FGHT Dallas: Keeping Things in Perspective

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let us buy his gracious and kind father which is in heaven lord we want to thank you for being here on this evening great mastermind on you the god for the shepherd of this house apostle herman murray they clap our hands for leadership great mess we want to honor you for later than your mirror she stand right by his side and father we want to thank you for the founders of this ministry now great mastery pray that you will have your way on tonight move by your spirit and by your divine power god send the anointing that makes preaching easy and god we give your name the praise the glory and the honor now great master we didn't come to hold the servants on tonight but we came to turn one or loose and great mastery we pray to god that you would have your way move from the pulpit to the back door send down yes account of glory and god will forever give your name the praise the glory and the honor now great mastery pray that you will look down on those that are on their way give them traveling grace and arrive in mercy as they make their way to the house of prayer these favors and blessings we ask in your son jesus name and let everyone say amen i said let everyone say amen now come on clap those hands and come alive tonight i said come on clap those hands and come alive tonight we're lively stones in the building isn't that right how many come to have church tonight how many come to lift him up hallelujah how many come to praise the lord tonight come on come on hallelujah god bless your song leaders let's go why don't you swing down sweet sheriff [Music] let me run just let [Music] [Music] let me rush oh nobody [Music] let me [Music] stop [Music] i i got a heart for me got foreign hi oh is give me a little bit of that well praise him come on musician come on clap your hand clap your hand wow oh is i [Applause] my god i oh we're praising wonderful jesus hallelujah yes lord hallelujah come on lift those hands and give god the glory i said come on lift those hands and give god the glory hallelujah god bless your hearts hey man you may take your places tonight amen don't you feel better amen it's just something about praising the lord come on give the lord a great big handclap tonight he's worthy of all of the glory yes he is hallelujah amen at this time we're going to move around higher amen we're going to ask amen for evangelist danielle shaw she's going to come and bless us with a portion of a testimony let's receive it with a hand clapping by the words of amen [Applause] praise the lord everybody i do give honor tonight to god who's the head of my life i give honor to my leaders apostle and lady danielle murray i give honor to the memory of our founders and i just i give honor to all of you here tonight god is just so good y'all god is so good i'm grateful that i'm today to be saved sanctified and filled up with the holy ghost um i was raised in church and i'm so thankful for the foundation that i had and like many other people when i went to college i started doing things that i was not raised to do and i remember my mother would say she would call me and she would ask me okay uh danielle you know what are you getting ready to do and i was like oh i'm getting ready to go to a party and she's and she would tell me well you know you can't tell people that you you're saved and you're doing the same thing that they're doing because for some reason in my mind i felt like i was still okay jesus but god is so good i got it so good i remember there's one time that a friend of mine and i we were leaving a pool hall in denton and we came we were i was driving and i came to a really dark spot and something told me to stop jesus and when i stopped the car a train came right in front of us and when i think about that hallelujah when i think about how i thought i was i thought i was saved but if i would have died at that moment i would have ended up in hell but after that moment god began to deal with me strong strong strong through my mother and and i mean i would go out on saturday nights get back to my dorm room at about two get up and go to church because that's what i was raised to do was to you know get up and go to church but i was not living for god i had turned my back on god and i guess i just did not realize it well along that time i met this person i met this young man and we got married and um we were married for one year and i remember that we went um to florida for our anniversary and when we came back from that trip it's like i don't know what happened like the world just our world just flipped upside down and we began going through stuff i mean we begin not just we we began like going it was us me and him against each other and i remember one day he said he said i'm getting ready to go to church and i didn't believe him i said okay well if you're going to church then i'm going to get dressed and go to church because i did i honestly did not believe that he was going to church because neither one of us were living saved lives and so he he got dressed and i got dressed and we both went to church and he walked down and he got saved that night well i i think it was sunday morning and i had woke up and i told god that i was going to give my life back to him and i remember i was pregnant with my oldest son who's 21 years old now and i don't remember what apostle preached at the time all i know is that when it was time for the altar call jesus that i ran down there and they told me that i ran down like i wasn't even pregnant and god saved me and filled me with the holy ghost on that day and since that day there's nothing like having god on your side absolutely nothing there is absolutely nothing that you cannot face when you have god on your side and because of god i'm able to even stand up here today and even talk to you because god is so good he will give you the strength and the power and the grace to make it through anything in this life that you could go through and i'm just so grateful to god i appreciate him so much he's done so much for me he's done so much for my family god is just good it's like there's no way if i