FGHT Dallas: Who Is My Neighbor (Part 1)

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maduk are we sir Oh angels bow before him ever never I'm in the sinks where would you put those hands together let's take off for dr. Coleman tonight did a phenomenal job amen we thank God for everything that is gone forth to the glory and to the honor of the Lord I'm just glad to be here tonight anybody glad to be in the service of the Lord made anybody glad to be on the Lord's I'm just glad I'm saved sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost God's a keeper a man he's a deliverer he's away maker he is everything that the Word of God has declared him to be and we praise Him tonight maybe you didn't get a chance to testify maybe you didn't get a chance a man to do the let the redeemed of the Lord say so amen but you can spread the love of Christ for your brother and your sister come on take a moment move around tell somebody I love them with the love of the Lord [Music] that's it [Music] that's it couple [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say the cheese hit me [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] let's move around say that she looks at me [Music] Jesus [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] it's real [Music] [Applause] [Music] man's real good [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from their hands a different phrase in the house tonight the way the sea tell somebody I love you and I'm praying for you hey man I want you to know it I love you and my prayers are with you a man I do I I was sharing with a pastor Sunday we were talking and just just fellowshipping you know bit by way of text message and we were talking about members and the way members see their pastor you know and I praise the Lord for wonderful members hey man I tell people I think I have the absolute best members and a pastor could have a man it looks sanctified and nice and I told them Sunday I said you know when members talk about the pastor in a positive way not the ones that don't get the ones that talk about you in a positive way you know when they get sick you're the one they call there's a problem you're the one they call and they feel like if I can just get in touch with my pastor you know it's all right I didn't got calls from jail hey man look at some of y'all I have no idea what he's talking about yo kids and I've got calls from the hospital and and people feel like that you know they reach for their pastor and and I was just telling them you know when it comes to praying for the members pastors have to love their members the way their members love them a man they called you you're always on their mind they pray for you and I don't care how members you have they only have one pastor and if they get on their knees and they're sincere they're gonna pray and go to God on the behalf of their pastor every day and as fast as you oh it to them to do the same for them you owe it to them to pray for them and to love them and to extol them in it and esteem them highly because that's the way that they do you and I want you to know I love you and I'm praying for you a man I really truly am a man I don't I don't have a reason to stay up all night amen but if I'm up all night he meant just know a man you are on my mind and on my heart and that I'm praying that every good thing would find its way to you look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord or in gentleman I'm a lover of the word of our God I love mine and I broke mine with me you got yours don't you come on hold that power up because everything else is going down but the word of our God amen the Word of God is everything to me amen the Bible teaches us that men shall not live by bread alone but he's got to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord I believe that and I want you to believe that amen I want you to know that every word of the Lord is still right I don't care if it challenges you you know sometimes you read the Word of God you might feel like slamming your Bible on the table but when your attitude let up if you go into heaven you're gonna still have to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord you can come to church and believe me just give it some time the preacher gonna preach something that's gonna get on your nerve there's gonna get in the seat with you and you can jump up like some people have while I've been preaching and storm out the door it's only one Sunday I was preaching a man stood up walk that before he walked out the door he said to the usher with the way this man is preaching Kano be saying but if you want to go to heaven you go have to settle your nerve and line up with the word of the Lord that means you younger Saints too cuz you know I'm noticing these younger Saints think that there's a new holiness going around a man that's another sermon for another day and their thing will get which of the day by that but there's one gospel there's one salvation there's one standard of holiness and if those that came before gospel forty years ago had to live by that standard believe me the seasons may change and the decades may change the times and the generations may pass away but God's standard of a holiness remains the same and so not only does God have expectations that you're gonna live holy but I have expectations that you're gonna live holy and not only you but if it's good for you it's good for your kids - you don't need you going to heaven and sending your kids to here cuz you scared to stand up and take a stand in your own house a man if it's good for you it's good for them to the book of Luke's Gospel y'all thought that's why we're going tonight I got some good news for you a man a man it may challenge it at night but it's good news because it is the Word of God and it's what God intends for us Luke chapter number 10 I want to begin at the 25th verse that's Luke chapter number 10 and I want to begin at verse number 25 now Amen when you come to church to the house of the Lord we come to receive a word from God we don't come to look around we don't come the hook-up we don't the Hangout we come because we expect