FGHT Dallas: As For Me & My House (Father's Day 2018)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coupled everybody [Music] sorry you gotta do tres yes [Music] lift your hands and praise him would you oh I didn't say just lift them you got a lift your hands in praise it hallelujah or come all that soon if you will only if you're lonely traps trust me oh yes Lord if you only trust me trust me Oh trust me oh I guess not [Applause] [Music] if you love or a conscious trust me [Music] come on lift those heads at crazy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes Lord yes that's all you got to do is learn to trust him you will only try oh yes have you just learn little me Oh trust me if you'll hold it he said I'll fight your battles if you trust me oh yes if you're lonely he said I'll heal your body if you just trust me I'll take care of you oh you got a do dear so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take take him at his word oh just upon his promise and just to know that's in the law Jesus either how to us him [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus oh my precious precious easy all for grains to trust him more lip your hands and brazen [Music] oh just long and all for grains to trust him more take your seat if you can so blessed to be here today and so great water that God brought us into the sanctuary one more time was anybody glad when they set up to you it's time to go to church hey man I'm so honored every time I have the opportunity to stand here amen before the people of God it's always a blessing it is always a man a tremendous how can I say it show of God's favor in that he allows us to come together time after time after time after time and after time again and when he brings us into this atmosphere he does so to the intent that He pours something into us he builds us through his word he strengthens us said he encourages us and he gives us what it is that we need in order to walk this walk and to live the life that God has called for us to live I want to take this time to say to all of the fathers out there happy Father's Day to you you said everybody ought to clap your hands a man I tell you be if you didn't have a father you wouldn't be here a man and I thank God for all of you a man good fathers that have done what you could do a man to help to impact the next generation I'm so honored a man to be able to see a men so mean and I was thinking a moment ago while I was in the office about so many that I have watched grow up you know I've seen them from the time they were very young men and I was thinking just a while ago how it's been such a tremendous pleasure to see them grow and mature and and get married and and and have children and to see them now Amen fathers who are doing a very very very good job of helping to raise their children in the fear and in the admonition of the Lord amen then come on sisters they just clap for you above the door a man thank God for fathers and fathers let me say this to you I said every year and it bears repeating I appreciate the fact that you have a mind to do what it is you've been called to do sometimes as fathers Amen we don't get everything right you know sometimes a good friend of mine was talking this past week and he made a statement and I told him you gotta clarify this explaining this to me he said it was a good thought but it was a bad idea and I said all right explain that he said you know sometimes when it's in your mind and it plays out in that it's it's a good thought but when it actually works itself through in your actions you look back and saying but that was a bad idea sometimes fathers have good thoughts and bad ideas sometimes we we try a man and we do what it is we think is going to work out favorably and sometimes we drop the ball but I want to encourage you a man the fact that you're still there trying it's worth our celebrating you today a bad and young people not even young people cuz you know you got some older folks still holding grudges and a man you funny and still mad at your daddy over something you did when you were 14 years old a man listen you know you got to get that stuff cleared up if you haven't called your father talk to your father if you still have a father you're blessed you ought to leave here today amen don't leave service I gotta talk to you but when you get done you ought to leave here today go get on the phone call them up tell them thank you for the gift of life tell them you love them because you never know when you'll never have that opportunity again a man and I'm telling you now you think regretting something if you still have a father a man don't let them slip out of here a man before you say what you need to say to them get that stuff out of the way a lot of those petty issues that people are still holding on to amen they only serve to keep you apart like that to call us a man thank God for sister call Harper and her twin Eve man I'm looking at here instead their two callers sitting in front of me thank God for you a man but get that stuff out of the way a man it means more to have the relationship and at this point if you're if you're 25 or 30 or 40 years old amen you're not looking for no man to raise you you raised at this point so you know fathers if they 25 years old they don't need you to raise them if you haven't been now all this time they're not looking for you to raise them and then stuff like that they've grown but at least have a relationship it means something a man and I want you to be able to enjoy even I had a great father my father passed when I was 19 years old but I had the greatest father I know everybody says that but no I had the greatest father you had the second greatest a man father was phenomenal he taught us everything amen that we needed to