if i said it a thousand times that couldn't even really express just how good he's made ways he's opened up doors he's blessed us he's kept kept peace in my mind he's kept i mean he's met every single need there is nothing that we lack we don't lack anything because god is just so good and it you cannot be serving god there's nothing better there's nothing greater i thank him because he's the lover of my soul i thank him because he keeps me he keeps my family he keeps us and i just appreciate him and i ask you all to pray much for us amen thank god amen for that victorious testimony and at this time amen we're going to give you in the hands of brother t.k stillman and the temple worshipers let's receive them with a handclap and by the words of amen [Music] how many been redeemed i've been redeemed [Music] it's the lord [Music] [Music] if your joy is truly completely [Music] oh you [Music] [Music] oh is is is [Music] [Music] and it's [Music] [Music] yes i am he's [Music] he lost [Music] [Music] makes [Music] [Music] thank you is [Music] god well let the review of the lord say so come on up in here put those hands together if you've been redeemed from the hands of the enemy house come on and please god he pitched me go ahead and praise him mother go ahead give him now you gotta shout did anybody come here to praise him tonight oh we got time to praise him come on and put your hands together hallelujah you better praise your mother you better stop [Music] day [Music] hello [Music] [Music] yes is oh my soul the name of the law [Music] anybody glad to be redeemed then just lift your hands and just say thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord hey glory you didn't have to do it you didn't have to save me you didn't have to pick me up out of sin and shame thank you lord for doing what no other power could do oh bless him bless him somebody just just give him the praise yes lord [Applause] glory glory glory lord take your seat if you can if you can [Music] do it all do [Music] [Music] right now right now walk these out these eyes go down the road right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus don't say nothing clap your head do it god do it do it do it do it same love [Music] right [Music] look at him move holy ghost oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] here first john 1 8 he that commits sin is of the devil but for this call with the son of god manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil but you believe the lord did he destroy the work of the devil in you and make you a sanctified saint you believe it say man all right reeve but the righteousness but the righteousness which is of faith which is our faith speaketh on this one speaking on this why say not in thine heart shall not in thine heart who shall ascend into him who shall sinner see somebody well man it took a long time to get delivered we got to wait till jesus come from heaven no sir we don't have to wait till he come from heaven he's already here read that is the idea to bring christ down for bringing christ down from above we don't have to wait the christ come from above re or who shall descend until who shall descend into the deep that is god you will bring up christ again bring up the christ from the dead and all we don't have to wait till he come from the dead he already done risen read but what saith it but what sadly hallelujah well you talking about instant instant instant put an instant this well this is instant salvation this is instant delivery this is being filled with the holy ghost you believe it shame and what but what says it but what said it the word is neither the word is not thee it's near you it's near then you think read even in thy mind even in your mouth the word of faith we preach is in your mouth and in thy heart and it's in your heart that is that is the word of faith the word of faith which we preach which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thyme if thou shalt confess with thy mouth you want to be saved you want to be delivered con believe it the word of god confess with thy mouth the lord jesus the lord jesus and shall believe in that i shall believe if you confess us with your mouth and believe it in your heart that god hath raised him from god has raised jesus from the dead thou shalt be i shall not maybe thy shall be saved this is the confidence that we have in him if we asked anything according to his will he hear it and i'm reading the will this is god's will for you to confess your sin believe on the lord jesus and thou can be saved when nah why because the word is nothing in your mind in your heart read for with the heart with the heart man believeth unto righteousness man believe it unto righteousness and with the mind and with the mouth confess is made unto salvation under salvation for the scripture says god the word of god says whosoever believeth on him who shall never believe it on jesus christ hold it right there i don't care if you're the prostitute on the side of my voice right now walking down the street you may be pressing your professor stop there and lift your head and that's god will give you your sin you believe it say man you may be taking drugs right now shooting up stop it lift your hand and ask god to forgive you believe in the lord jesus god will take it away from me right now whoa whosoever believeth on him whosoever believeth on him jesus christ shall not be a sin shall not be ashamed but there is no difference because there is no difference between the jew and the greek there are no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord i don't care what color you are what nationality you are you the same person break everybody's alive coming to jesus whatever color you are whatever nationality you are brother you meet the requirement you are save individual god puts us in the same sack in the same bag and we're gonna have no different size of time to live or when we get to heaven here you believe it say man i believe my man's gonna be destined big in yourself don't get mad at me this is the word we for the same lord over all by the same lord over all who's written to all that caller is what is rich is rich unto all the unto