that God's going to say something to us that's going to build us so that we in turn can leave out of those doors and have the strength to fight the good fight of faith a man and listen I don't care what the preacher is preaching tonight you don't ever have space to say he wasn't talking to me because I found out that if you don't think the word is relevant tonight just hide it in your heart because there's coming something down the road that you're gonna need to reach back and put your hands on this word and it may not bless you tonight but it's gonna bless you after a while amen and believe me nobody studies Amen the Word of God just to come and throw it at the wall we want it to stick in your heart amen so when you come to church besides your Bible amen I want you to bring some of the right with and some of the right own amen because their scriptures you find in the Word of God and if you leave here you don't already know it amen later on this week something may start jumping off that you need to be able to reach back and pull that scripture up amen and read it and let it strengthen you amen so when you come specially on Tuesday night amen but every service night bring something to write with and something to write on amen you ought to have a note pamphlet amen and write these notes down amen the things that God says in the word and through the message amen that strikes a chord with you write that down amen and go home and study that word and make it a part of your life he never said just read a men he said study to show thyself approved unto God Luke chapter number 10 verse number 25 and when you have it say man read what the Bible says and behold a certain lawyer stood up certain lawyer stood up and tempted him and tempted him did you say what he said because he was interested amen and bringing Clara to those that heard the words of Jesus he said what he said in a matter to tip him on a trip him up read saying master master what shall I do to inherit eternal life ah ha ha he said I'd say he said unto him jesus said unto the lawyer what is written in the law what do you read in the Bible you know people are like that now pastor do you think this is wrong what the Bible say a man won't think that you gonna give them something different other than what they've already read and if this was a lawyer he spent his time reading the law y'all get quiet here he already knew what the Bible says but he come to Jesus to trip him up and he says good master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life and Jesus simply says you've been reading what you've been reading what the Bible pass you think that's wrong no matter what I think what does the Bible say read how read it's down what are you been reading the accident said thou shalt love the Lord thy God thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor and love your neighbor as thyself just like you love yourself and you know people love themselves the Bible said no man ever hated his own flesh he said love your neighbor as you love yourself he said unto him thou has answered right you've answered right this do and thou shalt live just do that do what it is that's written and you'll be okay uh-huh but he willing to justify him hear what the Bible said he wanted to justify himself now that that that's important if you if you haven't done so you need to underline that he now looks too justify himself read said unto Jesus he said unto Jesus in an effort to justify himself and who was my neighbor who is my neighbor in fact since I got a love the Lord my God with all my heart with all my soul with all my strength in my mind and my neighbor as myself who is this neighbor you talking about really and Jesus answering said Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho Jericho and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest that by chance a priest a milord and when he saw him uh-huh he passed by on the other side a spy on the other side and likewise a Levite uh-huh when he was at the place came and looked on him at least he came over to see what was going on and passed by on the other side then he went and passed by on the other side but but a certain Samaritan mmm as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him when he saw him he had compassion on he had compassion on him and went to him uh-huh and bound up his wound up his wound pouring in oil and wine all and wine and set him on his own beat set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him the Bible says and he took care of him and on the morrow and on the morrow when he departed he departed he took out two pens and gave them to the host gave unto the host and said unto him take care of him take care of him and whatsoever thou spend it some more uh-huh when I come again when I come again I will repay the I will give it back to you which now of these three thinkest thou was neighbor unto him that so tell me which one of these was a real neighbor to him that fell among the feet and he said he that showed mercy on him and he said it's the one that showed the mercy then said Jesus unto him go and do that like what Jesus says go and do just like that now I know that's probably no way in the world I'm gonna be able to finish this tonight but can we go as far as we can within a reasonable amount of time yeah y'all gonna stick with me for just a moment look at somebody and just ask them who is my neighbor now look at the person on the other side and ask them who is my neighbor and you might say well brother Herman the fact that they're sitting next to me would probably say that this is my neighbor but then some of you might have only said by people you were familiar with and already had relationships with that does not spell out the totality of the neighborhood you know that's what we that's who we call our neighbors the people in the hood if your hood got a gate around it then your neighbors are those in the neighborhood these are the people in the neighborhood he wants to know some of all of these people if I got to love God I get that but now I gotta love my neighbor let's define who a Navy is first cuz they're people that might be in my