and sit and they face like you don't know you owe their money somebody is coming after you after a while you better stop that foolishness and then get enough testified oh ok god bless me made a way out of no way I got this money and I was able to take that trick now God didn't bless you with no money to take a trip he blessed you with the money to pay the people back that you owe I'm telling you because I love you you can't get away with that kind of stuff and it's sad because people feel like when you're saved you can't do nothing about it so they take advantage of you and what you're gonna do you're gonna make me pay how you gonna prove that I borrowed money from you these kind of people you've got now the world is full of these definitely show word against mine it's not what you know it's what you can prove and here you are a pasta that was my rent money that I gave him you foolish for giving somebody your rent money look at some had to tell them no more dumb seasons I no no that was a dumb season you went through through something that just brain was scramble for a moment I'm glad God brought you back to the right place no more them dumb seasons don't give nobody your rent money that was my car look and they hands before and they promised me they'll give it back to me about Thursday don't give nobody you what happened to being wise as a serpent come on that you smarter than that you coming to church with new clothes and you o people around here taking pictures with everybody at convocation show an ideal new clothes and Oh everybody you wicked point y'all getting quite just touch your neighbor to him he may be talking about one of us but it ain't me and let me help you because pastors have gone through this I know I have I got set up shop and Oh me why they shot stop laughing dear trying to disturb my sermon well we set up that I mean shopping then come through the prayer hand I need a financial blessing I want to pull them to the side and counsel with them for a minute you know why you suffering because you wicked you pay people do right and God bless you some of you holding up your own blessing God I need a financial miracle Oh what so you can rob him like you robbed everybody else in this tree that's wicked then sit right up and I ask you for some more and let me see this because there's been people who have loans stuff and you know why people haven't paid you back I'm gonna tell you just in case you haven't figured it out they feel like you don't need it that's why it ain't that they don't know they owe you they know they owe you but they looking at your shoes they looking at Showtime they're looking at your car they see the house you live in and in their mind they don't need it so they owe you money and you ain't hurting for money and I'm thinking I don't make as much as they make if I get him this money that means I can't do this they don't need it's not about whether or not they need it it's about the fact that you promised to pay it back and the Bible said you're wicked if you don't do it and can I tell yourself you've got to be be a visionary because there may come a time when you need help again and you know who you can't go to you can't go to them because you didn't do right I don't can't they are a millionaire you don't pay that because they need their money you pay it back because you said you were gonna pay it back if you owe your pastor or the Evangelist or the elders or the choir members or the beacons or the ushers money pay them back it has nothing to do with whether they need it or not you said you would and you're wicked if you don't but ain't doing good I'm sitting over here struggling and you gonna keep struggling until you do right come on God trying to bless us and take us place and we can't go because we're doing this and Saints as I close it's okay to say no are y'all hearing me it's okay just because you save don't mean you got to empty your pockets for people say no and you have not backslidden because you don't want to take care of grown people the Bible said in business be men if you go low on money you got to get it in right get it in right well then my brother's been myself okay well just don't give away no more than you can afford to cut ties with but that's a business transaction and people now with crook Ewing and have you sitting out on the street and they got a new apartment testifying about it get it right you know what I want on this thing I want three references of folk you don't borrow from and paid back I need to talk to them I told TK to make me up make me up in agreement and I'm asking all kind of questions well sure mama's maiden name what's your social security number how much money you make a month what's your total family income for the year why he even know our lot well if you don't want to put it on here don't worry about it all right just to power it's my hundred you gonna tell me what I gotta do in order to loan you my money I got to tell them how much money I'm making my whole house Oh shucks for $100 no you don't you go find somebody else to loan it to but I'm not gonna sit up in beer but I wanna say sucker a lollipop I've been taking advantage of too many times and I've seen too many people taking advantage of and I'm not gonna let anybody take advantage of you I'm not I'm gonna tell you when it's a wolf coming and I'm telling you tonight a woof showed up no while back don't keep giving people money he's telling us we can't help my brothers and sisters I said don't give away no more than you can afford to cut your ties with if that's what you want to do listen you can fry your money up and y'all can sit down and eat it together if that's what you want to do I'm not telling you I'm just telling you that if you're expecting people to do right then you better handle your business like a man or woman it's okay to say no the Bible says your good name is on the line though don't cosign for nobody but that's a whole other words that proverbs oh is that 20 22 or 26 yeah proverbs 22 and 7 says the rich rule it over the poor and the borrower borrower is a servant to the lender then it says in Proverbs that if you strike hands and become