all him but love our wounded that may prosper we had helped as our soul prospered first seek the kingdom of heaven and all his righteousness shall be added some of you trying to get that new car that new home just seek the righteousness of god and god will bless you with the car you need with the home you need you believe it's amen but we've got to be made we got to be delivered romans 6 and 18's have been then made free from sin we will become the servant of god you're not a servant of god until you've been washed in the blood who have been made clean romans 6 and 18 says what being then made free from sin made free from sin you became so you don't child of god until you made free from sin you can't do it yourself but when you come out of the blood when you accept christ when you believe on the lord jesus the pregnant lover said lord i know that thou can clean me if thy will jesus laid his hand on him says thy will be thy clean he's still saying thy will my will is to clean you from your filthy mind from your filthy habit it's god's will to clean you to sanctify you and to fill you with the holy ghost you believe it come on and read roman verse 13 for whosoever shall call or whosoever shall call whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved shall be saved how then shall they call on him i then shall they call on him i want to know i don't know how to call on the lord in whom they have not believed in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him shall they believe of whom they have no whom they have not heard and how shall they hear and how can they hear without a preacher and what kind of preacher read and how shall they preach and how shall they preach except they be saints have to be said as it is written we got a whole lot of folks preaching ain't been sent the arena they still say you're bound can't nobody live that preacher i don't care what what kind of train he carries he ain't been sent by god when you get sanctified when you get filled with the holy ghost brother you preach the word of god you preach perfection you preach wholeness you preach deliverance you believe in shame man you don't have excuses ah you may be weak you may be undone but the man i'm talking about if you just accept him confess his he uncleaned you he came to make the crooked race straight you believe it say mine he had the problem solution to straighten you out he had the solution to deliver you give you a joy for sadness every bit shaman how can they preach except they be said read as it is written it is written how beautiful are the even the preacher of the gospel feasts look beautiful read how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace real and green glad tidings green glass and the good news is if you don't have to stand to shape you in you can be delivered you believe it say mine if i want them places and the gospel didn't change my life didn't do nothing to me i'd move you leave it share mine i want something to deliver me i want something satisfied time to change my life make me fret and fit for the kingdom of god you don't even share mine read but they have not all obeyed the god but they have not all blade the gospel for isaiah says read lord who hath believed our lord who has believed i report some of you don't believe this but what i'm preaching is the truth read so then faith cometh by hearing so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word given by the word of god this little leftist praise god he never got delivered he exercise of desire to be delivered he came to jesus he pressed through the press lord if thy will thou cannot make me clean jesus said thy will ladies hand them thy will be thou clean which let you know it's god's will god spent a large portion of his ministry healing the sick casting our devil setting the people's free this is what the gospel is doing today brother in the time pray god you pray to the gospel prayer you're going to say you're saving i don't care what kind of dried i can fish you come down here and confess if you walk back out here the same way you the same individual your life have to be trained i think that god should be preacher that bring men and women under conviction till they come crying what must i do to be saved god come to change life not to leave you like you is if you stay the way you is you go into hell you believe it say mine but i want you no prayer to god pastor paul was a living witnesses being a man being christ he is a new creature old thing to pass where all things become new brother when christ come to your life use a new individual you cannot have break a relationship with god and walk in sin the bible decline phrase john preacher one and father this is a this is a message we heard from him and we're passing it on to you the god enlightened in him there's no darkness at all if we say pray we have fellowship with god and walking dog the bible says we are lie and do not to truth that's the word of god but the good news is something good can take place in your life god can change your life god can wean you from the vein that you bound by and set you free and then sanctify and fill with the horse and give your power you look the devil in the face that i don't do these things no more i feel good stand on your feet all right god picked him out of man and anointed him king over israel and pray got it fresh saw pregnant he walked up right before god he could prophesy he was anointed and the bible said while he was anointed by god and was serving god he put all the wizards of warlocks to sue cells fought and tell us out and when you on fire for god and when you say you stand for righteousness you'll be with save man you believe in living holy god is a holy god and we will cry wholeness you believe it say am i [Applause] but you know what not everybody wants to serve god am i in the bible declares in genesis 6 and 3 he says my spirit will not always strive with mankind many of you are the sign of my voice the grace of god has appeared to you am i god i've been dealing with you to get saved to come out of your sin to turn around and live right now you cannot be saved and practice sin every day you believe it say mine now as soon as