hood that I don't have nothing to do so tell me so I can justify myself who it is you callin my neighbor because we may have two different understandings of what oh you know something daughters the Bible constantly stresses to us the importance of loving I mean you can't get away from it everywhere you look the Bible is telling us that we have the responsibility to love all of those that are amen our brothers and our sisters in this world and although as the children of God we find it a wonderful thing to boast about the love that we have for God everybody I mean I have seen people amen I remember we went camp one here and I went down to see our young people and they were under the tent and I'll never forget it they called one young lady up to testify and this young I mean came up to the mic and she started she was a to the friends when she came to the I just love their neighbors the Word of God it's a wonderful thing to love God but our love must be expended to our fellow man just to say you got to know a member to say that I love God if you do not the ability to express it so what I'm telling you tonight Amen it's more than just talking about I love God Allah that is only talked about but never Express is and the way that we express our love for God is in the way that we handle our brothers and our sisters well y'all Shogun quiet and I find at least about some of y'all amen go help me tonight you now people have to do is clean up the church in the church in the house of God [Applause] nobody that I don't like are you here with me that's nobody through this world who is my neighbor and so the way that we express our love for God is in the way that we express our love for our neighbor now you're on the oven got quiet so many people think that they can get by with only developing a strong and a solid relationship with God but that's not what the Bible teaches us brothers and sisters get me Hebrews 12 and 14 follow peace with all men he says follow peace with all men and holiness and holiness without without which no man which no man shall see the Lord shall see the Lord all the peace and holiness well y'all got quiet again without which no man holiness without which no man shall see the Lord it says a whole lot more than just holiness he first starts out by telling us we have to follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord and can I say this brothers and sisters you can claim to be holy oh you [Applause] settle this tonight Who am I supposed to be so kind to who do I have to love like that you telling me to love my neighbor as I love myself do you know how much I love myself and you telling me I gotta love somebody else and you know bad clothes and you know you don't back close guys you like how you lookin at you back close guys you think of the folk don't like how you look in it oh you don't want that show it you don't want that tight you may like your own shape but you don't buy clothes that you ought to be presentable to another front of other people if not you too will poke it out and plan and if you got on poke around and play it I'm not talking to you I'm just saying you to come out there I don't have nobody to see me then why you matching you do care I don't care how nobody see me okay why are you so up that whole because you don't care you know folks got to be so spiritual I don't buy these clothes for nobody else I get that but you can't say you don't care about how nobody else see you or else you wouldn't bother trying to match up your crawlers you don't care and you love yourself like that and he says that's how you got to love your neighbor do you know when you consider the 10 commandments as they are written in Exodus the 20th chapter if you go to Exodus 20 and you start to see the Ten Commandments that are spelled out you'll notice that the first half of the commandments deal with your relationship to God don't make it a graven images yeah bow down on yourself you know all of these Commandments but then you come to the second half second half of the commandments I'll deal with your relationship to your fellow man so when you look at the Ten Commandments it's not just about how you relate to God he's spelling out the type of relationship you can have with your fellow man so we tell you don't kill don't steal don't commit adultery don't bear false witness because those are things that will negatively impact the relationship you have with other people and so it's more than just you having a relationship with God he wants you to have solid relationships with your brothers and your sisters just the same brings about human brothers and sisters a genuine concern I don't mean doing stuff to people to come back and say thank you so you can act like you humble I mean if you won't do something for people do it out of a genuine concern for your brothers and your sisters if you have no strings attached shoes obviously don't have no springs brings you in concern for your brother's relationship with other people and it's because if we are questionable him in our as to our love for them that means we are automatically deficient in our concern for them if I look at I question whether you even love them then I already know your concerning where it needs to be because why as a child of God should anybody have to wonder if you love them I don't mean folk that just got bad understanding I mean the way you handle people the things that you do if they don't know you love them then that means your concern is already deficient or y'all showed in quiet tonight and many of us say stuff like we love our brother and we love our sister but do you have real concern for I mean real genuine concern I love everybody where's your concern because real love brings about a genuine concern all right boy it's gonna get rough I'm not asking you to stand up and howl at no names but who can you think of right now that if you saw them on the side of the road with a flat when you leave church tonight you still wouldn't stop your car to help you see that person that you just thought of you see that one that just came to your mind I don't even have to ask you I know they're people in here as quiet