know he put it down in us a man so much and I respect him to this day for what it is that he taught me he made me the man that I am and I think God for him amen I think all for my grandfather amen I had two great-grandfather's with the Lord called my father home I'll never forget amen my grandfather stepped into the place both of him a man just pour it into us and you know that means something it means so much because that's a man that understands your responsibility and I'm grateful and listen stepfather's you don't get enough credit amen but I won't appreciate you today because you got some lazy [Applause] men who walked out from their own children a man had children never stayed around to even try to raise them never try to do anything and I thank God because there were men that have taken the responsibility a man you had some young ladies made some mistakes when they win their teenage years a man and then and thought that at 14 they had found the love of their life can I tell you something before I presume if you 14 you don't even know what love is you ain't got a clue if you think y'all gonna be together we 14 we gonna be together for the rest of my life that shows that you're just 14 a man grew up thinking that things would never work out for you and you know God is good god is gracious and I thank God because they're men that have raised other men's children and never differentiated eight men between theirs and somebody else's a man I thank God for you a man big brothers I think are for you amen because there's some young men wouldn't know how to tie a tie they wouldn't know how to drive they wouldn't know how to pay pills amen but thank God for big brothers and mentors Amen that have taken some responsibility I celebrate you today a man thank God well what about us mothers who have to be the mother and the father you ain't been no father it take a man to be a father you just worry about being the best mother you can be that's all a man ain't met it take a man to be a father look at somebody and tell them neighbor Perry is a word from the Lord amen I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine and I brought my hands you got yours come on hold that power thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God and let me say this amen I appreciate I just started getting text this morning what I was still sleep thank you hey man I appreciate the Lord for that and let me say this to those that are watching amen a listening Amen you know your honor you ought to call your pastor and thank God for your pastor and tell him happy Father's Day amen because some of you talk to him more than you talk to your father amen some of these men of God have had to take on dual responsibilities a man not only preached to you but they had to give you things that many times a natural file that did not give you and so if you have a good pastor amen I thank God for all of you thank you all for that wonderful well wish earlier amen but if you're watching call your pastor amen and tell him happy Father's Day you got many teachers but you don't have many fathers and if you have a good spiritual father a man as Paul was 2 Timothy then make sure you call him and tell him happy Father's Day Joshua the 24th chapter the men of old familiar passage of Scripture Joshua chapter number 24 and I want to begin reading at verse number 14 amen amen Joshua 24 and the 14 and when you have its Amen the Bible gives us this intelligence now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth put away the gods which your father's served on the other side of the flood and in Egypt and served ye hello and if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord if it seems evil to serve the law if serving the Lord is to you a bad idea then he says choose you this day whom you're going to serve whether the gods which your father's served that won't the other side of the flood or the gods of the Emirates in whose land he dwelled but as for me and my house my god we will serve no if it seems evil for you to serve God then pick out which God's you're going to serve whether it's the garbage your father's served on the other side of the flood or the gods of the EM arrives in whose land you dwell in but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord look at somebody and just tell us me and my house that's what I want to talk to you about today me and my house you gotta know that God has laid on every one of us personal responsibilities that says that I'm not responsible for you even if I'm responsible to you well y'all game plan do not cover not the affairs of somebody else's dwelling blaze I can't come to your house and expect that the rules that govern my atmosphere is going to govern yours it is your personal responsibility to make sure that you and your house are in order uh-huh Amen in your house anything may go That's not me in my house that's you and yours a man your children may talk to you crazy in your house Amen but me and my house have a different set of set of standards hey man your children makeup on your couch amen but that's not what goes hold a mentor in my hemisphere I have the responsibility to set the rules that will cover my house and you have the responsibility to do the same and you know we have people now that are shirking of this kind of responsibility but brothers and sisters what God has laid on every one of us is the personal responsibility to govern the affairs of those that God has entrusted into your care now when we talk about being a father a man you have to understand that means a whole lot more in this generation you know being a father now it's up to the individual amen to decide what it is that they are to the father that's the reason why I [Music] was reading a story about the woman who petitioned