one and practice sin the bible declared matthew 1 and 21 the verdict is to bring forth a son thy shall call his name jesus he shall save his people from thy sin romans 6 and 23 says come on clap your hands and give him praise thank you jesus you brother is santo hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord we worship [Music] come on just lift those hands yes begin to praise the lord thank you jesus the spirit of the lord is in this place tonight have your way jesus i was talking to the chaplain i said you know we can go home right now you know it ain't never been about us anyway the power of god is in this place so strong right now ebo santo it's enough to save this whole city evo santo [Music] and before i attempt to say anything i just want to yield to the spirit of the lord amen because it's all about the lord ibrahim santo come on lift those hands right now thank you jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord come on let's give it a five and pass the apostle hermanelle mary first lady murray hey man i give honor to my precious wife on tonight so stop trying to give a great big hand tall dale does it [Music] i told the lord before i left home i said lord i want you to go before me i felt this before i got here i couldn't even pull out the driveway i was crying so hard god was giving me a full taste of what we were going to feel here tonight and i want to say tonight [Music] does anybody want to be saying tonight before this sermon is over with you can be saved you can be filled with the holy ghost i believe the lord would have me to speak a few words for him tonight if it was up to me i would just make dog the call now and if he stop me i promise you i'll stop thank god for the consecration amen i heard chaplains say you don't act the same way when you've been revived i believe that should be a visible evidence if the fast really worked because as i read and this is not in my message but if as we read fifth day chapter of isaiah he said they take delighted approaching me in other words they love to approach me but there's more to it than approaching him he said after the past he began to show us that we should be more loving we should be more humble he said when you bring out the naked to your house pour out your soul to the thirst and so nowhere there should be an evidence whatever it was we were before it should be a change because we can talk about what we did but i noticed what he said he said we have we have he said uh-uh it's not about what you did it's not about what you did because the bible said the pharisees talked fast twice a week but he said if my people would you call by my name but um but himself and pray and seek my face the true evidence of seeking god there should be an hour change to where you know the difference and everybody else do too i don't want to bore your patients tonight i've already texted apostle and told him that i was going to stay within the evangelist time frame amen to 15 to 25 minutes bro tony and you know what i i'm hoping the lord had blessed me to finish before the evening because i i'm not going to waste a lot of time what the lord is giving me i got three scriptures i want to give you in your reading so if you go with me quickly but i believe the lord would have me to say this because it ties in correlation to what the pastor was preaching about this morning and so we're gonna we can't preach like him or we can't attempt to i don't left my glasses back there y'all help me out chaplin but i want to call your attention quickly to philippians thank you chaplain philippians come on let's give my child in a great big hand i was telling him just a few minutes ago i've learned so much working with him just listening and following instructions you know it will help make the difference you don't have to make things complicated just do what people tell you to do and everything will work out fine calling your attention to philippians 2 12 and 13. that's philippians 2 12 and 13. and when you have it say man i don't want to time myself it's about 8 19. amen you say why are you focusing on that well the bible said let all things be done decent and in order and i'm finding out when you do things in order you give god an opportunity to move i'm going to say it again the bible said let everything be done decent and in order so what we do is not just what we do it's how we do it so we have to do it in order if we want the bible said in the lord working with them confirming his word so in order for god to work with us we have to be in obedience to what his word is telling us to do so that's why i'm focusing on time because the pastor said it so many times now he's the pastor so therefore he can spend as much time as he wants so we working with him the bible said he put help in the church we're not supposed to get out of our place so if we work in our place everything will work smooth come on give jesus a great big hand philippians 2 12 and 13 read it where for my beloved word for my beloved as ye have always obeyed as you have always obeyed let me stop right there paul is saying as you have always obeyed what not as in my presence not in my presence only because there were some places that paul went to hey man he was he was a missionary he established churches and there were some places that he went to that he wasn't coming back there's one portion of scripture he said after today you should see my face no more so there were some places that he went he wasn't coming back so he's saying you've obeyed in my presence but when i leave i want you to keep that same obedience i don't want you to be without service as long as somebody's watching you you doing the right thing and the bible even tell us not to be men pleasers now we please god we're going to please the leader but we must keep in focus then we're not doing this as our service as long as you can see me i'm gonna do what's right so paul said not obeying in my presence only but in my absence read it but now much more in my absence much more in my absence work out your own salvation work out work let me stop right there work out your own salvation now according to ephesians 2 and 8 the bible said for about