as it's kept see that's why asking questions is dangerous because even if the answer don't come out your mouth the answer still comes to your mind who do you know that couldn't borrow your cell phone and make a free call if you saw that pause just out there trying to take a tower but God Joe big ol burly self who do you know that you wouldn't even stop and render her assistance or him assistance if you sell them and need tonight who is it that you can think of that if you saw him in the grocery store and they then checked all these groceries out and found out they were seven dollars short and here you are just up there just ask for change four hundred who is it that you sit there and look all up in the ceiling I heard a man talking ever he said I saw this little old woman at the store he said she bought all of these groceries and the cashier was checking her out and when she was checking her out come to find out then the woman didn't have enough money and he said it really wasn't a whole lot he said well because I'm so kind you know what I did I helped her put him back now you know that's a shame who do you know right now that you would take joy and helping them put their groceries back served or right for what she did to me back in 2012 she thought she got away your spirit is wrong who is my neighbor let me hurry up and try to get through this it it's what you say you have truly the love of God the way you handle people is is that really the love of God hmm how did God love us give me give me Romans five verses six seven eight for when we were yet without strength come on read there in due time Christ died for the ungodly read for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to the son would dare to die for a good man free but God commended his love toward us you want to know how God loved us listen to what the Bible says he commended he expressed his love for us in that while we were yet sinners how we were yet sinners Christ died for us twice died for us do you hear this that's how much God loves us just st. John the 3rd chapter the 16 verse Jesus it for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son because when you were messed up he still gave His only begotten Son for you and still get them to believe what we're expressing is the love of God is how you behave in your relationship with your brother and your sister can you say that qualifies as the love of God is the way you talk to people that you manage the love of God you know folks forget they used to share a cubicle with you and now that they got a desk in the middle of the floor they got to talk to you crazy you know what my daddy used to tell us be careful who you treat bad on your way up cuz you're gonna meet them same people on your way back down and they will be glad to see you again is that really truly the love of God get me first John five and one whosoever whosoever believe it that Jesus is the Christ ha ha is born of God is born of God and every one that loveth him that began love with him also that has begotten of him if you say you love God and don't have a problem loving God then you ought to love if you love him that beget should you also love him that's begotten and I'm trying to figure out how is it that even in many places in the house of the Lord there's so much tension and competition and anger and this person is out to tear that person down I told you listen I'm not that kind of pastor let's go sit up and let you talk about people and think I'm gonna whip them down for you that ain't me if you gonna talk about people amen and try to tear fall down I'm gonna tell you to sit here while I call for them and you can tell me in front of them everything you trying to tell me now because it's true you shouldn't care you always saying nothing here but you got people now who act like Church it's like corporate America you got a tear fall down just to get ahead if you not over the odds Hillary just work with it that is your family [Applause] [Music] try to help people so somebody's eyes will turn to you I said it before and I remember years ago we had a situation where we needed some personnel changes in the ministry somebody walked off and felt like they could do better without God so they left we needed something out of the feel that roll I remember possum every wouldn't just just say I was so in so to do it I won't no no he have to let him work to see who fits better in that place and I remember one Sunday morning live on the air own our live radio broadcast something happened and something went wrong and the person who could have stepped in and solved the problem I said right there opossum every said right there and watch them stand over to the side and they didn't do nothing they just let him mess up live on the radio clearly just came to the rescue and the thing is had they done it they would have shown that they were quality enough to take the leadership position but because nobody asked them to lead a yard and ask me some doubted that's who y'all won't find and then Adam crumble live on the radio because they felt like the individual would look so bad that a possum area would run from him and run to them but because it was in their heart to help somebody look bad a possum ever said they'll never leave this auxilary in this church and whenever you decide you go help somebody look bad you don't even understand God could have been known at you for your kindness he could have placed his hand on you because you were concerned about the work and the service of the Lord but because you stood back want them to look bad and won't be rumors to get out and won't nemac the pack mistake that paid me to show the pastor that he made a mistake in choosing them you don't even understand you didn't make him look bad you made yourself look bad a lawyer came to Jesus and he asked Jesus what we would call a loaded question the Bible uses the wording that he came to tempt him that means he went asking because he wanted to bring clarity to those that heard Jesus's response he asked a question in such a way that if Jesus had given the wrong answer it would have made him look very very very questionable in the