for Mother's Day she petitioned because after she lost her mother she meant so much to her that she said everybody should take some time out to appreciate their mother so she petitioned for many years amen to get this new holiday sanctioned by the American government and family and made it a national holiday amen but to her surprise dismay she says that she started to see Mother's Day become extremely commercialized she said she went into a mental restive and I believe it was and they had a Mother's Day salad on the menu and then they started selling Mother's Day cards and having Mother's Day sales and she said she sat there and she thought about the fact that this was another she always wanted to be and what it means to be a father what was original intention amen when God [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] understanding now of what a father is supposed to do I remember hearing a menopausal Mary when he preached about coming to Dallas and some of you heard this story ten dollars in his pocket Oh beat-up Ford two bathers and away and got up in the middle of the night and came to Dallas from Henderson Texas remember when - when he got here [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] our integrity now people just don't care and I feel like some of you sitting up in here looking at me and I'm talking to you what becomes of your sons and your daughters what happened to the integrity that mean you still have what happened to that stickability I have no people right now that say stuff like my mom and daddy had 16 children I'm trying to figure this out man 16 kids I have a theory I shared with you later but that is faith and raised 16 ginger we had a three bedroom home with 16 children but that is same with 16 children and I was I was listening to one of the pastors talk and he said you know I was a grown man before I figured out we will pull all those kids hardly nothing in the house he said but I was grown before I figured out we were poor we were eating beans every day mama was making syrup out of grease eatin rice for dinner but we were together we were happy we will family and I didn't even know we were poor can I say this to your brothers and sisters your presence you being there makes up the difference for so much that you probably can't do and now you got men that have two children and it's so hard that they go to the grocery store and never come back what happened to this generation somebody gave me a book and I was reading it last night they talked about how there's a war on the family now the family I don't care what nobody tell you is under the family an onslaught from society from the people y'all can quiet here and now hey man they're human changing definition of what a family is thousands of years we understood and now all of a sudden everything is under now how many times when it was convenient for them to use it that they live all kind of statistics against us fatherless homes have an increased rate of incarceration young men fatherless homes [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] boys girls [Applause] [Applause] we feel like as long as we found them $180 finishes that's all they need from us where they got food on the table they got their own room put a pool in the backyard what more they live in the light for Riley but it's more than just providing we got to protect this Joe and saying nothing you don't even hear folks talking about she got turned out not everybody was born like that no everybody wasn't born like that their folk that got turned out but God ordained that there be a father there to lead this family it takes a father to say to his sons men don't do that oh no we're not walking around the house carrying purses no sir what no standing up in the kitchen at the counter doing like this Oh daddy would say straighten that risk and they have nothing to do with hatred it had nothing to do with abuse y'all get quiet had nothing to do with that it was about training you're gonna be a man to take a man to show you how to be a man hey man you gonna be a lawyer you go get an apprenticeship at the law firm you don't go talk to a coppersmith y'all gettin quiet now and here we are at the point now where masculinity is seen as a bad thing they call it toxic now toxic masculinity and they're saying to us y'all be the read they're saying trust now that men who are hyper masculine are the reasons why there's so much sexual harassment in the workplace because of toxic masculinity and so they don't want alpha males they won't metrosexuals now I don't know why y'all get mad at they don't want me hmm you remember the kind of man used to walk around with a shirt unbuttoned right here and had just bubbling up out of it and they won't mean they get waxed now listen I'm trying to make it through this honey make me an appointment that's just too much hair under my arms and my chest and I gotta go get this taken care of they don't want you to be a a man's man they want men that are so close to being a woman that they say a woman wouldn't be offended by him I'm not making this up I just read this yesterday they call it toxic masculinity I don't read none of that in the scripture I read where God loves everybody but God made a man to be a man I'm sorry there is according to the scripture a natural order to everything and people will take anomalies and try to prove that anomalies things that are outside of the norm prove that everything is normal no God created us the way he wanted us to be he gave us different responsibilities he gave us different roles now y'all gonna get quiet he gave us different equipment come on now you made a mistake and it has to be a man they have so confused our children don't enable the kids in the school talking but it takes a man to teach not