great so you save not a works list any man should boast it is the gift of god what is that telling us you can't work to get saved you know you have people boasting talking about what they do in the church but they're not saved all the work you do before you get saved is considered dead works but after you get saved all the works you do after that is considered good works the bible says we are zealous unto good works we are his workmanship he works on us we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works so now he's saying work out now salvation is free but you have to do something to maintain it and you can say somebody just gave me a three million dollar home that's all well and good but if you plan on living in that house it's gonna take some kind of money to keep up a property like that so we see salvation yes it's free you can't work for salvation but here paul is saying work out your own salvation read it with fear and trembling and we gotta we gotta get in a hurry about this thing to the point to where we fear and we tremble come on let's give jesus a great big hand thank god for the reading of his word and i'm sorry let me finish the last scripture for it is god which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure the message is coming from the 12th verse where it says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and i want to talk to you in brief tonight about keeping things in perspective keeping things in perspective now the word perspective means the capacity to view things and their true relations are relative importance let's say that again the word perspective means we're talking about keeping things in perspective or putting things in perspective the capacity to view things to see it in their true relations are relative importance i just quoted to you ephesians 2 8 where it lets us know that we're not saved by works but if you read over in saint john the 15th chapter jesus said we are to bear fruit and that our fruit should remain he lets us know and the reason why it says with fear and trembling because jesus let us know that if we don't bear fruit that he's going to cast us aside this is why it's so important that we keep things in perspective you know it's one thing to get saving we had a time this morning we had a time today but it's more to it than just coming to church and feeling good i heard the great one once say you cannot do anything for god unless you first have a burden so if you don't have a burden you won't be moved to action so we must have a burden so our next scripture is acts one and eight the bible declares that ye shall receive power not before but after that the holy ghost has come upon you in other words i want to say to the saints of god tonight let's stick to the look basics your name and say let's stick to the basics what is the basics well i'm a preacher well i'm a deacon regardless of what title you hold in the church what position you have in the church when you got filled with the holy ghost you was called to be a witness before you was to preach i see right now ain't gonna get a whole lot of help the basics is to witness and to invite people to church even if we have to go and get them the word witness means to bear witness to testify to give or afford evidence of you know what god did for you you know what you once did somebody said the devil told me i wouldn't say what i want to suggest to you tonight you ought to tell the devil say well if i'm not saved who's keeping me right now because i receive power so if i'm not saved who's keeping me right now not only who's keeping me right now why do i not have a desire to do the things that i used to do so you have to know how to talk to the devil yes opportunity has presented itself he had half devil came knocking at my door i just went and told him he had the wrong address he came he came he came knocking at my door i just told him he had the wrong address and i said not to date devil not today no other day see ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you we got to get back to witnessing amen last week god bless me i've been feeling this strong urge to just really want to invite people to church and even go get them if i got to go get them and last week one of my best friends from high school came matter of fact i had two visitors last week had a group from st louis and i talked to them they said they coming back and they bring a group with them and my best friend from high school he we sit up in the risers last week and he enjoyed the series he said he's coming back and several days ago by the week ago i invited my cousin and my auntie told them to come amen on resurrection day called one of my insurance customers and told him he need to come with me amen we know too many people not to invite them to church and sometimes they will come if we would just ask them come and see getting back to the bases because what i find out if we're not careful even in ministry we can do the right thing for the wrong reason we don't do things to be seen we're not trying to be great the bible said that jesus took upon him the form of a servant he wasn't caught up with a title but the bible said he humbled himself and came obedient unto death even the death of the cross whereby god has highly exalted him if we want god to bless us we gotta humble ourselves and seek not the things to do that are going to be seen the bible says even when we pray we ought to pray in secret and the father that see it in secret shall reward you openly see it's not always about people knowing everything you do you don't have to tell people and let me say this when god got his hand on you people don't recognize it you you ain't got to go around to your horn when god hand is up on you people gonna see it come on give jesus a great big hand but let me say this we cannot be effective witnesses until after we receive the holy ghost did you not know that even being saved you're not a bona fide witness boy it got quiet up in here would the lord save me this morning did you get filled with the holy ghost no well you're not a witness yet let's go back to acts one and eight ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you should