eyes of those who heard him much like we hear when we see the story of the rich young ruler he comes and he says good master what is it that I need to do to inherit eternal life and and and Jesus masterfully answered him but he answers him in a way that lawyers would have spoken to each other he says what did you read in the law and sorry this now and you know you got people like that now they want the pastor to give them some other understanding other than what they already know no y'all getting quite I don't have folk calling me on the phone apostle what would you think about this you don't matter what I think what matters is the Word of God well I mean what do you think is wrong if I do this I think it's wrong if anybody do it any time the Bible gives us a position with the word away and so it's not just something that we read not done with him but instead the Bible says that he is rather willing to justify himself this was his angle all along he wanted to achieve the right results but he didn't want to take every necessary step to get there he wanted to justify himself and he looks at Jesus and says in essence I don't have a problem loving God I can love God with all my heart I can love him with all my strength with my soul and with my mind I love God I don't have a problem but now when you start telling me I gotta look people then we need to find out who are these people that I'm supposed to love thought I wish I had the time to dig into this story but but but this this man the Bible says wanted to justify himself but justify himself in front of whom whose eyes were he so concerned with that he needed to justify himself by clarifying who is my neighbor brothers and sisters might I suggest to you that it wasn't the crowd that he was concerned about he wanted to justify his actions in his own because there was some people he did not see as being his neighbor as a lawyer as a keeper of the law they were taught that Gentiles were in nowise your brother or your sister he wanted to justify he was treating them because he understood that if the only way I can get there is to love my neighbor and if I'm not treating everybody right I just need to know that the ones I'm treating wrong are not considered my neighbor because of a my neighbor I'm justified and not giving them nothing I'm justified and not talking to them it'd be worth their weight in salt I'm justified but leaving them stranded on the side of the road especially if they ain't my neighbor who do I have an obligation to let's unpack this luggage Jesus who do I have this kind of application to is it that sister that I don't need brother that borrowed money and didn't pay me back is he still considered my neighbor the people that I'm already running from when I get to church asking the Russian you don't have another seat is that fun yeah just come on in hand sat down and you hate to sit there because you know your pastor gonna have you all night look at your neighbor who is my neighbor got folks sitting right next to you lean over and tell somebody Jesus loved you and you are all behind you trying to find somebody and already talking to nobody who is not see y'all want me to shut up and and and I want to tell you who your neighbor is I need you to tell me Jesus if I got to love people unconditionally but I only have to love my neighbor who fits in the choir how many people do I do do I put in this category doo doo doo I put the one that broke up my marriage is is it the one that I almost got in a fight with the church is it is that my neighbour is it the one that I think stole that money out of my purse but I didn't see her do it I couldn't say for sure but she's going back there is that my neighbour tell me who my neighbour is cuz if I'm gonna go to heaven based on whether I can love him or not I need to know who it is I got a lover got some people just seemed unlovable I know y'all y'all that I don't know anybody that that seems unlovable I bet your friend you mean I gotta love people that I've been taught or not even human you mean to tell me that to get in the heaven I gotta love my neighbor as myself so that means I gotta put up with people that I know and say I gotta love people that I don't already figured out on a way to have yeah are you going to hell with him I wish I could finish this tonight but I don't feel like all them Church fingers going up and then you walk it out on me so so just let me say this jesus said you gotta do it he never made an argument for how easy it was gonna be he simply said if you want to get to heaven you got to do this and I know everybody in here could probably write a list of people who make it hard for you to love him but he never said do it because it's easy he said do it because you said you wanted to go to heaven now you got to figure out how much heaven is worth to you how much is it worth because because if if if heaven ain't even worth you rolling your eyes at people you know you got folks still in 2018 growing folk 37 years old you groan finding every way to express your displeasure in people every time they do something you want to magnify they the one that made the mistake they get up to testify no that's the worst thing in the world for you in the world he called her up testified he must not even be spiritual calling this woman up here like this she ain't got nothing to say - nope still trying to figure out when these folk go fast for the spirit of discernment cuz every time I come they got hurt they're singing like they don't know the kind of life style she living reason why apposite need to come off the road so he can start watching cuz he missing all this stuff all these people doing and he don't even see what's going on I wonder listen I preached the other week touch no matter to him just worry about you God God I never told you to figure me out cuz I ain't figured me out yet so you go find up here battle did she get a minister's uniform don't they don't know who this woman is who is my neighbor I'm going to the bathroom call me when he get done up there screaming it's me hop in the back man John text me when he get done saying and please does so now you come to church