only his sons had to be men but a man has to guard his daughters and y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you a real man ain't gonna let his daughter hook up with in his head a real man don't walk in his daughter's room at 11:30 at night and she ain't number 13 years old and sitting up on the phone under the covers now you hang them you hang them now you hang up you hang a person now you you give me the phone a real man has to be there for his daughters too and let me say this to you men it matters how they see you treat your wife [Applause] if your son see you behaving in a kind of way then what are you teaching him what are you showing him how much does your wife matter to you in your son's eyes how much does your wife to you because the way she's supposed to treat her too so if you got dirty mags in your house and if you're looking at all kind of pornography and you know you got people now they just don't care and you're sitting up local and over some other man's daughter but then getting mad when you're walking through the my old and grown me and looking at your little girl something now y'all getting quiet you know pornography let me just hit this it's one of the more prevailing issues with men than anything else I know people that talk against watching TV we don't have TVs in a house and if that's your standard god bless you the power said don't set no wicked thing before your eyes god bless you but you got Internet and I phone you can watch more foolishness on your iPhone then you can on the TV but Y always saying nothing now I told you I was in class last it was April and and I left my textbook at home because the textbook was also online so I never worried about it and I was sitting in class in the middle of the classroom didn't have my textbook and the professor says I want you to open your book to page whatever I said man I ain't got my textbook to open my laptop I typed in the author's name and I just saw some come up with the author's name I hit engine and all my screen pops up something I grabbed and slammed it down and look behind me to hope that nobody saw this so it's not the TV you got to worry about cuz you can watch more young and cried neither see folk don't want you to get get on this kind of stuff you can watch it by porn on your phone than you can on the TV internet access give you access to the whole world you got man they dumped talking about me and my house we gonna serve the Lord you got men who are married with children and still bound by the spirit of pornography oh they struggling they come the trash when they lift a hand they insane but they pretend it and never excuses I'm just struggling right now and you at one time offended by its reality but you're attracted by its promise well y'all getting quiet and here you are married and getting up going to the bathroom well y'all don't want me to preach this gratifying yourself to a picture or to some VIP let me come back over here cuz order something video and it ain't nothin but a lie and then your wife gotta compete with the lie that you choose to believe I tell you every year it ain't none but a lie every time you see that woman in that magazine I had done face clean no stretch marks no blemishes and you believe that life and you get so used to believe in a lie that now I'm the lives more important to you than reality you got a real woman in your house boy y'all getting quiet who trying to get your attention walk it out in front of the TV [Applause] sneezin an accident awakens Europe and you have no interest but you getting hyper behind billboards and magazine covers it's a little and you believe it I'm talking about men reading last night what our most profound chapters I think I've read this month this man was talking about a man who believes the lie of sexual immorality you believe it he said you're in hotel rooms flipping the channel and they show you adult film titles and the title itself is designed to pique your interest and he said now you're paying for that on the credit card and you know you're gonna get caught you so bound you and work on company laptops looking at sites and you know they got filters and they don't catch it but you so bound you taking that chance boy y'all getting quiet now God wants a delivered man God wants a sanctified man he wants a holy God and got crowded here he wants a man that is sanctified and true somebody that's dedicated to not just your family [Applause] scenarios what is it sad that women don't recognize a good man when they see Joseph y'all stop making stuff up and ruining the marriage you have to a good man well I'm trying to hurry up and and Joshua says he says not want you to choose and brothers I want you to choose who you're gonna serve because no man can serve two masters you can't serve God yourself you can't serve God and money you can't serve God and other people it is up to you to choose to serve the Lord Joshua said if it seems evil then just choose who you gonna serve and so many times people look at the standards that God said and they see it as evil why do I have to live like that why do I have to raise my kids like why do I have to discipline myself why do i they look at it and they think that the standard that God has ordained is an evil standard told I was preaching one Sunday I was a gentleman sitting over here and while I was preaching he stood up and walked out the door and said the submatik boy walked out with the way this man is preaching ok now that'd be saved no you just can't be saved your own way that's all God wants to deliver man God wants somebody that does not see his standard has an evil way Joshua said then choose make your choice it's your decision what are you going to do are you gonna serve this God because this God power God has a track record