be what so you don't get power you don't become witnesses until after you get the holy ghost somebody said awake brothers are you taking that just a little bit too far well the bible said out of the mouth every two or three witnesses let every word be established first corinthians 12 3 said wherefore i give you to understand that no man speaketh by the spirit of god call it jesus a curse and that no man can say that jesus is the lord but by the holy ghost give jesus a great big hand [Applause] the word witness means to bear a witness to testify to give afford evidence of and if you have not had that experience of receiving the holy ghost how can you be that witness because after all the holy ghost is the witness we hear people say oh he's such a great teacher how do you get those nuggets it's not him it's the holy ghost that gives him that revelation the holy ghost is the teacher and he shall teach you all things that same anointing that you receive no man should teach you but is the holy ghost that speaks it's the holy ghost that's the witness i can't get no help up in here it's the holy ghost so if you want to be an effective witness get the holy ghost who are we going to witness to family can i say this your family know you better than anybody i can't get no help see we can come to church in front but family knows everything so who we gonna witness to family when you read about the disciples who were the first people they want they brothers because if anybody know you've been changed it's your family so we're gonna witness to our family and uh we're gonna witness to those that knew us way back around the way they know the things we used to do so we're going to witness to those in our family those way back around the way into even those we we have a direct relationship with right now the basics we're going to invite people let me get this testimony tonight touch my heart some of you've heard me get this just more many times like i said before your family knows you better than anybody i never would forget many years ago it was about all out there i say about 30 about 35 years ago because next month april 7 i'll be celebrating 37 years serving god amen god bless you april the 7th 1985 on easter sunday but i never forget i hadn't been saved that long maybe a couple years every time i think about i get emotional it's just like it happened yesterday i was sitting at the table and i'm gonna go in details tonight to show you how that god has everybody linked to somebody to win you know so oftentimes you can let the enemy fight you and say well i'm not doing what he's doing it ain't about you doing what nobody's doing we're not in competition you just do what god called you to do i don't care if you win a thousand people i i i'm not gonna be jealous of you if i only win ten the bible teaches that he said he gave one five calories and i don't believe this when people say if he can do it i can i don't think that way because you can't the bible said he'd give them several gifts according to that he gave them gifts according to their several ability everybody don't have the same ability so this is no competition this is not who can be the greatest just do what you supposed to do god has somebody linked to you i was sitting at the table hey man i haven't been saying that long i was lord saved me at 20 so i had to be by 22 years old i was sitting at the breakfast table i never had experience like this before in my life it reminded me of samuel when he heard the voice of god he kept getting up going to eli saying what what do you want he said i didn't call you he said but i know i heard something i was sitting at the table i was getting ready breakfast on my way to youth service and i heard a voice saying i was just getting ready to put the food to my mouth and i heard a voice say put that food down and i didn't know what it was so i tried it the second time the voice was so strong the second time he liked to scare me to death i dropped the in the plate god said get up and go to your room and get on your knees i went to my room my daddy was in the other room and my stepdad was no soft man i never seen him back now from nothing or nobody in my life kind of remind me ella hines he's about 6 3 and 240 hard heart hard heart when i got on my knees god told me he said now you go in your daddy's room and you stand right in his face and you tell him he gets saved or else and my daddy was no say man and i'm sitting here battling in my mind not that i wasn't gonna obey god i just wanted to be sure that was god you understand what i'm saying there lines see we come from that old school you didn't talk to your parents any kind of way and god told me he said you go in there you tell him and i'm battling and god said you ain't got nothing to worry about he said he ain't gonna do nothing to you he said because when you go in there i'm gonna go in there with you he said he ain't gonna touch you but i was still about battling and this amazing thing about god i find out if you really want to know if god wants you to do something he'll reveal it to you say i don't believe in going by somebody tell see because of my experience somebody said oh he being bullheaded no i'm not because of my experience i know what god will do and because i know what god we're doing because i've seen what he you can't just tell me anything i'm a firm believer if god wants you to do something he's going to reveal it to you how does god want me to do something he's not going to tell me the bible said if you be any other wise minded even god shall reveal this to you make your calling in election sure you got to be sure so you mean to tell me i'm gonna go out on prophecy i've had plenty of people call me pastor you see me going anywhere people call me pastor all the time people in my family do you see me going anywhere because i'm not going by what people say i gotta know because when them trials get to hit me upside my head i can't go by what you said i gotta know that god sent me when moses went down to egypt he wasn't doubting god proved to him before he went i'm gonna be with you that's the reason why he was able to stand before pharaoh like that when god told him to