and can't even get the benefit of what God is doing in the service because you busy trying to figure out who is my neighbor you don't want to love everybody you just only want to love the people you have to love to get the heaven how you feel about brothers also how to love him enough to get into heaven what does that mean do you know singsong so yeah I love it can't get into heaven if I don't is that you said you mean that's the only kind of love you got you just love people just enough to get into heaven and you don't love them an inch beyond but you gotta love him to get in there really is that truly the love of God that God loved you in a measurable way if you can't measure his love for you then why are you trying to carve out love for everybody else now I was getting ready to get through and now y'all just added 5 to 10 to 15 more minutes to this sermon he wanted to justify how he was treating them he looked to justify himself because of the way I'm treating people mean I'm not gonna make it in I need to know about this love thangkas I'm doing good to the people I think deserve my goodness but other folk I wouldn't give him a dime to call 911 they were hanging over a cliff so I just need to know I need to know is it okay that I shout but then if I'm on my way to my car after that powerful service and they speak to me is it okay if I just brush them off and keep moving this is it is that my neighbor if they speak to me is it okay if I say hello without opening my lips is that okay is that now see y'all don't want me to feel it I'm just trying to figure out who our neighbor is because I don't do myself that way if I'm hungry and I need something to eat I don't go get me something to drink I get me what I need and I don't just get food because I need food I get what I like I don't go to the store and buy me clothes three sizes too big I care about how I look and they don't need me said I don't care nobody else think about me I don't care what they think I like it yes you do that's why you wouldn't got it in your size and not two sizes bigger that's why you wore matching colors you are concerned that's not to say you overly concerned and don't change your standards does somebody say they don't like it but I just need to know if I treat myself so well tell me what's the bare minimum I need to do for these people they're supposed to be my neighbor he wanted to justify himself sister ot kidding me first John four in twenty I'll be done why y'all laughing I said I would be done if a man saying if a man say Oh y'all bout I want if you write it down right first John four in 20 if a man say I love God and hated his brother uh-huh he is a lawyer wait a minute wait a minute well I don't hate nobody but when you see them walking Church your skin starts crawling what do you call that see we won't adjust it by ourselves what if God looked at you and said you did test me I know you say I know you're filled with the Holy Ghost but when I look at you my skin crawl would you serve a god like that what if God did you that same way what if he didn't want to touch you like you act like everybody else around you got the measles what if God talk to you rough the way you talk to people just cause you ain't on his level see that's what getting me about people that's what I can't I can't stomach that type of reaction to people just because they don't have a job just because they don't have nice clothes just because they have an odor you act like they are beneath you let me tell you something you might have an odor in your good clothes and if your arms ain't stinking your attitude is the attitude wash in your sink don't look down on people because they're not where you are that's your neighbor who you don't care what kind of title you got doctor apostle prophet it don't matter I'd like you ain't never had no odour well y'all don't got quiet rereads just told it cuz I need for he that loveth not his brother for his brother whom he had seen huh how can he love God whom he had not seen you never saw God but you so in love with him and looking at your brother and your sister every day and can't find a room in your heart to show love to somebody that's why I want to come on Sunday Sunday night and Saturday cuz he always talked about the Jesus in me love the cheese's in you and I ain't go light if you notice if I do come I stand right there in my seat cuz I know she gonna come over to me she do it every time and know better than to ask me anything like that I'm the first one she gonna come to watch it watch it watch it Jesus Jesus anyway you need to take your Jesus and go to the other side of the church who is my neighbor you mean you can love God and you ain't never seen him but can't shake hands won't speak to nobody you leave an announcements so can't nobody get to you gotta get to my car dad I don't feel like talking that nobody have to change you need to be saved Reid's Estonia and this commandment this commandment have we from him we from him that he who loveth God love his brother also we have this commandment if you gonna love God you gotta love your brother too and the fact that he says love them mean it's within your power to do it if he tells you to love God that means loving God is something you can do if he tells you to love your neighbour you have the power to love them I don't care what they've done I don't care what you have experience with people you have the power to love them y'all get quiet get me get me Luke 632 y'all write this down cuz when you get back here Saturday well Thursday I want you to come loving people six and thirty three four if you love them which love you what thank have ye if you only love people love you try that's my friend like the wall she let me in my hardest trials she was there to loan me money and she helped pulled me through I just love her that's wonderful but if you love people that love you what think have you where's the challenge where's the reward in that you loving people that's easy to love what where is the reward wreath for sinners also love those that love them also those that love them the wild love its own so if you only love people that are good