he's got a history you can follow him through the Scriptures he's a doctor [Laughter] [Applause] many men have started out in a rocky way but it took God to straighten them out look at these men of God you wouldn't know it to look at him some of them were rough when they came to the Lord some of them were backwards some of them were upside down some of them were twisted some of them had a bad mind but when you look at him now oh yeah I was I was at a woman came up to me and she said you know takes god to make you into what you are Joshua said listen I'm not gonna let society dictate my atmosphere I'm not gonna allow the rules other people set to dictate how I operate in my atmosphere I'm not going to look at somebody else's house and let what goes on over there they take my atmosphere Joshua said I'm a man and I make the decisions for my house and I'm telling you now as for me and my that means everything in my house mmm-hmm some of you need to be very careful about the woman you thinking about marrying because if she telling you to sit down and act like a good boy now then and if you crazy enough to go sit in the corner like she said then how you gonna stand up the only saying nothing that's why you gotta be careful because if you're gonna speak for your house you better have a house that respects your authority because if you believe in holiness but you marry and some matter that don't then how you gonna raise your kids if you said we don't believe in this and she said the pastor don't tell me what to do then whose way is gonna win out in the end if you're gonna speak for your house your house better recognize your ability to lead Joshua said I'm not allowing anybody to dictate what goes on in my atmosphere as for me and everything in my house you know what they call this now toxic masculinity they call this male chauvinism but Joshua said I'm a man and I'm gonna leave my house the way God has ordained and I know we don't even have a lot of that kind of talk in society but I come to tell you me and God called you to lead Joshua says as for me can my house we don't serve the law I can't make you be saved but if you're in my house you act like you say some of y'all couldn't even clap you may not have the Holy Ghost but if you in my house you're gonna behave according to the rules that govern my atmosphere ain't gonna be no skinemax after dark if you and my atmosphere you ain't gonna cuss in my house well they're just children that's just the way children talk about that's because they ain't never had a daddy like mine to hit him in a mile and I ain't telling nobody to abuse know about it ain't gonna be no smoking well I'm on the porch you're on my property I'm out in the grass you're on my property if you want to smoke get your stuff and get out of my house cuz I don't smoke and I don't like the smell of smoking if you go outside and smoke and come back in and say something to me is your breath smell like smoke you gotta go anyway [Applause] ain't no talking back in my house y'all gettin quiet y'all way ain't saying nothing get out you know this is why fathers and mothers they just that getting me a hype because you know you got to talk about parents or relationship with the children and you see so much of how children interact with a parents now let me give you a pep talk if a child has the nerve to say that kind of stuff to you you didn't knock first this is my room that's my phone you can't tell me again what I can't do cuz because that's probably what I'm about to do I told you I take the whole door off the hinges you and what you my house is gonna serve the Lord didn't make no excuses for me and I ain't making no excuses for know about it you don't children hey ready you ain't making me late you know the devil get on the roundabout 13 14 I don't feel like going to no midweek service and you and that getting your nice clothes on and you ready to go about 7:45 [Laughter] [Applause] we're gonna do what God requires fathers you got responsibility we think it's just pleasure and privilege it is responsibility it's reading the Bible tells in Genesis and I'm done when I say whatever I want to see after I see this in Genesis the Bible tells us that there was a man whose brother died and the custom at that time it was not a commandment there was a custom because God had commanded you to do this kind of stuff so his brother didn't have a son to carry his name and the Bible said the custom was that men and that they would take their brother's wife and raise up a seed unto their brother they would take their brother's wife and they had to go in unto her and know her in an intimate way so that she would conceive and when she conceived it was understood that this is not my child this child has been raised up in my brother's because he didn't have an air and the Bible said that there was a man by the name of Onan I remember being about owned an Onan went in unto his brother's wife because she didn't have a son and when he went in unto his brother's wife he lays with her in the intimate way but just as the moment of completion was upon him the Bible said he removed himself and he spilled his seed on the ground and because he did God smote him now people have said that that was a commandment or command against self-induced gratification but when you look at it this was not self-induced gratification this was a man who actually went through the process of having an intimate moment with his brother's wife in an attempt to raise up a seed for his brother but instead of making the commitment thank you he had the pleasure but he didn't sign on to the responsibility of fathering a child and so instead of depositing seed he spilled his seed on the ground so he had the pleasure but didn't want responsibility and you still have me and