surety for your neighbor it's foolishness huh well that's one of them it's several scriptures and proverbs about being a surety for your name which means if it's mentioned more than one time it's worth taking a listen that the Bible tells us that is 22 and 26 be not one of them that strike hands all of them that assure it is for deaths if thou has nothing to pay why should he take away thy beard from underneath you don't set up in co-sign a car for somebody you don't care no more about your name than that why can't they get one themselves because their name don't mean nothing and you're gonna give them your name then they don't pay and the folk knocking on your door and you hide from people all right why should you lose your bed because somebody else didn't pay stop all this co-signing because people now don't have the honor that they used to have years ago extend to your feet I'm done if you need somebody to grab them about hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way we come into the law let me tell you something I don't care you speak in tongues I don't care how you shout you're not gonna go around borrowing people's money not paying people back and then go ahead God say come on in you a thief he told me the wicked was gonna cease from troubling up there you can't go to heaven because if you borrow and don't pay back your wicked and the wicked people going to heaven I can't believe he preached her hopes I'm about paying people back money he must be on a tangent somebody must have burned him no ain't alone no man in the whole time I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you because people will slither up and take advantage of your kindness you've got some people they don't even know how to talk up for themselves next thing you know they walking away with your driver's license everything you just done handed them your whole wallet cause you just didn't feel didn't know what to see so now they got a key to your house your social security number and everything cuz you didn't know to say you better learn how to speak up for yourself some folks just like I don't want to think I'm not saying you better speak up for yourself you'll end up with somebody living in your house I didn't know what the same now you gotta understand the roommate because you didn't know what to say they just come to you after surfing I know where to go I'm going home with you you better speak up for yourself it's okay to say no but I'm telling you now because there's people that this is how they make their living hustling child I'm on my grind when we were building this church there was a gentleman right across the freeway at that stoplight where the car dealership start he'd be there with a sign he stayed there all day all day long right over there and one morning we got here when they were pouring concrete Oh doing something and we saw that man come from those apartments in a car parked his car on the side of this property walked through that field over there where target is now used to be a field and a few trees walked through those trees got dirt and dirtied himself up and went right across the freeway and held up a sign all day long and he made enough money to have a car and live in these apartments right here some folk make a living hustling people but I'm telling you now it's gonna catch up with you you better hear me because warning comes before destruction somebody's gonna end up in hell or in jail and it's gonna be behind money you're gonna stop because you're gonna run into the wrong person out there and they're not gonna try to go talk to the past about you you better do right and if you hear tonight and you owe somebody money and you know you all money call them up and get that right and if you can't get that right I don't want to hear you testifying I take your robe off come on down that's Enquirer don't get up and preach them oh if I ask you to preach tell me no cuz I owe people money because you're not going to heaven that way it's wrong anyway you look at it now how many people in here right now I was serious whether they here are not here they could be in Alaska but how many of you have somebody oh you money no I need to start a collection agency just 3% I can get it back and if you owe somebody money you saw them raise their hand they talking about you pay what you owe you don't know how you have set people back because of your actions what have they lost because you didn't be on when you were not honorable what hardship that they faced because they trusted you and you let people down that's not right every head bowed every eye closed if there's somebody here tonight you're not saying I want you to know you can be saying when I don't want nobody to think I'm the one bar and when I ain't going tonight come on down it's not about that it's not about that hallelujah come on that's it somebody else needs to be here come on if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come but maybe you are here and you're saying I need to get that right you need to apologize to God and being call the people you owe and apologize to them it ought not be that nobody has confidence in your salvation because of the stuff they know about you they see you shot and they just came getting the service right because I all they can think about is how can she shout how can he shout doing this stuff they doing whether it's right or wrong that's how some people think and if you need to get that right I want you to come come on I don't need listen the bottom said we stand before God he gonna judge us before the whole world if you need to get this together get it together because if you said you were gonna do something you didn't do it not only did you lie you stole is there another that's coming if you have a need I want you to come if you're sick anybody will pray for you [Music] you you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 14,337
Rating: 4.8914027 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: gUgCGMxnS3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 42sec (6882 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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