to you that alone your money what's great about that and if you do good and if you do good to them which do good to you that do good for you what thank have ye done big hey for sinners also do even the Saints do that some gotta separate you from a sinner you mean attacked me the love of the Saints have ain't no different from the love sent us halfway no no he can really show us how to tell the love of the Saints read and if he lend to them of whom he hope to receive them to people who you already know you could hope to receive of them I mean dire straits on the side of the road ain't got no gas gas station right there you got a gas can and five dollars worth of change in your cup holder you mean you wouldn't take them dimes and them nickels go up there and fill up that gas can and bring it back to them child I would but I heard her testify another day but how she lost her job and I know if I give her these dimes and nikolayeva see that money again so you only give to people that you can expect to give back to you you know what let me say this to you I understand in a greater way now what Jesus meant and I want you to hear me I want you to go home if you got a mirror in your bathroom and you can't remember it no other way get you a dry erase marker and write it on your mirror cuz I need you to remember this jesus said blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy let me tell you something for people who are so unmerciful for people who are so unforgiving for people who don't show grace to nobody always recommending judgment instead of mercy he said you better hope you never need mercy because if you haven't sold mercy you ain't gonna reap it blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy the reason why I'm so merciful to people is because I pray if I ever get in a position where I need mercy I pray that I have sold enough mercy that mercy don't be available to me if you sow unmerciful you can't expect nothing the only people that shall obtain mercy are the merciful so if all you can do is give the people that you know can give back to you what good did you just do wreaths for sinners also lend to sinners sinners do the same to receive as much again let's go but love ye your enemies yeah now this is the love that separates the Saints from the sinners sinners love themselves they love other sinners but he said if you a child of God love your enemies 3 and do good and Lynn Lynn live the people that how do we think they can't pay me back now let me say this cuz you know you got some pigeon droppings that'll go through the church in a minute and trying to get up on day everybody did you hear what the pastor said tonight you know folk come with you all poor looking at slide they feet did you hear what he said I hate to have to come to you like this but no no we don't do that cuz you got people that have come to you ask you for five dollars go to that one over there ask them for five dollars go over there and ask them for five dollars go back there and ask them find out let me talk to you I know you ain't gonna tell nobody about this I'm on some and then they go over there and by the time they don't win around the church they got my money they pocket than y'all gave in the offering and I'm mad about that come on now we got from you Twitter from them thirty from them two from them by the time they get dude ain't gotta go to work they work the church that's that they job they worked you hey talking about that kind of stuff I'm talking about if you see your brother in a real need and you know it's a need not that you've been used cuz you got people that I use you said right up in church I know you to retired you then got him testified how you got your pension and they the first one come to you I sure hate to come to you like this and I sure hate to send you away the pastor told me Sunday my job is to build your faith keep believing God it's on by people you know in a genuine need and if it's your decision to give for them you give to them but people that's just coming around you'll know how many people that they don't come to and they're tell you I ain't even ate today come on right pick up the win the kid stuff well no y'all don't weave Williams kind of greasy no you ain't hungry talking about Williams greasy Williams some good chicken I'm gonna go get me some Williams tonight I really rather have the money I don't eat that name rose I don't eat that kind of roll that kind of bread if you just give me the money I mean I hate to put you through the trouble I'm having to go up there to get me some food just give me the money I'll go get it by myself touch somebody to tell them I'm saved but I ain't stupid rates Estonia hoping for nothing again hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the children of the highest ought you are going to be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil that's why the Bible says God loves so that he reigns on the just as well as the unjust who is look at somebody ask him are you my neighbor am i yours tonight if there's anybody that you kill you laugh if there's anybody that you thought about earlier and if I see them on a Saturday they had some lights on I can tell you they ain't nothing my heart don't tell me to stop it matter of fact everything in me telling me to keep going to Nate he stopped on the side of the road I don't know I already pre-planned that if I see them they hands like so ain't stopping for them who is my neighbor if I see I'm gonna need is there anybody that I won't help and I already know I know they don't have that rapport with me that I would feel comfortable who is my neighbor if I got to love him like I love myself to get to heaven then you need to tell me who it is I got to love cuz I love the ones you tell me to love but the ones that I don't have to love I can leave them out of this equation well we got to talk about this good samaritan real soon he said if you love people that's easier to love and those that never challenge you there's nothing being if you're only good to people that have been superb ly kind to you it's nothing big but when it's that one over there that you just heard a bunch