right now what the pleasure but don't sign on for responsibility stand to your feet I gotta stop I wish I could I could finish this mr. gentleman by the name I think it gets I think it was gets he wrote and he said if there was a young man who only watched you know the kind of horror movies they have now where people take axes and job people up in bludgeoned people if that's all he saw was me and sharpening axes until it was razor sharp taking that axe and going and all he ever saw axe being used for what's the shot people up and go up people if all he saw was the movie representation of axes where people just beat people and cut him up and chopped him up and blood and guts and gore then he says that's all he wouldn't know and acts forward but if he went to the country to his grandfather's house and came around the corner and saw his grandfather would have ax in the air some on the inside of him we're automatically refer back to what he's only known about access that all their use for us to chop people and gore people and to Maine people but if his grandfather chopped the wood with it then he would understand that an axe is not all bad it's useful it has good qualities to it he says and even though he had been led to believe the only reason people have access was to chop people up when he come to the understanding that that's really not what it was for people just misused it in that regard it would change his understanding he said that's the problem with a lot of young million now when it comes to sexual relationship they have been taught that it's only this way it's only destructive everywhere you go you look at rap videos don't look at him but if you did they would show you that women only have use value that's how the woman is good for how she can do is shake how she can do is only exist for some man's gratification if they use sex to sell cars on beer but now you know that woman in a bikini ain't got none to do with that car she's just laying on the hood because they know that's how to get your attention everything now they gotta use sex to sell chicken wings well I just winter for the wings that they told you in the name of that beard and what you were gonna see when you walked up in there y'all gettin cried that they don't want me to preach they call it Hooters for a reason [Applause] I just like the wings they have led a whole generation to believe that you're just free to do whatever you want to do sex is just something you do you use it to gratify yourself everybody around you just has use value and so they they objectify everybody it's so bad now you could have a skirt down past your ankle and they're still not after you it's just it's just the spirit it's a lust demon in the land and how many people are injuring other people because they have a bad understanding but that's not why God created sexuality can I tell you what sex is for since a lot of people don't know sex is a celebration of love between two married people and if you ain't married you ain't got none to celebrate [Applause] it's just misused but I want you to know today you don't have to just settle for trying to be a man on this great Father's Day you can be a man of God wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to be able to raise your sons and your daughters in the fear of the Lord wouldn't it be a great thing to instill godly principles into your daughter and your son so that even if you made a mistake you can live in such a way then you can teach and show them better than to do what it is that you did wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if while your children are still young you give your heart to the Lord so that they never know this side of their daddy so that they never see that daddy miss handling their mother so they never hear that daddy using unintelligent words to talk what if they don't know why people on the street call you this call you that God is calling you he can change you today I don't care what kind of street rascal you have been maybe you've done everything but died and you almost did that maybe you have done some of the most despicable things I want you to know God can change you and turn your whole life around you don't have to live like that if you don't have to be that way you can be changed by the power of God he did it for Saul change them and change his name he wasn't a torturer anymore he wasn't a murderer anymore he wasn't one to commit blasphemies and when the Lord changed him he changed everything about him even changed his name maybe today they got a name for you maybe they call your dog because that's what you acted like all kind of nicknames Tiger lion bird-dogging glad the Lord can change you today and if you let him he'll make something beautiful out of you if you're here I want you to come come on there come that come on somebody else is here come on hallelujah I'm tired of living like this [Applause] [Music] come on I want somebody else to come hallelujah I want somebody else to come come on if you need somebody to grab them by the hand I will come on if you need them to they'll walk you this way [Music] come on come on he's standing waiting on you young man young lady this is your thing that's it come on maybe nobody told you better you know what I found out that the unlearned is simply the untaught the word ignorant means to not know and the reason why so many people are unlearned is because they are untaught nobody took the time to say some things to him they didn't tell him they didn't teach him and so they are behaving in a way that you may look at is improper but they're only unlearned because they are undertow but I don't care if you didn't have a father there is the father who's going to tell us everything that we need to know he's gonna lead you he's gonna guide