throw that rod on the ground and he turned it into a snake and he picked it up god was proving himself to him when he said put your hand in your bosom and it came out leopards and he said put it back knowing it was going to spread over his whole body and god told him to take it out and it was clean god was proving himself to him god wants you to do something he gonna prove it to you brother god spoke to me he said i see i'm telling you god spoke to me just like i'm telling you some people say oh yeah i'm telling you the truth and one thing about it when you say god says something he gonna always back it up god spoke to me just like i'm talking to you right now he said i see that you having a hard time believing that this is me talking to you this is what he told me to do he said get your bible he said get your bible and turn to genesis 37 10 and 11. he said now what i'm gonna do for you to prove to you that i'm talking to you he said i'm going to show you how your dad is going to act before you even walk in that room he said i'm going to show you and when you see it unfold you're going to know that i told you to do this and he took me to genesis 37 10 11 this is god speaking to joseph and he told it to his father and to his brother and his father rebuked him he said now he's gonna rebuke you he said but don't you worry about it he's gonna believe every word you say see sometimes we telling people something acting like they don't believe oh yeah you left an impression on them they trouble they can't even rest because of the words that god spoke to you oh yeah they can act like they don't believe it all they want this is what god told me he says and his brother and father and to his brother and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream that thou has dreamed shall i and thy mother and thy brother indeed come down to bow down ourselves to thee in the earth and his brothers ended him but his father observed the same god said he's going to observe the sin he said then you get up off your knees and you go and stand right in his face and you tell him i said he better get saved or else he told me what he was going to do to him too i went in there i stood before him and i told him i said god told me to tell you when i told him what god told me to tell him he looked at me he said what do you mean god told you well i understood that the natural man can't receive the things of god that's why we his witnesses he questioned me as i said you mean god to i said yeah but you know he said okay this is all he said okay i walked out i went back to my room god said now get up and leave and go tell your brother the same thing i left that at day drove down westmoreland down the street from camel my brother was standing in the briargate apartments the thing is god didn't tell me how he was to respond i walked in his apartment i told him what god told me to tell him he was so fierce he walked out of the room and went in his room and slammed the door in my face left me standing there devil said he's gonna open that door and throw something y'all stood there i said well i'm gonna take it for god today cause i'm gonna tell him what god told me to tell him that was on a saturday morning my brother came to church that night and got saved and filled with the holy ghost [Applause] that next sunday morning guess who come down now crying like a spank baby my daddy god saved him and filled him with the holy ghost [Applause] as time went on my father's mother passed away he stopped coming to church i'm telling you god got somebody linked to you and i told you that was i'd only been saved like two years so that was over 30 years ago but when he backslid god spoke to me he said don't worry about it he said you gonna be the one to win him back now mind you now my dad has been dead for over five years now so over 20 years had passed by my daddy wasn't saved and see that's why i say i know about my experience see just because god tell you something it don't happen overnight don't mean god didn't tell you see people said right we gonna see if you read the life of jeremiah jeremy i prophesied many things didn't come to pass immediately god kept telling me and there was time then there would be a struggle and i understand when you hear the preachers say you pray for me seem like they get worse i've seen this for over 20 years and every time i get to my low point where i feel like i wanted to give up on him god said remember what i told you evo santo something he said you gonna be the one to win him back over 20 years passed by i never will forget i called him one saturday morning i was had church that night i said daddy i wanna come by and see i said now i can come tonight at the church or i can come in the morning he said no come tonight i went by god told me what to tell him he said you tell him he better get saved tonight he said you tell him that when you get there when i got there i went in my old room and i pulled out a chair out of that room and i went and said it right beside his bed i said dad how you feel he said i'm not doing too good he said i can't get around too well he said the doctor's done all he can i didn't know my daddy was dying of cancer he said i don't know what to do i said yes you do i said daddy you know what to do i said ask god to forgive you i said god can heal your body and save you all at the same time his eyes got big he said he can't i said yeah come on give jesus grave again i said yeah he can and i told him not knowing how god was gonna move i said i dare say within a couple days you're gonna be out of this bed and you're gonna be walking i sat there and i prayed him through to the holy ghost my mama told me he spoke in tongue all night long i left them that night i left them with each other with holding each other in the arms i went home i came to church that sunday but it's until i i went by the house after church i never forget his last words to me he said will you come by on a regular basis and sit with me and teach me the bible he said because i want to know how to live this life can you imagine my daddy telling me his son i want you to teach me how to live for god i said sure dad not knowing five o'clock