of rumors about you don't like them just because your friend don't like me and have it done done to you but if they don't like you you ain't got none to say to me either who is my neighbor who is my neighbor used to be a time when if you didn't have an egg you go next door not gonna do my mama said she trying to cook a cake and she ain't got it you got an extra egg and you know back then people had extra everything you used to go over you know some of y'all didn't grow up in them kind of close-knit communities your mom would give you a cup and said go over and ask them for some sugar and you took your own cup over there and they trusted that your mama was clean enough that they take that cup get you some flour some sugar people understood what it meant to be a neighbor sadly spiritually now we more distant from the people that we write up in the same church with I ain't saying you got to go over for guys and spend all day with him and get the norm like that no but you ought to know them in a spiritual way not after the flesh you'll be able to say be encouraged when I'm praying for you I love you how's everything going how's this some people just beneath you they don't look like they worth your time and you pass right by him you pass right time who is my neighbor everybody's your neighbor you do good when it's in the palm of your hands to do I want you to stand to your feet I remember the other day I was reading and there's an author that I love I love reading the works of this particular author thank you and he wrote and said whenever he's on an airplane the first class he loves to talk to the person next to him he loves it because he gets in first class sitting next to business owners and and people of position and things of that and he said I always get a chance to learn from them he said but there was one day a man sat next to him his hair was kind of disheveled he was just kind of didn't have on the nicest clothes he said he just looked at him and just didn't say anything to him and when he was getting off the plane somebody walked by and was trying to catch the man before he left and they looked at him and said do you know who that was that you were just sitting next to he's gonna have no idea they said that's I think he said the president of a multinational corporation this man is heavy he lends money and does business with whole nations this man is known in his field as one of the top and he said I said right next to him and because I didn't think he looked like much of anything I let the opportunity to learn from him pass me by don't discount people because there are some people that God chose to bless you he chose for them to impact you in a positive way and you'll let your prejudice your envy your contempt your malice you will allow all of that to get in the way it takes iron to sharpen iron you're not shocked by yourself and God intended for people to bless you and build you up but because you discredited their effectiveness based on how they looked and whether or not you deemed them worthy of your time you missed Colton who is my neighbor who do I have a responsibility to if there's somebody here today that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the partner of your sin I want you to come if you need the Holy Ghost would you come you need the Lord to feel you I want you to come if you have a need I want you to come step out of that row into that aisle and come maybe the enemy is trying to cloud your heart and you shouldn't up needing God to do so much for you but you got problems with so many people if you have a problem getting along with people nobody's going to look at you funny I want you to come I guess I shouldn't say it that after another sermon cuz ain't no matter but make the a don't think I got a problem whatever no listen you know the condition of your own heart sometimes the enemy is trying to throw heaviness on you where other people are concerned and I just want you to come God will lift off of you yes he will elders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if those had said praise and right where you are Thank You Lord God bless you take your seat briefly thank you Jesus I love God and I love my neighbor if you haven't figured it out yet everybody's your neighbor love them and that's everybody I never say this to you they don't have to be saved for you to love them people have to be able to feel the love of God and they loved you before you got it right so if they don't feel the love of God we got to love them cuz God loves them he loves everybody it's hard for us to believe that but God actually looked can I tell you something that some people are really not ready to hear God loves rapists he loves child molesters yes he does he he loves murderers he loves liars he loves self-righteous people he loved homosexuals he loves lesbians he may not like the sin but he loves that soul and we may not like what people do but we gotta love our neighbor just like we love ourselves a certain hope I've said something tonight your neighbor is not just the person you like sitting next to your neighbors even that person that may have rubbed you the wrong way a few years ago and you stopped talking to people all of these years because of something that he did in error years ago forgive them and get to loving them they don't mean you got to trust him like that I don't mean you give him a key to your house we feel like loving people mean we got to bring them all in I personal space that ain't that ain't gonna do it I can love you and I like to go out to eat with you I could love you ain't got the text everyday for me to love you I love you and if you did me wrong I forgive you and I love you again but that don't mean I'm gonna bring you all into my personal space but we have the responsibility to love let us get our announcements today
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 12,214
Rating: 4.9481864 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 5oi9DLDuyog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 55sec (5995 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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