you into all truth that's his promise to us he said if it come to me I will in no wise cast you out you may feel like people didn't want you like they didn't care but there's somebody who cares somebody that loves you he loves you in a real way and if the day you're ready to give the law to life I want you to lift your hands if you're ready just submit and I want you to talk to him because he's listening and today he's ready to honor your right desire I won't you while your hands are lifted and your eyes are closed because it's not about me and you it's about you and him now talk to him ask him say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that wasn't like you come into my life and deliver me and set me free ask him lord baptize me with the Holy Ghost and when you do it today tell them no I live for you for the rest of my life and if you can believe it God will do what you ask him to do come on lift your hands and just believe it believe it father lay your hands on him now in the name of Jesus oh god I've taken but change and deliverance the whole it goes don't let it be the same in Jesus name hands on them this [Music] in the name of Jesus Oh God [Applause] [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] rather the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get the praise in Jesus name come on come on oh come on - cries let those have somebody hallelujah Thank You Lord God blessed they can see the pee again happy Father's Day God expects so much out of you he wants you to live in a in a perfected way and if you find yourself in the place of being somebody's father give it everything you got because the next generation is depending on what it is we do in this way the unlearned or simply the untaught and you know what I'm asking you to do there's so many young men that don't have fathers and every chance you get say something encouraging and positive say something to build them up say something to let them know they don't have to live like that we talk about them but we just don't talk to him you wait till I leave and go around the corner noon we turn in did you see that but when was the last time you took the time out to give them a word of encouragement and to speak to the better part of them the unlearned are simply the untaught I thank God and I'm going to spend my time encouraging people young men to grow up and be a man young fathers to hang in there and I'm finding out now that's all some people who ever really wanted that's why he went to the streets they were just looking for somebody to validate him somebody to say something I was in Michigan and there was a man in his 50s came to the service and he drove in from another city in the past it was there and he said I can't get you to come hear me preach the possum area come to Michigan and you come all the way from another city to hear him and the man looked at him and said I have to because he's my father can he told me that and I said that's the weirdest staying away I have children older than you but that's all some people were ever looking for just looking for somebody to speak into them somebody to say something somebody to say words as simple as you did good that's all just needed somebody to say something because nobody validated by the wrong people the street showed you love and that's the way you win but all of our fathers today would you stand we gonna celebrate you the way you want the way you need to be celebrated I mean come on and listen to me as some of your not standing and the reality is you may have fathered many children if you've taken people under your wing and help those that nobody else cared for I want you to know your father just the same [Music] [Applause] and while you're standing there the other day I was I was reading about cliches that we really don't know the fullness of we've always heard that blood was thicker than water but that's not the fullness of the phrase you know the actual phrase is that the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb people shortened it and just said blood is thicker than water that really doesn't speak to the fullness of the phrase the blood of a covenant is thicker than the water of the womb you know what that means that means that there are people that may not be your kin but they okay and a covenant with people who are not even related to you it's many times thicker than the water of the womb that carried you and somebody else and to all of you fathers that are standing here and to those that are not standing but you have fathered many let me say to you today you did good and what you have done [Applause] matters to somebody thank you on the behalf of your children those that you care for and children that other men cast aside that you brought under your wing thank you for your sacrifice for your service for your labor of love for your time for every kind word for your encouragement thank you and if you haven't spoken to your children if you made mistakes that put distance between you and them when you leave here today call them and if you have to say you're sorry be man enough to say it say to them you may be grown and I'm not trying to raise you but if you'll allow me I want to have the best relationship with you going forward that I can possibly have God expects so much out of us and the next generation that's depending on what we do in this season you did good would you put those hands together in a real way and let's celebrate these men of God [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 24,495
Rating: 4.85641 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: nH-MfnpxuCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 58sec (6658 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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