monday morning my dad will be gone but what i'm thanking god for from the time that he got saved when i was in my 20s over 20 some years it passed by he still respected my life i thank god that he respected me enough to let me win him to the lord that's what i'm trying to tell you tonight there's somebody linked to you my daddy knew my life he knew what kind of person i was and you can ask my wife my daddy respected me so much my dad was a proud man i tell people we never had we don't know what it was like to have a light cut off we never had water we never worried about what we was gonna eat that was a hard-working man that man could go into any bank and get anything he was a proud man worked hard all his life had his own business drove his own truck owned his own 18-wheeler truck but he respected me enough to whatever i said he believed it and i thank god for that he admired me and there are people who admire you they respect you come on give jesus a great big hand i went farther than what i wanted to go brother tony i did y'all forgive me but i want to close with this scripture in matthew 6 and 33 the bible said seek ye first the kingdom of god and all his righteousness and the rest shall be added the bible said delight yourself in the lord evil and he'll give you the desires of your heart then he said god love it the true forgive or whatever you do get joy out of it when you get dried up with other people to see the joy and they'll get joy from it as well everybody stand to your feet on tonight let's give jesus a great big hand amen i want to say this to everybody here that's not saved amen i had it written down what i want to say but i went longer than what i wanted to but i want to let you know that if you accept the lord you will watch the pieces of your life come together you will experience joy i mean i wish i could really express it if there's anybody want to be saved you can come down you were you really experienced a joy and a peace that that i can't even put it into words i wish i could i've been trying for 30 some years to put it in word you will experience a joy and a peace i mean living for god is the best thing i've ever done and i guarantee you if you trying come on you can come come on if you trying and i'm talking about getting right if you get it right i i guarantee you're not gonna want to try anything else i don't testify to everything and some things i just keep it under the blood but i was bound in a bad way i don't talk about it i remember hearing apostle lopez you say he said we don't testify to try to show people how bad we would see before we know it we can kind of glory in that see i'm ashamed of a lot of stuff i used to be bound by so i don't talk about it but i was bound in a bad way evil but since the lord has set me free ebo santo i can't even tell you if i could tell you about this joy that i'm experiencing right now and i was telling my friend well i invited my wife's cousin a couple weeks ago he was with me for two sundays and and i told him i said you see my son over there on the cameras i said you see my wife over there on hershey boy i said man can you imagine what it's like to have a home and have no fussing [Music] [Applause] no fighting no drama just i said can you imagine that i'm trying to get him to see because a lot of people that you think this is just uh rules don't you can't do this but but do you see can you imagine living in a house where nobody is cussing nobody if there's a misunderstanding the man don't hit his wife that's off limit she don't get beat upside her head apostle taught us a man when you see it going a certain way just be quiet he said because each word gonna get a little bit can you imagine living in a home where you almost and i'm not saying this about my son you don't have to push them out because the love is so great they ain't ready to leave home [Music] you see how i understand is i can't wait till these kids get 18. they still kids they still they still kids i don't want to push them out then to something today not ready to handle i want when they get out there when you go you know how to stay gone you teach them that before they go when you go now listen home is always home you cannot wait but listen i'm gonna teach you when you go you can stay gone but you love your children and they love you so much they're not in no here to leave home come on give jesus some praise up in here tonight let's give these a great big hand tonight y'all ready to be saved tonight come on over here brother you family now come right here i want to talk to y'all y'all ready to get saved tonight y'all ready to get filled with the holy ghost come on y'all close your eyes you better be santa come on lift your hands right now say father forgive me of all of my sin say lord save me evil deliver me he's on you right now say fill me with the holy ghost father god in the name of jesus touching right now god deliver him settle free baptize them and fill them evil with the holy ghost come on let's give jesus some praise up in here [Music] and i want to pray for you tonight why don't you lift your hands right where you are father god in the name of jesus you see the needs here tonight you see the needs of your people god i pray that you would grant every petition tonight god your thoughts short them they have an expectation your thoughts are not evil toward them but they your thoughts are good for them and i'm praying right now that you would grant their petition ebola meet their needs god heal the body if there's any sickening firm in the building tonight god that lost love of one save them right now deliver men set them free and god we're gonna give you the praise we gonna give you the glory and we're gonna give you the honor we're gonna do it right now in jesus name we pray amen god bless you saints [Music] our thoughts and prayers are with the following families sister cynthia curry in the passing of her mother her services [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 9,755
Rating: 4.8727913 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 84AqZ65bDSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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